#!/usr/bin/env python

# ------------------------------
# projects/xml/RunXML.py
# Copyright (C) 2013
# Glenn P. Downing
# -------------------------------

# -------
# imports
# -------

import sys
import os

from XML import solve

# ----
# main
# ----
for r,d,f in os.walk ( ".\Tests" ):
    with open ( "RunXML.out", "w" ) as output:
        for file in f:
            if file.endswith(".in"):
                    with open ( ".\Tests\\" + file, "r" ) as input:
                        solve(input, output)
                        output.write ( "\n\n\n\n" )
#!/usr/bin/env python

# ------------------------------
# projects/xml/RunXML.py
# Copyright (C) 2013
# Glenn P. Downing
# -------------------------------

# -------
# imports
# -------

import sys

from XML import solve

# ----
# main
# ----

solve(sys.stdin, sys.stdout)
 def test_solve_2 (self) :
     r = StringIO.StringIO("<THU><g></g><aa></aa><b><c><e></e></c><d><f></f></d></b></THU><b><c></c><d></d></b>")
     w = StringIO.StringIO()
     solve(r, w)
     self.assert_(w.getvalue() == "1\n4\n")
 def test_solve_3 (self) :
     r = StringIO.StringIO("<THU><Team><ACRush></ACRush><Jelly></Jelly><Cooly></Cooly></Team><JiaJia><Team>" +
     w = StringIO.StringIO()
     solve(r, w)
     self.assert_(w.getvalue() == "2\n2\n7\n")
 def test_solve_1 (self) :
     r = StringIO.StringIO("<THU></THU><aa></aa>  ")
     w = StringIO.StringIO()
     solve(r, w)
     self.assert_(w.getvalue() == "0\n")