def threadBoth(source=0): """ Dedicated thread for grabbing video frames with VideoGet object. Dedicated thread for showing video frames with VideoShow object. Main thread serves only to pass frames between VideoGet and VideoShow objects/threads. """ video_getter = VideoGet(source).start() video_shower = VideoShow(video_getter.frame, '1').start() video_getter2 = VideoGet('').start() video_shower2 = VideoShow(video_getter2.frame, '2').start() cps = CountsPerSec().start() while True: # if video_getter.stopped or video_shower.stopped: # video_shower.stop() # video_getter.stop() # break frame = video_getter.frame frame = putIterationsPerSec(frame, cps.countsPerSec()) video_shower.frame = frame frame2 = video_getter2.frame frame2 = putIterationsPerSec(frame2, cps.countsPerSec()) video_shower2.frame = frame2 cps.increment()
def threadBoth(source=0): """ Dedicated thread for grabbing video frames with VideoGet object. Dedicated thread for showing video frames with VideoShow object. Main thread serves only to pass frames between VideoGet and VideoShow objects/threads. """ video_getter = VideoGet(source).start() video_shower = VideoShow(video_getter.frame).start() cps = CountsPerSec().start() while True: if video_getter.stopped or video_shower.stopped: video_shower.stop() video_getter.stop() break frame = video_getter.frame # frame = putIterationsPerSec(frame, cps.countsPerSec()) '''prediction, frame = detect_object( yolo, frame, postfix=FLAGS.postfix, )''' video_shower.frame = frame cps.increment()
def main(): finger_detect = FingerDetection().start() key_listener = KeyListener().start() video_getter = VideoGet(0).start() video_shower = VideoShow(video_getter.frame).start() while True: if video_getter.stopped or video_shower.stopped: video_shower.stop() video_getter.stop() break frame = video_getter.frame frame = cv2.flip(frame, 1) img = normalizeFrame(frame, x0, y0) frame = drawDetectionArea(frame, x0, y0, width, (0, 255, 0)) cv2.putText(frame, u"NONE = NONE, ONE = LEFT", (0, 80), font, 1.0, (0, 0, 255), 2, 1) cv2.putText(frame, "TWO = RIGHT, FOUR = DOWN", (0, 120), font, 1.0, (0, 0, 255), 2, 1) cv2.putText(frame, "UP = FIVE", (0, 160), font, 1.0, (0, 0, 255), 2, 1) finger_detect.frame = img prediction = handDetect(frame, finger_detect.detect(), x0, y0) # if prediction == "NONE" or prediction == "FIVE": key_listener.prediction = prediction key_listener.handle() video_shower.frame = frame
def predict_video(data_dir, sess, image_shape, logits, keep_prob, input_image): print('Predicting Video...') video_getter = VideoGet(data_dir, sess, image_shape, logits, keep_prob, input_image).start() video_shower = VideoShow(video_getter.frame).start() while True: if video_getter.stopped or video_shower.stopped: video_shower.stop() video_getter.stop() break frame = video_getter.frame video_shower.frame = frame
def threadVideoShow(source=0): """ Dedicated thread for showing video frames with VideoShow object. Main thread grabs video frames. """ cap = cv2.VideoCapture(source) (grabbed, frame) = video_shower = VideoShow(frame).start() cps = CountsPerSec().start() while True: (grabbed, frame) = if not grabbed or video_shower.stopped: video_shower.stop() break # frame = putIterationsPerSec(frame, cps.countsPerSec()) video_shower.frame = frame cps.increment()
def read_zed(sess, image_shape, logits, keep_prob, input_image): count = 0 video_zed = VideoZed(sess, image_shape, logits, keep_prob, input_image).start() while type(video_zed.frame) == type(None): if count == 3: exit("Error to open ZED") print("Waiting for zed") count+=1 time.sleep(1) video_shower = VideoShow(video_zed.frame).start() while True: if video_zed.stopped or video_shower.stopped: video_shower.stop() video_zed.stop() break frame = video_zed.frame video_shower.frame = frame
def threadBoth(source=0): """ Dedicated thread for grabbing video frames with VideoGet object. Dedicated thread for showing video frames with VideoShow object. Main thread serves only to pass frames between VideoGet and VideoShow objects/threads. """ video_getter = VideoGet(source).start() video_shower = VideoShow(video_getter.frame).start() cps = CountsPerSec().start() while True: if video_getter.stopped or video_shower.stopped: video_shower.stop() video_getter.stop() break frame = video_getter.frame frame = putIterationsPerSec(frame, cps.countsPerSec()) video_shower.frame = frame
def threadBoth(source=0): """ Dedicated thread for grabbing video frames with VideoGet object. Dedicated thread for showing video frames with VideoShow object. Main thread serves only to pass frames between VideoGet and VideoShow objects/threads. """ video_getter = VideoGet(source).start() video_shower = VideoShow(video_getter.frame).start() save_image = SaveImage(video_getter.frame) save_image.start() while True: if video_getter.stopped or video_shower.stopped: video_shower.stop() video_getter.stop() save_image.stop() #save_image.join() break frame = video_getter.frame video_shower.frame = frame save_image.frame = frame
def gesture_guy(): model = load_model('my_model.h5') model.load_weights('model_weights.h5') gb = GestureBrain(model) print("start ======") counter = 0 i = 0 cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) (grabbed, frame) = video_shower = VideoShow(frame).start() mode_i = None action2 = None while True: (grabbed, frame) = if not grabbed or video_shower.stopped: video_shower.stop() break cv2.putText(frame, "Current Gesture: {}".format(action2), (10, 450), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX, 0.8, (0, 255, 255)) cv2.putText(frame, "Mode: {}".format(mode_i), (10, 400), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX, 0.8, (0, 255, 255)) video_shower.frame = frame counter += 1 screen = np.array(cv2.resize(frame, (88, 50))) gb.push_img(screen) if counter != 40: continue else: counter = 0 mode = [ 'Recognition mode', 'Explorer mode', 'Photo mode', 'Video mode' ] selectMode = mode[i] print(selectMode) action = gb.regonize() print("predict type :", action) if selectMode == mode[0]: if action == 0: print(labels_want[0]) elif action == 1: print(labels_want[1]) elif action == 2: print(labels_want[2]) elif action == 3: print(labels_want[3]) elif action == 4: print(labels_want[4]) elif action == 5: print(labels_want[5]) elif action == 6: print(labels_want[6]) elif action == 7: print(labels_want[7]) elif action == 8: print(labels_want[8]) elif action == 9: print(labels_want[9]) elif action == 10: print(labels_want[10]) i += 1 if i != 4: continue else: i = 0 elif action == 11: print(labels_want[11]) elif action == 12: print(labels_want[12]) if selectMode == mode[2]: if action == 0: print(labels_want[0])'left') elif action == 1: print(labels_want[1])'right') elif action == 4: print(labels_want[4])'left') elif action == 5: print(labels_want[5])'right') elif action == 6: print(labels_want[6]) # pyautogui.hotkey('altleft','f4') elif action == 7: print(labels_want[7]) pyautogui.hotkey('enter') elif action == 8: print(labels_want[8]) pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', '+') elif action == 9: print(labels_want[9]) pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', '-') elif action == 10: print(labels_want[10]) i += 1 if i != 4: continue else: i = 0 elif action == 11: print(labels_want[11])'winleft') if selectMode == mode[3]: if action == 0: print(labels_want[0]) video_seekb(0.4) elif action == 1: print(labels_want[1]) video_seekf(0.4) elif action == 4: print(labels_want[4]) vol_up(0.8) elif action == 5: print(labels_want[5]) vol_down(0.8) elif action == 6: print(labels_want[6])'space') elif action == 7: print(labels_want[6])'space') elif action == 9: print(labels_want[9]) elif action == 10: print(labels_want[10]) i += 1 if i != 4: continue else: i = 0 elif action == 11: print(labels_want[11]) if selectMode == mode[1]: if action == 0: print(labels_want[0])'left') elif action == 1: print(labels_want[1])'right') elif action == 2: print(labels_want[2])'down') elif action == 3: print(labels_want[3])'up') elif action == 4: print(labels_want[4])'enter') elif action == 5: print(labels_want[5])'backspace') elif action == 6: print(labels_want[6]) # pyautogui.hotkey('altleft','f4') elif action == 9: print(labels_want[9]) elif action == 10: print(labels_want[10]) i += 1 if i != 4: continue else: i = 0 elif action == 11: print(labels_want[11])'winleft') # if selectMode == mode[4]: # if action == 0 : # print(labels_want[0]) #'left') # elif action == 1 : # print(labels_want[1]) #'right') # elif action == 2 : # print(labels_want[2]) #'down') # elif action == 3 : # print(labels_want[3]) #'up') # elif action == 4 : # print(labels_want[4]) #'pagedown') # elif action == 5 : # print(labels_want[5]) #'pageup') # elif action == 10: # print(labels_want[10]) # i += 1 # if i != 5 : # continue # else: # i = 0 # elif action == 11: # print(labels_want[10]) #'winleft') # cv2.putText(frame, "{}".format(action),(10, 450), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, (255, 255, 255)) mode_i = mode[i] action2 = labels_want[action[0]]
def threadBoth(source=1): """ Dedicated thread for grabbing video frames with VideoGet object. Dedicated thread for showing video frames with VideoShow object. Main thread serves only to pass frames between VideoGet and VideoShow objects/threads. """ video_getter = VideoGet(source).start() SIFT = SIFTThread(video_getter.frame).start() video_shower = VideoShow(video_getter.frame).start() fgbg = cv.createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2() frameCount = 0 oldPoint = None while True: if video_getter.stopped or video_shower.stopped: video_shower.stop() video_getter.stop() break frame = video_getter.frame SIFT.frame = frame # apply mask to extract forgeound object fgmask = fgbg.apply(frame) # preprocessing: blurring and eroding to remove small finnicky bits kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8) morph = cv.medianBlur(fgmask, 13) morph = cv.erode(morph, kernel, iterations=3) # get the contours _, contours, _ = cv.findContours(morph, cv.RETR_TREE, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) if len(contours) != 0: # find the biggest countour by area c = max(contours, key=cv.contourArea) area = cv.contourArea(c) # make sure contour area is bigger than threshold, don't want little contours if area > threshold_area: # determine the top-most extreme points along the contour extTop = tuple(c[c[:, :, 1].argmin()][0]) # assign first value if (oldPoint is None): oldPoint = extTop # if the finger stays for a few frames, we know someone is pointing if ((oldPoint[0] - 5 <= extTop[0] <= oldPoint[0] + 5) and (oldPoint[1] - 5 <= extTop[1] <= oldPoint[1] + 5)): if (extTop[0] != 0 and extTop[1] != 0): frameCount += 1 if frameCount == 20: frameCount = 0 #print([SIFT.newCoords.astype(int)]) for i in range(len( res = cv.pointPolygonTest([i], extTop, measureDist=False) print(res) if (res == 1):[i][1], new=2) oldPoint = extTop else: frameCount = 0 oldPoint = extTop # draw a circle at the top-most point, extTop, 8, (100, 0, 255), -1) video_shower.frame = frame
def startDetecting(self): capture = VideoGet(0).start() video_shower = VideoShow(capture.frame).start() while capture.isOpened(): if capture.stopped or video_shower.stopped: video_shower.stop() capture.stop() break #Chụp khung hình từ camera frame = capture.frame # Nhận dữ liệu tay từ cửa sổ phụ hình chữ nhật cv2.rectangle(frame,(100,100),(300,300),(0,255,0),0) crop_image = frame[100:300, 100:300] #1. # Áp dụng Gaussian blur with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) as executor: exMask = executor.submit(self.maskHSV, crop_image) mask = exMask.result() #2. # Tìm đường viền (contours) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) as executor: exContours = executor.submit(self.findContours, mask) contours, hierarchy = exContours.result() #3. try: contour = max(contours, key = lambda x: cv2.contourArea(x)) x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(contour) cv2.rectangle(crop_image,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(0,0,255),0) hull = cv2.convexHull(contour) drawing = np.zeros(crop_image.shape,np.uint8) cv2.drawContours(drawing,[contour],-1,(0,255,0),0) cv2.drawContours(drawing,[hull],-1,(0,0,255),0) hull = cv2.convexHull(contour, returnPoints=False) defects = cv2.convexityDefects(contour,hull) count_defects = 0 for i in range(defects.shape[0]): s,e,f,d = defects[i,0] start = tuple(contour[s][0]) end = tuple(contour[e][0]) far = tuple(contour[f][0]) # 4. #angle = 360; with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) as executor: exAngle = executor.submit(self.findAngle, start, end, far) angle = exAngle.result() if angle <= 90: count_defects += 1,far,1,[0,0,255],-1) cv2.line(crop_image,start,end,[0,255,0],2) if count_defects >= 4:'space') cv2.putText(frame,"JUMP", (450,110), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2, 2, 2) except: pass video_shower.frame = frame if cv2.waitKey(1) == ord('q'): capture.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() break
import numpy as np import rpyc import cv2 from VideoShow import VideoShow conn = rpyc.connect("localhost", 18861) y = conn.root.threadBoth(0) print(len(y)) nparr = np.fromstring(y[0], np.uint8) img = cv2.imdecode(nparr, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) video_shower = VideoShow(img).start() for i in y: nparr = np.fromstring(i, np.uint8) img = cv2.imdecode(nparr, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) video_shower.frame = img
def thread_video(input): """ Dedicated thread for grabbing video frames with VideoGet object. Main thread shows video frames. """ video_getter = VideoGet(input).start() video_shower = VideoShow(video_getter.frame).start() while True: if video_getter.stopped or video_shower.stopped: video_shower.stop() video_getter.stop() break frame = video_getter.frame rgb_frame = frame[:, :, ::-1] # Find all the faces and face encodings in the current frame of video face_location = face_recognition.face_locations(rgb_frame) if len(face_location) == 0: pass elif len(face_location) > 1: pass else: unknown_face_encoding = face_recognition.face_encodings( rgb_frame, face_location)[0] index = utils.recognize_face(unknown_face_encoding, known_faces_encoding) name = known_names[index] cv2.putText(frame, name, (100, 100), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.7, (0, 0, 255), 2) top, right, bottom, left = face_location[0] face_height = bottom - top # Draw a box around the face cv2.rectangle(frame, (left, top), (right, bottom), (0, 0, 255)) # Display the resulting frame #try: (x, y, w, h) = mouth_detection.mouth_detection_video(frame, detector, predictor) if h < 0.2 * face_height: cv2.putText(frame, "close", (30, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.7, (0, 0, 255), 2) else: cv2.putText(frame, "open", (30, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.7, (0, 0, 255), 2) d = int(0.35 * h) roi = frame[y + d:y + h, x:x + w] #cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y + int(0.2*h)), (x+w, y+h), (0, 255, 0), 2) (px, py, pw, ph) = utils.color_detection(roi) if pw != 0: cv2.rectangle(frame, (x + px, y + d + py), (x + px + pw, y + d + py + ph), (0, 255, 0), 2) else: cv2.putText(frame, "no pill detected", (50, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.7, (0, 0, 255), 2) #except: # pass video_shower.frame = frame fps.update()