def zslice(z, q, qo, mode='spline'):

    if mode == 'linear':
        imode = 0
    elif mode == 'spline':
        imode = 1
        imode = 1
        print mode, ' not supported, defaulting to splines'

    z = atleast_3d(z)
    q = atleast_3d(q)
    assert z.shape == q.shape, 'z and q must be the same shape'

    qo *= ones(q.shape[1:])

    q2d = _iso.zslice(z, q, qo, imode)
    if any(q2d == 1e20):
        q2d = ma.masked_where(q2d == 1e20, q2d)

    return q2d
def zslice(z, q, qo, mode='spline'):
    if mode=='linear':
    elif mode=='spline':
        print mode, ' not supported, defaulting to splines'
    z = atleast_3d(z)
    q = atleast_3d(q)
    assert z.shape == q.shape, 'z and q must be the same shape'
    qo *= ones(q.shape[1:])
    q2d = _iso.zslice(z, q, qo, imode)
    if any(q2d==1e20):
        q2d = ma.masked_where(q2d==1e20, q2d)
    return q2d
def isoslice(q, z, zo=0, mode='spline'):
    """Return a slice a 3D field along an isosurface.
    result is a a projection of variable at property == isoval in the first
    nonsingleton dimension.  In the case when there is more than one zero
    crossing, the results are averaged.
    Assume two three dimensional variable, s (salt), z (depth), and
    u (velicity), all on the same 3D grid.  x and y are the horizontal 
    positions, with the same horizontal dimensions as z (the 3D depth 
    field).  Here, assume the vertical dimension, that will be projected,
    is the first.  
    s_at_m5  = isoslice(s,z,-5);        # s at z == -5
    h_at_s30 = isoslice(z,s,30);       # z at s == 30
    u_at_s30 = isoslice(u,s,30);       # u at s == 30

    if mode == 'linear':
        imode = 0
    elif mode == 'spline':
        imode = 1
        imode = 1
        raise Warning, '%s not supported, defaulting to splines' % mode

    z = np.atleast_3d(z)
    q = np.atleast_3d(q)
    assert z.shape == q.shape, 'z and q must be the same shape'

    zo *= np.ones(q.shape[1:])

    q2d = _iso.zslice(z, q, zo, imode)
    if np.any(q2d == 1e20):
        q2d = np.ma.masked_where(q2d == 1e20, q2d)

    return q2d
文件: tools.py 项目: ZapRat/octant
def isoslice(q, z, zo=0, mode='spline'):
    """Return a slice a 3D field along an isosurface.
    result is a a projection of variable at property == isoval in the first
    nonsingleton dimension.  In the case when there is more than one zero
    crossing, the results are averaged.
    Assume two three dimensional variable, s (salt), z (depth), and
    u (velicity), all on the same 3D grid.  x and y are the horizontal 
    positions, with the same horizontal dimensions as z (the 3D depth 
    field).  Here, assume the vertical dimension, that will be projected,
    is the first.  
    s_at_m5  = isoslice(s,z,-5);        # s at z == -5
    h_at_s30 = isoslice(z,s,30);       # z at s == 30
    u_at_s30 = isoslice(u,s,30);       # u at s == 30
    if mode=='linear':
    elif mode=='spline':
        raise Warning, '%s not supported, defaulting to splines' % mode
    z = np.atleast_3d(z)
    q = np.atleast_3d(q)
    assert z.shape == q.shape, 'z and q must be the same shape'
    zo *= np.ones(q.shape[1:])
    q2d = _iso.zslice(z, q, zo, imode)
    if np.any(q2d==1e20):
        q2d = np.ma.masked_where(q2d==1e20, q2d)
    return q2d
def zslice(var, depth, grd, Cpos='rho', vert=False, mode='linear'):
    zslice, lon, lat = zslice(var, depth, grd)

    optional switch:
      - Cpos='rho', 'u', 'v' or 'w'  specify the C-grid position where 
				     the variable rely
      - vert=True/False              If True, return the position of 
                                     the verticies
      - mode='linear' or 'spline'    specify the type of interpolation

    return a constant-z slice at depth depth from 3D variable var
    lon and lat contain the C-grid position of the slice for plotting.
    If vert=True, lon and lat contain contain the position of the 
    verticies (to be used with pcolor)
    if mode=='linear':
    elif mode=='spline':
        raise Warning, '%s not supported, defaulting to linear' % mode

    # compute the depth on Arakawa-C grid position

    if Cpos is 'u':
        # average z_r at Arakawa-C u points
        z = 0.5 * (grd.vgrid.z_r[0,:,:,:-1] + grd.vgrid.z_r[0,:,:,1:])
        if vert == True: 
            lon = 0.5 * (grd.hgrid.lon_vert[:,:-1] + grd.hgrid.lon_vert[:,1:])
            lat = 0.5 * (grd.hgrid.lat_vert[:,:-1] + grd.hgrid.lat_vert[:,1:])
            lon = grd.hgrid.lon_u[:]
            lat = grd.hgrid.lat_u[:]
        mask = grd.hgrid.mask_u[:]

    elif Cpos is 'v':
        # average z_r at Arakawa-C v points
        z = 0.5 * (grd.vgrid.z_r[0,:,:-1,:] + grd.vgrid.z_r[0,:,1:,:])
        if vert == True: 
            lon = 0.5 * (grd.hgrid.lon_vert[:-1,:] + grd.hgrid.lon_vert[1:,:])
            lat = 0.5 * (grd.hgrid.lat_vert[:-1,:] + grd.hgrid.lat_vert[1:,:])
            lon = grd.hgrid.lon_v[:]
            lat = grd.hgrid.lat_v[:]
        mask = grd.hgrid.mask_v[:]

    elif Cpos is 'w':
        # for temp, salt, rho
        z = grd.vgrid.z_w[0,:]
        if vert == True:
            lon = grd.hgrid.lon_vert[:]
            lat = grd.hgrid.lat_vert[:]
            lon = grd.hgrid.lon_rho[:]
            lat = grd.hgrid.lat_rho[:]
        mask = grd.hgrid.mask_rho[:]

    elif Cpos is 'rho':
        # for temp, salt, rho
        z = grd.vgrid.z_r[0,:]
        if vert == True: 
            lon = grd.hgrid.lon_vert[:]
            lat = grd.hgrid.lat_vert[:]
            lon = grd.hgrid.lon_rho[:]
            lat = grd.hgrid.lat_rho[:]
        mask = grd.hgrid.mask_rho[:]

        raise Warning, '%s bad position. Valid Arakawa-C are \
                           rho, u or v.' % Cpos

    assert len(z.shape) == 3, 'z must be 3D'
    assert len(var.shape) == 3, 'var must be 3D'
    assert z.shape == var.shape, 'data and prop must be the same size'

    depth = -abs(depth)
    depth = depth * np.ones(z.shape[1:])
    zslice = _iso.zslice(z, var, depth, imode)

    # mask land
    zslice = np.ma.masked_where(mask == 0, zslice)
    # mask region with shalower depth than requisted depth
    zslice = np.ma.masked_where(zslice == 1e20, zslice)

    return zslice, lon, lat