        elif isinstance (rhs, (datetime.date, datetime.datetime)) :
            return self.new_dtw (rhs - self._body)
        else :
            return self.dt_op (-rhs, operator.add)
    # end def __rsub__

    def __str__ (self) :
        return self.as_string
    # end def __str__

    def __sub__ (self, rhs) :
        return self.dt_op (rhs, operator.sub)
    # end def __sub__

# end class Relative_Delta

class _Relative_Delta_Arg_ (TFL.CAO.Str) :
    """Argument or option with a (calendary) relative-delta value"""

    _real_name = "Relative_Delta"

    def cook (self, value, cao = None) :
        return Relative_Delta.from_string (value)
    # end def cook

# end class _Delta_Arg_

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    CAL._Export ("*")
### __END__ CAL.Relative_Delta
    # end def __lt__

    def __sub__(self, rhs):
        return self.__class__(**{self.Class._kind: self._wrapped - rhs})

    # end def __sub__

    __str__ = property(lambda s: s._wrapped.__str__)

# end class _Mutable_DTW_

def _import_cb_json_dump(module):
    @module.default.add_type(_DTW_, _Mutable_DTW_)
    def json_encode_cal(o):
            encoder = o._body.isoformat
        except AttributeError:
            encoder = o.__str__
        return encoder()

# end def _import_cb_json_dump

if __name__ != "__main__":
    CAL._Export("_DTW_", "_Mutable_DTW_")
### __END__ CAL._DTW_
文件: Plan.py 项目: xiaochang91/tapyr
    , description =
      """Manage appointments/activities in a yearly calendar.

         The arguments specify appointments. Examples of arguments:

         '7.1. +1w*52 14:30-15 =j SW-Jour-Fixe'
         '21.6. +1*8 =V Vacation'

         Argument syntax:

         <DD>.<MM>. +<delta><unit>*<how_often>
             <hh>:<mm>-<hh>:<mm> =<Prio> <Activity/Appointment>

         Date, repeat-info, time, and priority are all optional, but at
         least one field of date or time must be specified. Missing date
         fields are replaced by the current day/month.

         The delta-unit can be specified as `d` for days (default), `w`
         for weeks, or `m` for months.

         The priority is a single letter (upper or lowercase) or number.

if __name__ != "__main__":
### __END__ CAL.Plan
文件: JD.py 项目: xiaochang91/tapyr
#     5-Jun-2004 (CT) Creation
#    11-Aug-2007 (CT) U_Test ballast removed
#    ««revision-date»»···

"""A julian day number is a continuous count of days from the beginning of
the year -4712. By (astronomical) tradition, the Julian Day begins at
Greenwhich mean noon, that is, at 12h Universal Time.

see Jean Meeus, Astronomical Algorithms, 1991, 1998

def JD (d, m, y) :
    """Returns Julian Day number for year `y`, month `m`, and day `d`."""
    if m <= 2 :
        y -= 1
        m += 12
    if (y, m, d) >= (1582, 10, 15) :
        a = int (y / 100)
        b = 2 - a + int (a / 4)
    else :
        b = 0
    jd = int (365.25  * (y + 4716)) + int (30.6001 * (m + 1)) + d + b - 1524.5
    return jd
# end def JD

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    from _CAL import CAL
    CAL._Export ("JD")
### __END__ JD
文件: _DTW_.py 项目: Tapyr/tapyr
    # end def __lt__

    def __sub__(self, rhs):
        return self.__class__(**{self.Class._kind: self._wrapped - rhs})

    # end def __sub__

    __str__ = property(lambda s: s._wrapped.__str__)

# end class _Mutable_DTW_

def _import_cb_json_dump(module):
    @module.default.add_type(_DTW_, _Mutable_DTW_)
    def json_encode_cal(o):
            encoder = o._body.isoformat
        except AttributeError:
            encoder = o.__str__
        return encoder()

# end def _import_cb_json_dump

if __name__ != "__main__":
    CAL._Export("_DTW_", "_Mutable_DTW_")
### __END__ CAL._DTW_
文件: Delta.py 项目: JPilarr/tapyr
    _real_name = "Date_Delta"
    D_Type = Date_Delta

# end class _Date_Delta_Arg_

class _Date_Time_Delta_Arg_(_Delta_Arg_):
    """Argument or option with a (calendary) datetime-delta value"""

    _real_name = "Date_Time_Delta"
    D_Type = Date_Time_Delta

# end class _Date_Time_Delta_Arg_

class _Time_Delta_Arg_(_Delta_Arg_):
    """Argument or option with a (calendary) time-delta value"""

    _real_name = "Time_Delta"
    D_Type = Time_Delta

# end class _Time_Delta_Arg_

if __name__ != "__main__":
    CAL._Export("*", "_Delta_Mixin_", "_Delta_", "Delta")
### __END__ CAL.Delta
        if not sos.path.isdir (path) :
            sos.mkdir (path)
        if cmd.diary :
            create_diary (Y, path)
        if cmd.create :
            if cmd.Plan :
                write_year (Y.as_plan, pfil, cmd.force)
            if cmd.View :
                write_year (Y.as_cal,  vfil, cmd.force)
# end def _main

_Command = TFL.CAO.Cmd \
    ( handler     = _main
    , opts        =
        ( "create:B?Write files"
        , "diary:B?Create a diary file per day"
        , "force:B?Overwrite existing files if any"
        , "path:S=~/diary?Path for calendar files"
        , "Plan:S=plan?Filename of plan for `year`"
        , "View:S=view?Filename of view for `year`"
        , "year:I=%d?Year for which to process calendar" % (CAL.Date ().year, )
    , max_args    = 0

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    CAL._Export ("Year")
else :
    _Command ()
### __END__ CAL.Year
#    Generic function returning a string usable for display in user interface
# Revision Dates
#     6-Feb-2015 (CT) Creation
#    ««revision-date»»···

from __future__ import division, print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

from _CAL import CAL

import _CAL._DTW_

from _TFL.ui_display import *

import datetime

@ui_display.add_type(CAL._DTW_, datetime.date, datetime.time,
def _ui_display_date(obj):
    return pyk.text_type(obj)

# end def _ui_display_date

if __name__ != "__main__":
### __END__ CAL.ui_display
文件: Year.py 项目: Tapyr/tapyr
        if not sos.path.isdir (path) :
            sos.mkdir (path)
        if cmd.diary :
            create_diary (Y, path)
        if cmd.create :
            if cmd.Plan :
                write_year (Y.as_plan, pfil, cmd.force)
            if cmd.View :
                write_year (Y.as_cal,  vfil, cmd.force)
# end def _main

_Command = TFL.CAO.Cmd \
    ( handler     = _main
    , opts        =
        ( "create:B?Write files"
        , "diary:B?Create a diary file per day"
        , "force:B?Overwrite existing files if any"
        , "path:S=~/diary?Path for calendar files"
        , "Plan:S=plan?Filename of plan for `year`"
        , "View:S=view?Filename of view for `year`"
        , "year:I=%d?Year for which to process calendar" % (CAL.Date ().year, )
    , max_args    = 0

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    CAL._Export ("Year")
else :
    _Command ()
### __END__ CAL.Year
文件: ui_display.py 项目: Tapyr/tapyr
# Name
#    CAL.ui_display
# Purpose
#    Generic function returning a string usable for display in user interface
# Revision Dates
#     6-Feb-2015 (CT) Creation
#    ««revision-date»»···

from   __future__ import division, print_function
from   __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

from   _CAL                       import CAL

import _CAL._DTW_

from   _TFL.ui_display            import *

import datetime

@ui_display.add_type (CAL._DTW_, datetime.date, datetime.time, datetime.timedelta)
def _ui_display_date (obj) :
    return pyk.text_type (obj)
# end def _ui_display_date

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    CAL._Export ("ui_display")
### __END__ CAL.ui_display
文件: Delta.py 项目: Tapyr/tapyr
# end class _Delta_Arg_

class _Date_Delta_Arg_ (_Delta_Arg_) :
    """Argument or option with a (calendary) date-delta value"""

    _real_name = "Date_Delta"
    D_Type     = Date_Delta

# end class _Date_Delta_Arg_

class _Date_Time_Delta_Arg_ (_Delta_Arg_) :
    """Argument or option with a (calendary) datetime-delta value"""

    _real_name = "Date_Time_Delta"
    D_Type     = Date_Time_Delta

# end class _Date_Time_Delta_Arg_

class _Time_Delta_Arg_ (_Delta_Arg_) :
    """Argument or option with a (calendary) time-delta value"""

    _real_name = "Time_Delta"
    D_Type     = Time_Delta

# end class _Time_Delta_Arg_

if __name__ != "__main__" :
    CAL._Export ("*", "_Delta_Mixin_", "_Delta_", "Delta")
### __END__ CAL.Delta