    def testTrack(self):
        mp = MockPlugin(config)

        #Check that the job has been scheduled
        self.assertEquals({}, mp.jobsScheduledEnd)

        # Don't be racy
        currentTime = datetime.now()
        #id is the only required parameter in the job dictionary
        res = mp.track( jobList, currentTime )
        self.assertTrue( 1 in mp.jobsScheduledEnd )
        #check scheduled end (N.B. this includes 20% of random time)
        scheduledEnd = mp.jobsScheduledEnd[1]
        timeTillJob = scheduledEnd - currentTime
        self.assertTrue( timeTillJob >= timedelta(minutes = TEST_JOB_LEN - 1), \
                         "Time till Job %s !>= Delta %s" % (timeTillJob, \
                         timedelta(minutes = TEST_JOB_LEN - 1)))
        self.assertTrue( timeTillJob <= timedelta(minutes = TEST_JOB_LEN*120/100 + 1), \
                         "Time till Job %s !<= Delta %s" % (timeTillJob, \
                         timedelta(minutes = TEST_JOB_LEN * 120/100 + 1)) )
        #the job is running
        self.assertEquals( 'Running', res[0][0]['status'])
        self.assertEquals( 'Running', res[1][0]['status'])
        self.assertEquals( [], res[2])

        #the job is not running anymore
        mp.jobsScheduledEnd[1] = datetime(1900,1,1)
        res = mp.track( jobList )
        self.assertEquals( [], res[0])
        self.assertEquals( 'Done', res[1][0]['status'])
        self.assertEquals( 'Done', res[2][0]['status'])

        del mp
    def testTrack(self):
        mp = MockPlugin(config)

        #Check that the job has been scheduled
        self.assertEquals({}, mp.jobsScheduledEnd)

        # Don't be racy
        currentTime = datetime.now()
        #id is the only required parameter in the job dictionary
        res = mp.track( jobList, currentTime )
        self.assertTrue( mp.jobsScheduledEnd.has_key(1L) )
        #check scheduled end (N.B. this includes 20% of random time)
        scheduledEnd = mp.jobsScheduledEnd[1L]
        timeTillJob = scheduledEnd - currentTime
        self.assertTrue( timeTillJob >= timedelta(minutes = TEST_JOB_LEN - 1), \
                         "Time till Job %s !>= Delta %s" % (timeTillJob, \
                         timedelta(minutes = TEST_JOB_LEN - 1)))
        self.assertTrue( timeTillJob <= timedelta(minutes = TEST_JOB_LEN*120/100 + 1), \
                         "Time till Job %s !<= Delta %s" % (timeTillJob, \
                         timedelta(minutes = TEST_JOB_LEN * 120/100 + 1)) )
        #the job is running
        self.assertEquals( 'Running', res[0][0]['status'])
        self.assertEquals( 'Running', res[1][0]['status'])
        self.assertEquals( [], res[2])

        #the job is not running anymore
        mp.jobsScheduledEnd[1L] = datetime(1900,1,1)
        res = mp.track( jobList )
        self.assertEquals( [], res[0])
        self.assertEquals( 'Done', res[1][0]['status'])
        self.assertEquals( 'Done', res[2][0]['status'])

        del mp
    def testTrack(self):
        mp = MockPlugin(config)

        # Check that the job has been scheduled
        self.assertEquals({}, mp.jobsScheduledEnd)
        # id is the only required parameter in the job dictionary
        res = mp.track(jobList)
        # check scheduled end (N.B. this includes 20% of random time)
        scheduledEnd = mp.jobsScheduledEnd[1L]
        self.assertTrue((scheduledEnd - datetime.now()) > timedelta(minutes=TEST_JOB_LEN))
        self.assertTrue((scheduledEnd - datetime.now()) < timedelta(minutes=TEST_JOB_LEN * 120 / 100))
        # the job is running
        self.assertEquals("Running", res[0][0]["status"])
        self.assertEquals("Running", res[1][0]["status"])
        self.assertEquals([], res[2])

        # the job is not running anymore
        mp.jobsScheduledEnd[1L] = datetime(1900, 1, 1)
        res = mp.track(jobList)
        self.assertEquals([], res[0])
        self.assertEquals("Done", res[1][0]["status"])
        self.assertEquals("Done", res[2][0]["status"])