def createFuselageSections(parent, nose,cabin,tail, dfus, strUID, strName, strDescr): ''' Used for generation of fuselage Sections. Creates all the sections given through myRQSi. @author: Jonas Jepsen @param parent: fuselageType object, Sections-object will be added here @param confList: cross Sections from PrADO for section configurations @param strUID: UID of Sections [string] @param strName: Name of Sections [string] @param strDescr: Description of Sections [string] ''' mySections = fuselageSectionsType() # countAll counts the total amount of cross sections for this fuselage countAll = 0 for cs in nose: countAll += 1 # create Section createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, cs, 'Circle', strUID+'_Sec'+str(countAll), strName+'_Sec'+str(countAll), strDescr+'_Sec'+str(countAll)) for cs in cabin: countAll += 1 # create Section createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, cs, 'Circle', strUID+'_Sec'+str(countAll), strName+'_Sec'+str(countAll), strDescr+'_Sec'+str(countAll)) for cs in tail: countAll += 1 # create Section createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, cs, 'Circle', strUID+'_Sec'+str(countAll), strName+'_Sec'+str(countAll), strDescr+'_Sec'+str(countAll)) parent.set_sections(mySections)
def createFuselage(CPACSObj, id, dfus, lnose, lcabin, ltail, LoD=0): # just for now if LoD==FUSE_LOD.NONE: return cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/fuselages/fuselage[' + id + ']' # the next line is the one to use later on #cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model[model]/fuselages/fuselage[' + + ']' # gets a list of all wing elements myFuse = getObjfromXpath(CPACSObj,cpacsPath) strUID = myFuse.get_uID() myUID = strUID myName = stringBaseType(valueOf_=id) myDescr = stringBaseType(valueOf_=strUID) myFuse.set_uID(myUID) myFuse.set_name(myName) myFuse.set_description(myDescr) createTransformation(myFuse, 'absGlobal',0.,0.,0.) if LoD==FUSE_LOD.A320: nose = list(NOSE) cabin = list(CABIN) tail = list(TAIL) # remove double values cabin.pop(0) tail.pop(0) # sections will be created, all existing sections will be deleted createFuselageSections(myFuse, nose,cabin,tail, dfus, strUID, strUID, strUID) createFuselagePositionings(myFuse, nose,cabin,tail, lnose,lcabin,ltail, strUID, strUID) createFuselageSegments(myFuse, strUID, len(nose)+len(cabin)+len(tail)-1) elif LoD==FUSE_LOD.ZYL: # sections will be created, all existing sections will be deleted mySections = fuselageSectionsType() #calc fuselage radius #rfus = dfus/2. # make fuselage configuration data [x_rel,z-dist,height/2,width/2]] fuseConf = [0.,0.,0.5,0.5] createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID+'_Sec1', strUID+'_Sec1', strUID+'_Sec1') createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID+'_Sec2', strUID+'_Sec2', strUID+'_Sec2') createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID+'_Sec3', strUID+'_Sec3', strUID+'_Sec3') createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID+'_Sec4', strUID+'_Sec4', strUID+'_Sec4') myFuse.set_sections(mySections) myPositionings = positioningsType() createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos1',None, str(id) + '_Sec1',0.,90.,0.,id + '_Pos1') createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos2',str(id) + '_Sec1',str(id) + '_Sec2',lnose,90.,0,id + '_Pos2') createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos3',str(id) + '_Sec2',str(id) + '_Sec3',lcabin,90.,0,id + '_Pos3') createPositioning(myPositionings,str(id) + '_Pos4',str(id) + '_Sec3',str(id) + '_Sec4',ltail,90.,0,id + '_Pos4') myFuse.set_positionings(myPositionings) createFuselageSegments(myFuse, strUID, 3)
def createFuselageSections(parent, nose, cabin, tail, dfus, strUID, strName, strDescr): ''' Used for generation of fuselage Sections. Creates all the sections given through myRQSi. @author: Jonas Jepsen @param parent: fuselageType object, Sections-object will be added here @param confList: cross Sections from PrADO for section configurations @param strUID: UID of Sections [string] @param strName: Name of Sections [string] @param strDescr: Description of Sections [string] ''' mySections = fuselageSectionsType() # countAll counts the total amount of cross sections for this fuselage countAll = 0 for cs in nose: countAll += 1 # create Section createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, cs, 'Circle', strUID + '_Sec' + str(countAll), strName + '_Sec' + str(countAll), strDescr + '_Sec' + str(countAll)) for cs in cabin: countAll += 1 # create Section createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, cs, 'Circle', strUID + '_Sec' + str(countAll), strName + '_Sec' + str(countAll), strDescr + '_Sec' + str(countAll)) for cs in tail: countAll += 1 # create Section createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, cs, 'Circle', strUID + '_Sec' + str(countAll), strName + '_Sec' + str(countAll), strDescr + '_Sec' + str(countAll)) parent.set_sections(mySections)
def createFuselage(CPACSObj, id, dfus, lnose, lcabin, ltail, LoD=0): # just for now if LoD == FUSE_LOD.NONE: return cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/fuselages/fuselage[' + id + ']' # the next line is the one to use later on #cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model[model]/fuselages/fuselage[' + + ']' # gets a list of all wing elements myFuse = getObjfromXpath(CPACSObj, cpacsPath) strUID = myFuse.get_uID() myUID = strUID myName = stringBaseType(None, None, None, id) myDescr = stringBaseType(None, None, None, strUID) myFuse.set_uID(myUID) myFuse.set_name(myName) myFuse.set_description(myDescr) createTransformation(myFuse, 'absGlobal', 0., 0., 0.) if LoD == FUSE_LOD.A320: nose = list(NOSE) cabin = list(CABIN) tail = list(TAIL) # remove double values cabin.pop(0) tail.pop(0) # sections will be created, all existing sections will be deleted createFuselageSections(myFuse, nose, cabin, tail, dfus, strUID, strUID, strUID) createFuselagePositionings(myFuse, nose, cabin, tail, lnose, lcabin, ltail, strUID, strUID) createFuselageSegments(myFuse, strUID, len(nose) + len(cabin) + len(tail) - 1) elif LoD == FUSE_LOD.ZYL: # sections will be created, all existing sections will be deleted mySections = fuselageSectionsType() #calc fuselage radius #rfus = dfus/2. # make fuselage configuration data [x_rel,z-dist,height/2,width/2]] fuseConf = [0., 0., 0.5, 0.5] createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1', strUID + '_Sec1') createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2', strUID + '_Sec2') createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3', strUID + '_Sec3') createFuselageSection(mySections, dfus, fuseConf, 'Circle', strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4', strUID + '_Sec4') myFuse.set_sections(mySections) myPositionings = positioningsType() createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos1', None, str(id) + '_Sec1', 0., 90., 0., id + '_Pos1') createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos2', str(id) + '_Sec1', str(id) + '_Sec2', lnose, 90., 0, id + '_Pos2') createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos3', str(id) + '_Sec2', str(id) + '_Sec3', lcabin, 90., 0, id + '_Pos3') createPositioning(myPositionings, str(id) + '_Pos4', str(id) + '_Sec3', str(id) + '_Sec4', ltail, 90., 0, id + '_Pos4') myFuse.set_positionings(myPositionings) createFuselageSegments(myFuse, strUID, 3)