def __init__(self, msConfig, **kwargs): """ Provides setup for MSTransferor and MSMonitor classes :param config: MS service configuration :param kwargs: can be used to skip the initialization of specific services, such as: logger: logger object skipReqMgr: boolean to skip ReqMgr initialization skipReqMgrAux: boolean to skip ReqMgrAux initialization skipRucio: boolean to skip Rucio initialization """ self.logger = getMSLogger(getattr(msConfig, 'verbose', False), kwargs.get("logger")) self.msConfig = msConfig"Configuration including default values:\n%s", self.msConfig) if not kwargs.get("skipReqMgr", False): self.reqmgr2 = ReqMgr(self.msConfig['reqmgr2Url'], logger=self.logger) if not kwargs.get("skipReqMgrAux", False): self.reqmgrAux = ReqMgrAux(self.msConfig['reqmgr2Url'], httpDict={'cacheduration': 1.0}, logger=self.logger) self.phedex = None self.rucio = None if not kwargs.get("skipRucio", False): self.rucio = Rucio(acct=self.msConfig['rucioAccount'], hostUrl=self.msConfig['rucioUrl'], authUrl=self.msConfig['rucioAuthUrl'], configDict={"logger": self.logger, "user_agent": "wmcore-microservices"})
def setUp(self): self.setConfig(config) self.setCouchDBs([(, "ReqMgr"), (, None)]) self.setSchemaModules([]) RESTBaseUnitTestWithDBBackend.setUp(self) self.setFakeDN() requestPath = os.path.join(getWMBASE(), "test", "data", "ReqMgr", "requests", "DMWM") rerecoFile = open(os.path.join(requestPath, "ReReco.json"), 'r') rerecoArgs = json.load(rerecoFile) self.rerecoCreateArgs = rerecoArgs["createRequest"] self.rerecoAssignArgs = rerecoArgs["assignRequest"] cmsswDoc = {"_id": "software"} cmsswDoc[self.rerecoCreateArgs["ScramArch"]] = [] cmsswDoc[self.rerecoCreateArgs["ScramArch"]].append( self.rerecoCreateArgs["CMSSWVersion"]) insertDataToCouch(os.getenv("COUCHURL"),, cmsswDoc) self.reqSvc = ReqMgr(self.jsonSender["host"]) self.reqSvc._noStale = True self.reqSvc['requests'].additionalHeaders = self.create_header
def main(): """ _main_ """ if 'WMAGENT_CONFIG' not in os.environ: os.environ['WMAGENT_CONFIG'] = '/data/srv/wmagent/current/config/wmagent/' config = loadConfigurationFile(os.environ["WMAGENT_CONFIG"]) # Instantiating central reqmgr and local workqueue print "ReqMgr2 URL : %s" % sanitizeURL(config.JobUpdater.reqMgr2Url)['url'] print "WorkQueue URL: %s and dbname %s" % (sanitizeURL(config.WorkQueueManager.couchurl)['url'], config.WorkQueueManager.dbname) reqmgr2 = ReqMgr(config.JobUpdater.reqMgr2Url) workqueue = WorkQueue(config.WorkQueueManager.couchurl, config.WorkQueueManager.dbname) print "\nFirst attempt to update prio of wfs that are not in WMBS and only in local queue" priorityCache = {} workflowsToUpdate = {} workflowsToCheck = [x for x in workqueue.getAvailableWorkflows()] print "Retrieved %d workflows from workqueue" % len(workflowsToCheck) for workflow, priority in workflowsToCheck: if workflow not in priorityCache: try: priorityCache[workflow] = reqmgr2.getRequestByNames(workflow)[workflow]['RequestPriority'] except Exception, ex: print "Couldn't retrieve the priority of request %s" % workflow print "Error: %s" % ex continue if priority != priorityCache[workflow]: workflowsToUpdate[workflow] = priorityCache[workflow]
def __init__(self, msConfig, logger=None): """ Provides setup for MSTransferor and MSMonitor classes :param config: MS service configuration :param logger: logger object (optional) """ self.logger = getMSLogger(getattr(msConfig, 'verbose', False), logger) self.msConfig = msConfig"Configuration including default values:\n%s", self.msConfig) self.reqmgr2 = ReqMgr(self.msConfig['reqmgr2Url'], logger=self.logger) self.reqmgrAux = ReqMgrAux(self.msConfig['reqmgr2Url'], httpDict={'cacheduration': 1.0}, logger=self.logger) # hard code it to production DBS otherwise PhEDEx subscribe API fails to match TMDB data dbsUrl = "" if usingRucio(): # FIXME: we cannot use Rucio in write mode yet # self.rucio = Rucio(self.msConfig['rucioAccount'], configDict={"logger": self.logger}) self.phedex = PhEDEx(httpDict={'cacheduration': 0.5}, dbsUrl=dbsUrl, logger=self.logger) else: self.phedex = PhEDEx(httpDict={'cacheduration': 0.5}, dbsUrl=dbsUrl, logger=self.logger)
def setUp(self): self.setConfig(config) self.setCouchDBs([(, "ReqMgr"), (, None)]) self.setSchemaModules([]) RESTBaseUnitTestWithDBBackend.setUp(self) self.setFakeDN() normPath = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..', '..')) rerecoPath = os.path.join( normPath, 'data/ReqMgr/requests/DMWM/ReReco_RunBlockWhite.json') with open(rerecoPath) as jObj: rerecoArgs = json.load(jObj) self.rerecoCreateArgs = rerecoArgs["createRequest"] self.rerecoAssignArgs = rerecoArgs["assignRequest"] cmsswDoc = {"_id": "software"} cmsswDoc[self.rerecoCreateArgs["ScramArch"]] = [] cmsswDoc[self.rerecoCreateArgs["ScramArch"]].append( self.rerecoCreateArgs["CMSSWVersion"]) insertDataToCouch(os.getenv("COUCHURL"),, cmsswDoc) self.reqSvc = ReqMgr(self.jsonSender["host"]) self.reqSvc._noStale = True self.reqSvc['requests'].additionalHeaders = self.create_header
def __init__(self, config): """ Initialise class members """ BaseWorkerThread.__init__(self) myThread = threading.currentThread() self.daoFactory = DAOFactory(package="WMCore.WMBS", logger=myThread.logger, dbinterface=myThread.dbi) self.dbsDaoFactory = DAOFactory(package="WMComponent.DBS3Buffer", logger=myThread.logger, dbinterface=myThread.dbi) self.config = config self.jobCacheDir = self.config.JobCreator.jobCacheDir if getattr(self.config.TaskArchiver, "useWorkQueue", False) != False: # Get workqueue setup from config unless overridden if hasattr(self.config.TaskArchiver, 'WorkQueueParams'): self.workQueue = localQueue( **self.config.TaskArchiver.WorkQueueParams) else: from WMCore.WorkQueue.WorkQueueUtils import queueFromConfig self.workQueue = queueFromConfig(self.config) else: self.workQueue = None self.timeout = getattr(self.config.TaskArchiver, "timeOut", None) self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck = getattr( self.config.TaskArchiver, 'useReqMgrForCompletionCheck', True) if not self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck: #sets the local monitor summary couch db self.requestLocalCouchDB = RequestDBWriter( self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localT0RequestDBURL, couchapp=self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.RequestCouchApp) self.centralCouchDBWriter = self.requestLocalCouchDB else: self.centralCouchDBWriter = RequestDBWriter( self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralRequestDBURL) self.reqmgr2Svc = ReqMgr( self.config.TaskArchiver.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) #TODO: remove this when reqmgr2 replace reqmgr completely (reqmgr2Only) self.reqmgrSvc = RequestManager( {'endpoint': self.config.TaskArchiver.ReqMgrServiceURL}) #Load the cleanout state ID and save it stateIDDAO = self.daoFactory(classname="Jobs.GetStateID") self.stateID = stateIDDAO.execute("cleanout") return
def __init__(self, queue, config): """ Initialise class members """ BaseWorkerThread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue self.config = config self.reqmgr2Svc = ReqMgr(self.config.TaskArchiver.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) # state lists which shouldn't be populated in wmbs. (To prevent creating work before WQE status updated) self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache = self.reqmgr2Svc.getAbortedAndForceCompleteRequestsFromMemoryCache( )
def __init__(self, queue, config): """ Initialise class members """ BaseWorkerThread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue self.config = config self.reqmgr2Svc = ReqMgr(self.config.General.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) myThread = threading.currentThread() daoFactory = DAOFactory(package="WMCore.WMBS", logger=myThread.logger, dbinterface=myThread.dbi) self.finishedWorflowCheck = daoFactory( classname="Subscriptions.CountFinishedSubscriptionsByWorkflow")
def setup(self, parameters): """ Called at startup """ # set the connection for local couchDB call self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck = getattr( self.config.TaskArchiver, 'useReqMgrForCompletionCheck', True) self.archiveDelayHours = getattr(self.config.TaskArchiver, 'archiveDelayHours', 0) self.wmstatsCouchDB = WMStatsWriter( self.config.TaskArchiver.localWMStatsURL, "WMStatsAgent") #TODO: we might need to use local db for Tier0 self.centralRequestDBReader = RequestDBReader( self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralRequestDBURL, couchapp=self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.RequestCouchApp) if self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck: self.deletableState = "announced" self.centralRequestDBWriter = RequestDBWriter( self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralRequestDBURL, couchapp=self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.RequestCouchApp) if self.config.TaskArchiver.reqmgr2Only: self.reqmgr2Svc = ReqMgr( self.config.TaskArchiver.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) else: #TODO: remove this for reqmgr2 self.reqmgrSvc = RequestManager( {'endpoint': self.config.TaskArchiver.ReqMgrServiceURL}) else: # Tier0 case self.deletableState = "completed" # use local for update self.centralRequestDBWriter = RequestDBWriter( self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localT0RequestDBURL, couchapp=self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.RequestCouchApp) jobDBurl = sanitizeURL(self.config.JobStateMachine.couchurl)['url'] jobDBName = self.config.JobStateMachine.couchDBName self.jobCouchdb = CouchServer(jobDBurl) self.jobsdatabase = self.jobCouchdb.connectDatabase("%s/jobs" % jobDBName) self.fwjrdatabase = self.jobCouchdb.connectDatabase("%s/fwjrs" % jobDBName) statSummaryDBName = self.config.JobStateMachine.summaryStatsDBName self.statsumdatabase = self.jobCouchdb.connectDatabase( statSummaryDBName)
def __init__(self, microConfig, status, logger=None): """ Runs the basic setup and initialization for the MS Transferor module :param microConfig: microservice configuration """ self.msConfig = microConfig self.status = status self.uConfig = {} self.logger = getMSLogger(microConfig['verbose'], logger=logger) self.reqmgr2 = ReqMgr(microConfig['reqmgrUrl'], logger=self.logger) self.reqmgrAux = ReqMgrAux(microConfig['reqmgrUrl'], httpDict={'cacheduration': 60}, logger=self.logger) # eventually will change it to Rucio self.phedex = PhEDEx(httpDict={'cacheduration': 10 * 60}, dbsUrl=microConfig['dbsUrl'], logger=self.logger)
class WorkQueueManagerCleaner(BaseWorkerThread): """ Cleans expired items, updates element status. """ def __init__(self, queue, config): """ Initialise class members """ BaseWorkerThread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue self.config = config self.reqmgr2Svc = ReqMgr(self.config.General.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) myThread = threading.currentThread() daoFactory = DAOFactory(package="WMCore.WMBS", logger=myThread.logger, dbinterface=myThread.dbi) self.finishedWorflowCheck = daoFactory( classname="Subscriptions.CountFinishedSubscriptionsByWorkflow") def setup(self, parameters): """ Called at startup - introduce random delay to avoid workers all starting at once """ t = random.randrange(self.idleTime)'Sleeping for %d seconds before 1st loop' % t) time.sleep(t) @timeFunction def algorithm(self, parameters): """ Check & expire negotiation failures """"Start updating & cleaning...") try: self.queue.performQueueCleanupActions() # this will clean up whatever left over from above clean up. # also if the wq replication has problem it won't delay the killing jobs in condor # and updating wmbs status # state lists which shouldn't be populated in wmbs. (To prevent creating work before WQE status updated) # added completed status in the list due to the race condition requests = self.reqmgr2Svc.getRequestByStatusFromMemoryCache([ "aborted", "aborted-completed", "force-complete", "completed" ]).getData() results = self.finishedWorflowCheck.execute(workflowNames=requests) requestsToKill = [ reqInfo["workflow"] for reqInfo in results if reqInfo["open"] > 0 ] for wf in requestsToKill: self.queue.killWMBSWorkflow(wf) except Exception as ex: self.queue.logger.exception("Error cleaning queue: %s" % str(ex))"Finished updating & cleaning.")
def __init__(self, msConfig, **kwargs): """ Provides setup for MSTransferor and MSMonitor classes :param config: MS service configuration :param kwargs: can be used to skip the initialization of specific services, such as: logger: logger object skipReqMgr: boolean to skip ReqMgr initialization skipReqMgrAux: boolean to skip ReqMgrAux initialization skipRucio: boolean to skip Rucio initialization skipPhEDEx: boolean to skip PhEDEx initialization """ self.logger = getMSLogger(getattr(msConfig, 'verbose', False), kwargs.get("logger")) self.msConfig = msConfig"Configuration including default values:\n%s", self.msConfig) if not kwargs.get("skipReqMgr", False): self.reqmgr2 = ReqMgr(self.msConfig['reqmgr2Url'], logger=self.logger) if not kwargs.get("skipReqMgrAux", False): self.reqmgrAux = ReqMgrAux(self.msConfig['reqmgr2Url'], httpDict={'cacheduration': 1.0}, logger=self.logger) self.phedex = None self.rucio = None if self.msConfig.get('useRucio', False) and not kwargs.get("skipRucio", False): self.rucio = Rucio(acct=self.msConfig['rucioAccount'], hostUrl=self.msConfig['rucioUrl'], authUrl=self.msConfig['rucioAuthUrl'], configDict={ "logger": self.logger, "user_agent": "wmcore-microservices" }) elif not kwargs.get("skipPhEDEx", False): # hard code it to production DBS otherwise PhEDEx subscribe API fails to match TMDB data dbsUrl = "" self.phedex = PhEDEx(httpDict={'cacheduration': 0.5}, dbsUrl=dbsUrl, logger=self.logger)
def __init__(self, queue, config): """ Initialise class members """ BaseWorkerThread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue self.config = config self.reqmgr2Svc = ReqMgr(self.config.TaskArchiver.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) # state lists which shouldn't be populated in wmbs. (To prevent creating work before WQE status updated) self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache = self.reqmgr2Svc.getAbortedAndForceCompleteRequestsFromMemoryCache(expire=120)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): if not kwargs.get('logger'): import logging kwargs['logger'] = logging self.logger = kwargs['logger'] # this will break all in one test self.reqMgr2 = ReqMgr(kwargs.get("reqmgr2_endpoint", None)) centralurl = kwargs.get("central_logdb_url", "") identifier = kwargs.get("log_reporter", "") # set the thread name before creat the log db. # only sets that when it is not set already myThread = threading.currentThread() if myThread.getName() == "MainThread": myThread.setName(self.__class__.__name__) self.logdb = LogDB(centralurl, identifier, logger=self.logger) self.previous_state = {}
class WorkQueueManagerWMBSFileFeeder(BaseWorkerThread): """ Polls for Work """ def __init__(self, queue, config): """ Initialise class members """ BaseWorkerThread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue self.config = config self.reqmgr2Svc = ReqMgr(self.config.General.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) # state lists which shouldn't be populated in wmbs. (To prevent creating work before WQE status updated) self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache = self.reqmgr2Svc.getAbortedAndForceCompleteRequestsFromMemoryCache() def setup(self, parameters): """ Called at startup - introduce random delay to avoid workers all starting at once """ t = random.randrange(self.idleTime)'Sleeping for %d seconds before 1st loop' % t) time.sleep(t) @timeFunction def algorithm(self, parameters): """ Pull in work """ try: self.getWorks() except Exception as ex: self.queue.logger.error("Error in wmbs inject loop: %s" % str(ex)) def getWorks(self): """ Inject work into wmbs for idle sites """"Getting work and feeding WMBS files") # need to make sure jobs are created resources, jobCounts = freeSlots(minusRunning = True, allowedStates = ['Normal', 'Draining'], knownCmsSites = cmsSiteNames()) for site in resources:"I need %d jobs on site %s" % (resources[site], site)) abortedAndForceCompleteRequests = self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache.getData() previousWorkList = self.queue.getWork(resources, jobCounts, excludeWorkflows=abortedAndForceCompleteRequests)"%s of units of work acquired for file creation" % len(previousWorkList)) return
class WorkQueueManagerWMBSFileFeeder(BaseWorkerThread): """ Polls for Work """ def __init__(self, queue, config): """ Initialise class members """ BaseWorkerThread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue self.config = config self.reqmgr2Svc = ReqMgr(self.config.General.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) # state lists which shouldn't be populated in wmbs. (To prevent creating work before WQE status updated) self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache = self.reqmgr2Svc.getAbortedAndForceCompleteRequestsFromMemoryCache( ) def setup(self, parameters): """ Called at startup - introduce random delay to avoid workers all starting at once """ t = random.randrange(self.idleTime)'Sleeping for %d seconds before 1st loop', t) time.sleep(t) @timeFunction def algorithm(self, parameters): """ Get work from local workqueue to be injected into WMBS/DBSBuffer """"Getting work and feeding WMBS files...") try: # need to make sure jobs are created resources, jobCounts = freeSlots( minusRunning=True, allowedStates=['Normal', 'Draining'], knownCmsSites=cmsSiteNames()) for site in resources:"I need %d jobs on site %s" % (resources[site], site)) abortedAndForceCompleteRequests = self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache.getData( ) previousWorkList = self.queue.getWork( resources, jobCounts, excludeWorkflows=abortedAndForceCompleteRequests) "Acquired %s units of work for WMBS file creation", len(previousWorkList)) except Exception as ex: self.queue.logger.error("Error in wmbs inject loop: %s" % str(ex))
def __init__(self, config=None, logger=None): """ Setup a bunch of things, like: * logger for this service * initialize all the necessary service helpers * fetch the unified configuration from central couch * update the unified configuration with some deployment and default settings * start both transfer and monitor threads :param config: reqmgr2ms service configuration :param logger: """ self.uConfig = {} self.config = config self.logger = getMSLogger(getattr(config, 'verbose', False), logger) self._parseConfig(config)"Configuration including default values:\n%s", self.msConfig) self.reqmgr2 = ReqMgr(self.msConfig['reqmgrUrl'], logger=self.logger) self.reqmgrAux = ReqMgrAux(self.msConfig['reqmgrUrl'], httpDict={'cacheduration': 60}, logger=self.logger) # transferor has to look at workflows in assigned status self.msTransferor = MSTransferor(self.msConfig, "assigned", logger=self.logger) ### Last but not least, get the threads started thname = 'MSTransferor' self.transfThread = start_new_thread( thname, daemon, (self.transferor, 'assigned', self.msConfig['interval'], self.logger)) self.logger.debug("### Running %s thread %s", thname, self.transfThread.running()) thname = 'MSTransferorMonit' self.monitThread = start_new_thread( thname, daemon, (self.monitor, 'staging', self.msConfig['interval'] * 2, self.logger)) self.logger.debug("+++ Running %s thread %s", thname, self.monitThread.running())
def __init__(self, config): """ __init__ """ BaseWorkerThread.__init__(self) self.config = config self.bossAir = BossAirAPI(config=self.config) self.reqmgr2 = ReqMgr(self.config.General.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) self.workqueue = WorkQueue(self.config.WorkQueueManager.couchurl, self.config.WorkQueueManager.dbname) myThread = threading.currentThread() self.daoFactory = DAOFactory(package="WMCore.WMBS", logger=myThread.logger, dbinterface=myThread.dbi) self.listWorkflowsDAO = self.daoFactory(classname="Workflow.ListForJobUpdater") self.updateWorkflowPrioDAO = self.daoFactory(classname="Workflow.UpdatePriority") self.executingJobsDAO = self.daoFactory(classname="Jobs.GetNumberOfJobsForWorkflowTaskStatus")
class WorkQueueManagerCleaner(BaseWorkerThread): """ Cleans expired items, updates element status. """ def __init__(self, queue, config): """ Initialise class members """ BaseWorkerThread.__init__(self) self.forbiddenStatus = ["aborted", "aborted-completed", "force-complete", "completed"] self.queue = queue self.config = config self.reqmgr2Svc = ReqMgr(self.config.General.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) myThread = threading.currentThread() daoFactory = DAOFactory(package="WMCore.WMBS", logger=myThread.logger, dbinterface=myThread.dbi) self.finishedWorflowCheck = daoFactory(classname="Subscriptions.CountFinishedSubscriptionsByWorkflow") def setup(self, parameters): """ Called at startup - introduce random delay to avoid workers all starting at once """ t = random.randrange(self.idleTime)'Sleeping for %d seconds before 1st loop' % t) time.sleep(t) @timeFunction def algorithm(self, parameters): """ Check & expire negotiation failures """"Start updating & cleaning...") try: self.queue.performQueueCleanupActions() # this will clean up whatever left over from above clean up. # also if the wq replication has problem it won't delay the killing jobs in condor # and updating wmbs status # state lists which shouldn't be populated in wmbs. (To prevent creating work before WQE status updated) # added completed status in the list due to the race condition requests = self.reqmgr2Svc.getRequestByStatusFromMemoryCache(self.forbiddenStatus).getData() results = self.finishedWorflowCheck.execute(workflowNames=requests) requestsToKill = [reqInfo["workflow"] for reqInfo in results if reqInfo["open"] > 0]"Killing %d requests in WMBS ...", len(requestsToKill)) self.queue.killWMBSWorkflows(requestsToKill) except Exception as ex: self.queue.logger.exception("Error cleaning queue: %s", str(ex))"Finished updating & cleaning.")
def __init__(self, queue, config): """ Initialise class members """ BaseWorkerThread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue self.config = config self.reqmgr2Svc = ReqMgr(self.config.General.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) myThread = threading.currentThread() daoFactory = DAOFactory(package="WMCore.WMBS", logger=myThread.logger, dbinterface=myThread.dbi) self.finishedWorflowCheck = daoFactory(classname="Subscriptions.CountFinishedSubscriptionsByWorkflow")
def main(): """ _main_ """ if 'WMAGENT_CONFIG' not in os.environ: os.environ[ 'WMAGENT_CONFIG'] = '/data/srv/wmagent/current/config/wmagent/' config = loadConfigurationFile(os.environ["WMAGENT_CONFIG"]) # Instantiating central reqmgr and local workqueue print "ReqMgr2 URL : %s" % sanitizeURL( config.JobUpdater.reqMgr2Url)['url'] print "WorkQueue URL: %s and dbname %s" % (sanitizeURL( config.WorkQueueManager.couchurl)['url'], config.WorkQueueManager.dbname) reqmgr2 = ReqMgr(config.JobUpdater.reqMgr2Url) workqueue = WorkQueue(config.WorkQueueManager.couchurl, config.WorkQueueManager.dbname) print "\nFirst attempt to update prio of wfs that are not in WMBS and only in local queue" priorityCache = {} workflowsToUpdate = {} workflowsToCheck = [x for x in workqueue.getAvailableWorkflows()] print "Retrieved %d workflows from workqueue" % len(workflowsToCheck) for workflow, priority in workflowsToCheck: if workflow not in priorityCache: try: priorityCache[workflow] = reqmgr2.getRequestByNames( workflow)[workflow]['RequestPriority'] except Exception, ex: print "Couldn't retrieve the priority of request %s" % workflow print "Error: %s" % ex continue if priority != priorityCache[workflow]: workflowsToUpdate[workflow] = priorityCache[workflow]
def __init__(self, config): """ Initialise class members """ BaseWorkerThread.__init__(self) myThread = threading.currentThread() self.daoFactory = DAOFactory(package="WMCore.WMBS", logger=myThread.logger, dbinterface=myThread.dbi) self.dbsDaoFactory = DAOFactory( package="WMComponent.DBS3Buffer", logger=myThread.logger, dbinterface=myThread.dbi ) self.config = config self.jobCacheDir = self.config.JobCreator.jobCacheDir if getattr(self.config.TaskArchiver, "useWorkQueue", False) != False: # Get workqueue setup from config unless overridden if hasattr(self.config.TaskArchiver, "WorkQueueParams"): self.workQueue = localQueue(**self.config.TaskArchiver.WorkQueueParams) else: from WMCore.WorkQueue.WorkQueueUtils import queueFromConfig self.workQueue = queueFromConfig(self.config) else: self.workQueue = None self.timeout = getattr(self.config.TaskArchiver, "timeOut", None) self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck = getattr(self.config.TaskArchiver, "useReqMgrForCompletionCheck", True) if not self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck: # sets the local monitor summary couch db self.requestLocalCouchDB = RequestDBWriter( self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localT0RequestDBURL, couchapp=self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.RequestCouchApp, ) self.centralCouchDBWriter = self.requestLocalCouchDB else: self.centralCouchDBWriter = RequestDBWriter(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralRequestDBURL) self.reqmgr2Svc = ReqMgr(self.config.TaskArchiver.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) # TODO: remove this when reqmgr2 replace reqmgr completely (reqmgr2Only) self.reqmgrSvc = RequestManager({"endpoint": self.config.TaskArchiver.ReqMgrServiceURL}) # Load the cleanout state ID and save it stateIDDAO = self.daoFactory(classname="Jobs.GetStateID") self.stateID = stateIDDAO.execute("cleanout") return
class WorkQueueManagerCleaner(BaseWorkerThread): """ Cleans expired items, updates element status. """ def __init__(self, queue, config): """ Initialise class members """ BaseWorkerThread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue self.config = config self.reqmgr2Svc = ReqMgr(self.config.TaskArchiver.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) # state lists which shouldn't be populated in wmbs. (To prevent creating work before WQE status updated) self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache = self.reqmgr2Svc.getAbortedAndForceCompleteRequestsFromMemoryCache( ) def setup(self, parameters): """ Called at startup - introduce random delay to avoid workers all starting at once """ t = random.randrange(self.idleTime)'Sleeping for %d seconds before 1st loop' % t) time.sleep(t) def algorithm(self, parameters): """ Check & expire negotiation failures """"Start updating & cleaning...") try: self.queue.performQueueCleanupActions() # this will clean up whatever left over from above clean up. # also if the wq replication has problem it won't delay the killing jobs in condor # and updating wmbs status abortedAndForceCompleteRequests = self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache.getData( ) for wf in abortedAndForceCompleteRequests: self.queue.killWMBSWorkflow(wf) except Exception as ex: self.queue.logger.exception("Error cleaning queue: %s" % str(ex))"Finished updating & cleaning.")
def advanceStatus(self, config): """ Advance the request status based on the global workqueue elements status """ reqmgrSvc = ReqMgr(config.reqmgr2_url, logger=self.logger) gqService = WorkQueue(config.workqueue_url)"Getting GQ data for status check") wfStatusDict = gqService.getWorkflowStatusFromWQE()"Advancing statuses") if getattr(config, "enableMSStatusTransition", False): moveTransferorStatus(reqmgrSvc, self.logger) moveForwardStatus(reqmgrSvc, wfStatusDict, self.logger) moveToCompletedForNoWQJobs(reqmgrSvc, wfStatusDict, self.logger)"Done advancing status") return
class WorkQueueManagerCleaner(BaseWorkerThread): """ Cleans expired items, updates element status. """ def __init__(self, queue, config): """ Initialise class members """ BaseWorkerThread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue self.config = config self.reqmgr2Svc = ReqMgr(self.config.TaskArchiver.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) # state lists which shouldn't be populated in wmbs. (To prevent creating work before WQE status updated) self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache = self.reqmgr2Svc.getAbortedAndForceCompleteRequestsFromMemoryCache(expire=120) def setup(self, parameters): """ Called at startup - introduce random delay to avoid workers all starting at once """ t = random.randrange(self.idleTime)'Sleeping for %d seconds before 1st loop' % t) time.sleep(t) def algorithm(self, parameters): """ Check & expire negotiation failures """"Start updating & cleaning...") try: self.queue.performQueueCleanupActions() # this will clean up whatever left over from above clean up. # also if the wq replication has problem it won't delay the killing jobs in condor # and updating wmbs status abortedAndForceCompleteRequests = self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache.getData() for wf in abortedAndForceCompleteRequests: self.queue.killWMBSWorkflow(wf) except Exception as ex: self.queue.logger.exception("Error cleaning queue: %s" % str(ex))"Finished updating & cleaning.")
def __init__(self, config): """ __init__ """ BaseWorkerThread.__init__(self) self.config = config self.bossAir = BossAirAPI(config=self.config) self.reqmgr2 = ReqMgr(self.config.JobUpdater.reqMgr2Url) self.workqueue = WorkQueue(self.config.WorkQueueManager.couchurl, self.config.WorkQueueManager.dbname) myThread = threading.currentThread() self.daoFactory = DAOFactory(package="WMCore.WMBS", logger=myThread.logger, dbinterface=myThread.dbi) self.listWorkflowsDAO = self.daoFactory(classname="Workflow.ListForJobUpdater") self.updateWorkflowPrioDAO = self.daoFactory(classname="Workflow.UpdatePriority") self.executingJobsDAO = self.daoFactory(classname="Jobs.GetNumberOfJobsForWorkflowTaskStatus")
def advanceStatus(self, config): """ gather active data statistics """ reqmgrSvc = ReqMgr(config.reqmgr2_url, logger=self.logger) gqService = WorkQueue(config.workqueue_url) wmstatsSvc = WMStatsServer(config.wmstats_url, logger=self.logger)"Getting GQ data for status check") wfStatusDict = gqService.getWorkflowStatusFromWQE()"Advancing status") moveForwardStatus(reqmgrSvc, wfStatusDict, self.logger) moveToCompletedForNoWQJobs(reqmgrSvc, wfStatusDict, self.logger) moveToArchived(wmstatsSvc, reqmgrSvc, config.archiveDelayHours, self.logger)"Done advancing status") return
def advanceStatus(self, config): """ Advance the request status based on the global workqueue elements status """ reqmgrSvc = ReqMgr(config.reqmgr2_url, logger=self.logger) gqService = WorkQueue(config.workqueue_url) wmstatsSvc = WMStatsServer(config.wmstats_url, logger=self.logger) logdb = LogDB(config.central_logdb_url, config.log_reporter)"Getting GQ data for status check") wfStatusDict = gqService.getWorkflowStatusFromWQE()"Advancing status") moveForwardStatus(reqmgrSvc, wfStatusDict, self.logger) moveToCompletedForNoWQJobs(reqmgrSvc, wfStatusDict, self.logger) moveToArchived(wmstatsSvc, reqmgrSvc, logdb, config.archiveDelayHours, self.logger)"Done advancing status") return
def setup(self, parameters): """ Called at startup """ self.teamName = self.config.Agent.teamName # set the connection for local couchDB call self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck = getattr(self.config.TaskArchiver, 'useReqMgrForCompletionCheck', True) self.archiveDelayHours = getattr(self.config.TaskArchiver, 'archiveDelayHours', 0) self.wmstatsCouchDB = WMStatsWriter(self.config.TaskArchiver.localWMStatsURL, "WMStatsAgent") #TODO: we might need to use local db for Tier0 self.centralRequestDBReader = RequestDBReader(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralRequestDBURL, couchapp=self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.RequestCouchApp) if self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck: self.deletableState = "announced" self.centralRequestDBWriter = RequestDBWriter(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralRequestDBURL, couchapp=self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.RequestCouchApp) if self.config.TaskArchiver.reqmgr2Only: self.reqmgr2Svc = ReqMgr(self.config.TaskArchiver.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) else: #TODO: remove this for reqmgr2 self.reqmgrSvc = RequestManager({'endpoint': self.config.TaskArchiver.ReqMgrServiceURL}) else: # Tier0 case self.deletableState = "completed" # use local for update self.centralRequestDBWriter = RequestDBWriter(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localT0RequestDBURL, couchapp=self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.RequestCouchApp) jobDBurl = sanitizeURL(self.config.JobStateMachine.couchurl)['url'] jobDBName = self.config.JobStateMachine.couchDBName self.jobCouchdb = CouchServer(jobDBurl) self.jobsdatabase = self.jobCouchdb.connectDatabase("%s/jobs" % jobDBName) self.fwjrdatabase = self.jobCouchdb.connectDatabase("%s/fwjrs" % jobDBName) statSummaryDBName = self.config.JobStateMachine.summaryStatsDBName self.statsumdatabase = self.jobCouchdb.connectDatabase(statSummaryDBName)
def setUp(self): self.setConfig(config) self.setCouchDBs([(, "ReqMgr"), (, None)]) self.setSchemaModules([]) RESTBaseUnitTestWithDBBackend.setUp(self) self.setFakeDN() requestPath = os.path.join(getWMBASE(), "test", "data", "ReqMgr", "requests", "DMWM") rerecoFile = open(os.path.join(requestPath, "ReReco.json"), 'r') rerecoArgs = JsonWrapper.load(rerecoFile) self.rerecoCreateArgs = rerecoArgs["createRequest"] self.rerecoAssignArgs = rerecoArgs["assignRequest"] cmsswDoc = {"_id": "software"} cmsswDoc[self.rerecoCreateArgs["ScramArch"]] = [] cmsswDoc[self.rerecoCreateArgs["ScramArch"]].append(self.rerecoCreateArgs["CMSSWVersion"]) insertDataToCouch(os.getenv("COUCHURL"),, cmsswDoc) self.reqSvc = ReqMgr(self.jsonSender["host"]) self.reqSvc._noStale = True self.reqSvc['requests'].additionalHeaders = self.create_header
class JobSubmitterPoller(BaseWorkerThread): """ _JobSubmitterPoller_ The jobSubmitterPoller takes the jobs and organizes them into packages before sending them to the individual plugin submitters. """ def __init__(self, config): BaseWorkerThread.__init__(self) myThread = threading.currentThread() self.config = config # DAO factory for WMBS objects self.daoFactory = DAOFactory(package="WMCore.WMBS", logger=logging, dbinterface=myThread.dbi) # Libraries self.resourceControl = ResourceControl() self.changeState = ChangeState(self.config) self.bossAir = BossAirAPI(config=self.config, insertStates=True) self.hostName = self.config.Agent.hostName self.repollCount = getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'repollCount', 10000) self.maxJobsPerPoll = int(getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'maxJobsPerPoll', 1000)) self.maxJobsToCache = int(getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'maxJobsToCache', 50000)) self.maxJobsThisCycle = self.maxJobsPerPoll # changes as per schedd limit self.cacheRefreshSize = int(getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'cacheRefreshSize', 30000)) self.skipRefreshCount = int(getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'skipRefreshCount', 20)) self.packageSize = getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'packageSize', 500) self.collSize = getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'collectionSize', self.packageSize * 1000) self.maxTaskPriority = getattr(self.config.BossAir, 'maxTaskPriority', 1e7) self.condorFraction = 0.75 # update during every algorithm cycle self.condorOverflowFraction = 0.2 self.ioboundTypes = ('LogCollect', 'Merge', 'Cleanup', 'Harvesting') self.drainGracePeriod = getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'drainGraceTime', 2 * 24 * 60 * 60) # 2 days # Used for speed draining the agent self.enableAllSites = False # Additions for caching-based JobSubmitter self.jobsByPrio = {} # key'ed by the final job priority, which contains a set of job ids self.jobDataCache = {} # key'ed by the job id, containing the whole job info dict self.jobsToPackage = {} self.locationDict = {} self.drainSites = dict() self.drainSitesSet = set() self.abortSites = set() self.refreshPollingCount = 0 try: if not getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'submitDir', None): self.config.JobSubmitter.submitDir = self.config.JobSubmitter.componentDir self.packageDir = os.path.join(self.config.JobSubmitter.submitDir, 'packages') if not os.path.exists(self.packageDir): os.makedirs(self.packageDir) except OSError as ex: msg = "Error while trying to create packageDir %s\n!" msg += str(ex) logging.error(msg) logging.debug("PackageDir: %s", self.packageDir) logging.debug("Config: %s", config) raise JobSubmitterPollerException(msg) # Now the DAOs self.listJobsAction = self.daoFactory(classname="Jobs.ListForSubmitter") self.setLocationAction = self.daoFactory(classname="Jobs.SetLocation") self.locationAction = self.daoFactory(classname="Locations.GetSiteInfo") self.setFWJRPathAction = self.daoFactory(classname="Jobs.SetFWJRPath") self.listWorkflows = self.daoFactory(classname="Workflow.ListForSubmitter") # Keep a record of the thresholds in memory self.currentRcThresholds = {} self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck = getattr(self.config.TaskArchiver, 'useReqMgrForCompletionCheck', True) if self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck: # only set up this when reqmgr is used (not Tier0) self.reqmgr2Svc = ReqMgr(self.config.General.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache = self.reqmgr2Svc.getAbortedAndForceCompleteRequestsFromMemoryCache() self.reqAuxDB = ReqMgrAux(self.config.General.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) else: # Tier0 Case - just for the clarity (This private variable shouldn't be used self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache = None return def getPackageCollection(self, sandboxDir): """ _getPackageCollection_ Given a jobID figure out which packageCollection it should belong in. """ rawList = os.listdir(sandboxDir) collections = [] numberList = [] for entry in rawList: if 'PackageCollection' in entry: collections.append(entry) # If we have no collections, return 0 (PackageCollection_0) if len(collections) < 1: return 0 # Loop over the list of PackageCollections for collection in collections: collectionPath = os.path.join(sandboxDir, collection) packageList = os.listdir(collectionPath) collectionNum = int(collection.split('_')[1]) if len(packageList) < self.collSize: return collectionNum else: numberList.append(collectionNum) # If we got here, then all collections are full. We'll need # a new one. Find the highest number, increment by one numberList.sort() return numberList[-1] + 1 def addJobsToPackage(self, loadedJob): """ _addJobsToPackage_ Add a job to a job package and then return the batch ID for the job. Packages are only written out to disk when they contain 100 jobs. The flushJobsPackages() method must be called after all jobs have been added to the cache and before they are actually submitted to make sure all the job packages have been written to disk. """ if loadedJob["workflow"] not in self.jobsToPackage: # First, let's pull all the information from the loadedJob batchid = "%s-%s" % (loadedJob["id"], loadedJob["retry_count"]) sandboxDir = os.path.dirname(loadedJob["sandbox"]) # Second, assemble the jobPackage location collectionIndex = self.getPackageCollection(sandboxDir) collectionDir = os.path.join(sandboxDir, 'PackageCollection_%i' % collectionIndex, 'batch_%s' % batchid) # Now create the package object self.jobsToPackage[loadedJob["workflow"]] = {"batchid": batchid, 'id': loadedJob['id'], "package": JobPackage(directory=collectionDir)} jobPackage = self.jobsToPackage[loadedJob["workflow"]]["package"] jobPackage[loadedJob["id"]] = loadedJob.getDataStructsJob() batchDir = jobPackage['directory'] if len(jobPackage.keys()) == self.packageSize: if not os.path.exists(batchDir): os.makedirs(batchDir) batchPath = os.path.join(batchDir, "JobPackage.pkl") del self.jobsToPackage[loadedJob["workflow"]] return batchDir def flushJobPackages(self): """ _flushJobPackages_ Write any jobs packages to disk that haven't been written out already. """ workflowNames = self.jobsToPackage.keys() for workflowName in workflowNames: jobPackage = self.jobsToPackage[workflowName]["package"] batchDir = jobPackage['directory'] if not os.path.exists(batchDir): os.makedirs(batchDir) batchPath = os.path.join(batchDir, "JobPackage.pkl") del self.jobsToPackage[workflowName] return def hasToRefreshCache(self): """ _hasToRefreshCache_ Check whether we should update the job data cache (or update it with new jobs in the created state) or if we just skip it. """ if self.cacheRefreshSize == -1 or len(self.jobDataCache) < self.cacheRefreshSize or\ self.refreshPollingCount >= self.skipRefreshCount: self.refreshPollingCount = 0 return True else: self.refreshPollingCount += 1"Skipping cache update to be submitted. (%s job in cache)", len(self.jobDataCache)) return False def refreshCache(self): """ _refreshCache_ Query WMBS for all jobs in the 'created' state. For all jobs returned from the query, check if they already exist in the cache. If they don't, unpickle them and combine their site white and black list with the list of locations they can run at. Add them to the cache. Each entry in the cache is a tuple with five items: - WMBS Job ID - Retry count - Batch ID - Path to sanbox - Path to cache directory """ # make a counter for jobs pending to sites in drain mode within the grace period countDrainingJobs = 0 timeNow = int(time.time()) badJobs = dict([(x, []) for x in range(71101, 71105)]) newJobIds = set()"Refreshing priority cache with currently %i jobs", len(self.jobDataCache)) newJobs = self.listJobsAction.execute(limitRows=self.maxJobsToCache) if self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck: # if reqmgr is used (not Tier0 Agent) get the aborted/forceCompleted record abortedAndForceCompleteRequests = self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache.getData() else: abortedAndForceCompleteRequests = []"Found %s new jobs to be submitted.", len(newJobs)) if self.enableAllSites:"Agent is in speed drain mode. Submitting jobs to all possible locations.")"Determining possible sites for new jobs...") jobCount = 0 for newJob in newJobs: jobCount += 1 if jobCount % 5000 == 0:"Processed %d/%d new jobs.", jobCount, len(newJobs)) # whether newJob belongs to aborted or force-complete workflow, and skip it if it is. if newJob['request_name'] in abortedAndForceCompleteRequests and \ newJob['task_type'] not in ['LogCollect', "Cleanup"]: continue jobID = newJob['id'] newJobIds.add(jobID) if jobID in self.jobDataCache: continue pickledJobPath = os.path.join(newJob["cache_dir"], "job.pkl") if not os.path.isfile(pickledJobPath): # Then we have a problem - there's no file logging.error("Could not find pickled jobObject %s", pickledJobPath) badJobs[71103].append(newJob) continue try: with open(pickledJobPath, 'r') as jobHandle: loadedJob = pickle.load(jobHandle) except Exception as ex: msg = "Error while loading pickled job object %s\n" % pickledJobPath msg += str(ex) logging.error(msg) raise JobSubmitterPollerException(msg) # figure out possible locations for job possibleLocations = loadedJob["possiblePSN"] # Create another set of locations that may change when a site goes white/black listed # Does not care about the non_draining or aborted sites, they may change and that is the point potentialLocations = set() potentialLocations.update(possibleLocations) # check if there is at least one site left to run the job if len(possibleLocations) == 0: newJob['fileLocations'] = loadedJob.get('fileLocations', []) newJob['siteWhitelist'] = loadedJob.get('siteWhitelist', []) newJob['siteBlacklist'] = loadedJob.get('siteBlacklist', []) logging.warning("Input data location doesn't pass the site restrictions for job id: %s", jobID) badJobs[71101].append(newJob) continue # if agent is in speed drain and has hit the threshold to submit to all sites, we can skip the logic below that exclude sites if not self.enableAllSites: # check for sites in aborted state and adjust the possible locations nonAbortSites = [x for x in possibleLocations if x not in self.abortSites] if nonAbortSites: # if there is at least a non aborted/down site then run there, otherwise fail the job possibleLocations = nonAbortSites else: newJob['possibleSites'] = possibleLocations logging.warning("Job id %s can only run at a site in Aborted state", jobID) badJobs[71102].append(newJob) continue # try to remove draining sites if possible, this is needed to stop # jobs that could run anywhere blocking draining sites # if the job type is Merge, LogCollect or Cleanup this is skipped if newJob['task_type'] not in self.ioboundTypes: nonDrainingSites = [x for x in possibleLocations if x not in self.drainSites] if nonDrainingSites: # if >1 viable non-draining site remove draining ones possibleLocations = nonDrainingSites elif self.failJobDrain(timeNow, possibleLocations): newJob['possibleSites'] = possibleLocations logging.warning("Job id %s can only run at a sites in Draining state", jobID) badJobs[71104].append(newJob) continue else: countDrainingJobs += 1 continue # Sigh...make sure the job added to the package has the proper retry_count loadedJob['retry_count'] = newJob['retry_count'] batchDir = self.addJobsToPackage(loadedJob) # calculate the final job priority such that we can order cached jobs by prio jobPrio = newJob['task_prio'] * self.maxTaskPriority + newJob['wf_priority'] self.jobsByPrio.setdefault(jobPrio, set()) self.jobsByPrio[jobPrio].add(jobID) # allow job baggage to override numberOfCores # => used for repacking to get more slots/disk numberOfCores = loadedJob.get('numberOfCores', 1) if numberOfCores == 1: baggage = loadedJob.getBaggage() numberOfCores = getattr(baggage, "numberOfCores", 1) loadedJob['numberOfCores'] = numberOfCores # Create a job dictionary object and put it in the cache (needs to be in sync with RunJob) jobInfo = {'taskPriority': newJob['task_prio'], 'custom': {'location': None}, # update later 'packageDir': batchDir, 'retry_count': newJob["retry_count"], 'sandbox': loadedJob["sandbox"], # remove before submit 'userdn': loadedJob.get("ownerDN", None), 'usergroup': loadedJob.get("ownerGroup", ''), 'userrole': loadedJob.get("ownerRole", ''), 'possibleSites': frozenset(possibleLocations), # abort and drain sites filtered out 'potentialSites': frozenset(potentialLocations), # original list of sites 'scramArch': loadedJob.get("scramArch", None), 'swVersion': loadedJob.get("swVersion", []), 'proxyPath': loadedJob.get("proxyPath", None), 'estimatedJobTime': loadedJob.get("estimatedJobTime", None), 'estimatedDiskUsage': loadedJob.get("estimatedDiskUsage", None), 'estimatedMemoryUsage': loadedJob.get("estimatedMemoryUsage", None), 'numberOfCores': loadedJob.get("numberOfCores"), # may update it later 'inputDataset': loadedJob.get('inputDataset', None), 'inputDatasetLocations': loadedJob.get('inputDatasetLocations', None), 'inputPileup': loadedJob.get('inputPileup', None), 'allowOpportunistic': loadedJob.get('allowOpportunistic', False)} # then update it with the info retrieved from the database jobInfo.update(newJob) self.jobDataCache[jobID] = jobInfo # Register failures in submission for errorCode in badJobs: if badJobs[errorCode]: logging.debug("The following jobs could not be submitted: %s, error code : %d", badJobs, errorCode) self._handleSubmitFailedJobs(badJobs[errorCode], errorCode) # Persist remaining job packages to disk self.flushJobPackages() # We need to remove any jobs from the cache that were not returned in # the last call to the database. jobIDsToPurge = set(self.jobDataCache.keys()) - newJobIds self._purgeJobsFromCache(jobIDsToPurge)"Found %d jobs pending to sites in drain within the grace period", countDrainingJobs)"Done pruning killed jobs, moving on to submit.") return def failJobDrain(self, timeNow, possibleLocations): """ Check whether sites are in drain for too long such that the job has to be marked as failed or not. :param timeNow: timestamp for this cycle :param possibleLocations: list of possible locations where the job can run :return: a boolean saying whether the job has to fail or not """ fail = True for siteName in set(possibleLocations).union(self.drainSitesSet): if timeNow - self.drainSites[siteName] < self.drainGracePeriod: # then let this job be, it's a fresh draining site fail = False break return fail def removeAbortedForceCompletedWorkflowFromCache(self): abortedAndForceCompleteRequests = self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache.getData() jobIDsToPurge = set() for jobID, jobInfo in self.jobDataCache.iteritems(): if (jobInfo['request_name'] in abortedAndForceCompleteRequests) and \ (jobInfo['task_type'] not in ['LogCollect', "Cleanup"]): jobIDsToPurge.add(jobID) self._purgeJobsFromCache(jobIDsToPurge) return def _purgeJobsFromCache(self, jobIDsToPurge): if len(jobIDsToPurge) == 0: return for jobid in jobIDsToPurge: self.jobDataCache.pop(jobid, None) for jobPrio in self.jobsByPrio: if jobid in self.jobsByPrio[jobPrio]: # then the jobid was found, go to the next one self.jobsByPrio[jobPrio].discard(jobid) break return def _handleSubmitFailedJobs(self, badJobs, exitCode): """ __handleSubmitFailedJobs_ For a default job report for the exitCode and register in the job. Preserve it on disk as well. Propagate the failure to the JobStateMachine. """ fwjrBinds = [] for job in badJobs: job['couch_record'] = None job['fwjr'] = Report() if exitCode in [71102, 71104]: job['fwjr'].addError("JobSubmit", exitCode, "SubmitFailed", WM_JOB_ERROR_CODES[exitCode] + ', '.join(job['possibleSites']), ', '.join(job['possibleSites'])) elif exitCode in [71101]: # there is no possible site if job.get("fileLocations"): job['fwjr'].addError("JobSubmit", exitCode, "SubmitFailed", WM_JOB_ERROR_CODES[exitCode] + ": file locations: " + ', '.join(job['fileLocations']) + ": site white list: " + ', '.join(job['siteWhitelist']) + ": site black list: " + ', '.join(job['siteBlacklist'])) else: job['fwjr'].addError("JobSubmit", exitCode, "SubmitFailed", WM_JOB_ERROR_CODES[exitCode] + ', and empty fileLocations') else: job['fwjr'].addError("JobSubmit", exitCode, "SubmitFailed", WM_JOB_ERROR_CODES[exitCode]) fwjrPath = os.path.join(job['cache_dir'], 'Report.%d.pkl' % int(job['retry_count'])) job['fwjr'].setJobID(job['id']) try: job['fwjr'].save(fwjrPath) fwjrBinds.append({"jobid": job["id"], "fwjrpath": fwjrPath}) except IOError as ioer: logging.error("Failed to write FWJR for submit failed job %d, message: %s", job['id'], str(ioer)) self.changeState.propagate(badJobs, "submitfailed", "created") self.setFWJRPathAction.execute(binds=fwjrBinds) return def getThresholds(self): """ _getThresholds_ Retrieve submit thresholds, which considers what is pending and running for those sites. Also update the list of draining and abort/down sites. Finally, creates a map between task type and its priority. """ # lets store also a timestamp for when a site joined the Drain state newDrainSites = dict() newAbortSites = set() rcThresholds = self.resourceControl.listThresholdsForSubmit() for siteName in rcThresholds.keys(): # Add threshold if we don't have it already state = rcThresholds[siteName]["state"] if state == "Draining": newDrainSites.update({siteName: rcThresholds[siteName]["state_time"]}) if state in ["Down", "Aborted"]: newAbortSites.add(siteName) # When the list of drain/abort sites change between iteration then a location # refresh is needed, for now it forces a full cache refresh if set(newDrainSites.keys()) != self.drainSitesSet or newAbortSites != self.abortSites:"Draining or Aborted sites have changed, the cache will be rebuilt.") self.jobsByPrio = {} self.jobDataCache = {} self.currentRcThresholds = rcThresholds self.abortSites = newAbortSites self.drainSites = newDrainSites self.drainSitesSet = set(newDrainSites.keys()) return def checkZeroTaskThresholds(self, jobType, siteList): """ _checkZeroTaskThresholds_ Given a job type and a list of sites, remove sites from the list if that site + task has 0 pending thresholds. Returns a new list of sites """ newSiteList = [] for site in siteList: try: taskPendingSlots = self.currentRcThresholds[site]['thresholds'][jobType]["pending_slots"] except KeyError as ex: msg = "Invalid key for site %s and job type %s. Error: %s" % (site, jobType, str(ex)) logging.warning(msg) else: if taskPendingSlots > 0: newSiteList.append(site) return newSiteList def _getJobSubmitCondition(self, jobPrio, siteName, jobType): """ returns the string describing whether a job is ready to be submitted or the reason can't be submitted Only jobs with "JobSubmitReady" return value will be added to submit job. Other return values will indicate the reason jobs cannot be submitted. i.e. "NoPendingSlot" - pending slot is full with pending job """ try: totalPendingSlots = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]["total_pending_slots"] totalPendingJobs = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]["total_pending_jobs"] totalRunningSlots = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]["total_running_slots"] totalRunningJobs = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]["total_running_jobs"] taskPendingSlots = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]['thresholds'][jobType]["pending_slots"] taskPendingJobs = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]['thresholds'][jobType]["task_pending_jobs"] taskRunningSlots = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]['thresholds'][jobType]["max_slots"] taskRunningJobs = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]['thresholds'][jobType]["task_running_jobs"] highestPriorityInJobs = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]['thresholds'][jobType]['wf_highest_priority'] # set the initial totalPendingJobs since it increases in every cycle when a job is submitted self.currentRcThresholds[siteName].setdefault("init_total_pending_jobs", totalPendingJobs) # set the initial taskPendingJobs since it increases in every cycle when a job is submitted self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]['thresholds'][jobType].setdefault("init_task_pending_jobs", taskPendingJobs) initTotalPending = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]["init_total_pending_jobs"] initTaskPending = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]['thresholds'][jobType]["init_task_pending_jobs"] except KeyError as ex: msg = "Invalid key for site %s and job type %s\n" % (siteName, jobType) msg += str(ex) logging.exception(msg) return "NoJobType_%s_%s" % (siteName, jobType) if (highestPriorityInJobs is None) or (jobPrio <= highestPriorityInJobs) or (jobType in self.ioboundTypes): # there is no pending or running jobs in the system (None case) or # priority of the job is lower or equal don't allow overflow # Also if jobType is in ioboundTypes don't allow overflow totalPendingThreshold = totalPendingSlots taskPendingThreshold = taskPendingSlots totalJobThreshold = totalPendingSlots + totalRunningSlots totalTaskTheshold = taskPendingSlots + taskRunningSlots else: # In case the priority of the job is higher than any of currently pending or running jobs. # Then increase the threshold by condorOverflowFraction * original pending slot. totalPendingThreshold = max(totalPendingSlots, initTotalPending) + ( totalPendingSlots * self.condorOverflowFraction) taskPendingThreshold = max(taskPendingSlots, initTaskPending) + ( taskPendingSlots * self.condorOverflowFraction) totalJobThreshold = totalPendingThreshold + totalRunningSlots totalTaskTheshold = taskPendingThreshold + taskRunningSlots jobStats = [{"Condition": "NoPendingSlot", "Current": totalPendingJobs, "Threshold": totalPendingThreshold}, {"Condition": "NoTaskPendingSlot", "Current": taskPendingJobs, "Threshold": taskPendingThreshold}, {"Condition": "NoRunningSlot", "Current": totalPendingJobs + totalRunningJobs, "Threshold": totalJobThreshold}, {"Condition": "NoTaskRunningSlot", "Current": taskPendingJobs + taskRunningJobs, "Threshold": totalTaskTheshold}] return jobSubmitCondition(jobStats) def assignJobLocations(self): """ _assignJobLocations_ Loop through the submit thresholds and pull sites out of the job cache as we discover open slots. This will return a list of tuple where each tuple will have six elements: - WMBS Job ID - Retry count - Batch ID - Path to sanbox - Path to cache directory - SE name of the site to run at """ jobsToSubmit = {} jobsCount = 0 exitLoop = False jobSubmitLogBySites = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(Counter)) jobSubmitLogByPriority = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(Counter)) # iterate over jobs from the highest to the lowest prio for jobPrio in sorted(self.jobsByPrio, reverse=True): # then we're completely done and have our basket full of jobs to submit if exitLoop: break # can we assume jobid=1 is older than jobid=3? I think so... for jobid in sorted(self.jobsByPrio[jobPrio]): jobType = self.jobDataCache[jobid]['task_type'] possibleSites = self.jobDataCache[jobid]['possibleSites'] # remove sites with 0 task thresholds possibleSites = self.checkZeroTaskThresholds(jobType, possibleSites) jobSubmitLogByPriority[jobPrio][jobType]['Total'] += 1 # now look for sites with free pending slots for siteName in possibleSites: condition = self._getJobSubmitCondition(jobPrio, siteName, jobType) if condition != "JobSubmitReady": jobSubmitLogBySites[siteName][jobType][condition] += 1 logging.debug("Found a job for %s : %s", siteName, condition) continue # pop the job dictionary object and update it cachedJob = self.jobDataCache.pop(jobid) cachedJob['custom'] = {'location': siteName} cachedJob['possibleSites'] = possibleSites # Sort jobs by jobPackage and get it in place to be submitted by the plugin package = cachedJob['packageDir'] jobsToSubmit.setdefault(package, []) jobsToSubmit[package].append(cachedJob) # update site/task thresholds and the component job counter self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]["total_pending_jobs"] += 1 self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]['thresholds'][jobType]["task_pending_jobs"] += 1 jobsCount += 1 jobSubmitLogBySites[siteName][jobType]["submitted"] += 1 jobSubmitLogByPriority[jobPrio][jobType]['submitted'] += 1 # jobs that will be submitted must leave the job data cache self.jobsByPrio[jobPrio].discard(jobid) # found a site to submit this job, so go to the next job break # set the flag and get out of the job iteration if jobsCount >= self.maxJobsThisCycle:"Submitter reached limit of submit slots for this cycle: %i", self.maxJobsThisCycle) exitLoop = True break"Site submission report ...") for site in jobSubmitLogBySites:" %s : %s", site, json.dumps(jobSubmitLogBySites[site]))"Priority submission report ...") for prio in jobSubmitLogByPriority:" %s : %s", prio, json.dumps(jobSubmitLogByPriority[prio]))"Have %s packages to submit.", len(jobsToSubmit))"Have %s jobs to submit.", jobsCount)"Done assigning site locations.") return jobsToSubmit def submitJobs(self, jobsToSubmit): """ _submitJobs_ Actually do the submission of the jobs """ jobList = [] idList = [] if len(jobsToSubmit) == 0: logging.debug("There are no packages to submit.") return for package in jobsToSubmit.keys(): jobs = jobsToSubmit.get(package, []) for job in jobs: job['location'], job['plugin'], job['site_cms_name'] = self.getSiteInfo(job['custom']['location']) idList.append({'jobid': job['id'], 'location': job['custom']['location']}) jobList.extend(jobs) myThread = threading.currentThread() myThread.transaction.begin() # Run the actual underlying submit code using bossAir successList, failList = self.bossAir.submit(jobs=jobList)"Jobs that succeeded/failed submission: %d/%d.", len(successList), len(failList)) # Propagate states in the WMBS database logging.debug("Propagating success state to WMBS.") self.changeState.propagate(successList, 'executing', 'created') logging.debug("Propagating fail state to WMBS.") self.changeState.propagate(failList, 'submitfailed', 'created') # At the end we mark the locations of the jobs # This applies even to failed jobs, since the location # could be part of the failure reason. logging.debug("Updating job location...") self.setLocationAction.execute(bulkList=idList, conn=myThread.transaction.conn, transaction=True) myThread.transaction.commit()"Transaction cycle successfully completed.") return def getSiteInfo(self, jobSite): """ _getSiteInfo_ This is how you get the name of a CE and the plugin for a job """ if jobSite not in self.locationDict.keys(): siteInfo = self.locationAction.execute(siteName=jobSite) self.locationDict[jobSite] = siteInfo[0] return (self.locationDict[jobSite].get('ce_name'), self.locationDict[jobSite].get('plugin'), self.locationDict[jobSite].get('cms_name')) @timeFunction def algorithm(self, parameters=None): """ _algorithm_ Try to, in order: 1) Refresh the cache 2) Find jobs for all the necessary sites 3) Submit the jobs to the plugin """ myThread = threading.currentThread() if self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck: # only runs when reqmgr is used (not Tier0) self.removeAbortedForceCompletedWorkflowFromCache() agentConfig = self.reqAuxDB.getWMAgentConfig(self.config.Agent.hostName) if agentConfig.get("UserDrainMode") and agentConfig.get("SpeedDrainMode"): self.enableAllSites = agentConfig.get("SpeedDrainConfig")['EnableAllSites']['Enabled'] else: self.enableAllSites = False self.condorFraction = agentConfig.get('CondorJobsFraction', 0.75) self.condorOverflowFraction = agentConfig.get("CondorOverflowFraction", 0.2) else: # For Tier0 agent self.condorFraction = 1 self.condorOverflowFraction = 0 if not self.passSubmitConditions(): msg = "JobSubmitter didn't pass the submit conditions. Skipping this cycle." logging.warning(msg)"JobSubmitter_submitWork", msg, "warning") return try: myThread.logdbClient.delete("JobSubmitter_submitWork", "warning", this_thread=True) self.getThresholds() if self.hasToRefreshCache(): self.refreshCache() jobsToSubmit = self.assignJobLocations() self.submitJobs(jobsToSubmit=jobsToSubmit) except WMException: if getattr(myThread, 'transaction', None) is not None: myThread.transaction.rollback() raise except Exception as ex: msg = 'Fatal error in JobSubmitter:\n' msg += str(ex) # msg += str(traceback.format_exc()) msg += '\n\n' logging.error(msg) if getattr(myThread, 'transaction', None) is not None: myThread.transaction.rollback() raise JobSubmitterPollerException(msg) return def passSubmitConditions(self): """ _passSubmitConditions_ Check whether the component is allowed to submit jobs to condor. Initially it has only one condition, which is the total number of jobs we can have in condor (pending + running) per schedd, set by MAX_JOBS_PER_OWNER. """ myThread = threading.currentThread() freeSubmitSlots = availableScheddSlots(dbi=myThread.dbi, logger=logging, condorFraction=self.condorFraction) self.maxJobsThisCycle = min(freeSubmitSlots, self.maxJobsPerPoll) return (self.maxJobsThisCycle > 0) def terminate(self, params): """ _terminate_ Kill the code after one final pass when called by the master thread. """ logging.debug("terminating. doing one more pass before we die") self.algorithm(params)
class ReqMgrService(TemplatedPage): """ Request Manager web service class """ def __init__(self, app, config, mount): self.base = config.base self.rootdir = '/'.join(WMCore.__file__.split('/')[:-1]) if config and not isinstance(config, dict): web_config = config.dictionary_() if not config: web_config = {'base': self.base} TemplatedPage.__init__(self, web_config) imgdir = os.environ.get('RM_IMAGESPATH', os.getcwd() + '/images') self.imgdir = web_config.get('imgdir', imgdir) cssdir = os.environ.get('RM_CSSPATH', os.getcwd() + '/css') self.cssdir = web_config.get('cssdir', cssdir) jsdir = os.environ.get('RM_JSPATH', os.getcwd() + '/js') self.jsdir = web_config.get('jsdir', jsdir) spdir = os.environ.get('RM_SPECPATH', os.getcwd() + '/specs') self.spdir = web_config.get('spdir', spdir) # read scripts area and initialize data-ops scripts self.sdir = os.environ.get('RM_SCRIPTS', os.getcwd() + '/scripts') self.sdir = web_config.get('sdir', self.sdir) self.sdict_thr = web_config.get('sdict_thr', 600) # put reasonable 10 min interval self.sdict = {'ts': time.time()} # placeholder for data-ops scripts self.update_scripts(force=True) # To be filled at run time self.cssmap = {} self.jsmap = {} self.imgmap = {} self.yuimap = {} std_specs_dir = os.path.join(self.rootdir, 'WMSpec/StdSpecs') self.std_specs = spec_list(std_specs_dir) self.std_specs.sort() # Update CherryPy configuration mime_types = ['text/css'] mime_types += ['application/javascript', 'text/javascript', 'application/x-javascript', 'text/x-javascript'] cherryconf.update({'tools.encode.on': True, 'tools.gzip.on': True, 'tools.gzip.mime_types': mime_types, }) self._cache = {} # initialize access to reqmgr2 APIs self.reqmgr_url = config.reqmgr.reqmgr2_url self.reqmgr = ReqMgr(self.reqmgr_url) # only gets current view (This might cause to reponse time much longer, # If upto date view is not needed overwrite Fale) self.reqmgr._noStale = True # get fields which we'll use in templates cdict = config.reqmgr.dictionary_() self.couch_url = cdict.get('couch_host', '') self.couch_dbname = cdict.get('couch_reqmgr_db', '') self.couch_wdbname = cdict.get('couch_workload_summary_db', '') self.acdc_url = cdict.get('acdc_host', '') self.acdc_dbname = cdict.get('acdc_db', '') self.configcache_url = cdict.get('couch_config_cache_url', self.couch_url) self.dbs_url = cdict.get('dbs_url', '') self.dqm_url = cdict.get('dqm_url', '') self.sw_ver = cdict.get('default_sw_version', 'CMSSW_7_6_1') self.sw_arch = cdict.get('default_sw_scramarch', 'slc6_amd64_gcc493') # LogDB holder centralurl = cdict.get("central_logdb_url", "") identifier = cdict.get("log_reporter", "reqmgr2") self.logdb = LogDB(centralurl, identifier) # local team cache which will request data from wmstats base, uri = self.reqmgr_url.split('://') base_url = '%s://%s' % (base, uri.split('/')[0]) self.wmstatsurl = cdict.get('wmstats_url', '%s/wmstatsserver' % base_url) if not self.wmstatsurl: raise Exception('ReqMgr2 configuration file does not provide wmstats url') self.team_cache = [] # fetch assignment arguments specification from StdBase self.assignArgs = StdBase().getWorkloadAssignArgs() self.assignArgs = {key: val['default'] for key, val in self.assignArgs.items()} def getTeams(self): "Helper function to get teams from wmstats or local cache" teams = self.team_cache url = '%s/data/teams' % self.wmstatsurl params = {} headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'} try: data = getdata(url, params, headers) if 'error' in data: print("WARNING: fail to get teams from %s" % url) print(data) teams = data.get('result', []) self.team_cache = teams except Exception as exp: print("WARNING: fail to get teams from %s" % url) print(str(exp)) return teams def update_scripts(self, force=False): "Update scripts dict" if force or abs(time.time() - self.sdict['ts']) > self.sdict_thr: for item in os.listdir(self.sdir): with open(os.path.join(self.sdir, item), 'r') as istream: self.sdict[item.split('.')[0]] = self.sdict['ts'] = time.time() def abs_page(self, tmpl, content): """generate abstract page""" menu = self.templatepage('menu', menus=menus(), tmpl=tmpl) body = self.templatepage('generic', menu=menu, content=content) page = self.templatepage('main', content=body, user=user()) return page def page(self, content): """ Provide page wrapped with top/bottom templates. """ return self.templatepage('main', content=content) def error(self, content): "Generate common error page" content = self.templatepage('error', content=content) return self.abs_page('error', content) @expose def index(self): """Main page""" content = self.templatepage('index', requests=ACTIVE_STATUS, rdict=REQUEST_STATE_TRANSITION) return self.abs_page('main', content) @expose def home(self, **kwds): """Main page""" return self.index(**kwds) ### Request actions ### @expose @checkargs(['status', 'sort']) def assign(self, **kwds): """assign page""" if not kwds: kwds = {} if 'status' not in kwds: kwds.update({'status': 'assignment-approved'}) docs = [] attrs = ['RequestName', 'RequestDate', 'Group', 'Requestor', 'RequestStatus'] dataResult = self.reqmgr.getRequestByStatus(statusList=[kwds['status']]) for data in dataResult: for val in data.values(): docs.append(request_attr(val, attrs)) sortby = kwds.get('sort', 'status') docs = [r for r in sort(docs, sortby)] assignDict = deepcopy(self.assignArgs) assignDict.update(getPropValueMap()) assignDict['Team'] = self.getTeams() filter_sort = self.templatepage('filter_sort') content = self.templatepage('assign', sort=sortby, filter_sort_table=filter_sort, sites=SITE_CACHE.getData(), site_white_list=site_white_list(), site_black_list=site_black_list(), user=user(), user_dn=user_dn(), requests=toString(docs), misc_table=json2table(assignDict, web_ui_names(), "all_attributes"), misc_json=json2form(assignDict, indent=2, keep_first_value=True)) return self.abs_page('assign', content) @expose @checkargs(['status', 'sort']) def approve(self, **kwds): """ Approve page: get list of request associated with user DN. Fetch their status list from ReqMgr and display if requests were seen by data-ops. """ if not kwds: kwds = {} if 'status' not in kwds: kwds.update({'status': 'new'}) kwds.update({'_nostale': True}) docs = [] attrs = ['RequestName', 'RequestDate', 'Group', 'Requestor', 'RequestStatus', 'Campaign'] dataResult = self.reqmgr.getRequestByStatus(statusList=[kwds['status']]) for data in dataResult: for val in data.values(): docs.append(request_attr(val, attrs)) sortby = kwds.get('sort', 'status') docs = [r for r in sort(docs, sortby)] filter_sort = self.templatepage('filter_sort') content = self.templatepage('approve', requests=toString(docs), date=tstamp(), sort=sortby, filter_sort_table=filter_sort, gen_color=gen_color) return self.abs_page('approve', content) @expose def create(self, **kwds): """create page""" # get list of standard specs from WMCore and new ones from local area # loc_specs_dir = os.path.join(self.spdir, 'Specs') # local specs # loc_specs = spec_list(loc_specs_dir, 'Specs') # all_specs = list(set(self.std_specs + loc_specs)) # all_specs.sort() all_specs = list(self.std_specs) spec = kwds.get('form', '') if not spec: spec = self.std_specs[0] # make spec first in all_specs list if spec in all_specs: all_specs.remove(spec) all_specs = [spec] + all_specs jsondata = get_request_template_from_type(spec) # create templatized page out of provided forms self.update_scripts() content = self.templatepage('create', table=json2table(jsondata, web_ui_names(), jsondata), jsondata=json2form(jsondata, indent=2, keep_first_value=True), name=spec, scripts=[s for s in self.sdict.keys() if s != 'ts'], specs=all_specs) return self.abs_page('create', content) def generate_objs(self, script, jsondict): """Generate objects from givem JSON template""" self.update_scripts() code = self.sdict.get(script, '') if code.find('def genobjs(jsondict)') == -1: return self.error( "Improper python snippet, your code should start with <b>def genobjs(jsondict)</b> function") exec (code) # code snippet must starts with genobjs function return [r for r in genobjs(jsondict)] @expose def config(self, name): "Fetch config for given request name" result = self.reqmgr.getConfig(name) if len(result) == 1: result = result[0] else: result = 'Configuration not found for: %s' % name return result.replace('\n', '<br/>') @expose def fetch(self, rid): "Fetch document for given id" rid = rid.replace('request-', '') doc = self.reqmgr.getRequestByNames(rid) transitions = [] tst = time.time() # get request tasks tasks = self.reqmgr.getRequestTasks(rid) if len(doc) == 1: try: doc = doc[0][rid] except: pass name = doc.get('RequestName', 'NA') title = 'Request %s' % name status = doc.get('RequestStatus', '') transitions = REQUEST_STATE_TRANSITION.get(status, []) if status in transitions: transitions.remove(status) visible_attrs = get_modifiable_properties(status) filterout_attrs = get_protected_properties() # extend filterout list with "RequestStatus" since it is passed separately filterout_attrs.append("RequestStatus") for key, val in self.assignArgs.items(): if not doc.get(key): doc[key] = val if visible_attrs == "all_attributes": filteredDoc = doc for prop in filterout_attrs: if prop in filteredDoc: del filteredDoc[prop] else: filteredDoc = {} for prop in visible_attrs: filteredDoc[prop] = doc.get(prop, "") propValueMap = getPropValueMap() propValueMap['Team'] = self.getTeams() selected = {} for prop in propValueMap: if prop in filteredDoc: filteredDoc[prop], selected[prop] = reorder_list(propValueMap[prop], filteredDoc[prop]) content = self.templatepage('doc', title=title, status=status, name=name, rid=rid, tasks=json2form(tasks, indent=2, keep_first_value=False), table=json2table(filteredDoc, web_ui_names(), visible_attrs, selected), jsondata=json2form(doc, indent=2, keep_first_value=False), doc=json.dumps(doc), time=time, tasksConfigs=tasks_configs(doc, html=True), sTransition=state_transition(doc), pTransition=priority_transition(doc), transitions=transitions, humanStates=REQUEST_HUMAN_STATES, ts=tst, user=user(), userdn=user_dn()) elif len(doc) > 1: jsondata = [pprint.pformat(d) for d in doc] content = self.templatepage('doc', title='Series of docs: %s' % rid, table="", jsondata=jsondata, time=time, tasksConfigs=tasks_configs(doc, html=True), sTransition=state_transition(doc), pTransition=priority_transition(doc), transitions=transitions, humanStates=REQUEST_HUMAN_STATES, ts=tst, user=user(), userdn=user_dn()) else: doc = 'No request found for name=%s' % rid return self.abs_page('request', content) @expose def record2logdb(self, **kwds): """LogDB submission page""" print(kwds) request = kwds['request'] msg = kwds['message'], msg) msg = '<h6>Confirmation</h6>Your request has been entered to LogDB.' return self.abs_page('generic', msg) @expose def requests(self, **kwds): """Page showing requests""" if not kwds: kwds = {} if 'status' not in kwds: kwds.update({'status': 'acquired'}) dataResult = self.reqmgr.getRequestByStatus(kwds['status']) attrs = ['RequestName', 'RequestDate', 'Group', 'Requestor', 'RequestStatus', 'Campaign'] docs = [] for data in dataResult: for doc in data.values(): docs.append(request_attr(doc, attrs)) sortby = kwds.get('sort', 'status') docs = [r for r in sort(docs, sortby)] filter_sort = self.templatepage('filter_sort') content = self.templatepage('requests', requests=toString(docs), sort=sortby, status=kwds['status'], filter_sort_table=filter_sort) return self.abs_page('requests', content) @expose def request(self, **kwargs): "Get data example and expose it as json" dataset = kwargs.get('uinput', '') if not dataset: return {'error': 'no input dataset'} url = '' % dataset params = {} headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'} wdata = getdata(url, params, headers) wdict = dict(date=time.ctime(), team='Team-A', status='Running', ID=genid(wdata)) winfo = self.templatepage('workflow', wdict=wdict, dataset=dataset, code=pprint.pformat(wdata)) content = self.templatepage('search', content=winfo) return self.abs_page('request', content) @expose def batch(self, **kwds): """batch page""" # TODO: we need a template for batch attributes # and read it from separate area, like DASMaps name = kwds.get('name', '') batch = {} if name: # batch = self.reqmgr.getBatchesByName(name) batch = {'Name': 'Batch1', 'Description': 'Bla-bla', 'Creator': 'valya', 'Group': 'test', 'Workflows': ['workflow1', 'workflow2'], 'Attributes': {'HeavyIon': ['true', 'false']}} attributes = batch.get('Attributes', {}) workflows = batch.get('Workflows', []) description = batch.get('Description', '') creator = batch.get('Creator', user_dn()) content = self.templatepage('batch', name=name, attributes=json2table(attributes, web_ui_names()), workflows=workflows, creator=creator, description=description) return self.abs_page('batch', content) @expose def batches(self, **kwds): """Page showing batches""" if not kwds: kwds = {} if 'name' not in kwds: kwds.update({'name': ''}) sortby = kwds.get('sort', 'name') # results = self.reqmgr.getBatchesByName(kwds['name']) results = [ {'Name': 'Batch1', 'Description': 'Bla-bla', 'Creator': 'valya', 'Group': 'test', 'Workflows': ['workflow1', 'workflow2'], 'Date': 'Fri Feb 13 10:36:41 EST 2015', 'Attributes': {'HeavyIon': ['true', 'false']}}, {'Name': 'Batch2', 'Description': 'lksdjflksjdf', 'Creator': 'valya', 'Group': 'test', 'Workflows': ['workflow1', 'workflow2'], 'Date': 'Fri Feb 10 10:36:41 EST 2015', 'Attributes': {'HeavyIon': ['true', 'false']}}, ] docs = [r for r in sort(results, sortby)] filter_sort = self.templatepage('filter_sort') content = self.templatepage('batches', batches=docs, sort=sortby, filter_sort_table=filter_sort) return self.abs_page('batches', content) ### Aux methods ### @expose def put_request(self, **kwds): "PUT request callback to reqmgr server, should be used in AJAX" reqname = kwds.get('RequestName', '') status = kwds.get('RequestStatus', '') if not reqname: msg = 'Unable to update request status, empty request name' raise cherrypy.HTTPError(406, msg) if not status: msg = 'Unable to update request status, empty status value' raise cherrypy.HTTPError(406, msg) return self.reqmgr.updateRequestStatus(reqname, status) @expose def images(self, *args): """ Serve static images. """ args = list(args) check_scripts(args, self.imgmap, self.imgdir) mime_types = ['*/*', 'image/gif', 'image/png', 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg'] accepts = cherrypy.request.headers.elements('Accept') for accept in accepts: if accept.value in mime_types and len(args) == 1 \ and args[0] in self.imgmap: image = self.imgmap[args[0]] # use image extension to pass correct content type ctype = 'image/%s' % image.split('.')[-1] cherrypy.response.headers['Content-type'] = ctype return serve_file(image, content_type=ctype) def serve(self, kwds, imap, idir, datatype='', minimize=False): "Serve files for high level APIs (yui/css/js)" args = [] for key, val in kwds.items(): if key == 'f': # we only look-up files from given kwds dict if isinstance(val, list): args += val else: args.append(val) scripts = check_scripts(args, imap, idir) return self.serve_files(args, scripts, imap, datatype, minimize) @exposecss @tools.gzip() def css(self, **kwargs): """ Serve provided CSS files. They can be passed as f=file1.css&f=file2.css """ resource = kwargs.get('resource', 'css') if resource == 'css': return self.serve(kwargs, self.cssmap, self.cssdir, 'css', True) @exposejs @tools.gzip() def js(self, **kwargs): """ Serve provided JS scripts. They can be passed as f=file1.js&f=file2.js with optional resource parameter to speficy type of JS files, e.g. resource=yui. """ resource = kwargs.get('resource', 'js') if resource == 'js': return self.serve(kwargs, self.jsmap, self.jsdir) def serve_files(self, args, scripts, resource, datatype='', minimize=False): """ Return asked set of files for JS, YUI, CSS. """ idx = "-".join(scripts) if idx not in self._cache.keys(): data = '' if datatype == 'css': data = '@CHARSET "UTF-8";' for script in args: path = os.path.join(sys.path[0], resource[script]) path = os.path.normpath(path) with open(path) as ifile: data = "\n".join([data,'@CHARSET "UTF-8";', '')]) if datatype == 'css': set_headers("text/css") if minimize: self._cache[idx] = minify(data) else: self._cache[idx] = data return self._cache[idx]
def __init__(self, app, config, mount): self.base = config.base self.rootdir = '/'.join(WMCore.__file__.split('/')[:-1]) if config and not isinstance(config, dict): web_config = config.dictionary_() if not config: web_config = {'base': self.base} TemplatedPage.__init__(self, web_config) imgdir = os.environ.get('RM_IMAGESPATH', os.getcwd() + '/images') self.imgdir = web_config.get('imgdir', imgdir) cssdir = os.environ.get('RM_CSSPATH', os.getcwd() + '/css') self.cssdir = web_config.get('cssdir', cssdir) jsdir = os.environ.get('RM_JSPATH', os.getcwd() + '/js') self.jsdir = web_config.get('jsdir', jsdir) spdir = os.environ.get('RM_SPECPATH', os.getcwd() + '/specs') self.spdir = web_config.get('spdir', spdir) # read scripts area and initialize data-ops scripts self.sdir = os.environ.get('RM_SCRIPTS', os.getcwd() + '/scripts') self.sdir = web_config.get('sdir', self.sdir) self.sdict_thr = web_config.get('sdict_thr', 600) # put reasonable 10 min interval self.sdict = {'ts': time.time()} # placeholder for data-ops scripts self.update_scripts(force=True) # To be filled at run time self.cssmap = {} self.jsmap = {} self.imgmap = {} self.yuimap = {} std_specs_dir = os.path.join(self.rootdir, 'WMSpec/StdSpecs') self.std_specs = spec_list(std_specs_dir) self.std_specs.sort() # Update CherryPy configuration mime_types = ['text/css'] mime_types += [ 'application/javascript', 'text/javascript', 'application/x-javascript', 'text/x-javascript' ] cherryconf.update({ 'tools.encode.on': True, 'tools.gzip.on': True, 'tools.gzip.mime_types': mime_types, }) self._cache = {} # initialize access to reqmgr2 APIs self.reqmgr_url = config.reqmgr.reqmgr2_url self.reqmgr = ReqMgr(self.reqmgr_url) # only gets current view (This might cause to reponse time much longer, # If upto date view is not needed overwrite Fale) self.reqmgr._noStale = True # get fields which we'll use in templates cdict = config.reqmgr.dictionary_() self.couch_url = cdict.get('couch_host', '') self.couch_dbname = cdict.get('couch_reqmgr_db', '') self.couch_wdbname = cdict.get('couch_workload_summary_db', '') self.acdc_url = cdict.get('acdc_host', '') self.acdc_dbname = cdict.get('acdc_db', '') self.configcache_url = cdict.get('couch_config_cache_url', self.couch_url) self.dbs_url = cdict.get('dbs_url', '') self.dqm_url = cdict.get('dqm_url', '') self.sw_ver = cdict.get('default_sw_version', 'CMSSW_7_6_1') self.sw_arch = cdict.get('default_sw_scramarch', 'slc6_amd64_gcc493') # LogDB holder centralurl = cdict.get("central_logdb_url", "") identifier = cdict.get("log_reporter", "reqmgr2") self.logdb = LogDB(centralurl, identifier) # local team cache which will request data from wmstats base, uri = self.reqmgr_url.split('://') base_url = '%s://%s' % (base, uri.split('/')[0]) self.wmstatsurl = cdict.get('wmstats_url', '%s/wmstatsserver' % base_url) if not self.wmstatsurl: raise Exception( 'ReqMgr2 configuration file does not provide wmstats url') self.team_cache = [] # fetch assignment arguments specification from StdBase self.assignArgs = StdBase().getWorkloadAssignArgs() self.assignArgs = { key: val['default'] for key, val in self.assignArgs.items() }
class JobSubmitterPoller(BaseWorkerThread): """ _JobSubmitterPoller_ The jobSubmitterPoller takes the jobs and organizes them into packages before sending them to the individual plugin submitters. """ def __init__(self, config): BaseWorkerThread.__init__(self) myThread = threading.currentThread() self.config = config #DAO factory for WMBS objects self.daoFactory = DAOFactory(package="WMCore.WMBS", logger=logging, dbinterface=myThread.dbi) #Libraries self.resourceControl = ResourceControl() self.changeState = ChangeState(self.config) self.bossAir = BossAirAPI(config=self.config) self.hostName = self.config.Agent.hostName self.repollCount = getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'repollCount', 10000) self.maxJobsPerPoll = int( getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'maxJobsPerPoll', 1000)) self.maxJobsThisCycle = self.maxJobsPerPoll # changes as per schedd limit self.cacheRefreshSize = int( getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'cacheRefreshSize', 30000)) self.skipRefreshCount = int( getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'skipRefreshCount', 20)) self.packageSize = getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'packageSize', 500) self.collSize = getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'collectionSize', self.packageSize * 1000) self.maxTaskPriority = getattr(self.config.BossAir, 'maxTaskPriority', 1e7) self.condorFraction = 0.75 # update during every algorithm cycle self.condorOverflowFraction = 0.2 self.ioboundTypes = ('LogCollect', 'Merge', 'Cleanup', 'Harvesting') # Additions for caching-based JobSubmitter self.cachedJobIDs = set() self.cachedJobs = {} self.jobDataCache = {} self.jobsToPackage = {} self.sandboxPackage = {} self.locationDict = {} self.taskTypePrioMap = {} self.drainSites = set() self.abortSites = set() self.refreshPollingCount = 0 try: if not getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'submitDir', None): self.config.JobSubmitter.submitDir = self.config.JobSubmitter.componentDir self.packageDir = os.path.join(self.config.JobSubmitter.submitDir, 'packages') if not os.path.exists(self.packageDir): os.makedirs(self.packageDir) except OSError as ex: msg = "Error while trying to create packageDir %s\n!" msg += str(ex) logging.error(msg) logging.debug("PackageDir: %s", self.packageDir) logging.debug("Config: %s", config) raise JobSubmitterPollerException(msg) # Now the DAOs self.listJobsAction = self.daoFactory( classname="Jobs.ListForSubmitter") self.setLocationAction = self.daoFactory(classname="Jobs.SetLocation") self.locationAction = self.daoFactory( classname="Locations.GetSiteInfo") self.setFWJRPathAction = self.daoFactory(classname="Jobs.SetFWJRPath") self.listWorkflows = self.daoFactory( classname="Workflow.ListForSubmitter") # Keep a record of the thresholds in memory self.currentRcThresholds = {} self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck = getattr( self.config.TaskArchiver, 'useReqMgrForCompletionCheck', True) if self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck: # only set up this when reqmgr is used (not Tier0) self.reqmgr2Svc = ReqMgr(self.config.General.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache = self.reqmgr2Svc.getAbortedAndForceCompleteRequestsFromMemoryCache( ) self.reqAuxDB = ReqMgrAux(self.config.General.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) else: # Tier0 Case - just for the clarity (This private variable shouldn't be used self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache = None return def getPackageCollection(self, sandboxDir): """ _getPackageCollection_ Given a jobID figure out which packageCollection it should belong in. """ rawList = os.listdir(sandboxDir) collections = [] numberList = [] for entry in rawList: if 'PackageCollection' in entry: collections.append(entry) # If we have no collections, return 0 (PackageCollection_0) if len(collections) < 1: return 0 # Loop over the list of PackageCollections for collection in collections: collectionPath = os.path.join(sandboxDir, collection) packageList = os.listdir(collectionPath) collectionNum = int(collection.split('_')[1]) if len(packageList) < self.collSize: return collectionNum else: numberList.append(collectionNum) # If we got here, then all collections are full. We'll need # a new one. Find the highest number, increment by one numberList.sort() return numberList[-1] + 1 def addJobsToPackage(self, loadedJob): """ _addJobsToPackage_ Add a job to a job package and then return the batch ID for the job. Packages are only written out to disk when they contain 100 jobs. The flushJobsPackages() method must be called after all jobs have been added to the cache and before they are actually submitted to make sure all the job packages have been written to disk. """ if loadedJob["workflow"] not in self.jobsToPackage: # First, let's pull all the information from the loadedJob batchid = "%s-%s" % (loadedJob["id"], loadedJob["retry_count"]) sandboxDir = os.path.dirname(loadedJob["sandbox"]) # Second, assemble the jobPackage location collectionIndex = self.getPackageCollection(sandboxDir) collectionDir = os.path.join( sandboxDir, 'PackageCollection_%i' % collectionIndex, 'batch_%s' % batchid) # Now create the package object self.jobsToPackage[loadedJob["workflow"]] = { "batchid": batchid, 'id': loadedJob['id'], "package": JobPackage(directory=collectionDir) } jobPackage = self.jobsToPackage[loadedJob["workflow"]]["package"] jobPackage[loadedJob["id"]] = loadedJob.getDataStructsJob() batchDir = jobPackage['directory'] if len(jobPackage.keys()) == self.packageSize: if not os.path.exists(batchDir): os.makedirs(batchDir) batchPath = os.path.join(batchDir, "JobPackage.pkl") del self.jobsToPackage[loadedJob["workflow"]] return batchDir def flushJobPackages(self): """ _flushJobPackages_ Write any jobs packages to disk that haven't been written out already. """ workflowNames = self.jobsToPackage.keys() for workflowName in workflowNames: jobPackage = self.jobsToPackage[workflowName]["package"] batchDir = jobPackage['directory'] if not os.path.exists(batchDir): os.makedirs(batchDir) batchPath = os.path.join(batchDir, "JobPackage.pkl") del self.jobsToPackage[workflowName] return def refreshCache(self): """ _refreshCache_ Query WMBS for all jobs in the 'created' state. For all jobs returned from the query, check if they already exist in the cache. If they don't, unpickle them and combine their site white and black list with the list of locations they can run at. Add them to the cache. Each entry in the cache is a tuple with five items: - WMBS Job ID - Retry count - Batch ID - Path to sanbox - Path to cache directory """ badJobs = dict([(x, []) for x in range(71101, 71105)]) dbJobs = set()"Refreshing priority cache with currently %i jobs", len(self.cachedJobIDs)) if self.cacheRefreshSize == -1 or len(self.cachedJobIDs) < self.cacheRefreshSize or \ self.refreshPollingCount >= self.skipRefreshCount: newJobs = self.listJobsAction.execute() self.refreshPollingCount = 0 if self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck: # if reqmgr is used (not Tier0 Agent) get the aborted/forceCompleted record abortedAndForceCompleteRequests = self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache.getData( ) else: #T0Agent abortedAndForceCompleteRequests = []"Found %s new jobs to be submitted.", len(newJobs)) else: self.refreshPollingCount += 1 newJobs = [] dbJobs = self.cachedJobIDs abortedAndForceCompleteRequests = [] "Skipping cache update to be submitted. (%s job in cache)", len(dbJobs))"Determining possible sites for new jobs...") jobCount = 0 for newJob in newJobs: # whether newJob belongs to aborted or force-complete workflow, and skip it if it is. if (newJob['request_name'] in abortedAndForceCompleteRequests) and \ (newJob['type'] not in ['LogCollect', "Cleanup"]): continue jobID = newJob['id'] dbJobs.add(jobID) if jobID in self.cachedJobIDs: continue jobCount += 1 if jobCount % 5000 == 0:"Processed %d/%d new jobs.", jobCount, len(newJobs)) pickledJobPath = os.path.join(newJob["cache_dir"], "job.pkl") if not os.path.isfile(pickledJobPath): # Then we have a problem - there's no file logging.error("Could not find pickled jobObject %s", pickledJobPath) badJobs[71103].append(newJob) continue try: jobHandle = open(pickledJobPath, "r") loadedJob = pickle.load(jobHandle) jobHandle.close() except Exception as ex: msg = "Error while loading pickled job object %s\n" % pickledJobPath msg += str(ex) logging.error(msg) raise JobSubmitterPollerException(msg) loadedJob['retry_count'] = newJob['retry_count'] # figure out possible locations for job possibleLocations = loadedJob["possiblePSN"] # Create another set of locations that may change when a site goes white/black listed # Does not care about the non_draining or aborted sites, they may change and that is the point potentialLocations = set() potentialLocations.update(possibleLocations) # now check for sites in drain and adjust the possible locations # also check if there is at least one site left to run the job if len(possibleLocations) == 0: newJob['name'] = loadedJob['name'] newJob['fileLocations'] = loadedJob.get('fileLocations', []) newJob['siteWhitelist'] = loadedJob.get('siteWhitelist', []) newJob['siteBlacklist'] = loadedJob.get('siteBlacklist', []) badJobs[71101].append(newJob) continue else: nonAbortSites = [ x for x in possibleLocations if x not in self.abortSites ] if nonAbortSites: # if there is at least a non aborted/down site then run there, otherwise fail the job possibleLocations = nonAbortSites else: newJob['name'] = loadedJob['name'] newJob['possibleLocations'] = possibleLocations badJobs[71102].append(newJob) continue # try to remove draining sites if possible, this is needed to stop # jobs that could run anywhere blocking draining sites # if the job type is Merge, LogCollect or Cleanup this is skipped if newJob['type'] not in self.ioboundTypes: nonDrainingSites = [ x for x in possibleLocations if x not in self.drainSites ] if nonDrainingSites: # if >1 viable non-draining site remove draining ones possibleLocations = nonDrainingSites else: newJob['name'] = loadedJob['name'] newJob['possibleLocations'] = possibleLocations badJobs[71104].append(newJob) continue # locations clear of abort and draining sites newJob['possibleLocations'] = possibleLocations batchDir = self.addJobsToPackage(loadedJob) self.cachedJobIDs.add(jobID) # calculate the final job priority such that we can order cached jobs by prio jobPrio = self.taskTypePrioMap.get(newJob['type'], 0) + newJob['wf_priority'] if jobPrio not in self.cachedJobs: self.cachedJobs[jobPrio] = {} # now add basic information keyed by the jobid self.cachedJobs[jobPrio][jobID] = newJob # allow job baggage to override numberOfCores # => used for repacking to get more slots/disk numberOfCores = loadedJob.get('numberOfCores', 1) if numberOfCores == 1: baggage = loadedJob.getBaggage() numberOfCores = getattr(baggage, "numberOfCores", 1) loadedJob['numberOfCores'] = numberOfCores # Create a job dictionary object and put it in the cache (needs to be in sync with RunJob) jobInfo = { 'id': jobID, 'requestName': newJob['request_name'], 'taskName': newJob['task_name'], 'taskType': newJob['type'], 'cache_dir': newJob["cache_dir"], 'priority': newJob['wf_priority'], 'taskID': newJob['task_id'], 'retry_count': newJob["retry_count"], 'taskPriority': None, # update from the thresholds 'custom': { 'location': None }, # update later 'packageDir': batchDir, 'sandbox': loadedJob["sandbox"], # remove before submit 'userdn': loadedJob.get("ownerDN", None), 'usergroup': loadedJob.get("ownerGroup", ''), 'userrole': loadedJob.get("ownerRole", ''), 'possibleSites': frozenset( possibleLocations), # abort and drain sites filtered out 'potentialSites': frozenset(potentialLocations), # original list of sites 'scramArch': loadedJob.get("scramArch", None), 'swVersion': loadedJob.get("swVersion", None), 'name': loadedJob["name"], 'proxyPath': loadedJob.get("proxyPath", None), 'estimatedJobTime': loadedJob.get("estimatedJobTime", None), 'estimatedDiskUsage': loadedJob.get("estimatedDiskUsage", None), 'estimatedMemoryUsage': loadedJob.get("estimatedMemoryUsage", None), 'numberOfCores': loadedJob.get("numberOfCores", 1), # may update it later 'inputDataset': loadedJob.get('inputDataset', None), 'inputDatasetLocations': loadedJob.get('inputDatasetLocations', None), 'allowOpportunistic': loadedJob.get('allowOpportunistic', False) } self.jobDataCache[jobID] = jobInfo # Register failures in submission for errorCode in badJobs: if badJobs[errorCode]: logging.debug( "The following jobs could not be submitted: %s, error code : %d", badJobs, errorCode) self._handleSubmitFailedJobs(badJobs[errorCode], errorCode) # If there are any leftover jobs, we want to get rid of them. self.flushJobPackages() # We need to remove any jobs from the cache that were not returned in # the last call to the database. jobIDsToPurge = self.cachedJobIDs - dbJobs self._purgeJobsFromCache(jobIDsToPurge)"Done pruning killed jobs, moving on to submit.") return def removeAbortedForceCompletedWorkflowFromCache(self): abortedAndForceCompleteRequests = self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache.getData( ) jobIDsToPurge = set() for jobID, jobInfo in self.jobDataCache.iteritems(): if (jobInfo['requestName'] in abortedAndForceCompleteRequests) and \ (jobInfo['taskType'] not in ['LogCollect', "Cleanup"]): jobIDsToPurge.add(jobID) self._purgeJobsFromCache(jobIDsToPurge) return def _purgeJobsFromCache(self, jobIDsToPurge): if len(jobIDsToPurge) == 0: return self.cachedJobIDs -= jobIDsToPurge for jobid in jobIDsToPurge: self.jobDataCache.pop(jobid, None) for jobPrio in self.cachedJobs: if self.cachedJobs[jobPrio].pop(jobid, None): # then the jobid was found, go to the next one break return def _handleSubmitFailedJobs(self, badJobs, exitCode): """ __handleSubmitFailedJobs_ For a default job report for the exitCode and register in the job. Preserve it on disk as well. Propagate the failure to the JobStateMachine. """ fwjrBinds = [] for job in badJobs: job['couch_record'] = None job['fwjr'] = Report() if exitCode in [71102, 71104]: job['fwjr'].addError( "JobSubmit", exitCode, "SubmitFailed", WM_JOB_ERROR_CODES[exitCode] + ', '.join(job['possibleLocations'])) elif exitCode in [71101]: # there is no possible site if job.get("fileLocations"): job['fwjr'].addError( "JobSubmit", exitCode, "SubmitFailed", WM_JOB_ERROR_CODES[exitCode] + ": file locations: " + ', '.join(job['fileLocations']) + ": site white list: " + ', '.join(job['siteWhitelist']) + ": site black list: " + ', '.join(job['siteBlacklist'])) else: job['fwjr'].addError("JobSubmit", exitCode, "SubmitFailed", WM_JOB_ERROR_CODES[exitCode]) fwjrPath = os.path.join(job['cache_dir'], 'Report.%d.pkl' % int(job['retry_count'])) job['fwjr'].setJobID(job['id']) try: job['fwjr'].save(fwjrPath) fwjrBinds.append({"jobid": job["id"], "fwjrpath": fwjrPath}) except IOError as ioer: logging.error( "Failed to write FWJR for submit failed job %d, message: %s", job['id'], str(ioer)) self.changeState.propagate(badJobs, "submitfailed", "created") self.setFWJRPathAction.execute(binds=fwjrBinds) return def getThresholds(self): """ _getThresholds_ Retrieve submit thresholds, which considers what is pending and running for those sites. Also update the list of draining and abort/down sites. Finally, creates a map between task type and its priority. """ self.taskTypePrioMap = {} newDrainSites = set() newAbortSites = set() rcThresholds = self.resourceControl.listThresholdsForSubmit() for siteName in rcThresholds.keys(): # Add threshold if we don't have it already state = rcThresholds[siteName]["state"] if state == "Draining": newDrainSites.add(siteName) if state in ["Down", "Aborted"]: newAbortSites.add(siteName) # then update the task type x task priority mapping if not self.taskTypePrioMap: for task, value in rcThresholds[siteName]['thresholds'].items( ): self.taskTypePrioMap[task] = value.get( 'priority', 0) * self.maxTaskPriority # When the list of drain/abort sites change between iteration then a location # refresh is needed, for now it forces a full cache refresh if newDrainSites != self.drainSites or newAbortSites != self.abortSites: "Draining or Aborted sites have changed, the cache will be rebuilt." ) self.cachedJobIDs = set() self.cachedJobs = {} self.jobDataCache = {} self.currentRcThresholds = rcThresholds self.abortSites = newAbortSites self.drainSites = newDrainSites return def _getJobSubmitCondition(self, jobPrio, siteName, jobType): """ returns the string describing whether a job is ready to be submitted or the reason can't be submitted Only jobs with "JobSubmitReady" return value will be added to submit job. Other return values will indicate the reason jobs cannot be submitted. i.e. "NoPendingSlot" - pending slot is full with pending job """ try: totalPendingSlots = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName][ "total_pending_slots"] totalPendingJobs = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName][ "total_pending_jobs"] totalRunningSlots = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName][ "total_running_slots"] totalRunningJobs = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName][ "total_running_jobs"] taskPendingSlots = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName][ 'thresholds'][jobType]["pending_slots"] taskPendingJobs = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]['thresholds'][ jobType]["task_pending_jobs"] taskRunningSlots = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName][ 'thresholds'][jobType]["max_slots"] taskRunningJobs = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]['thresholds'][ jobType]["task_running_jobs"] highestPriorityInJobs = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName][ 'thresholds'][jobType]['wf_highest_priority'] # set the initial totalPendingJobs since it increases in every cycle when a job is submitted self.currentRcThresholds[siteName].setdefault( "init_total_pending_jobs", totalPendingJobs) # set the initial taskPendingJobs since it increases in every cycle when a job is submitted self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]['thresholds'][ jobType].setdefault("init_task_pending_jobs", taskPendingJobs) initTotalPending = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName][ "init_total_pending_jobs"] initTaskPending = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]['thresholds'][ jobType]["init_task_pending_jobs"] except KeyError as ex: msg = "Invalid key for site %s and job type %s\n" % (siteName, jobType) logging.exception(msg) return "NoJobType_%s_%s" % (siteName, jobType) if (highestPriorityInJobs is None) or ( jobPrio <= highestPriorityInJobs) or (jobType in self.ioboundTypes): # there is no pending or running jobs in the system (None case) or # priority of the job is lower or equal don't allow overflow # Also if jobType is in ioboundTypes don't allow overflow totalPendingThreshold = totalPendingSlots taskPendingThreshold = taskPendingSlots totalJobThreshold = totalPendingSlots + totalRunningSlots totalTaskTheshold = taskPendingSlots + taskRunningSlots else: # In case the priority of the job is higher than any of currently pending or running jobs. # Then increase the threshold by condorOverflowFraction * original pending slot. totalPendingThreshold = max( totalPendingSlots, initTotalPending) + ( totalPendingSlots * self.condorOverflowFraction) taskPendingThreshold = max(taskPendingSlots, initTaskPending) + ( taskPendingSlots * self.condorOverflowFraction) totalJobThreshold = totalPendingThreshold + totalRunningSlots totalTaskTheshold = taskPendingThreshold + taskRunningSlots jobStats = [{ "Condition": "NoPendingSlot", "Current": totalPendingJobs, "Threshold": totalPendingThreshold }, { "Condition": "NoTaskPendingSlot", "Current": taskPendingJobs, "Threshold": taskPendingThreshold }, { "Condition": "NoRunningSlot", "Current": totalPendingJobs + totalRunningJobs, "Threshold": totalJobThreshold }, { "Condition": "NoTaskRunningSlot", "Current": taskPendingJobs + taskRunningJobs, "Threshold": totalTaskTheshold }] return jobSubmitCondition(jobStats) def assignJobLocations(self): """ _assignJobLocations_ Loop through the submit thresholds and pull sites out of the job cache as we discover open slots. This will return a list of tuple where each tuple will have six elements: - WMBS Job ID - Retry count - Batch ID - Path to sanbox - Path to cache directory - SE name of the site to run at """ jobsToSubmit = {} jobsToUncache = [] jobsCount = 0 exitLoop = False jobSubmitLogBySites = defaultdict(Counter) jobSubmitLogByPriority = defaultdict(Counter) # iterate over jobs from the highest to the lowest prio for jobPrio in sorted(self.cachedJobs, reverse=True): # then we're completely done and have our basket full of jobs to submit if exitLoop: break # start eating through the elder jobs first for job in sorted(self.cachedJobs[jobPrio].values(), key=itemgetter('timestamp')): jobid = job['id'] jobType = job['type'] possibleSites = job['possibleLocations'] jobSubmitLogByPriority[jobPrio]['Total'] += 1 # now look for sites with free pending slots for siteName in possibleSites: if siteName not in self.currentRcThresholds: logging.warn( "Have a job for %s which is not in the resource control", siteName) continue condition = self._getJobSubmitCondition( jobPrio, siteName, jobType) if condition != "JobSubmitReady": jobSubmitLogBySites[siteName][condition] += 1 logging.debug("Found a job for %s : %s", siteName, condition) continue # otherwise, update the site/task thresholds and the component job counter self.currentRcThresholds[siteName][ "total_pending_jobs"] += 1 self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]['thresholds'][jobType][ "task_pending_jobs"] += 1 jobsCount += 1 # load (and remove) the job dictionary object from jobDataCache cachedJob = self.jobDataCache.pop(jobid) jobsToUncache.append((jobPrio, jobid)) # Sort jobs by jobPackage package = cachedJob['packageDir'] if package not in jobsToSubmit.keys(): jobsToSubmit[package] = [] # Add the sandbox to a global list self.sandboxPackage[package] = cachedJob.pop('sandbox') # Now update the job dictionary object cachedJob['custom'] = {'location': siteName} cachedJob['taskPriority'] = self.currentRcThresholds[ siteName]['thresholds'][jobType]["priority"] # Get this job in place to be submitted by the plugin jobsToSubmit[package].append(cachedJob) jobSubmitLogBySites[siteName]["submitted"] += 1 jobSubmitLogByPriority[jobPrio]['submitted'] += 1 # found a site to submit this job, so go to the next job break # set the flag and get out of the job iteration if jobsCount >= self.maxJobsThisCycle: "Submitter reached limit of submit slots for this cycle: %i", self.maxJobsThisCycle) exitLoop = True break # jobs that are going to be submitted must be removed from all caches for prio, jobid in jobsToUncache: self.cachedJobs[prio].pop(jobid) self.cachedJobIDs.remove(jobid)"Site submission report: %s", dict(jobSubmitLogBySites))"Priority submission report: %s", dict(jobSubmitLogByPriority))"Have %s packages to submit.", len(jobsToSubmit))"Have %s jobs to submit.", jobsCount)"Done assigning site locations.") return jobsToSubmit def submitJobs(self, jobsToSubmit): """ _submitJobs_ Actually do the submission of the jobs """ jobList = [] idList = [] if len(jobsToSubmit) == 0: logging.debug("There are no packages to submit.") return for package in jobsToSubmit.keys(): sandbox = self.sandboxPackage[package] jobs = jobsToSubmit.get(package, []) for job in jobs: job['location'], job['plugin'], job[ 'site_cms_name'] = self.getSiteInfo( job['custom']['location']) job['sandbox'] = sandbox idList.append({ 'jobid': job['id'], 'location': job['custom']['location'] }) #Clean out the package reference del self.sandboxPackage[package] jobList.extend(jobs) myThread = threading.currentThread() myThread.transaction.begin() # Run the actual underlying submit code using bossAir successList, failList = self.bossAir.submit(jobs=jobList)"Jobs that succeeded/failed submission: %d/%d.", len(successList), len(failList)) # Propagate states in the WMBS database logging.debug("Propagating success state to WMBS.") self.changeState.propagate(successList, 'executing', 'created') logging.debug("Propagating fail state to WMBS.") self.changeState.propagate(failList, 'submitfailed', 'created') # At the end we mark the locations of the jobs # This applies even to failed jobs, since the location # could be part of the failure reason. logging.debug("Updating job location...") self.setLocationAction.execute(bulkList=idList, conn=myThread.transaction.conn, transaction=True) myThread.transaction.commit()"Transaction cycle successfully completed.") return def getSiteInfo(self, jobSite): """ _getSiteInfo_ This is how you get the name of a CE and the plugin for a job """ if not jobSite in self.locationDict.keys(): siteInfo = self.locationAction.execute(siteName=jobSite) self.locationDict[jobSite] = siteInfo[0] return (self.locationDict[jobSite].get('ce_name'), self.locationDict[jobSite].get('plugin'), self.locationDict[jobSite].get('cms_name')) @timeFunction def algorithm(self, parameters=None): """ _algorithm_ Try to, in order: 1) Refresh the cache 2) Find jobs for all the necessary sites 3) Submit the jobs to the plugin """ myThread = threading.currentThread() if self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck: # only runs when reqmgr is used (not Tier0) self.removeAbortedForceCompletedWorkflowFromCache() agentConfig = self.reqAuxDB.getWMAgentConfig( self.config.Agent.hostName) self.condorFraction = agentConfig.get('CondorJobsFraction', 0.75) self.condorOverflowFraction = agentConfig.get( "CondorOverflowFraction", 0.2) else: # For Tier0 agent self.condorFraction = 1 self.condorOverflowFraction = 0 if not self.passSubmitConditions(): msg = "JobSubmitter didn't pass the submit conditions. Skipping this cycle." logging.warning(msg)"JobSubmitter_submitWork", msg, "warning") return try: myThread.logdbClient.delete("JobSubmitter_submitWork", "warning", this_thread=True) self.getThresholds() self.refreshCache() jobsToSubmit = self.assignJobLocations() self.submitJobs(jobsToSubmit=jobsToSubmit) except WMException: if getattr(myThread, 'transaction', None) != None: myThread.transaction.rollback() raise except Exception as ex: msg = 'Fatal error in JobSubmitter:\n' msg += str(ex) #msg += str(traceback.format_exc()) msg += '\n\n' logging.error(msg) if getattr(myThread, 'transaction', None) != None: myThread.transaction.rollback() raise JobSubmitterPollerException(msg) return def passSubmitConditions(self): """ _passSubmitConditions_ Check whether the component is allowed to submit jobs to condor. Initially it has only one condition, which is the total number of jobs we can have in condor (pending + running) per schedd, set by MAX_JOBS_PER_OWNER. """ myThread = threading.currentThread() freeSubmitSlots = availableScheddSlots( dbi=myThread.dbi, logger=logging, condorFraction=self.condorFraction) self.maxJobsThisCycle = min(freeSubmitSlots, self.maxJobsPerPoll) return (self.maxJobsThisCycle > 0) def terminate(self, params): """ _terminate_ Kill the code after one final pass when called by the master thread. """ logging.debug("terminating. doing one more pass before we die") self.algorithm(params)
class JobSubmitterPoller(BaseWorkerThread): """ _JobSubmitterPoller_ The jobSubmitterPoller takes the jobs and organizes them into packages before sending them to the individual plugin submitters. """ def __init__(self, config): BaseWorkerThread.__init__(self) myThread = threading.currentThread() self.config = config #DAO factory for WMBS objects self.daoFactory = DAOFactory(package="WMCore.WMBS", logger=logging, dbinterface=myThread.dbi) #Libraries self.resourceControl = ResourceControl() self.changeState = ChangeState(self.config) self.bossAir = BossAirAPI(config=self.config) self.repollCount = getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'repollCount', 10000) self.maxJobsPerPoll = int(getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'maxJobsPerPoll', 1000)) self.cacheRefreshSize = int(getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'cacheRefreshSize', 30000)) self.skipRefreshCount = int(getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'skipRefreshCount', 20)) self.packageSize = getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'packageSize', 500) self.collSize = getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'collectionSize', self.packageSize * 1000) self.maxTaskPriority = getattr(self.config.BossAir, 'maxTaskPriority', 1e7) # Additions for caching-based JobSubmitter self.cachedJobIDs = set() self.cachedJobs = {} self.jobDataCache = {} self.jobsToPackage = {} self.sandboxPackage = {} self.locationDict = {} self.taskTypePrioMap = {} self.drainSites = set() self.abortSites = set() self.refreshPollingCount = 0 try: if not getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'submitDir', None): self.config.JobSubmitter.submitDir = self.config.JobSubmitter.componentDir self.packageDir = os.path.join(self.config.JobSubmitter.submitDir, 'packages') if not os.path.exists(self.packageDir): os.makedirs(self.packageDir) except OSError as ex: msg = "Error while trying to create packageDir %s\n!" msg += str(ex) logging.error(msg) logging.debug("PackageDir: %s", self.packageDir) logging.debug("Config: %s", config) raise JobSubmitterPollerException(msg) # Now the DAOs self.listJobsAction = self.daoFactory(classname="Jobs.ListForSubmitter") self.setLocationAction = self.daoFactory(classname="Jobs.SetLocation") self.locationAction = self.daoFactory(classname="Locations.GetSiteInfo") self.setFWJRPathAction = self.daoFactory(classname="Jobs.SetFWJRPath") self.listWorkflows = self.daoFactory(classname="Workflow.ListForSubmitter") # Keep a record of the thresholds in memory self.currentRcThresholds = {} self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck = getattr(self.config.TaskArchiver, 'useReqMgrForCompletionCheck', True) if self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck: # only set up this when reqmgr is used (not Tier0) self.reqmgr2Svc = ReqMgr(self.config.TaskArchiver.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache = self.reqmgr2Svc.getAbortedAndForceCompleteRequestsFromMemoryCache() else: # Tier0 Case - just for the clarity (This private variable shouldn't be used self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache = None return def getPackageCollection(self, sandboxDir): """ _getPackageCollection_ Given a jobID figure out which packageCollection it should belong in. """ rawList = os.listdir(sandboxDir) collections = [] numberList = [] for entry in rawList: if 'PackageCollection' in entry: collections.append(entry) # If we have no collections, return 0 (PackageCollection_0) if len(collections) < 1: return 0 # Loop over the list of PackageCollections for collection in collections: collectionPath = os.path.join(sandboxDir, collection) packageList = os.listdir(collectionPath) collectionNum = int(collection.split('_')[1]) if len(packageList) < self.collSize: return collectionNum else: numberList.append(collectionNum) # If we got here, then all collections are full. We'll need # a new one. Find the highest number, increment by one numberList.sort() return numberList[-1] + 1 def addJobsToPackage(self, loadedJob): """ _addJobsToPackage_ Add a job to a job package and then return the batch ID for the job. Packages are only written out to disk when they contain 100 jobs. The flushJobsPackages() method must be called after all jobs have been added to the cache and before they are actually submitted to make sure all the job packages have been written to disk. """ if loadedJob["workflow"] not in self.jobsToPackage: # First, let's pull all the information from the loadedJob batchid = "%s-%s" % (loadedJob["id"], loadedJob["retry_count"]) sandboxDir = os.path.dirname(loadedJob["sandbox"]) # Second, assemble the jobPackage location collectionIndex = self.getPackageCollection(sandboxDir) collectionDir = os.path.join(sandboxDir, 'PackageCollection_%i' % collectionIndex, 'batch_%s' % batchid) # Now create the package object self.jobsToPackage[loadedJob["workflow"]] = {"batchid": batchid, 'id': loadedJob['id'], "package": JobPackage(directory=collectionDir)} jobPackage = self.jobsToPackage[loadedJob["workflow"]]["package"] jobPackage[loadedJob["id"]] = loadedJob.getDataStructsJob() batchDir = jobPackage['directory'] if len(jobPackage.keys()) == self.packageSize: if not os.path.exists(batchDir): os.makedirs(batchDir) batchPath = os.path.join(batchDir, "JobPackage.pkl") del self.jobsToPackage[loadedJob["workflow"]] return batchDir def flushJobPackages(self): """ _flushJobPackages_ Write any jobs packages to disk that haven't been written out already. """ workflowNames = self.jobsToPackage.keys() for workflowName in workflowNames: jobPackage = self.jobsToPackage[workflowName]["package"] batchDir = jobPackage['directory'] if not os.path.exists(batchDir): os.makedirs(batchDir) batchPath = os.path.join(batchDir, "JobPackage.pkl") del self.jobsToPackage[workflowName] return def refreshCache(self): """ _refreshCache_ Query WMBS for all jobs in the 'created' state. For all jobs returned from the query, check if they already exist in the cache. If they don't, unpickle them and combine their site white and black list with the list of locations they can run at. Add them to the cache. Each entry in the cache is a tuple with five items: - WMBS Job ID - Retry count - Batch ID - Path to sanbox - Path to cache directory """ badJobs = dict([(x, []) for x in range(71101, 71105)]) dbJobs = set()"Refreshing priority cache with currently %i jobs", len(self.cachedJobIDs)) if self.cacheRefreshSize == -1 or len(self.cachedJobIDs) < self.cacheRefreshSize or \ self.refreshPollingCount >= self.skipRefreshCount: newJobs = self.listJobsAction.execute() self.refreshPollingCount = 0 if self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck: # if reqmgr is used (not Tier0 Agent) get the aborted/forceCompleted record abortedAndForceCompleteRequests = self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache.getData() else: #T0Agent abortedAndForceCompleteRequests = []"Found %s new jobs to be submitted.", len(newJobs)) else: self.refreshPollingCount += 1 newJobs = [] dbJobs = self.cachedJobIDs abortedAndForceCompleteRequests = []"Skipping cache update to be submitted. (%s job in cache)", len(dbJobs))"Determining possible sites for new jobs...") jobCount = 0 for newJob in newJobs: # whether newJob belongs to aborted or force-complete workflow, and skip it if it is. if (newJob['request_name'] in abortedAndForceCompleteRequests) and \ (newJob['type'] not in ['LogCollect', "Cleanup"]): continue jobID = newJob['id'] dbJobs.add(jobID) if jobID in self.cachedJobIDs: continue jobCount += 1 if jobCount % 5000 == 0:"Processed %d/%d new jobs.", jobCount, len(newJobs)) pickledJobPath = os.path.join(newJob["cache_dir"], "job.pkl") if not os.path.isfile(pickledJobPath): # Then we have a problem - there's no file logging.error("Could not find pickled jobObject %s", pickledJobPath) badJobs[71103].append(newJob) continue try: jobHandle = open(pickledJobPath, "r") loadedJob = pickle.load(jobHandle) jobHandle.close() except Exception as ex: msg = "Error while loading pickled job object %s\n" % pickledJobPath msg += str(ex) logging.error(msg) raise JobSubmitterPollerException(msg) loadedJob['retry_count'] = newJob['retry_count'] # figure out possible locations for job possibleLocations = loadedJob["possiblePSN"] # Create another set of locations that may change when a site goes white/black listed # Does not care about the non_draining or aborted sites, they may change and that is the point potentialLocations = set() potentialLocations.update(possibleLocations) # now check for sites in drain and adjust the possible locations # also check if there is at least one site left to run the job if len(possibleLocations) == 0: newJob['name'] = loadedJob['name'] newJob['fileLocations'] = loadedJob.get('fileLocations', []) newJob['siteWhitelist'] = loadedJob.get('siteWhitelist', []) newJob['siteBlacklist'] = loadedJob.get('siteBlacklist', []) badJobs[71101].append(newJob) continue else: nonAbortSites = [x for x in possibleLocations if x not in self.abortSites] if nonAbortSites: # if there is at least a non aborted/down site then run there, otherwise fail the job possibleLocations = nonAbortSites else: newJob['name'] = loadedJob['name'] newJob['possibleLocations'] = possibleLocations badJobs[71102].append(newJob) continue # try to remove draining sites if possible, this is needed to stop # jobs that could run anywhere blocking draining sites # if the job type is Merge, LogCollect or Cleanup this is skipped if newJob['type'] not in ('LogCollect', 'Merge', 'Cleanup', 'Harvesting'): nonDrainingSites = [x for x in possibleLocations if x not in self.drainSites] if nonDrainingSites: # if >1 viable non-draining site remove draining ones possibleLocations = nonDrainingSites else: newJob['name'] = loadedJob['name'] newJob['possibleLocations'] = possibleLocations badJobs[71104].append(newJob) continue # locations clear of abort and draining sites newJob['possibleLocations'] = possibleLocations batchDir = self.addJobsToPackage(loadedJob) self.cachedJobIDs.add(jobID) # calculate the final job priority such that we can order cached jobs by prio jobPrio = self.taskTypePrioMap.get(newJob['type'], 0) + newJob['wf_priority'] if jobPrio not in self.cachedJobs: self.cachedJobs[jobPrio] = {} # now add basic information keyed by the jobid self.cachedJobs[jobPrio][jobID] = newJob # allow job baggage to override numberOfCores # => used for repacking to get more slots/disk numberOfCores = loadedJob.get('numberOfCores', 1) if numberOfCores == 1: baggage = loadedJob.getBaggage() numberOfCores = getattr(baggage, "numberOfCores", 1) loadedJob['numberOfCores'] = numberOfCores # Create a job dictionary object and put it in the cache (needs to be in sync with RunJob) jobInfo = {'id': jobID, 'requestName': newJob['request_name'], 'taskName': newJob['task_name'], 'taskType': newJob['type'], 'cache_dir': newJob["cache_dir"], 'priority': newJob['wf_priority'], 'taskID': newJob['task_id'], 'retry_count': newJob["retry_count"], 'taskPriority': None, # update from the thresholds 'custom': {'location': None}, # update later 'packageDir': batchDir, 'sandbox': loadedJob["sandbox"], # remove before submit 'userdn': loadedJob.get("ownerDN", None), 'usergroup': loadedJob.get("ownerGroup", ''), 'userrole': loadedJob.get("ownerRole", ''), 'possibleSites': frozenset(possibleLocations), # abort and drain sites filtered out 'potentialSites': frozenset(potentialLocations), # original list of sites 'scramArch': loadedJob.get("scramArch", None), 'swVersion': loadedJob.get("swVersion", None), 'name': loadedJob["name"], 'proxyPath': loadedJob.get("proxyPath", None), 'estimatedJobTime': loadedJob.get("estimatedJobTime", None), 'estimatedDiskUsage': loadedJob.get("estimatedDiskUsage", None), 'estimatedMemoryUsage': loadedJob.get("estimatedMemoryUsage", None), 'numberOfCores': loadedJob.get("numberOfCores", 1), # may update it later 'inputDataset': loadedJob.get('inputDataset', None), 'inputDatasetLocations': loadedJob.get('inputDatasetLocations', None), 'allowOpportunistic': loadedJob.get('allowOpportunistic', False)} self.jobDataCache[jobID] = jobInfo # Register failures in submission for errorCode in badJobs: if badJobs[errorCode]: logging.debug("The following jobs could not be submitted: %s, error code : %d", badJobs, errorCode) self._handleSubmitFailedJobs(badJobs[errorCode], errorCode) # If there are any leftover jobs, we want to get rid of them. self.flushJobPackages() # We need to remove any jobs from the cache that were not returned in # the last call to the database. jobIDsToPurge = self.cachedJobIDs - dbJobs self._purgeJobsFromCache(jobIDsToPurge)"Done pruning killed jobs, moving on to submit.") return def removeAbortedForceCompletedWorkflowFromCache(self): abortedAndForceCompleteRequests = self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache.getData() jobIDsToPurge = set() for jobID, jobInfo in self.jobDataCache.iteritems(): if (jobInfo['requestName'] in abortedAndForceCompleteRequests) and \ (jobInfo['taskType'] not in ['LogCollect', "Cleanup"]): jobIDsToPurge.add(jobID) self._purgeJobsFromCache(jobIDsToPurge) return def _purgeJobsFromCache(self, jobIDsToPurge): if len(jobIDsToPurge) == 0: return self.cachedJobIDs -= jobIDsToPurge for jobid in jobIDsToPurge: self.jobDataCache.pop(jobid, None) for jobPrio in self.cachedJobs: if self.cachedJobs[jobPrio].pop(jobid, None): # then the jobid was found, go to the next one break return def _handleSubmitFailedJobs(self, badJobs, exitCode): """ __handleSubmitFailedJobs_ For a default job report for the exitCode and register in the job. Preserve it on disk as well. Propagate the failure to the JobStateMachine. """ fwjrBinds = [] for job in badJobs: job['couch_record'] = None job['fwjr'] = Report() if exitCode in [71102, 71104]: job['fwjr'].addError("JobSubmit", exitCode, "SubmitFailed", WM_JOB_ERROR_CODES[exitCode] + ', '.join(job['possibleLocations'])) elif exitCode in [71101]: # there is no possible site if job.get("fileLocations"): job['fwjr'].addError("JobSubmit", exitCode, "SubmitFailed", WM_JOB_ERROR_CODES[exitCode] + ": file locations: " + ', '.join(job['fileLocations']) + ": site white list: " + ', '.join(job['siteWhitelist']) + ": site black list: " + ', '.join(job['siteBlacklist'])) else: # This is temporary addition if this is patched for existing agent. # If jobs are created before the patch is applied fileLocations is not set. # TODO. remove this later for new agent job['fwjr'].addError("JobSubmit", exitCode, "SubmitFailed", WM_JOB_ERROR_CODES[exitCode] + ": Job is created before this patch. Please check this input for the jobs: %s " % job['fwjr'].getAllInputFiles()) else: job['fwjr'].addError("JobSubmit", exitCode, "SubmitFailed", WM_JOB_ERROR_CODES[exitCode]) fwjrPath = os.path.join(job['cache_dir'], 'Report.%d.pkl' % int(job['retry_count'])) job['fwjr'].setJobID(job['id']) try: job['fwjr'].save(fwjrPath) fwjrBinds.append({"jobid" : job["id"], "fwjrpath" : fwjrPath}) except IOError as ioer: logging.error("Failed to write FWJR for submit failed job %d, message: %s", job['id'], str(ioer)) self.changeState.propagate(badJobs, "submitfailed", "created") self.setFWJRPathAction.execute(binds=fwjrBinds) return def getThresholds(self): """ _getThresholds_ Retrieve submit thresholds, which considers what is pending and running for those sites. Also update the list of draining and abort/down sites. Finally, creates a map between task type and its priority. """ self.taskTypePrioMap = {} newDrainSites = set() newAbortSites = set() rcThresholds = self.resourceControl.listThresholdsForSubmit() for siteName in rcThresholds.keys(): # Add threshold if we don't have it already state = rcThresholds[siteName]["state"] if state == "Draining": newDrainSites.add(siteName) if state in ["Down", "Aborted"]: newAbortSites.add(siteName) # then update the task type x task priority mapping if not self.taskTypePrioMap: for task, value in rcThresholds[siteName]['thresholds'].items(): self.taskTypePrioMap[task] = value.get('priority', 0) * self.maxTaskPriority # When the list of drain/abort sites change between iteration then a location # refresh is needed, for now it forces a full cache refresh if newDrainSites != self.drainSites or newAbortSites != self.abortSites:"Draining or Aborted sites have changed, the cache will be rebuilt.") self.cachedJobIDs = set() self.cachedJobs = {} self.jobDataCache = {} self.currentRcThresholds = rcThresholds self.abortSites = newAbortSites self.drainSites = newDrainSites return def assignJobLocations(self): """ _assignJobLocations_ Loop through the submit thresholds and pull sites out of the job cache as we discover open slots. This will return a list of tuple where each tuple will have six elements: - WMBS Job ID - Retry count - Batch ID - Path to sanbox - Path to cache directory - SE name of the site to run at """ jobsToSubmit = {} jobsToUncache = [] jobsCount = 0 exitLoop = False jobSubmitLogBySites = defaultdict(Counter) jobSubmitLogByPriority = defaultdict(Counter) # iterate over jobs from the highest to the lowest prio for jobPrio in sorted(self.cachedJobs, reverse=True): # then we're completely done and have our basket full of jobs to submit if exitLoop: break # start eating through the elder jobs first for job in sorted(self.cachedJobs[jobPrio].values(), key=itemgetter('timestamp')): jobid = job['id'] jobType = job['type'] possibleSites = job['possibleLocations'] jobSubmitLogByPriority[jobPrio]['Total'] += 1 # now look for sites with free pending slots for siteName in possibleSites: if siteName not in self.currentRcThresholds: logging.warn("Have a job for %s which is not in the resource control", siteName) continue try: totalPendingSlots = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]["total_pending_slots"] totalPendingJobs = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]["total_pending_jobs"] totalRunningSlots = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]["total_running_slots"] totalRunningJobs = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]["total_running_jobs"] taskPendingSlots = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]['thresholds'][jobType]["pending_slots"] taskPendingJobs = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]['thresholds'][jobType]["task_pending_jobs"] taskRunningSlots = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]['thresholds'][jobType]["max_slots"] taskRunningJobs = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]['thresholds'][jobType]["task_running_jobs"] taskPriority = self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]['thresholds'][jobType]["priority"] except KeyError as ex: msg = "Invalid key for site %s and job type %s\n" % (siteName, jobType) msg += str(ex) logging.error(msg) continue # check if site has free pending slots AND free pending task slots if totalPendingJobs >= totalPendingSlots or taskPendingJobs >= taskPendingSlots: jobSubmitLogBySites[siteName]["NoPendingSlot"] += 1 logging.debug("Found a job for %s which has no free pending slots", siteName) continue # check if site overall thresholds have free slots if totalPendingJobs + totalRunningJobs >= totalPendingSlots + totalRunningSlots: jobSubmitLogBySites[siteName]["NoRunningSlot"] += 1 logging.debug("Found a job for %s which has no free overall slots", siteName) continue # finally, check whether task has free overall slots if taskPendingJobs + taskRunningJobs >= taskPendingSlots + taskRunningSlots: jobSubmitLogBySites[siteName]["NoTaskSlot"] += 1 logging.debug("Found a job for %s which has no free task slots", siteName) continue # otherwise, update the site/task thresholds and the component job counter self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]["total_pending_jobs"] += 1 self.currentRcThresholds[siteName]['thresholds'][jobType]["task_pending_jobs"] += 1 jobsCount += 1 # load (and remove) the job dictionary object from jobDataCache cachedJob = self.jobDataCache.pop(jobid) jobsToUncache.append((jobPrio, jobid)) # Sort jobs by jobPackage package = cachedJob['packageDir'] if package not in jobsToSubmit.keys(): jobsToSubmit[package] = [] # Add the sandbox to a global list self.sandboxPackage[package] = cachedJob.pop('sandbox') # Now update the job dictionary object cachedJob['custom'] = {'location': siteName} cachedJob['taskPriority'] = taskPriority # Get this job in place to be submitted by the plugin jobsToSubmit[package].append(cachedJob) jobSubmitLogBySites[siteName]["submitted"] += 1 jobSubmitLogByPriority[jobPrio]['submitted'] += 1 # found a site to submit this job, so go to the next job break # set the flag and get out of the job iteration if jobsCount >= self.maxJobsPerPoll: exitLoop = True break # jobs that are going to be submitted must be removed from all caches for prio, jobid in jobsToUncache: self.cachedJobs[prio].pop(jobid) self.cachedJobIDs.remove(jobid)"Site submission report: %s", dict(jobSubmitLogBySites))"Priority submission report: %s", dict(jobSubmitLogByPriority))"Have %s packages to submit.", len(jobsToSubmit))"Have %s jobs to submit.", jobsCount)"Done assigning site locations.") return jobsToSubmit def submitJobs(self, jobsToSubmit): """ _submitJobs_ Actually do the submission of the jobs """ jobList = [] idList = [] if len(jobsToSubmit) == 0: logging.debug("There are no packages to submit.") return for package in jobsToSubmit.keys(): sandbox = self.sandboxPackage[package] jobs = jobsToSubmit.get(package, []) for job in jobs: job['location'], job['plugin'], job['site_cms_name'] = self.getSiteInfo(job['custom']['location']) job['sandbox'] = sandbox idList.append({'jobid': job['id'], 'location': job['custom']['location']}) #Clean out the package reference del self.sandboxPackage[package] jobList.extend(jobs) myThread = threading.currentThread() myThread.transaction.begin() # Run the actual underlying submit code using bossAir successList, failList = self.bossAir.submit(jobs=jobList)"Jobs that succeeded/failed submission: %d/%d.", len(successList), len(failList)) # Propagate states in the WMBS database logging.debug("Propagating success state to WMBS.") self.changeState.propagate(successList, 'executing', 'created') logging.debug("Propagating fail state to WMBS.") self.changeState.propagate(failList, 'submitfailed', 'created') # At the end we mark the locations of the jobs # This applies even to failed jobs, since the location # could be part of the failure reason. logging.debug("Updating job location...") self.setLocationAction.execute(bulkList=idList, conn=myThread.transaction.conn, transaction=True) myThread.transaction.commit()"Transaction cycle successfully completed.") return def getSiteInfo(self, jobSite): """ _getSiteInfo_ This is how you get the name of a CE and the plugin for a job """ if not jobSite in self.locationDict.keys(): siteInfo = self.locationAction.execute(siteName=jobSite) self.locationDict[jobSite] = siteInfo[0] return (self.locationDict[jobSite].get('ce_name'), self.locationDict[jobSite].get('plugin'), self.locationDict[jobSite].get('cms_name')) def algorithm(self, parameters=None): """ _algorithm_ Try to, in order: 1) Refresh the cache 2) Find jobs for all the necessary sites 3) Submit the jobs to the plugin """ try: myThread = threading.currentThread() self.getThresholds() self.refreshCache() if self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck: # only runs when reqmgr is used (not Tier0) self.removeAbortedForceCompletedWorkflowFromCache() jobsToSubmit = self.assignJobLocations() self.submitJobs(jobsToSubmit=jobsToSubmit) except WMException: if getattr(myThread, 'transaction', None) != None: myThread.transaction.rollback() raise except Exception as ex: msg = 'Fatal error in JobSubmitter:\n' msg += str(ex) #msg += str(traceback.format_exc()) msg += '\n\n' logging.error(msg) if getattr(myThread, 'transaction', None) != None: myThread.transaction.rollback() raise JobSubmitterPollerException(msg) return def terminate(self, params): """ _terminate_ Kill the code after one final pass when called by the master thread. """ logging.debug("terminating. doing one more pass before we die") self.algorithm(params)
class WorkQueueReqMgrInterface(object): """Helper class for ReqMgr interaction""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): if not kwargs.get('logger'): import logging kwargs['logger'] = logging self.logger = kwargs['logger'] # this will break all in one test self.reqMgr2 = ReqMgr(kwargs.get("reqmgr2_endpoint", None)) centralurl = kwargs.get("central_logdb_url", "") identifier = kwargs.get("log_reporter", "") # set the thread name before creat the log db. # only sets that when it is not set already myThread = threading.currentThread() if myThread.getName() == "MainThread": myThread.setName(self.__class__.__name__) self.logdb = LogDB(centralurl, identifier, logger=self.logger) self.previous_state = {} def __call__(self, queue): """Synchronize WorkQueue and RequestManager""" msg = '' try: # pull in new work"queueing new work") work = self.queueNewRequests(queue) msg += "New Work: %d\n" % work except Exception as ex: errorMsg = "Error caught during RequestManager pull" self.logger.exception("%s: %s", errorMsg, str(ex)) try: # get additional open-running work"adding new element to open requests") extraWork = self.addNewElementsToOpenRequests(queue) msg += "Work added: %d\n" % extraWork except Exception as ex: errorMsg = "Error caught during RequestManager split" self.logger.exception("%s: %s", errorMsg, str(ex)) try: # report back to ReqMgr"cancel aborted requests") count = self.cancelWork(queue)"finised canceling requests") msg += "Work canceled: %s " % count except Exception as ex: errorMsg = "Error caught during canceling the request" self.logger.exception("%s: %s", errorMsg, str(ex)) queue.backend.recordTaskActivity('reqmgr_sync', msg) def queueNewRequests(self, queue): """Get requests from regMgr and queue to workqueue""""Contacting Request manager for more work") work = 0 workLoads = [] try: workLoads = self.getAvailableRequests() except Exception as ex: traceMsg = traceback.format_exc() msg = "Error contacting RequestManager: %s" % traceMsg self.logger.warning(msg) return 0 for team, reqName, workLoadUrl in workLoads: try: try: Lexicon.couchurl(workLoadUrl) except Exception as ex: # can throw many errors e.g. AttributeError, AssertionError etc. # check its not a local file if not os.path.exists(workLoadUrl): error = WorkQueueWMSpecError( None, "Workflow url validation error: %s" % str(ex)) raise error"Processing request %s at %s" % (reqName, workLoadUrl)) units = queue.queueWork(workLoadUrl, request=reqName, team=team) self.logdb.delete(reqName, "error", this_thread=True, agent=False) except TERMINAL_EXCEPTIONS as ex: # fatal error - report back to ReqMgr self.logger.error( 'Permanent failure processing request "%s": %s' % (reqName, str(ex)))"Marking request %s as failed in ReqMgr" % reqName) self.reportRequestStatus(reqName, 'Failed', message=str(ex)) continue except (IOError, socket.error, CouchError, CouchConnectionError) as ex: # temporary problem - try again later msg = 'Error processing request "%s": will try again later.' % reqName msg += '\nError: "%s"' % str(ex), msg, 'error') continue except Exception as ex: # Log exception as it isnt a communication problem msg = 'Error processing request "%s": will try again later.' % reqName msg += '\nSee log for details.\nError: "%s"' % str(ex) self.logger.exception('Unknown error processing %s' % reqName), msg, 'error') continue'%s units(s) queued for "%s"' % (units, reqName)) work += units"%s element(s) obtained from RequestManager" % work) return work def cancelWork(self, queue): requests = self.reqMgr2.getRequestByStatus( ['aborted', 'force-complete'], detail=False) count = 0 for req in requests: try: queue.cancelWork(req) count += 1 except Exception as ex: msg = 'Error to cancel the request "%s": %s' % (req, str(ex)) self.logger.exception(msg) return count def report(self, queue): """Report queue status to ReqMgr.""" new_state = {} uptodate_elements = [] now = time.time() elements = queue.statusInbox(dictKey="RequestName") if not elements: return new_state for ele in elements: ele = elements[ele][0] # 1 element tuple try: request = self.reqMgr2.getRequestByNames(ele['RequestName']) if not request: msg = 'Failed to get request "%s" from ReqMgr2. Will try again later.' % ele[ 'RequestName'] self.logger.warning(msg) continue request = request[0][ele['RequestName']] if request['RequestStatus'] in ('failed', 'completed', 'announced', 'closed-out', 'rejected'): # requests can be done in reqmgr but running in workqueue # if request has been closed but agent cleanup actions # haven't been run (or agent has been retired) # Prune out obviously too old ones to avoid build up if queue.params.get('reqmgrCompleteGraceTime', -1) > 0: if (now - float(ele.updatetime) ) > queue.params['reqmgrCompleteGraceTime']: # have to check all elements are at least running and are old enough request_elements = queue.statusInbox( WorkflowName=request['RequestName']) if not any([ x for x in request_elements if x['Status'] != 'Running' and not x.inEndState() ]): last_update = max([ float(x.updatetime) for x in request_elements ]) if ( now - last_update ) > queue.params['reqmgrCompleteGraceTime']: "Finishing request %s as it is done in reqmgr" % request['RequestName']) queue.doneWork( WorkflowName=request['RequestName']) continue else: pass # assume workqueue status will catch up later elif request['RequestStatus'] in ['aborted', 'force-complete']: queue.cancelWork(WorkflowName=request['RequestName']) # Check consistency of running-open/closed and the element closure status elif request['RequestStatus'] == 'running-open' and not ele.get( 'OpenForNewData', False): self.reportRequestStatus(ele['RequestName'], 'running-closed') elif request['RequestStatus'] == 'running-closed' and ele.get( 'OpenForNewData', False): queue.closeWork(ele['RequestName']) # we do not want to move the request to 'failed' status elif ele['Status'] == 'Failed': continue elif ele['Status'] not in self._reqMgrToWorkQueueStatus( request['RequestStatus']): self.reportElement(ele) uptodate_elements.append(ele) except Exception as ex: msg = 'Error talking to ReqMgr about request "%s": %s' % ( ele['RequestName'], str(ex)) self.logger.exception(msg) return uptodate_elements def deleteFinishedWork(self, queue, elements): """Delete work from queue that is finished in ReqMgr""" finished = [] for element in elements: if element.inEndState(): finished.append(element['RequestName']) return queue.deleteWorkflows(*finished) def getAvailableRequests(self): """ Get available requests and sort by team and priority returns [(team, request_name, request_spec_url)] """ tempResults = self.reqMgr2.getRequestByStatus("staged") filteredResults = [] for requests in tempResults: for request in requests.values(): filteredResults.append(request) filteredResults.sort(key=itemgetter('RequestPriority'), reverse=True) filteredResults.sort(key=lambda r: r["Team"]) results = [(x["Team"], x["RequestName"], x["RequestWorkflow"]) for x in filteredResults] return results def reportRequestStatus(self, request, status, message=None): """Change state in RequestManager Optionally, take a message to append to the request """ if message: logType = "error" if status == "Failed" else "info", str(message), logType) reqmgrStatus = self._workQueueToReqMgrStatus(status) if reqmgrStatus: # only send known states try: self.reqMgr2.updateRequestStatus(request, reqmgrStatus) except Exception as ex: msg = "%s : fail to update status will try later: %s" % ( request, str(ex)) msg += traceback.format_exc(), msg, 'warning') raise ex return def _workQueueToReqMgrStatus(self, status): """Map WorkQueue Status to that reported to ReqMgr""" statusMapping = { 'Acquired': 'acquired', 'Running': 'running-open', 'Failed': 'failed', 'Canceled': 'aborted', 'CancelRequested': 'aborted', 'Done': 'completed' } if status in statusMapping: # if wq status passed convert to reqmgr status return statusMapping[status] elif status in REQUEST_STATE_LIST: # if reqmgr status passed return reqmgr status return status else: # unknown status return None def _reqMgrToWorkQueueStatus(self, status): """Map ReqMgr status to that in a WorkQueue element, it is not a 1-1 relation""" statusMapping = { 'acquired': ['Acquired'], 'running': ['Running'], 'running-open': ['Running'], 'running-closed': ['Running'], 'failed': ['Failed'], 'aborted': ['Canceled', 'CancelRequested'], 'force-complete': ['Canceled', 'CancelRequested'], 'completed': ['Done'] } if status in statusMapping: return statusMapping[status] else: return [] def reportElement(self, element): """Report element to ReqMgr""" self.reportRequestStatus(element['RequestName'], element['Status']) def addNewElementsToOpenRequests(self, queue): """Add new elements to open requests which are in running-open state, only works adding new blocks from the input dataset""" "Checking Request Manager for open requests and closing old ones") work = 0 requests = [] try: requests = self.reqMgr2.getRequestByStatus("running-open", detail=False) except Exception as ex: traceMsg = traceback.format_exc() msg = "Error contacting RequestManager: %s" % traceMsg self.logger.warning(msg) return 0 for reqName in requests: try:"Processing request %s" % (reqName)) units = queue.addWork(requestName=reqName) self.logdb.delete(reqName, 'error', True, agent=False) except (WorkQueueWMSpecError, WorkQueueNoWorkError) as ex: # fatal error - but at least it was split the first time. Log and skip. msg = 'Error adding further work to request "%s". Will try again later' % reqName msg += '\nError: "%s"' % str(ex), msg, 'error') continue except (IOError, socket.error, CouchError, CouchConnectionError) as ex: # temporary problem - try again later msg = 'Error processing request "%s": will try again later.' % reqName msg += '\nError: "%s"' % str(ex), msg, 'error') continue except Exception as ex: # Log exception as it isnt a communication problem msg = 'Error processing request "%s": will try again later.' % reqName msg += '\nSee log for details.\nError: "%s"' % str(ex) traceMsg = traceback.format_exc() msg = "%s\n%s" % (msg, traceMsg) self.logger.exception('Unknown error processing %s' % reqName), msg, 'error') continue'%s units(s) queued for "%s"' % (units, reqName)) work += units"%s element(s) added to open requests" % work) return work
class ReqMgrTest(RESTBaseUnitTestWithDBBackend): """ Test WorkQueue Service client It will start WorkQueue RESTService Server DB sets from environment variable. Client DB sets from environment variable. This checks whether DS call makes without error and return the results. Not the correctness of functions. That will be tested in different module. """ def setFakeDN(self): # put into ReqMgr auxiliary database under "software" document scram/cmsms # which we'll need a little for request injection #Warning: this assumes the same structure in jenkins wmcore_root/test self.admin_header = getAuthHeader(, ADMIN_PERMISSION) self.create_header = getAuthHeader(, CREATE_PERMISSION) self.default_header = getAuthHeader(, DEFAULT_PERMISSION) self.assign_header = getAuthHeader(, ASSIGN_PERMISSION) self.default_status_header = getAuthHeader(, DEFAULT_STATUS_PERMISSION) def setUp(self): self.setConfig(config) self.setCouchDBs([(, "ReqMgr"), (, None)]) self.setSchemaModules([]) RESTBaseUnitTestWithDBBackend.setUp(self) self.setFakeDN() requestPath = os.path.join(getWMBASE(), "test", "data", "ReqMgr", "requests", "DMWM") rerecoFile = open(os.path.join(requestPath, "ReReco.json"), 'r') rerecoArgs = JsonWrapper.load(rerecoFile) self.rerecoCreateArgs = rerecoArgs["createRequest"] self.rerecoAssignArgs = rerecoArgs["assignRequest"] cmsswDoc = {"_id": "software"} cmsswDoc[self.rerecoCreateArgs["ScramArch"]] = [] cmsswDoc[self.rerecoCreateArgs["ScramArch"]].append(self.rerecoCreateArgs["CMSSWVersion"]) insertDataToCouch(os.getenv("COUCHURL"),, cmsswDoc) self.reqSvc = ReqMgr(self.jsonSender["host"]) self.reqSvc._noStale = True self.reqSvc['requests'].additionalHeaders = self.create_header def tearDown(self): RESTBaseUnitTestWithDBBackend.tearDown(self) def testRequestSimpleCycle(self): """ test request cycle with one request without composite get condition. post, get, put """ # test post method response = self.reqSvc.insertRequests(self.rerecoCreateArgs) self.assertEqual(len(response), 1) requestName = response[0]['request'] ## test get method # get by name response = self.reqSvc.getRequestByNames(requestName) self.assertEqual(response[requestName]['RequestPriority'], 10000) self.assertEqual(len(response), 1) # get by status response = self.reqSvc.getRequestByStatus('new') self.assertEqual(len(response), 1) print(response) self.reqSvc.updateRequestStatus(requestName, 'assignment-approved') response = self.reqSvc.getRequestByStatus('assignment-approved') self.assertEqual(len(response), 1) self.reqSvc.updateRequestProperty(requestName, {'RequestStatus': 'assigned', "AcquisitionEra": "TEST_ERA", "Team": "unittest", "SiteWhitelist": ["T1_US_CBS"], "SiteBlacklist": ["T1_US_FOX"]}) response = self.reqSvc.getRequestByStatus('assignment-approved') self.assertEqual(len(response), 0) response = self.reqSvc.getRequestByStatus('assigned') self.assertEqual(len(response), 1) self.assertEqual(response.values()[0]["SiteWhitelist"], ["T1_US_CBS"]) self.reqSvc.updateRequestStats(requestName, {'total_jobs': 100, 'input_lumis': 100, 'input_events': 100, 'input_num_files': 100})
class ReqMgrService(TemplatedPage): """ Request Manager web service class """ def __init__(self, app, config, mount): self.base = config.base self.rootdir = '/'.join(WMCore.__file__.split('/')[:-1]) if config and not isinstance(config, dict): web_config = config.dictionary_() if not config: web_config = {'base': self.base} TemplatedPage.__init__(self, web_config) imgdir = os.environ.get('RM_IMAGESPATH', os.getcwd() + '/images') self.imgdir = web_config.get('imgdir', imgdir) cssdir = os.environ.get('RM_CSSPATH', os.getcwd() + '/css') self.cssdir = web_config.get('cssdir', cssdir) jsdir = os.environ.get('RM_JSPATH', os.getcwd() + '/js') self.jsdir = web_config.get('jsdir', jsdir) spdir = os.environ.get('RM_SPECPATH', os.getcwd() + '/specs') self.spdir = web_config.get('spdir', spdir) # read scripts area and initialize data-ops scripts self.sdir = os.environ.get('RM_SCRIPTS', os.getcwd() + '/scripts') self.sdir = web_config.get('sdir', self.sdir) self.sdict_thr = web_config.get('sdict_thr', 600) # put reasonable 10 min interval self.sdict = {'ts': time.time()} # placeholder for data-ops scripts self.update_scripts(force=True) # To be filled at run time self.cssmap = {} self.jsmap = {} self.imgmap = {} self.yuimap = {} std_specs_dir = os.path.join(self.rootdir, 'WMSpec/StdSpecs') self.std_specs = spec_list(std_specs_dir, 'WMSpec.StdSpecs') self.std_specs.sort() # Update CherryPy configuration mime_types = ['text/css'] mime_types += [ 'application/javascript', 'text/javascript', 'application/x-javascript', 'text/x-javascript' ] cherryconf.update({ 'tools.encode.on': True, 'tools.gzip.on': True, 'tools.gzip.mime_types': mime_types, }) self._cache = {} # initialize rest API statedir = '/tmp' app = RESTMain(config, statedir) # REST application mount = '/rest' # mount point for cherrypy service api = RestApiHub(app, config.reqmgr, mount) # initialize access to reqmgr2 APIs self.reqmgr = ReqMgr(config.reqmgr.reqmgr2_url) # only gets current view (This might cause to reponse time much longer, # If upto date view is not needed overwrite Fale) self.reqmgr._noStale = True # admin helpers self.admin_info = Info(app, api, config.reqmgr, mount=mount + '/info') self.admin_group = Group(app, api, config.reqmgr, mount=mount + '/group') self.admin_team = Team(app, api, config.reqmgr, mount=mount + '/team') # get fields which we'll use in templates cdict = config.reqmgr.dictionary_() self.couch_url = cdict.get('couch_host', '') self.couch_dbname = cdict.get('couch_reqmgr_db', '') self.couch_wdbname = cdict.get('couch_workload_summary_db', '') self.acdc_url = cdict.get('acdc_host', '') self.acdc_dbname = cdict.get('acdc_db', '') self.configcache_url = cdict.get('couch_config_cache_url', self.couch_url) self.dbs_url = cdict.get('dbs_url', '') self.dqm_url = cdict.get('dqm_url', '') self.sw_ver = cdict.get('default_sw_version', 'CMSSW_5_2_5') self.sw_arch = cdict.get('default_sw_scramarch', 'slc5_amd64_gcc434') def user(self): """ Return user name associated with this instance. """ try: return cherrypy.request.user['login'] except: return 'testuser' def user_dn(self): "Return user DN" try: return cherrypy.request.user['dn'] except: return '/CN/bla/foo' def update_scripts(self, force=False): "Update scripts dict" if force or abs(time.time() - self.sdict['ts']) > self.sdict_thr: for item in os.listdir(self.sdir): with open(os.path.join(self.sdir, item), 'r') as istream: self.sdict[item.split('.')[0]] = self.sdict['ts'] = time.time() def abs_page(self, tmpl, content): """generate abstract page""" menu = self.templatepage('menu', menus=menus(), tmpl=tmpl) body = self.templatepage('generic', menu=menu, content=content) page = self.templatepage('main', content=body, user=self.user()) return page def page(self, content): """ Provide page wrapped with top/bottom templates. """ return self.templatepage('main', content=content) def error(self, content): "Generate common error page" content = self.templatepage('error', content=content) return self.abs_page('error', content) @expose def index(self, **kwds): """Main page""" content = self.templatepage('index', requests=ACTIVE_STATUS, rdict=REQUEST_STATE_TRANSITION) return self.abs_page('main', content) @expose def home(self, **kwds): """Main page""" return self.index(**kwds) ### Admin actions ### @expose def admin(self, **kwds): """admin page""" print "\n### ADMIN PAGE" rows = self.admin_info.get() print "rows", [r for r in rows] content = self.templatepage('admin') return self.abs_page('admin', content) @expose def add_user(self, **kwds): """add_user action""" rid = genid(kwds) status = "ok" # chagne to whatever it would be content = self.templatepage('confirm', ticket=rid, user=self.user(), status=status) return self.abs_page('admin', content) @expose def add_group(self, **kwds): """add_group action""" rows = self.admin_group.get() print "\n### GROUPS", [r for r in rows] rid = genid(kwds) status = "ok" # chagne to whatever it would be content = self.templatepage('confirm', ticket=rid, user=self.user(), status=status) return self.abs_page('admin', content) @expose def add_team(self, **kwds): """add_team action""" rows = self.admin_team.get() print "\n### TEAMS", kwds, [r for r in rows] print "request to add", kwds rid = genid(kwds) status = "ok" # chagne to whatever it would be content = self.templatepage('confirm', ticket=rid, user=self.user(), status=status) return self.abs_page('admin', content) ### Request actions ### @expose @checkargs(['status', 'sort']) def assign(self, **kwds): """assign page""" if not kwds: kwds = {} if 'status' not in kwds: kwds.update({'status': 'assignment-approved'}) docs = [] attrs = [ 'RequestName', 'RequestDate', 'Group', 'Requestor', 'RequestStatus' ] data = self.reqmgr.getRequestByStatus(statusList=[kwds['status']]) for key, val in data.items(): docs.append(request_attr(val, attrs)) sortby = kwds.get('sort', 'status') docs = [r for r in sort(docs, sortby)] misc_json = { 'CMSSW Releases': releases(), 'CMSSW architectures': architectures(), 'SubscriptionPriority': ['Low', 'Normal', 'High'], 'CustodialSubType': ['Move', 'Replica'], 'NonCustodialSubType': ['Move', 'Replica'], 'MinMergeSize': 2147483648, 'MaxMergeSize': 4294967296, 'MaxMergeEvents': 50000, 'MaxRSS': 20411724, 'MaxVSize': 20411724, 'SoftTimeout': 129600, 'GracePeriod': 300, 'BlockCloseMaxWaitTime': 66400, 'BlockCloseMaxFiles': 500, 'BlockCloseMaxEvents': 250000000, 'BlockCloseMaxSize': 5000000000000, 'AcquisitionEra': '', 'ProcessingVersion': 1, 'ProcessingString': '', 'MergedLFNBase': lfn_bases(), 'UnmergedLFNBase': lfn_unmerged_bases(), } filter_sort = self.templatepage('filter_sort') content = self.templatepage('assign', sort=sortby, filter_sort_table=filter_sort, sites=sites(), site_white_list=site_white_list(), site_black_list=site_black_list(), user=self.user(), user_dn=self.user_dn(), requests=docs, misc_table=json2table( misc_json, web_ui_names()), misc_json=json2form(misc_json, indent=2, keep_first_value=True)) return self.abs_page('assign', content) @expose @checkargs(['status', 'sort']) def approve(self, **kwds): """ Approve page: get list of request associated with user DN. Fetch their status list from ReqMgr and display if requests were seen by data-ops. """ if not kwds: kwds = {} if 'status' not in kwds: kwds.update({'status': 'new'}) kwds.update({'_nostale': True}) docs = [] attrs = [ 'RequestName', 'RequestDate', 'Group', 'Requestor', 'RequestStatus' ] data = self.reqmgr.getRequestByStatus(statusList=[kwds['status']]) for key, val in data.items(): docs.append(request_attr(val, attrs)) sortby = kwds.get('sort', 'status') docs = [r for r in sort(docs, sortby)] filter_sort = self.templatepage('filter_sort') content = self.templatepage('approve', requests=docs, date=tstamp(), sort=sortby, filter_sort_table=filter_sort) return self.abs_page('approve', content) @expose def create(self, **kwds): """create page""" # get list of standard specs from WMCore and new ones from local area #loc_specs_dir = os.path.join(self.spdir, 'Specs') # local specs #loc_specs = spec_list(loc_specs_dir, 'Specs') #all_specs = list(set(self.std_specs + loc_specs)) #all_specs.sort() all_specs = self.std_specs spec = kwds.get('form', '') if not spec: spec = self.std_specs[0] # make spec first in all_specs list if spec in all_specs: all_specs.remove(spec) all_specs = [spec] + all_specs jsondata = get_request_template_from_type(spec) # create templatized page out of provided forms self.update_scripts() content = self.templatepage( 'create', table=json2table(jsondata, web_ui_names()), jsondata=json2form(jsondata, indent=2, keep_first_value=True), name=spec, scripts=[s for s in self.sdict.keys() if s != 'ts'], specs=all_specs) return self.abs_page('create', content) def generate_objs(self, script, jsondict): """Generate objects from givem JSON template""" self.update_scripts() code = self.sdict.get(script, '') if code.find('def genobjs(jsondict)') == -1: return self.error( "Improper python snippet, your code should start with <b>def genobjs(jsondict)</b> function" ) exec(code) # code snippet must starts with genobjs function return [r for r in genobjs(jsondict)] @expose def fetch(self, rid, **kwds): "Fetch document for given id" rid = rid.replace('request-', '') doc = self.reqmgr.getRequestByNames(rid) transitions = [] if len(doc) == 1: try: doc = doc[rid] except: pass name = doc.get('RequestName', 'NA') title = 'Request %s' % name status = doc.get('RequestStatus', '') transitions = REQUEST_STATE_TRANSITION.get(status, []) if status in transitions: transitions.remove(status) content = self.templatepage('doc', title=title, status=status, name=name, table=json2table(doc, web_ui_names()), jsondata=json2form( doc, indent=2, keep_first_value=False), transitions=transitions) elif len(doc) > 1: jsondata = [pprint.pformat(d) for d in doc] content = self.templatepage('doc', title='Series of docs: %s' % rid, table="", jsondata=jsondata, transitions=transitions) else: doc = 'No request found for name=%s' % rid return self.abs_page('request', content) @expose def requests(self, **kwds): """Page showing requests""" if not kwds: kwds = {} if 'status' not in kwds: kwds.update({'status': 'acquired'}) results = self.reqmgr.getRequestByStatus(kwds['status']) docs = [] for key, doc in results.items(): docs.append(request_attr(doc)) sortby = kwds.get('sort', 'status') docs = [r for r in sort(docs, sortby)] filter_sort = self.templatepage('filter_sort') content = self.templatepage('requests', requests=docs, sort=sortby, status=kwds['status'], filter_sort_table=filter_sort) return self.abs_page('requests', content) @expose def request(self, **kwargs): "Get data example and expose it as json" dataset = kwargs.get('uinput', '') if not dataset: return {'error': 'no input dataset'} url = '' % dataset params = {} headers = {'Accept': 'application/json;text/json'} wdata = getdata(url, params) wdict = dict(date=time.ctime(), team='Team-A', status='Running', ID=genid(wdata)) winfo = self.templatepage('workflow', wdict=wdict, dataset=dataset, code=pprint.pformat(wdata)) content = self.templatepage('search', content=winfo) return self.abs_page('request', content) @expose def batch(self, **kwds): """batch page""" # TODO: we need a template for batch attributes # and read it from separate area, like DASMaps name = kwds.get('name', '') batch = {} if name: # batch = self.reqmgr.getBatchesByName(name) batch = { 'Name': 'Batch1', 'Description': 'Bla-bla', 'Creator': 'valya', 'Group': 'test', 'Workflows': ['workflow1', 'workflow2'], 'Attributes': { 'HeavyIon': ['true', 'false'] } } attributes = batch.get('Attributes', {}) workflows = batch.get('Workflows', []) description = batch.get('Description', '') creator = batch.get('Creator', self.user_dn()) content = self.templatepage('batch', name=name, attributes=json2table( attributes, web_ui_names()), workflows=workflows, creator=creator, description=description) return self.abs_page('batch', content) @expose def batches(self, **kwds): """Page showing batches""" if not kwds: kwds = {} if 'name' not in kwds: kwds.update({'name': ''}) sortby = kwds.get('sort', 'name') # results = self.reqmgr.getBatchesByName(kwds['name']) results = [ { 'Name': 'Batch1', 'Description': 'Bla-bla', 'Creator': 'valya', 'Group': 'test', 'Workflows': ['workflow1', 'workflow2'], 'Date': 'Fri Feb 13 10:36:41 EST 2015', 'Attributes': { 'HeavyIon': ['true', 'false'] } }, { 'Name': 'Batch2', 'Description': 'lksdjflksjdf', 'Creator': 'valya', 'Group': 'test', 'Workflows': ['workflow1', 'workflow2'], 'Date': 'Fri Feb 10 10:36:41 EST 2015', 'Attributes': { 'HeavyIon': ['true', 'false'] } }, ] docs = [r for r in sort(results, sortby)] filter_sort = self.templatepage('filter_sort') content = self.templatepage('batches', batches=docs, sort=sortby, filter_sort_table=filter_sort) return self.abs_page('batches', content) ### Aux methods ### @expose def put_request(self, *args, **kwds): "PUT request callback to reqmgr server, should be used in AJAX" reqname = kwds.get('RequestName', '') status = kwds.get('RequestStatus', '') if not reqname: msg = 'Unable to update request status, empty request name' raise cherrypy.HTTPError(406, msg) if not status: msg = 'Unable to update request status, empty status value' raise cherrypy.HTTPError(406, msg) return self.reqmgr.updateRequestStatus(reqname, status) @expose def images(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Serve static images. """ args = list(args) self.check_scripts(args, self.imgmap, self.imgdir) mime_types = [ '*/*', 'image/gif', 'image/png', 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg' ] accepts = cherrypy.request.headers.elements('Accept') for accept in accepts: if accept.value in mime_types and len(args) == 1 \ and args[0] in self.imgmap: image = self.imgmap[args[0]] # use image extension to pass correct content type ctype = 'image/%s' % image.split('.')[-1] cherrypy.response.headers['Content-type'] = ctype return serve_file(image, content_type=ctype) def serve(self, kwds, imap, idir, datatype='', minimize=False): "Serve files for high level APIs (yui/css/js)" args = [] for key, val in kwds.items(): if key == 'f': # we only look-up files from given kwds dict if isinstance(val, list): args += val else: args.append(val) scripts = self.check_scripts(args, imap, idir) return self.serve_files(args, scripts, imap, datatype, minimize) @exposecss @tools.gzip() def css(self, **kwargs): """ Serve provided CSS files. They can be passed as f=file1.css&f=file2.css """ resource = kwargs.get('resource', 'css') if resource == 'css': return self.serve(kwargs, self.cssmap, self.cssdir, 'css', True) @exposejs @tools.gzip() def js(self, **kwargs): """ Serve provided JS scripts. They can be passed as f=file1.js&f=file2.js with optional resource parameter to speficy type of JS files, e.g. resource=yui. """ resource = kwargs.get('resource', 'js') if resource == 'js': return self.serve(kwargs, self.jsmap, self.jsdir) def serve_files(self, args, scripts, resource, datatype='', minimize=False): """ Return asked set of files for JS, YUI, CSS. """ idx = "-".join(scripts) if idx not in self._cache.keys(): data = '' if datatype == 'css': data = '@CHARSET "UTF-8";' for script in args: path = os.path.join(sys.path[0], resource[script]) path = os.path.normpath(path) ifile = open(path) data = "\n".join ([data,\ replace('@CHARSET "UTF-8";', '')]) ifile.close() if datatype == 'css': set_headers("text/css") if minimize: self._cache[idx] = minify(data) else: self._cache[idx] = data return self._cache[idx] def check_scripts(self, scripts, resource, path): """ Check a script is known to the resource map and that the script actually exists """ for script in scripts: if script not in resource.keys(): spath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path, script)) if os.path.isfile(spath): resource.update({script: spath}) return scripts
class MSCore(object): """ This class provides core functionality for MSTransferor, MSMonitor, MSOutput. MSRuleCleaner classes. """ def __init__(self, msConfig, **kwargs): """ Provides setup for MSTransferor and MSMonitor classes :param config: MS service configuration :param kwargs: can be used to skip the initialization of specific services, such as: logger: logger object skipReqMgr: boolean to skip ReqMgr initialization skipReqMgrAux: boolean to skip ReqMgrAux initialization skipRucio: boolean to skip Rucio initialization """ self.logger = getMSLogger(getattr(msConfig, 'verbose', False), kwargs.get("logger")) self.msConfig = msConfig"Configuration including default values:\n%s", self.msConfig) if not kwargs.get("skipReqMgr", False): self.reqmgr2 = ReqMgr(self.msConfig['reqmgr2Url'], logger=self.logger) if not kwargs.get("skipReqMgrAux", False): self.reqmgrAux = ReqMgrAux(self.msConfig['reqmgr2Url'], httpDict={'cacheduration': 1.0}, logger=self.logger) self.phedex = None self.rucio = None if not kwargs.get("skipRucio", False): self.rucio = Rucio(acct=self.msConfig['rucioAccount'], hostUrl=self.msConfig['rucioUrl'], authUrl=self.msConfig['rucioAuthUrl'], configDict={"logger": self.logger, "user_agent": "wmcore-microservices"}) def unifiedConfig(self): """ Fetches the unified configuration :return: unified configuration content """ res = self.reqmgrAux.getUnifiedConfig(docName="config") if res: if isinstance(res, list): return res[0] return res else: return {} def change(self, reqName, reqStatus, prefix='###'): """ Update the request status in ReqMgr2 """ try: if self.msConfig['enableStatusTransition']:'%s updating %s status to: %s', prefix, reqName, reqStatus) self.reqmgr2.updateRequestStatus(reqName, reqStatus) else:'DRY-RUN:: %s updating %s status to: %s', prefix, reqName, reqStatus) except Exception as err: self.logger.exception("Failed to change request status. Error: %s", str(err)) def updateReportDict(self, reportDict, keyName, value): """ Provided a key name and value, validate the key name and update the report dictionary if it passes the validation :param reportDict: dictionary with a summary of the service :param keyName: string with the key name in the report :param value: string/integer value with the content of a metric :return: the updated dictionary """ if keyName not in reportDict: self.logger.error("Report metric '%s' is not supported", keyName) else: reportDict[keyName] = value return reportDict
def __init__(self, app, config, mount): self.base = config.base self.rootdir = '/'.join(WMCore.__file__.split('/')[:-1]) if config and not isinstance(config, dict): web_config = config.dictionary_() if not config: web_config = {'base': self.base} TemplatedPage.__init__(self, web_config) imgdir = os.environ.get('RM_IMAGESPATH', os.getcwd()+'/images') self.imgdir = web_config.get('imgdir', imgdir) cssdir = os.environ.get('RM_CSSPATH', os.getcwd()+'/css') self.cssdir = web_config.get('cssdir', cssdir) jsdir = os.environ.get('RM_JSPATH', os.getcwd()+'/js') self.jsdir = web_config.get('jsdir', jsdir) spdir = os.environ.get('RM_SPECPATH', os.getcwd()+'/specs') self.spdir = web_config.get('spdir', spdir) # read scripts area and initialize data-ops scripts self.sdir = os.environ.get('RM_SCRIPTS', os.getcwd()+'/scripts') self.sdir = web_config.get('sdir', self.sdir) self.sdict_thr = web_config.get('sdict_thr', 600) # put reasonable 10 min interval self.sdict = {'ts':time.time()} # placeholder for data-ops scripts self.update_scripts(force=True) # To be filled at run time self.cssmap = {} self.jsmap = {} self.imgmap = {} self.yuimap = {} std_specs_dir = os.path.join(self.rootdir, 'WMSpec/StdSpecs') self.std_specs = spec_list(std_specs_dir, 'WMSpec.StdSpecs') self.std_specs.sort() # Update CherryPy configuration mime_types = ['text/css'] mime_types += ['application/javascript', 'text/javascript', 'application/x-javascript', 'text/x-javascript'] cherryconf.update({'tools.encode.on': True, 'tools.gzip.on': True, 'tools.gzip.mime_types': mime_types, }) self._cache = {} # initialize rest API statedir = '/tmp' app = RESTMain(config, statedir) # REST application mount = '/rest' # mount point for cherrypy service api = RestApiHub(app, config.reqmgr, mount) # initialize access to reqmgr2 APIs self.reqmgr = ReqMgr(config.reqmgr.reqmgr2_url) # only gets current view (This might cause to reponse time much longer, # If upto date view is not needed overwrite Fale) self.reqmgr._noStale = True # admin helpers self.admin_info = Info(app, api, config.reqmgr, mount=mount+'/info') self.admin_group = Group(app, api, config.reqmgr, mount=mount+'/group') self.admin_team = Team(app, api, config.reqmgr, mount=mount+'/team') # get fields which we'll use in templates cdict = config.reqmgr.dictionary_() self.couch_url = cdict.get('couch_host', '') self.couch_dbname = cdict.get('couch_reqmgr_db', '') self.couch_wdbname = cdict.get('couch_workload_summary_db', '') self.acdc_url = cdict.get('acdc_host', '') self.acdc_dbname = cdict.get('acdc_db', '') self.configcache_url = cdict.get('couch_config_cache_url', self.couch_url) self.dbs_url = cdict.get('dbs_url', '') self.dqm_url = cdict.get('dqm_url', '') self.sw_ver = cdict.get('default_sw_version', 'CMSSW_5_2_5') self.sw_arch = cdict.get('default_sw_scramarch', 'slc5_amd64_gcc434')
class ReqMgrService(TemplatedPage): """ Request Manager web service class """ def __init__(self, app, config, mount): self.base = config.base self.rootdir = '/'.join(WMCore.__file__.split('/')[:-1]) if config and not isinstance(config, dict): web_config = config.dictionary_() if not config: web_config = {'base': self.base} TemplatedPage.__init__(self, web_config) imgdir = os.environ.get('RM_IMAGESPATH', os.getcwd()+'/images') self.imgdir = web_config.get('imgdir', imgdir) cssdir = os.environ.get('RM_CSSPATH', os.getcwd()+'/css') self.cssdir = web_config.get('cssdir', cssdir) jsdir = os.environ.get('RM_JSPATH', os.getcwd()+'/js') self.jsdir = web_config.get('jsdir', jsdir) spdir = os.environ.get('RM_SPECPATH', os.getcwd()+'/specs') self.spdir = web_config.get('spdir', spdir) # read scripts area and initialize data-ops scripts self.sdir = os.environ.get('RM_SCRIPTS', os.getcwd()+'/scripts') self.sdir = web_config.get('sdir', self.sdir) self.sdict_thr = web_config.get('sdict_thr', 600) # put reasonable 10 min interval self.sdict = {'ts':time.time()} # placeholder for data-ops scripts self.update_scripts(force=True) # To be filled at run time self.cssmap = {} self.jsmap = {} self.imgmap = {} self.yuimap = {} std_specs_dir = os.path.join(self.rootdir, 'WMSpec/StdSpecs') self.std_specs = spec_list(std_specs_dir, 'WMSpec.StdSpecs') self.std_specs.sort() # Update CherryPy configuration mime_types = ['text/css'] mime_types += ['application/javascript', 'text/javascript', 'application/x-javascript', 'text/x-javascript'] cherryconf.update({'tools.encode.on': True, 'tools.gzip.on': True, 'tools.gzip.mime_types': mime_types, }) self._cache = {} # initialize rest API statedir = '/tmp' app = RESTMain(config, statedir) # REST application mount = '/rest' # mount point for cherrypy service api = RestApiHub(app, config.reqmgr, mount) # initialize access to reqmgr2 APIs self.reqmgr = ReqMgr(config.reqmgr.reqmgr2_url) # only gets current view (This might cause to reponse time much longer, # If upto date view is not needed overwrite Fale) self.reqmgr._noStale = True # admin helpers self.admin_info = Info(app, api, config.reqmgr, mount=mount+'/info') self.admin_group = Group(app, api, config.reqmgr, mount=mount+'/group') self.admin_team = Team(app, api, config.reqmgr, mount=mount+'/team') # get fields which we'll use in templates cdict = config.reqmgr.dictionary_() self.couch_url = cdict.get('couch_host', '') self.couch_dbname = cdict.get('couch_reqmgr_db', '') self.couch_wdbname = cdict.get('couch_workload_summary_db', '') self.acdc_url = cdict.get('acdc_host', '') self.acdc_dbname = cdict.get('acdc_db', '') self.configcache_url = cdict.get('couch_config_cache_url', self.couch_url) self.dbs_url = cdict.get('dbs_url', '') self.dqm_url = cdict.get('dqm_url', '') self.sw_ver = cdict.get('default_sw_version', 'CMSSW_5_2_5') self.sw_arch = cdict.get('default_sw_scramarch', 'slc5_amd64_gcc434') def user(self): """ Return user name associated with this instance. """ try: return cherrypy.request.user['login'] except: return 'testuser' def user_dn(self): "Return user DN" try: return cherrypy.request.user['dn'] except: return '/CN/bla/foo' def update_scripts(self, force=False): "Update scripts dict" if force or abs(time.time()-self.sdict['ts']) > self.sdict_thr: for item in os.listdir(self.sdir): with open(os.path.join(self.sdir, item), 'r') as istream: self.sdict[item.split('.')[0]] = self.sdict['ts'] = time.time() def abs_page(self, tmpl, content): """generate abstract page""" menu = self.templatepage('menu', menus=menus(), tmpl=tmpl) body = self.templatepage('generic', menu=menu, content=content) page = self.templatepage('main', content=body, user=self.user()) return page def page(self, content): """ Provide page wrapped with top/bottom templates. """ return self.templatepage('main', content=content) def error(self, content): "Generate common error page" content = self.templatepage('error', content=content) return self.abs_page('error', content) @expose def index(self, **kwds): """Main page""" content = self.templatepage('index', requests=ACTIVE_STATUS, rdict=REQUEST_STATE_TRANSITION) return self.abs_page('main', content) @expose def home(self, **kwds): """Main page""" return self.index(**kwds) ### Admin actions ### @expose def admin(self, **kwds): """admin page""" print "\n### ADMIN PAGE" rows = self.admin_info.get() print "rows", [r for r in rows] content = self.templatepage('admin') return self.abs_page('admin', content) @expose def add_user(self, **kwds): """add_user action""" rid = genid(kwds) status = "ok" # chagne to whatever it would be content = self.templatepage('confirm', ticket=rid, user=self.user(), status=status) return self.abs_page('admin', content) @expose def add_group(self, **kwds): """add_group action""" rows = self.admin_group.get() print "\n### GROUPS", [r for r in rows] rid = genid(kwds) status = "ok" # chagne to whatever it would be content = self.templatepage('confirm', ticket=rid, user=self.user(), status=status) return self.abs_page('admin', content) @expose def add_team(self, **kwds): """add_team action""" rows = self.admin_team.get() print "\n### TEAMS", kwds, [r for r in rows] print "request to add", kwds rid = genid(kwds) status = "ok" # chagne to whatever it would be content = self.templatepage('confirm', ticket=rid, user=self.user(), status=status) return self.abs_page('admin', content) ### Request actions ### @expose @checkargs(['status', 'sort']) def assign(self, **kwds): """assign page""" if not kwds: kwds = {} if 'status' not in kwds: kwds.update({'status': 'assignment-approved'}) docs = [] attrs = ['RequestName', 'RequestDate', 'Group', 'Requestor', 'RequestStatus'] data = self.reqmgr.getRequestByStatus(statusList=[kwds['status']]) for key, val in data.items(): docs.append(request_attr(val, attrs)) sortby = kwds.get('sort', 'status') docs = [r for r in sort(docs, sortby)] misc_json = {'CMSSW Releases':releases(), 'CMSSW architectures':architectures(), 'SubscriptionPriority':['Low', 'Normal', 'High'], 'CustodialSubType':['Move', 'Replica'], 'NonCustodialSubType':['Move', 'Replica'], 'MinMergeSize':2147483648, 'MaxMergeSize':4294967296, 'MaxMergeEvents':50000, 'MaxRSS':20411724, 'MaxVSize':20411724, 'SoftTimeout':129600, 'GracePeriod':300, 'BlockCloseMaxWaitTime':66400, 'BlockCloseMaxFiles':500, 'BlockCloseMaxEvents':250000000, 'BlockCloseMaxSize':5000000000000, 'AcquisitionEra':'', 'ProcessingVersion':1, 'ProcessingString':'', 'MergedLFNBase':lfn_bases(), 'UnmergedLFNBase':lfn_unmerged_bases(),} filter_sort = self.templatepage('filter_sort') content = self.templatepage('assign', sort=sortby, filter_sort_table=filter_sort, sites=sites(), site_white_list=site_white_list(), site_black_list=site_black_list(), user=self.user(), user_dn=self.user_dn(), requests=docs, misc_table=json2table(misc_json, web_ui_names()), misc_json=json2form(misc_json, indent=2, keep_first_value=True)) return self.abs_page('assign', content) @expose @checkargs(['status', 'sort']) def approve(self, **kwds): """ Approve page: get list of request associated with user DN. Fetch their status list from ReqMgr and display if requests were seen by data-ops. """ if not kwds: kwds = {} if 'status' not in kwds: kwds.update({'status': 'new'}) kwds.update({'_nostale':True}) docs = [] attrs = ['RequestName', 'RequestDate', 'Group', 'Requestor', 'RequestStatus'] data = self.reqmgr.getRequestByStatus(statusList=[kwds['status']]) for key, val in data.items(): docs.append(request_attr(val, attrs)) sortby = kwds.get('sort', 'status') docs = [r for r in sort(docs, sortby)] filter_sort = self.templatepage('filter_sort') content = self.templatepage('approve', requests=docs, date=tstamp(), sort=sortby, filter_sort_table=filter_sort) return self.abs_page('approve', content) @expose def create(self, **kwds): """create page""" # get list of standard specs from WMCore and new ones from local area #loc_specs_dir = os.path.join(self.spdir, 'Specs') # local specs #loc_specs = spec_list(loc_specs_dir, 'Specs') #all_specs = list(set(self.std_specs + loc_specs)) #all_specs.sort() all_specs = self.std_specs spec = kwds.get('form', '') if not spec: spec = self.std_specs[0] # make spec first in all_specs list if spec in all_specs: all_specs.remove(spec) all_specs = [spec] + all_specs jsondata = get_request_template_from_type(spec) # create templatized page out of provided forms self.update_scripts() content = self.templatepage('create', table=json2table(jsondata, web_ui_names()), jsondata=json2form(jsondata, indent=2, keep_first_value=True), name=spec, scripts=[s for s in self.sdict.keys() if s!='ts'], specs=all_specs) return self.abs_page('create', content) def generate_objs(self, script, jsondict): """Generate objects from givem JSON template""" self.update_scripts() code = self.sdict.get(script, '') if code.find('def genobjs(jsondict)') == -1: return self.error("Improper python snippet, your code should start with <b>def genobjs(jsondict)</b> function") exec(code) # code snippet must starts with genobjs function return [r for r in genobjs(jsondict)] @expose def fetch(self, rid, **kwds): "Fetch document for given id" rid = rid.replace('request-', '') doc = self.reqmgr.getRequestByNames(rid) transitions = [] if len(doc) == 1: try: doc = doc[rid] except: pass name = doc.get('RequestName', 'NA') title = 'Request %s' % name status = doc.get('RequestStatus', '') transitions = REQUEST_STATE_TRANSITION.get(status, []) if status in transitions: transitions.remove(status) content = self.templatepage('doc', title=title, status=status, name=name, table=json2table(doc, web_ui_names()), jsondata=json2form(doc, indent=2, keep_first_value=False), transitions=transitions) elif len(doc) > 1: jsondata = [pprint.pformat(d) for d in doc] content = self.templatepage('doc', title='Series of docs: %s' % rid, table="", jsondata=jsondata, transitions=transitions) else: doc = 'No request found for name=%s' % rid return self.abs_page('request', content) @expose def requests(self, **kwds): """Page showing requests""" if not kwds: kwds = {} if 'status' not in kwds: kwds.update({'status': 'acquired'}) results = self.reqmgr.getRequestByStatus(kwds['status']) docs = [] for key, doc in results.items(): docs.append(request_attr(doc)) sortby = kwds.get('sort', 'status') docs = [r for r in sort(docs, sortby)] filter_sort = self.templatepage('filter_sort') content = self.templatepage('requests', requests=docs, sort=sortby, status=kwds['status'], filter_sort_table=filter_sort) return self.abs_page('requests', content) @expose def request(self, **kwargs): "Get data example and expose it as json" dataset = kwargs.get('uinput', '') if not dataset: return {'error':'no input dataset'} url = '' % dataset params = {} headers = {'Accept': 'application/json;text/json'} wdata = getdata(url, params) wdict = dict(date=time.ctime(), team='Team-A', status='Running', ID=genid(wdata)) winfo = self.templatepage('workflow', wdict=wdict, dataset=dataset, code=pprint.pformat(wdata)) content = self.templatepage('search', content=winfo) return self.abs_page('request', content) @expose def batch(self, **kwds): """batch page""" # TODO: we need a template for batch attributes # and read it from separate area, like DASMaps name = kwds.get('name', '') batch = {} if name: # batch = self.reqmgr.getBatchesByName(name) batch = {'Name':'Batch1', 'Description': 'Bla-bla', 'Creator':'valya', 'Group':'test', 'Workflows':['workflow1', 'workflow2'], 'Attributes':{'HeavyIon':['true', 'false']}} attributes = batch.get('Attributes', {}) workflows = batch.get('Workflows', []) description = batch.get('Description', '') creator = batch.get('Creator', self.user_dn()) content = self.templatepage('batch', name=name, attributes=json2table(attributes, web_ui_names()), workflows=workflows, creator=creator, description=description) return self.abs_page('batch', content) @expose def batches(self, **kwds): """Page showing batches""" if not kwds: kwds = {} if 'name' not in kwds: kwds.update({'name': ''}) sortby = kwds.get('sort', 'name') # results = self.reqmgr.getBatchesByName(kwds['name']) results = [ {'Name':'Batch1', 'Description': 'Bla-bla', 'Creator':'valya', 'Group':'test', 'Workflows':['workflow1', 'workflow2'], 'Date': 'Fri Feb 13 10:36:41 EST 2015', 'Attributes':{'HeavyIon':['true', 'false']}}, {'Name':'Batch2', 'Description': 'lksdjflksjdf', 'Creator':'valya', 'Group':'test', 'Workflows':['workflow1', 'workflow2'], 'Date': 'Fri Feb 10 10:36:41 EST 2015', 'Attributes':{'HeavyIon':['true', 'false']}}, ] docs = [r for r in sort(results, sortby)] filter_sort = self.templatepage('filter_sort') content = self.templatepage('batches', batches=docs, sort=sortby, filter_sort_table=filter_sort) return self.abs_page('batches', content) ### Aux methods ### @expose def put_request(self, *args, **kwds): "PUT request callback to reqmgr server, should be used in AJAX" reqname = kwds.get('RequestName', '') status = kwds.get('RequestStatus', '') if not reqname: msg = 'Unable to update request status, empty request name' raise cherrypy.HTTPError(406, msg) if not status: msg = 'Unable to update request status, empty status value' raise cherrypy.HTTPError(406, msg) return self.reqmgr.updateRequestStatus(reqname, status) @expose def images(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Serve static images. """ args = list(args) self.check_scripts(args, self.imgmap, self.imgdir) mime_types = ['*/*', 'image/gif', 'image/png', 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg'] accepts = cherrypy.request.headers.elements('Accept') for accept in accepts: if accept.value in mime_types and len(args) == 1 \ and args[0] in self.imgmap: image = self.imgmap[args[0]] # use image extension to pass correct content type ctype = 'image/%s' % image.split('.')[-1] cherrypy.response.headers['Content-type'] = ctype return serve_file(image, content_type=ctype) def serve(self, kwds, imap, idir, datatype='', minimize=False): "Serve files for high level APIs (yui/css/js)" args = [] for key, val in kwds.items(): if key == 'f': # we only look-up files from given kwds dict if isinstance(val, list): args += val else: args.append(val) scripts = self.check_scripts(args, imap, idir) return self.serve_files(args, scripts, imap, datatype, minimize) @exposecss @tools.gzip() def css(self, **kwargs): """ Serve provided CSS files. They can be passed as f=file1.css&f=file2.css """ resource = kwargs.get('resource', 'css') if resource == 'css': return self.serve(kwargs, self.cssmap, self.cssdir, 'css', True) @exposejs @tools.gzip() def js(self, **kwargs): """ Serve provided JS scripts. They can be passed as f=file1.js&f=file2.js with optional resource parameter to speficy type of JS files, e.g. resource=yui. """ resource = kwargs.get('resource', 'js') if resource == 'js': return self.serve(kwargs, self.jsmap, self.jsdir) def serve_files(self, args, scripts, resource, datatype='', minimize=False): """ Return asked set of files for JS, YUI, CSS. """ idx = "-".join(scripts) if idx not in self._cache.keys(): data = '' if datatype == 'css': data = '@CHARSET "UTF-8";' for script in args: path = os.path.join(sys.path[0], resource[script]) path = os.path.normpath(path) ifile = open(path) data = "\n".join ([data,\ replace('@CHARSET "UTF-8";', '')]) ifile.close() if datatype == 'css': set_headers("text/css") if minimize: self._cache[idx] = minify(data) else: self._cache[idx] = data return self._cache[idx] def check_scripts(self, scripts, resource, path): """ Check a script is known to the resource map and that the script actually exists """ for script in scripts: if script not in resource.keys(): spath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path, script)) if os.path.isfile(spath): resource.update({script: spath}) return scripts
class CleanCouchPoller(BaseWorkerThread): """ Cleans up local couch db according the the given condition. 1. Cleans local couch db when request is completed and reported to cental db. This will clean up local couchdb, local summary db, local queue 2. Cleans old couchdoc which is created older than the time threshold """ def __init__(self, config): """ Initialize config """ BaseWorkerThread.__init__(self) # set the workqueue service for REST call self.config = config def setup(self, parameters): """ Called at startup """ self.teamName = self.config.Agent.teamName # set the connection for local couchDB call self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck = getattr(self.config.TaskArchiver, 'useReqMgrForCompletionCheck', True) self.archiveDelayHours = getattr(self.config.TaskArchiver, 'archiveDelayHours', 0) self.wmstatsCouchDB = WMStatsWriter(self.config.TaskArchiver.localWMStatsURL, appName="WMStatsAgent") #TODO: we might need to use local db for Tier0 self.centralRequestDBReader = RequestDBReader(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralRequestDBURL, couchapp=self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.RequestCouchApp) if self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck: self.deletableState = "announced" self.centralRequestDBWriter = RequestDBWriter(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralRequestDBURL, couchapp=self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.RequestCouchApp) self.reqmgr2Svc = ReqMgr(self.config.TaskArchiver.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) #TODO: remove this when reqmgr2 replace reqmgr completely (reqmgr2Only) self.reqmgrSvc = RequestManager({'endpoint': self.config.TaskArchiver.ReqMgrServiceURL}) else: # Tier0 case self.deletableState = "completed" # use local for update self.centralRequestDBWriter = RequestDBWriter(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localT0RequestDBURL, couchapp=self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.RequestCouchApp) jobDBurl = sanitizeURL(self.config.JobStateMachine.couchurl)['url'] jobDBName = self.config.JobStateMachine.couchDBName self.jobCouchdb = CouchServer(jobDBurl) self.jobsdatabase = self.jobCouchdb.connectDatabase("%s/jobs" % jobDBName) self.fwjrdatabase = self.jobCouchdb.connectDatabase("%s/fwjrs" % jobDBName) statSummaryDBName = self.config.JobStateMachine.summaryStatsDBName self.statsumdatabase = self.jobCouchdb.connectDatabase(statSummaryDBName) def algorithm(self, parameters): """ Get information from wmbs, workqueue and local couch. - It deletes old wmstats docs - Archive workflows """ try:"Cleaning up the old request docs") report = self.wmstatsCouchDB.deleteOldDocs(self.config.TaskArchiver.DataKeepDays)"%s docs deleted" % report)"Cleaning up the archived request docs") report = self.cleanAlreadyArchivedWorkflows()"%s archived workflows deleted" % report) # archiving only workflows that I own (same team)"Getting requests in '%s' state for team '%s'", self.deletableState, self.teamName) endTime = int(time.time()) - self.archiveDelayHours * 3600 wfs = self.centralRequestDBReader.getRequestByTeamAndStatus(self.teamName, self.deletableState) commonWfs = self.centralRequestDBReader.getRequestByStatusAndStartTime(self.deletableState, False, endTime) deletableWorkflows = list(set(wfs) & set(commonWfs))"Ready to archive normal %s workflows", len(deletableWorkflows)) numUpdated = self.archiveWorkflows(deletableWorkflows, "normal-archived")"archive normal %s workflows", numUpdated) abortedWorkflows = self.centralRequestDBReader.getRequestByStatus(["aborted-completed"])"Ready to archive aborted %s workflows", len(abortedWorkflows)) numUpdated = self.archiveWorkflows(abortedWorkflows, "aborted-archived")"archive aborted %s workflows", numUpdated) rejectedWorkflows = self.centralRequestDBReader.getRequestByStatus(["rejected"])"Ready to archive rejected %s workflows", len(rejectedWorkflows)) numUpdated = self.archiveWorkflows(rejectedWorkflows, "rejected-archived")"archive rejected %s workflows", numUpdated) except Exception as ex: logging.error(str(ex)) logging.error("Error occurred, will try again next cycle") def archiveWorkflows(self, workflows, archiveState): updated = 0 for workflowName in workflows: if self.cleanAllLocalCouchDB(workflowName): if self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck: try: #TODO: try reqmgr1 call if it fails (reqmgr2Only - remove this line when reqmgr is replaced) self.reqmgrSvc.updateRequestStatus(workflowName, archiveState) #And replace with this - remove all the excption #self.reqmgr2Svc.updateRequestStatus(workflowName, archiveState) except HTTPException as ex: # If we get an HTTPException of 404 means reqmgr2 request if ex.status == 404: # try reqmgr2 call msg = "%s : reqmgr2 request: %s" % (workflowName, str(ex)) logging.warning(msg) self.reqmgr2Svc.updateRequestStatus(workflowName, archiveState) else: msg = "%s : fail to update status with HTTP error: %s" % (workflowName, str(ex)) logging.error(msg) raise ex updated += 1 logging.debug("status updated to %s %s", archiveState, workflowName) else: # tier0 update case self.centralRequestDBWriter.updateRequestStatus(workflowName, archiveState) return updated def deleteWorkflowFromJobCouch(self, workflowName, db): """ _deleteWorkflowFromCouch_ If we are asked to delete the workflow from couch, delete it to clear up some space. Load the document IDs and revisions out of couch by workflowName, then order a delete on them. """ options = {"startkey": [workflowName], "endkey": [workflowName, {}], "reduce": False} if db == "JobDump": couchDB = self.jobsdatabase view = "jobsByWorkflowName" elif db == "FWJRDump": couchDB = self.fwjrdatabase view = "fwjrsByWorkflowName" elif db == "SummaryStats": couchDB = self.statsumdatabase view = None elif db == "WMStatsAgent": couchDB = self.wmstatsCouchDB.getDBInstance() view = "allWorkflows" options = {"key": workflowName, "reduce": False} if view == None: try: committed = couchDB.delete_doc(workflowName) except CouchNotFoundError as ex: return {'status': 'warning', 'message': "%s: %s" % (workflowName, str(ex))} else: try: jobs = couchDB.loadView(db, view, options = options)['rows'] except Exception as ex: errorMsg = "Error on loading jobs for %s" % workflowName logging.warning("%s/n%s" % (str(ex), errorMsg)) return {'status': 'error', 'message': errorMsg} for j in jobs: doc = {} doc["_id"] = j['value']['id'] doc["_rev"] = j['value']['rev'] couchDB.queueDelete(doc) committed = couchDB.commit() if committed: #create the error report errorReport = {} deleted = 0 status = "ok" for data in committed: if 'error' in data: errorReport.setdefault(data['error'], 0) errorReport[data['error']] += 1 status = "error" else: deleted += 1 return {'status': status, 'delete': deleted, 'message': errorReport} else: return {'status': 'warning', 'message': "no %s exist" % workflowName} def cleanAllLocalCouchDB(self, workflowName):"Deleting %s from JobCouch" % workflowName) jobReport = self.deleteWorkflowFromJobCouch(workflowName, "JobDump") logging.debug("%s docs deleted from JobDump", jobReport) fwjrReport = self.deleteWorkflowFromJobCouch(workflowName, "FWJRDump") logging.debug("%s docs deleted from FWJRDump", fwjrReport) summaryReport = self.deleteWorkflowFromJobCouch(workflowName, "SummaryStats") logging.debug("%s docs deleted from SummaryStats", summaryReport) wmstatsReport = self.deleteWorkflowFromJobCouch(workflowName, "WMStatsAgent") logging.debug("%s docs deleted from wmagent_summary", wmstatsReport) # if one of the procedure fails return False if (jobReport["status"] == "error" or fwjrReport["status"] == "error" or wmstatsReport["status"] == "error"): return False # other wise return True. return True def cleanAlreadyArchivedWorkflows(self): """ loop through the workflows in couchdb, if archived delete all the data in couchdb """ numDeletedRequests = 0 try: localWMStats = self.wmstatsCouchDB.getDBInstance() options = {"group_level": 1, "reduce": True} results = localWMStats.loadView("WMStatsAgent", "allWorkflows", options = options)['rows'] requestNames = [x['key'] for x in results]"There are %s workfows to check for archived status" % len(requestNames)) workflowDict = self.centralRequestDBReader.getStatusAndTypeByRequest(requestNames) for request, value in workflowDict.items(): if value[0].endswith("-archived"): self.cleanAllLocalCouchDB(request) numDeletedRequests += 1 except Exception as ex: errorMsg = "Error on loading workflow list from wmagent_summary db" logging.warning("%s/n%s" % (errorMsg, str(ex))) return numDeletedRequests
def __init__(self, app, config, mount): self.base = config.base self.rootdir = '/'.join(WMCore.__file__.split('/')[:-1]) if config and not isinstance(config, dict): web_config = config.dictionary_() if not config: web_config = {'base': self.base} TemplatedPage.__init__(self, web_config) imgdir = os.environ.get('RM_IMAGESPATH', os.getcwd() + '/images') self.imgdir = web_config.get('imgdir', imgdir) cssdir = os.environ.get('RM_CSSPATH', os.getcwd() + '/css') self.cssdir = web_config.get('cssdir', cssdir) jsdir = os.environ.get('RM_JSPATH', os.getcwd() + '/js') self.jsdir = web_config.get('jsdir', jsdir) spdir = os.environ.get('RM_SPECPATH', os.getcwd() + '/specs') self.spdir = web_config.get('spdir', spdir) # read scripts area and initialize data-ops scripts self.sdir = os.environ.get('RM_SCRIPTS', os.getcwd() + '/scripts') self.sdir = web_config.get('sdir', self.sdir) self.sdict_thr = web_config.get('sdict_thr', 600) # put reasonable 10 min interval self.sdict = {'ts': time.time()} # placeholder for data-ops scripts self.update_scripts(force=True) # To be filled at run time self.cssmap = {} self.jsmap = {} self.imgmap = {} self.yuimap = {} std_specs_dir = os.path.join(self.rootdir, 'WMSpec/StdSpecs') self.std_specs = spec_list(std_specs_dir, 'WMSpec.StdSpecs') self.std_specs.sort() # Update CherryPy configuration mime_types = ['text/css'] mime_types += [ 'application/javascript', 'text/javascript', 'application/x-javascript', 'text/x-javascript' ] cherryconf.update({ 'tools.encode.on': True, 'tools.gzip.on': True, 'tools.gzip.mime_types': mime_types, }) self._cache = {} # initialize rest API statedir = '/tmp' app = RESTMain(config, statedir) # REST application mount = '/rest' # mount point for cherrypy service api = RestApiHub(app, config.reqmgr, mount) # initialize access to reqmgr2 APIs self.reqmgr = ReqMgr(config.reqmgr.reqmgr2_url) # only gets current view (This might cause to reponse time much longer, # If upto date view is not needed overwrite Fale) self.reqmgr._noStale = True # admin helpers self.admin_info = Info(app, api, config.reqmgr, mount=mount + '/info') self.admin_group = Group(app, api, config.reqmgr, mount=mount + '/group') self.admin_team = Team(app, api, config.reqmgr, mount=mount + '/team') # get fields which we'll use in templates cdict = config.reqmgr.dictionary_() self.couch_url = cdict.get('couch_host', '') self.couch_dbname = cdict.get('couch_reqmgr_db', '') self.couch_wdbname = cdict.get('couch_workload_summary_db', '') self.acdc_url = cdict.get('acdc_host', '') self.acdc_dbname = cdict.get('acdc_db', '') self.configcache_url = cdict.get('couch_config_cache_url', self.couch_url) self.dbs_url = cdict.get('dbs_url', '') self.dqm_url = cdict.get('dqm_url', '') self.sw_ver = cdict.get('default_sw_version', 'CMSSW_5_2_5') self.sw_arch = cdict.get('default_sw_scramarch', 'slc5_amd64_gcc434')
class WorkQueueReqMgrInterface(): """Helper class for ReqMgr interaction""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): if not kwargs.get('logger'): import logging kwargs['logger'] = logging self.logger = kwargs['logger'] #TODO: (reqmgr2Only - remove this line when reqmgr is replaced) self.reqMgr = RequestManager(kwargs) #this will break all in one test self.reqMgr2 = ReqMgr(kwargs.get("reqmgr2_endpoint", None)) centralurl = kwargs.get("central_logdb_url", "") identifier = kwargs.get("log_reporter", "") # set the thread name before creat the log db. # only sets that when it is not set already myThread = threading.currentThread() if myThread.getName() == "MainThread": myThread.setName(self.__class__.__name__) self.logdb = LogDB(centralurl, identifier, logger=self.logger) self.previous_state = {} def __call__(self, queue): """Synchronize WorkQueue and RequestManager""" msg = '' try: # pull in new work work = self.queueNewRequests(queue) msg += "New Work: %d\n" % work except Exception: self.logger.exception("Error caught during RequestManager pull") try: # get additional open-running work extraWork = self.addNewElementsToOpenRequests(queue) msg += "Work added: %d\n" % extraWork except Exception: self.logger.exception("Error caught during RequestManager split") try: # report back to ReqMgr uptodate_elements = msg += "Updated ReqMgr status for: %s\n" % ", ".join( [x['RequestName'] for x in uptodate_elements]) except Exception: self.logger.exception("Error caught during RequestManager update") else: try: # Delete finished requests from WorkQueue self.deleteFinishedWork(queue, uptodate_elements) except Exception: self.logger.exception("Error caught during work deletion") queue.backend.recordTaskActivity('reqmgr_sync', msg) def queueNewRequests(self, queue): """Get requests from regMgr and queue to workqueue""""Contacting Request manager for more work") work = 0 workLoads = [] if queue.params['DrainMode']: 'Draining queue: Skip requesting work from ReqMgr') return 0 try: workLoads = self.getAvailableRequests(queue.params['Teams']) except Exception as ex: traceMsg = traceback.format_exc() msg = "Error contacting RequestManager: %s" % traceMsg self.logger.warning(msg) return 0 for team, reqName, workLoadUrl in workLoads: # try: # self.reportRequestStatus(reqName, "negotiating") # except Exception, ex: # self.logger.error(""" # Unable to update ReqMgr state to negotiating: %s # Ignoring this request: %s""" % (str(ex), reqName)) # continue try: try: Lexicon.couchurl(workLoadUrl) except Exception as ex: # can throw many errors e.g. AttributeError, AssertionError etc. # check its not a local file if not os.path.exists(workLoadUrl): error = WorkQueueWMSpecError( None, "Workflow url validation error: %s" % str(ex)) raise error"Processing request %s at %s" % (reqName, workLoadUrl)) units = queue.queueWork(workLoadUrl, request=reqName, team=team) self.logdb.delete(reqName, "error", this_thread=True) except (WorkQueueWMSpecError, WorkQueueNoWorkError) as ex: # fatal error - report back to ReqMgr 'Permanent failure processing request "%s": %s' % (reqName, str(ex)))"Marking request %s as failed in ReqMgr" % reqName) self.reportRequestStatus(reqName, 'Failed', message=str(ex)) continue except (IOError, socket.error, CouchError, CouchConnectionError) as ex: # temporary problem - try again later msg = 'Error processing request "%s": will try again later.' \ '\nError: "%s"' % (reqName, str(ex)), msg, 'error') continue except Exception as ex: # Log exception as it isnt a communication problem msg = 'Error processing request "%s": will try again later.' \ '\nSee log for details.\nError: "%s"' % (reqName, str(ex)) self.logger.exception('Unknown error processing %s' % reqName), msg, 'error') continue try: self.reportRequestStatus(reqName, "acquired") except Exception as ex: self.logger.warning("Unable to update ReqMgr state: %s" % str(ex)) self.logger.warning('Will try again later')'%s units(s) queued for "%s"' % (units, reqName)) work += units"%s element(s) obtained from RequestManager" % work) return work def report(self, queue): """Report queue status to ReqMgr.""" new_state = {} uptodate_elements = [] now = time.time() elements = queue.statusInbox(dictKey="RequestName") if not elements: return new_state for ele in elements: ele = elements[ele][0] # 1 element tuple try: request = self.reqMgr2.getRequestByNames(ele['RequestName']) if not request: msg = 'Failed to get request "%s" from ReqMgr2. Will try again later.' % ele[ 'RequestName'] self.logger.warning(msg) continue request = request[ele['RequestName']] if request['RequestStatus'] in ('failed', 'completed', 'announced', 'epic-FAILED', 'closed-out', 'rejected'): # requests can be done in reqmgr but running in workqueue # if request has been closed but agent cleanup actions # haven't been run (or agent has been retired) # Prune out obviously too old ones to avoid build up if queue.params.get('reqmgrCompleteGraceTime', -1) > 0: if (now - float(ele.updatetime) ) > queue.params['reqmgrCompleteGraceTime']: # have to check all elements are at least running and are old enough request_elements = queue.statusInbox( WorkflowName=request['RequestName']) if not any([ x for x in request_elements if x['Status'] != 'Running' and not x.inEndState() ]): last_update = max([ float(x.updatetime) for x in request_elements ]) if ( now - last_update ) > queue.params['reqmgrCompleteGraceTime']: "Finishing request %s as it is done in reqmgr" % request['RequestName']) queue.doneWork( WorkflowName=request['RequestName']) continue else: pass # assume workqueue status will catch up later elif request['RequestStatus'] == 'aborted' or request[ 'RequestStatus'] == 'force-complete': queue.cancelWork(WorkflowName=request['RequestName']) # Check consistency of running-open/closed and the element closure status elif request['RequestStatus'] == 'running-open' and not ele.get( 'OpenForNewData', False): self.reportRequestStatus(ele['RequestName'], 'running-closed') elif request['RequestStatus'] == 'running-closed' and ele.get( 'OpenForNewData', False): queue.closeWork(ele['RequestName']) # update request status if necessary elif ele['Status'] not in self._reqMgrToWorkQueueStatus( request['RequestStatus']): self.reportElement(ele) uptodate_elements.append(ele) except Exception as ex: msg = 'Error talking to ReqMgr about request "%s": %s' traceMsg = traceback.format_exc() self.logger.error(msg % (ele['RequestName'], traceMsg)) return uptodate_elements def deleteFinishedWork(self, queue, elements): """Delete work from queue that is finished in ReqMgr""" finished = [] for element in elements: if self._workQueueToReqMgrStatus(element['Status']) in ('aborted', 'failed', 'completed', 'announced', 'epic-FAILED', 'closed-out', 'rejected') \ and element.inEndState(): finished.append(element['RequestName']) return queue.deleteWorkflows(*finished) def _getRequestsByTeamsAndStatus(self, status, teams=[]): """ TODO: now it assumes one team per requests - check whether this assumption is correct Check whether we actually use the team for this. Also switch to byteamandstatus couch call instead of """ requests = self.reqMgr2.getRequestByStatus(status) #Then sort by Team name then sort by Priority # if teams and len(teams) > 0: results = {} for reqName, value in requests.items(): if value["Teams"][0] in teams: results[reqName] = value return results else: return requests def getAvailableRequests(self, teams): """ Get available requests for the given teams and sort by team and priority returns [(team, request_name, request_spec_url)] """ tempResults = self._getRequestsByTeamsAndStatus("assigned", teams).values() filteredResults = [] for request in tempResults: if "Teams" in request and len(request["Teams"]) == 1: filteredResults.append(request) self.logdb.delete(request["RequestName"], "error", this_thread=True) else: msg = "no team or more than one team (%s) are assigined: %s" % ( request.get("Teams", None), request["RequestName"]) self.logger.error(msg)["RequestName"], msg, 'error') filteredResults.sort(key=itemgetter('RequestPriority'), reverse=True) filteredResults.sort(key=lambda r: r["Teams"][0]) results = [(x["Teams"][0], x["RequestName"], x["RequestWorkflow"]) for x in filteredResults] return results def reportRequestStatus(self, request, status, message=None): """Change state in RequestManager Optionally, take a message to append to the request """ if message:, str(message), 'info') reqmgrStatus = self._workQueueToReqMgrStatus(status) if reqmgrStatus: # only send known states try: #TODO: try reqmgr1 call if it fails (reqmgr2Only - remove this line when reqmgr is replaced) self.reqMgr.reportRequestStatus(request, reqmgrStatus) # And replace with this (remove all Exceptins) #self.reqMgr2.updateRequestStatus(request, reqmgrStatus) except HTTPException as ex: # If we get an HTTPException of 404 means reqmgr2 request if ex.status == 404: # try reqmgr2 call msg = "%s : reqmgr2 request: %s" % (request, str(ex)), msg, 'info') self.reqMgr2.updateRequestStatus(request, reqmgrStatus) else: msg = "%s : fail to update status with HTTP error: %s" % ( request, str(ex)), msg, 'warning') raise ex except Exception as ex: msg = "%s : fail to update status will try later: %s" % ( request, str(ex)), msg, 'warning') raise ex def markAcquired(self, request, url=None): """Mark request acquired""" self.reqMgr.putWorkQueue(request, url) def _workQueueToReqMgrStatus(self, status): """Map WorkQueue Status to that reported to ReqMgr""" statusMapping = { 'Acquired': 'acquired', 'Running': 'running-open', 'Failed': 'failed', 'Canceled': 'aborted', 'CancelRequested': 'aborted', 'Done': 'completed' } if status in statusMapping: # if wq status passed convert to reqmgr status return statusMapping[status] elif status in REQUEST_STATE_LIST: # if reqmgr status passed return reqmgr status return status else: # unknown status return None def _reqMgrToWorkQueueStatus(self, status): """Map ReqMgr status to that in a WorkQueue element, it is not a 1-1 relation""" statusMapping = { 'acquired': ['Acquired'], 'running': ['Running'], 'running-open': ['Running'], 'running-closed': ['Running'], 'failed': ['Failed'], 'aborted': ['Canceled', 'CancelRequested'], 'force-complete': ['Canceled', 'CancelRequested'], 'completed': ['Done'] } if status in statusMapping: return statusMapping[status] else: return [] def reportElement(self, element): """Report element to ReqMgr""" self.reportRequestStatus(element['RequestName'], element['Status']) def addNewElementsToOpenRequests(self, queue): """Add new elements to open requests which are in running-open state, only works adding new blocks from the input dataset""" "Checking Request Manager for open requests and closing old ones") # First close any open inbox element which hasn't found anything new in a while queue.closeWork() work = 0 requests = [] # Drain mode, don't pull any work into open requests. They will be closed if the queue stays in drain long enough if queue.params['DrainMode']: 'Draining queue: Skip requesting work from ReqMgr') return 0 try: requests = self._getRequestsByTeamsAndStatus( "running-open", queue.params['Teams']).keys() except Exception as ex: traceMsg = traceback.format_exc() msg = "Error contacting RequestManager: %s" % traceMsg self.logger.warning(msg) return 0 for reqName in requests: try:"Processing request %s" % (reqName)) units = queue.addWork(requestName=reqName) self.logdb.delete(request["RequestName"], 'error', True) except (WorkQueueWMSpecError, WorkQueueNoWorkError) as ex: # fatal error - but at least it was split the first time. Log and skip. msg = 'Error adding further work to request "%s". Will try again later' \ '\nError: "%s"' % (reqName, str(ex)), msg, 'error') continue except (IOError, socket.error, CouchError, CouchConnectionError) as ex: # temporary problem - try again later msg = 'Error processing request "%s": will try again later.' \ '\nError: "%s"' % (reqName, str(ex)), msg, 'error') continue except Exception as ex: # Log exception as it isnt a communication problem msg = 'Error processing request "%s": will try again later.' \ '\nSee log for details.\nError: "%s"' % (reqName, str(ex)) self.logger.exception('Unknown error processing %s' % reqName), msg, 'error') continue'%s units(s) queued for "%s"' % (units, reqName)) work += units"%s element(s) added to open requests" % work) return work
class CleanCouchPoller(BaseWorkerThread): """ Cleans up local couch db according the the given condition. 1. Cleans local couch db when request is completed and reported to cental db. This will clean up local couchdb, local summary db, local queue 2. Cleans old couchdoc which is created older than the time threshold """ def __init__(self, config): """ Initialize config """ BaseWorkerThread.__init__(self) # set the workqueue service for REST call self.config = config def setup(self, parameters): """ Called at startup """ # set the connection for local couchDB call self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck = getattr(self.config.TaskArchiver, 'useReqMgrForCompletionCheck', True) self.archiveDelayHours = getattr(self.config.TaskArchiver, 'archiveDelayHours', 0) self.wmstatsCouchDB = WMStatsWriter(self.config.TaskArchiver.localWMStatsURL, "WMStatsAgent") #TODO: we might need to use local db for Tier0 self.centralRequestDBReader = RequestDBReader(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralRequestDBURL, couchapp = self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.RequestCouchApp) if self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck: self.deletableState = "announced" self.centralRequestDBWriter = RequestDBWriter(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralRequestDBURL, couchapp = self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.RequestCouchApp) if self.config.TaskArchiver.reqmgr2Only: self.reqmgr2Svc = ReqMgr(self.config.TaskArchiver.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) else: #TODO: remove this for reqmgr2 self.reqmgrSvc = RequestManager({'endpoint': self.config.TaskArchiver.ReqMgrServiceURL}) else: # Tier0 case self.deletableState = "completed" # use local for update self.centralRequestDBWriter = RequestDBWriter(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localT0RequestDBURL, couchapp = self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.RequestCouchApp) jobDBurl = sanitizeURL(self.config.JobStateMachine.couchurl)['url'] jobDBName = self.config.JobStateMachine.couchDBName self.jobCouchdb = CouchServer(jobDBurl) self.jobsdatabase = self.jobCouchdb.connectDatabase("%s/jobs" % jobDBName) self.fwjrdatabase = self.jobCouchdb.connectDatabase("%s/fwjrs" % jobDBName) statSummaryDBName = self.config.JobStateMachine.summaryStatsDBName self.statsumdatabase = self.jobCouchdb.connectDatabase(statSummaryDBName) def algorithm(self, parameters): """ get information from wmbs, workqueue and local couch """ try:"Cleaning up the old request docs") report = self.wmstatsCouchDB.deleteOldDocs(self.config.TaskArchiver.DataKeepDays)"%s docs deleted" % report)"getting complete and announced requests") endTime = int(time.time()) - self.archiveDelayHours * 3600 deletableWorkflows = self.centralRequestDBReader.getRequestByStatusAndStartTime(self.deletableState, False, endTime)"Ready to archive normal %s workflows" % len(deletableWorkflows)) numUpdated = self.archiveWorkflows(deletableWorkflows, "normal-archived")"archive normal %s workflows" % numUpdated) abortedWorkflows = self.centralRequestDBReader.getRequestByStatus(["aborted-completed"])"Ready to archive aborted %s workflows" % len(abortedWorkflows)) numUpdated = self.archiveWorkflows(abortedWorkflows, "aborted-archived")"archive aborted %s workflows" % numUpdated) rejectedWorkflows = self.centralRequestDBReader.getRequestByStatus(["rejected"])"Ready to archive rejected %s workflows" % len(rejectedWorkflows)) numUpdated = self.archiveWorkflows(rejectedWorkflows, "rejected-archived")"archive rejected %s workflows" % numUpdated) except Exception as ex: logging.error(str(ex)) logging.error("Error occurred, will try again next cycle") def archiveWorkflows(self, workflows, archiveState): updated = 0 for workflowName in workflows: if self.cleanAllLocalCouchDB(workflowName): if self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck: if self.config.TaskArchiver.reqmgr2Only: self.reqmgr2Svc.updateRequestStatus(workflowName, archiveState) else: self.reqmgrSvc.updateRequestStatus(workflowName, archiveState); updated += 1 logging.debug("status updated to %s %s" % (archiveState, workflowName)) else: self.centralRequestDBWriter.updateRequestStatus(workflowName, archiveState) return updated def deleteWorkflowFromJobCouch(self, workflowName, db): """ _deleteWorkflowFromCouch_ If we are asked to delete the workflow from couch, delete it to clear up some space. Load the document IDs and revisions out of couch by workflowName, then order a delete on them. """ if (db == "JobDump"): couchDB = self.jobsdatabase view = "jobsByWorkflowName" elif (db == "FWJRDump"): couchDB = self.fwjrdatabase view = "fwjrsByWorkflowName" elif (db == "SummaryStats"): couchDB = self.statsumdatabase view = None elif (db == "WMStats"): couchDB = self.wmstatsCouchDB.getDBInstance() view = "jobsByStatusWorkflow" if view == None: try: committed = couchDB.delete_doc(workflowName) except CouchNotFoundError as ex: return {'status': 'warning', 'message': "%s: %s" % (workflowName, str(ex))} else: options = {"startkey": [workflowName], "endkey": [workflowName, {}], "reduce": False} try: jobs = couchDB.loadView(db, view, options = options)['rows'] except Exception as ex: errorMsg = "Error on loading jobs for %s" % workflowName logging.warning("%s/n%s" % (str(ex), errorMsg)) return {'status': 'error', 'message': errorMsg} for j in jobs: doc = {} doc["_id"] = j['value']['id'] doc["_rev"] = j['value']['rev'] couchDB.queueDelete(doc) committed = couchDB.commit() if committed: #create the error report errorReport = {} deleted = 0 status = "ok" for data in committed: if 'error' in data: errorReport.setdefault(data['error'], 0) errorReport[data['error']] += 1 status = "error" else: deleted += 1 return {'status': status, 'delete': deleted, 'message': errorReport} else: return {'status': 'warning', 'message': "no %s exist" % workflowName} def cleanAllLocalCouchDB(self, workflowName):"Deleting %s from JobCouch" % workflowName) jobReport = self.deleteWorkflowFromJobCouch(workflowName, "JobDump") logging.debug("%s docs deleted from JobDump" % jobReport) fwjrReport = self.deleteWorkflowFromJobCouch(workflowName, "FWJRDump") logging.debug("%s docs deleted from FWJRDump" % fwjrReport) summaryReport = self.deleteWorkflowFromJobCouch(workflowName, "SummaryStats") logging.debug("%s docs deleted from SummaryStats" % summaryReport) wmstatsReport = self.deleteWorkflowFromJobCouch(workflowName, "WMStats") logging.debug("%s docs deleted from wmagent_summary" % wmstatsReport) # if one of the procedure fails return False if (jobReport["status"] == "error" or fwjrReport["status"] == "error" or wmstatsReport["status"] == "error"): return False # other wise return True. return True
class TaskArchiverPoller(BaseWorkerThread): """ Polls for Ended jobs List of attributes requireCouch: raise an exception on couch failure instead of ignoring """ def __init__(self, config): """ Initialise class members """ BaseWorkerThread.__init__(self) myThread = threading.currentThread() self.daoFactory = DAOFactory(package="WMCore.WMBS", logger=myThread.logger, dbinterface=myThread.dbi) self.dbsDaoFactory = DAOFactory(package="WMComponent.DBS3Buffer", logger=myThread.logger, dbinterface=myThread.dbi) self.config = config self.jobCacheDir = self.config.JobCreator.jobCacheDir if getattr(self.config.TaskArchiver, "useWorkQueue", False) != False: # Get workqueue setup from config unless overridden if hasattr(self.config.TaskArchiver, 'WorkQueueParams'): self.workQueue = localQueue( **self.config.TaskArchiver.WorkQueueParams) else: from WMCore.WorkQueue.WorkQueueUtils import queueFromConfig self.workQueue = queueFromConfig(self.config) else: self.workQueue = None self.timeout = getattr(self.config.TaskArchiver, "timeOut", None) self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck = getattr( self.config.TaskArchiver, 'useReqMgrForCompletionCheck', True) if not self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck: #sets the local monitor summary couch db self.requestLocalCouchDB = RequestDBWriter( self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localT0RequestDBURL, couchapp=self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.RequestCouchApp) self.centralCouchDBWriter = self.requestLocalCouchDB else: self.centralCouchDBWriter = RequestDBWriter( self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralRequestDBURL) self.reqmgr2Svc = ReqMgr( self.config.TaskArchiver.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) #TODO: remove this when reqmgr2 replace reqmgr completely (reqmgr2Only) self.reqmgrSvc = RequestManager( {'endpoint': self.config.TaskArchiver.ReqMgrServiceURL}) #Load the cleanout state ID and save it stateIDDAO = self.daoFactory(classname="Jobs.GetStateID") self.stateID = stateIDDAO.execute("cleanout") return def terminate(self, params): """ _terminate_ This function terminates the job after a final pass """ logging.debug("terminating. doing one more pass before we die") self.algorithm(params) return def algorithm(self, parameters=None): """ _algorithm_ Executes the two main methods of the poller: 1. findAndMarkFinishedSubscriptions 2. completeTasks Final result is that finished workflows get their summary built and uploaded to couch, and all traces of them are removed from the agent WMBS and couch (this last one on demand). """ try: self.findAndMarkFinishedSubscriptions() (finishedwfs, finishedwfsWithLogCollectAndCleanUp ) = self.getFinishedWorkflows() # set the data cache which can be used other thread (no ther thread should set the data cache) DataCache.setFinishedWorkflows(finishedwfsWithLogCollectAndCleanUp) self.completeTasks(finishedwfs) except WMException: myThread = threading.currentThread() if getattr(myThread, 'transaction', False) \ and getattr(myThread.transaction, 'transaction', False): myThread.transaction.rollback() raise except Exception as ex: myThread = threading.currentThread() msg = "Caught exception in TaskArchiver\n" msg += str(ex) if getattr(myThread, 'transaction', False) \ and getattr(myThread.transaction, 'transaction', False): myThread.transaction.rollback() raise TaskArchiverPollerException(msg) return def findAndMarkFinishedSubscriptions(self): """ _findAndMarkFinishedSubscriptions_ Find new finished subscriptions and mark as finished in WMBS. """ myThread = threading.currentThread() myThread.transaction.begin() #Get the subscriptions that are now finished and mark them as such"Polling for finished subscriptions") finishedSubscriptions = self.daoFactory( classname="Subscriptions.MarkNewFinishedSubscriptions") finishedSubscriptions.execute(self.stateID, timeOut=self.timeout)"Finished subscriptions updated") myThread.transaction.commit() return def getFinishedWorkflows(self): """ 1. Get finished workflows (a finished workflow is defined in Workflow.GetFinishedWorkflows) 2. Get finished workflows with logCollect and Cleanup only. 3. combined those and make return finishedwfs - without LogCollect and CleanUp task finishedwfsWithLogCollectAndCleanUp - including LogCollect and CleanUp task """ finishedWorkflowsDAO = self.daoFactory( classname="Workflow.GetFinishedWorkflows") finishedwfs = finishedWorkflowsDAO.execute() finishedLogCollectAndCleanUpwfs = finishedWorkflowsDAO.execute( onlySecondary=True) finishedwfsWithLogCollectAndCleanUp = {} for wf in finishedLogCollectAndCleanUpwfs: if wf in finishedwfs: finishedwfsWithLogCollectAndCleanUp[wf] = finishedwfs[wf] return (finishedwfs, finishedwfsWithLogCollectAndCleanUp) def completeTasks(self, finishedwfs): """ _completeTasks_ This method will call several auxiliary methods to do the following: 1. Notify the WorkQueue about finished subscriptions 2. update dbsbuffer_workflow table with finished subscription """ #Only delete those where the upload and notification succeeded"Found %d candidate workflows for completing: %s" % (len(finishedwfs), finishedwfs.keys())) # update the completed flag in dbsbuffer_workflow table so blocks can be closed # create updateDBSBufferWorkflowComplete DAO if len(finishedwfs) == 0: return completedWorkflowsDAO = self.dbsDaoFactory( classname="UpdateWorkflowsToCompleted") centralCouchAlive = True try: #TODO: need to enable when reqmgr2 -wmstats is ready #abortedWorkflows = self.reqmgrCouchDBWriter.getRequestByStatus(["aborted"], format = "dict"); abortedWorkflows = self.centralCouchDBWriter.getRequestByStatus( ["aborted"]) "There are %d requests in 'aborted' status in central couch." % len(abortedWorkflows)) forceCompleteWorkflows = self.centralCouchDBWriter.getRequestByStatus( ["force-complete"]) "List of 'force-complete' workflows in central couch: %s" % forceCompleteWorkflows) except Exception as ex: centralCouchAlive = False logging.error( "we will try again when remote couch server comes back\n%s" % str(ex)) if centralCouchAlive: for workflow in finishedwfs: try: #Notify the WorkQueue, if there is one if self.workQueue != None: subList = []"Marking subscriptions as Done ...") for l in finishedwfs[workflow]["workflows"].values(): subList.extend(l) self.notifyWorkQueue(subList) #Now we know the workflow as a whole is gone, we can delete the information from couch if not self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck: self.requestLocalCouchDB.updateRequestStatus( workflow, "completed")"status updated to completed %s" % workflow) if workflow in abortedWorkflows: #TODO: remove when reqmgr2-wmstats deployed newState = "aborted-completed" elif workflow in forceCompleteWorkflows: newState = "completed" else: newState = None if newState != None: # update reqmgr workload document only request mgr is installed if not self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck: # commented out untill all the agent is updated so every request have new state # TODO: agent should be able to write reqmgr db diretly add the right group in # reqmgr self.requestLocalCouchDB.updateRequestStatus( workflow, newState) else: try: #TODO: try reqmgr1 call if it fails (reqmgr2Only - remove this line when reqmgr is replaced) "Updating status to '%s' in both oracle and couchdb ..." % newState) self.reqmgrSvc.updateRequestStatus( workflow, newState) #And replace with this - remove all the excption #self.reqmgr2Svc.updateRequestStatus(workflow, newState) except httplib.HTTPException as ex: # If we get an HTTPException of 404 means reqmgr2 request if ex.status == 404: # try reqmgr2 call msg = "%s : reqmgr2 request: %s" % ( workflow, str(ex)) logging.warning(msg) self.reqmgr2Svc.updateRequestStatus( workflow, newState) else: msg = "%s : fail to update status %s with HTTP error: %s" % ( workflow, newState, str(ex)) logging.error(msg) raise ex"status updated to '%s' : %s" % (newState, workflow)) completedWorkflowsDAO.execute([workflow]) except TaskArchiverPollerException as ex: #Something didn't go well when notifying the workqueue, abort!!! logging.error( "Something bad happened while archiving tasks.") logging.error(str(ex)) continue except Exception as ex: #Something didn't go well on couch, abort!!! msg = "Problem while archiving tasks for workflow %s\n" % workflow msg += "Exception message: %s" % str(ex) msg += "\nTraceback: %s" % traceback.format_exc() logging.error(msg) continue return def notifyWorkQueue(self, subList): """ _notifyWorkQueue_ Tells the workQueue component that a particular subscription, or set of subscriptions, is done. Receives confirmation """ for sub in subList: try: self.workQueue.doneWork(SubscriptionId=sub) except WorkQueueNoMatchingElements: #Subscription wasn't known to WorkQueue, feel free to clean up logging.debug( "Local WorkQueue knows nothing about this subscription: %s" % sub) pass except Exception as ex: msg = "Error talking to workqueue: %s\n" % str(ex) msg += "Tried to complete the following: %s\n" % sub raise TaskArchiverPollerException(msg) return
class WorkQueueReqMgrInterface(object): """Helper class for ReqMgr interaction""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): if not kwargs.get('logger'): import logging kwargs['logger'] = logging self.logger = kwargs['logger'] # this will break all in one test self.reqMgr2 = ReqMgr(kwargs.get("reqmgr2_endpoint", None)) centralurl = kwargs.get("central_logdb_url", "") identifier = kwargs.get("log_reporter", "") # set the thread name before creat the log db. # only sets that when it is not set already myThread = threading.currentThread() if myThread.getName() == "MainThread": myThread.setName(self.__class__.__name__) self.logdb = LogDB(centralurl, identifier, logger=self.logger) self.previous_state = {} def __call__(self, queue): """Synchronize WorkQueue and RequestManager""" msg = '' try: # pull in new work work = self.queueNewRequests(queue) msg += "New Work: %d\n" % work except Exception: self.logger.exception("Error caught during RequestManager pull") try: # get additional open-running work extraWork = self.addNewElementsToOpenRequests(queue) msg += "Work added: %d\n" % extraWork except Exception: self.logger.exception("Error caught during RequestManager split") try: # report back to ReqMgr uptodate_elements = msg += "Updated ReqMgr status for: %s\n" % ", ".join([x['RequestName'] for x in uptodate_elements]) except Exception: self.logger.exception("Error caught during RequestManager update") else: try: # Delete finished requests from WorkQueue self.deleteFinishedWork(queue, uptodate_elements) except Exception: self.logger.exception("Error caught during work deletion") queue.backend.recordTaskActivity('reqmgr_sync', msg) def queueNewRequests(self, queue): """Get requests from regMgr and queue to workqueue""""Contacting Request manager for more work") work = 0 workLoads = [] if queue.params['DrainMode']:'Draining queue: Skip requesting work from ReqMgr') return 0 try: workLoads = self.getAvailableRequests() except Exception as ex: traceMsg = traceback.format_exc() msg = "Error contacting RequestManager: %s" % traceMsg self.logger.warning(msg) return 0 for team, reqName, workLoadUrl in workLoads: try: try: Lexicon.couchurl(workLoadUrl) except Exception as ex: # can throw many errors e.g. AttributeError, AssertionError etc. # check its not a local file if not os.path.exists(workLoadUrl): error = WorkQueueWMSpecError(None, "Workflow url validation error: %s" % str(ex)) raise error"Processing request %s at %s" % (reqName, workLoadUrl)) units = queue.queueWork(workLoadUrl, request=reqName, team=team) self.logdb.delete(reqName, "error", this_thread=True) except TERMINAL_EXCEPTIONS as ex: # fatal error - report back to ReqMgr self.logger.error('Permanent failure processing request "%s": %s' % (reqName, str(ex)))"Marking request %s as failed in ReqMgr" % reqName) self.reportRequestStatus(reqName, 'Failed', message=str(ex)) continue except (IOError, socket.error, CouchError, CouchConnectionError) as ex: # temporary problem - try again later msg = 'Error processing request "%s": will try again later.' % reqName msg += '\nError: "%s"' % str(ex), msg, 'error') continue except Exception as ex: # Log exception as it isnt a communication problem msg = 'Error processing request "%s": will try again later.' % reqName msg += '\nSee log for details.\nError: "%s"' % str(ex) self.logger.exception('Unknown error processing %s' % reqName), msg, 'error') continue try: self.reportRequestStatus(reqName, "acquired") except Exception as ex: self.logger.warning("Unable to update ReqMgr state: %s" % str(ex)) self.logger.warning('Will try again later')'%s units(s) queued for "%s"' % (units, reqName)) work += units"%s element(s) obtained from RequestManager" % work) return work def report(self, queue): """Report queue status to ReqMgr.""" new_state = {} uptodate_elements = [] now = time.time() elements = queue.statusInbox(dictKey="RequestName") if not elements: return new_state for ele in elements: ele = elements[ele][0] # 1 element tuple try: request = self.reqMgr2.getRequestByNames(ele['RequestName']) if not request: msg = 'Failed to get request "%s" from ReqMgr2. Will try again later.' % ele['RequestName'] self.logger.warning(msg) continue request = request[0][ele['RequestName']] if request['RequestStatus'] in ('failed', 'completed', 'announced', 'epic-FAILED', 'closed-out', 'rejected'): # requests can be done in reqmgr but running in workqueue # if request has been closed but agent cleanup actions # haven't been run (or agent has been retired) # Prune out obviously too old ones to avoid build up if queue.params.get('reqmgrCompleteGraceTime', -1) > 0: if (now - float(ele.updatetime)) > queue.params['reqmgrCompleteGraceTime']: # have to check all elements are at least running and are old enough request_elements = queue.statusInbox(WorkflowName=request['RequestName']) if not any( [x for x in request_elements if x['Status'] != 'Running' and not x.inEndState()]): last_update = max([float(x.updatetime) for x in request_elements]) if (now - last_update) > queue.params['reqmgrCompleteGraceTime']: "Finishing request %s as it is done in reqmgr" % request['RequestName']) queue.doneWork(WorkflowName=request['RequestName']) continue else: pass # assume workqueue status will catch up later elif request['RequestStatus'] in ['aborted', 'force-complete']: queue.cancelWork(WorkflowName=request['RequestName']) # Check consistency of running-open/closed and the element closure status elif request['RequestStatus'] == 'running-open' and not ele.get('OpenForNewData', False): self.reportRequestStatus(ele['RequestName'], 'running-closed') elif request['RequestStatus'] == 'running-closed' and ele.get('OpenForNewData', False): queue.closeWork(ele['RequestName']) # we do not want to move the request to 'failed' status elif ele['Status'] == 'Failed': continue elif ele['Status'] not in self._reqMgrToWorkQueueStatus(request['RequestStatus']): self.reportElement(ele) uptodate_elements.append(ele) except Exception as ex: msg = 'Error talking to ReqMgr about request "%s": %s' % (ele['RequestName'], str(ex)) self.logger.exception(msg) return uptodate_elements def deleteFinishedWork(self, queue, elements): """Delete work from queue that is finished in ReqMgr""" finished = [] for element in elements: if element.inEndState() and self._workQueueToReqMgrStatus(element['Status']) in ('aborted', 'failed', 'completed', 'announced', 'epic-FAILED', 'closed-out', 'rejected'): finished.append(element['RequestName']) return queue.deleteWorkflows(*finished) def getAvailableRequests(self): """ Get available requests and sort by team and priority returns [(team, request_name, request_spec_url)] """ tempResults = self.reqMgr2.getRequestByStatus("assigned") filteredResults = [] for requests in tempResults: for request in requests.values(): filteredResults.append(request) filteredResults.sort(key=itemgetter('RequestPriority'), reverse=True) filteredResults.sort(key=lambda r: r["Teams"][0]) results = [(x["Teams"][0], x["RequestName"], x["RequestWorkflow"]) for x in filteredResults] return results def reportRequestStatus(self, request, status, message=None): """Change state in RequestManager Optionally, take a message to append to the request """ if message:, str(message), 'info') reqmgrStatus = self._workQueueToReqMgrStatus(status) if reqmgrStatus: # only send known states try: self.reqMgr2.updateRequestStatus(request, reqmgrStatus) except Exception as ex: msg = "%s : fail to update status will try later: %s" % (request, str(ex)) msg += traceback.format_exc(), msg, 'warning') raise ex return def _workQueueToReqMgrStatus(self, status): """Map WorkQueue Status to that reported to ReqMgr""" statusMapping = {'Acquired': 'acquired', 'Running': 'running-open', 'Failed': 'failed', 'Canceled': 'aborted', 'CancelRequested': 'aborted', 'Done': 'completed' } if status in statusMapping: # if wq status passed convert to reqmgr status return statusMapping[status] elif status in REQUEST_STATE_LIST: # if reqmgr status passed return reqmgr status return status else: # unknown status return None def _reqMgrToWorkQueueStatus(self, status): """Map ReqMgr status to that in a WorkQueue element, it is not a 1-1 relation""" statusMapping = {'acquired': ['Acquired'], 'running': ['Running'], 'running-open': ['Running'], 'running-closed': ['Running'], 'failed': ['Failed'], 'aborted': ['Canceled', 'CancelRequested'], 'force-complete': ['Canceled', 'CancelRequested'], 'completed': ['Done']} if status in statusMapping: return statusMapping[status] else: return [] def reportElement(self, element): """Report element to ReqMgr""" self.reportRequestStatus(element['RequestName'], element['Status']) def addNewElementsToOpenRequests(self, queue): """Add new elements to open requests which are in running-open state, only works adding new blocks from the input dataset""""Checking Request Manager for open requests and closing old ones") # First close any open inbox element which hasn't found anything new in a while queue.closeWork() work = 0 requests = [] # Drain mode, don't pull any work into open requests. They will be closed if the queue stays in drain long enough if queue.params['DrainMode']:'Draining queue: Skip requesting work from ReqMgr') return 0 try: requests = self.reqMgr2.getRequestByStatus("running-open", detail=False) except Exception as ex: traceMsg = traceback.format_exc() msg = "Error contacting RequestManager: %s" % traceMsg self.logger.warning(msg) return 0 for reqName in requests: try:"Processing request %s" % (reqName)) units = queue.addWork(requestName=reqName) self.logdb.delete(reqName, 'error', True) except (WorkQueueWMSpecError, WorkQueueNoWorkError) as ex: # fatal error - but at least it was split the first time. Log and skip. msg = 'Error adding further work to request "%s". Will try again later' % reqName msg += '\nError: "%s"' % str(ex), msg, 'error') continue except (IOError, socket.error, CouchError, CouchConnectionError) as ex: # temporary problem - try again later msg = 'Error processing request "%s": will try again later.' % reqName msg += '\nError: "%s"' % str(ex), msg, 'error') continue except Exception as ex: # Log exception as it isnt a communication problem msg = 'Error processing request "%s": will try again later.' % reqName msg += '\nSee log for details.\nError: "%s"' % str(ex) traceMsg = traceback.format_exc() msg = "%s\n%s" % (msg, traceMsg) self.logger.exception('Unknown error processing %s' % reqName), msg, 'error') continue'%s units(s) queued for "%s"' % (units, reqName)) work += units"%s element(s) added to open requests" % work) return work
class TaskArchiverPoller(BaseWorkerThread): """ Polls for Ended jobs List of attributes requireCouch: raise an exception on couch failure instead of ignoring """ def __init__(self, config): """ Initialise class members """ BaseWorkerThread.__init__(self) myThread = threading.currentThread() self.daoFactory = DAOFactory(package = "WMCore.WMBS", logger = myThread.logger, dbinterface = myThread.dbi) self.dbsDaoFactory = DAOFactory(package = "WMComponent.DBS3Buffer", logger = myThread.logger, dbinterface = myThread.dbi) self.config = config self.jobCacheDir = self.config.JobCreator.jobCacheDir if getattr(self.config.TaskArchiver, "useWorkQueue", False) != False: # Get workqueue setup from config unless overridden if hasattr(self.config.TaskArchiver, 'WorkQueueParams'): self.workQueue = localQueue(**self.config.TaskArchiver.WorkQueueParams) else: from WMCore.WorkQueue.WorkQueueUtils import queueFromConfig self.workQueue = queueFromConfig(self.config) else: self.workQueue = None self.timeout = getattr(self.config.TaskArchiver, "timeOut", None) self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck = getattr(self.config.TaskArchiver, 'useReqMgrForCompletionCheck', True) if not self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck: #sets the local monitor summary couch db self.requestLocalCouchDB = RequestDBWriter(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.localT0RequestDBURL, couchapp = self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.RequestCouchApp) self.centralCouchDBWriter = self.requestLocalCouchDB; else: self.centralCouchDBWriter = RequestDBWriter(self.config.AnalyticsDataCollector.centralRequestDBURL) self.reqmgr2Svc = ReqMgr(self.config.TaskArchiver.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) #TODO: remove this when reqmgr2 replace reqmgr completely (reqmgr2Only) self.reqmgrSvc = RequestManager({'endpoint': self.config.TaskArchiver.ReqMgrServiceURL}) #Load the cleanout state ID and save it stateIDDAO = self.daoFactory(classname = "Jobs.GetStateID") self.stateID = stateIDDAO.execute("cleanout") return def terminate(self, params): """ _terminate_ This function terminates the job after a final pass """ logging.debug("terminating. doing one more pass before we die") self.algorithm(params) return def algorithm(self, parameters = None): """ _algorithm_ Executes the two main methods of the poller: 1. findAndMarkFinishedSubscriptions 2. completeTasks Final result is that finished workflows get their summary built and uploaded to couch, and all traces of them are removed from the agent WMBS and couch (this last one on demand). """ try: self.findAndMarkFinishedSubscriptions() (finishedwfs, finishedwfsWithLogCollectAndCleanUp) = self.getFinishedWorkflows() # set the data cache which can be used other thread (no ther thread should set the data cache) DataCache.setFinishedWorkflows(finishedwfsWithLogCollectAndCleanUp) self.completeTasks(finishedwfs) except WMException: myThread = threading.currentThread() if getattr(myThread, 'transaction', False) \ and getattr(myThread.transaction, 'transaction', False): myThread.transaction.rollback() raise except Exception as ex: myThread = threading.currentThread() msg = "Caught exception in TaskArchiver\n" msg += str(ex) if getattr(myThread, 'transaction', False) \ and getattr(myThread.transaction, 'transaction', False): myThread.transaction.rollback() raise TaskArchiverPollerException(msg) return def findAndMarkFinishedSubscriptions(self): """ _findAndMarkFinishedSubscriptions_ Find new finished subscriptions and mark as finished in WMBS. """ myThread = threading.currentThread() myThread.transaction.begin() #Get the subscriptions that are now finished and mark them as such"Polling for finished subscriptions") finishedSubscriptions = self.daoFactory(classname = "Subscriptions.MarkNewFinishedSubscriptions") finishedSubscriptions.execute(self.stateID, timeOut = self.timeout)"Finished subscriptions updated") myThread.transaction.commit() return def getFinishedWorkflows(self): """ 1. Get finished workflows (a finished workflow is defined in Workflow.GetFinishedWorkflows) 2. Get finished workflows with logCollect and Cleanup only. 3. combined those and make return finishedwfs - without LogCollect and CleanUp task finishedwfsWithLogCollectAndCleanUp - including LogCollect and CleanUp task """ finishedWorkflowsDAO = self.daoFactory(classname = "Workflow.GetFinishedWorkflows") finishedwfs = finishedWorkflowsDAO.execute() finishedLogCollectAndCleanUpwfs = finishedWorkflowsDAO.execute(onlySecondary=True) finishedwfsWithLogCollectAndCleanUp = {} for wf in finishedLogCollectAndCleanUpwfs: if wf in finishedwfs: finishedwfsWithLogCollectAndCleanUp[wf] = finishedwfs[wf] return (finishedwfs, finishedwfsWithLogCollectAndCleanUp) def completeTasks(self, finishedwfs): """ _completeTasks_ This method will call several auxiliary methods to do the following: 1. Notify the WorkQueue about finished subscriptions 2. update dbsbuffer_workflow table with finished subscription """ #Only delete those where the upload and notification succeeded"Found %d candidate workflows for completing: %s" % (len(finishedwfs),finishedwfs.keys())) # update the completed flag in dbsbuffer_workflow table so blocks can be closed # create updateDBSBufferWorkflowComplete DAO if len(finishedwfs) == 0: return completedWorkflowsDAO = self.dbsDaoFactory(classname = "UpdateWorkflowsToCompleted") centralCouchAlive = True try: #TODO: need to enable when reqmgr2 -wmstats is ready #abortedWorkflows = self.reqmgrCouchDBWriter.getRequestByStatus(["aborted"], format = "dict"); abortedWorkflows = self.centralCouchDBWriter.getRequestByStatus(["aborted"])"There are %d requests in 'aborted' status in central couch." % len(abortedWorkflows)) forceCompleteWorkflows = self.centralCouchDBWriter.getRequestByStatus(["force-complete"])"List of 'force-complete' workflows in central couch: %s" % forceCompleteWorkflows) except Exception as ex: centralCouchAlive = False logging.error("we will try again when remote couch server comes back\n%s" % str(ex)) if centralCouchAlive: for workflow in finishedwfs: try: #Notify the WorkQueue, if there is one if self.workQueue != None: subList = []"Marking subscriptions as Done ...") for l in finishedwfs[workflow]["workflows"].values(): subList.extend(l) self.notifyWorkQueue(subList) #Now we know the workflow as a whole is gone, we can delete the information from couch if not self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck: self.requestLocalCouchDB.updateRequestStatus(workflow, "completed")"status updated to completed %s" % workflow) if workflow in abortedWorkflows: #TODO: remove when reqmgr2-wmstats deployed newState = "aborted-completed" elif workflow in forceCompleteWorkflows: newState = "completed" else: newState = None if newState != None: # update reqmgr workload document only request mgr is installed if not self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck: # commented out untill all the agent is updated so every request have new state # TODO: agent should be able to write reqmgr db diretly add the right group in # reqmgr self.requestLocalCouchDB.updateRequestStatus(workflow, newState) else: try: #TODO: try reqmgr1 call if it fails (reqmgr2Only - remove this line when reqmgr is replaced)"Updating status to '%s' in both oracle and couchdb ..." % newState) self.reqmgrSvc.updateRequestStatus(workflow, newState) #And replace with this - remove all the excption #self.reqmgr2Svc.updateRequestStatus(workflow, newState) except httplib.HTTPException as ex: # If we get an HTTPException of 404 means reqmgr2 request if ex.status == 404: # try reqmgr2 call msg = "%s : reqmgr2 request: %s" % (workflow, str(ex)) logging.warning(msg) self.reqmgr2Svc.updateRequestStatus(workflow, newState) else: msg = "%s : fail to update status %s with HTTP error: %s" % (workflow, newState, str(ex)) logging.error(msg) raise ex"status updated to '%s' : %s" % (newState, workflow)) completedWorkflowsDAO.execute([workflow]) except TaskArchiverPollerException as ex: #Something didn't go well when notifying the workqueue, abort!!! logging.error("Something bad happened while archiving tasks.") logging.error(str(ex)) continue except Exception as ex: #Something didn't go well on couch, abort!!! msg = "Problem while archiving tasks for workflow %s\n" % workflow msg += "Exception message: %s" % str(ex) msg += "\nTraceback: %s" % traceback.format_exc() logging.error(msg) continue return def notifyWorkQueue(self, subList): """ _notifyWorkQueue_ Tells the workQueue component that a particular subscription, or set of subscriptions, is done. Receives confirmation """ for sub in subList: try: self.workQueue.doneWork(SubscriptionId = sub) except WorkQueueNoMatchingElements: #Subscription wasn't known to WorkQueue, feel free to clean up"Local WorkQueue knows nothing about this subscription: %s" % sub) pass except Exception as ex: msg = "Error talking to workqueue: %s\n" % str(ex) msg += "Tried to complete the following: %s\n" % sub raise TaskArchiverPollerException(msg) return
def __init__(self, config): BaseWorkerThread.__init__(self) myThread = threading.currentThread() self.config = config #DAO factory for WMBS objects self.daoFactory = DAOFactory(package="WMCore.WMBS", logger=logging, dbinterface=myThread.dbi) #Libraries self.resourceControl = ResourceControl() self.changeState = ChangeState(self.config) self.bossAir = BossAirAPI(config=self.config) self.hostName = self.config.Agent.hostName self.repollCount = getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'repollCount', 10000) self.maxJobsPerPoll = int( getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'maxJobsPerPoll', 1000)) self.maxJobsThisCycle = self.maxJobsPerPoll # changes as per schedd limit self.cacheRefreshSize = int( getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'cacheRefreshSize', 30000)) self.skipRefreshCount = int( getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'skipRefreshCount', 20)) self.packageSize = getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'packageSize', 500) self.collSize = getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'collectionSize', self.packageSize * 1000) self.maxTaskPriority = getattr(self.config.BossAir, 'maxTaskPriority', 1e7) self.condorFraction = 0.75 # update during every algorithm cycle self.condorOverflowFraction = 0.2 self.ioboundTypes = ('LogCollect', 'Merge', 'Cleanup', 'Harvesting') # Additions for caching-based JobSubmitter self.cachedJobIDs = set() self.cachedJobs = {} self.jobDataCache = {} self.jobsToPackage = {} self.sandboxPackage = {} self.locationDict = {} self.taskTypePrioMap = {} self.drainSites = set() self.abortSites = set() self.refreshPollingCount = 0 try: if not getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'submitDir', None): self.config.JobSubmitter.submitDir = self.config.JobSubmitter.componentDir self.packageDir = os.path.join(self.config.JobSubmitter.submitDir, 'packages') if not os.path.exists(self.packageDir): os.makedirs(self.packageDir) except OSError as ex: msg = "Error while trying to create packageDir %s\n!" msg += str(ex) logging.error(msg) logging.debug("PackageDir: %s", self.packageDir) logging.debug("Config: %s", config) raise JobSubmitterPollerException(msg) # Now the DAOs self.listJobsAction = self.daoFactory( classname="Jobs.ListForSubmitter") self.setLocationAction = self.daoFactory(classname="Jobs.SetLocation") self.locationAction = self.daoFactory( classname="Locations.GetSiteInfo") self.setFWJRPathAction = self.daoFactory(classname="Jobs.SetFWJRPath") self.listWorkflows = self.daoFactory( classname="Workflow.ListForSubmitter") # Keep a record of the thresholds in memory self.currentRcThresholds = {} self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck = getattr( self.config.TaskArchiver, 'useReqMgrForCompletionCheck', True) if self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck: # only set up this when reqmgr is used (not Tier0) self.reqmgr2Svc = ReqMgr(self.config.General.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache = self.reqmgr2Svc.getAbortedAndForceCompleteRequestsFromMemoryCache( ) self.reqAuxDB = ReqMgrAux(self.config.General.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) else: # Tier0 Case - just for the clarity (This private variable shouldn't be used self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache = None return
class JobUpdaterPoller(BaseWorkerThread): """ _JobUpdaterPoller_ Poller class for the JobUpdater """ def __init__(self, config): """ __init__ """ BaseWorkerThread.__init__(self) self.config = config self.bossAir = BossAirAPI(config=self.config) self.reqmgr2 = ReqMgr(self.config.JobUpdater.reqMgr2Url) self.workqueue = WorkQueue(self.config.WorkQueueManager.couchurl, self.config.WorkQueueManager.dbname) myThread = threading.currentThread() self.daoFactory = DAOFactory(package="WMCore.WMBS", logger=myThread.logger, dbinterface=myThread.dbi) self.listWorkflowsDAO = self.daoFactory(classname="Workflow.ListForJobUpdater") self.updateWorkflowPrioDAO = self.daoFactory(classname="Workflow.UpdatePriority") self.executingJobsDAO = self.daoFactory(classname="Jobs.GetNumberOfJobsForWorkflowTaskStatus") def setup(self, parameters=None): """ _setup_ """ pass def terminate(self, parameters=None): """ _terminate_ Terminate gracefully. """ pass def algorithm(self, parameters=None): """ _algorithm_ """ try:"Synchronizing priorities with ReqMgr...") self.synchronizeJobPriority()"Priorities were synchronized, wait until the next cycle") except CouchConnectionError as ex: msg = "Caught CouchConnectionError exception in JobUpdater\n" msg += "transactions postponed until the next polling cycle\n" msg += str(ex) logging.exception(msg) except CouchConflictError as ex: msg = "Caught CouchConflictError exception in JobUpdater\n" msg += "transactions postponed until the next polling cycle\n" msg += str(ex) logging.exception(msg) except Exception as ex: if 'Connection refused' in str(ex): logging.warn("Failed to sync priorities. Trying in the next cycle") else: msg = "Caught unexpected exception in JobUpdater: %s\n" % str(ex) logging.exception(msg) raise JobUpdaterException(msg) def synchronizeJobPriority(self): """ _synchronizeJobPriority_ Check WMBS and WorkQueue for active workflows and compare with the ReqMgr for priority changes. If a priority change occurs then update the job priority in the batch system and the elements in the local queue that have not been injected yet. """ # Update the priority of workflows that are not in WMBS and just in local queue priorityCache = {} workflowsToUpdate = {} workflowsToCheck = [x for x in self.workqueue.getAvailableWorkflows()] for workflow, priority in workflowsToCheck: if workflow not in priorityCache: try: priorityCache[workflow] = self.reqmgr2.getRequestByNames(workflow)[workflow]['RequestPriority'] except Exception as ex: logging.error("Couldn't retrieve the priority of request %s", workflow) logging.error("Error: %s", str(ex)) continue if priority != priorityCache[workflow]: workflowsToUpdate[workflow] = priorityCache[workflow]"Found %d workflows to update in workqueue", len(workflowsToUpdate)) for workflow in workflowsToUpdate: self.workqueue.updatePriority(workflow, workflowsToUpdate[workflow]) # Check the workflows in WMBS priorityCache = {} workflowsToUpdateWMBS = {} workflowsToCheck = self.listWorkflowsDAO.execute() for workflowEntry in workflowsToCheck: workflow = workflowEntry['name'] if workflow not in priorityCache: try: priorityCache[workflow] = self.reqmgr2.getRequestByNames(workflow)[workflow]['RequestPriority'] except Exception as ex: logging.error("Couldn't retrieve the priority of request %s", workflow) logging.error("Error: %s", str(ex)) continue requestPriority = int(priorityCache[workflow]) if requestPriority != int(workflowEntry['workflow_priority']): # Update the workqueue priority for the Available elements self.workqueue.updatePriority(workflow, requestPriority) # Check if there are executing jobs for this particular task if self.executingJobsDAO.execute(workflow, workflowEntry['task']) > 0: self.bossAir.updateJobInformation(workflow, workflowEntry['task'], requestPriority=priorityCache[workflow], taskPriority=workflowEntry['task_priority']) workflowsToUpdateWMBS[workflow] = priorityCache[workflow] if workflowsToUpdateWMBS:"Updating %d workflows in WMBS.", len(workflowsToUpdateWMBS)) self.updateWorkflowPrioDAO.execute(workflowsToUpdateWMBS)
def __init__(self, config): BaseWorkerThread.__init__(self) myThread = threading.currentThread() self.config = config #DAO factory for WMBS objects self.daoFactory = DAOFactory(package="WMCore.WMBS", logger=logging, dbinterface=myThread.dbi) #Libraries self.resourceControl = ResourceControl() self.changeState = ChangeState(self.config) self.bossAir = BossAirAPI(config=self.config) self.repollCount = getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'repollCount', 10000) self.maxJobsPerPoll = int(getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'maxJobsPerPoll', 1000)) self.cacheRefreshSize = int(getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'cacheRefreshSize', 30000)) self.skipRefreshCount = int(getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'skipRefreshCount', 20)) self.packageSize = getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'packageSize', 500) self.collSize = getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'collectionSize', self.packageSize * 1000) self.maxTaskPriority = getattr(self.config.BossAir, 'maxTaskPriority', 1e7) # Additions for caching-based JobSubmitter self.cachedJobIDs = set() self.cachedJobs = {} self.jobDataCache = {} self.jobsToPackage = {} self.sandboxPackage = {} self.locationDict = {} self.taskTypePrioMap = {} self.drainSites = set() self.abortSites = set() self.refreshPollingCount = 0 try: if not getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'submitDir', None): self.config.JobSubmitter.submitDir = self.config.JobSubmitter.componentDir self.packageDir = os.path.join(self.config.JobSubmitter.submitDir, 'packages') if not os.path.exists(self.packageDir): os.makedirs(self.packageDir) except OSError as ex: msg = "Error while trying to create packageDir %s\n!" msg += str(ex) logging.error(msg) logging.debug("PackageDir: %s", self.packageDir) logging.debug("Config: %s", config) raise JobSubmitterPollerException(msg) # Now the DAOs self.listJobsAction = self.daoFactory(classname="Jobs.ListForSubmitter") self.setLocationAction = self.daoFactory(classname="Jobs.SetLocation") self.locationAction = self.daoFactory(classname="Locations.GetSiteInfo") self.setFWJRPathAction = self.daoFactory(classname="Jobs.SetFWJRPath") self.listWorkflows = self.daoFactory(classname="Workflow.ListForSubmitter") # Keep a record of the thresholds in memory self.currentRcThresholds = {} self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck = getattr(self.config.TaskArchiver, 'useReqMgrForCompletionCheck', True) if self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck: # only set up this when reqmgr is used (not Tier0) self.reqmgr2Svc = ReqMgr(self.config.TaskArchiver.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache = self.reqmgr2Svc.getAbortedAndForceCompleteRequestsFromMemoryCache() else: # Tier0 Case - just for the clarity (This private variable shouldn't be used self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache = None return
def __init__(self, config): BaseWorkerThread.__init__(self) myThread = threading.currentThread() self.config = config # DAO factory for WMBS objects self.daoFactory = DAOFactory(package="WMCore.WMBS", logger=logging, dbinterface=myThread.dbi) # Libraries self.resourceControl = ResourceControl() self.changeState = ChangeState(self.config) self.bossAir = BossAirAPI(config=self.config, insertStates=True) self.hostName = self.config.Agent.hostName self.repollCount = getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'repollCount', 10000) self.maxJobsPerPoll = int(getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'maxJobsPerPoll', 1000)) self.maxJobsToCache = int(getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'maxJobsToCache', 50000)) self.maxJobsThisCycle = self.maxJobsPerPoll # changes as per schedd limit self.cacheRefreshSize = int(getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'cacheRefreshSize', 30000)) self.skipRefreshCount = int(getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'skipRefreshCount', 20)) self.packageSize = getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'packageSize', 500) self.collSize = getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'collectionSize', self.packageSize * 1000) self.maxTaskPriority = getattr(self.config.BossAir, 'maxTaskPriority', 1e7) self.condorFraction = 0.75 # update during every algorithm cycle self.condorOverflowFraction = 0.2 self.ioboundTypes = ('LogCollect', 'Merge', 'Cleanup', 'Harvesting') self.drainGracePeriod = getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'drainGraceTime', 2 * 24 * 60 * 60) # 2 days # Used for speed draining the agent self.enableAllSites = False # Additions for caching-based JobSubmitter self.jobsByPrio = {} # key'ed by the final job priority, which contains a set of job ids self.jobDataCache = {} # key'ed by the job id, containing the whole job info dict self.jobsToPackage = {} self.locationDict = {} self.drainSites = dict() self.drainSitesSet = set() self.abortSites = set() self.refreshPollingCount = 0 try: if not getattr(self.config.JobSubmitter, 'submitDir', None): self.config.JobSubmitter.submitDir = self.config.JobSubmitter.componentDir self.packageDir = os.path.join(self.config.JobSubmitter.submitDir, 'packages') if not os.path.exists(self.packageDir): os.makedirs(self.packageDir) except OSError as ex: msg = "Error while trying to create packageDir %s\n!" msg += str(ex) logging.error(msg) logging.debug("PackageDir: %s", self.packageDir) logging.debug("Config: %s", config) raise JobSubmitterPollerException(msg) # Now the DAOs self.listJobsAction = self.daoFactory(classname="Jobs.ListForSubmitter") self.setLocationAction = self.daoFactory(classname="Jobs.SetLocation") self.locationAction = self.daoFactory(classname="Locations.GetSiteInfo") self.setFWJRPathAction = self.daoFactory(classname="Jobs.SetFWJRPath") self.listWorkflows = self.daoFactory(classname="Workflow.ListForSubmitter") # Keep a record of the thresholds in memory self.currentRcThresholds = {} self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck = getattr(self.config.TaskArchiver, 'useReqMgrForCompletionCheck', True) if self.useReqMgrForCompletionCheck: # only set up this when reqmgr is used (not Tier0) self.reqmgr2Svc = ReqMgr(self.config.General.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache = self.reqmgr2Svc.getAbortedAndForceCompleteRequestsFromMemoryCache() self.reqAuxDB = ReqMgrAux(self.config.General.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) else: # Tier0 Case - just for the clarity (This private variable shouldn't be used self.abortedAndForceCompleteWorkflowCache = None return
class JobUpdaterPoller(BaseWorkerThread): """ _JobUpdaterPoller_ Poller class for the JobUpdater """ def __init__(self, config): """ __init__ """ BaseWorkerThread.__init__(self) self.config = config self.bossAir = BossAirAPI(config=self.config) self.reqmgr2 = ReqMgr(self.config.General.ReqMgr2ServiceURL) self.workqueue = WorkQueue(self.config.WorkQueueManager.couchurl, self.config.WorkQueueManager.dbname) myThread = threading.currentThread() self.daoFactory = DAOFactory(package="WMCore.WMBS", logger=myThread.logger, dbinterface=myThread.dbi) self.listWorkflowsDAO = self.daoFactory( classname="Workflow.ListForJobUpdater") self.updateWorkflowPrioDAO = self.daoFactory( classname="Workflow.UpdatePriority") self.executingJobsDAO = self.daoFactory( classname="Jobs.GetNumberOfJobsForWorkflowTaskStatus") def setup(self, parameters=None): """ _setup_ """ pass def terminate(self, parameters=None): """ _terminate_ Terminate gracefully. """ pass @timeFunction def algorithm(self, parameters=None): """ _algorithm_ """ try:"Synchronizing priorities with ReqMgr...") self.synchronizeJobPriority() "Priorities were synchronized, wait until the next cycle") except CouchConnectionError as ex: msg = "Caught CouchConnectionError exception in JobUpdater\n" msg += "transactions postponed until the next polling cycle\n" msg += str(ex) logging.exception(msg) except CouchConflictError as ex: msg = "Caught CouchConflictError exception in JobUpdater\n" msg += "transactions postponed until the next polling cycle\n" msg += str(ex) logging.exception(msg) except Exception as ex: if 'Connection refused' in str(ex): logging.warn( "Failed to sync priorities. Trying in the next cycle") else: msg = "Caught unexpected exception in JobUpdater: %s\n" % str( ex) logging.exception(msg) raise JobUpdaterException(msg) def synchronizeJobPriority(self): """ _synchronizeJobPriority_ Check WMBS and WorkQueue for active workflows and compare with the ReqMgr for priority changes. If a priority change occurs then update the job priority in the batch system and the elements in the local queue that have not been injected yet. """ # Update the priority of workflows that are not in WMBS and just in local queue priorityCache = {} workflowsToUpdate = {} workflowsToCheck = [x for x in self.workqueue.getAvailableWorkflows()] for workflow, priority in workflowsToCheck: if workflow not in priorityCache: try: result = self.reqmgr2.getRequestByNames(workflow)[0] priorityCache[workflow] = result[workflow][ 'RequestPriority'] except Exception as ex: logging.error( "Couldn't retrieve the priority of request %s", workflow) logging.error("Error: %s", str(ex)) continue if priority != priorityCache[workflow]: workflowsToUpdate[workflow] = priorityCache[workflow]"Found %d workflows to update in workqueue", len(workflowsToUpdate)) for workflow in workflowsToUpdate: self.workqueue.updatePriority(workflow, workflowsToUpdate[workflow]) # Check the workflows in WMBS priorityCache = {} workflowsToUpdateWMBS = {} workflowsToCheck = self.listWorkflowsDAO.execute() for workflowEntry in workflowsToCheck: workflow = workflowEntry['name'] if workflow not in priorityCache: try: result = self.reqmgr2.getRequestByNames(workflow)[0] priorityCache[workflow] = result[workflow][ 'RequestPriority'] except Exception as ex: logging.error( "Couldn't retrieve the priority of request %s", workflow) logging.error("Error: %s", str(ex)) continue requestPriority = int(priorityCache[workflow]) if requestPriority != int(workflowEntry['workflow_priority']): # Update the workqueue priority for the Available elements self.workqueue.updatePriority(workflow, requestPriority) # Check if there are executing jobs for this particular task if self.executingJobsDAO.execute(workflow, workflowEntry['task']) > 0: self.bossAir.updateJobInformation( workflow, workflowEntry['task'], requestPriority=priorityCache[workflow], taskPriority=workflowEntry['task_priority']) workflowsToUpdateWMBS[workflow] = priorityCache[workflow] if workflowsToUpdateWMBS:"Updating %d workflows in WMBS.", len(workflowsToUpdateWMBS)) self.updateWorkflowPrioDAO.execute(workflowsToUpdateWMBS)
def __init__(self, app, config, mount): self.base = config.base self.rootdir = '/'.join(WMCore.__file__.split('/')[:-1]) if config and not isinstance(config, dict): web_config = config.dictionary_() if not config: web_config = {'base': self.base} TemplatedPage.__init__(self, web_config) imgdir = os.environ.get('RM_IMAGESPATH', os.getcwd() + '/images') self.imgdir = web_config.get('imgdir', imgdir) cssdir = os.environ.get('RM_CSSPATH', os.getcwd() + '/css') self.cssdir = web_config.get('cssdir', cssdir) jsdir = os.environ.get('RM_JSPATH', os.getcwd() + '/js') self.jsdir = web_config.get('jsdir', jsdir) spdir = os.environ.get('RM_SPECPATH', os.getcwd() + '/specs') self.spdir = web_config.get('spdir', spdir) # read scripts area and initialize data-ops scripts self.sdir = os.environ.get('RM_SCRIPTS', os.getcwd() + '/scripts') self.sdir = web_config.get('sdir', self.sdir) self.sdict_thr = web_config.get('sdict_thr', 600) # put reasonable 10 min interval self.sdict = {'ts': time.time()} # placeholder for data-ops scripts self.update_scripts(force=True) # To be filled at run time self.cssmap = {} self.jsmap = {} self.imgmap = {} self.yuimap = {} std_specs_dir = os.path.join(self.rootdir, 'WMSpec/StdSpecs') self.std_specs = spec_list(std_specs_dir) self.std_specs.sort() # Update CherryPy configuration mime_types = ['text/css'] mime_types += ['application/javascript', 'text/javascript', 'application/x-javascript', 'text/x-javascript'] cherryconf.update({'tools.encode.on': True, 'tools.gzip.on': True, 'tools.gzip.mime_types': mime_types, }) self._cache = {} # initialize access to reqmgr2 APIs self.reqmgr_url = config.reqmgr.reqmgr2_url self.reqmgr = ReqMgr(self.reqmgr_url) # only gets current view (This might cause to reponse time much longer, # If upto date view is not needed overwrite Fale) self.reqmgr._noStale = True # get fields which we'll use in templates cdict = config.reqmgr.dictionary_() self.couch_url = cdict.get('couch_host', '') self.couch_dbname = cdict.get('couch_reqmgr_db', '') self.couch_wdbname = cdict.get('couch_workload_summary_db', '') self.acdc_url = cdict.get('acdc_host', '') self.acdc_dbname = cdict.get('acdc_db', '') self.configcache_url = cdict.get('couch_config_cache_url', self.couch_url) self.dbs_url = cdict.get('dbs_url', '') self.dqm_url = cdict.get('dqm_url', '') self.sw_ver = cdict.get('default_sw_version', 'CMSSW_7_6_1') self.sw_arch = cdict.get('default_sw_scramarch', 'slc6_amd64_gcc493') # LogDB holder centralurl = cdict.get("central_logdb_url", "") identifier = cdict.get("log_reporter", "reqmgr2") self.logdb = LogDB(centralurl, identifier) # local team cache which will request data from wmstats base, uri = self.reqmgr_url.split('://') base_url = '%s://%s' % (base, uri.split('/')[0]) self.wmstatsurl = cdict.get('wmstats_url', '%s/wmstatsserver' % base_url) if not self.wmstatsurl: raise Exception('ReqMgr2 configuration file does not provide wmstats url') self.team_cache = [] # fetch assignment arguments specification from StdBase self.assignArgs = StdBase().getWorkloadAssignArgs() self.assignArgs = {key: val['default'] for key, val in self.assignArgs.items()}