    def insertFiles(self, fwkJobRep, insertDetectorData=False):

        Process the files in the FwkJobReport instance and insert
        them into the associated datasets

        A list of affected fileblock names is returned both for merged 
        and unmerged fileblocks. Only merged blocks will have to be managed. 
        #for merged file
        #blocks to facilitate management of those blocks.
        #This list is not populated for processing jobs since we dont really
        #care about the processing job blocks.


        insertLists = {}
        orderedHashes = []
        affectedBlocks = set()

        if len(fwkJobRep.files) <= 0:
            msg = "Error in DBSWriter.insertFiles\n"
            msg += "No files found in FrameWorkJobReport for:\n"
            msg += "==> JobSpecId: %s" % fwkJobRep.jobSpecId
            msg += " Workflow: %s" % fwkJobRep.workflowSpecId
            raise DBSWriterError(msg)

        for outFile in fwkJobRep.sortFiles():
            #  //
            # // Convert each file into a DBS File object
            # //
            seName = None
            if outFile.has_key("SEName"):
                if outFile["SEName"]:
                    seName = outFile["SEName"]
                    logging.debug("SEname associated to file is: %s" % seName)
            ## remove the fallback to site se-name if no SE is associated to File
            ## because it's likely that there is some stage out problem if there
            ## is no SEName associated to the file.
            #            if not seName:
            #                if fwkJobRep.siteDetails.has_key("se-name"):
            #                   seName = fwkJobRep.siteDetails['se-name']
            #                   seName = str(seName)
            #                   logging.debug("site SEname: %s"%seName)
            if not seName:
                msg = "Error in DBSWriter.insertFiles\n"
                msg += "No SEname associated to files in FrameWorkJobReport for "
                #                msg += "No SEname found in FrameWorkJobReport for "
                msg += "==> JobSpecId: %s" % fwkJobRep.jobSpecId
                msg += " Workflow: %s" % fwkJobRep.workflowSpecId
                raise DBSWriterError(msg)
                if insertDetectorData:
                    dbsFiles = DBSWriterObjects.createDBSFiles(outFile, fwkJobRep.jobType, self.dbs)
                    dbsFiles = DBSWriterObjects.createDBSFiles(outFile, fwkJobRep.jobType)
            except DbsException, ex:
                msg = "Error in DBSWriter.insertFiles:\n"
                msg += "Error creating DbsFile instances for file:\n"
                msg += "%s\n" % outFile["LFN"]
                msg += "%s\n" % formatEx(ex)
                raise DBSWriterError(msg)

            if len(dbsFiles) <= 0:
                msg = "No DbsFile instances created. Not enough info in the FrameWorkJobReport for"
                msg += "==> JobSpecId: %s" % fwkJobRep.jobSpecId
                msg += " Workflow: %s" % fwkJobRep.workflowSpecId
                raise DBSWriterError(msg)

            for f in dbsFiles:
                datasetName = makeDBSDSName(f)
                hashName = "%s-%s" % (seName, datasetName)

                if not insertLists.has_key(hashName):
                    insertLists[hashName] = _InsertFileList(seName, datasetName)

                if not orderedHashes.count(hashName):
    def insertFiles(self, fwkJobRep, insertDetectorData=False):

        Process the files in the FwkJobReport instance and insert
        them into the associated datasets

        A list of affected fileblock names is returned both for merged 
        and unmerged fileblocks. Only merged blocks will have to be managed. 
        #for merged file
        #blocks to facilitate management of those blocks.
        #This list is not populated for processing jobs since we dont really
        #care about the processing job blocks.


        insertLists = {}
        orderedHashes = []
        affectedBlocks = set()

        if len(fwkJobRep.files) <= 0:
            msg = "Error in DBSWriter.insertFiles\n"
            msg += "No files found in FrameWorkJobReport for:\n"
            msg += "==> JobSpecId: %s" % fwkJobRep.jobSpecId
            msg += " Workflow: %s" % fwkJobRep.workflowSpecId
            raise DBSWriterError(msg)

        for outFile in fwkJobRep.sortFiles():
            #  //
            # // Convert each file into a DBS File object
            seName = None
            if outFile.has_key("SEName"):
                if outFile['SEName']:
                    seName = outFile['SEName']
                    logging.debug("SEname associated to file is: %s" % seName)

## remove the fallback to site se-name if no SE is associated to File
## because it's likely that there is some stage out problem if there
## is no SEName associated to the file.
#            if not seName:
#                if fwkJobRep.siteDetails.has_key("se-name"):
#                   seName = fwkJobRep.siteDetails['se-name']
#                   seName = str(seName)
#                   logging.debug("site SEname: %s"%seName)
            if not seName:
                msg = "Error in DBSWriter.insertFiles\n"
                msg += "No SEname associated to files in FrameWorkJobReport for "
                #                msg += "No SEname found in FrameWorkJobReport for "
                msg += "==> JobSpecId: %s" % fwkJobRep.jobSpecId
                msg += " Workflow: %s" % fwkJobRep.workflowSpecId
                raise DBSWriterError(msg)
                if (insertDetectorData):
                    dbsFiles = DBSWriterObjects.createDBSFiles(
                        outFile, fwkJobRep.jobType, self.dbs)
                    dbsFiles = DBSWriterObjects.createDBSFiles(
                        outFile, fwkJobRep.jobType)
            except DbsException, ex:
                msg = "Error in DBSWriter.insertFiles:\n"
                msg += "Error creating DbsFile instances for file:\n"
                msg += "%s\n" % outFile['LFN']
                msg += "%s\n" % formatEx(ex)
                raise DBSWriterError(msg)

            if len(dbsFiles) <= 0:
                msg = "No DbsFile instances created. Not enough info in the FrameWorkJobReport for"
                msg += "==> JobSpecId: %s" % fwkJobRep.jobSpecId
                msg += " Workflow: %s" % fwkJobRep.workflowSpecId
                raise DBSWriterError(msg)

            for f in dbsFiles:
                datasetName = makeDBSDSName(f)
                hashName = "%s-%s" % (seName, datasetName)

                if not insertLists.has_key(hashName):
                    insertLists[hashName] = _InsertFileList(
                        seName, datasetName)

                if not orderedHashes.count(hashName):
    def insertFiles(self, fwkJobRep, insertDetectorData=False):

        Process the files in the FwkJobReport instance and insert
        them into the associated datasets

        A list of affected fileblock names is returned both for merged
        and unmerged fileblocks. Only merged blocks will have to be managed.
        #for merged file
        #blocks to facilitate management of those blocks.
        #This list is not populated for processing jobs since we dont really
        #care about the processing job blocks.


        insertLists = {}
        orderedHashes = []
        affectedBlocks = set()

        if len(fwkJobRep.files) <= 0:
            msg = "Error in DBSWriter.insertFiles\n"
            msg += "No files found in FrameWorkJobReport for:\n"
            msg += "==> JobSpecId: %s" % fwkJobRep.jobSpecId
            msg += " Workflow: %s" % fwkJobRep.workflowSpecId
            raise DBSWriterError(msg)

        for outFile in fwkJobRep.sortFiles():
            #  //
            # // Convert each file into a DBS File object
            seName = None
            if "SEName" in outFile:
                if outFile['SEName']:
                    seName = outFile['SEName']
                    logging.debug("SEname associated to file is: %s" % seName)

## remove the fallback to site se-name if no SE is associated to File
## because it's likely that there is some stage out problem if there
## is no SEName associated to the file.
#            if not seName:
#                if fwkJobRep.siteDetails.has_key("se-name"):
#                   seName = fwkJobRep.siteDetails['se-name']
#                   seName = str(seName)
#                   logging.debug("site SEname: %s"%seName)
            if not seName:
                msg = "Error in DBSWriter.insertFiles\n"
                msg += "No SEname associated to files in FrameWorkJobReport for "
                #                msg += "No SEname found in FrameWorkJobReport for "
                msg += "==> JobSpecId: %s" % fwkJobRep.jobSpecId
                msg += " Workflow: %s" % fwkJobRep.workflowSpecId
                raise DBSWriterError(msg)
                if (insertDetectorData):
                    dbsFiles = DBSWriterObjects.createDBSFiles(
                        outFile, fwkJobRep.jobType, self.dbs)
                    dbsFiles = DBSWriterObjects.createDBSFiles(
                        outFile, fwkJobRep.jobType)
            except DbsException as ex:
                msg = "Error in DBSWriter.insertFiles:\n"
                msg += "Error creating DbsFile instances for file:\n"
                msg += "%s\n" % outFile['LFN']
                msg += "%s\n" % formatEx(ex)
                raise DBSWriterError(msg)

            if len(dbsFiles) <= 0:
                msg = "No DbsFile instances created. Not enough info in the FrameWorkJobReport for"
                msg += "==> JobSpecId: %s" % fwkJobRep.jobSpecId
                msg += " Workflow: %s" % fwkJobRep.workflowSpecId
                raise DBSWriterError(msg)

            for f in dbsFiles:
                datasetName = makeDBSDSName(f)
                hashName = "%s-%s" % (seName, datasetName)

                if hashName not in insertLists:
                    insertLists[hashName] = _InsertFileList(
                        seName, datasetName)

                if not orderedHashes.count(hashName):

        #  //Processing Jobs:
        # // Insert the lists of sorted files into the appropriate
        #//  fileblocks

        for hash in orderedHashes:

            fileList = insertLists[hash]
            procDataset = fileList[0]['Dataset']

                fileBlock = DBSWriterObjects.getDBSFileBlock(
                    self.dbs, procDataset, fileList.seName)

            except DbsException as ex:
                msg = "Error in DBSWriter.insertFiles\n"
                msg += "Cannot retrieve FileBlock for dataset:\n"
                msg += " %s\n" % procDataset
                msg += "In Storage Element:\n %s\n" % fileList.seName
                msg += "%s\n" % formatEx(ex)
                raise DBSWriterError(msg)

            if fwkJobRep.jobType == "Merge":
                #  //
                # // Merge files
                for mergedFile in fileList:
                    mergedFile['Block'] = fileBlock
                    msg = "calling: self.dbs.insertMergedFile(%s, %s)" % (str(
                        mergedFile['ParentList']), str(mergedFile))

                    except DbsException as ex:
                        msg = "Error in DBSWriter.insertFiles\n"
                        msg += "Cannot insert merged file:\n"
                        msg += "  %s\n" % mergedFile['LogicalFileName']
                        msg += "%s\n" % formatEx(ex)
                        raise DBSWriterError(msg)
                        "Inserted merged file: %s to FileBlock: %s" %
                        (mergedFile['LogicalFileName'], fileBlock['Name']))
                #  //
                # // Processing files
                msg = "calling: self.dbs.insertFiles(%s, %s, %s)" % (
                    str(procDataset), str(list(fileList)), str(fileBlock))

                    self.dbs.insertFiles(procDataset, list(fileList),
                except DbsException as ex:
                    msg = "Error in DBSWriter.insertFiles\n"
                    msg += "Cannot insert processed files:\n"
                    msg += " %s\n" % ([x['LogicalFileName']
                                       for x in fileList], )

                    msg += "%s\n" % formatEx(ex)
                    raise DBSWriterError(msg)
                logging.debug("Inserted files: %s to FileBlock: %s" %
                                 for x in fileList]), fileBlock['Name']))

        return list(affectedBlocks)
    def insertFiles(self, fwkJobRep, insertDetectorData = False):

        Process the files in the FwkJobReport instance and insert
        them into the associated datasets

        A list of affected fileblock names is returned both for merged
        and unmerged fileblocks. Only merged blocks will have to be managed.
        #for merged file
        #blocks to facilitate management of those blocks.
        #This list is not populated for processing jobs since we dont really
        #care about the processing job blocks.


        insertLists = {}
        orderedHashes = []
        affectedBlocks = set()

        if len(fwkJobRep.files)<=0:
            msg = "Error in DBSWriter.insertFiles\n"
            msg += "No files found in FrameWorkJobReport for:\n"
            msg += "==> JobSpecId: %s"%fwkJobRep.jobSpecId
            msg += " Workflow: %s"%fwkJobRep.workflowSpecId
            raise DBSWriterError(msg)

        for outFile in fwkJobRep.sortFiles():
            #  //
            # // Convert each file into a DBS File object
            pnn = None
            if "PNN" in outFile:
                if outFile['PNN'] :
                    pnn = outFile['PNN']
                    logging.debug("PNN associated to file is: %s"%pnn)
## remove the fallback to site se-name if no SE is associated to File
## because it's likely that there is some stage out problem if there
## is no SEName associated to the file.
#            if not seName:
#                if fwkJobRep.siteDetails.has_key("se-name"):
#                   seName = fwkJobRep.siteDetails['se-name']
#                   seName = str(seName)
#                   logging.debug("site SEname: %s"%seName)
            if not pnn:
                msg = "Error in DBSWriter.insertFiles\n"
                msg += "No PNN associated to files in FrameWorkJobReport for "
#                msg += "No SEname found in FrameWorkJobReport for "
                msg += "==> JobSpecId: %s"%fwkJobRep.jobSpecId
                msg += " Workflow: %s"%fwkJobRep.workflowSpecId
                raise DBSWriterError(msg)
                if ( insertDetectorData ):
                    dbsFiles = DBSWriterObjects.createDBSFiles(outFile,
                    dbsFiles = DBSWriterObjects.createDBSFiles(outFile,
            except DbsException as ex:
                msg = "Error in DBSWriter.insertFiles:\n"
                msg += "Error creating DbsFile instances for file:\n"
                msg += "%s\n" % outFile['LFN']
                msg += "%s\n" % formatEx(ex)
                raise DBSWriterError(msg)

            if len(dbsFiles)<=0:
                msg="No DbsFile instances created. Not enough info in the FrameWorkJobReport for"
                msg += "==> JobSpecId: %s"%fwkJobRep.jobSpecId
                msg += " Workflow: %s"%fwkJobRep.workflowSpecId
                raise DBSWriterError(msg)

            for f in dbsFiles:
                datasetName = makeDBSDSName(f)
                hashName = "%s-%s" % (pnn, datasetName)

                if hashName not in insertLists:
                    insertLists[hashName] = _InsertFileList(pnn,

                if not orderedHashes.count(hashName):

        #  //Processing Jobs:
        # // Insert the lists of sorted files into the appropriate
        #//  fileblocks

        for hash in orderedHashes:

            fileList = insertLists[hash]
            procDataset = fileList[0]['Dataset']

                fileBlock = DBSWriterObjects.getDBSFileBlock(

            except DbsException as ex:
                msg = "Error in DBSWriter.insertFiles\n"
                msg += "Cannot retrieve FileBlock for dataset:\n"
                msg += " %s\n" % procDataset
#                msg += "In Storage Element:\n %s\n" % fileList.seName
                msg += "In PNN:\n %s\n" % fileList.pnn
                msg += "%s\n" % formatEx(ex)
                raise DBSWriterError(msg)

            if fwkJobRep.jobType == "Merge":
                #  //
                # // Merge files
                for mergedFile in fileList:
                    mergedFile['Block'] = fileBlock
                    msg="calling: self.dbs.insertMergedFile(%s, %s)" % (str(mergedFile['ParentList']),str(mergedFile))

                    except DbsException as ex:
                        msg = "Error in DBSWriter.insertFiles\n"
                        msg += "Cannot insert merged file:\n"
                        msg += "  %s\n" % mergedFile['LogicalFileName']
                        msg += "%s\n" % formatEx(ex)
                        raise DBSWriterError(msg)
                    logging.debug("Inserted merged file: %s to FileBlock: %s"%(mergedFile['LogicalFileName'],fileBlock['Name']))
                #  //
                # // Processing files
                msg="calling: self.dbs.insertFiles(%s, %s, %s)" % (str(procDataset),str(list(fileList)),str(fileBlock))

                    self.dbs.insertFiles(procDataset, list(fileList),
                except DbsException as ex:
                    msg = "Error in DBSWriter.insertFiles\n"
                    msg += "Cannot insert processed files:\n"
                    msg += " %s\n" % (
                        [ x['LogicalFileName'] for x in fileList ],

                    msg += "%s\n" % formatEx(ex)
                    raise DBSWriterError(msg)
                logging.debug("Inserted files: %s to FileBlock: %s"%( ([ x['LogicalFileName'] for x in fileList ]),fileBlock['Name']))

        return list(affectedBlocks)