def gui(_allow_admin: bool = False): import _gui return _gui.main(_allow_admin=_allow_admin)
from sys import argv, exit, path from os.path import dirname, realpath # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyProtectedMember def _(): # lazy way to get PyInstaller to detect the libraries, since this won't run at runtime import _gui import fmt_detect import reg_shell from mount import _common, cci, cdn, cia, exefs, nand, ncch, romfs, sd, threedsx, titledir from pyctr.types import crypto, exefs, ncch, romfs, smdh, tmd, util path.insert(0, dirname(realpath(__file__))) if len(argv) < 2 or argv[1] in {'gui', 'gui_i_want_to_be_an_admin_pls'}: from _gui import main print('Starting the GUI!') admin = False if len(argv) > 1: admin = argv.pop(1) == 'gui_i_want_to_be_an_admin_pls' exit(main(_pyi=True, _allow_admin=admin)) else: from main import mount exit(mount(argv.pop(1).lower()))