def main():
	options = options_desc.parse_args(sys.argv)[0]
	#TODO put somehow into Options, e.g. min_value=1 or required=True
	if(not options.doomed_nodes):
		sys.exit("Option --doomed_nodes is required.")
	pool = Pool()
	old_pool_size = len(pool)
	old_alpha = pool.alpha

	doomed_nodes = NodeList()
	#TODO: maybe this code should go into ZIBMolPy.ui 
	for name in options.doomed_nodes.split(","):
		found = [n for n in pool if n.name == name]
		if(len(found) != 1):
			sys.exit("Coult not find node '%s'"%(name))
	for n in doomed_nodes:
		if(n == pool.root):
			sys.exit("Node %s is the root. Removal not allowed."%(n.name))		
		#if(len(n.children) > 0):
		#	sys.exit("Node %s has children. Removal not allowed."%(n.name)) #TODO why should we forbid this?

	if not(userinput("The selected node(s) will be removed permanently. Continue?", "bool")):
		sys.exit("Quit by user.")

	assert(len(doomed_nodes) == len(doomed_nodes.multilock()))
	for n in doomed_nodes:
		print("Removing directory: "+n.dir)

	#TODO: this code-block also exists in zgf_create_node
	if(len(pool.where("isa_partition")) < 2):
		pool.alpha = None
	elif(options.methodalphas == "theta"):
		pool.alpha = zgf_create_nodes.calc_alpha_theta(pool)
	elif(options.methodalphas == "user"):
		pool.alpha = userinput("Please enter a value for alpha", "float")
		raise(Exception("Method unkown: "+options.methodalphas))

	pool.history.append({'removed_nodes': [(n.name, n.state) for n in doomed_nodes], 'size':old_pool_size, 'alpha':old_alpha, 'timestamp':datetime.now()})

	#TODO: deal with analysis dir and dependencies
def main():
	options = options_desc.parse_args(sys.argv)[0]
	#TODO put somehow into Options, e.g. min_value=1 or required=True
	if(not options.doomed_nodes):
		sys.exit("Option --doomed_nodes is required.")
	pool = Pool()
	old_pool_size = len(pool)
	old_alpha = pool.alpha

	doomed_nodes = NodeList()
	#TODO: maybe this code should go into ZIBMolPy.ui 
	for name in options.doomed_nodes.split(","):
		found = [n for n in pool if n.name == name]
		if(len(found) != 1):
			sys.exit("Coult not find node '%s'"%(name))
	for n in doomed_nodes:
		if(n == pool.root):
			sys.exit("Node %s is the root. Removal not allowed."%(n.name))		
		#if(len(n.children) > 0):
		#	sys.exit("Node %s has children. Removal not allowed."%(n.name)) #TODO why should we forbid this?

	if not(userinput("The selected node(s) will be removed permanently. Continue?", "bool")):
		sys.exit("Quit by user.")

	assert(len(doomed_nodes) == len(doomed_nodes.multilock()))
	for n in doomed_nodes:
		print("Removing directory: "+n.dir)

	#TODO: this code-block also exists in zgf_create_node
	if(len(pool.where("isa_partition")) < 2):
		pool.alpha = None
	elif(options.methodalphas == "theta"):
		pool.alpha = zgf_create_nodes.calc_alpha_theta(pool)
	elif(options.methodalphas == "user"):
		pool.alpha = userinput("Please enter a value for alpha", "float")
		raise(Exception("Method unkown: "+options.methodalphas))

	pool.history.append({'removed_nodes': [(n.name, n.state) for n in doomed_nodes], 'size':old_pool_size, 'alpha':old_alpha, 'timestamp':datetime.now()})

	#TODO: deal with analysis dir and dependencies
def main():
	options = options_desc.parse_args(sys.argv)[0]
	pool = Pool()
	choice = "state in ('converged', 'refined')"
		choice = "state in ('converged', 'not-converged', 'refined')"	

	needy_nodes = NodeList([n for n in pool.where(choice) if not n == pool.root]) # we won't touch the root

	if not(len(needy_nodes)):
		sys.exit("Nothing to do.")

	if not(userinput("Once the solvent has been removed, further refinement of the pool is not possible. This includes the generation of unrestrained transition nodes! Continue?", "bool")):
		sys.exit("Quit by user.")
	assert(len(needy_nodes) == len(needy_nodes.multilock())) # make sure we lock ALL nodes

		for n in needy_nodes:	
			discard_solvent(n, "pdb")
			discard_solvent(n, "trr")

		for n in needy_nodes:
def main(argv=None):
		argv = sys.argv
	options = options_desc.parse_args(argv)[0]

	assert(not(options.refine_all and options.extend_all)) 
	pool = Pool()
	needy_nodes = pool.where("isa_partition and is_sampled").multilock()
	# 1. Trying to detect fake convergence
	for n in pool.where("state == 'converged'"):
		means = kmeans(n.trajectory, k=2)
		d = (means[0] - means[1]).norm2()
		if(d > 2.0 and (options.refine_all or userinput("%s has converged but appears to have a bimodal distribution.\nDo you want to refine?"%n.name, "bool"))): #TODO decide upon threshold (per coordinate?)
			refine(n, options)
	# 2. Dealing with not-converged nodes
	for n in pool.where("state == 'not-converged'"):
		if(not(options.refine_all or options.extend_all)):
			choice = userchoice("%s has not converged. What do you want to do?"%n.name, ['_refine', '_extend', '_ignore'])
		if(options.refine_all or choice=="r"):
			refine(n, options)
		elif(options.extend_all or choice=="e"):
	for n in needy_nodes:
def main():
    (options, args) = options_desc.parse_args(sys.argv)
    assert (path.exists(options.input_topology))
    print("Preprocessing (only local includes): %s ..." %
    rawdata = preprocess(options.input_topology,
                         includedirs=[])  #only local includes

    top = Topology(rawdata)
    print("The topology contains:")

    for m in top.molecules:
        print("  %d molecule(s) of the moleculetype '%s'" % (m.mols, m.name))

    #find candidates for molecules to merge
    candidates = []
    for i in range(len(top.molecules) - 1):
        #check this and the next molecule
        is_candidate = True
        for m in top.molecules[i:i + 2]:
            is_candidate &= (m.mols == 1)
            uses = [n for n in top.molecules if n.name == m.name]
            is_candidate &= (len(uses) == 1)
        if (is_candidate):

    #pick a candidate
    if (len(candidates) == 0):
        print("Topology contains no mergable moleculetypes - abort.")

    elif (len(candidates) == 1):
        mt_index1 = candidates[0]
        print("Topology contains only one mergable pair of moleculetypes.")

        msg = "Only two consecutively molecultypes with mol=1 can be merged.\n"
        msg += "Choose index of first moleculetype.\n"
        for i in candidates:
            msg += "%d: %s\n" % (i, top.molecules[i].name)
        mt_index1 = userinput(msg, "int", condition="x in " + repr(candidates))

    #print choosen moleculetypes
    mt_name1 = top.molecules[mt_index1].name
    mt_name2 = top.molecules[mt_index1 + 1].name
    print("Merging moleculetype '%s' with '%s'." % (mt_name1, mt_name2))
    merge_moleculetypes(top, mt_name1, mt_name2)

    print("The merged topology contains:")
    for m in top.molecules:
        print("  %d molecule(s) of the moleculetype '%s'" % (m.mols, m.name))

    top_out_fn = options.output_topology
    print("Writting merged topology to " + top_out_fn)
    f = open(top_out_fn, "w")
def main():
    options = options_desc.parse_args(sys.argv)[0]

    pool = Pool()

    choice = "state in ('converged', 'refined')"
    if (options.ignore_convergence):
        choice = "state in ('converged', 'not-converged', 'refined')"

    needy_nodes = NodeList([
        n for n in pool.where(choice) if not n == pool.root
    ])  # we won't touch the root

    if not (len(needy_nodes)):
        sys.exit("Nothing to do.")

    if not (userinput(
            "Once the solvent has been removed, further refinement of the pool is not possible. This includes the generation of unrestrained transition nodes! Continue?",
        sys.exit("Quit by user.")

    assert (len(needy_nodes) == len(needy_nodes.multilock())
            )  # make sure we lock ALL nodes

        for n in needy_nodes:
            discard_solvent(n, "pdb")
            discard_solvent(n, "trr")

        for n in needy_nodes:
def main():
	(options, args) = options_desc.parse_args(sys.argv)
	print("Preprocessing (only local includes): %s ..."%options.input_topology)
	rawdata = preprocess(options.input_topology, includedirs=[]) #only local includes
	top = Topology(rawdata)
	print("The topology contains:")
	for m in top.molecules:
		print("  %d molecule(s) of the moleculetype '%s'"%(m.mols, m.name))
	#find candidates for molecules to merge 
	candidates = []
	for i in range(len(top.molecules)-1):
		#check this and the next molecule
		is_candidate = True
		for m in top.molecules[i:i+2]:
			is_candidate &= (m.mols==1)
			uses = [n for n in top.molecules if n.name == m.name]
			is_candidate &= (len(uses)==1)
	#pick a candidate
	if(len(candidates) == 0):
		print("Topology contains no mergable moleculetypes - abort.")
	elif(len(candidates) == 1):
		mt_index1 = candidates[0]
		print("Topology contains only one mergable pair of moleculetypes.")
		msg = "Only two consecutively molecultypes with mol=1 can be merged.\n"
		msg += "Choose index of first moleculetype.\n"
		for i in candidates:
			msg += "%d: %s\n"%(i, top.molecules[i].name)
		mt_index1 = userinput(msg, "int", condition="x in "+repr(candidates))
	#print choosen moleculetypes
	mt_name1 = top.molecules[mt_index1].name
	mt_name2 = top.molecules[mt_index1+1].name
	print("Merging moleculetype '%s' with '%s'."%(mt_name1, mt_name2))
	merge_moleculetypes(top, mt_name1, mt_name2)

	print("The merged topology contains:")
	for m in top.molecules:
		print("  %d molecule(s) of the moleculetype '%s'"%(m.mols, m.name))
	top_out_fn =  options.output_topology
	print("Writting merged topology to "+top_out_fn)
	f = open(top_out_fn, "w")
def main():
    options = options_desc.parse_args(sys.argv)[0]

    pool = Pool()
    needy_nodes = pool.where("state == 'grompp-able'")
    assert (len(needy_nodes) == len(needy_nodes.multilock())
            )  # make sure we lock ALL nodes

    if (options.solv_model == "tip3p"):
        solv_box = "spc216.gro"
        solv_fn = "tip3p.itp"
    elif (options.solv_model == "tip4p"):
        solv_box = "tip4p.gro"
        solv_fn = "tip4p.itp"
    elif (options.solv_model == "tip4pew"):
        solv_box = "tip4p.gro"
        solv_fn = "tip4pew.itp"
    elif (options.solv_model == "tip5"):
        solv_box = "tip5p.gro"
        solv_fn = "tip5p.itp"
    elif (options.solv_model == "spc"):
        solv_box = "spc216.gro"
        solv_fn = "spc.itp"
    elif (options.solv_model == "spce"):
        solv_box = "spc216.gro"
        solv_fn = "spce.itp"
    elif (
            options.solv_model == "acetonitrile"
    ):  # TODO one might change this one to "custom" and let user enter name of template box
        solv_box = "acetonitrile.pdb"
        msg = "Topology update for acetonitrile is not supported. Proceed?"
        if not (userinput(msg, "bool")):
            for n in needy_nodes:
            return ("Quit by user.")

    # determine maximum length of linears, if any
    max_linear = query_linear_length(pool)

    # make box and fill with solvent
    genbox(pool, max_linear, options.bt,
           (options.box_x, options.box_y, options.box_z), solv_box)

    # update topology files (add solvent model and ions includes)
    if not (options.solv_model == "acetonitrile"):
        update_tops(pool, solv_fn)

    for n in needy_nodes:
        n.state = "em-grompp-able"
            n, mdp_file=options.grompp, final_state="em-mdrun-able"
        )  # re-grompp to get a tpr for energy minimization
def main():
	options = options_desc.parse_args(sys.argv)[0]
	pool = Pool()
	needy_nodes = pool.where("state == 'grompp-able'")
	assert(len(needy_nodes) == len(needy_nodes.multilock())) # make sure we lock ALL nodes

	if(options.solv_model == "tip3p"):
		solv_box = "spc216.gro"
		solv_fn = "tip3p.itp"
	elif(options.solv_model == "tip4p"):
		solv_box = "tip4p.gro"
		solv_fn = "tip4p.itp"
	elif(options.solv_model == "tip4pew"):
		solv_box = "tip4p.gro"
		solv_fn = "tip4pew.itp"
	elif(options.solv_model == "tip5"):
		solv_box = "tip5p.gro"
		solv_fn = "tip5p.itp"
	elif(options.solv_model == "spc"):
		solv_box = "spc216.gro"
		solv_fn = "spc.itp"
	elif(options.solv_model == "spce"):
		solv_box = "spc216.gro"
		solv_fn = "spce.itp"
	elif(options.solv_model == "acetonitrile"): # TODO one might change this one to "custom" and let user enter name of template box
		solv_box = "acetonitrile.pdb"
		msg = "Topology update for acetonitrile is not supported. Proceed?"
		if not(userinput(msg, "bool")):
			for n in needy_nodes:
			return("Quit by user.")
	# determine maximum length of linears, if any
	max_linear = query_linear_length(pool)

	# make box and fill with solvent
	genbox(pool, max_linear, options.bt, (options.box_x, options.box_y, options.box_z), solv_box)

	# update topology files (add solvent model and ions includes)
	if not(options.solv_model == "acetonitrile"):
		update_tops(pool, solv_fn)

	for n in needy_nodes:
		n.state = "em-grompp-able"
		zgf_grompp.call_grompp(n, mdp_file=options.grompp, final_state="em-mdrun-able") # re-grompp to get a tpr for energy minimization
def main(argv=None):
    if (argv == None):
        argv = sys.argv
    options = options_desc.parse_args(argv)[0]

    assert (not (options.refine_all and options.extend_all))

    pool = Pool()
    needy_nodes = pool.where("isa_partition and is_sampled").multilock()

    # 1. Trying to detect fake convergence
    for n in pool.where("state == 'converged'"):
        means = kmeans(n.trajectory, k=2)
        d = (means[0] - means[1]).norm2()
        if (d > 2.0 and (options.refine_all or userinput(
                "%s has converged but appears to have a bimodal distribution.\nDo you want to refine?"
                % n.name,
                "bool"))):  #TODO decide upon threshold (per coordinate?)
            refine(n, options)

    # 2. Dealing with not-converged nodes
    for n in pool.where("state == 'not-converged'"):
        if (not (options.refine_all or options.extend_all)):
            choice = userchoice(
                "%s has not converged. What do you want to do?" % n.name,
                ['_refine', '_extend', '_ignore'])
        if (options.refine_all or choice == "r"):
            refine(n, options)
        elif (options.extend_all or choice == "e"):
        elif (choice == "i"):

    for n in needy_nodes:

def main():
    options = options_desc.parse_args(sys.argv)[0]

    if options.common_filename:
        options.molecule = options.common_filename + ".pdb"
        options.presampling = options.common_filename + ".trr"
        options.internals = options.common_filename + ".int"
        options.grompp = options.common_filename + ".mdp"
        options.topology = options.common_filename + ".top"
        options.index = options.common_filename + ".ndx"

    print("Options:\n%s\n" % pformat(eval(str(options))))

    assert path.exists(options.molecule)
    assert path.exists(options.presampling)
    assert path.exists(options.internals)
    assert path.exists(options.grompp)
    assert path.exists(options.topology)

    # TODO: what if there is no index-file? (make_ndx)
    assert path.exists(options.index)
    assert "MOI" in gromacs.read_index_file(options.index), "group MOI should be defined in index file"

    # checks e.g. if the mdp-file looks good
    mdp_options = gromacs.read_mdp_file(options.grompp)

    # options we cannot fix
    for ref_t in re.findall("[0-9]+", mdp_options["ref_t"]):
        assert int(ref_t) == options.temperature, "temperature in mdp file does not match ZIBgridfree temperature"
        # TODO drop options.temperature and get temperature directly from mdp file... ask again if temperature is above 310K

        # options we can fix
    mdp_options_dirty = False  # if set, a new mdp-file will be written
    required_mdp_options = {"dihre": "yes", "dihre_fc": "1", "disre": "simple", "disre_fc": "1"}
    for (k, v) in required_mdp_options.items():
        if mdp_options.has_key(k):
            assert mdp_options[k] == v  # check, if we would overwrite something
            mdp_options[k] = v
            mdp_options_dirty = True

    if mdp_options.has_key("energygrps"):
        assert "MOI" in [
            str(egrp) for egrp in re.findall("[\S]+", mdp_options["energygrps"])
        ], "group MOI should be among energygrps in mdp file"
        mdp_options["energygrps"] = "MOI"
        mdp_options_dirty = True

    a, b = mdp_options.has_key("nstxout"), mdp_options.has_key("nstenergy")
    if a and not b:
        mdp_options["nstenergy"] = mdp_options["nstxout"]
        mdp_options_dirty = True
    elif b and not a:
        mdp_options["nstxout"] = mdp_options["nstenergy"]
        mdp_options_dirty = True
    elif b and a:
        assert mdp_options["nstxout"] == mdp_options["nstenergy"], "nstxout should equal nstenergy"

    if int(mdp_options["nsteps"]) > 1e6:
        msg = "Number of MD-steps?"
        mdp_options["nsteps"] = str(userinput(msg, "int", default=int(mdp_options["nsteps"])))

        # create a fixed mdp-file
    if mdp_options_dirty:
        print("Creating copy of mdp-file and adding missing options.")
        out_fn = options.grompp.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + "_fixed.mdp"
        f = open(out_fn, "w")  # append
        f.write("; Generated by zgf_create_pool\n")
        for i in mdp_options.items():
            f.write("%s = %s\n" % i)
        f.write("; EOF\n")
        options.grompp = out_fn

        # check if subsampling is reasonable
    if os.path.getsize(options.presampling) > 100e6:  # 100MB
        print("Presampling trajectory is large")
        trr = TrrFile(options.presampling)
        dt = trr.first_frame.next().t - trr.first_frame.t
        print("Presampling timestep is %.2f ps" % dt)
        if dt < 10:  # picoseconds
            # TODO: maybe calculate subsampling factor individually, or ask?
            msg = "Subsample presampling trajectory by a tenth?"
            if userinput(msg, "bool"):
                out_fn = options.presampling.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + "_tenth.trr"
                cmd = ["trjconv", "-f", options.presampling, "-o", out_fn, "-skip", "10"]
                options.presampling = out_fn

                # balance linears
    if options.balance_linears:
        print("Balance Linears")
        old_converter = Converter(options.internals)
        print("Loading presampling....")
        frames = old_converter.read_trajectory(options.presampling)
        new_coord_list = []
        for c in old_converter:
            if not isinstance(c, LinearCoordinate):
                continue  # we do not work on other Coordinate-Types
                # TODO: is this a good way to determine new_weight and new_offset???
            new_weight = c.weight / sqrt(2 * frames.var().getcoord(c))
            new_offset = c.offset + frames.mean().getcoord(c)
            new_coord = LinearCoordinate(*c.atoms, label=c.label, weight=new_weight, offset=new_offset)
        new_converter = Converter(coord_list=new_coord_list)

        assert old_converter.filename.endswith(".int")
        options.internals = old_converter.filename[:-4] + "_balanced.int"
        print("Writing balanced Converter to: " + options.internals)
        f = open(options.internals, "w")
        assert len(Converter(options.internals)) == len(new_coord_list)  # try parsing

        # Finally: Create root-node and pool
    pool = Pool()
    if len(pool) != 0:
        print("ERROR: A pool already exists here.")

    pool.int_fn = options.internals
    pool.mdp_fn = options.grompp
    pool.top_fn = options.topology
    pool.ndx_fn = options.index
    pool.temperature = options.temperature
    pool.gr_threshold = options.gr_threshold
    pool.gr_chains = options.gr_chains
    pool.alpha = None
    pool.save()  # save pool for the first time...

    # ... then we can save the first node...
    node0 = Node()
    node0.state = "refined"
    node0.save()  # also creates the node directory ... needed for symlink
    os.symlink(os.path.relpath(options.presampling, node0.dir), node0.trr_fn)
    os.symlink(os.path.relpath(options.molecule, node0.dir), node0.pdb_fn)

    pool.root_name = node0.name
    pool.save()  # ... now we have to save the pool again.

    if not path.exists("analysis"):
def main():
	options = options_desc.parse_args(sys.argv)[0]

		options.molecule = options.common_filename+".pdb"
		options.presampling = options.common_filename+".trr"
		options.internals = options.common_filename+".int"
		options.grompp = options.common_filename+".mdp"
		options.topology = options.common_filename+".top"
		options.index = options.common_filename+".ndx"


	#TODO: what if there is no index-file? (make_ndx)
	assert('moi' in gromacs.read_index_file(options.index)), "group 'MOI' should be defined in index file"
	# checks e.g. if the mdp-file looks good
	mdp_options = gromacs.read_mdp_file(options.grompp)
	temperatures = [ref_t for ref_t in re.findall("[0-9]+", mdp_options["ref_t"])]
	assert(len(set(temperatures)) == 1), "temperature definition in mdp file is ambiguous"
	temperature = temperatures[0]

	# get sampling temperature from mdp file
	if(int(temperature) > 310):
		if not(userinput("Your sampling temperature is set to %s K. Continue?"%temperature, "bool")):
			sys.exit("Quit by user.")

	# options we can fix 
 	mdp_options_dirty = False #if set, a new mdp-file will be written

	# the value of the following options need to be fixed
	critical_mdp_options = {"dihre":"yes", "dihre_fc":"1", "disre":"simple", "disre_fc":"1", "gen_temp":temperature}
	for (k,v) in critical_mdp_options.items():
 		if(mdp_options.has_key(k) and mdp_options[k].strip() != v):
			print "Error. I do not want to use '%s' for option '%s' ('%s' required). Please fix your mdp file."%(mdp_options[k].strip(),k,v)
 			mdp_options[k] = v
 			mdp_options_dirty = True

	# the value of the following options does not matter, but they should be there
	noncritical_mdp_options = {"tcoupl":"no", "pcoupl":"no", "gen_vel":"no", "gen_seed":"-1"}
	for (k,v) in noncritical_mdp_options.items():
		if not(mdp_options.has_key(k)):
			mdp_options[k] = v
			mdp_options_dirty = True

	a = mdp_options.has_key("energygrps") and "moi" not in [str(egrp) for egrp in re.findall('[\S]+', mdp_options["energygrps"])]
	b = not(mdp_options.has_key("energygrps"))
	if(a or b):
		if not(userinput("'MOI' is not defined as an energy group in your mdp file. Maybe you have forgotten to define proper 'energygrps'. Continue?", "bool")):
			sys.exit("Quit by user.")

	a, b = mdp_options.has_key("nstxout"), mdp_options.has_key("nstenergy")
	if(a and not b):
		mdp_options["nstenergy"] = mdp_options["nstxout"]
		mdp_options_dirty = True
	elif(b and not a):
		mdp_options["nstxout"] = mdp_options["nstenergy"]
		mdp_options_dirty = True
	elif(b and a):
		assert(mdp_options["nstxout"] == mdp_options["nstenergy"]), "nstxout should equal nstenergy"
	if(int(mdp_options["nsteps"]) > 1e6):
		msg = "Number of MD-steps?"
		mdp_options["nsteps"] = str( userinput(msg, "int", default=int(mdp_options["nsteps"])) )
	# create a fixed mdp-file
		print("Creating copy of mdp-file and adding missing options.")
		out_fn = options.grompp.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + "_fixed.mdp"
		f = open(out_fn, "w") # append
		f.write("; Generated by zgf_create_pool\n")
		for i in sorted(mdp_options.items()):
			f.write("%s = %s\n"%i)
		f.write("; EOF\n")
		options.grompp = out_fn
	# check if subsampling is reasonable
	if(os.path.getsize(options.presampling) > 100e6): # 100MB
		print("Presampling trajectory is large")
		trr = TrrFile(options.presampling)
		dt = trr.first_frame.next().t - trr.first_frame.t
		print("Presampling timestep is %.2f ps"%dt)
		if(dt < 10): # picoseconds
			#TODO: maybe calculate subsampling factor individually, or ask? 
			msg = "Subsample presampling trajectory by a tenth?"
			if(userinput(msg, "bool")):
				out_fn = options.presampling.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + "_tenth.trr"
				cmd = ["trjconv", "-f", options.presampling, "-o", out_fn, "-skip", "10"]
				options.presampling = out_fn
	# balance linears
		print("Balance Linears")
		old_converter = Converter(options.internals)
		print("Loading presampling....")
		frames = old_converter.read_trajectory(options.presampling)
		new_coord_list = []
		for c in old_converter:
			if(not isinstance(c, LinearCoordinate)):
				continue # we do not work on other Coordinate-Types
			#TODO: is this a good way to determine new_weight and new_offset??? 
			new_weight = c.weight / sqrt(2*frames.var().getcoord(c))
			new_offset = c.offset + frames.mean().getcoord(c)
			new_coord = LinearCoordinate(*c.atoms, label=c.label, weight=new_weight, offset=new_offset)
		new_converter = Converter(coord_list=new_coord_list)
		options.internals = old_converter.filename[:-4] + "_balanced.int"
		print("Writing balanced Converter to: "+options.internals)
		f = open(options.internals, "w")
		assert(len(Converter(options.internals)) == len(new_coord_list)) #try parsing
	# Finally: Create root-node and pool
	pool = Pool()
	if(len(pool) != 0):
		print("ERROR: A pool already exists here.")
	pool.int_fn = options.internals
	pool.mdp_fn = options.grompp
	pool.top_fn = options.topology
	pool.ndx_fn = options.index
	pool.temperature = int(temperature)
	pool.gr_threshold = options.gr_threshold
	pool.gr_chains = options.gr_chains
	pool.alpha = None
	pool.save() # save pool for the first time...

	# ... then we can save the first node...
	node0 = Node()
	node0.state = "refined"	
	node0.save() # also creates the node directory ... needed for symlink
	os.symlink(os.path.relpath(options.presampling, node0.dir), node0.trr_fn)
	os.symlink(os.path.relpath(options.molecule, node0.dir), node0.pdb_fn)
	pool.root_name = node0.name
	pool.save() #... now we have to save the pool again.
	if(not path.exists("analysis")):
def main(argv=None):
		argv = sys.argv
	options = options_desc.parse_args(argv)[0]

		# using numpy-random because python-random differs beetween 32 and 64 bit
	pool = Pool()
	old_pool_size = len(pool)
	print "pool", pool
	if(options.parent_node == "root"):
		parent = pool.root
		found = [n for n in pool if n.name == options.parent_node]
		assert(len(found) == 1)
		parent = found[0]
	print "### Generate nodes: %s ###" % options.methodnodes
	if(options.methodnodes == "kmeans"):
		chosen_idx = mknodes_kmeans(parent, options.numnodes)
	elif(options.methodnodes == "equidist"):
		chosen_idx = mknodes_equidist(parent, options.numnodes)
	elif(options.methodnodes == "maxdist"):
		chosen_idx = mknodes_maxdist(parent, options.numnodes)
	elif(options.methodnodes == "all"):
		chosen_idx = mknodes_all(parent)
		raise(Exception("Method unknown: "+options.methodnodes))

	chosen_idx.sort() # makes preview-trajectory easier to understand 
		write_node_preview(pool, parent, chosen_idx)
	for i in chosen_idx:
		n = Node()
		n.parent_frame_num = i
		n.parent = parent
		n.state = "creating-a-partition" # will be set to "created" at end of script
		n.extensions_counter = 0
		n.extensions_max = options.ext_max
		n.extensions_length = options.ext_length
		n.sampling_length = options.sampling_length	
		n.internals = parent.trajectory.getframe(i)
	print "\n### Obtain alpha: %s ###" % options.methodalphas
	old_alpha = pool.alpha
	if(options.methodalphas == "theta"):
		pool.alpha = calc_alpha_theta(pool)
	elif(options.methodalphas == "user"):
		pool.alpha = userinput("Please enter a value for alpha", "float")
		raise(Exception("Method unknown: "+options.methodalphas))
	pool.history.append({'refined_node': (parent.name, parent.state), 'size':old_pool_size, 'alpha':old_alpha, 'timestamp':datetime.now()})
	pool.save() # alpha might have changed
	print "\n### Obtain phi fit: %s ###" % options.methodphifit
	if(options.methodphifit == "harmonic"):
	elif(options.methodphifit == "switch"):
	elif(options.methodphifit == "leastsq"):
		raise(Exception("Method unkown: "+options.methodphifit))

	for n in pool.where("state == 'creating-a-partition'"):
		n.state = "created"
		print "saving " +str(n)
def main():
	options = options_desc.parse_args(sys.argv)[0]

	pool = Pool()
	active_nodes = pool.where("isa_partition")
			active_nodes = pool.where("isa_partition and not state=='mdrun-failed'")

	assert(len(active_nodes) == len(active_nodes.multilock())) # make sure we lock ALL nodes

	if active_nodes.where("'weight_direct' not in obs"):
		sys.exit("Matrix calculation not possible: Not all of the nodes have been reweighted.")
	print "\n### Getting S matrix ..."
	s_matrix = cache_matrix(pool.s_mat_fn, active_nodes, overwrite=options.overwrite_mat, fast=options.fast_mat)
	register_file_dependency(pool.s_mat_fn, pool.filename)

	node_weights = np.array([node.obs.weight_direct for node in active_nodes])
	print "\n### Symmetrizing S matrix ..."
	(corr_s_matrix, corr_node_weights) = symmetrize(s_matrix, node_weights, correct_weights=True, error=float(options.error))

	# store intermediate results
	register_file_dependency(pool.s_corr_mat_fn, pool.s_mat_fn)

	np.savez(pool.s_corr_mat_fn, matrix=corr_s_matrix, node_names=[n.name for n in active_nodes])
	if options.export_matlab:
		savemat(pool.analysis_dir+"node_weights.mat", {"node_weights":node_weights, "node_weights_corrected":corr_node_weights})
		savemat(pool.analysis_dir+"s_mats.mat", {"s_matrix":s_matrix, "s_matrix_corrected":corr_s_matrix})

	for (n, cw) in zip(active_nodes, corr_node_weights):
		n.obs.weight_corrected = cw
	print "\n### Node weights after symmetrization of S matrix:"
	for n in active_nodes:
		print "%s: initial weight: %f, corrected weight: %f, weight change: %f" % (n.name, n.obs.weight_direct, n.obs.weight_corrected, abs(n.obs.weight_direct - n.obs.weight_corrected))


	# calculate and sort eigenvalues in descending order
	(eigvalues, eigvectors) = np.linalg.eig(corr_s_matrix)
	argsorted_eigvalues = np.argsort(-eigvalues)
	eigvalues = eigvalues[argsorted_eigvalues]
	eigvectors = eigvectors[:, argsorted_eigvalues]
	gaps = np.abs(eigvalues[1:]-eigvalues[:-1])
	gaps = np.append(gaps, 0.0)
	wgaps = gaps*eigvalues

	print "\n### Sorted eigenvalues of symmetrized S matrix:"
	for (idx, ev, gap, wgap) in zip(range(1, len(eigvalues)+1), eigvalues, gaps, wgaps):
		print "EV%04d: %f, gap to next: %f, EV-weighted gap to next: %f" % (idx, ev, gap, wgap)
	n_clusters = np.argmax(wgaps)+1
	print "\n### Maximum gap %f after top %d eigenvalues." % (np.max(gaps), n_clusters)
	print "### Maximum EV-weighted gap %f after top %d eigenvalues." % (np.max(wgaps), np.argmax(wgaps)+1)
	if not options.auto_cluster:
		n_clusters = userinput("Please enter the number of clusters for PCCA+", "int", "x>0")
	print "### Using %d clusters for PCCA+ ..."%n_clusters

	if options.export_matlab:
		savemat(pool.analysis_dir+"evs.mat", {"evs":eigvectors})
	# orthogonalize and normalize eigenvectors 
	eigvectors = orthogonalize(eigvalues, eigvectors, corr_node_weights)

	# perform PCCA+
	# First two return-values "c_f" and "indicator" are not needed
	(chi_matrix, rot_matrix) = cluster_by_isa(eigvectors, n_clusters)[2:]

		print "\n### Optimizing chi matrix ..."
		outliers = 5
		mean_weight = np.mean(corr_node_weights)
		threshold = mean_weight/100*outliers
		print "Light-weight node threshold (%d%% of mean corrected node weight): %.4f."%(outliers, threshold)

		# accumulate nodes for optimization
		edges = np.where(np.max(chi_matrix, axis=1) > 0.9999)[0] # edges of simplex
		heavies = np.where( corr_node_weights > threshold)[0] # heavy-weight nodes
		filtered_eigvectors = eigvectors[ np.union1d(edges, heavies) ]

		# perform the actual optimization
		rot_matrix = opt_soft(filtered_eigvectors, rot_matrix, n_clusters)

		chi_matrix = np.dot(eigvectors[:,:n_clusters], rot_matrix)
		# deal with light-weight nodes: shift and scale
		for i in np.where(corr_node_weights <= threshold)[0]:
			if(i in edges):
				print "Column %d belongs to (potentially dangerous) light-weight node, but its node is a simplex edge."%(i+1)
			print "Column %d is shifted and scaled."%(i+1)
			col_min = np.min( chi_matrix[i,:] )
			chi_matrix[i,:] -= col_min
			chi_matrix[i,:] /= 1-(n_clusters*col_min)
	qc_matrix = np.dot( np.dot( np.linalg.inv(rot_matrix), np.diag(eigvalues[range(n_clusters)]) ), rot_matrix ) - np.eye(n_clusters)
	cluster_weights = rot_matrix[0]
	print "\n### Matrix numerics check"
	print "-- Q_c matrix row sums --"
	print np.sum(qc_matrix, axis=1)
	print "-- cluster weights: first column of rot_matrix --"
	print cluster_weights
	print "-- cluster weights: numpy.dot(node_weights, chi_matrix) --"
	print np.dot(corr_node_weights, chi_matrix)
	print "-- chi matrix column max values --"
	print np.max(chi_matrix, axis=0)
	print "-- chi matrix row sums --"
	print np.sum(chi_matrix, axis=1)

	# store final results
	np.savez(pool.chi_mat_fn, matrix=chi_matrix, n_clusters=n_clusters, node_names=[n.name for n in active_nodes])
	np.savez(pool.qc_mat_fn,  matrix=qc_matrix,  n_clusters=n_clusters, node_names=[n.name for n in active_nodes], weights=cluster_weights)

	if options.export_matlab:		
		savemat(pool.analysis_dir+"chi_mat.mat", {"chi_matrix":chi_matrix})
		savemat(pool.analysis_dir+"qc_mat.mat", {"qc_matrix":qc_matrix, "weights":cluster_weights})

	register_file_dependency(pool.chi_mat_fn, pool.s_corr_mat_fn)
	register_file_dependency(pool.qc_mat_fn, pool.s_corr_mat_fn)

	for fn in (pool.s_mat_fn, pool.s_corr_mat_fn):
		register_file_dependency(pool.chi_mat_fn, fn)
		register_file_dependency(pool.qc_mat_fn, fn)

	# touch analysis directory (triggering update in zgf_browser)
	atime = mtime = time.time()
	os.utime(pool.analysis_dir, (atime, mtime))

	# show summary
		print "\n### Preparing cluster summary ..."
		chi_threshold = 1E-3
		from pprint import pformat
		for i in range(n_clusters):
			involved_nodes = [active_nodes[ni] for ni in np.argwhere(chi_matrix[:,i] > chi_threshold)]
			max_chi_node = active_nodes[ np.argmax(chi_matrix[:,i]) ]
			c_max = []

			for c in  pool.converter:
				coord_range = pool.coord_range(c)
				scale = c.plot_scale
				edges = scale(np.linspace(np.min(coord_range), np.max(coord_range), num=50))
				hist_cluster = np.zeros(edges.size-1)

				for (n, chi) in zip([n for n in active_nodes], chi_matrix[:,i]):
					samples = scale( n.trajectory.getcoord(c) )
					hist_node = np.histogram(samples, bins=edges, weights=n.frameweights, normed=True)[0]
					hist_cluster += n.obs.weight_corrected * hist_node * chi

				c_max.append( scale(np.linspace(np.min(coord_range), np.max(coord_range), num=50))[np.argmax(hist_cluster)] )

			msg = "### Cluster %d (weight=%.4f, #involved nodes=%d, representative='%s'):"%(i+1, cluster_weights[i], len(involved_nodes), max_chi_node.name)
			print "\n"+msg
			print "-- internal coordinates --"
			print "%s"%pformat(["%.2f"%cm for cm in c_max])
			print "-- involved nodes --"
			print "%s"%pformat([n.name for n in involved_nodes])			
			print "-"*len(msg)
def main():
    options = options_desc.parse_args(sys.argv)[0]

    if (options.common_filename):
        options.molecule = options.common_filename + ".pdb"
        options.presampling = options.common_filename + ".trr"
        options.internals = options.common_filename + ".int"
        options.grompp = options.common_filename + ".mdp"
        options.topology = options.common_filename + ".top"
        options.index = options.common_filename + ".ndx"

    print("Options:\n%s\n" % pformat(eval(str(options))))

    assert (path.exists(options.molecule))
    assert (path.exists(options.presampling))
    assert (path.exists(options.internals))
    assert (path.exists(options.grompp))
    assert (path.exists(options.topology))

    #TODO: what if there is no index-file? (make_ndx)
    assert (path.exists(options.index))
    assert ('moi' in gromacs.read_index_file(
        options.index)), "group 'MOI' should be defined in index file"

    # checks e.g. if the mdp-file looks good
    mdp_options = gromacs.read_mdp_file(options.grompp)

    temperatures = [
        ref_t for ref_t in re.findall("[0-9]+", mdp_options["ref_t"])
    assert (len(set(temperatures)) == 1
            ), "temperature definition in mdp file is ambiguous"
    temperature = temperatures[0]

    # get sampling temperature from mdp file
    if (int(temperature) > 310):
        if not (userinput(
                "Your sampling temperature is set to %s K. Continue?" %
                temperature, "bool")):
            sys.exit("Quit by user.")

    # options we can fix
    mdp_options_dirty = False  #if set, a new mdp-file will be written

    # the value of the following options need to be fixed
    critical_mdp_options = {
        "dihre": "yes",
        "dihre_fc": "1",
        "disre": "simple",
        "disre_fc": "1",
        "gen_temp": temperature
    for (k, v) in critical_mdp_options.items():
        if (mdp_options.has_key(k) and mdp_options[k].strip() != v):
            print "Error. I do not want to use '%s' for option '%s' ('%s' required). Please fix your mdp file." % (
                mdp_options[k].strip(), k, v)
            mdp_options[k] = v
            mdp_options_dirty = True

    # the value of the following options does not matter, but they should be there
    noncritical_mdp_options = {
        "tcoupl": "no",
        "pcoupl": "no",
        "gen_vel": "no",
        "gen_seed": "-1"
    for (k, v) in noncritical_mdp_options.items():
        if not (mdp_options.has_key(k)):
            mdp_options[k] = v
            mdp_options_dirty = True

    a = mdp_options.has_key("energygrps") and "moi" not in [
        str(egrp) for egrp in re.findall('[\S]+', mdp_options["energygrps"])
    b = not (mdp_options.has_key("energygrps"))
    if (a or b):
        if not (userinput(
                "'MOI' is not defined as an energy group in your mdp file. Maybe you have forgotten to define proper 'energygrps'. Continue?",
            sys.exit("Quit by user.")

    a, b = mdp_options.has_key("nstxout"), mdp_options.has_key("nstenergy")
    if (a and not b):
        mdp_options["nstenergy"] = mdp_options["nstxout"]
        mdp_options_dirty = True
    elif (b and not a):
        mdp_options["nstxout"] = mdp_options["nstenergy"]
        mdp_options_dirty = True
    elif (b and a):
        assert (mdp_options["nstxout"] == mdp_options["nstenergy"]
                ), "nstxout should equal nstenergy"

    if (int(mdp_options["nsteps"]) > 1e6):
        msg = "Number of MD-steps?"
        mdp_options["nsteps"] = str(
            userinput(msg, "int", default=int(mdp_options["nsteps"])))

    # create a fixed mdp-file
    if (mdp_options_dirty):
        print("Creating copy of mdp-file and adding missing options.")
        out_fn = options.grompp.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + "_fixed.mdp"
        f = open(out_fn, "w")  # append
        f.write("; Generated by zgf_create_pool\n")
        for i in sorted(mdp_options.items()):
            f.write("%s = %s\n" % i)
        f.write("; EOF\n")
        options.grompp = out_fn

    # check if subsampling is reasonable
    if (os.path.getsize(options.presampling) > 100e6):  # 100MB
        print("Presampling trajectory is large")
        trr = TrrFile(options.presampling)
        dt = trr.first_frame.next().t - trr.first_frame.t
        print("Presampling timestep is %.2f ps" % dt)
        if (dt < 10):  # picoseconds
            #TODO: maybe calculate subsampling factor individually, or ask?
            msg = "Subsample presampling trajectory by a tenth?"
            if (userinput(msg, "bool")):
                out_fn = options.presampling.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + "_tenth.trr"
                cmd = [
                    "trjconv", "-f", options.presampling, "-o", out_fn,
                    "-skip", "10"
                options.presampling = out_fn

    # balance linears
    if (options.balance_linears):
        print("Balance Linears")
        old_converter = Converter(options.internals)
        print("Loading presampling....")
        frames = old_converter.read_trajectory(options.presampling)
        new_coord_list = []
        for c in old_converter:
            if (not isinstance(c, LinearCoordinate)):
                continue  # we do not work on other Coordinate-Types
            #TODO: is this a good way to determine new_weight and new_offset???
            new_weight = c.weight / sqrt(2 * frames.var().getcoord(c))
            new_offset = c.offset + frames.mean().getcoord(c)
            new_coord = LinearCoordinate(*c.atoms,
        new_converter = Converter(coord_list=new_coord_list)

        assert (old_converter.filename.endswith(".int"))
        options.internals = old_converter.filename[:-4] + "_balanced.int"
        print("Writing balanced Converter to: " + options.internals)
        f = open(options.internals, "w")
        assert (len(Converter(options.internals)) == len(new_coord_list)
                )  #try parsing

    # Finally: Create root-node and pool
    pool = Pool()
    if (len(pool) != 0):
        print("ERROR: A pool already exists here.")

    pool.int_fn = options.internals
    pool.mdp_fn = options.grompp
    pool.top_fn = options.topology
    pool.ndx_fn = options.index
    pool.temperature = int(temperature)
    pool.gr_threshold = options.gr_threshold
    pool.gr_chains = options.gr_chains
    pool.alpha = None
    pool.save()  # save pool for the first time...

    # ... then we can save the first node...
    node0 = Node()
    node0.state = "refined"
    node0.save()  # also creates the node directory ... needed for symlink
    os.symlink(os.path.relpath(options.presampling, node0.dir), node0.trr_fn)
    os.symlink(os.path.relpath(options.molecule, node0.dir), node0.pdb_fn)

    pool.root_name = node0.name
    pool.save()  #... now we have to save the pool again.

    if (not path.exists("analysis")):
def main():
	options = options_desc.parse_args(sys.argv)[0]

	pool = Pool()
	active_nodes = pool.where("isa_partition")
	assert(len(active_nodes) == len(active_nodes.multilock())) # make sure we lock ALL nodes

	if active_nodes.where("'weight_direct' not in obs"):
		sys.exit("Matrix calculation not possible: Not all of the nodes have been reweighted.")
	print "\n### Getting S matrix ..."
	s_matrix = cache_matrix(pool.s_mat_fn, active_nodes, overwrite=options.overwrite_mat)
	register_file_dependency(pool.s_mat_fn, pool.filename)

	print "\n### Getting K matrix ..."
	k_matrix = cache_matrix(pool.k_mat_fn, active_nodes, shift=options.lag_time, overwrite=options.overwrite_mat)
	register_file_dependency(pool.k_mat_fn, pool.filename)	

	node_weights = np.array([node.obs.weight_direct for node in active_nodes])
	print "\n### Symmetrizing S matrix ..."
	(corr_s_matrix, corr_node_weights) = symmetrize(s_matrix, node_weights, correct_weights=True, error=float(options.error))
	print "\n### Symmetrizing K matrix ..."
	(corr_k_matrix, corr_node_weights) = symmetrize(k_matrix, corr_node_weights)

	# store intermediate results
	register_file_dependency(pool.s_corr_mat_fn, pool.s_mat_fn)
	register_file_dependency(pool.k_corr_mat_fn, pool.k_mat_fn)
	np.savez(pool.s_corr_mat_fn, matrix=corr_s_matrix, node_names=[n.name for n in active_nodes])
	np.savez(pool.k_corr_mat_fn, matrix=corr_k_matrix, node_names=[n.name for n in active_nodes])
	if options.export_matlab:
		savemat(pool.analysis_dir+"node_weights.mat", {"node_weights":node_weights, "node_weights_corrected":corr_node_weights})
		savemat(pool.analysis_dir+"s_mats.mat", {"s_matrix":s_matrix, "s_matrix_corrected":corr_s_matrix})
		savemat(pool.analysis_dir+"k_mats.mat", {"k_matrix":k_matrix, "k_matrix_corrected":corr_k_matrix})
	for (n, cw) in zip(active_nodes, corr_node_weights):
		n.obs.weight_corrected = cw
	print "\n### Node weights after symmetrization of S matrix:"
	for n in active_nodes:
		print "%s: initial weight: %f, corrected weight: %f, weight change: %f" % (n.name, n.obs.weight_direct, n.obs.weight_corrected, abs(n.obs.weight_direct - n.obs.weight_corrected))


	# calculate and sort eigenvalues in descending order
	(eigvalues, eigvectors) = np.linalg.eig(corr_s_matrix)
	argsorted_eigvalues = np.argsort(-eigvalues)
	eigvalues = eigvalues[argsorted_eigvalues]
	eigvectors = eigvectors[:, argsorted_eigvalues]
	gaps = np.abs(eigvalues[1:]-eigvalues[:-1])
	gaps = np.append(gaps, 0.0)
	wgaps = gaps*eigvalues

	print "\n### Sorted eigenvalues of symmetrized S matrix:"
	for (idx, ev, gap, wgap) in zip(range(1, len(eigvalues)+1), eigvalues, gaps, wgaps):
		print "EV%04d: %f, gap to next: %f, EV-weighted gap to next: %f" % (idx, ev, gap, wgap)
	n_clusters = np.argmax(wgaps)+1
	print "\n### Maximum gap %f after top %d eigenvalues." % (np.max(gaps), n_clusters)
	print "### Maximum EV-weighted gap %f after top %d eigenvalues." % (np.max(wgaps), np.argmax(wgaps)+1)
	if not options.auto_cluster:
		n_clusters = userinput("Please enter the number of clusters for PCCA+", "int", "x>0")
	print "### Using %d clusters for PCCA+ ..."%n_clusters

	print "eigenvectors"
	print eigvectors[:, :n_clusters]

	if options.export_matlab:
		savemat(pool.analysis_dir+"evs.mat", {"evs":eigvectors})
	# orthogonalize and normalize eigenvectors 
	eigvectors = orthogonalize(eigvalues, eigvectors, corr_node_weights)

	# perform PCCA+
	# First two return-values "c_f" and "indicator" are not needed
	(chi_matrix, rot_matrix) = cluster_by_isa(eigvectors, n_clusters)[2:]
	#TODO at the moment, K-matrix is not used
	#xi = [] # calculate eigenvalues of Q_c, xi
	#for eigvec in np.transpose(eigvectors)[: n_clusters]:
	#	num = np.dot( np.dot( np.transpose(eigvec), corr_k_matrix ), eigvec )
	#	denom = np.dot( np.dot( np.transpose(eigvec), corr_s_matrix ), eigvec )
	#	xi.append(num/denom-1)

	#print np.diag(xi) #TODO what does this tell us? Marcus-check

	qc_matrix = np.dot( np.dot( np.linalg.inv(rot_matrix), np.diag(eigvalues[range(n_clusters)]) ), rot_matrix ) - np.eye(n_clusters)

	cluster_weights = rot_matrix[0]

	print "Q_c matrix:"
	print qc_matrix
	print "Q_c matrix row sums:"
	print np.sum(qc_matrix, axis=1)
	print "cluster weights (calculated twice for checking):"
	print cluster_weights
	print np.dot(corr_node_weights, chi_matrix)
	print "chi matrix column sums:"
	print np.sum(chi_matrix, axis=0)
	print "chi matrix row sums:"
	print np.sum(chi_matrix, axis=1)

	# store final results
	np.savez(pool.chi_mat_fn, matrix=chi_matrix, n_clusters=n_clusters, node_names=[n.name for n in active_nodes])
	np.savez(pool.qc_mat_fn,  matrix=qc_matrix,  n_clusters=n_clusters, node_names=[n.name for n in active_nodes], weights=cluster_weights)

	if options.export_matlab:
		savemat(pool.analysis_dir+"chi_mat.mat", {"chi_matrix":chi_matrix})
		savemat(pool.analysis_dir+"qc_mat.mat", {"qc_matrix":qc_matrix, "weights":cluster_weights})

	register_file_dependency(pool.chi_mat_fn, pool.s_corr_mat_fn)
	register_file_dependency(pool.qc_mat_fn, pool.s_corr_mat_fn)
	for fn in (pool.s_mat_fn, pool.s_corr_mat_fn, pool.k_mat_fn, pool.k_corr_mat_fn):
		register_file_dependency(pool.chi_mat_fn, fn)
		register_file_dependency(pool.qc_mat_fn, fn)