# Wordly_Access.py # For initiating/calling the model from Wordly import Wordly import os # Initialize on run rnn = Wordly() print rnn.look_up("being one more than one") # Receive queries # Return results os.write(3, '{"dt" : "This is a test"}' + "\n", "utf8") # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23804434/python-process-forked-by-nodejs-alternative-to-process-send-for-python?rq=1 # var child = child_process.spawn('python', ['hello.py'], { # stdio:[null, null, null, 'ipc'] # }); # child.on('message', function(message) { # console.log('Received message...'); # console.log(message); # });
with SocketIO('localhost', 8000) as socketIO: # socketIO.emit('aaa') # socketIO.wait(seconds=1) # Phase 0 # os.write(3, '{"dt" : "This is a test"}') socketIO.emit('test', '{"dt" : "This is a test"}') # Initialize on run rnn = Wordly() rnn.initialize_model(json = 'Word_Model/Model/model.json', weights = 'Word_Model/Model/weights.hdf5', embed_path = 'Word_Model/Model/embeddings.hdf5', verbose = False) output = rnn.look_up(sys.argv[1]) # output = [("Silurian", 0.80866586826121223), ("Paleozoic", 0.84940722613702724), ("Palaeolithic", 0.95937944007114762), ("Cenozoic", 0.96295106505316119), ("Mesolithic", 1.0181287210346959)] result = {} best = output.pop() result["best"] = best[0] result["score"] = best[1] result["others"] = output # print sys.argv[1] # print res[1] socketIO.emit('result', json.dumps(result)) # while True:
# socketIO.emit('aaa') # socketIO.wait(seconds=1) # Phase 0 # os.write(3, '{"dt" : "This is a test"}') socketIO.emit('test', '{"dt" : "This is a test"}') # Initialize on run rnn = Wordly() rnn.initialize_model(json='Word_Model/Model/model.json', weights='Word_Model/Model/weights.hdf5', embed_path='Word_Model/Model/embeddings.hdf5', verbose=False) output = rnn.look_up(sys.argv[1]) # output = [("Silurian", 0.80866586826121223), ("Paleozoic", 0.84940722613702724), ("Palaeolithic", 0.95937944007114762), ("Cenozoic", 0.96295106505316119), ("Mesolithic", 1.0181287210346959)] result = {} best = output.pop() result["best"] = best[0] result["score"] = best[1] result["others"] = output # print sys.argv[1] # print res[1] socketIO.emit('result', json.dumps(result)) # while True: