def checkTheWorld(self):
        # Test constructors
        u = PersistentList()
        u0 = PersistentList(l0)
        u1 = PersistentList(l1)
        u2 = PersistentList(l2)

        uu = PersistentList(u)
        uu0 = PersistentList(u0)
        uu1 = PersistentList(u1)
        uu2 = PersistentList(u2)

        v = PersistentList(tuple(u))
        class OtherList:
            def __init__(self, initlist):
                self.__data = initlist
            def __len__(self):
                return len(self.__data)
            def __getitem__(self, i):
                return self.__data[i]
        v0 = PersistentList(OtherList(u0))
        vv = PersistentList("this is also a sequence")

        # Test __repr__
        eq = self.assertEqual

        eq(str(u0), str(l0), "str(u0) == str(l0)")
        eq(repr(u1), repr(l1), "repr(u1) == repr(l1)")
        eq(`u2`, `l2`, "`u2` == `l2`")

        # Test __cmp__ and __len__

        def mycmp(a, b):
            r = cmp(a, b)
            if r < 0: return -1
            if r > 0: return 1
            return r

        all = [l0, l1, l2, u, u0, u1, u2, uu, uu0, uu1, uu2]
        for a in all:
            for b in all:
                eq(mycmp(a, b), mycmp(len(a), len(b)),
                      "mycmp(a, b) == mycmp(len(a), len(b))")

        # Test __getitem__

        for i in range(len(u2)):
            eq(u2[i], i, "u2[i] == i")

        # Test __setitem__

        uu2[0] = 0
        uu2[1] = 100
            uu2[2] = 200
        except IndexError:
            raise TestFailed("uu2[2] shouldn't be assignable")

        # Test __delitem__

        del uu2[1]
        del uu2[0]
            del uu2[0]
        except IndexError:
            raise TestFailed("uu2[0] shouldn't be deletable")

        # Test __getslice__

        for i in range(-3, 4):
            eq(u2[:i], l2[:i], "u2[:i] == l2[:i]")
            eq(u2[i:], l2[i:], "u2[i:] == l2[i:]")
            for j in range(-3, 4):
                eq(u2[i:j], l2[i:j], "u2[i:j] == l2[i:j]")

        # Test __setslice__

        for i in range(-3, 4):
            u2[:i] = l2[:i]
            eq(u2, l2, "u2 == l2")
            u2[i:] = l2[i:]
            eq(u2, l2, "u2 == l2")
            for j in range(-3, 4):
                u2[i:j] = l2[i:j]
                eq(u2, l2, "u2 == l2")

        uu2 = u2[:]
        uu2[:0] = [-2, -1]
        eq(uu2, [-2, -1, 0, 1], "uu2 == [-2, -1, 0, 1]")
        uu2[0:] = []
        eq(uu2, [], "uu2 == []")

        # Test __contains__
        for i in u2:
            self.failUnless(i in u2, "i in u2")
        for i in min(u2)-1, max(u2)+1:
            self.failUnless(i not in u2, "i not in u2")

        # Test __delslice__

        uu2 = u2[:]
        del uu2[1:2]
        del uu2[0:1]
        eq(uu2, [], "uu2 == []")

        uu2 = u2[:]
        del uu2[1:]
        del uu2[:1]
        eq(uu2, [], "uu2 == []")

        # Test __add__, __radd__, __mul__ and __rmul__

        #self.failUnless(u1 + [] == [] + u1 == u1, "u1 + [] == [] + u1 == u1")
        self.failUnless(u1 + [1] == u2, "u1 + [1] == u2")
        #self.failUnless([-1] + u1 == [-1, 0], "[-1] + u1 == [-1, 0]")
        self.failUnless(u2 == u2*1 == 1*u2, "u2 == u2*1 == 1*u2")
        self.failUnless(u2+u2 == u2*2 == 2*u2, "u2+u2 == u2*2 == 2*u2")
        self.failUnless(u2+u2+u2 == u2*3 == 3*u2, "u2+u2+u2 == u2*3 == 3*u2")

        # Test append

        u = u1[:]
        eq(u, u2, "u == u2")

        # Test insert

        u = u2[:]
        u.insert(0, -1)
        eq(u, [-1, 0, 1], "u == [-1, 0, 1]")

        # Test pop

        u = PersistentList([0, -1, 1])
        eq(u, [0, -1], "u == [0, -1]")
        eq(u, [-1], "u == [-1]")

        # Test remove

        u = u2[:]
        eq(u, u1, "u == u1")

        # Test count
        u = u2*3
        eq(u.count(0), 3, "u.count(0) == 3")
        eq(u.count(1), 3, "u.count(1) == 3")
        eq(u.count(2), 0, "u.count(2) == 0")

        # Test index

        eq(u2.index(0), 0, "u2.index(0) == 0")
        eq(u2.index(1), 1, "u2.index(1) == 1")
        except ValueError:
            raise TestFailed("expected ValueError")

        # Test reverse

        u = u2[:]
        eq(u, [1, 0], "u == [1, 0]")
        eq(u, u2, "u == u2")

        # Test sort

        u = PersistentList([1, 0])
        eq(u, u2, "u == u2")

        # Test extend

        u = u1[:]
        eq(u, u1 + u2, "u == u1 + u2")
class Dispatcher:
    """ Sends commands to and receives results from a web browser. 
        _Computer Science_: A routine that controls the order in which input 
        and output devices obtain access to the processing system.
    In Selenium, the Dispatcher class takes commands to be executed and puts 
    them in a queue for a web browser to read.
    When the browser reads this queue for a command to execute, it adds the 
    previous command's result to the Dispatcher's result queue.
    def __init__(self):
        self.queue_timeout = QUEUE_TIMEOUT             
        self._commands = PersistentList()
        self._results = PersistentList()

    # Command queue methods
    def clearCommands(self):
        del self._commands[:]
        return 'Commands cleared'
    def addCommand(self, command, REQUEST=None):
        """ Add a command to the commands queue """  
        # super important to commit the change at this point...
        # In some methods (like webDriver and apiDriver), there is a later call
        # to '_p_jar.sync(), and that 
        # call would 'roll-back' this action if we didn't commit here.
        return 'Command added'

    def getCommand(self, REQUEST=None):
        """ Retreive a command from the commands queue """
        if len(self._commands) != 0:
            response = self._commands.pop(0)
            # if the queue is empty wait to see if any commands are entered 
            # until we're forced to time out the request.
            elapsed_time = 0
            step = .5   # in seconds
            while elapsed_time <= self.queue_timeout:
                time.sleep(step)   #in seconds
                elapsed_time += step
                # Syncronize with the ZODB in case of any recent updates.
                # If this is being run as a unit test, we won't have an
                # attribute named "_p_jar" that we can sync()
                if not getattr(self,'_p_jar', None):
                    response = self._commands.pop(0)
                except IndexError:
                    response = 'ERROR: Command queue was empty' 
        return response        

    def getCommandQueueSize(self, REQUEST=None):
        """ Query the size of the commands queue """
        size = len(self._commands)
        return size

    # Result queue methods
    def clearResults(self):
        del self._results[:]
        return 'Results cleared'
    def addResult(self, result, REQUEST=None):
        """ Add a result to the results queue """
        # super important to commit the change at this point...
        # In some methods (like webDriver and apiDriver), there is a later call
        # to '_p_jar.sync(), and that 
        # call would 'roll-back' this action if we didn't commit here.        
        return 'Result added'

    def getResult(self, REQUEST=None):
        """ Retrieve a result from the results queue """
        if len(self._results) != 0:
            response = self._results.pop(0)
            # if the queue is empty wait to see if any results are entered 
            # until we're forced to time out the request.
            elapsed_time = 0
            step = .5   # in seconds
            while 1:
                time.sleep(step)   #in seconds
                elapsed_time += step
                # Syncronize with the ZODB in case of any recent updates.
                # If this is being run as a unit test, we won't have an
                # attribute named "_p_jar" that we can sync()
                if not getattr(self,'_p_jar', None):
                    response = self._results.pop(0)
                except IndexError:
                    if elapsed_time >= self.queue_timeout:
                        response = 'ERROR: Result queue was empty'
        return response        

    def getResultQueueSize(self, REQUEST=None):
        """ Query the size of the results queue """        
        size = len(self._results)
        return size

    # Misc. methods
    def setTimeout(self,timeout):
        """ Set the timeout period in seconds that a browser or driver should
        wait before timing out"""
        self.queue_timeout = timeout
        return "Timeout set to %s seconds" % timeout
    def webDriver(self, REQUEST=None):
        """ Gets a command from the command queue. Also, adds a result 
        to the result queue, unless the seleniumStart form paramter 
        (seleniumStart=true) is present.
        Note: this method is usually called from a web browser
        as "http://<server>/selenium-driver/driver"
        if REQUEST:
            command_result = REQUEST.form.get('commandResult')
            selenium_start = REQUEST.form.get('seleniumStart')            
            # If 'seleniumStart' is a parameter on the request, 
            # it means this is the first time hitting the driver,  
            # and therefore, there is no previous result to post to 
            # the results queue.
            if selenium_start:
            if command_result:
            return self.getCommand()                        
            return "ERROR: Missing an HTTP REQUEST"       
    def apiDriver(self, command_string="", REQUEST=None):
        """ Adds a command to the command queue, and gets a result 
        from the result queue.
        Note: this method is usually called from Python 
        source code, not a web browser."""
        if REQUEST:
            command_string = REQUEST.form.get('command_string')

        # if test is complete, don't try retrieving a response from the browser.
        if command_string.find('testComplete') >= 0:
            return 'test complete'
            return self.getResult()