    def export(self, scene):
        theObjects = scene.objects

        print "Starting OBJ export to " + self.filename
        if not checkFile(self.filename):

        Window.DrawProgressBar(0, "Examining textures")
        self.texture = getTexture(self, theObjects, self.iscsl, 7)
        if self.regions:
            (pwidth, pheight) = PanelRegionHandler().panelimage().size
            for img, (n, x1, y1, width, height) in self.regions.iteritems():
                self.regions[img] = (float(x1) / pwidth, float(y1) / pheight,
                                     float(width) / pwidth,
                                     float(height) / pheight)

        #clock=time.clock()	# Processor time

        self.file = open(self.filename, "w")
        checkLayers(self, theObjects)

        Window.DrawProgressBar(1, "Finished")
        #print "%s CPU time" % (time.clock()-clock)
        print "Finished - exported %s primitives\n" % self.nprim
        if self.log:
            r = Draw.PupMenu(("Exported %s primitives%%t|" % self.nprim) +
                             '|'.join([a[0] for a in self.log]))
            if r > 0: raise ExportError(None, self.log[r - 1][1])
            Draw.PupMenu("Exported %s primitives%%t|OK" % self.nprim)
# Copyright (c) 2007 Jonathan Harris
# This code is licensed under version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
# See ReadMe-XPlane2Blender.html for usage.

from Blender import Draw, Image, Window
from math import log

from XPlaneUtils import PanelRegionHandler

image = Image.GetCurrent()  # may be None
h = PanelRegionHandler()

opts = []
if not image:
elif h.isRegion(image):
    opts.append('Delete this region%x1')
    opts.append('Reload all regions%x3')
elif h.isPanel(image):
    if h.countRegions() < PanelRegionHandler.REGIONCOUNT:
        opts.append('Create new region...%x2')
            'Can\'t create new region - already using maximum of %d regions%%x0'
            % PanelRegionHandler.REGIONCOUNT)
    opts.append('Reload all regions%x3')
def getTexture(expobj, theObjects, iscsl, fileformat, want_draped=0):
    texture = None
    multierr = []
    panelerr = (fileformat == 7 and expobj.iscockpit)
    havepanel = False
    panelobjs = []
    nobj = len(theObjects)
    texlist = []
    layers = 0

    if find_prop_list(theObjects, 'panel_ok') != None:
        expobj.ispanelok = True

    if iscsl:
        expobj.lod = [0, 1000, 4000, 100000]  # list of lod limits
        expobj.lod = [0, 1000, 4000, 10000]  # list of lod limits
    thisdir = normpath(dirname(Blender.Get('filename')))
    h = PanelRegionHandler()

    lod_keys = [['lod_0', 0], ['lod_1', 1], ['lod_2', 2], ['lod_3', 3]]
    for l in lod_keys:
        src_o = find_prop_list(theObjects, l[0])
        if src_o != None:
            layer = l[1]
            #print "object %s layer %d found LOD %s" % (object.name,layer,get_prop(object,l[0],0))
            expobj.lod[layer] = float(get_prop(src_o, l[0], 0))
            if layer < 3 and expobj.lod[layer + 1] <= expobj.lod[layer]:
                expobj.lod[layer + 1] = expobj.lod[layer] + 1
            if expobj.layermask != 7:
                expobj.layermask = 7
                #print "Info:\tMultiple Levels Of Detail found"
                expobj.log.append(("Multiple Levels Of Detail found", []))

    for o in range(nobj - 1, -1, -1):
        object = theObjects[o]
        if h.isHandlerObj(object): continue
        objType = object.getType()

        if expobj.layermask == 1 and not expobj.iscockpit:
            if layers == 0:
                layers = object.Layer & 7
            elif object.Layer & 7 and layers ^ (object.Layer & 7):
                expobj.layermask = 7
                #print "Info:\tMultiple Levels Of Detail found"
                expobj.log.append(("Multiple Levels Of Detail found", []))

        if not object.Layer & expobj.layermask:

        if objType == "Mesh":
            mesh = object.getData(mesh=True)
            if isLight(object):
                material = mesh.materials[0]
                mtex = material.getTextures()[0]
                if mtex:
                    image = mtex.tex.image
                    if image:
                        texture = checkdup(image.filename, thisdir, texture,
                                           texlist, multierr, object)
                print 'Warn:\tIgnoring custom light "%s" with no texture' % object.name
                    ('Ignoring custom light "%s" with no texture' %
                     object.name, [object]))

            elif mesh.faceUV:
                #print '%s (%d)' % (object.getName(), len(mesh.faces))
                for face in mesh.faces:
                    has_draped = (face.mode
                                  & Mesh.FaceModes.TILES) and has_prop(
                                      object, 'ATTR_draped')

                    if (face.mode & Mesh.FaceModes.TEX) and face.image and len(
                            face.v) in [3, 4] and has_draped == want_draped:
                        #print '   this is face, image is %s.\n' % face.image.filename
                        if expobj.ispanelok:
                            isregion = h.isRegion(face.image)
                            if isregion: expobj.regions[face.image] = isregion
                            if fileformat > 7 and isregion:
                            elif 'panel.' in face.image.name.lower(
                            ) or isregion:
                                if fileformat > 7 and expobj.regions:
                                    raise ExportError(
                                        'You can\'t use the panel texture since you\'ve used panel regions.\n\tI found a face using the panel texture in "%s"'
                                        % object.name, (object, mesh, [face]))
                                if fileformat == 7 and len(face.v) == 3:
                                    raise ExportError(
                                        'Only quads can use the instrument panel texture,\n\tbut I found a tri using the panel texture in "%s"'
                                        % object.name, (object, mesh, [face]))

                                havepanel = True
                                if not object in panelobjs:
                                if panelerr:
                                    # Check that at least one panel texture is OK
                                    if isregion:
                                        panelerr = 0  # Should check
                                        xoff = yoff = 0
                                             height) = face.image.getSize()
                                        except RuntimeError:
                                            raise ExportError(
                                                "Can't load instrument panel texture file"
                                        for uv in face.uv:
                                            if uv[0] < 0.0 or uv[0] > 1.0 or (
                                                    1 - uv[1]
                                            ) * height > 768 or uv[1] > 1.0:
                                            panelerr = 0
                                texture = checkdup(face.image.filename,
                                                   thisdir, texture, texlist,
                                                   multierr, object)
                            texture = checkdup(face.image.filename, thisdir,
                                               texture, texlist, multierr,

        elif (expobj.iscockpit and objType == "Lamp"
              and object.getType() == Lamp.Types.Lamp):
            raise ExportError("Cockpit objects can't contain lights", [object])

    if multierr:
        raise ExportError(
            "The OBJ format supports one texture file, but you've used multiple texture files; see the Console for a list of the files",

    if fileformat > 7 and havepanel and expobj.regions:
        raise ExportError(
            "You can't use the panel texture since you've used panel regions.\n\tUse the panel texture, or panel regions, but not both",

    if havepanel and panelerr:
        raise ExportError(
            "At least one face that uses the instrument panel texture must be within the top 768 lines of the panel texture"

    if not texture:
        return None

#    try:
#        img=Image.Load(texture)
#        (width,height)=img.getSize()
#    except:
#    	raise ExportError("Can't load texture file \"%s\"" % texture)
#    if 2**int(log(width,2))!=width or 2**int(log(height,2))!=height:
#        raise ExportError("Texture file height and width must be powers of two.\n\tPlease resize the file. Use Image->Replace and fixup UV mapping\n\tto load the new file")

    l = texture.rfind(sep)
    if l != -1:
        l = l + 1
        l = 0
    if texture[l:].find(' ') != -1:
        raise ExportError(
            'Texture filename "%s" contains spaces.\n\tPlease rename the file. Use Image->Replace to load the renamed file'
            % texture[l:])

    if texture[-4:].lower() in ['.dds', '.png', '.bmp']:
        if fileformat == 7: texture = texture[:-4]
        raise ExportError(
            "Texture file must be in DDS, PNG or BMP format.\n\tPlease convert the file. Use Image->Replace to load the new file"

    # try to guess correct texture path
    if expobj.iscockpit:
        print "Info:\tUsing algorithms appropriate for a cockpit object."
            ("Using algorithms appropriate for a cockpit object", []))
        return basename(texture)

    # v7 or v7-compatibility mode
    for prefix in ["custom object textures", "autogen textures"]:
        l = texture.lower().rfind(prefix)
        if l != -1:
            texture = texture[l + len(prefix) + 1:].replace(sep, '/')
            return texture

    # texture is relative to .obj file - find common prefix
    a = Blender.Get('filename').split(sep)
    b = texture.split(sep)
    for i in range(min(len(a), len(b))):
        if a[i].lower() != b[i].lower():
            if i == 0: break  # it's hopeless
            c = ''
            for l in range(i, len(a) - 1):
                c += '../'
            for l in range(i, len(b) - 1):
                c += b[l] + '/'
            if ' ' in c: break  # spaces not allowed
            if '/Custom Scenery' in c or '/Aircraft' in c or '/X-Plane' in c:
                break  # Can't step out of scenery or aircraft package
            return c + basename(texture)

    # just return bare filename
    print "Warn:\tCan't guess path for texture file. Please edit the .obj file to fix."
        ("Can't guess path for texture file. Please edit the .obj file to fix",
    return basename(texture)
    def writeObjects(self, theObjects):

        if self.layermask == 1:
            lseq = [1]
            lseq = [1, 2, 4]

        h = PanelRegionHandler()

        # Count the objects
        nobj = 0
        objlen = 1
        for layer in lseq:
            for object in theObjects:
                if object.Layer & layer:
                    objlen = objlen + 1

        if self.optimise:
            npasses = Face.BUCKET + 1
            npasses = 1
        objlen = objlen * (2 + npasses)

        for layer in lseq:
            meshes = []


            # 1st pass: Build meshes
            for o in range(len(theObjects) - 1, -1, -1):
                object = theObjects[o]
                if not object.Layer & layer or h.isHandlerObj(object):

                    float(nobj) / objlen,
                    "Exporting %s%% ..." % (nobj * 100 / objlen))
                nobj = nobj + 1

                objType = object.getType()
                if objType == "Mesh":
                    if isLight(object):
                        print 'Warn:\tIgnoring custom light "%s"' % object.name
                            ('Ignoring custom light "%s"' % object.name,
                    elif not isLine(object, self.linewidth):
                        meshes.append(self.sortMesh(object, layer))
                elif objType == "Lamp":
                    pass  # Handled later
                elif objType == 'Empty':
                    for prop in object.getAllProperties():
                        if prop.type in ['INT', 'FLOAT'
                                         ] and prop.name.startswith('group '):
                                "\nATTR_layer_group\t%s\t%d\t//\n\n" %
                                (prop.name[6:].strip(), int(prop.data)))
                #elif objType not in ['Camera','Lattice']:
                #    print 'Warn:\tIgnoring %s "%s"' % (objType.lower(), object.name)
                #    self.log.append(('Ignoring %s "%s"' % (objType.lower(), object.name), [object]))

            # Hack! Find a kosher panel texture and put it last
            if self.iscockpit:
                panelsorted = 0
                i = len(meshes) - 1
                while i >= 0 and not panelsorted:
                    if meshes[i].faces:
                        for j in range(len(meshes[i].faces)):
                            if meshes[i].faces[j].kosher:
                                mesh = MyMesh(meshes[i].name)
                                meshes[i].faces[j] = 0  # Remove original face
                                panelsorted = 1
                    i = i - 1

            # 2nd to 2**n+1th pass: Output meshes
            for passno in range(npasses):
                strips = []
                for i in range(len(meshes)):
                        float(nobj) / objlen,
                        "Exporting %s%% ..." % (nobj * 100 / objlen))
                    nobj = nobj + 1

                    if meshes[i]:
                        self.makeStrips(strips, meshes[i], passno)

                for (strip, firstvertex, name) in strips:
                    if len(strip) > 1 and len(strip[0].v) == 3:
                        self.writeStrip(strip, firstvertex, name)
                for (strip, firstvertex, name) in strips:
                    if len(strip) == 1 and len(strip[0].v) == 3:
                        self.writeStrip(strip, firstvertex, name)
                for (strip, firstvertex, name) in strips:
                    if len(strip) > 1 and len(strip[0].v) == 4:
                        self.writeStrip(strip, firstvertex, name)
                for (strip, firstvertex, name) in strips:
                    if len(strip) == 1 and len(strip[0].v) == 4:
                        self.writeStrip(strip, firstvertex, name)

            # last pass: Output Lines and Lamps
            for o in range(len(theObjects) - 1, -1, -1):
                object = theObjects[o]
                if not object.Layer & layer:

                    float(nobj) / objlen,
                    "Exporting %s%% ..." % (nobj * 100 / objlen))
                nobj = nobj + 1

                objType = object.getType()
                if objType == "Mesh" and isLine(object, self.linewidth):
                elif objType == "Lamp":

        self.file.write("end\t\t\t// eof\n\n")
            "// Built with Blender %4.2f. Exported with XPlane2Blender %s.\n" %
            (float(Blender.Get('version')) / 100, self.version))