def plot_rec_dwt_random_pairs(self): reclist = self.qt.getQTrecnamelist() sel1213 = conf['sel1213'] sel1213set = set(sel1213) out_reclist = set(reclist) # - sel1213set # dwt coef dwtECG = WTfeature() # records selected selected_record_list = [] for ind, recname in enumerate(out_reclist): # inspect print 'processing record : {}'.format(recname) print '{} records left.'.format(len(out_reclist) - ind - 1) # debug selection if not recname.startswith(ur'sele0704'): continue sig = self.qt.load(recname) # wavelet waveletobj = dwtECG.gswt_wavelet() self.plot_dwt_rswt(sig['sig'], waveletobj=waveletobj, ECGrecordname=recname, auto_plot=True)
def PlotDWT(): dat ='test.mat') dat = dat['sig'] dat = [float(x) for x in dat] #plt.plot(dat) wtf = WTfeature() # DWT Level = 5 res = pywt.wavedec(dat, wtf.gswt_wavelet(), level=Level) plt.figure(2) plt.plot(dat) plt.figure(1) for i in xrange(0, Level + 1): plt.subplot(Level + 1, 1, i + 1) plt.plot(res[i]) plt.title('Level {}'.format(i + 1))
def plot_dwt_pairs_no_arrow(self, rawsig, relation_importance): ## =========================================V # 展示RSWT示意图 # No Arrow, only points ## =========================================V N = 5 figureID = 1 fs = conf['fs'] FixedWindowLen = conf['winlen_ratio_to_fs'] * fs print 'Fixed Window Length:{}'.format(FixedWindowLen) xL = 1000 xR = xL + FixedWindowLen tarpos = 1500 # ----------------- # get median # ----------------- importance_arr = [] for rel_layer in relation_importance: for rel, imp in rel_layer: importance_arr.append(imp) N_imp = len(importance_arr) # ascending order:0->1 importance_arr.sort() IMP_Thres = importance_arr[int(N_imp / 2)] # get wavelet obj # dwt coef dwtECG = WTfeature() waveletobj = dwtECG.gswt_wavelet() # props of ARROW #arrowprops = dict(width = 1,headwidth = 4,facecolor='black', shrink=0) pltxLim = range(xL, xR) sigAmp = [rawsig[x] for x in pltxLim] cA = rawsig # ==================== # plot raw signal input # ==================== plt.figure(figureID) # plot raw ECG plt.subplot(N + 1, 1, 1) # get handle for annote arrow # hide axis #frame = plt.gca() #frame.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) #frame.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.plot(pltxLim, sigAmp) # plot reference point #plt.plot(tarpos,rawsig[tarpos],'ro') plt.title('ECG sample') #plt.xlim(pltxLim) for i in range(2, N + 2): # relation&importance rel_layer = relation_importance[i - 2] cA, cD = pywt.dwt(cA, waveletobj) xL /= 2 xR /= 2 tarpos /= 2 # crop x range out xi = range(xL, xR) cDamp = [cD[x] for x in xi] # get relation points rel_x = [] rel_y = [] cur_N = len(cDamp) for rel_pair, imp in rel_layer: rel_x.append(rel_pair[0]) if rel_x[-1] >= cur_N: rel_y.append(0) else: rel_y.append(cDamp[rel_pair[0]]) rel_x.append(rel_pair[1]) if rel_x[-1] >= cur_N: rel_y.append(0) else: rel_y.append(cDamp[rel_x[-1]]) # plot fig = plt.subplot(N + 1, 1, i) #plt.grid(True) plt.plot(rel_x, rel_y, '.b') plt.plot(cDamp) # reference point # plt.plot(tarpos,cDamp[tarpos-xL],'ro') plt.xlim(0, len(cDamp) - 1) plt.title('DWT Level ({}):'.format(i - 1)) # plot result
def plot_dwt_pairs_arrow(self, rawsig, relation_importance, Window_Left=1200, savefigname=None, figsize=(10, 8), figtitle='ECG Sample', showFigure=True): ## =========================================V # 展示RSWT示意图 # Plot Arrow ## =========================================V # #================ # constants #================ N = 5 N_subplot = N + 2 # importance pairs lower than this threshold is not shown in the figure Thres_min_importance = self.get_min_Importance_threshold( relation_importance) figureID = 1 fs = conf['fs'] FixedWindowLen = conf['winlen_ratio_to_fs'] * fs print 'Fixed Window Length:{}'.format(FixedWindowLen) xL = Window_Left xR = xL + FixedWindowLen tarpos = 1500 # props of ARROW arrowprops = dict(width=1, headwidth=4, facecolor='black', shrink=0) # ----------------- # get median # ----------------- importance_arr = [] for rel_layer in relation_importance: for rel, imp in rel_layer: importance_arr.append(imp) N_imp = len(importance_arr) # ascending order:0->1 importance_arr.sort() IMP_Thres = importance_arr[int(N_imp / 2)] IMP_MAX = importance_arr[-1] # get wavelet obj # dwt coef dwtECG = WTfeature() waveletobj = dwtECG.gswt_wavelet() # props of ARROW #arrowprops = dict(width = 1,headwidth = 4,facecolor='black', shrink=0) pltxLim = range(xL, xR) sigAmp = [rawsig[x] for x in pltxLim] cA = rawsig # ==================== # plot raw signal input # ==================== Fig_main = plt.figure(figureID, figsize=figsize) # plot raw ECG plt.subplot((N_subplot + 1) / 2, 2, 1) # get handle for annote arrow # hide axis #frame = plt.gca() #frame.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) #frame.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.plot(pltxLim, sigAmp) # plot reference point #plt.plot(tarpos,rawsig[tarpos],'ro') #plt.title(figtitle+'[Window Left = {}]'.format(Window_Left)) plt.title(figtitle) plt.xlim(pltxLim[0], pltxLim[-1]) for i in range(2, N_subplot): # relation&importance rel_layer = relation_importance[i - 2] cA, cD = pywt.dwt(cA, waveletobj) xL /= 2 xR /= 2 tarpos /= 2 # crop x range out xi = range(xL, xR) cDamp = [cD[x] for x in xi] # get relation points rel_x = [] rel_y = [] cur_N = len(cDamp) # ------------ # sub plot # ------------ #fig = plt.subplot(N+1,1,i) fig = plt.subplot((N_subplot + 1) / 2, 2, i) plt.title('DWT Detail Coefficient {}'.format(i - 1)) #------------ # find pair&its amplitude # ----------- # sort rel_layer with imp rel_layer.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) for rel_pair, imp in rel_layer: # do not show imp lower than threshold if imp < Thres_min_importance: continue # importance thres alpha = (imp - Thres_min_importance) / (IMP_MAX - Thres_min_importance) arrow_color = self.get_RGB_from_Alpha((1, 0, 0), alpha, (1, 1, 1)) arrowprops = dict(width=0.15, linewidth=0.15, headwidth=1.5, headlength=1.5, facecolor=arrow_color, edgecolor=arrow_color, shrink=0) rel_x.append(rel_pair[0]) if rel_x[-1] >= cur_N: rel_y.append(0) else: rel_y.append(cDamp[rel_pair[0]]) rel_x.append(rel_pair[1]) if rel_x[-1] >= cur_N: rel_y.append(0) else: rel_y.append(cDamp[rel_x[-1]]) fig.annotate('', xy=(rel_x[-2], rel_y[-2]), xytext=(rel_x[-1], rel_y[-1]), arrowprops=arrowprops) #plt.grid(True) plt.plot(rel_x, rel_y, '.b') plt.plot(cDamp) # reference point # plt.plot(tarpos,cDamp[tarpos-xL],'ro') plt.xlim(0, len(cDamp) - 1) # plot Approximation Level rel_x = [] rel_y = [] rel_layer = relation_importance[-1] #fig = plt.subplot((N_subplot + 1)/2,2,N_subplot) fig = plt.subplot(4, 1, 4) plt.title('Approximation Coefficient') cAamp = [cA[x] for x in xi] # sort rel_layer with imp rel_layer.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) for rel_pair, imp in rel_layer: # do not show imp lower than threshold if imp < Thres_min_importance: continue # importance thres alpha = (imp - Thres_min_importance) / (IMP_MAX - Thres_min_importance) arrow_color = self.get_RGB_from_Alpha((1, 0, 0), alpha, (1, 1, 1)) #arrowprops = dict(width = 1,headwidth = 4,facecolor=arrow_color,edgecolor = arrow_color,shrink=0) arrowprops = dict(width=0.15, linewidth=0.15, headwidth=1.5, headlength=1.5, facecolor=arrow_color, edgecolor=arrow_color, shrink=0) rel_x.append(rel_pair[0]) if rel_x[-1] >= cur_N: rel_y.append(0) else: rel_y.append(cAamp[rel_pair[0]]) rel_x.append(rel_pair[1]) if rel_x[-1] >= cur_N: rel_y.append(0) else: rel_y.append(cAamp[rel_x[-1]]) fig.annotate('', xy=(rel_x[-2], rel_y[-2]), xytext=(rel_x[-1], rel_y[-1]), arrowprops=arrowprops) # reference point plt.plot(rel_x, rel_y, '.b') plt.plot(cAamp) plt.xlim(0, len(cAamp) - 1) # plot result if showFigure == True: # save fig if savefigname is not None: Fig_main.savefig(savefigname, dpi=Fig_main.dpi) Fig_main.clf()
def plot_dwt_pairs_arrow_partial_window_compare(self, rawsig, relation_importance, Window_Left=1200, savefigname=None, figsize=(10, 8), figtitle='ECG Sample', showFigure=True): ## =========================================V # 展示RSWT示意图 ## =========================================V # #================ # constants #================ N = 5 figureID = 1 fs = conf['fs'] FixedWindowLen = conf['winlen_ratio_to_fs'] * fs print 'Fixed Window Length:{}'.format(FixedWindowLen) xL = Window_Left xR = xL + FixedWindowLen tarpos = 1500 # props of ARROW arrowprops = dict(width=1, headwidth=4, facecolor='black', shrink=0) # ----------------- # get median # ----------------- importance_arr = [] for rel_layer in relation_importance: for rel, imp in rel_layer: importance_arr.append(imp) N_imp = len(importance_arr) # ascending order:0->1 importance_arr.sort() IMP_Thres = importance_arr[int(N_imp / 2)] IMP_MAX = importance_arr[-1] # get wavelet obj # dwt coef dwtECG = WTfeature() waveletobj = dwtECG.gswt_wavelet() # props of ARROW #arrowprops = dict(width = 1,headwidth = 4,facecolor='black', shrink=0) pltxLim = range(xL, xR) sigAmp = [rawsig[x] for x in pltxLim] cA = rawsig # ==================== # plot raw signal input # ==================== Fig_main = plt.figure(figureID, figsize=figsize) # plot raw ECG plt.subplot(N + 1, 2, 1) # get handle for annote arrow # hide axis #frame = plt.gca() #frame.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) #frame.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.plot(pltxLim, sigAmp) # plot reference point #plt.plot(tarpos,rawsig[tarpos],'ro') plt.title('Window the signal before DWT') #plt.xlim(pltxLim) # ===========Col2================= plt.subplot(N + 1, 2, 2) plt.plot(pltxLim, sigAmp) cA_col2 = cA[xL:xR] plt.title('Window the signal after DWT') for i in range(2, N + 2): # ==================== # subplot col2 # ==================== cA_col2, cD_col2 = pywt.dwt(cA_col2, waveletobj) plt.subplot(N + 1, 2, i * 2 - 1) plt.plot(cA_col2) # relation&importance rel_layer = relation_importance[i - 2] cA, cD = pywt.dwt(cA, waveletobj) xL /= 2 xR /= 2 tarpos /= 2 # crop x range out xi = range(xL, xR) cDamp = [cD[x] for x in xi] # get relation points rel_x = [] rel_y = [] cur_N = len(cDamp) # ------------ # sub plot # ------------ # plot fig = plt.subplot(N + 1, 2, 2 * i) #------------ # find pair&its amplitude # ----------- for rel_pair, imp in rel_layer: # importance thres arrowprops = dict(width=1, headwidth=4, facecolor='r', edgecolor='r', alpha=imp / IMP_MAX, shrink=0) rel_x.append(rel_pair[0]) if rel_x[-1] >= cur_N: rel_y.append(0) else: rel_y.append(cDamp[rel_pair[0]]) rel_x.append(rel_pair[1]) if rel_x[-1] >= cur_N: rel_y.append(0) else: rel_y.append(cDamp[rel_x[-1]]) fig.annotate('', xy=(rel_x[-2], rel_y[-2]), xytext=(rel_x[-1], rel_y[-1]), arrowprops=arrowprops) #plt.grid(True) plt.plot(rel_x, rel_y, '.b') plt.plot(cDamp) # reference point # plt.plot(tarpos,cDamp[tarpos-xL],'ro') plt.xlim(0, len(cDamp) - 1) plt.title('DWT Level ({}):'.format(i - 1)) # plot result if showFigure == True: # save fig if savefigname is not None: Fig_main.savefig(savefigname, dpi=Fig_main.dpi) Fig_main.clf()
plt.title('Original Signal') detail_i = 1 for i in xrange(Level, 0, -1): plt.subplot(N_subplot, 1, detail_i + 1) plt.plot(res[i]) plt.xlim(0, len(res[i]) - 1) plt.title('Detail Level {}'.format(detail_i)) detail_i += 1 plt.subplot(N_subplot, 1, N_subplot) plt.plot(res[0]) plt.xlim(0, len(res[0]) - 1) plt.title('Approximation Level') if __name__ == '__main__': wt = WT_choose() wtf = WTfeature() reclist = wt.reclist for ind in xrange(0, 105): if reclist[ind] != 'sel46': continue wt.loadsig(ind) rawsig = wt.sig['sig'] rawsig = rawsig[1000:2000] wt.PlotDWTCoef(sig=rawsig, waveletobj=pywt.Wavelet('db2')) # gswt waveletobj = wtf.gswt_wavelet() wt.PlotDWTCoef(sig=rawsig, figID=2, waveletobj=waveletobj)