def simulatePasteKeystroke( self ): """ Simulate Ctrl-V, which is the paste command in most applications. """ ContextUtils.typeCommandKey( "v" )
def simulateCutKeystroke( self ): """ Simulate Ctrl-X, which is the cut command in most applications. """ ContextUtils.typeCommandKey( "x" )
def simulateCopyKeystroke( self ): """ Simulate Ctrl-C, which is the copy command in most applications. """ ContextUtils.typeCommandKey( "c" )
def getSelectedFiles(self): """ Returns a list of the names of the files that are selected. Each element of the list is an absolute path. If no files are selected, it returns None (not an empty list). """ ClipboardBackend.prepareForClipboardToChange() ContextUtils.typeCommandKey("C") success = ClipboardBackend.waitForClipboardToChange( FILE_COPY_WAIT_TIME) if not success: return None return self.__getHdropFiles()
def getSelectedFiles( self ): """ Returns a list of the names of the files that are selected. Each element of the list is an absolute path. If no files are selected, it returns None (not an empty list). """ ClipboardBackend.prepareForClipboardToChange() ContextUtils.typeCommandKey( "C" ) success = ClipboardBackend.waitForClipboardToChange( FILE_COPY_WAIT_TIME ) if not success: return None return self.__getHdropFiles()
def simulateCutKeystroke( self ): ContextUtils.typeCommandKey( "w" )
def simulatePasteKeystroke( self ): ContextUtils.typeCommandKey( "y" )
def simulateCutKeystroke(self): # Ctrl-Del should work by default in Windows version of Vim/gVim ContextUtils.typeCommandKey(win32con.VK_DELETE)