def test_ZMQ_proxy_client(): """ Checks the client proxy class. The client proxy should obtain the exposed function names of the named object on the server, the doc strings for each of those, and should be able to call the functions as if they were local. """ foo_proxy = ZMQJSONProxyClient(ctx, 'foo', url) assert 'Cat process' in cat_ret = assert cat_ret == "meow" assert 'Dog process' in dog_ret = assert dog_ret == "woof" assert 'Frog process' in foo_proxy.frog.__doc__ frog_ret = foo_proxy.frog() assert frog_ret == "rivet!" assert 'Adds two' in foo_proxy.add_two.__doc__ add_ret = foo_proxy.add_two(2, 2) assert add_ret == 4 add_ret = foo_proxy.add_two(2, y=3) assert add_ret == 5 add_ret = foo_proxy.add_two(y=3, x=4) assert add_ret == 7
def test_ZMQ_proxy_client(): """ Checks the client proxy class. The client proxy should obtain the exposed function names of the named object on the server, the doc strings for each of those, and should be able to call the functions as if they were local. """ foo_proxy = ZMQJSONProxyClient(ctx, 'foo', url) assert 'Cat process' in cat_ret = assert cat_ret == "meow" assert 'Dog process' in dog_ret = assert dog_ret == "woof" assert 'Frog process' in foo_proxy.frog.__doc__ frog_ret = foo_proxy.frog() assert frog_ret == "rivet!" assert 'Adds two' in foo_proxy.add_two.__doc__ add_ret = foo_proxy.add_two(2, 2) assert add_ret == 4 add_ret = foo_proxy.add_two(2, y = 3) assert add_ret == 5 add_ret = foo_proxy.add_two(y = 3, x = 4) assert add_ret == 7
def __init__(self, ctx, name, url = None): if url: self.url = url else: dibas_dir = os.getenv('DIBAS_DIR') if dibas_dir == None: raise Exception("'DIBAS_DIR' is not set!") config_file = dibas_dir + '/etc/config/dibas.conf' config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.readfp(open(config_file)) playerhost = config.get(name.upper(), 'hpchost').lstrip('"').rstrip('"') playerport = config.getint(name.upper(), 'player_port') self.url = "tcp://%s:%i" % (playerhost, playerport) ZMQJSONProxyClient.__init__(self, ctx, 'bank', self.url, time_out = 180) self.roach = ZMQJSONProxyClient(ctx, 'bank.roach', self.url) self.valon = ZMQJSONProxyClient(ctx, 'bank.valon', self.url)