def read_data_inhomogeneous(iom, blockid=0):
    :param iom: An :py:class:`IOManager` instance providing the simulation data.
    :param blockid: The data block from which the values are read.
    BF = BlockFactory()

    parameters = iom.load_parameters()
    timegrid = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_timegrid(blockid=blockid)

    # Basis shapes
    bsdescr = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_basisshapes(blockid=blockid)
    BS = {}
    for ahash, descr in bsdescr.iteritems():
        BS[ahash] = BF.create_basis_shape(descr)

    # Plot the coefficients for all timesteps
    for j, step in enumerate(timegrid):
        hashes, coeffs = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_coefficients(timestep=step, blockid=blockid, get_hashes=True)

        k = []

        for i in xrange(parameters["ncomponents"]):
            bs = BS[int(hashes[i])]
            ki = array([bs[node] for node in bs.get_node_iterator()])

        plot_coefficients(k, coeffs, step, parameters["dt"], index=blockid)
def read_data_inhomogeneous(iom, blockid=0, timerange=None, path='.'):
    :param iom: An :py:class:`IOManager` instance providing the simulation data.
    :param blockid: The data block from which the values are read.
    BF = BlockFactory()

    if iom.has_parameters():
        parameters = iom.load_parameters()
        if "dt" in parameters:
            dt = parameters["dt"]
        dt = None

    timegrid = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_timegrid(blockid=blockid)
    if timerange is not None:
        if len(timerange) == 1:
            I = (timegrid == timerange)
            I = ((timegrid >= timerange[0]) & (timegrid <= timerange[1]))
        if any(I):
            timegrid = timegrid[I]
            raise ValueError("No valid timestep remains!")

    # Basis shapes
    bsdescr = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_basisshapes(blockid=blockid)
    BS = {}
    for ahash, descr in bsdescr.items():
        BS[ahash] = BF.create_basis_shape(descr)

    # Plot the coefficients for all timesteps
    for j, step in enumerate(timegrid):
        allhashes, allcoeffs = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_coefficients(
            timestep=step, blockid=blockid, get_hashes=True)

        k = []
        ck = []
        for ahash, coeffs in zip(allhashes, allcoeffs):
            bs = BS[int(ahash)]
            ki = array([bs[node] for node in bs.get_node_iterator(mode="mag")])

        plot_coefficients(k, ck, step, dt, blockid=blockid, path=path)
def read_data_inhomogeneous(iom, blockid=0, timerange=None, path='.'):
    :param iom: An :py:class:`IOManager` instance providing the simulation data.
    :param blockid: The data block from which the values are read.
    BF = BlockFactory()

    parameters = iom.load_parameters()
    timegrid = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_timegrid(blockid=blockid)
    if timerange is not None:
        if len(timerange) == 1:
            I = (timegrid == timerange)
            I = ((timegrid >= timerange[0]) & (timegrid <= timerange[1]))
        if any(I):
            timegrid = timegrid[I]
            raise ValueError("No valid timestep remains!")

    # Basis shapes
    bsdescr = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_basisshapes(blockid=blockid)
    BS = {}
    for ahash, descr in bsdescr.items():
        BS[ahash] = BF.create_basis_shape(descr)

    # Plot the coefficients for all timesteps
    for j, step in enumerate(timegrid):
        allhashes, allcoeffs = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_coefficients(timestep=step, blockid=blockid, get_hashes=True)

        k = []
        ck = []
        for ahash, coeffs in zip(allhashes, allcoeffs):
            bs = BS[int(ahash)]
            ki = array([bs[node] for node in bs.get_node_iterator(mode="mag")])

        dt = parameters["dt"] if "dt" in parameters else None
        plot_coefficients(k, ck, step, dt, blockid=blockid, path=path)
def compute_energy_inhawp(iom, blockid=0, eigentrafo=True, iseigen=True):
    """Compute the energies of a wavepacket timeseries.
    This function is for inhomogeneous wavepackets.

    :param iom: An :py:class:`IOManager` instance providing the simulation data.
    :param blockid: The data block from which the values are read.
    :type blockid: Integer, Default is ``0``
    :param eigentrafo: Whether to make a transformation into the eigenbasis.
    :type eigentrafo: Boolean, default is ``True``.
    :param iseigen: Whether the data is assumed to be in the eigenbasis.
    :type iseigen: Boolean, default is ``True``
    parameters = iom.load_parameters()
    BF = BlockFactory()

    # Number of time steps we saved
    timesteps = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_timegrid(blockid=blockid)
    nrtimesteps = timesteps.shape[0]

    # The potential used
    Potential = BF.create_potential(parameters)

    # Basis transformator
    if eigentrafo is True:
        BT = BasisTransformationHAWP(Potential)

    # We want to save energies, thus add a data slot to the data file
    iom.add_energy(parameters, timeslots=nrtimesteps, blockid=blockid)

    # Initialize a Hagedorn wavepacket with the data
    descr = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_description(blockid=blockid)
    HAWP = BF.create_wavepacket(descr)

    # Inner product
    if HAWP.get_innerproduct() is None:
        IP = BF.create_inner_product(parameters["innerproduct"])

    if eigentrafo is True:

    # Basis shapes
    BS_descr = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_basisshapes(blockid=blockid)
    BS = {}
    for ahash, descr in BS_descr.items():
        BS[ahash] = BF.create_basis_shape(descr)

    O = ObservablesHAWP()
    KEY = ("q", "p", "Q", "P", "S", "adQ")

    # Iterate over all timesteps
    for i, step in enumerate(timesteps):
        print(" Computing energies of timestep %d" % step)

        # Retrieve simulation data
        params = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_parameters(timestep=step,
        hashes, coeffs = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_coefficients(
            timestep=step, get_hashes=True, blockid=blockid)

        # Configure the wavepacket
        HAWP.set_parameters(params, key=KEY)
        HAWP.set_basis_shapes([BS[int(ha)] for ha in hashes])

        # Transform to the eigenbasis.
        if eigentrafo is True:

        # Compute the energies
        ekin = O.kinetic_energy(HAWP)
        if iseigen is True:
            epot = O.potential_energy(HAWP, Potential.evaluate_eigenvalues_at)
            epot = O.potential_energy(HAWP, Potential.evaluate_at)

        iom.save_energy((ekin, epot), timestep=step, blockid=blockid)
def compute_autocorrelation_inhawp(iom, obsconfig, blockid=0, eigentrafo=True):
    """Compute the autocorrelation of a wavepacket timeseries.
    This function is for inhomogeneous wavepackets.

    :param iom: An :py:class:`IOManager` instance providing the simulation data.
    :param obsconfig: Configuration parameters describing f.e. the inner product to use.
    :type obsconfig: A :py:class:`ParameterProvider` instance.
    :param blockid: The data block from which the values are read.
    :type blockid: Integer, Default is ``0``
    :param eigentrafo: Whether to make a transformation into the eigenbasis.
    :type eigentrafo: Boolean, default is ``True``.
    parameters = iom.load_parameters()
    BF = BlockFactory()

    # Number of time steps we saved
    timesteps = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_timegrid(blockid=blockid)
    nrtimesteps = timesteps.shape[0]

    # Basis transformator
    if eigentrafo is True:
        # The potential used
        Potential = BF.create_potential(parameters)
        BT = BasisTransformationHAWP(Potential)

    # We want to save autocorrelations, thus add a data slot to the data file
    iom.add_autocorrelation(parameters, timeslots=nrtimesteps, blockid=blockid)

    # Initialize a Hagedorn wavepacket with the data
    descr = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_description(blockid=blockid)
    HAWPo = BF.create_wavepacket(descr)
    HAWPt = BF.create_wavepacket(descr)

    if eigentrafo is True:

    # Basis shapes
    BS_descr = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_basisshapes(blockid=blockid)
    BS = {}
    for ahash, descr in BS_descr.items():
        BS[ahash] = BF.create_basis_shape(descr)

    # Comfigure the original wavepacket
    # Retrieve simulation data
    params = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_parameters(timestep=0, blockid=blockid)
    hashes, coeffs = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_coefficients(timestep=0, get_hashes=True, blockid=blockid)
    # Configure the wavepacket
    HAWPo.set_basis_shapes([BS[int(ha)] for ha in hashes])

    # Set up the innerproduct for solving the integrals <phi_0 | phi_t>
    IP = BF.create_inner_product(obsconfig["innerproduct"])

    # Iterate over all timesteps
    for i, step in enumerate(timesteps):
        print(" Computing autocorrelations of timestep %d" % step)

        # Retrieve simulation data
        params = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_parameters(timestep=step, blockid=blockid)
        hashes, coeffs = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_coefficients(timestep=step, get_hashes=True, blockid=blockid)

        # Configure the wavepacket
        HAWPt.set_basis_shapes([BS[int(ha)] for ha in hashes])

        # Transform to the eigenbasis.
        if eigentrafo is True:

        # Measure autocorrelations in the eigenbasis
        acs = IP.quadrature(HAWPo, HAWPt, diagonal=True)

        # Save the autocorrelations
        iom.save_autocorrelation(acs, timestep=step, blockid=blockid)
def compute_autocorrelation_hawp(iom, obsconfig, blockid=0, eigentrafo=True):
    """Compute the autocorrelation of a wavepacket timeseries.

    :param iom: An :py:class:`IOManager` instance providing the simulation data.
    :param obsconfig: Configuration parameters describing f.e. the inner product to use.
    :type obsconfig: A :py:class:`ParameterProvider` instance.
    :param blockid: The data block from which the values are read.
    :type blockid: Integer, Default is ``0``
    :param eigentrafo: Whether to make a transformation into the eigenbasis.
    :type eigentrafo: Boolean, default is ``True``.
    parameters = iom.load_parameters()
    BF = BlockFactory()

    # Number of time steps we saved
    timesteps = iom.load_wavepacket_timegrid(blockid=blockid)
    nrtimesteps = timesteps.shape[0]

    # Basis transformator
    if eigentrafo is True:
        # The potential used
        Potential = BF.create_potential(parameters)
        BT = BasisTransformationHAWP(Potential)

    # We want to save norms, thus add a data slot to the data file
    iom.add_autocorrelation(parameters, timeslots=nrtimesteps, blockid=blockid)

    # Initialize a Hagedorn wavepacket with the data
    descr = iom.load_wavepacket_description(blockid=blockid)
    HAWPo = BF.create_wavepacket(descr)
    HAWPt = BF.create_wavepacket(descr)

    if eigentrafo is True:

    # Basis shapes
    BS_descr = iom.load_wavepacket_basisshapes(blockid=blockid)
    BS = {}
    for ahash, descr in BS_descr.items():
        BS[ahash] = BF.create_basis_shape(descr)

    # Comfigure the original wavepacket
    KEY = ("q", "p", "Q", "P", "S", "adQ")
    # Retrieve simulation data
    params = iom.load_wavepacket_parameters(timestep=0,
    hashes, coeffs = iom.load_wavepacket_coefficients(timestep=0,
    # Configure the wavepacket
    HAWPo.set_parameters(params, key=KEY)
    HAWPo.set_basis_shapes([BS[int(ha)] for ha in hashes])

    # Set up the innerproduct for solving the integrals <phi_0 | phi_t>
    IP = BF.create_inner_product(obsconfig["innerproduct"])

    # Transform to the eigenbasis.
    if eigentrafo is True:

    # Iterate over all timesteps
    for i, step in enumerate(timesteps):
        print(" Computing autocorrelation of timestep %d" % step)

        # Retrieve simulation data
        paramst = iom.load_wavepacket_parameters(timestep=step,
        hashes, coeffs = iom.load_wavepacket_coefficients(timestep=step,

        # Configure the wavepacket
        HAWPt.set_parameters(paramst, key=KEY)
        HAWPt.set_basis_shapes([BS[int(ha)] for ha in hashes])

        # Transform to the eigenbasis.
        if eigentrafo is True:

        # Measure autocorrelations in the eigenbasis
        acs = IP.quadrature(HAWPo, HAWPt, diagonal=True)

        # Save the autocorrelations
        iom.save_autocorrelation(acs, timestep=step, blockid=blockid)
def load_from_file(filepath, blockid=0, timestep=0, sizeK=None):
    r"""Utility script to load wavepacket parameters and coefficients
    from another simulation result in a form suitable for the input
    configuration of a new simulation. This is (mainly) used
    to start simulations with previously computed eigenstates.

    :param filepath: The path to the `.hdf5` file from which data will be read.
    :param blockid: The `datablock` from which to read the data.
                    Default is the block with `blockid=0`.
    :param timestep: Load the data corresponding to the given `timestep`.
                     The default timestep is `0`.
    :param sizeK: Load at most 'sizeK' many coefficients. Note that the order
                  is defined by the linearization mapping :math:`\mu` of the
                  packet's current basis shape. We then pick the first `sizeK`
    IOM = IOManager()

    # Check if we have data
    tg = IOM.load_wavepacket_timegrid(blockid=blockid)
    if timestep not in tg:
        raise ValueError("No data for timestep {}".format(timestep))

    # Load data and assemble packet
    BF = BlockFactory()

    # Basis shapes
    BS_descr = IOM.load_wavepacket_basisshapes(blockid=blockid)
    BS = {}
    for ahash, descr in BS_descr.items():
        BS[ahash] = BF.create_basis_shape(descr)

    # Create a packet
    wpd = IOM.load_wavepacket_description(blockid=blockid)
    HAWP = BF.create_wavepacket(wpd)

    # Data
    ha, ci = IOM.load_wavepacket_coefficients(blockid=blockid,
    Pi = IOM.load_wavepacket_parameters(blockid=blockid, timestep=timestep)

    HAWP.set_basis_shapes([BS[int(h)] for h in ha])

    # Reformat data
    C = []

    for n in range(HAWP.get_number_components()):
        B = HAWP.get_basis_shapes(component=n)
        cn = HAWP.get_coefficients(component=n)
        l = []
        for i in range(B.get_basis_size()):
            l.append((B[i], cn[i, 0]))

    if sizeK is not None:
        # We load at most 'sizeK' coefficients.
        # Note that this does NOT specify which
        # ones in terms of multi-indices.
        C = [c[:sizeK] for c in C]

    return Pi, C
def load_from_file(filepath, blockid=0, timestep=0, sizeK=None):
    r"""Utility script to load wavepacket parameters and coefficients
    from another simulation result in a form suitable for the input
    configuration of a new simulation. This is (mainly) used
    to start simulations with previously computed eigenstates.

    :param filepath: The path to the `.hdf5` file from which data will be read.
    :param blockid: The `datablock` from which to read the data.
                    Default is the block with `blockid=0`.
    :param timestep: Load the data corresponding to the given `timestep`.
                     The default timestep is `0`.
    :param sizeK: Load at most 'sizeK' many coefficients. Note that the order
                  is defined by the linearization mapping :math:`\mu` of the
                  packet's current basis shape. We then pick the first `sizeK`
    IOM = IOManager()

    # Check if we have data
    tg = IOM.load_wavepacket_timegrid(blockid=blockid)
    if timestep not in tg:
        raise ValueError("No data for timestep {}".format(timestep))

    # Load data and assemble packet
    BF = BlockFactory()

    # Basis shapes
    BS_descr = IOM.load_wavepacket_basisshapes(blockid=blockid)
    BS = {}
    for ahash, descr in BS_descr.items():
        BS[ahash] = BF.create_basis_shape(descr)

    # Create a packet
    wpd = IOM.load_wavepacket_description(blockid=blockid)
    HAWP = BF.create_wavepacket(wpd)

    # Data
    ha, ci = IOM.load_wavepacket_coefficients(blockid=blockid, timestep=timestep, get_hashes=True)
    Pi = IOM.load_wavepacket_parameters(blockid=blockid, timestep=timestep)

    HAWP.set_basis_shapes([BS[int(h)] for h in ha])

    # Reformat data
    C = []

    for n in range(HAWP.get_number_components()):
        B = HAWP.get_basis_shapes(component=n)
        cn = HAWP.get_coefficients(component=n)
        l = []
        for i in range(B.get_basis_size()):
            l.append((B[i], cn[i, 0]))

    if sizeK is not None:
        # We load at most 'sizeK' coefficients.
        # Note that this does NOT specify which
        # ones in terms of multi-indices.
        C = [c[:sizeK] for c in C]

    return Pi, C
def plot_frames(PP, iom, blockid=0, load=False, limits=None):
    parameters = iom.load_parameters()
    BF = BlockFactory()

    if not parameters["dimension"] == 2:
        print("No wavepacket of two space dimensions, silent return!")

    if PP is None:
        PP = parameters

    if load is True:
        # TODO: Implement reshaping
        raise NotImplementedError("Loading of 2D grids is not implemented")
        #G = iom.load_grid(blockid=blockid)
        #G = grid.reshape((1, -1))
        G = BF.create_grid(PP)

    u, v = map(squeeze, G.get_axes())

    V = BF.create_potential(parameters)
    BT = BasisTransformationHAWP(V)

    wpd = iom.load_wavepacket_description(blockid=blockid)
    HAWP = BF.create_wavepacket(wpd)

    # Basis shapes
    BS_descr = iom.load_wavepacket_basisshapes(blockid=blockid)
    BS = {}
    for ahash, descr in BS_descr.iteritems():
        BS[ahash] = BF.create_basis_shape(descr)

    timegrid = iom.load_wavepacket_timegrid(blockid=blockid)

    N = HAWP.get_number_components()

    for step in timegrid:
        print(" Plotting frame of timestep # " + str(step))

        hi, ci = iom.load_wavepacket_coefficients(timestep=step, get_hashes=True, blockid=blockid)
        Pi = iom.load_wavepacket_parameters(timestep=step, blockid=blockid)

        HAWP.set_basis_shapes([ BS[int(ha)] for ha in hi ])

        psi = HAWP.evaluate_at(G, prefactor=True, component=0)

        fig = figure()

        for level in xrange(N):
            z = psi[level]
            z = z.reshape(G.get_number_nodes())

            #plotcm(z.reshape(G.get_number_nodes()), darken=0.3)
            plotcf2d(u, v, z, darken=0.3, limits=limits)


    print(" Plotting frames finished")
def compute_energy_inhawp(iom, blockid=0, eigentrafo=True, iseigen=True):
    """Compute the energies of a wavepacket timeseries.
    This function is for inhomogeneous wavepackets.

    :param iom: An :py:class:`IOManager` instance providing the simulation data.
    :param blockid: The data block from which the values are read.
    :type blockid: Integer, Default is ``0``
    :param eigentrafo: Whether to make a transformation into the eigenbasis.
    :type eigentrafo: Boolean, default is ``True``.
    :param iseigen: Whether the data is assumed to be in the eigenbasis.
    :type iseigen: Boolean, default is ``True``
    parameters = iom.load_parameters()
    BF = BlockFactory()

    # Number of time steps we saved
    timesteps = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_timegrid(blockid=blockid)
    nrtimesteps = timesteps.shape[0]

    # The potential used
    Potential = BF.create_potential(parameters)

    # Basis transformator
    if eigentrafo is True:
        BT = BasisTransformationHAWP(Potential)

    # We want to save energies, thus add a data slot to the data file
    iom.add_energy(parameters, timeslots=nrtimesteps, blockid=blockid)

    # Initialize a Hagedorn wavepacket with the data
    descr = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_description(blockid=blockid)
    HAWP = BF.create_wavepacket(descr)

    # Inner product
    if HAWP.get_innerproduct() is None:
        IP = BF.create_inner_product(parameters["innerproduct"])

    if eigentrafo is True:

    # Basis shapes
    BS_descr = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_basisshapes(blockid=blockid)
    BS = {}
    for ahash, descr in BS_descr.items():
        BS[ahash] = BF.create_basis_shape(descr)

    O = ObservablesHAWP()
    KEY = ("q", "p", "Q", "P", "S", "adQ")

    # Iterate over all timesteps
    for i, step in enumerate(timesteps):
        print(" Computing energies of timestep %d" % step)

        # Retrieve simulation data
        params = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_parameters(timestep=step, blockid=blockid, key=KEY)
        hashes, coeffs = iom.load_inhomogwavepacket_coefficients(timestep=step, get_hashes=True, blockid=blockid)

        # Configure the wavepacket
        HAWP.set_parameters(params, key=KEY)
        HAWP.set_basis_shapes([BS[int(ha)] for ha in hashes])

        # Transform to the eigenbasis.
        if eigentrafo is True:

        # Compute the energies
        ekin = O.kinetic_energy(HAWP)
        if iseigen is True:
            epot = O.potential_energy(HAWP, Potential.evaluate_eigenvalues_at)
            epot = O.potential_energy(HAWP, Potential.evaluate_at)

        iom.save_energy((ekin, epot), timestep=step, blockid=blockid)