def standard_banner(limit): """ Banner contains all standard 5 star characters and weapons, not including promotional ones Contains all standard 4 star characters and weapons, not including promotional ones Contains all 3 Star Weapons 5 Star Hard Pity is configured at 90 , having higher probability of getting a 5 star after 74 (soft pity) 4 Star Hard Pity is configured at 10 There is a 50-50 chance to get either a 5 Star Character or Weapon There is a 50-50 chance to get either a 4 Star Character or Weapon Percentages: 94.3% Chance to get a 3 Star 5.1% Chance to get a 4 Star 0.6% Chance to get a 5 Star """ global gacha global gacha_show # Empty gatcha pulls gacha = [] gacha_show = [] # Weighted list for pull percentages (0.6% - 5.1% - 94.3%) # og_pull_percentage = ['3'] * 943 + ['4'] * 51 + ['5'] * 6 pull_percentage = og_pull_percentage.copy() for _ in range(1, limit + 1): # Pity System # 90 - Is 5 Star pity (n-1) = 89 if pp.five_star_pity_standard >= 89: # Returning to the original weight percentages pull_percentage = og_pull_percentage.copy() banner_pity(5) # 10 - is 4 star pity (n-1) = 9 elif pp.four_star_pity_standard >= 9: banner_pity(4) else: # Pulls if pp.five_star_pity_standard > 74: # Adding more prob to get a 5 star pull_percentage.extend(['5'] * 250) magic = random.choice(pull_percentage) # 3 Star if magic == '3': a = random.choice(lst.star3_weapons) add_gacha(3, a) inv.add_3star_weapon_inv(a) add_pity(four=True, five=True) # 4 Star elif magic == '4': # 50-50 chance of getting either a character or a weapon if random.randint(1, 2) == 1: # Character won a = random.choice(lst.star4_standard_characters) # Adding to Inventory inv.add_4star_char_inv(a) else: # Weapon won a = random.choice(lst.star4_standar_weapons) # Adding to Inventory inv.add_4star_weapon_inv(a) add_gacha(4, a) add_pity(four=True, five=True) pp.four_star_pity_standard = 0 # 5 Star else: # 50-50 chance of getting either a character or a weapon if random.randint(1, 2) == 1: # Character won a = random.choice(lst.star5_standard_characters) # Adding to Inventory inv.add_5star_char_inv(a) else: # Weapon won a = random.choice(lst.star5_standar_weapons) # Adding to Inventory inv.add_5star_weapon_inv(a) add_gacha(5, a) add_pity(four=True, five=True) # Returning to the original weight percentages pull_percentage = og_pull_percentage.copy() pp.five_star_pity_standard = 0 # Init Star Animation # Checking if there is a 5*,4* or 3* in the pulls. If there are, the animation changes. check4 = any(item in gacha for item in lst.all_4star) check5 = any(item in gacha for item in lst.all_5star) if check5: # 5 Star animation wishes.animation(5, f'{wishes.banner_}') elif check4: # 4 Star animation wishes.animation(4, f'{wishes.banner_}') else: # 3 Star animation wishes.animation(3, f'{wishes.banner_}')
def weapon_banner(limit): """ Banner contains all 5* standard weapons Banner contains all standard 4* characters and 4* weapons Promotional 5* weapons with higher drop rate are 'Thundering Pulse' and 'Skyward Blade' Promotional 4* weapons are 'Favonius Warbow, 'Sacrificial Fragments', 'Dragon's Bane', 'Rainslasher', Sacrificial Sword 5 Star Hard Pity is configured at 80, having higher probability of getting a 5 star after 64 (soft pity) 4 Star Hard Pity is configured at 9 Percentages: 93.3% Chance to get a 3 Star 5.1% Chance to get a 4 Star 0.7% Chance to get a 5 Star """ global gacha global gacha_show # Empty gatcha pulls gacha = [] gacha_show = [] # Weighted list for pull percentages (0.7% - 5.1% - 93.3%) # og_pull_percentage = ['3'] * 933 + ['4'] * 51 + ['5'] * 7 pull_percentage = og_pull_percentage.copy() for _ in range(1, limit + 1): # Pity System # 80 - Is 5 Star pity (n-1) = 79 if pp.five_star_weapon_pity >= 79: # Returning to the original weight percentages pull_percentage = og_pull_percentage.copy() get_banner_pity(5) # 9 - is 4 star pity (n-1) = 8 elif pp.four_star_weapon_pity >= 8: get_banner_pity(4) else: # Pulls if pp.five_star_weapon_pity > 64: # Adding more prob to get a 5 star pull_percentage.extend(['5'] * 320) magic = random.choice(pull_percentage) # 3 Star if magic == '3': a = random.choice(lst.star3_weapons) add_gacha_weapon(3, item=a) # -------------------------------- # inv.add_3star_weapon_inv(a) add_pity(four=True, five=True) # 4 Star elif magic == '4': # If Promo Weapon was won = 75% Chance of winning another one if not pp.flag_4star_weapon: # 75% chance of getting either a promotional character, or a standard character/weapon if random.randint(1, 4) != 1: # Random Promotional 4* Weapon Won b = random.choice(lstbn.yoi_weapon_banner_4) # Adding to Inventory inv.add_4star_weapon_inv(b) else: pp.flag_4star_weapon = True # 50-50 chance of getting either a character or a weapon (standard) if random.randint(1, 2) == 1: # Character won b = random.choice( lst.all_4star_standard_except_akl) # Adding to Inventory inv.add_4star_char_inv(b) else: # Weapon won b = random.choice(lst.star4_standar_weapons) # Adding to Inventory inv.add_4star_weapon_inv(b) add_gacha_weapon(4, b) add_pity(four=True, five=True) pp.four_star_weapon_pity = 0 else: # Guaranteed 4 Star Promotional Weapon b = random.choice(lstbn.yoi_weapon_banner_4) # Adding to Inventory inv.add_4star_weapon_inv(b) pp.flag_4star_weapon = False add_gacha_weapon(4, b) add_pity(four=True, five=True) pp.four_star_weapon_pity = 0 # 5 Star else: # If Promo Weapon was won = 75% Chance of winning another one if not pp.flag_5star_weapon: # 75% chance of getting a promotional weapon. 25% chance of getting a standard weapon if random.randint(1, 4) == 1: # Non promotional weapon won a = random.choice(lst.star5_standar_weapons) else: # 50-50% chance of getting either promotional weapon A or B a = random.choice(lstbn.yoi_weapon_banner_5) pp.flag_5star_weapon = True # Adding to Inventory inv.add_5star_weapon_inv(a) add_gacha_weapon(5, item=a) add_pity(four=True, five=True) else: # Guaranteed one of the two 5* Promotional Weapons a = random.choice(lstbn.yoi_weapon_banner_5) # Adding to Inventory inv.add_5star_weapon_inv(a) pp.flag_5star_weapon = False add_gacha_weapon(5, item=a) add_pity(four=True, five=True) # Returning to the original weight percentages pull_percentage = og_pull_percentage.copy() pp.five_star_weapon_pity = 0 # Init Star Animation # Checking if there is a 5*,4* or 3* in the pulls. If there are, the animation changes. check4 = any(item in gacha for item in lst.all_4star) check5 = any(item in gacha for item in lst.all_5star) if check5: # 5 Star animation wishes.animation(5, f'{wishes.banner_}') elif check4: # 4 Star animation wishes.animation(4, f'{wishes.banner_}') else: # 3 Star animation wishes.animation(3, f'{wishes.banner_}')
def banner(limit): """ Banner contains all standard 5 star characters, including promotional character 'Tortellini' Contains all standard 4 star characters and weapons Characters 'Yanfei','Ningguang' and 'Chongyun' have higher drop rate than the other ones Contains all 3 Star Weapons 5 Star Hard Pity is configured at 90, having higher probability of getting a 5 star after 74 (soft pity) 4 Star Hard Pity is configured at 10 There is a 50-50 chance to get either a 5 Star Character or Weapon There is a 50-50 chance to get either a 4 Star Character or Weapon Percentages: 94.3% Chance to get a 3 Star 5.1% Chance to get a 4 Star 0.6% Chance to get a 5 Star """ global gacha global gacha_show # Empty gatcha pulls gacha = [] gacha_show = [] # Weighted list for pull percentages (0.6% - 5.1% - 94.3%) # og_pull_percentage = ['3'] * 943 + ['4'] * 51 + ['5'] * 6 pull_percentage = og_pull_percentage.copy() for _ in range(1, limit + 1): # Pity System # 90 - Is 5 Star pity (n-1) = 89 if pp.five_star_promo_pity >= 89: # Returning to the original weight percentages pull_percentage = og_pull_percentage.copy() get_banner_pity(5) # 10 - is 4 star pity (n-1) = 9 elif pp.four_star_promo_pity >= 9: get_banner_pity(4) else: # Pulls if pp.five_star_promo_pity > 74: # Adding more prob to get a 5 star pull_percentage.extend(['5'] * 250) magic = random.choice(pull_percentage) # 3 Star if magic == '3': a = random.choice(lst.star3_weapons) add_gacha(3, item=a) inv.add_3star_weapon_inv(a) add_pity(four=True, five=True) # 4 Star elif magic == '4': # If Promo Character was won = 50-50% Chance of winning another one if not pp.flag_4star: # 50-50% chance of getting either a promotional character, or a standard character/weapon if random.randint(1, 2) == 1: # Promotional Character won b = random.choice(lstbn.childe_re2_banner_4) # Adding to Inventory inv.add_4star_char_inv(b) else: pp.flag_4star = True # 50-50 chance of getting either a character or a weapon if random.randint(1, 2) == 1: # Character won b = random.choice( lst.all_4star_standard_except_akl) # Adding to Inventory inv.add_4star_char_inv(b) else: # Weapon won b = random.choice(lst.star4_standar_weapons) # Adding to Inventory inv.add_4star_weapon_inv(b) add_gacha(4, b) add_pity(four=True, five=True) pp.four_star_promo_pity = 0 else: # Guaranteed 4 Star Promotional b = random.choice(lstbn.childe_re2_banner_4) # Adding to Inventory inv.add_4star_char_inv(b) pp.flag_4star = False add_gacha(4, b) add_pity(four=True, five=True) pp.four_star_promo_pity = 0 # 5 Star else: # If Promo Character was won = 50-50% Chance of winning another one if not pp.flag_5star: # 50-50 chance of getting either a promotional character, or a standard character/weapon if random.randint(1, 2) == 1: # Promotional Character won a = random.choice(lstbn.childe_re2_banner_5) # Adding to Inventory inv.add_5star_char_inv(a) else: # Standard Character Won a = random.choice(lst.star5_standard_characters) # Adding to Inventory inv.add_5star_char_inv(a) pp.flag_5star = True add_gacha(5, item=a) add_pity(four=True, five=True) else: # Guaranteed 5 Star Promotional a = random.choice(lstbn.childe_re2_banner_5) # Adding to Inventory inv.add_5star_char_inv(a) pp.flag_5star = False add_gacha(5, item=a) add_pity(four=True, five=True) # Returning to the original weight percentages pull_percentage = og_pull_percentage.copy() pp.five_star_promo_pity = 0 # Init Star Animation # Checking if there is a 5*,4* or 3* in the pulls. If there are, the animation changes. check4 = any(item in gacha for item in lst.all_4star) check5 = any(item in gacha for item in lst.all_5star) if check5: # 5 Star animation wishes.animation(5, f'{wishes.banner_}') elif check4: # 4 Star animation wishes.animation(4, f'{wishes.banner_}') else: # 3 Star animation wishes.animation(3, f'{wishes.banner_}')