def testLoggerLevels(self): """ _testLoggerLevels_ Just test logger levels and if correct message is printed """ logging = Logger() for level in range(len(logging.LEVELS)): testString = "Test logging level" logging.setLogLevel(level) logging.log(level, testString)
def main(): """ Main function """ logger = Logger(Logger.DEBUG) pi = ProcInfo(logger) print("first update") pi.update() print("Sleeping to accumulate") time.sleep(1) pi.update() print("System Monitoring:") sysCpuParams = ['cpu_usr', 'cpu_sys', 'cpu_idle', 'cpu_nice', 'cpu_usage', 'context_switches', 'interrupts'] sysIoParams = ['blocks_in', 'blocks_out', 'swap_in', 'swap_out'] sysMemParams = ['mem_used', 'mem_free', 'total_mem', 'mem_usage'] sysSwapParams = ['swap_used', 'swap_free', 'total_swap', 'swap_usage'] sysLoadParams = ['load1', 'load5', 'load15', 'processes', 'uptime'] sysGenParams = ['hostname', 'cpu_MHz', 'no_CPUs', 'cpu_vendor_id', 'cpu_family', 'cpu_model', 'cpu_model_name', 'bogomips'] sysNetParams = ['net_in', 'net_out', 'net_errs', 'ip'] sysNetStat = ['sockets_tcp', 'sockets_udp', 'sockets_unix', 'sockets_icm'] sysTcpDetails = ['sockets_tcp_ESTABLISHED', 'sockets_tcp_SYN_SENT', 'sockets_tcp_SYN_RECV', 'sockets_tcp_FIN_WAIT1', 'sockets_tcp_FIN_WAIT2', 'sockets_tcp_TIME_WAIT', 'sockets_tcp_CLOSED', 'sockets_tcp_CLOSE_WAIT', 'sockets_tcp_LAST_ACK', 'sockets_tcp_LISTEN', 'sockets_tcp_CLOSING', 'sockets_tcp_UNKNOWN'] print("sys_cpu_params", pi.getSystemData(sysCpuParams)) print("sys_io_params", pi.getSystemData(sysIoParams)) print("sys_mem_params", pi.getSystemData(sysMemParams)) print("sys_swap_params", pi.getSystemData(sysSwapParams)) print("sys_load_params", pi.getSystemData(sysLoadParams)) print("sys_gen_params", pi.getSystemData(sysGenParams)) print("sys_net_params", pi.getSystemData(sysNetParams)) print("sys_net_stat", pi.getSystemData(sysNetStat)) print("sys_tcp_details", pi.getSystemData(sysTcpDetails)) jobPid = os.getpid() print("Job (mysefl) monitoring:") pi.addJobToMonitor(jobPid, os.getcwd()) print("Sleep another second") time.sleep(1) pi.update() jobCpuParams = ['run_time', 'cpu_time', 'cpu_usage'] jobMemParams = ['mem_usage', 'rss', 'virtualmem', 'open_files'] jobDiskParams = ['workdir_size', 'disk_used', 'disk_free', 'disk_total', 'disk_usage'] time.sleep(10) print("job_cpu_params", pi.getJobData(jobPid, jobCpuParams)) print("job_mem_params", pi.getJobData(jobPid, jobMemParams)) print("job_disk_params", pi.getJobData(jobPid, jobDiskParams)) pi.removeJobToMonitor(os.getpid())
class ApMon(object): """ Main class for sending monitoring data to a MonaLisa module. One or more destinations can be chosen for the data. See constructor. The data is packed in UDP datagrams, using XDR. The following fields are sent: - version & password(string) - cluster name(string) - node name(string) - number of parameters(int) - for each parameter: - name(string) - value type(int) - value - optionally a(int) with the given timestamp Attributes(public): - destinations - a list containing(ip, port, password) tuples - configAddresses - list with files and urls from where the config is read - configRecheckInterval - period, in seconds, to check for changes in the configAddresses list - configRecheck - boolean - whether to recheck periodically for changes in the configAddresses list """ __defaultOptions = { 'job_monitoring': True, # perform(or not) job monitoring 'job_interval': 120, # at this interval(in seconds) 'job_data_sent': 0, # time from Epoch when job information was sent; don't touch! 'job_cpu_time': True, # elapsed time from the start of this job in seconds 'job_run_time': True, # processor time spent running this job in seconds 'job_cpu_usage': True, # current percent of the processor used for this job, as reported by ps 'job_virtualmem': True, # size in JB of the virtual memory occupied by the job, as reported by ps 'job_rss': True, # size in KB of the resident image size of the job, as reported by ps 'job_mem_usage': True, # percent of the memory occupied by the job, as reported by ps 'job_workdir_size': True, # size in MB of the working directory of the job 'job_disk_total': True, # size in MB of the total size of the disk partition containing the working directory 'job_disk_used': True, # size in MB of the used disk partition containing the working directory 'job_disk_free': True, # size in MB of the free disk partition containing the working directory 'job_disk_usage': True, # percent of the used disk partition containing the working directory 'job_open_files': True, # number of open file descriptors 'sys_monitoring': True, # perform(or not) system monitoring 'sys_interval': 120, # at this interval(in seconds) 'sys_data_sent': 0, # time from Epoch when system information was sent; don't touch! 'sys_cpu_usr': True, # cpu-usage information 'sys_cpu_sys': True, # all these will produce coresponding paramas without "sys_" 'sys_cpu_nice': True, 'sys_cpu_idle': True, 'sys_cpu_iowait': True, 'sys_cpu_usage': True, 'sys_interrupts_R': True, 'sys_context_switches_R': True, 'sys_load1': True, # system load information 'sys_load5': True, 'sys_load15': True, 'sys_mem_used': True, # memory usage information 'sys_mem_free': True, 'sys_mem_actualfree': True, # actually free amount of mem: free + buffers + cached 'sys_mem_usage': True, 'sys_mem_buffers': True, 'sys_mem_cached': True, 'sys_blocks_in_R': True, 'sys_blocks_out_R': True, 'sys_swap_used': True, # swap usage information 'sys_swap_free': True, 'sys_swap_usage': True, 'sys_swap_in_R': True, 'sys_swap_out_R': True, 'sys_net_in': True, # network transfer in kBps 'sys_net_out': True, # these will produce params called ethX_in, ethX_out, ethX_errs 'sys_net_errs': True, # for each eth interface 'sys_net_sockets': True, # number of opened sockets for each proto => sockets_tcp/udp/unix ... 'sys_net_tcp_details': True, # number of tcp sockets in each state => sockets_tcp_LISTEN, ... 'sys_processes': True, 'sys_uptime': True, # uptime of the machine, in days(float number) 'general_info': True, # send(or not) general host information once every 2 x $sys_interval seconds 'general_data_sent': 0, # time from Epoch when general information was sent; don't touch! 'hostname': True, 'ip': True, # will produce ethX_ip params for each interface 'cpu_MHz': True, 'no_CPUs': True, # number of CPUs 'kernel_version': True, 'platform': True, 'os_type': True, 'total_mem': True, 'total_swap': True, 'cpu_vendor_id': True, 'cpu_family': True, 'cpu_model': True, 'cpu_model_name': True, 'bogomips': True } def __init__(self, initValue, defaultLogLevel=Logger.INFO): """ Class constructor: - if initValue is a string, put it in configAddresses and load destinations from the file named like that. if it starts with "http://", the configuration is loaded from that URL. For background monitoring, given parameters will overwrite defaults - if initValue is a list, put its contents in configAddresses and create the list of destinations from all those sources. For background monitoring, given parameters will overwrite defaults(see __defaultOptions) - if initValue is a tuple(of strings), initialize destinations with that values. Strings in this tuple have this form: "{hostname|ip}[:port][ passwd]", the default port being 8884 and the default password being "". Background monitoring will be enabled sending the parameters active from __defaultOptions(see end of file) - if initValue is a hash(key = string(hostname|ip[:port][ passwd]), val = hash{'param_name': True/False, ...}) the given options for each destination will overwrite the default parameters(see __defaultOptions) """ self.destinations = { } # empty, by default; key = tuple(host, port, pass) ; val = hash {"param_mame" : True/False, ...} self.destPrevData = { } # empty, by defaul; key = tuple(host, port, pass) ; val = hash {"param_mame" : value, ...} self.senderRef = { } # key = tuple(host, port, pass); val = hash {'INSTANCE_ID', 'SEQ_NR' } self.configAddresses = [ ] # empty, by default; list of files/urls from where we read config self.configRecheckInterval = 600 # 10 minutes self.configRecheck = True # enabled by default self.performBgMonitoring = True # by default, perform background monitoring self.monitoredJobs = {} # Monitored jobs; key = pid; value = hash with self.maxMsgRate = 100 # Maximum number of messages allowed to be sent per second self.maxMsgSize = 1440 # Maximum size of a message. Bulk parameters are split in several messages of smaller size self.__defaultSenderRef = { 'INSTANCE_ID': self.__getInstanceID(), 'SEQ_NR': 0 } self.__defaultUserCluster = "ApMon_UserSend" self.__defaultUserNode = socket.getfqdn() self.__defaultSysMonCluster = "ApMon_SysMon" self.__defaultSysMonNode = socket.getfqdn() # don't touch these: self.__freed = False self.__udpSocket = None self.__configUpdateLock = threading.Lock() self.__configUpdateEvent = threading.Event() self.__configUpdateFinished = threading.Event() self.__bgMonitorLock = threading.Lock() self.__bgMonitorEvent = threading.Event() self.__bgMonitorFinished = threading.Event() # don't allow a user to send more than MAX_MSG messages per second, in average self.__crtTime = 0 self.__prvTime = 0 self.__prvSent = 0 self.__prvDrop = 0 self.__crtSent = 0 self.__crtDrop = 0 self.__hWeight = 0.95 try: self.logger = Logger(defaultLogLevel) except: self.logger = defaultLogLevel try: self.setDestinations(initValue) self.__udpSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) if len(self.configAddresses) > 0: # if there are addresses that need to be monitored, # start config checking and reloading thread th = threading.Thread(target=self.__configLoader) th.setDaemon(True) # this is a daemon thread th.start() # create the ProcInfo instance self.procInfo = ProcInfo.ProcInfo(self.logger) # self.procInfo.update() # start the background monitoring thread th = threading.Thread(target=self.__bgMonitor) th.setDaemon(True) th.start() except Exception as msg: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Error initializing ApMon " + str(msg), True) def sendParams(self, params): """ Send multiple parameters to MonALISA, with default(last given) cluser and node names. """ self.sendTimedParams(-1, params) def sendTimedParams(self, timeStamp, params): """ Send multiple parameters, specifying the time for them, with default(last given) cluster and node names. (See sendTimedParameters for more details) """ self.sendTimedParameters(None, None, timeStamp, params) def sendParameter(self, clusterName, nodeName, paramName, paramValue): """ Send a single parameter to MonALISA. """ self.sendTimedParameter(clusterName, nodeName, -1, paramName, paramValue) def sendTimedParameter(self, clusterName, nodeName, timeStamp, paramName, paramValue): """ Send a single parameter, with a given time. """ self.sendTimedParameters(clusterName, nodeName, timeStamp, {paramName: paramValue}) def sendParameters(self, clusterName, nodeName, params): """ Send multiple parameters specifying cluster and node name for them """ self.sendTimedParameters(clusterName, nodeName, -1, params) def sendTimedParameters(self, clusterName, nodeName, timeStamp, params): """ Send multiple monitored parameters to MonALISA. - clusterName is the name of the cluster being monitored. The first time this function is called, this paramenter must not be None. Then, it can be None; last given clusterName will be used instead. - nodeName is the name of the node for which are the parameters. If this is None, the full hostname of this machine will be sent instead. - timeStamp, if > 0, is given time for the parameters. This is in seconds from Epoch. Note that this option should be used only if you are sure about the time for the result. Otherwize, the parameters will be assigned a correct time(obtained from NTP servers) in MonALISA service. This option can be usefull when parsing logs, for example. - params is a dictionary containing pairs with: - key: parameter name - value: parameter value, either int or float. or params is a vector of tuples(key, value). This version can be used in case you want to send the parameters in a given order. NOTE that python doesn't know about 32-bit floats(only 64-bit floats!) """ try: if clusterName is None or clusterName == "": clusterName = self.__defaultUserCluster else: if isinstance(clusterName, int): clusterName = str(clusterName) self.__defaultUserCluster = clusterName if nodeName is None: nodeName = self.__defaultUserNode else: if isinstance(nodeName, int): nodeName = str(nodeName) self.__defaultUserNode = nodeName if len(self.destinations) == 0: self.logger.log( Logger.WARNING, "Not sending parameters since no destination is defined.") return self.__configUpdateLock.acquire() for dest in list(self.destinations.keys()): self.__directSendParams(dest, clusterName, nodeName, timeStamp, params) self.__configUpdateLock.release() except Exception as msg: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Error in sendTimedParameters: " + str(msg), True) def addJobToMonitor(self, pid, workDir, clusterName, nodeName): """ Add a new job to monitor. """ try: pid = int(pid) except Exception as msg: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Job's PID should be a number: " + str(msg), True) try: self.__bgMonitorLock.acquire() self.monitoredJobs[pid] = {} self.monitoredJobs[pid]['CLUSTER_NAME'] = clusterName self.monitoredJobs[pid]['NODE_NAME'] = nodeName self.procInfo.addJobToMonitor(pid, workDir) self.__bgMonitorLock.release() except Exception as msg: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Error in addJobToMonitor: " + str(msg), True) def removeJobToMonitor(self, pid): """ Remove a job from being monitored. """ try: self.__bgMonitorLock.acquire() self.procInfo.removeJobToMonitor(pid) if pid in self.monitoredJobs: del self.monitoredJobs[pid] else: self.logger.log( Logger.ERROR, "Asked to stop monitoring job that is not monitored; given pid=" + str(pid), False) self.__bgMonitorLock.release() except Exception as msg: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Error in removeJobToMonitor: " + str(msg), True) def setMonitorClusterNode(self, clusterName, nodeName): """ Set the cluster and node names where to send system related information. """ self.__bgMonitorLock.acquire() if clusterName is not None and clusterName != "": self.__defaultSysMonCluster = clusterName if nodeName is not None and nodeName != "": self.__defaultSysMonNode = nodeName self.__bgMonitorLock.release() def enableBgMonitoring(self, onOff): """ Enable or disable background monitoring. Note that background monitoring information can still be sent if user calls the sendBgMonitoring method. """ self.performBgMonitoring = onOff def sendBgMonitoring(self, mustSend=False): """ Send background monitoring about system and jobs to all interested destinations. If mustSend == True, the information is sent regardles of the elapsed time since last sent If mustSend == False, the data is sent only if the required interval has passed since last sent """ try: if len(self.destinations) == 0: self.logger.log( Logger.WARNING, "Not sending bg monitoring info since no destination is defined." ) return self.__bgMonitorLock.acquire() now = int(time.time()) updatedProcInfo = False for destination, options in list(self.destinations.items()): sysParams = [] jobParams = [] prevRawData = self.destPrevData[destination] # for each destination and its options, check if we have to report any background monitoring data if options['sys_monitoring'] and ( mustSend or options['sys_data_sent'] + options['sys_interval'] <= now): for param, active in list(options.items()): m = re.match("sys_(.+)", param) if m is not None and active: param = if not (param == 'monitoring' or param == 'interval' or param == 'data_sent'): sysParams.append(param) options['sys_data_sent'] = now if options['job_monitoring'] and ( mustSend or options['job_data_sent'] + options['job_interval'] <= now): for param, active in list(options.items()): m = re.match("job_(.+)", param) if m is not None and active: param = if not (param == 'monitoring' or param == 'interval' or param == 'data_sent'): jobParams.append(param) options['job_data_sent'] = now if options['general_info'] and ( mustSend or options['general_data_sent'] + 2 * int(options['sys_interval']) <= now): for param, active in list(options.items()): if not (param.startswith("sys_") or param.startswith("job_")) and active: if not (param == 'general_info' or param == 'general_data_sent'): sysParams.append(param) options['general_data_sent'] = now if not updatedProcInfo and ((len(sysParams) > 0) or (len(jobParams) > 0)): self.procInfo.update() updatedProcInfo = True sysResults = [] if len(sysParams) > 0: sysResults = self.procInfo.getSystemData( sysParams, prevRawData) if len(sysResults) > 0: self.__directSendParams(destination, self.__defaultSysMonCluster, self.__defaultSysMonNode, -1, sysResults) for pid, props in list(self.monitoredJobs.items()): jobResults = [] if len(jobParams) > 0: jobResults = self.procInfo.getJobData(pid, jobParams) if len(jobResults) > 0: self.__directSendParams(destination, props['CLUSTER_NAME'], props['NODE_NAME'], -1, jobResults) self.__bgMonitorLock.release() except Exception as msg: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Error in sendBgMonitoring: " + str(msg), True) def setDestinations(self, initValue): """ Set the destinations of the ApMon instance. It accepts the same parameters as the constructor. """ try: if isinstance(initValue, basestring): self.configAddresses = [initValue] self.configRecheck = True self.configRecheckInterval = 600 self.__reloadAddresses() elif isinstance(initValue, (list, tuple)): self.configAddresses = [] for dest in initValue: self.__addDestination(dest, self.destinations) self.configRecheck = False elif isinstance(initValue, dict): self.configAddresses = [] for dest, opts in list(initValue.items()): self.__addDestination(dest, self.destinations, opts) self.configRecheck = False except Exception as msg: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Error in setDestinations: " + str(msg), True) def getConfig(self): """ Returns a multi-line string that contains the configuration of ApMon. This string can be passed to the setDestination method(or to the constructor). It has the same structure as the config file/url contents. """ conf = "" for dest, opts in list(self.destinations.items()): h, p, w = dest conf += h + ":" + str(p) + " " + w + "\n\n" ok = sorted(opts.keys()) for o in ok: conf += "xApMon_" + o + " = " + str(opts[o]) + "\n" conf += "TODO: add the others \n" return conf def initializedOK(self): """ Returns true if there are destination(s) configured. """ return len(self.destinations) > 0 def freedOK(self): """ Returns true if all ApMon resources were properly freed. """ return self.__freed def setLogLevel(self, strLevel): """ Change the log level. Given level is a string, one of 'FATAL', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'NOTICE', 'DEBUG'. """ self.logger.setLogLevel(strLevel) def setMaxMsgRate(self, rate): """ Set the maximum number of messages that can be sent, per second. """ self.maxMsgRate = rate self.logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "Setting maxMsgRate to: " + str(rate)) def setMaxMsgSize(self, size): """ Set the maximum size of the sent messages. ApMon will try to split in several independent messages parameters sent in bulk, if the size would be larger than this """ self.maxMsgSize = size self.logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "Setting maxMsgSize to: %d" % size) def free(self): """ Stop background threands, close opened sockets. You have to use this function if you want to free all the resources that ApMon takes, and allow it to be garbage-collected. """ try: if len(self.configAddresses) > 0: self.__configUpdateEvent.set() self.__configUpdateFinished.wait() self.__bgMonitorEvent.set() self.__bgMonitorFinished.wait() if self.__udpSocket is not None: self.logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "Closing UDP socket on ApMon object destroy.") self.__udpSocket.close() self.__udpSocket = None self.__freed = True except Exception as msg: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Error in free: " + str(msg), True) ######################################################################################### # Internal functions - Config reloader thread ######################################################################################### def __configLoader(self): """ Main loop of the thread that checks for changes and reloads the configuration """ try: while not self.__configUpdateEvent.isSet(): self.__configUpdateEvent.wait( min(30, self.configRecheckInterval) ) # don't recheck more often than 30 sec if self.__configUpdateEvent.isSet(): break if self.configRecheck: try: self.__reloadAddresses() self.logger.log( Logger.DEBUG, "Config reloaded. Seleeping for " + repr(self.configRecheckInterval) + " sec.") except Exception as msg: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Error reloading config: " + str(msg), True) self.__configUpdateFinished.set() except: pass def __reloadAddresses(self): """ Refresh now the destinations hash, by loading data from all sources in configAddresses """ newDestinations = {} urls = copy.deepcopy(self.configAddresses) while len(urls) > 0 and len(newDestinations) == 0: src = random.choice(urls) urls.remove(src) self.__initializeFromFile(src, newDestinations) # avoid changing config in the middle of sending packets to previous destinations self.__configUpdateLock.acquire() self.destinations = newDestinations self.__configUpdateLock.release() def __addDestination(self, aDestination, tempDestinations, options=__defaultOptions): """ Add a destination to the list. aDestination is a string of the form "{hostname|ip}[:port] [passwd]" without quotes. If the port is not given, it will be used the default port(8884) If the password is missing, it will be considered an empty string """ aDestination = aDestination.strip().replace('\t', ' ') while aDestination != aDestination.replace(' ', ' '): aDestination = aDestination.replace(' ', ' ') sepPort = aDestination.find(':') sepPasswd = aDestination.rfind(' ') if sepPort >= 0: host = aDestination[0:sepPort].strip() if sepPasswd > sepPort + 1: port = aDestination[sepPort + 1:sepPasswd].strip() passwd = aDestination[sepPasswd:].strip() else: port = aDestination[sepPort + 1:].strip() passwd = "" else: port = str(self.__defaultPort) if sepPasswd >= 0: host = aDestination[0:sepPasswd].strip() passwd = aDestination[sepPasswd:].strip() else: host = aDestination.strip() passwd = "" if not port.isdigit(): self.logger.log( Logger.WARNING, "Bad value for port number " + repr(port) + " in " + aDestination + " destination") return alreadyAdded = False port = int(port) try: host = socket.gethostbyname( host ) # convert hostnames to IP addresses to avoid suffocating DNSs except socket.error as msg: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Error resolving " + host + ": " + str(msg)) return for h, p, dummyw in list(tempDestinations.keys()): if (h == host) and (p == port): alreadyAdded = True break destination = (host, port, passwd) if not alreadyAdded: self.logger.log( Logger.INFO, "Adding destination " + host + ':' + repr(port) + ' ' + passwd) if destination in self.destinations: tempDestinations[destination] = self.destinations[ destination] # reuse previous options else: tempDestinations[destination] = copy.deepcopy( self.__defaultOptions ) # have a different set of options for each dest if destination not in self.destPrevData: self.destPrevData[destination] = { } # set it empty only if it's really new if destination not in self.senderRef: self.senderRef[destination] = copy.deepcopy( self.__defaultSenderRef) # otherwise, don't reset this nr. if options != self.__defaultOptions: # we have to overwrite defaults with given options for key, value in list(options.items()): self.logger.log( Logger.DEBUG, "Overwritting option: " + key + " = " + repr(value)) tempDestinations[destination][key] = value else: self.logger.log( Logger.NOTICE, "Destination " + host + ":" + str(port) + " " + passwd + " already added. Skipping it") def __initializeFromFile(self, confFileName, tempDestinations): """ Load destinations from confFileName file. If it's an URL(starts with "http://") load configuration from there. Put all destinations in tempDestinations hash. Calls addDestination for each line that doesn't start with # and has non-whitespace characters on it """ try: if confFileName.find("http://") == 0: confFile = self.__getURL(confFileName) if confFile is None: return else: confFile = open(confFileName) except IOError as ex: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Cannot open " + confFileName) self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "IOError: " + str(ex)) return self.logger.log(Logger.INFO, "Adding destinations from " + confFileName) dests = [] opts = {} while True: line = confFile.readline() if line == '': break line = line.strip() self.logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "Reading line " + line) if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == '#': continue elif line.startswith("xApMon_"): m = re.match("xApMon_(.*)", line) if m is not None: m = re.match(r"(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)", if m is not None: param = value = if value.upper() == "ON": value = True elif value.upper() == "OFF": value = False elif param.endswith("_interval"): value = int(value) if param == "loglevel": self.logger.setLogLevel(value) elif param == "maxMsgRate": self.setMaxMsgRate(int(value)) elif param == "conf_recheck": self.configRecheck = value elif param == "recheck_interval": self.configRecheckInterval = value elif param.endswith("_data_sent"): pass # don't reset time in sys/job/general/_data_sent else: opts[param] = value else: dests.append(line) confFile.close() for line in dests: self.__addDestination(line, tempDestinations, opts) ############################################################################################### # Internal functions - Background monitor thread ############################################################################################### def __bgMonitor(self): """ Background monitor thread """ try: while not self.__bgMonitorEvent.isSet(): self.__bgMonitorEvent.wait(10) if self.__bgMonitorEvent.isSet(): break if self.performBgMonitoring: self.sendBgMonitoring( ) # send only if the interval has elapsed self.__bgMonitorFinished.set() except: # catch-all pass ############################################################################################### # Internal helper functions ############################################################################################### def __getURL(self, url, timeout=5): """ this is a simplified replacement for urllib2 which doesn't support setting a timeout. by default, if timeout is not specified, it waits 5 seconds """ r = re.compile(r"http://([^:/]+)(:(\d+))?(/.*)").match(url) if r is None: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Cannot open " + url + ". Incorrectly formed URL.") return None host = if == None: port = 80 # no port is given, pick the default 80 for HTTP else: port = int( if == None: path = "" # no path is give, let server decide else: path = sock = None err = None try: for res in socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM): af, socktype, proto, dummycanonname, sa = res try: sock = socket.socket(af, socktype, proto) except socket.error as msg: sock = None err = msg continue try: if hasattr(sock, 'settimeout'): self.logger.log( Logger.DEBUG, "Setting socket timeout with settimeout.") sock.settimeout(timeout) else: self.logger.log( Logger.DEBUG, "Setting socket timeout with setsockopt.") sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_SNDTIMEO, struct.pack("ii", timeout, 0)) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVTIMEO, struct.pack("ii", timeout, 0)) sock.connect(sa) except socket.error as msg: sock.close() sock = None err = msg continue break except socket.error as msg: sock = None err = msg if sock is None: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Cannot open " + url) self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "SocketError: " + str(err)) return None try: sock.send("GET " + path + " HTTP/1.0\n\n") data = "" done = False while not done: moreData = sock.recv(4096) data += moreData done = len(moreData) == 0 sock.close() fd = io.StringIO(data) httpStatus = 0 while True: line = fd.readline().strip() if line == "": break # exit at the end of file or at the first empty line(finish of http headers) r = re.compile(r"HTTP/\d.\d(\d+)").match(line) if r is not None: httpStatus = int( if httpStatus == 200: return fd else: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Cannot open " + url) if httpStatus == 401: self.logger.log( Logger.ERROR, 'HTTPError: not authorized [' + str(httpStatus) + ']') elif httpStatus == 404: self.logger.log( Logger.ERROR, 'HTTPError: not found [' + str(httpStatus) + ']') elif httpStatus == 503: self.logger.log( Logger.ERROR, 'HTTPError: service unavailable [' + str(httpStatus) + ']') else: self.logger.log( Logger.ERROR, 'HTTPError: unknown error [' + str(httpStatus) + ']') return None except socket.error as msg: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Cannot open " + url) self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "SocketError: " + str(msg)) sock.close() return None def __directSendParams(self, destination, clusterName, nodeName, timeStamp, params): """ send parameters to destination url """ if destination is None: self.logger.log(Logger.WARNING, "Destination is None") return host, port, passwd = destination crtSenderRef = self.senderRef[destination] hdrPacker = xdrlib.Packer() hdrPacker.pack_string("v:" + self.__version + "p:" + passwd) hdrPacker.pack_int(crtSenderRef['INSTANCE_ID']) hdrBuffer1 = hdrPacker.get_buffer() hdrPacker.reset() hdrPacker.pack_string(clusterName) hdrPacker.pack_string(nodeName) hdrBuffer2 = hdrPacker.get_buffer() hdrPacker.reset() hdrSize = len(hdrBuffer1) + len(hdrBuffer2) + 4 paramPacker = xdrlib.Packer() paramBlocks = [] crtParamsCount = 0 crtParamsBuffer = '' crtParamsBuffSize = 0 mapV = None if isinstance(params, dict): mapV = iter(list(params.items())) elif isinstance(params, list): mapV = params if mapV is not None: for name, value in mapV: if self.__packParameter(paramPacker, name, value): buf = paramPacker.get_buffer() bufLen = len(buf) paramPacker.reset() if bufLen + crtParamsBuffSize + hdrSize + 8 <= self.maxMsgSize: # 8 for 2 ints: params count and result time crtParamsBuffer += buf crtParamsBuffSize += bufLen crtParamsCount += 1 else: self.logger.log( Logger.NOTICE, "Message is getting too big(Max size=" + str(self.maxMsgSize) + "). Splitting it at " + name + "=" + str(value)) paramBlocks.append((crtParamsCount, crtParamsBuffer)) paramPacker.reset() crtParamsCount = 1 crtParamsBuffer = buf crtParamsBuffSize = bufLen else: self.logger.log( Logger.ERROR, "Unsupported params type in sendParameters: " + str(type(params))) paramBlocks.append( (crtParamsCount, crtParamsBuffer)) # update last params block paramPacker.reset() paramsTime = '' if timeStamp is not None and timeStamp > 0: paramPacker.pack_int(timeStamp) paramsTime = paramPacker.get_buffer() paramPacker.reset() for paramsCount, paramsBuffer in paramBlocks: if self.__shouldSend() == False: self.logger.log(Logger.WARNING, "Dropping packet since rate is too fast!") continue paramPacker.pack_int(paramsCount) crtSenderRef['SEQ_NR'] = (crtSenderRef['SEQ_NR'] + 1) % 2000000000 # wrap around 2 mld hdrPacker.pack_int(crtSenderRef['SEQ_NR']) bufferV = hdrBuffer1 + hdrPacker.get_buffer( ) + hdrBuffer2 + paramPacker.get_buffer( ) + paramsBuffer + paramsTime hdrPacker.reset() paramPacker.reset() bufLen = len(bufferV) self.logger.log( Logger.NOTICE, "Building XDR packet [" + str(clusterName) + "/" + str(nodeName) + "] <" + str(crtSenderRef['SEQ_NR']) + "/" + str(crtSenderRef['INSTANCE_ID']) + "> " + str(paramsCount) + " params, " + str(bufLen) + " bytes.") if bufLen > self.maxMsgSize: self.logger.log( Logger.WARNING, "Couldn't split parameter set(name/value pairs might be too large?). Message length is: " + str(bufLen) + ". It might be dropped if > 1500. Sending anyway.") # send this buffer to the destination, using udp datagrams try: self.__udpSocket.sendto(bufferV, (host, port)) self.logger.log( Logger.NOTICE, "Packet sent to " + host + ":" + str(port) + " " + passwd) except socket.error as msg: self.logger.log( Logger.ERROR, "Cannot send packet to " + host + ":" + str(port) + " " + passwd + ": " + str(msg[1])) def __packParameter(self, xdrPacker, name, value): """ pack available parameters """ if name is None or name is "": self.logger.log( Logger.WARNING, "Undefined parameter name. Ignoring value " + str(value)) return False if value is None: self.logger.log( Logger.WARNING, "Ignore " + str(name) + " parameter because of None value") return False if isinstance(name, unicode): name = str(name) if isinstance(value, unicode): value = str(value) try: typeValue = self.__valueTypes[type(value)] xdrPacker.pack_string(name) xdrPacker.pack_int(typeValue) self.__packFunctions[typeValue](xdrPacker, value) self.logger.log( Logger.NOTICE, "Adding parameter " + str(name) + " = " + str(value)) return True except Exception as ex: self.logger.log( Logger.WARNING, "Error packing %s = %s; got %s" % (name, str(value), ex)) return False # Destructor def __del__(self): if not self.__freed: def __shouldSend(self): """ Decide if the current datagram should be sent. This decision is based on the number of messages previously sent """ now = int(time.time()) if now != self.__crtTime: # new time # update previous counters self.__prvSent = self.__hWeight * self.__prvSent + ( 1.0 - self.__hWeight) * self.__crtSent / (now - self.__crtTime) self.__prvTime = self.__crtTime self.logger.log( Logger.DEBUG, "previously sent: " + str(self.__crtSent) + "; dropped: " + str(self.__crtDrop)) # reset current counter self.__crtTime = now self.__crtSent = 0 self.__crtDrop = 0 # compute the history valSent = self.__prvSent * self.__hWeight + self.__crtSent * ( 1 - self.__hWeight) doSend = True # when we should start dropping messages level = self.maxMsgRate - float(self.maxMsgRate // 10) if valSent > (self.maxMsgRate - level): if random.randint(0, int( self.maxMsgRate // 10)) >= (self.maxMsgRate - valSent): doSend = False # counting sent and dropped messages if doSend: self.__crtSent += 1 else: self.__crtDrop += 1 return doSend @staticmethod def __getInstanceID(): """ Try to generate a more random instance id. It takes the process ID and combines it with the last digit from the IP addess and a random number Notice the random number generated must be represented by a signed int of 32 bits, otherwise it breaks xdr library. """ pid = os.getpid() try: sip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) ip = int(sip[1 + sip.rfind('.'):]) except socket.error: ip = random.randint(0, 255) rnd = random.randint(0, 255) return ((pid << 8) | (ip << 16) | rnd) & 2**31 - 1 ################################################################################################ # Private variables. Don't touch ################################################################################################ __valueTypes = { type("string"): 0, # XDR_STRING(see ApMon.h from C/C++ ApMon version) type(1): 2, # XDR_INT32 LongType: 5, # send longs as doubles (Problem with Python 3 since long is same as int) type(1.0): 5 } # XDR_REAL64 __packFunctions = { 0: xdrlib.Packer.pack_string, 2: xdrlib.Packer.pack_int, 5: xdrlib.Packer.pack_double } __defaultPort = 8884 __version = "2.2.20-py" # apMon version number
def __init__(self, initValue, defaultLogLevel=Logger.INFO): """ Class constructor: - if initValue is a string, put it in configAddresses and load destinations from the file named like that. if it starts with "http://", the configuration is loaded from that URL. For background monitoring, given parameters will overwrite defaults - if initValue is a list, put its contents in configAddresses and create the list of destinations from all those sources. For background monitoring, given parameters will overwrite defaults(see __defaultOptions) - if initValue is a tuple(of strings), initialize destinations with that values. Strings in this tuple have this form: "{hostname|ip}[:port][ passwd]", the default port being 8884 and the default password being "". Background monitoring will be enabled sending the parameters active from __defaultOptions(see end of file) - if initValue is a hash(key = string(hostname|ip[:port][ passwd]), val = hash{'param_name': True/False, ...}) the given options for each destination will overwrite the default parameters(see __defaultOptions) """ self.destinations = { } # empty, by default; key = tuple(host, port, pass) ; val = hash {"param_mame" : True/False, ...} self.destPrevData = { } # empty, by defaul; key = tuple(host, port, pass) ; val = hash {"param_mame" : value, ...} self.senderRef = { } # key = tuple(host, port, pass); val = hash {'INSTANCE_ID', 'SEQ_NR' } self.configAddresses = [ ] # empty, by default; list of files/urls from where we read config self.configRecheckInterval = 600 # 10 minutes self.configRecheck = True # enabled by default self.performBgMonitoring = True # by default, perform background monitoring self.monitoredJobs = {} # Monitored jobs; key = pid; value = hash with self.maxMsgRate = 100 # Maximum number of messages allowed to be sent per second self.maxMsgSize = 1440 # Maximum size of a message. Bulk parameters are split in several messages of smaller size self.__defaultSenderRef = { 'INSTANCE_ID': self.__getInstanceID(), 'SEQ_NR': 0 } self.__defaultUserCluster = "ApMon_UserSend" self.__defaultUserNode = socket.getfqdn() self.__defaultSysMonCluster = "ApMon_SysMon" self.__defaultSysMonNode = socket.getfqdn() # don't touch these: self.__freed = False self.__udpSocket = None self.__configUpdateLock = threading.Lock() self.__configUpdateEvent = threading.Event() self.__configUpdateFinished = threading.Event() self.__bgMonitorLock = threading.Lock() self.__bgMonitorEvent = threading.Event() self.__bgMonitorFinished = threading.Event() # don't allow a user to send more than MAX_MSG messages per second, in average self.__crtTime = 0 self.__prvTime = 0 self.__prvSent = 0 self.__prvDrop = 0 self.__crtSent = 0 self.__crtDrop = 0 self.__hWeight = 0.95 try: self.logger = Logger(defaultLogLevel) except: self.logger = defaultLogLevel try: self.setDestinations(initValue) self.__udpSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) if len(self.configAddresses) > 0: # if there are addresses that need to be monitored, # start config checking and reloading thread th = threading.Thread(target=self.__configLoader) th.setDaemon(True) # this is a daemon thread th.start() # create the ProcInfo instance self.procInfo = ProcInfo.ProcInfo(self.logger) # self.procInfo.update() # start the background monitoring thread th = threading.Thread(target=self.__bgMonitor) th.setDaemon(True) th.start() except Exception as msg: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Error initializing ApMon " + str(msg), True)
class ApMon(object): """ Main class for sending monitoring data to a MonaLisa module. One or more destinations can be chosen for the data. See constructor. The data is packed in UDP datagrams, using XDR. The following fields are sent: - version & password(string) - cluster name(string) - node name(string) - number of parameters(int) - for each parameter: - name(string) - value type(int) - value - optionally a(int) with the given timestamp Attributes(public): - destinations - a list containing(ip, port, password) tuples - configAddresses - list with files and urls from where the config is read - configRecheckInterval - period, in seconds, to check for changes in the configAddresses list - configRecheck - boolean - whether to recheck periodically for changes in the configAddresses list """ __defaultOptions = { 'job_monitoring': True, # perform(or not) job monitoring 'job_interval' : 120, # at this interval(in seconds) 'job_data_sent' : 0, # time from Epoch when job information was sent; don't touch! 'job_cpu_time' : True, # elapsed time from the start of this job in seconds 'job_run_time' : True, # processor time spent running this job in seconds 'job_cpu_usage' : True, # current percent of the processor used for this job, as reported by ps 'job_virtualmem': True, # size in JB of the virtual memory occupied by the job, as reported by ps 'job_rss' : True, # size in KB of the resident image size of the job, as reported by ps 'job_mem_usage' : True, # percent of the memory occupied by the job, as reported by ps 'job_workdir_size': True, # size in MB of the working directory of the job 'job_disk_total': True, # size in MB of the total size of the disk partition containing the working directory 'job_disk_used' : True, # size in MB of the used disk partition containing the working directory 'job_disk_free' : True, # size in MB of the free disk partition containing the working directory 'job_disk_usage': True, # percent of the used disk partition containing the working directory 'job_open_files': True, # number of open file descriptors 'sys_monitoring': True, # perform(or not) system monitoring 'sys_interval' : 120, # at this interval(in seconds) 'sys_data_sent' : 0, # time from Epoch when system information was sent; don't touch! 'sys_cpu_usr' : True, # cpu-usage information 'sys_cpu_sys' : True, # all these will produce coresponding paramas without "sys_" 'sys_cpu_nice' : True, 'sys_cpu_idle' : True, 'sys_cpu_iowait': True, 'sys_cpu_usage' : True, 'sys_interrupts_R': True, 'sys_context_switches_R' : True, 'sys_load1' : True, # system load information 'sys_load5' : True, 'sys_load15' : True, 'sys_mem_used' : True, # memory usage information 'sys_mem_free' : True, 'sys_mem_actualfree': True, # actually free amount of mem: free + buffers + cached 'sys_mem_usage' : True, 'sys_mem_buffers':True, 'sys_mem_cached': True, 'sys_blocks_in_R' : True, 'sys_blocks_out_R': True, 'sys_swap_used' : True, # swap usage information 'sys_swap_free' : True, 'sys_swap_usage': True, 'sys_swap_in_R' : True, 'sys_swap_out_R' : True, 'sys_net_in' : True, # network transfer in kBps 'sys_net_out' : True, # these will produce params called ethX_in, ethX_out, ethX_errs 'sys_net_errs' : True, # for each eth interface 'sys_net_sockets' : True, # number of opened sockets for each proto => sockets_tcp/udp/unix ... 'sys_net_tcp_details' : True, # number of tcp sockets in each state => sockets_tcp_LISTEN, ... 'sys_processes' : True, 'sys_uptime' : True, # uptime of the machine, in days(float number) 'general_info' : True, # send(or not) general host information once every 2 x $sys_interval seconds 'general_data_sent': 0, # time from Epoch when general information was sent; don't touch! 'hostname' : True, 'ip' : True, # will produce ethX_ip params for each interface 'cpu_MHz' : True, 'no_CPUs' : True, # number of CPUs 'kernel_version': True, 'platform' : True, 'os_type' : True, 'total_mem' : True, 'total_swap' : True, 'cpu_vendor_id' : True, 'cpu_family' : True, 'cpu_model' : True, 'cpu_model_name': True, 'bogomips' : True} def __init__(self, initValue, defaultLogLevel=Logger.INFO): """ Class constructor: - if initValue is a string, put it in configAddresses and load destinations from the file named like that. if it starts with "http://", the configuration is loaded from that URL. For background monitoring, given parameters will overwrite defaults - if initValue is a list, put its contents in configAddresses and create the list of destinations from all those sources. For background monitoring, given parameters will overwrite defaults(see __defaultOptions) - if initValue is a tuple(of strings), initialize destinations with that values. Strings in this tuple have this form: "{hostname|ip}[:port][ passwd]", the default port being 8884 and the default password being "". Background monitoring will be enabled sending the parameters active from __defaultOptions(see end of file) - if initValue is a hash(key = string(hostname|ip[:port][ passwd]), val = hash{'param_name': True/False, ...}) the given options for each destination will overwrite the default parameters(see __defaultOptions) """ self.destinations = {} # empty, by default; key = tuple(host, port, pass) ; val = hash {"param_mame" : True/False, ...} self.destPrevData = {} # empty, by defaul; key = tuple(host, port, pass) ; val = hash {"param_mame" : value, ...} self.senderRef = {} # key = tuple(host, port, pass); val = hash {'INSTANCE_ID', 'SEQ_NR' } self.configAddresses = [] # empty, by default; list of files/urls from where we read config self.configRecheckInterval = 600 # 10 minutes self.configRecheck = True # enabled by default self.performBgMonitoring = True # by default, perform background monitoring self.monitoredJobs = {} # Monitored jobs; key = pid; value = hash with self.maxMsgRate = 10 # Maximum number of messages allowed to be sent per second self.maxMsgSize = 1440 # Maximum size of a message. Bulk parameters are split in several messages of smaller size self.__defaultSenderRef = {'INSTANCE_ID': self.__getInstanceID(), 'SEQ_NR': 0} self.__defaultUserCluster = "ApMon_UserSend" self.__defaultUserNode = socket.getfqdn() self.__defaultSysMonCluster = "ApMon_SysMon" self.__defaultSysMonNode = socket.getfqdn() # don't touch these: self.__freed = False self.__udpSocket = None self.__configUpdateLock = threading.Lock() self.__configUpdateEvent = threading.Event() self.__configUpdateFinished = threading.Event() self.__bgMonitorLock = threading.Lock() self.__bgMonitorEvent = threading.Event() self.__bgMonitorFinished = threading.Event() # don't allow a user to send more than MAX_MSG messages per second, in average self.__crtTime = 0 self.__prvTime = 0 self.__prvSent = 0 self.__prvDrop = 0 self.__crtSent = 0 self.__crtDrop = 0 self.__hWeight = 0.92 try: self.logger = Logger(defaultLogLevel) except: self.logger = defaultLogLevel try: self.setDestinations(initValue) self.__udpSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) if len(self.configAddresses) > 0: # if there are addresses that need to be monitored, # start config checking and reloading thread th = threading.Thread(target=self.__configLoader) th.setDaemon(True) # this is a daemon thread th.start() # create the ProcInfo instance self.procInfo = ProcInfo.ProcInfo(self.logger) # self.procInfo.update() # start the background monitoring thread th = threading.Thread(target=self.__bgMonitor) th.setDaemon(True) th.start() except Exception as msg: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Error initializing ApMon "+str(msg), True) def sendParams(self, params): """ Send multiple parameters to MonALISA, with default(last given) cluser and node names. """ self.sendTimedParams(-1, params) def sendTimedParams(self, timeStamp, params): """ Send multiple parameters, specifying the time for them, with default(last given) cluster and node names. (See sendTimedParameters for more details) """ self.sendTimedParameters(None, None, timeStamp, params) def sendParameter(self, clusterName, nodeName, paramName, paramValue): """ Send a single parameter to MonALISA. """ self.sendTimedParameter(clusterName, nodeName, -1, paramName, paramValue) def sendTimedParameter(self, clusterName, nodeName, timeStamp, paramName, paramValue): """ Send a single parameter, with a given time. """ self.sendTimedParameters(clusterName, nodeName, timeStamp, {paramName: paramValue}) def sendParameters(self, clusterName, nodeName, params): """ Send multiple parameters specifying cluster and node name for them """ self.sendTimedParameters(clusterName, nodeName, -1, params) def sendTimedParameters(self, clusterName, nodeName, timeStamp, params): """ Send multiple monitored parameters to MonALISA. - clusterName is the name of the cluster being monitored. The first time this function is called, this paramenter must not be None. Then, it can be None; last given clusterName will be used instead. - nodeName is the name of the node for which are the parameters. If this is None, the full hostname of this machine will be sent instead. - timeStamp, if > 0, is given time for the parameters. This is in seconds from Epoch. Note that this option should be used only if you are sure about the time for the result. Otherwize, the parameters will be assigned a correct time(obtained from NTP servers) in MonALISA service. This option can be usefull when parsing logs, for example. - params is a dictionary containing pairs with: - key: parameter name - value: parameter value, either int or float. or params is a vector of tuples(key, value). This version can be used in case you want to send the parameters in a given order. NOTE that python doesn't know about 32-bit floats(only 64-bit floats!) """ try: if clusterName is None or clusterName == "": clusterName = self.__defaultUserCluster else: self.__defaultUserCluster = clusterName if nodeName is None: nodeName = self.__defaultUserNode else: self.__defaultUserNode = nodeName if len(self.destinations) == 0: self.logger.log(Logger.WARNING, "Not sending parameters since no destination is defined.") return self.__configUpdateLock.acquire() for dest in list(self.destinations.keys()): self.__directSendParams(dest, clusterName, nodeName, timeStamp, params) self.__configUpdateLock.release() except Exception as msg: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Error in sendTimedParameters: "+str(msg), True) def addJobToMonitor(self, pid, workDir, clusterName, nodeName): """ Add a new job to monitor. """ try: pid = int(pid) except Exception as msg: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Job's PID should be a number: "+str(msg), True) try: self.__bgMonitorLock.acquire() self.monitoredJobs[pid] = {} self.monitoredJobs[pid]['CLUSTER_NAME'] = clusterName self.monitoredJobs[pid]['NODE_NAME'] = nodeName self.procInfo.addJobToMonitor(pid, workDir) self.__bgMonitorLock.release() except Exception as msg: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Error in addJobToMonitor: "+str(msg), True) def removeJobToMonitor(self, pid): """ Remove a job from being monitored. """ try: self.__bgMonitorLock.acquire() self.procInfo.removeJobToMonitor(pid) if pid in self.monitoredJobs: del self.monitoredJobs[pid] else: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Asked to stop monitoring job that is not monitored; given pid="+str(pid), False) self.__bgMonitorLock.release() except Exception as msg: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Error in removeJobToMonitor: "+str(msg), True) def setMonitorClusterNode(self, clusterName, nodeName): """ Set the cluster and node names where to send system related information. """ self.__bgMonitorLock.acquire() if clusterName is not None and clusterName != "": self.__defaultSysMonCluster = clusterName if nodeName is not None and nodeName != "": self.__defaultSysMonNode = nodeName self.__bgMonitorLock.release() def enableBgMonitoring(self, onOff): """ Enable or disable background monitoring. Note that background monitoring information can still be sent if user calls the sendBgMonitoring method. """ self.performBgMonitoring = onOff def sendBgMonitoring(self, mustSend=False): """ Send background monitoring about system and jobs to all interested destinations. If mustSend == True, the information is sent regardles of the elapsed time since last sent If mustSend == False, the data is sent only if the required interval has passed since last sent """ try: if len(self.destinations) == 0: self.logger.log(Logger.WARNING, "Not sending bg monitoring info since no destination is defined.") return self.__bgMonitorLock.acquire() now = int(time.time()) updatedProcInfo = False for destination, options in list(self.destinations.items()): sysParams = [] jobParams = [] prevRawData = self.destPrevData[destination] # for each destination and its options, check if we have to report any background monitoring data if options['sys_monitoring'] and(mustSend or options['sys_data_sent'] + options['sys_interval'] <= now): for param, active in list(options.items()): m = re.match("sys_(.+)", param) if m is not None and active: param = if not(param == 'monitoring' or param == 'interval' or param == 'data_sent'): sysParams.append(param) options['sys_data_sent'] = now if options['job_monitoring'] and(mustSend or options['job_data_sent'] + options['job_interval'] <= now): for param, active in list(options.items()): m = re.match("job_(.+)", param) if m is not None and active: param = if not(param == 'monitoring' or param == 'interval' or param == 'data_sent'): jobParams.append(param) options['job_data_sent'] = now if options['general_info'] and(mustSend or options['general_data_sent'] + 2 * int(options['sys_interval']) <= now): for param, active in list(options.items()): if not(param.startswith("sys_") or param.startswith("job_")) and active: if not(param == 'general_info' or param == 'general_data_sent'): sysParams.append(param) options['general_data_sent'] = now if not updatedProcInfo and ((len(sysParams) > 0) or (len(jobParams) > 0)): self.procInfo.update() updatedProcInfo = True sysResults = [] if len(sysParams) > 0: sysResults = self.procInfo.getSystemData(sysParams, prevRawData) if len(sysResults) > 0: self.__directSendParams(destination, self.__defaultSysMonCluster, self.__defaultSysMonNode, -1, sysResults) for pid, props in list(self.monitoredJobs.items()): jobResults = [] if len(jobParams) > 0: jobResults = self.procInfo.getJobData(pid, jobParams) if len(jobResults) > 0: self.__directSendParams(destination, props['CLUSTER_NAME'], props['NODE_NAME'], -1, jobResults) self.__bgMonitorLock.release() except Exception as msg: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Error in sendBgMonitoring: "+str(msg), True) def setDestinations(self, initValue): """ Set the destinations of the ApMon instance. It accepts the same parameters as the constructor. """ try: if isinstance(initValue, basestring): self.configAddresses = [initValue] self.configRecheck = True self.configRecheckInterval = 600 self.__reloadAddresses() elif isinstance(initValue, (list, tuple)): self.configAddresses = [] for dest in initValue: self.__addDestination(dest, self.destinations) self.configRecheck = False elif isinstance(initValue, dict): self.configAddresses = [] for dest, opts in list(initValue.items()): self.__addDestination(dest, self.destinations, opts) self.configRecheck = False except Exception as msg: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Error in setDestinations: "+str(msg), True) def getConfig(self): """ Returns a multi-line string that contains the configuration of ApMon. This string can be passed to the setDestination method(or to the constructor). It has the same structure as the config file/url contents. """ conf = "" for dest, opts in list(self.destinations.items()): h, p, w = dest conf += h+":"+str(p)+" "+w+"\n\n" ok = sorted(opts.keys()) for o in ok: conf += "xApMon_"+o+" = "+str(opts[o])+"\n" conf += "TODO: add the others \n" return conf def initializedOK(self): """ Retruns true if there is no destination where the parameters to be sent. """ return len(self.destinations) > 0 def setLogLevel(self, strLevel): """ Change the log level. Given level is a string, one of 'FATAL', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'NOTICE', 'DEBUG'. """ self.logger.setLogLevel(strLevel) def setMaxMsgRate(self, rate): """ Set the maximum number of messages that can be sent, per second. """ self.maxMsgRate = rate self.logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "Setting maxMsgRate to: " + str(rate)) def setMaxMsgSize(self, size): """ Set the maximum size of the sent messages. ApMon will try to split in several independent messages parameters sent in bulk, if the size would be larger than this """ self.maxMsgSize = size self.logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "Setting maxMsgSize to: %d" % size) def free(self): """ Stop background threands, close opened sockets. You have to use this function if you want to free all the resources that ApMon takes, and allow it to be garbage-collected. """ try: if len(self.configAddresses) > 0: self.__configUpdateEvent.set() self.__configUpdateFinished.wait() self.__bgMonitorEvent.set() self.__bgMonitorFinished.wait() if self.__udpSocket is not None: self.logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "Closing UDP socket on ApMon object destroy.") self.__udpSocket.close() self.__udpSocket = None self.__freed = True except Exception as msg: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Error in free: "+str(msg), True) ######################################################################################### # Internal functions - Config reloader thread ######################################################################################### def __configLoader(self): """ Main loop of the thread that checks for changes and reloads the configuration """ try: while not self.__configUpdateEvent.isSet(): self.__configUpdateEvent.wait(min(30, self.configRecheckInterval)) # don't recheck more often than 30 sec if self.__configUpdateEvent.isSet(): break if self.configRecheck: try: self.__reloadAddresses() self.logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "Config reloaded. Seleeping for "+repr(self.configRecheckInterval)+" sec.") except Exception as msg: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Error reloading config: "+str(msg), True) self.__configUpdateFinished.set() except: pass def __reloadAddresses(self): """ Refresh now the destinations hash, by loading data from all sources in configAddresses """ newDestinations = {} urls = copy.deepcopy(self.configAddresses) while len(urls) > 0 and len(newDestinations) == 0: src = random.choice(urls) urls.remove(src) self.__initializeFromFile(src, newDestinations) # avoid changing config in the middle of sending packets to previous destinations self.__configUpdateLock.acquire() self.destinations = newDestinations self.__configUpdateLock.release() def __addDestination(self, aDestination, tempDestinations, options=__defaultOptions): """ Add a destination to the list. aDestination is a string of the form "{hostname|ip}[:port] [passwd]" without quotes. If the port is not given, it will be used the default port(8884) If the password is missing, it will be considered an empty string """ aDestination = aDestination.strip().replace('\t', ' ') while aDestination != aDestination.replace(' ', ' '): aDestination = aDestination.replace(' ', ' ') sepPort = aDestination.find(':') sepPasswd = aDestination.rfind(' ') if sepPort >= 0: host = aDestination[0:sepPort].strip() if sepPasswd > sepPort + 1: port = aDestination[sepPort+1:sepPasswd].strip() passwd = aDestination[sepPasswd:].strip() else: port = aDestination[sepPort+1:].strip() passwd = "" else: port = str(self.__defaultPort) if sepPasswd >= 0: host = aDestination[0:sepPasswd].strip() passwd = aDestination[sepPasswd:].strip() else: host = aDestination.strip() passwd = "" if not port.isdigit(): self.logger.log(Logger.WARNING, "Bad value for port number "+repr(port)+" in "+aDestination+" destination") return alreadyAdded = False port = int(port) try: host = socket.gethostbyname(host) # convert hostnames to IP addresses to avoid suffocating DNSs except socket.error as msg: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Error resolving "+host+": "+str(msg)) return for h, p, dummyw in list(tempDestinations.keys()): if (h == host) and(p == port): alreadyAdded = True break destination = (host, port, passwd) if not alreadyAdded: self.logger.log(Logger.INFO, "Adding destination "+host+':'+repr(port)+' '+passwd) if destination in self.destinations: tempDestinations[destination] = self.destinations[destination] # reuse previous options else: tempDestinations[destination] = copy.deepcopy(self.__defaultOptions) # have a different set of options for each dest if destination not in self.destPrevData: self.destPrevData[destination] = {} # set it empty only if it's really new if destination not in self.senderRef: self.senderRef[destination] = copy.deepcopy(self.__defaultSenderRef) # otherwise, don't reset this nr. if options != self.__defaultOptions: # we have to overwrite defaults with given options for key, value in list(options.items()): self.logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "Overwritting option: "+key+" = "+repr(value)) tempDestinations[destination][key] = value else: self.logger.log(Logger.NOTICE, "Destination "+host+":"+str(port)+" "+passwd+" already added. Skipping it") def __initializeFromFile(self, confFileName, tempDestinations): """ Load destinations from confFileName file. If it's an URL(starts with "http://") load configuration from there. Put all destinations in tempDestinations hash. Calls addDestination for each line that doesn't start with # and has non-whitespace characters on it """ try: if confFileName.find("http://") == 0: confFile = self.__getURL(confFileName) if confFile is None: return else: confFile = open(confFileName) except IOError as ex: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Cannot open "+confFileName) self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "IOError: "+str(ex)) return self.logger.log(Logger.INFO, "Adding destinations from "+confFileName) dests = [] opts = {} while True: line = confFile.readline() if line == '': break line = line.strip() self.logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "Reading line "+line) if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == '#': continue elif line.startswith("xApMon_"): m = re.match("xApMon_(.*)", line) if m is not None: m = re.match(r"(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)", if m is not None: param = value = if value.upper() == "ON": value = True elif value.upper() == "OFF": value = False elif param.endswith("_interval"): value = int(value) if param == "loglevel": self.logger.setLogLevel(value) elif param == "maxMsgRate": self.setMaxMsgRate(int(value)) elif param == "conf_recheck": self.configRecheck = value elif param == "recheck_interval": self.configRecheckInterval = value elif param.endswith("_data_sent"): pass # don't reset time in sys/job/general/_data_sent else: opts[param] = value else: dests.append(line) confFile.close() for line in dests: self.__addDestination(line, tempDestinations, opts) ############################################################################################### # Internal functions - Background monitor thread ############################################################################################### def __bgMonitor(self): """ Background monitor thread """ try: while not self.__bgMonitorEvent.isSet(): self.__bgMonitorEvent.wait(10) if self.__bgMonitorEvent.isSet(): break if self.performBgMonitoring: self.sendBgMonitoring() # send only if the interval has elapsed self.__bgMonitorFinished.set() except: # catch-all pass ############################################################################################### # Internal helper functions ############################################################################################### def __getURL(self, url, timeout=5): """ this is a simplified replacement for urllib2 which doesn't support setting a timeout. by default, if timeout is not specified, it waits 5 seconds """ r = re.compile(r"http://([^:/]+)(:(\d+))?(/.*)").match(url) if r is None: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Cannot open "+url+". Incorrectly formed URL.") return None host = if == None: port = 80 # no port is given, pick the default 80 for HTTP else: port = int( if == None: path = "" # no path is give, let server decide else: path = sock = None err = None try: for res in socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM): af, socktype, proto, dummycanonname, sa = res try: sock = socket.socket(af, socktype, proto) except socket.error as msg: sock = None err = msg continue try: if hasattr(sock, 'settimeout'): self.logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "Setting socket timeout with settimeout.") sock.settimeout(timeout) else: self.logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "Setting socket timeout with setsockopt.") sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_SNDTIMEO, struct.pack("ii", timeout, 0)) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVTIMEO, struct.pack("ii", timeout, 0)) sock.connect(sa) except socket.error as msg: sock.close() sock = None err = msg continue break except socket.error as msg: sock = None err = msg if sock is None: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Cannot open "+url) self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "SocketError: "+str(err)) return None try: sock.send("GET "+path+" HTTP/1.0\n\n") data = "" done = False while not done: moreData = sock.recv(4096) data += moreData done = len(moreData) == 0 sock.close() fd = io.StringIO(data) httpStatus = 0 while True: line = fd.readline().strip() if line == "": break # exit at the end of file or at the first empty line(finish of http headers) r = re.compile(r"HTTP/\d.\d(\d+)").match(line) if r is not None: httpStatus = int( if httpStatus == 200: return fd else: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Cannot open "+url) if httpStatus == 401: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, 'HTTPError: not authorized ['+str(httpStatus)+']') elif httpStatus == 404: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, 'HTTPError: not found ['+str(httpStatus)+']') elif httpStatus == 503: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, 'HTTPError: service unavailable ['+str(httpStatus)+']') else: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, 'HTTPError: unknown error ['+str(httpStatus)+']') return None except socket.error as msg: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Cannot open "+url) self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "SocketError: "+str(msg)) sock.close() return None def __directSendParams(self, destination, clusterName, nodeName, timeStamp, params): """ send parameters to destination url """ if destination is None: self.logger.log(Logger.WARNING, "Destination is None") return host, port, passwd = destination crtSenderRef = self.senderRef[destination] hdrPacker = xdrlib.Packer() hdrPacker.pack_string("v:"+self.__version+"p:"+passwd) hdrPacker.pack_int(crtSenderRef['INSTANCE_ID']) hdrBuffer1 = hdrPacker.get_buffer() hdrPacker.reset() hdrPacker.pack_string(clusterName) hdrPacker.pack_string(nodeName) hdrBuffer2 = hdrPacker.get_buffer() hdrPacker.reset() hdrSize = len(hdrBuffer1) + len(hdrBuffer2) + 4 paramPacker = xdrlib.Packer() paramBlocks = [] crtParamsCount = 0 crtParamsBuffer = '' crtParamsBuffSize = 0 mapV = None if isinstance(params, dict): mapV = iter(list(params.items())) elif isinstance(params, list): mapV = params if mapV is not None: for name, value in mapV: if self.__packParameter(paramPacker, name, value): buf = paramPacker.get_buffer() bufLen = len(buf) paramPacker.reset() if bufLen + crtParamsBuffSize + hdrSize + 8 <= self.maxMsgSize: # 8 for 2 ints: params count and result time crtParamsBuffer += buf crtParamsBuffSize += bufLen crtParamsCount += 1 else: self.logger.log(Logger.NOTICE, "Message is getting too big(Max size="+str(self.maxMsgSize)+"). Splitting it at "+name+"="+str(value)) paramBlocks.append((crtParamsCount, crtParamsBuffer)) paramPacker.reset() crtParamsCount = 1 crtParamsBuffer = buf crtParamsBuffSize = bufLen else: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Unsupported params type in sendParameters: " + str(type(params))) paramBlocks.append((crtParamsCount, crtParamsBuffer)) # update last params block paramPacker.reset() paramsTime = '' if timeStamp is not None and timeStamp > 0: paramPacker.pack_int(timeStamp) paramsTime = paramPacker.get_buffer() paramPacker.reset() for paramsCount, paramsBuffer in paramBlocks: if self.__shouldSend() == False: self.logger.log(Logger.WARNING, "Dropping packet since rate is too fast!") continue paramPacker.pack_int(paramsCount) crtSenderRef['SEQ_NR'] = (crtSenderRef['SEQ_NR'] + 1) % 2000000000 # wrap around 2 mld hdrPacker.pack_int(crtSenderRef['SEQ_NR']) bufferV = hdrBuffer1 + hdrPacker.get_buffer() + hdrBuffer2 + paramPacker.get_buffer() + paramsBuffer + paramsTime hdrPacker.reset() paramPacker.reset() bufLen = len(bufferV) self.logger.log(Logger.NOTICE, "Building XDR packet ["+str(clusterName)+"/"+str(nodeName)+"] <"+str(crtSenderRef['SEQ_NR'])+"/"+str(crtSenderRef['INSTANCE_ID'])+"> "+str(paramsCount)+" params, "+str(bufLen)+" bytes.") if bufLen > self.maxMsgSize: self.logger.log(Logger.WARNING, "Couldn't split parameter set(name/value pairs might be too large?). Message length is: "+str(bufLen)+". It might be dropped if > 1500. Sending anyway.") # send this buffer to the destination, using udp datagrams try: self.__udpSocket.sendto(bufferV, (host, port)) self.logger.log(Logger.NOTICE, "Packet sent to "+host+":"+str(port)+" "+passwd) except socket.error as msg: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Cannot send packet to "+host+":"+str(port)+" "+passwd+": "+str(msg[1])) def __packParameter(self, xdrPacker, name, value): """ pack available parameters """ if name is None or name is "": self.logger.log(Logger.WARNING, "Undefined parameter name. Ignoring value "+str(value)) return False if value is None: self.logger.log(Logger.WARNING, "Ignore " + str(name)+ " parameter because of None value") return False if isinstance(name, unicode): name = str(name) if isinstance(value, unicode): value = str(value) try: typeValue = self.__valueTypes[type(value)] xdrPacker.pack_string(name) xdrPacker.pack_int(typeValue) self.__packFunctions[typeValue](xdrPacker, value) self.logger.log(Logger.NOTICE, "Adding parameter "+str(name)+" = "+str(value)) return True except Exception as ex: self.logger.log(Logger.WARNING, "Error packing %s = %s; got %s" % (name, str(value), ex)) return False # Destructor def __del__(self): if not self.__freed: def __shouldSend(self): """ Decide if the current datagram should be sent. This decision is based on the number of messages previously sent """ now = int(time.time()) if now != self.__crtTime: # new time # update previous counters self.__prvSent = self.__hWeight * self.__prvSent + (1.0 - self.__hWeight) * self.__crtSent / (now - self.__crtTime) self.__prvTime = self.__crtTime self.logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, "previously sent: " + str(self.__crtSent) + "; dropped: " + str(self.__crtDrop)) # reset current counter self.__crtTime = now self.__crtSent = 0 self.__crtDrop = 0 # compute the history valSent = self.__prvSent * self.__hWeight + self.__crtSent * (1 - self.__hWeight) doSend = True # when we should start dropping messages level = self.maxMsgRate - float(self.maxMsgRate // 10) if valSent > (self.maxMsgRate - level): if random.randint(0, int(self.maxMsgRate // 10)) >= (self.maxMsgRate - valSent): doSend = False # counting sent and dropped messages if doSend: self.__crtSent += 1 else: self.__crtDrop += 1 return doSend @staticmethod def __getInstanceID(): """ Try to generate a more random instance id. It takes the process ID and combines it with the last digit from the IP addess and a random number Notice the random number generated must be represented by a signed int of 32 bits, otherwise it breaks xdr library. """ pid = os.getpid() try: sip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) ip = int(sip[1+sip.rfind('.'):]) except socket.error: ip = random.randint(0, 255) rnd = random.randint(0, 255) return ((pid << 8) | (ip << 16) | rnd) & 2**31 - 1 ################################################################################################ # Private variables. Don't touch ################################################################################################ __valueTypes = { type("string"): 0, # XDR_STRING(see ApMon.h from C/C++ ApMon version) type(1): 2, # XDR_INT32 LongType: 5, # send longs as doubles (Problem with Python 3 since long is same as int) type(1.0): 5} # XDR_REAL64 __packFunctions = { 0: xdrlib.Packer.pack_string, 2: xdrlib.Packer.pack_int, 5: xdrlib.Packer.pack_double} __defaultPort = 8884 __version = "2.2.20-py" # apMon version number
def __init__(self, initValue, defaultLogLevel=Logger.INFO): """ Class constructor: - if initValue is a string, put it in configAddresses and load destinations from the file named like that. if it starts with "http://", the configuration is loaded from that URL. For background monitoring, given parameters will overwrite defaults - if initValue is a list, put its contents in configAddresses and create the list of destinations from all those sources. For background monitoring, given parameters will overwrite defaults(see __defaultOptions) - if initValue is a tuple(of strings), initialize destinations with that values. Strings in this tuple have this form: "{hostname|ip}[:port][ passwd]", the default port being 8884 and the default password being "". Background monitoring will be enabled sending the parameters active from __defaultOptions(see end of file) - if initValue is a hash(key = string(hostname|ip[:port][ passwd]), val = hash{'param_name': True/False, ...}) the given options for each destination will overwrite the default parameters(see __defaultOptions) """ self.destinations = {} # empty, by default; key = tuple(host, port, pass) ; val = hash {"param_mame" : True/False, ...} self.destPrevData = {} # empty, by defaul; key = tuple(host, port, pass) ; val = hash {"param_mame" : value, ...} self.senderRef = {} # key = tuple(host, port, pass); val = hash {'INSTANCE_ID', 'SEQ_NR' } self.configAddresses = [] # empty, by default; list of files/urls from where we read config self.configRecheckInterval = 600 # 10 minutes self.configRecheck = True # enabled by default self.performBgMonitoring = True # by default, perform background monitoring self.monitoredJobs = {} # Monitored jobs; key = pid; value = hash with self.maxMsgRate = 10 # Maximum number of messages allowed to be sent per second self.maxMsgSize = 1440 # Maximum size of a message. Bulk parameters are split in several messages of smaller size self.__defaultSenderRef = {'INSTANCE_ID': self.__getInstanceID(), 'SEQ_NR': 0} self.__defaultUserCluster = "ApMon_UserSend" self.__defaultUserNode = socket.getfqdn() self.__defaultSysMonCluster = "ApMon_SysMon" self.__defaultSysMonNode = socket.getfqdn() # don't touch these: self.__freed = False self.__udpSocket = None self.__configUpdateLock = threading.Lock() self.__configUpdateEvent = threading.Event() self.__configUpdateFinished = threading.Event() self.__bgMonitorLock = threading.Lock() self.__bgMonitorEvent = threading.Event() self.__bgMonitorFinished = threading.Event() # don't allow a user to send more than MAX_MSG messages per second, in average self.__crtTime = 0 self.__prvTime = 0 self.__prvSent = 0 self.__prvDrop = 0 self.__crtSent = 0 self.__crtDrop = 0 self.__hWeight = 0.92 try: self.logger = Logger(defaultLogLevel) except: self.logger = defaultLogLevel try: self.setDestinations(initValue) self.__udpSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) if len(self.configAddresses) > 0: # if there are addresses that need to be monitored, # start config checking and reloading thread th = threading.Thread(target=self.__configLoader) th.setDaemon(True) # this is a daemon thread th.start() # create the ProcInfo instance self.procInfo = ProcInfo.ProcInfo(self.logger) # self.procInfo.update() # start the background monitoring thread th = threading.Thread(target=self.__bgMonitor) th.setDaemon(True) th.start() except Exception as msg: self.logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Error initializing ApMon "+str(msg), True)