def __init__(self, style=STYLE_DEFAULT, fixed_size=None): View.__init__(self) self._window = self self._first_responder = None self._title = None self._style = style self._resizable = fixed_size is None self._application = Application.shared_application() self._min_size = None self._max_size = None self._zoomed = False self._key_window = False self._main_window = False if fixed_size is None: # normal window self._pyglet = PygletWindow(self, style=style, resizable=True) else: # fixed size window self._pyglet = PygletWindow(self, style=style, resizable=False, width=fixed_size.width, height=fixed_size.height) x, y = self._pyglet.get_location() width, height = self._pyglet.get_size() View.set_frame(self, Rect(x, y, width, height)) self._application._add_window(self)
def export_print_page(self, event): """Export a print page using a JSON file""" event.Skip() if self.view.image is not None: # We don't require an RMAP file, just rect data that we can generate dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a JSON file to load", "", "", "", wx.SAVE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: filename = dlg.GetFilename() dirname = dlg.GetDirectory() dlg.Destroy() else: self.SetStatusText(Preferences.failedToOpen) return False rmap_data = self.view.rects try: with open(join(dirname, filename), "r") as f: json_data = loads( except Exception as e: self.SetStatusText(Preferences.failedToExport) return False fd = self.img.split(".") fd.pop() fname = ".".join(fd) rmap_data = View.filter_list(rmap_data) rmap_data = View.clean_list(rmap_data) rmap_data = View.generate_data(rmap_data) self.write_html_printpage(self.filename, fname, rmap_data, json_data) else: self.SetStatusText(Preferences.noImageLoaded)
def set_frame(self, rect): if ( self._resizable == False and (rect.size.width != None or rect.size.height != None)): raise ValueError(u'Window is not resizable') View.set_frame(self, rect) self._pyglet.set_location(self._frame.origin.x, self._frame.origin.y) self._pyglet.set_size(self._frame.size.width, self._frame.size.height)
def __init__(self): View.__init__(self) self._state = Control.STATE_NORMAL self._attrs = {} for k, v in ControlState: self._attrs[k] = None self._actions = {}
def __init__(self, controller, parentXYView): View.__init__(self, controller) self._mplAxes = None self._mplLines = None self._isHighlighted = False self._initialLineWidth = None self._parentXYView = parentXYView self._marker = None self._color = None self._lineStyle = None
def __init__( self, controller) : """ Constructor """ View.__init__( self, controller) CurveTreeDockWidget.__init__(self) self._noUpdate = False treeWidget = self.getTreeWidget() treeWidget.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self.onItemSelectionChanged) treeWidget.itemDoubleClicked.connect(self.onItemDoubleCliked) treeWidget.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) treeWidget.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.openMenu)
def main(args) : """Fonction principal qui va nous lancer notre annuaire""" #bdd = sqlite3.connect('Bdd/patron.db') app=QApplication(args) control = Control() model = Model(control) fenetre = View(control);; #bdd.close() return app.exec_()
def __init__(self, path): self.myModel = Model() if path != "" or path is not None: self.load_data(path) self.myView = View(self) self.myModel.data_handler.load_pickle_data() self.myView.cmdloop()
def __init__(self, path): self.myModel = Model(Filer(), Validator()) if path != "" or path is not None: self.load_data(path) self.myView = View(self) self.myModel.pickle_data() self.myView.cmdloop()
def __init__(self): self.model = Model() self.view = View() self.firstTime = True self.result = 0.0 self.a = 0.0 self.b = 0.0 self.usePrev = 0
class Controller(object): def __init__(self): self.model = Model() self.view = View() def run(self): name = self.view.welcome() if name == 'Ken': print(self.model.say_hello(name)) else: print(self.model.say_bye())
class Game: def __init__(self): self.board = Board() self.evaluation = Evaluation(self.board) self.view = View(self.board) def __finish(self, computerPlayer): if self.evaluation.winner() == computerPlayer: print "Computer player wins" elif self.evaluation.isTie(): print "Tie game" else: print "Human player wins" def run(self): startPlayer = self.view.inputStartPlayer() computerPlayer = 'X' if startPlayer == 2 else 'O' ai = AI(computerPlayer, self.board) while self.evaluation.winner() == None and not self.evaluation.isTie(): self.view.displayBoard() if self.board.getPlayer() == computerPlayer: ai.makeMove() else: move = self.view.inputMove() self.board.move(move) self.view.displayBoard() self.__finish(computerPlayer)
class Controller: def __init__(self, path): self.myModel = Model(Filer(), Validator()) if path != "" or path is not None: self.load_data(path) self.myView = View(self) self.myModel.pickle_data() self.myView.cmdloop() def delete_data(self): self.myModel.del_data() def wash_data(self): self.myModel.wash_data() self.myModel.toDataSet() def get_data(self): return self.myModel.get_data() def get_weight_data(self): return self.myModel.get_weight() def get_sales_data(self): return self.myModel.get_sales() def get_gender_data(self): return self.myModel.get_gender() def load_data(self, path): try: file = open(path) except FileNotFoundError: print("File Does Not Exist") return self.wash_data() def save_data(self): self.myModel.save_data()
def update_manager(self): if self.model.show_user != []: View.print_user(self.model.show_user[0]) choice = -1 params_to_upd = dict() while choice != 0: View.update_user_menu() try: choice = int(input("Your choice: ")) if choice == 1: params_to_upd['productName'] = str(input("New name: ")) elif choice == 2: params_to_upd['age'] = int(input("New age: ")) elif choice == 3: params_to_upd['height'] = str(input("New height: ")) elif choice == 4: params_to_upd['weight'] = str(input("New weight: ")) elif choice == 5: params_to_upd['gender'] = str(input("New gender: ")) elif choice == 6: params_to_upd['activity'] = str(input("New activity: ")) except ValueError: View.wrong_input() choice = -1 try: self.model.update_user_param(params_to_upd) except Exception as e: print(e)
class Controller(object): ''' A class for controlling a graph-analyser. ''' def __init__(self, master, graph_img=None): ''' A class for managing a GUI graph-analyser. Users select an image of a graph, then identify three points with well- defined locations, then add as many points as desired to the graph. The selected points are saveable in a csv format, and the graph image is saveable as a PNG image. Could be expanded to include zooming, logarithmic axis scaling, automatic line detection, saving of state (to reopen where you left off), or full automation with automatic axis detection and line detection combined. Constructor: Controller(tk.Tk, *str) ''' # initialise data storage self._model = Model() # initialise display and event bindings self._root = master # overarching 'main' window for the application self._view = View(self._root, graph_img) self._add_bind_functions() def _add_bind_functions(self): ''' Link the Model functionality to View binding functions. self._add_bind_functions() -> None ''' self._view.add_binding_funcs( save_data=self._model.save_data, clear_data=self._model.clear_data, clear_stored_pts=self._model.clear_stored_points, set_def_pts=self._model.set_defining_points, new_point=self._model.add_stored_point, del_point=self._model.remove_stored_point, )
def run(self): self.rows,self.lines = View.GreatingMessage() self.NamesOfPlayers,View.NumberOfPlayers = View.NamesOfPlayers() # intial Players from View for name in self.NamesOfPlayers: player = Controller.Player(name) self.Players.append(player) self.Turner = Controller.Turner(self.Players) View.Symbols = View.GenerateSymbols(View.NumberOfPlayers) View.tablePrint(self.rows,self.lines,[]) Win = False while not Win: CurentPlayer = self.Turner.getNext() print "Hello ", CurentPlayer.getName() x,y = View.InputMessage() if not self.ValidCoordinate((x,y)): print "continue" self.Turner.CurentState = self.Turner.CurentState - 1 continue self.Model.setCordinate(CurentPlayer,(x,y)) mapp = self.Model.getMappingNotLinear() View.tablePrint(self.lines,self.rows,mapp) Win = self.is_win(CurentPlayer,(x,y)) pass View.WinMessage(Winner=self.Winner)
def play_rounds(self, tournament, p): for i in range(tournament.current_round(), int(tournament.rounds)): if i == 0: p.order_by_rank() player_pairs = p.matchmaking_round1() else: p.order_by_score() player_pairs = p.matchmaking_over_rounds(tournament) for player in p.list: View.display_player_infos(player.first_name,, str(player.rank), str(player.score)) matches = Matches() for pair in player_pairs: matches.add_match(Match(pair[0], pair[1])) View.print_matches(matches) for match in matches.list: match.winner = View.ask_winner(match) if match.winner is None: match.white_player.draw_match() match.black_player.draw_match() else: match.winner.won_match() tournament.add_round(matches) tournament_in_db = Query() self.tournaments_db.update(tournament.to_dict(), == continue_choice = View.ask_to_continue() if continue_choice == 0: return
def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.__view = View() self.__inventory_label = QLabel() self.__inventory_label.setPixmap( QPixmap("image/Inventory.png").scaled( self.__view.width * self.__view.tile_size * 120 / 196 * (7 / self.__view.width), self.__view.height * self.__view.tile_size * (7 / self.__view.height))) # 120 196 # self.hp_bar = QLabel() # this code for test self.__main_layout = QGridLayout() self.__main_layout.setSpacing(0) self.__main_layout.addLayout(self.__view.layout, 0, 0) self.__main_layout.addWidget(self.__inventory_label, 0, 1) # self.__main_layout.addWidget(self.hp_bar, 1, 0) # this code for test self.setStyleSheet("background-color: #B7A284;") # container.setStyleSheet("background-color:black;") self.setLayout(self.__main_layout)
def __init__(self): # ウィンドウを作成 self.window = tk.Tk() self.window.resizable(width=False, height=False) # 描画領域を作成 self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self.window, width=FIELD_WIDTH, height=FIELD_HEIGHT) self.keyinput = KeyInput(self.window) self.autokeyinput = AutoKeyInput(self.window) = ClientModel(self.window, self.autokeyinput, 0, 200, 200) #canvasを渡すことに注意.詳しくは = BulletManager(self.window) = {} self.init_data() self.view = View(self.canvas, # 最初の1回(update内で再帰的にupdateが呼ばれてループとなる) self.update_model() self.update_view() self.window.mainloop()
class Controller: __cssFilesRoot = None __jsFilesRoot = None __jsonFilesRoot = None __imgFilesRoot = None __View = None def __init__(self): assert path.isdir(cssFilesRoot) assert path.isdir(jsFilesRoot) assert path.isdir(jsonFilesRoot) assert path.isdir(imgFilesRoot) self.__cssFilesRoot = cssFilesRoot self.__jsFilesRoot = jsFilesRoot self.__jsonFilesRoot = jsonFilesRoot self.__imgFilesRoot = imgFilesRoot self.__View = View() def manageGET(self, reqPath=""): reqPath = str(reqPath) fileName = str(reqPath).split("/")[-1].split("?")[0] if ".css" in fileName: ct = "text/css" resource = self.takeResourceFile(root=self.__cssFilesRoot, fileName=fileName, mode="rb") elif ".json" in fileName: ct = "application/javascript" resource = self.takeResourceFile(root=self.__jsonFilesRoot, fileName=fileName, mode="rb") elif ".js" in fileName: ct = "application/javascript" resource = self.takeResourceFile(root=self.__jsFilesRoot, fileName=fileName, mode="rb") elif ".ico" in fileName or ".png" in fileName or ".jpeg" in fileName: ct = "image/x-icon" resource = self.takeResourceFile(root=self.__imgFilesRoot, fileName=fileName, mode="rb") else: ct = "text/html" resource = self.__View.takeView(fileName) return {"Content-type": ct, "resource": resource} def takeResourceFile(self, root="", fileName="", mode="rb"): resourcePath = root + fileName if path.isfile(resourcePath): resFile = open(resourcePath, mode) resource = resFile.close() return resource else: return None def managePOST(self, receivedObj): # Put here your code to manage post data '''
class Controller: def __init__(self, path): self.myModel = Model() if path != "" or path is not None: self.load_data(path) self.myView = View(self) self.myModel.data_handler.load_pickle_data() self.myView.cmdloop() def delete_data(self): self.myModel.data_handler.del_data() def wash_data(self): self.myModel.wash_data() def get_data(self): return self.myModel.data_handler.get_data() def get_weight_data(self): return self.myModel.get_weight() def get_sales_data(self): return self.myModel.get_sales() def get_gender_data(self): return self.myModel.get_gender() def load_data(self, path): try: file = open(path) except FileNotFoundError: print("File Does Not Exist") return self.myModel.data_handler.read_in(path) def save_data(self): self.myModel.data_handler.save_pickle_data()
def show_stat_manager(self): View.statisics_menu() try: choice = int(input("Your choice: ")) if choice not in range(1, 5): raise ValueError except ValueError: View.wrong_input() return if choice == 1: try: today = total ="year", today.year),\ ("month", today.month), ("day", except Exception as e: print(e) return elif choice == 2: try: year = int(input("Year: ")) month = int(input("Month: ")) day = int(input("Day: ")) total = dict((("year", year), ("month", month), ("day", day)))) except Exception: View.wrong_input() return elif choice == 3: try: year = int(input("Year: ")) month = int(input("Month: ")) total = dict((("year", year), ("month", month)))) except Exception as e: print(e) #View.wrong_input() return elif choice == 4: try: year = int(input("Year: ")) total ={"year": year}) except ValueError as e: #View.wrong_input() print(e) return View.print_stat(total, self.model.should_consume())
def baslat(): while True: View.viewbaslat() print("Lütfen yapmak istediğiniz işlemi seçin : ") giris = input() if giris not in ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]: print("Hatalı giriş !!!") elif giris == "0": print("Çıkış seçildi") exit(0) elif giris == "1": return Controller.kisiekleme() elif giris == "2": return Controller.kisiarama() elif giris == "3": return Controller.kisiguncelle() elif giris == "4": return Controller.kisisilme() elif giris == "5": return Controller.kisilistele() else: print("yanlış bir giris yaptınız ")
class Play(): def __init__(self, song): = Audio() self.detect = Detect() pygame.init() = LoadSong(song).song pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption('DanceDanceCV') screen = pygame.display.get_surface() self.view = View(screen, self.detect, def run(self): playing = True while playing: for events in pygame.event.get(): if events.type == QUIT: return 'quit' pygame.display.update() pygame.quit()
def Update(): num = View.attribute_list(1) value = input('Attribute value to update = ') value2 = input('New attribute value = ') if num == 1: session.query(Owner).filter(Owner.owner_id == value).update( {Owner.owner_id: value2}) elif num == 2: session.query(Owner).filter(Owner.owner_name == value).update( {Owner.owner_name: value2}) elif num == 3: session.query(Owner).filter(Owner.owner_surname == value).update( {Owner.owner_surname: value2}) session.commit()
class Controller(object): def __init__(self): self.model = Model() self.view = View() self.velkommen_text = '' def intro_screen(self): color = self.model.make_color(255, 255, 255) screen = self.model.get_screen() self.view.fill(color, screen) text = self.model.make_text('Velkommen til Card Game!', 40) text2 = self.model.make_text('Trykk enter for å starte', 20) self.view.update(text, 60, 50, screen) self.view.update(text2, 200, 200, screen) self.view.flip()
def main(): gameMatrix = MapMatrix(DIMENSION) view = View() view.draw(gameMatrix.matrix) ai = MinMaxStrategy(gameMatrix) view.draw(gameMatrix.matrix) while True: i = pygame.event.wait() if i.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit(0) if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[LEFT_MOUSE]: pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() wsp_x = int(pos[POS_X] / (SMALL_BOX_LENGTH + SPACE_LENGTH)) wsp_y = int(pos[POS_Y] / (SMALL_BOX_LENGTH + SPACE_LENGTH)) if pos[POS_X] > BOX_LENGTH or pos[POS_X] < 0 or pos[ POS_Y] > BOX_LENGTH or pos[POS_Y] < 0 or gameMatrix.matrix[ wsp_y][wsp_x] != EMPTY: continue else: gameMatrix.markCrossOn(Coordinates(wsp_y, wsp_x)) view.draw(gameMatrix.matrix) SoundService.playCrossSound() if ai.hasWon(CROSS): sys.exit("Wygrales!") elif (not ai.hasWon(CROSS)) and gameMatrix.checkIfMapFull(): sys.exit("Remis!") ai.doBestMove(gameMatrix) view.draw(gameMatrix.matrix) SoundService.playCircleSound() if ai.hasWon(CIRCLE): sys.exit("Przegrales!") elif (not ai.hasWon(CIRCLE)) and gameMatrix.checkIfMapFull(): sys.exit("Remis!")
def generateMap(self): self.ant = Ants(8, 6) #ants class for x in range(Globals.mapwidth): for y in range(Globals.mapheight): if (y <= Globals.mapheight / 2): if randint(0, 10) > 8: self.tiles[x][y] = choice(self.foliageTiles) else: self.tiles[x][y] = choice(self.groundTiles) else: self.tiles[x][y] = choice( self.undergroundTiles) #underground map return View(self.tiles[:, :]) #tiles[every x, every y]
def __init__(self, controller): View.__init__(self, controller) self._eventHandler = EventHandler() self._curveViews = {} # key: curve (model) ID, value: CurveView self._salomeViewID = None self._mplFigure = None self._mplAxes = None self._mplCanvas = None self._plotWidget = None self._sgPyQt = self._controller._sgPyQt self._toolbar = None self._mplNavigationActions = {} self._toobarMPL = None self._grid = None self._currCrv = None # current curve selected in the view self._legend = None self._legendLoc = "right" # "right" or "bottom" self._fitArea = False self._zoomPan = False self._dragOnDrop = False self._move = False self._patch = None self._xdata = None self._ydata = None self._defaultLineStyle = None self._last_point = None self._lastMarkerID = -1 self._blockLogSignal = False self._axisXSciNotation = False self._axisYSciNotation = False self._prevTitle = None
def main(self): print("starting new game") bd = BattleData() bd.loadBattleData() view = View() view.sendOutput("Loaded all fighter data. Count: " + str(bd.getFighterCount())) for i in range(bd.getFighterCount()): bd.getFighter(i).sendToView(view) tournament = TournamentController() tournament.start(bd, view) view.sendOutput('Tournament is over') view.sendOutput('display all fighters stats') for i in range(bd.getFighterCount()): bd.getFighter(i).sendToView(view)
class Controller: def __init__(self): self.view = View() self.model = Model(self.view) self.player = "" def play(self): while True: self.playAGame() # ask if user wants to play another game # if no, break def playAGame(self): self.view.reset() self.player = "X" # update message in View to say it's X's turn self.view.startText("X\'s turn0") while True: # get click/cellNum self.view.getClick(cellNum) # loop until have vaild cellNum # valid: 0 >= cellNum <= 8 AND v.model.isEmpty(cellNum) returns True # provide message if click was not in valid cell # self.model.turn(cellNum, self.player) - model updates data and tells you to draw player # answer = self.model.isDone() - return "X" or "O" or "Draw" or "Continue" # if answer is "X" or "O" # self.view.startText("winner is" answer) # break # if answer is "draw" # self.view.startText("Game was a draw") # break # switches to other player if self.player == "X": self.player = "O" else: self.player = "X" self.view.startText(self.player + "\s turn") pass def ControllerTest(): c = Controller() input()
def test_view(self): global g g = Graph(port_mates=port_mates) v = g.add_node(View(NodeCriterion(nodeclass=Number, tagclass=Avail))) dv = g.datum(v) n5 = g.add_node(Number(5)) g.add_tag(Avail, n5) n6 = g.add_node(Number(6)) # not tagged Avail g.do_touches() self.assertCountEqual(dv.viewing(), []) g.remove_tag(n5, Avail) # Removing the tag should remove it from View g.do_touches() self.assertCountEqual(dv.viewing(), [])
def preprocess_views(views, max_views): # sort by size views_sorted = sorted(views, key=lambda x: x.area(), reverse=True) # how many views we want in this iteration rand_int = randint(2, min(max_views, len(views_sorted))) views_to_be_drawn = [] views_to_be_drawn.append( View(-999, 0, 0, config.screen_width, config.screen_height)) for view in views_sorted: if view.width == config.screen_width and view.height == config.screen_height: continue if len(views_to_be_drawn) >= rand_int: break views_to_be_drawn.append(view) return views_to_be_drawn
def Update(): num = View.attribute_list(4) value = input('Attribute value to update = ') value2 = input('New attribute value = ') if num == 1: session.query(HeadCoach).filter( HeadCoach.coach_id == value).update( {HeadCoach.coach_id: value2}) elif num == 2: session.query(HeadCoach).filter( HeadCoach.coach_name == value).update( {HeadCoach.coach_name: value2}) elif num == 3: session.query(HeadCoach).filter( HeadCoach.coach_surname == value).update( {HeadCoach.coach_surname: value2})
class Controller: """ a 'middleman' between the View (visual aspects) and the Model (information) of the application. It ensures decoupling between both. """ def __init__(self, app): # initialize the model and view # * The model handles all the data, and signal-related operations # * The view handles all the data visualization self.model = Model() self.view = View() # subscribe to messages sent by the view pub.subscribe(self.parse_file, "FILE PATH CHANGED") pub.subscribe(self.reprocess_fft, "FFT CONTROLS CHANGED") # subscribe to messages sent by the model pub.subscribe(self.signal_changed, "SIGNAL CHANGED") pub.subscribe(self.signal_changed, "FFT CHANGED") self.view.Show() def parse_file(self, message): """ Handles "FILE PATH CHANGED" messages, send by the View. It tells the model to parse a new file. should contain the path of the new file """ try: self.model.parse_file( except Exception as exception: self.view.show_exception( "Error reading file", "The following error happened while reading the file:\n%s" % str(exception) ) def reprocess_fft(self, message): """ Handler "FFT CONTROLS CHANGED" messages from the View. It tells the model to re-process the fft. should contain the array [window, slices, max_peaks] """ self.model.reprocess_fft(* def signal_changed(self, message): """ Handles "SIGNAL CHANGED" messages sent by the model. Tells the view to update itself. message is ignored """ self.view.signal_changed(self.model) def fft_changed(self, message): """ Handles "FFT CHANGED" messages sent by the model. Tells the view to update itself. message is ignored """ self.view.fft_changed(self.model)
def __init__(self, app): # initialize the model and view # * The model handles all the data, and signal-related operations # * The view handles all the data visualization self.model = Model() self.view = View() # subscribe to messages sent by the view pub.subscribe(self.parse_file, "FILE PATH CHANGED") pub.subscribe(self.reprocess_fft, "FFT CONTROLS CHANGED") # subscribe to messages sent by the model pub.subscribe(self.signal_changed, "SIGNAL CHANGED") pub.subscribe(self.signal_changed, "FFT CHANGED") self.view.Show()
def Update(): num = View.attribute_list(7) value = input('Attribute value to update = ') value2 = input('New attribute value = ') if num == 1: session.query(Contract).filter( Contract.contract_id == value).update( {Contract.contract_id: value2}) elif num == 2: session.query(Contract).filter(Contract.fc_id == value).update( {Contract.fc_id: value2}) elif num == 3: session.query(Contract).filter( Contract.partner_id == value).update( {Contract.partner_id: value2}) session.commit()
def ModelTest(): v = View() m = Model(v) for i in range(9): if m.Empty(v.Click()) == 1: m.ControlX() print(m.Empty(v.Click())) else: v.Message(1, "Illegal Move!") v.Click() m.ControlO() if m.isWinner() is 1: v.Message(1, "You Win!") elif m.isWinner() is 2: v.Message(1, "Draw!") print(m.grid) input()
def main(): app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) w = View() m = Model() c = Controller(w, m) w.initUI(c) c.loadServers() sys.exit(app.exec_())
def show_table(number): flag = 0 table = 0 while flag == 0: if number == 1: table = View.list() flag = 1 elif number == 2: table += 1 if table == 7: flag = 1 if table == 1: print("table: Owner") for row in session.query(Owner): print(row.print()) print("\n") elif table == 2: print("table: Football Club") for row in session.query(FootballClub): print(row.print()) print("\n") elif table == 3: print("table: Player") for row in session.query(Player): print(row.print()) print("\n") elif table == 4: print("table: Head Coach") for row in session.query(HeadCoach): print(row.print()) print("\n") elif table == 5: print("table: Partner") for row in session.query(Partner): print(row.print()) print("\n") elif table == 6: print("table: Assistant") for row in session.query(Assistant): print(row.print()) print("\n") elif table == 7: print("table: Contract") for row in session.query(Contract): print(row.print()) print("\n")
def generateMap(self): for x in range(Globals.mapwidth): for y in range(Globals.mapheight * 2): if (y <= Globals.mapheight): if randint(0, 10) > 8: self.tiles[x][y] = choice(self.foliageTiles) else: self.tiles[x][y] = choice(self.groundTiles) else: self.tiles[x][y] = choice( self.undergroundTiles) #underground map # Starts in a tunnel underground self.tiles[0][33] = Tile( Globals.datadir + 'images/underground/underground2.png', True) return View(self.tiles[:, :]) #tiles[every x, every y]
class Controller: def __init__(self,root): self.root = root self.model = Model() self.view = View(self.root) self.view.calculateButton.bind('<Button>',self.calculate) def calculate(self,event): self.view.clearCalcSolution() try: firstNumber = self.view.getFirstNumber() secondNumber = self.view.getSecondNumber() self.model.addTwoNumbers(firstNumber,secondNumber ) solution = self.model.getCalculatorValue() self.view.setCalcSolution(solution) except: self.view.displayErroMessage()
def show_scores(runs, screen, controller): """ draws and displays the scores :param runs: int :param screen: pygame screen :param controller: Controller :return: """ screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) c = Controller(Model(), View()) c.get_and_draw_scores(screen) pygame.display.update() while c.model.game_run: user_input = pygame.event.get() for game_event in user_input: c.scores_event(game_event, screen, runs, controller) pygame.quit()
def play_game(runs, screen, controller): """ main game function :param runs: :param screen: :param controller: :return: """ fps_clock = pygame.time.Clock() c = Controller(Model(), View()) # initialize deck c.init_cards(controller.model.difficulty) # Load card-back image for all cards at first, and have matches slowly unveiled c.model.set_visible_deck() # Shows cards for the first time c.initial_draw(controller.model.display_time, controller.model.difficulty) max_amount_of_matches = controller.model.difficulty * 10 if controller.model.difficulty == 1: max_amount_of_matches += 2 while c.model.game_run: user_input = pygame.event.get() pressed_key = pygame.key.get_pressed() # Retrieves all user input for game_event in user_input: c.update(game_event, runs, screen, controller) # checks how many cards were flipped c.tick(controller.model.difficulty) # This comes before quitting to avoid video errors pygame.display.flip() fps_clock.tick(DESIRED_FPS) if len(c.model.get_found()) == max_amount_of_matches: # print score and asks for another round runs = c.done() # if game finished checks for user input c.game_finished_check_for_rematch(screen, runs, pressed_key, controller) pygame.quit()
def kisiekleme(): ad = input("Kaydı yapılacak yeni kişinin adı? ") soyad = input("Kaydı yapılacak yeni kişinin soyadı? ") babaad = input("Kaydı yapılacak yeni kişinin baba adı? ") annead = input("Kaydı yapılacak yeni kişinin anne adı? ") dogumyer = input("Kaydı yapılacak yeni kişinin doğum yeri? ") medenidurum = input( "Kaydı yapılacak yeni kişinin medeni durumu? (Bekar/Evli) ") kangrup = input("Kaydı yapılacak yeni kişinin adı? (örn. A rH +) ") kutukil = input("Kaydı yapılacak yeni kişinin kütük şehri? ") kutukilc = input("Kaydı yapılacak yeni kişinin kütük ilçesi? ") ikametil = input( "Kaydı yapılacak yeni kişinin ikametgah ettiği şehir? ") ikametilc = input( "Kaydı yapılacak yeni kişinin ikametgah ettiği ilçe? ") Kisiekle = Model() Kisiekle.kayitgir(ad, soyad, babaad, annead, dogumyer, medenidurum, kangrup, kutukil, kutukilc, ikametil, ikametilc) return View.viewkisiekle(ad, soyad)
def take_return_book_helper(self, book_list): '''Helper methods for take and return manage. Made because of similiar organization.''' View.print_books(book_list) book_number = -1 try: book_number = int(input("Enter book number: ")) except ValueError: View.wrong_input() if (book_number not in range(1, len(book_list) + 1)): View.wrong_input() return return book_number - 1
def Update(): num = View.attribute_list(6) value = input('Attribute value to update = ') value2 = input('New attribute value = ') if num == 1: session.query(Assistant).filter( Assistant.assistant_id == value).update( {Assistant.assistant_id: value2}) elif num == 2: session.query(Assistant).filter( Assistant.assistant_name == value).update( {Assistant.assistant_name: value2}) elif num == 3: session.query(Assistant).filter( Assistant.assistant_surname == value).update( {Assistant.assistant_surname: value2}) elif num == 4: session.query(Assistant).filter(Assistant.head_id == value).update( {Assistant.head_id: value2}) session.commit()
def on_resize(self, width, height): pyglet.window.Window.on_resize(self, width, height) View.set_frame(self._window, Rect(width=width, height=height))
def __init__(self,root): self.root = root self.model = Model() self.view = View(self.root) self.view.calculateButton.bind('<Button>',self.calculate)
def __init__(self): View.__init__(self)
def __init__(self, config = None): """ Constructor. @param config: L{Config} instance for settings """ if not config: config = Config.load() self.config = config fps = self.config.get("video", "fps") tickrate = self.config.get("engine", "tickrate") Engine.__init__(self, fps = fps, tickrate = tickrate) pygame.init() self.title = _("Frets on Fire") self.restartRequested = False self.handlingException = False = Video(self.title) = Audio() Log.debug("Initializing audio.") frequency = self.config.get("audio", "frequency") bits = self.config.get("audio", "bits") stereo = self.config.get("audio", "stereo") bufferSize = self.config.get("audio", "buffersize") = frequency, bits = bits, stereo = stereo, bufferSize = bufferSize) pygame.init() = frequency, bits = bits, stereo = stereo, bufferSize = bufferSize) Log.debug("Initializing video.") width, height = [int(s) for s in self.config.get("video", "resolution").split("x")] fullscreen = self.config.get("video", "fullscreen") multisamples = self.config.get("video", "multisamples"), height), fullscreen = fullscreen, multisamples = multisamples) # Enable the high priority timer if configured if self.config.get("engine", "highpriority"): Log.debug("Enabling high priority timer.") self.timer.highPriority = True viewport = glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT) h = viewport[3] - viewport[1] w = viewport[2] - viewport[0] geometry = (0, 0, w, h) self.img = ImgContext(geometry) glViewport(int(viewport[0]), int(viewport[1]), int(viewport[2]), int(viewport[3])) self.input = Input() self.view = View(self, geometry) self.resizeScreen(w, h) self.resource = Resource(Version.dataPath()) self.server = None self.sessions = [] self.mainloop = self.loading # Load game modifications Mod.init(self) theme = Config.load(self.resource.fileName("theme.ini")) # Make sure we are using the new upload URL if self.config.get("game", "uploadurl").startswith(""): self.config.set("game", "uploadurl", "") self.addTask(, synchronized = False) self.addTask(self.input, synchronized = False) self.addTask(self.view) self.addTask(self.resource, synchronized = False) = Data(self.resource, self.img) self.input.addKeyListener(FullScreenSwitcher(self), priority = True) self.input.addSystemEventListener(SystemEventHandler(self)) self.debugLayer = None self.startupLayer = None self.loadingScreenShown = False Log.debug("Ready.")
class GameEngine(Engine): """The main game engine.""" def __init__(self, config = None): """ Constructor. @param config: L{Config} instance for settings """ if not config: config = Config.load() self.config = config fps = self.config.get("video", "fps") tickrate = self.config.get("engine", "tickrate") Engine.__init__(self, fps = fps, tickrate = tickrate) pygame.init() self.title = _("Frets on Fire") self.restartRequested = False self.handlingException = False = Video(self.title) = Audio() Log.debug("Initializing audio.") frequency = self.config.get("audio", "frequency") bits = self.config.get("audio", "bits") stereo = self.config.get("audio", "stereo") bufferSize = self.config.get("audio", "buffersize") = frequency, bits = bits, stereo = stereo, bufferSize = bufferSize) pygame.init() = frequency, bits = bits, stereo = stereo, bufferSize = bufferSize) Log.debug("Initializing video.") width, height = [int(s) for s in self.config.get("video", "resolution").split("x")] fullscreen = self.config.get("video", "fullscreen") multisamples = self.config.get("video", "multisamples"), height), fullscreen = fullscreen, multisamples = multisamples) # Enable the high priority timer if configured if self.config.get("engine", "highpriority"): Log.debug("Enabling high priority timer.") self.timer.highPriority = True viewport = glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT) h = viewport[3] - viewport[1] w = viewport[2] - viewport[0] geometry = (0, 0, w, h) self.img = ImgContext(geometry) glViewport(int(viewport[0]), int(viewport[1]), int(viewport[2]), int(viewport[3])) self.input = Input() self.view = View(self, geometry) self.resizeScreen(w, h) self.resource = Resource(Version.dataPath()) self.server = None self.sessions = [] self.mainloop = self.loading # Load game modifications Mod.init(self) theme = Config.load(self.resource.fileName("theme.ini")) # Make sure we are using the new upload URL if self.config.get("game", "uploadurl").startswith(""): self.config.set("game", "uploadurl", "") self.addTask(, synchronized = False) self.addTask(self.input, synchronized = False) self.addTask(self.view) self.addTask(self.resource, synchronized = False) = Data(self.resource, self.img) self.input.addKeyListener(FullScreenSwitcher(self), priority = True) self.input.addSystemEventListener(SystemEventHandler(self)) self.debugLayer = None self.startupLayer = None self.loadingScreenShown = False Log.debug("Ready.") def setStartupLayer(self, startupLayer): """ Set the L{Layer} that will be shown when the all the resources have been loaded. See L{Data} @param startupLayer: Startup L{Layer} """ self.startupLayer = startupLayer def isDebugModeEnabled(self): return bool(self.debugLayer) def setDebugModeEnabled(self, enabled): """ Show or hide the debug layer. @type enabled: bool """ if enabled: self.debugLayer = DebugLayer(self) else: self.debugLayer = None def toggleFullscreen(self): """ Toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode. @return: True on success """ if not # on windows, the fullscreen toggle kills our textures, se we must restart the whole game self.input.broadcastSystemEvent("restartRequested") self.config.set("video", "fullscreen", not return True self.config.set("video", "fullscreen", return True def restart(self): """Restart the game.""" if not self.restartRequested: self.restartRequested = True self.input.broadcastSystemEvent("restartRequested") else: # evilynux - With, calling self.quit() results in # a crash. Calling the parent directly as a workaround. Engine.quit(self) def quit(self): Engine.quit(self) def resizeScreen(self, width, height): """ Resize the game screen. @param width: New width in pixels @param height: New height in pixels """ self.view.setGeometry((0, 0, width, height)) self.img.setGeometry((0, 0, width, height)) def isServerRunning(self): return bool(self.server) def startServer(self): """Start the game server.""" if not self.server: Log.debug("Starting server.") self.server = Server(self) self.addTask(self.server, synchronized = False) def connect(self, host): """ Connect to a game server. @param host: Name of host to connect to @return: L{Session} connected to remote server """ Log.debug("Connecting to host %s." % host) session = ClientSession(self) session.connect(host) self.addTask(session, synchronized = False) self.sessions.append(session) return session def stopServer(self): """Stop the game server.""" if self.server: Log.debug("Stopping server.") self.removeTask(self.server) self.server = None def disconnect(self, session): """ Disconnect a L{Session} param session: L{Session} to disconnect """ if session in self.sessions: Log.debug("Disconnecting.") self.removeTask(session) self.sessions.remove(session) def loadImgDrawing(self, target, name, fileName, textureSize = None): """ Load an SVG drawing synchronously. @param target: An object that will own the drawing @param name: The name of the attribute the drawing will be assigned to @param fileName: The name of the file in the data directory @param textureSize Either None or (x, y), in which case the file will be rendered to an x by y texture @return: L{ImgDrawing} instance """ return, name, fileName, textureSize) def loading(self): """Loading state loop.""" done = self.clearScreen() if if not self.loadingScreenShown: self.loadingScreenShown = True Dialogs.showLoadingScreen(self, if self.startupLayer: self.view.pushLayer(self.startupLayer) self.mainloop = self.main self.view.render() return done def clearScreen(self): self.img.clear(*Theme.backgroundColor) def main(self): """Main state loop.""" # Tune the scheduler priority so that transitions are as smooth as possible if self.view.isTransitionInProgress(): self.boostBackgroundThreads(False) else: self.boostBackgroundThreads(True) done = self.clearScreen() self.view.render() if self.debugLayer: self.debugLayer.render(1.0, True) return done def run(self): try: return self.mainloop() except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(0) except SystemExit: sys.exit(0) except Exception, e: def clearMatrixStack(stack): try: glMatrixMode(stack) for i in range(16): glPopMatrix() except: pass if self.handlingException: # A recursive exception is fatal as we can't reliably reset the GL state sys.exit(1) self.handlingException = True Log.error("%s: %s" % (e.__class__, e)) import traceback traceback.print_exc() clearMatrixStack(GL_PROJECTION) clearMatrixStack(GL_MODELVIEW) Dialogs.showMessage(self, unicode(e)) self.handlingException = False return True
print "Second run, to check for leaks" run() for x in gc.get_objects(): if id(x) not in old: print "New", type(x) print `x`[:80] for y in gc.get_referrers(x): if id(y) in old and y is not globals(): print "\t%s" % `y`[:60] print "No. objects after first run:", old_len print "No. objects after second run:", len(gc.get_objects()) sys.exit(0) model = Model(source, dome_data = xml_data) view = View(model, callback_handlers = (idle_add, idle_remove)) if profiling: import profile print "Profiling..."'run_nogui()') else: run_nogui() if view.chroots: raise Exception("Processing stopped in a chroot! -- not saving") view.model.strip_space() import shutil
SPEED = 0.075 BULLET_SPEED = 10 BULLET_DURATION = 60 BULLET_SIZE = 5 ANGULAR_VELOCITY = 4 VELOCITY_CAP = 5 SHOOT_DELAY = 10 SHIELD_SIZE = 20 NUM_BOTS = 10 NUM_WALLS = 20 map_dimensions = (3200, 1800) camera_bounds = (854, 480) logic = Logic() view = View(camera_bounds, logic, map_dimensions) min_respawn = (320, 240) max_respawn = (3000, 1600) respawn = random_respawn(min_respawn, max_respawn) player_ship = Ship((320, 240), (15, 15), SHOOT_DELAY, SPEED, VELOCITY_CAP, ANGULAR_VELOCITY, respawn) logic.add_ship(player_ship) controller = ServerSideController(player_ship, logic, BULLET_SIZE, BULLET_SPEED, BULLET_DURATION, SHOOT_DELAY, SHIELD_SIZE) def run_bot_func(bot): def on_run(): if not bot.isDead(): rng = random.randint(0, 30)
def on_move(self, x, y): View.set_frame(self._window, Rect(x=x, y=y))
class FormCreator(wx.Frame): """ FormCreator GUI class frame All design layout code goes into this class """ def __init__(self, parent, title): """Initializer""" wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, title=title) self.w, self.h = 800, 600 # Basic frame information self.SetTitle("Form Creator " + Preferences.version) self.SetClientSize((self.w, self.h)) self.Center() self.Maximize() bp = wx.BoxSizer(orient=wx.VERTICAL) bp.SetMinSize([self.w, self.h]) # set the min size of the window # Add the canvas for rectangular mappi8ng self.view = View(self) self.idtext = wx.TextCtrl(self, 33) self.applybutton = wx.Button(self, -1, " Apply ") self.filename = "" self.img = "" self.rmap_loaded = False self.idtext.SetFocus() self.listitems = ("text", "radio", "checkbox") self.listbox = wx.ListBox(self) for i, I in enumerate(self.listitems): self.listbox.Insert(I, i) # Bottom panel for text entry here with a horizontal sizer panelsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # Test button creation panelsizer.Add(self.applybutton, 0, wx.EXPAND) panelsizer.Add(self.idtext, 1, wx.EXPAND) panelsizer.Add(self.listbox, 2, wx.EXPAND) # Start doing sizers bp.Add(self.view, 1, wx.EXPAND) bp.Add(panelsizer, 0, wx.BOTTOM | wx.EXPAND) self.SetSizer(bp) self.SetAutoLayout(1) bp.Fit(self) # Status bar info and data self.CreateStatusBar() self.SetStatusText(Preferences.welcomeMessage) # File menu operations and buttons fmenu = wx.Menu() openbutton = fmenu.Append(wx.ID_OPEN, "Open", "Open up an image") savebutton = fmenu.Append(wx.ID_SAVE, "Save", "Save your work") closebutton = fmenu.Append(wx.ID_CLOSE, "Close", "Close an image mapping") exportbutton = fmenu.Append(wx.ID_ADD, "Export", "Export to a print page") printbutton = fmenu.Append(wx.ID_BOLD, "Print", "Print all rectangles to text") fmenu.AppendSeparator() aboutbutton = fmenu.Append(wx.ID_ABOUT, "About", "Info on this program") statsbutton = fmenu.Append(wx.ID_STATIC, "Stats", "Statistical data on the view") fmenu.AppendSeparator() exitbutton = fmenu.Append(wx.ID_EXIT, "E&xit", "Terminate the program") emenu = wx.Menu() filtbutton = emenu.Append(wx.ID_CUT, "Filter", "Filter any 'bad' rectangles we can't use") fmenu.AppendSeparator() cleanbutton = emenu.Append(wx.ID_ABORT, "Clean", "Remove any rectangles that don't have ID tags") deletebutton = emenu.Append(wx.ID_DELETE, "Delete", "Delete the current selection") delallbutton = emenu.Append(wx.ID_EXECUTE, "Delete All", "Delete all rectangles (panic mode!)") mb = wx.MenuBar() mb.Append(fmenu, "&File") mb.Append(emenu, "&Edit") # set menubar to be the main menubar of the frame self.SetMenuBar(mb) # set the frame to be shown on screen (this is important) self.Show(True) # Bindings self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_open, openbutton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_save, savebutton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_close, closebutton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_print, printbutton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.export_print_page, exportbutton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_about, aboutbutton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_stats, statsbutton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_exit, exitbutton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.filter, filtbutton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.cleanup, cleanbutton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_delete, deletebutton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.del_all, delallbutton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX, self.on_selection, self.listbox) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.apply_name, self.applybutton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.typing, self.idtext) def typing(self, event): """ Set the text being typed to the rectangle's name """ event.Skip() if self.view.image is not None: self.view.applyname(self.idtext.Value) def on_print(self, event): """Print button for debugging""" event.Skip() if self.view is not None: for r in self.view.rects: print("{0} : {1} - {2}".format(r.idtag, r.typerect, def on_open(self, event): """ Open up an image and load it to the canvas """ event.Skip() dirname = "" dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a file", dirname, "", "*.*", wx.OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.filename = dlg.GetFilename() dirname = dlg.GetDirectory() self.img = join(dirname, self.filename) self.view.image = wx.Bitmap(self.img, type=wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY) self.view.rects = [] self.view.Refresh() # trigger onpaint self.SetTitle("Form Creator : " + self.img) # Read for an RMAP file fname = self.filename.split(".") fname.pop() rmap_file = join(dirname, ".".join(fname + ["rmap"])) if isfile(rmap_file): # the file is here! with open(rmap_file, "r") as f: rmap_rects = loads( self.view.read_json(rmap_rects) self.rmap_loaded = True self.SetStatusText(Preferences.RmapFound) else: self.SetStatusText(Preferences.noRmapFound) self.rmap_loaded = False dlg.Destroy() def export_print_page(self, event): """Export a print page using a JSON file""" event.Skip() if self.view.image is not None: # We don't require an RMAP file, just rect data that we can generate dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a JSON file to load", "", "", "", wx.SAVE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: filename = dlg.GetFilename() dirname = dlg.GetDirectory() dlg.Destroy() else: self.SetStatusText(Preferences.failedToOpen) return False rmap_data = self.view.rects try: with open(join(dirname, filename), "r") as f: json_data = loads( except Exception as e: self.SetStatusText(Preferences.failedToExport) return False fd = self.img.split(".") fd.pop() fname = ".".join(fd) rmap_data = View.filter_list(rmap_data) rmap_data = View.clean_list(rmap_data) rmap_data = View.generate_data(rmap_data) self.write_html_printpage(self.filename, fname, rmap_data, json_data) else: self.SetStatusText(Preferences.noImageLoaded) def on_save(self, event): """ Copy the image from SRC to the destination directory + folder Then write the rectangle data to HTML format and also a new readable JSON format (called .RMAP) """ event.Skip() if self.view.image is not None: self.view.update_values() rmap_data = self.view.generate_rmap() if self.rmap_loaded: # this means we previously had an RMAP file loaded, so save to that # Use self.img as the main determiner # remove extension of file fpath = self.img.split(".") ext = fpath.pop() fpath = ".".join(fpath) # rewrite the RMAP and HTML self.write_html_rmap(fpath, rmap_data, fpath.split('\\').pop() + "." + ext) self.SetStatusText(Preferences.RmapSaved.format(fpath)) else: dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose a name to save the file", "", "", "rmap", wx.SAVE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: filename = dlg.GetFilename().replace(".rmap", "") dirname = dlg.GetDirectory() dlg.Destroy() else: self.SetStatusText(Preferences.failedToSave) return False # make a directory with the filename newdir = join(dirname, filename) mkdir(newdir) # Copy the original image copy(self.img, join(newdir, self.filename)) fname = self.filename.split(".") new_fname = ".".join([filename, fname.pop()]) rename(join(newdir, self.filename), join(newdir, new_fname)) # export HTML/CSS data to a new HTML file self.write_html_rmap(join(newdir, filename), rmap_data, new_fname) self.SetStatusText(Preferences.RmapSaved.format(str(join(newdir, new_fname)))) else: self.SetStatusText(Preferences.noImageLoaded) @staticmethod def write_html_rmap(filepath, rmap_data, new_fname=""): """HTML and RMAP export code""" with open(filepath+".rmap", "w") as F: # dump the JSON RMAP F.write(FormCreator.export_json(rmap_data)) with open(join(Preferences.staticFolder, Preferences.SkeletonFile), "r") as f: # read skeleton file skeletal_data = with open(filepath+".html", "w") as f: # write the HTML/css file page_title = new_fname css = 3*"\t" + ".sourceImage{ z-index: -1; }\n" html = 3*"\t" + "<img src=\"{0}\" class=\"sourceImage\" />\n".format(new_fname) text_size_divider = 9 # size to divide rect width by for HTML text for key, r in rmap_data.items(): # append CSS - horiz: off by 10px, vert: off by 10px css += 3*"\t" + "."+key+"{position:absolute;top:"+str(r["y"]+10)+"px;left:"+str(r["x"]+10)+"px;}\n" # append HTML if r["typerect"] == "text" and r["idtag"].strip() != "": i = 3*"\t" + "<input type=\"text\" class=\"{0}\" size=\"{1}\" name=\"{2}\" id=\"{2}\" />\n" html += i.format(key, r["w"]/text_size_divider, r["idtag"]) elif r["idtag"].strip() != "": # don't add rects without tags i = 3*"\t" + "<input type=\"{0}\" class=\"{1}\" name=\"{2}\" id=\"{2}\" value=\"{3}\" />\n" html += i.format(r["typerect"], key, r["idtag"], r["value"]) f.write(skeletal_data.format(page_title, css, html)) @staticmethod def write_html_printpage(iname, filepath, rmap_data, json_data): """For future use in writing data to an HTML page (similar code as write_html_rmap)""" # TODO: data test writing to an HTML print page with open(join(Preferences.staticFolder, Preferences.SkeletonFile), "r") as f: skeletal_data = with open(filepath+".print.html", "w") as f: css = ".sourceImage{z-index:-1;}\n" html = "<img src=\"{0}\" class=\"sourceImage\" />\n".format(iname) for key, r in rmap_data.items(): css += "."+key+"{position:absolute;top:"+str(r["y"]+10)+"px;left:"+str(r["x"]+10)+"px;}\n" if r["typerect"] == "text" and r["idtag"].strip() != "": print(r) html += "<p class=\"{0}\">{1}</p>".format(key, json_data[r["idtag"]]["value"]) else: # <input type"radio" checked> creates a checked radio # we need json info if the field was selected pass f.write(skeletal_data.format("", css, html)) @staticmethod def export_json(data): """Export JSON etc""" return dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) def on_close(self, event): """Close the image and remove excess data from the viewer""" event.Skip() self.img = "" self.view.clear_all() self.rmap_loaded = False self.SetTitle("FormCreator " + Preferences.version) def on_selection(self, event): """Apply the selection from listbox to the rectangle selected (if any)""" event.Skip() n = self.listitems[self.listbox.GetSelection()] if self.view.image is not None: self.view.applytype(n) def filter(self, event): """Filter any bad rectangles from the buffer""" event.Skip() if self.view.image is not None: self.view.filter_rects() self.SetStatusText(Preferences.filterRects) def cleanup(self, event): """Cleaning function""" event.Skip() if self.view.image is not None: self.view.cleanup() self.SetStatusText(Preferences.cleanRects) def on_about(self, event): """Instruction dialog for the program""" event.Skip() dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, "\n".join(Preferences.aboutAppInstructions), "About FormCreator", wx.OK) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() def on_stats(self, event): """Statistical count data for the current view""" event.Skip() if self.view.image is not None: s, t, c, r, n = self.view.statistics() dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, Preferences.statisticalData.format(s, t, c, r, n), "Statistics", wx.OK) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() else: self.SetStatusText(Preferences.noImageLoaded) def on_exit(self, event): """Exit the program""" event.Skip() self.view.clear_all() self.Close(True) # close program def on_delete(self, event): """Delete selected rect""" event.Skip() if self.view.image is not None: self.view.deleteselectedrect() self.SetStatusText(Preferences.deletingRect) def del_all(self, event): """Delete all rects""" event.Skip() if self.view.image is not None: self.view.deleteallrects() self.SetStatusText(Preferences.deletingAllRects) def set_type(self, text): """Change the selection in the listbox""" self.listbox.SetStringSelection(text) def apply_name(self, event): """Apply the text to the rectangle""" event.Skip() if self.view.image is not None: self.view.applyname(self.idtext.Value) #end
def __init__(self, parent, title): """Initializer""" wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, title=title) self.w, self.h = 800, 600 # Basic frame information self.SetTitle("Form Creator " + Preferences.version) self.SetClientSize((self.w, self.h)) self.Center() self.Maximize() bp = wx.BoxSizer(orient=wx.VERTICAL) bp.SetMinSize([self.w, self.h]) # set the min size of the window # Add the canvas for rectangular mappi8ng self.view = View(self) self.idtext = wx.TextCtrl(self, 33) self.applybutton = wx.Button(self, -1, " Apply ") self.filename = "" self.img = "" self.rmap_loaded = False self.idtext.SetFocus() self.listitems = ("text", "radio", "checkbox") self.listbox = wx.ListBox(self) for i, I in enumerate(self.listitems): self.listbox.Insert(I, i) # Bottom panel for text entry here with a horizontal sizer panelsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # Test button creation panelsizer.Add(self.applybutton, 0, wx.EXPAND) panelsizer.Add(self.idtext, 1, wx.EXPAND) panelsizer.Add(self.listbox, 2, wx.EXPAND) # Start doing sizers bp.Add(self.view, 1, wx.EXPAND) bp.Add(panelsizer, 0, wx.BOTTOM | wx.EXPAND) self.SetSizer(bp) self.SetAutoLayout(1) bp.Fit(self) # Status bar info and data self.CreateStatusBar() self.SetStatusText(Preferences.welcomeMessage) # File menu operations and buttons fmenu = wx.Menu() openbutton = fmenu.Append(wx.ID_OPEN, "Open", "Open up an image") savebutton = fmenu.Append(wx.ID_SAVE, "Save", "Save your work") closebutton = fmenu.Append(wx.ID_CLOSE, "Close", "Close an image mapping") exportbutton = fmenu.Append(wx.ID_ADD, "Export", "Export to a print page") printbutton = fmenu.Append(wx.ID_BOLD, "Print", "Print all rectangles to text") fmenu.AppendSeparator() aboutbutton = fmenu.Append(wx.ID_ABOUT, "About", "Info on this program") statsbutton = fmenu.Append(wx.ID_STATIC, "Stats", "Statistical data on the view") fmenu.AppendSeparator() exitbutton = fmenu.Append(wx.ID_EXIT, "E&xit", "Terminate the program") emenu = wx.Menu() filtbutton = emenu.Append(wx.ID_CUT, "Filter", "Filter any 'bad' rectangles we can't use") fmenu.AppendSeparator() cleanbutton = emenu.Append(wx.ID_ABORT, "Clean", "Remove any rectangles that don't have ID tags") deletebutton = emenu.Append(wx.ID_DELETE, "Delete", "Delete the current selection") delallbutton = emenu.Append(wx.ID_EXECUTE, "Delete All", "Delete all rectangles (panic mode!)") mb = wx.MenuBar() mb.Append(fmenu, "&File") mb.Append(emenu, "&Edit") # set menubar to be the main menubar of the frame self.SetMenuBar(mb) # set the frame to be shown on screen (this is important) self.Show(True) # Bindings self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_open, openbutton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_save, savebutton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_close, closebutton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_print, printbutton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.export_print_page, exportbutton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_about, aboutbutton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_stats, statsbutton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_exit, exitbutton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.filter, filtbutton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.cleanup, cleanbutton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_delete, deletebutton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.del_all, delallbutton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX, self.on_selection, self.listbox) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.apply_name, self.applybutton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.typing, self.idtext)
def __init__(self): self.board = Board() self.evaluation = Evaluation(self.board) self.view = View(self.board)
class Controller: def __init__(self): self.model = Model() self.view = View() self.firstTime = True self.result = 0.0 self.a = 0.0 self.b = 0.0 self.usePrev = 0 def run(self): while True: self.view.printMenu() selection = self.view.inputSelection() if selection <= 0: continue elif selection == 5: self.view.terminate() return elif not self.firstTime: if self.model.isNumber(self.result): self.usePrev = self.view.usePrevious(self.result) else: self.usePrev = 0 else: self.firstTime = False if self.usePrev == 0: # Enter both operands self.a = self.view.oneOp(1) self.b = self.view.oneOp(2) elif self.usePrev == 1: # Enter second operand self.a = self.result self.view.printOp(1, self.a) self.b = self.view.oneOp(2) elif self.usePrev == 2: # Enter first operand self.a = self.view.oneOp(1) self.b = self.result self.view.printOp(2, self.b) else: # ERROR: Should never reach this block self.view.printInvalidArg() continue self.view.printCalc(selection, self.a, self.b) self.result = self.model.calculate(selection, self.a, self.b) self.view.printResult(self.result) if self.view.anotherOp(): continue else: return