def deleteWish(request, _wish_id): """ Used to delete wish with a wish ID :param request: :param _wish_id: :return: """ try: Wishes.delete(Wishes.objects.get(id=_wish_id)) except Wishes.DoesNotExist: raise Http404('Wish id does not exist') else: return redirect('/upto/wishes/')
def get_favorite_tags(request, _email): ''' Get favorite tags for a user :param request: :param _email: :return: ''' try: connected_user = App.getCurrentUser(request) selected_user = Users.objects.get(user__email=_email) lstTags = list() lstEvents = Events.objects( Q( | Q( lstWeesh = Wishes.objects( for ev in lstEvents: if len(ev.tags) != 0: lstTags.append(ev.tags[0].title.lower()) for we in lstWeesh: if len(we.tags) != 0: lstTags.append(we.tags[0].title.lower()) a = dict(Counter(lstTags).most_common(4)) print json.dumps(a) except connected_user.DoesNotExist: raise Http404('Not logged') except selected_user.DoesNotExist: raise Http404('User doesnt exists') else: return Response(json.dumps(a))
def myevents(request): try: events_matched = list() connected_user = App.getCurrentUser(request) # - 1 get Events matching with Myweesh for weesh in Wishes.objects(, is_active=True): for event in Events.objects(is_active=True, tags__in=weesh.tags): events_matched.append(event) # - 2 get created events by current user for event in Events.objects(is_active=True, events_matched.append(event) context = { 'user': connected_user, 'events_matched': sorted(events_matched, key=methodcaller('get_ref_date'), reverse=True) } except DoesNotExist: form = UsersLoginForm() return render(request, 'upto/index.html', {'form': form}) else: # - 3 reset notifications return render(request, 'upto/myevents.html', context)
def createWish(request): try: _wish_title = request.POST['weesh'] _idLevel = request.POST['idLevel'] selectedLevel = Level.objects.get(idLevel=_idLevel) connected_user = App.getCurrentUser(request) createdWish = connected_user.create_wish(_wish_title, selectedLevel) wishSerializer = WishSerializer(instance=createdWish) #TODO : Lancer le code suivant en asynchrone #1 - rechercher les weeshes similaires avec Tags if (len(createdWish.tags) > 0): lstMatchingWishes = Wishes.objects( title__icontains=createdWish.tags[0].title) geoTool = geolocalisation() for aWeesh in lstMatchingWishes: if != if geoTool.getDistance( connected_user.current_coordinates, aWeesh.creator.current_coordinates ) <= connected_user.preferences.search_distance: isExisting = Notifications.objects( from_user=aWeesh.creator, to_user=connected_user, referenced_object=aWeesh) if len(isExisting) == 0: notif = WeeshMatchingNotifications() notif.referenced_object = aWeesh notif.from_user = aWeesh.creator notif.to_user = connected_user notif.content = aWeesh.creator.user.username + " post a matching Weesh to : " if geoTool.getDistance( connected_user.current_coordinates, aWeesh.creator.current_coordinates ) <= aWeesh.creator.preferences.search_distance: isExisting = Notifications.objects( from_user=connected_user, to_user=aWeesh.creator, referenced_object=createdWish) if len(isExisting) == 0: notif = WeeshMatchingNotifications() notif.referenced_object = createdWish notif.from_user = connected_user notif.to_user = aWeesh.creator notif.content = connected_user.user.username + " post a matching Weesh to : " except selectedLevel.DoesNotExist: raise Http404('Level is not existing. Check DB') except connected_user.DoesNotExist: raise Http404('Not logged') else: return Response(
def create_wish(self, _title, _level): """ Method used to create a wish :param _title: :param _creation_date: :return: self """ wish = Wishes(, title=_title,, level=_level) splitTitle = _title.split(' ') for word in splitTitle: if word.startswith('#'): tag = Tags.objects.get_or_create(title=word) wish.tags.append(tag[0]) return wish
def allweeshes(request): ''' :return: ''' connected_user = App.getCurrentUser(request) if connected_user.preferences.display_weeshes: AllWishes = list() if connected_user.preferences.selected_network == "PUBLIC": AllWishes = Wishes.objects( Q(title__icontains=connected_user.preferences.search_string) ).order_by('-creation_date')[0:4] if connected_user.preferences.selected_network == "FRIENDS": for relationship in getFriends(connected_user): for wish in Wishes.objects( Q( & Q(title__icontains=connected_user.preferences. search_string)).order_by('-creation_date')[0:4]: AllWishes.append(wish) lstWishes = WishSerializer(instance=AllWishes, many=True) return Response( else: return None
def weeshTimeline(request): ''' Get All Weeshes for profile timeline :return: ''' try: connected_user = App.getCurrentUser(request) lstweesh = Wishes.objects( Q( | Q( lstWishes = WishSerializer(instance=lstweesh, many=True) except connected_user.DoesNotExist: raise Http404('Not logged') else: return Response(