def inspect(args): '''Print the body of the command''' # sanity check util.verify_lib_dir() # remember the current directory curr_dir = os.getcwd() # go to the directory containing all shell files os.chdir(util.lib_dir()) # try to print the body of each command for command in args.command: print('') if os.path.exists(command + '.sh'): print('# Contents for \'' + command + '\' (' + os.path.abspath(command + '.sh') + ')\n') # the actual contents of the shell file lines = '' with open(command + '.sh', mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f.readlines(): lines = lines + ' ' + line # show a message if the file is empty if lines: print(lines) else: print(' ### The body for the command \'' + command + '\' has not been defined yet ###') else: print ('# File not found for \'' + command + '\' (' + os.path.abspath(command + '.sh') + ')') # go back to the original directory os.chdir(curr_dir)
def create_entry_point(command): '''Create an empty shell file in the 'lib' directory for the command's body''' # remember the current directory curr_dir = os.getcwd() # go to the root directory where shell files exist for the manager os.chdir(util.lib_dir()) # attempt to write the file file_name = util.shell_file_name(command) if not os.path.exists(file_name): with open(file_name, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f: print('#') print('# A new entry point file has been created.') print('# The contents of this file will be used as the body') print('# of a function that will be called every time you') print('# invoke \'' + command + '\' from the command line.') print('# You may create files in the \'public\' directory and') print('# reference them as needed.') print('#') print('# Entry point --> ' + os.path.abspath(file_name)) print('#') else: print('Can\'t write over file: ' + file_name) exit(1) # return to the current directory os.chdir(curr_dir)
def rm(args): '''Remove a command from the manager''' #sanity check util.verify_lib_dir() util.verify_metadata_dir() # remember the current directory curr_dir = os.getcwd() # iterate through the commands to remove for command in args.command: # first from metadata metadata_file_name = util.metadata_file_name(command) os.chdir(util.metadata_dir()) if os.path.exists(metadata_file_name): os.remove(metadata_file_name) else: print('File not found: ' + metadata_file_name) # then from lib shell_file_name = util.shell_file_name(command) os.chdir(util.lib_dir()) if os.path.exists(shell_file_name): os.remove(shell_file_name) else: print('File not found: ' + shell_file_name) # regenerate the file util.repl_it(['load', '--quiet'])
def load(args): '''Genereate the '__functions.sh__' file with all declared commands.''' # sanity check util.verify_lib_dir() util.verify_internal_dir() # remember the current directory curr_dir = os.getcwd() # go to the directory with only internal resources os.chdir(util.internal_dir()) # attempt to extract all contents from shell files and generate a '__functions.sh__' file with open('', mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as func_file: # add all aliases (if any) with open('', mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as aliases_file: func_file.write('# aliases defined through clmanager\n') func_file.writelines(aliases_file.readlines()) func_file.write('\n') # add all defined functions functions = os.listdir(util.lib_dir()) os.chdir(util.lib_dir()) for f in functions: with open(f, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as body_file: body = body_file.readlines() func_file.write('# function added for clmanager\n') func_file.write( util.format_function(os.path.splitext(f)[0], body)) func_file.write('\n\n') # if there's no quiet flag print a summary of the changes if not args.quiet: os.chdir(util.internal_dir()) print('#') print('# The \'\' file has been regenerated.') print('#') print('# Run the following command to load the functions:') print('#') print('# \tsource ' + os.path.abspath('')) # go back to the original directory os.chdir(curr_dir)
def edit(args): '''Edit an existing command in the manager''' # sanity check util.verify_metadata_dir() util.verify_lib_dir() # remember the current directory curr_dir = os.getcwd() # at the moment args.command should always be an array of one element for command in args.command: # make sure we are on the right directory os.chdir(util.metadata_dir()) # the name of the metadata file metadata_file_name = util.metadata_file_name(command) # verify that the file actually exists if os.path.exists(metadata_file_name): print('# Editing ' + metadata_file_name) # the metadata needed name = None file_command = None description = None # extract any info available in flags if name = if args.command: file_command = args.command_name if args.description: description = args.description # open the file to update to read existing contents and prompt for new values with open(metadata_file_name, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f: yaml_file = yaml.full_load(f) try: if not name: name = input('Name (' + yaml_file['name'] + '): ') if not file_command: file_command = input('Command name (' + yaml_file['command'] + '): ') if not description: description_postfix = '' if len(yaml_file['description']) > 10: description_postfix = '...' description = input('Description (' + yaml_file['description'][:10] + description_postfix + '): ') # only save values that are not empty strings if not name.strip(): name = yaml_file['name'] if not file_command.strip(): file_command = yaml_file['command'] if not description.strip(): description = yaml_file['description'] except EOFError: exit(2) # attempt to rewrite the metadata file with open(metadata_file_name, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f: yaml.dump( { 'name': name, 'command': file_command, 'description': description }, f) # rename the file to match the new command name os.rename(metadata_file_name, util.metadata_file_name(file_command)) # go to the directory with all shell files os.chdir(util.lib_dir()) # rename the corresponding shell file to match the new command name os.rename(util.shell_file_name(command), util.shell_file_name(file_command)) # print a summary message of the changes note = '' if command != file_command: note = ' (now ' + file_command + ')' print('#') print('# The metadata for \'' + command + '\'' + note + ' has been updated.') print('#') print('# To modify the command itself, edit:') print('#') print('#\t' + os.path.abspath(file_command + '.sh')) # return to the original directory os.chdir(curr_dir)