 def add_maps(self, result, schema, ds):
     Return a list of ObjectMaps with properties updates for each table.
     schema = json.loads(schema)
     return [ObjectMap({
         "compname": "hbase_tables/%s" % self.component,
         "modname": "HBase table state",
         "enabled": matcher(result, r'.+<td>Enabled</td><td>(\w+)</td>'),
         "compaction": matcher(result, r'.+<td>Compaction</td><td>(\w+)</td>'),
         "number_of_col_families": len(schema.get('ColumnSchema')),
         "col_family_block_size": _block_size(schema.get('ColumnSchema')),
 def get_events(self, result, ds):
     Return a list of event dictionaries informing about the health
     of the table.
     enabled = matcher(result, r'.+<td>Enabled</td><td>(\w+)</td>')
     summary = 'Monitoring ok'
     if enabled != 'true':
         summary = "The table '{0}' is disabled".format(self.component)
     if not enabled:
         summary = "The table '{0}' is dropped".format(self.component)
     # Send error or clear event.
     severity = ((summary != 'Monitoring ok') and ZenEventClasses.Error
                 or ZenEventClasses.Clear)
     return [{
         'component': self.component,
         'summary': summary,
         'eventKey': 'hbase_table_monitoring_error',
         'eventClass': '/Status',
         'severity': severity,