 def setUp(self):
     '''Initialize storehouse
     self.compartments = _moose.wildcardFind('/##[TYPE=Compartment]')
     self.tables = _moose.wildcardFind('/##[TYPE=Table]')
     self.pulse_gens = _moose.wildcardFind('/##[TYPE=PulseGen]')
     self.clocks = _moose.wildcardFind('/##[TYPE=Clock]')
     self.nonZeroClockIds = None
def assignDefaultTicks(modelRoot='/model', dataRoot='/data', solver='hsolve'):
    if isinstance(modelRoot, _moose.melement) or isinstance(
            modelRoot, _moose.vec):
        modelRoot = modelRoot.path
    if isinstance(dataRoot, _moose.melement) or isinstance(
            dataRoot, _moose.vec):
        dataRoot = dataRoot.path
    if solver != 'hsolve' or len(
            _moose.wildcardFind('%s/##[ISA=HSolve]' % (modelRoot))) == 0:
        _moose.useClock(0, '%s/##[ISA=Compartment]' % (modelRoot), 'init')
        _moose.useClock(1, '%s/##[ISA=Compartment]' % (modelRoot), 'process')
        _moose.useClock(2, '%s/##[ISA=HHChannel]' % (modelRoot), 'process')
        # _moose.useClock(2, '%s/##[ISA=ChanBase]'  % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(0, '%s/##[ISA=IzhikevichNrn]' % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(0, '%s/##[ISA=GapJunction]' % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(0, '%s/##[ISA=HSolve]' % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(1, '%s/##[ISA=LeakyIaF]' % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(1, '%s/##[ISA=IntFire]' % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(1, '%s/##[ISA=SpikeGen]' % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(1, '%s/##[ISA=PulseGen]' % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(1, '%s/##[ISA=StimulusTable]' % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(1, '%s/##[ISA=TimeTable]' % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(2, '%s/##[ISA=HHChannel2D]' % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(2, '%s/##[ISA=SynChan]' % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(2, '%s/##[ISA=MgBlock]' % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(3, '%s/##[ISA=CaConc]' % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(3, '%s/##[ISA=Func]' % (modelRoot), 'process')
    # The voltage clamp circuit depends critically on the dt used for
    # computing soma Vm and need to be on a clock with dt=elecdt.
    _moose.useClock(0, '%s/##[ISA=DiffAmp]' % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(0, '%s/##[ISA=VClamp]' % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(0, '%s/##[ISA=PIDController]' % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(0, '%s/##[ISA=RC]' % (modelRoot), 'process')
    # Special case for kinetics models
    kinetics = _moose.wildcardFind('%s/##[FIELD(name)=kinetics]' % modelRoot)
    if len(kinetics) > 0:
        # Do nothing for kinetics models - until multiple scheduling issue is fixed.
        _moose.useClock(4, '%s/##[ISA!=PoolBase]' % (kinetics[0].path),
        _moose.useClock(5, '%s/##[ISA==PoolBase]' % (kinetics[0].path),
        _moose.useClock(18, '%s/##[ISA=Table2]' % (dataRoot), 'process')
        # input() function is called in Table. process() which gets
        # called at each timestep. When a message is connected
        # explicitly to input() dest field, it is driven by the sender
        # and process() adds garbage value to the vector. Hence not to
        # be scheduled.
        for tab in _moose.wildcardFind('%s/##[ISA=Table]' % (dataRoot)):
            if len(tab.neighbors['input']) == 0:
                _moose.useClock(9, tab.path, 'process')
def assignDefaultTicks(modelRoot='/model', dataRoot='/data', solver='hsolve'):
    print 'assignDefaultTicks'
    if isinstance(modelRoot, _moose.melement) or isinstance(modelRoot, _moose.vec):
        modelRoot = modelRoot.path
    if isinstance(dataRoot, _moose.melement) or isinstance(dataRoot, _moose.vec):
        dataRoot = dataRoot.path
    if solver != 'hsolve' or len(_moose.wildcardFind('%s/##[ISA=HSolve]' % (modelRoot))) == 0:
        _moose.useClock(0, '%s/##[ISA=Compartment]' % (modelRoot), 'init')
        _moose.useClock(1, '%s/##[ISA=Compartment]'  % (modelRoot), 'process')
        _moose.useClock(2, '%s/##[ISA=HHChannel]'  % (modelRoot), 'process')
        # _moose.useClock(2, '%s/##[ISA=ChanBase]'  % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(0, '%s/##[ISA=IzhikevichNrn]' % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(0, '%s/##[ISA=GapJunction]' % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(0, '%s/##[ISA=HSolve]'  % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(1, '%s/##[ISA=LeakyIaF]'  % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(1, '%s/##[ISA=IntFire]'  % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(1, '%s/##[ISA=SpikeGen]'  % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(1, '%s/##[ISA=PulseGen]'  % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(1, '%s/##[ISA=StimulusTable]'  % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(1, '%s/##[ISA=TimeTable]'  % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(2, '%s/##[ISA=HHChannel2D]'  % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(2, '%s/##[ISA=SynChan]'  % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(2, '%s/##[ISA=MgBlock]'  % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(3, '%s/##[ISA=CaConc]'  % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(3, '%s/##[ISA=Func]' % (modelRoot), 'process')
    # The voltage clamp circuit depends critically on the dt used for
    # computing soma Vm and need to be on a clock with dt=elecdt.
    _moose.useClock(0, '%s/##[ISA=DiffAmp]'  % (modelRoot), 'process') 
    _moose.useClock(0, '%s/##[ISA=VClamp]' % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(0, '%s/##[ISA=PIDController]' % (modelRoot), 'process')
    _moose.useClock(0, '%s/##[ISA=RC]' % (modelRoot), 'process')
    # Special case for kinetics models
    kinetics = _moose.wildcardFind('%s/##[FIELD(name)=kinetics]' % modelRoot)
    if len(kinetics) > 0:
        # Do nothing for kinetics models - until multiple scheduling issue is fixed.
        # _moose.useClock(4, '%s/##[ISA!=PoolBase]' % (kinetics[0].path), 'process')
        # _moose.useClock(5, '%s/##[ISA==PoolBase]' % (kinetics[0].path), 'process')
        # _moose.useClock(8, '%s/##[ISA=Table]' % (dataRoot), 'process')
        # input() function is called in Table. process() which gets
        # called at each timestep. When a message is connected
        # explicitly to input() dest field, it is driven by the sender
        # and process() adds garbage value to the vector. Hence not to
        # be scheduled.
        for tab in _moose.wildcardFind('%s/##[ISA=Table]' % (dataRoot)):
            if len(tab.neighbors['input']) == 0:
                _moose.useClock(9, tab.path, 'process')
def getMoosePaths(pat, isRoot=True):
    ''' Return a list of paths for a given pattern. '''
    if type(pat) != str:
        pat = pat.path
        assert type(pat) == str
    moose_paths = [x.path for x in _moose.wildcardFind(pat)]
    return moose_paths
def getMoosePaths(pat, isRoot=True):
    ''' Return a list of paths for a given pattern. '''
    if type(pat) != str:
        pat = pat.path
        assert type(pat) == str
    moose_paths = [x.path for x in _moose.wildcardFind(pat)]
    return moose_paths
def findAllBut(moose_wildcard, stringToExclude):
    allValidObjects = _moose.wildcardFind(moose_wildcard)
    refinedList = []
    for validObject in allValidObjects:
        if validObject.path.find(stringToExclude) == -1:

    return refinedList
def findAllBut(moose_wildcard, stringToExclude):
    allValidObjects = _moose.wildcardFind(moose_wildcard)
    refinedList = []
    for validObject in allValidObjects:
        if validObject.path.find(stringToExclude) == -1:

    return refinedList
def resetSim(simpaths, simdt, plotdt, simmethod='hsolve'):
    """ For each of the MOOSE paths in simpaths, this sets the clocks and finally resets MOOSE.
    If simmethod=='hsolve', it sets up hsolve-s for each Neuron under simpaths, and clocks for hsolve-s too. """
    print 'Solver:', simmethod
    _moose.setClock(INITCLOCK, simdt)
    _moose.setClock(ELECCLOCK, simdt) # The hsolve and ee methods use clock 1
    _moose.setClock(CHANCLOCK, simdt) # hsolve uses clock 2 for mg_block, nmdachan and others.
    _moose.setClock(POOLCLOCK, simdt) # Ca/ion pools & funcs use clock 3
    _moose.setClock(STIMCLOCK, simdt) # Ca/ion pools & funcs use clock 3
    _moose.setClock(PLOTCLOCK, plotdt) # for tables
    for simpath in simpaths:
        ## User can connect [qty]Out of an element to input of Table or
        ## requestOut of Table to get[qty] of the element.
        ## Scheduling the Table to a clock tick, will call process() of the Table
        ## which will send a requestOut and overwrite any value set by input(),
        ## thus adding garbage value to the vector. Hence schedule only if
        ## input message is not connected to the Table.
        for table in _moose.wildcardFind(simpath+'/##[TYPE=Table]'):
            if len(table.neighbors['input']) == 0:
                _moose.useClock(PLOTCLOCK, table.path, 'process')
        _moose.useClock(ELECCLOCK, simpath+'/##[TYPE=PulseGen]', 'process')
        _moose.useClock(STIMCLOCK, simpath+'/##[TYPE=DiffAmp]', 'process')
        _moose.useClock(STIMCLOCK, simpath+'/##[TYPE=VClamp]', 'process')
        _moose.useClock(STIMCLOCK, simpath+'/##[TYPE=PIDController]', 'process')
        _moose.useClock(STIMCLOCK, simpath+'/##[TYPE=RC]', 'process')
        _moose.useClock(STIMCLOCK, simpath+'/##[TYPE=TimeTable]', 'process')
        _moose.useClock(ELECCLOCK, simpath+'/##[TYPE=LeakyIaF]', 'process')
        _moose.useClock(ELECCLOCK, simpath+'/##[TYPE=IntFire]', 'process')
        _moose.useClock(ELECCLOCK, simpath+'/##[TYPE=IzhikevichNrn]', 'process')
        _moose.useClock(ELECCLOCK, simpath+'/##[TYPE=SpikeGen]', 'process')
        _moose.useClock(ELECCLOCK, simpath+'/##[TYPE=Interpol]', 'process')
        _moose.useClock(ELECCLOCK, simpath+'/##[TYPE=Interpol2D]', 'process')
        _moose.useClock(CHANCLOCK, simpath+'/##[TYPE=HHChannel2D]', 'process')
        _moose.useClock(CHANCLOCK, simpath+'/##[TYPE=SynChan]', 'process')
        ## If simmethod is not hsolve, set clocks for the biophysics,
        ## else just put a clock on the hsolve:
        ## hsolve takes care of the clocks for the biophysics
        if 'hsolve' not in simmethod.lower():
            print 'Using exp euler'
            _moose.useClock(INITCLOCK, simpath+'/##[TYPE=Compartment]', 'init')
            _moose.useClock(ELECCLOCK, simpath+'/##[TYPE=Compartment]', 'process')
            _moose.useClock(CHANCLOCK, simpath+'/##[TYPE=HHChannel]', 'process')
            _moose.useClock(POOLCLOCK, simpath+'/##[TYPE=CaConc]', 'process')
            _moose.useClock(POOLCLOCK, simpath+'/##[TYPE=Func]', 'process')
        else: # use hsolve, one hsolve for each Neuron
            print 'Using hsolve'
            element = _moose.Neutral(simpath)
            for childid in element.children: 
                childobj = _moose.Neutral(childid)
                classname = childobj.className
                if classname in ['Neuron']:
                    neuronpath = childobj.path
                    h = _moose.HSolve( neuronpath+'/solve' )
                    h.dt = simdt
                    h.target = neuronpath
                    _moose.useClock(INITCLOCK, h.path, 'process')
文件: backend.py 项目: csiki/MOOSE
 def __init__(self, *args):
     super(Backend, self).__init__()
     self.args = args
     self.compartments = []
     self.pulseGens = []
     self.tables = []
     # A set of tuple of sourceCompartment.path and targetCompartment.path
     self.connections = set()
     self.clock = _moose.wildcardFind('/clock')[0]
def modelInfo(path = '/##', **kwargs):
    """Generate the list of all available moose-elements in model
    info("Couting elements in model under %s" % path)
    msg = []
    types = [ "Table", "Table2", "Compartment", "Pool", "BufPool", "Enz", "Reac" ]
    for t in types:
        paths = moose.wildcardFind("{}[TYPE={}]".format(path, t))
        if len(paths) > 0:
            msg.append("{:>20} : {}".format(t, len(paths)))
    return "\n".join(msg)
def writeGraphviz(filename=None, pat='/##[TYPE=Compartment]'):
    '''This is  a generic function. It takes the the pattern, search for paths
    and write a graphviz file.

    def fix(path):
        '''Fix a given path so it can be written to a graphviz file'''
        # If no [0] is at end of the path then append it.
        global pathPat
        if not pathPat.match(path):
            path = path + '[0]'
        return path

    pathList = getMoosePaths(pat)
    compList = _moose.wildcardFind(pat)
    if not compList:
                , "No compartment found"
                , frame = inspect.currentframe()
        return None

    dot = []
    dot.append("digraph G {")
    for c in compList:
        if c.neighbors['raxial']:
            for n in c.neighbors['raxial']:
                lhs = fix(c.path)
                rhs = fix(n.path)
                dot.append('\t"{}" -> "{}";'.format(lhs, rhs))
        elif c.neighbors['axial']:
            for n in c.neighbors['axial']:
                lhs = fix(c.path)
                rhs = fix(n.path)
                dot.append('\t"{}" -> "{}" [dir=back];'.format(lhs, rhs))
            p = fix(c.path)

    dot = '\n'.join(dot)
    if not filename:
        with open(filename, 'w') as graphviz:
                    , "Writing compartment topology to file {}".format(filename)
    return True
def writeGraphviz(filename=None, pat='/##[TYPE=Compartment]'):
    '''This is  a generic function. It takes the the pattern, search for paths
    and write a graphviz file.

    def fix(path):
        '''Fix a given path so it can be written to a graphviz file'''
        # If no [0] is at end of the path then append it.
        global pathPat
        if not pathPat.match(path):
            path = path + '[0]'
        return path

    pathList = getMoosePaths(pat)
    compList = _moose.wildcardFind(pat)
    if not compList:
                , "No compartment found"
                , frame = inspect.currentframe()

    dot = []
    dot.append("digraph G {")
    for c in compList:
        if c.neighbors['raxial']:
            for n in c.neighbors['raxial']:
                lhs = fix(c.path)
                rhs = fix(n.path)
                dot.append('\t"{}" -> "{}";'.format(lhs, rhs))
        elif c.neighbors['axial']:
            for n in c.neighbors['axial']:
                lhs = fix(c.path)
                rhs = fix(n.path)
                dot.append('\t"{}" -> "{}" [dir=back];'.format(lhs, rhs))
            p = fix(c.path)

    dot = '\n'.join(dot)
    if not filename:
        with open(filename, 'w') as graphviz:
                    , "Writing compartment topology to file {}".format(filename)
    return True
def autoposition(root):
    """Automatically set the positions of the endpoints of all the
    compartments under `root`.

    This keeps x and y constant and extends the positions in
    z-direction only. This of course puts everything in a single line
    but suffices for keeping electrical properties intact.

    TODO: in future we may want to create the positions for nice
    visual layout as well. My last attempt resulted in some
    compartments overlapping in space.

    compartments = _moose.wildcardFind('%s/##[TYPE=Compartment]' % (root.path))
    stack = [
        compartment for compartment in map(_moose.element, compartments)
        if len(compartment.neighbors['axial']) == 0
    if len(stack) != 1:
        raise Exception(
            'There must be one and only one top level compartment. Found %d' %
    ret = stack[0]
    while len(stack) > 0:
        comp = stack.pop()
        parentlist = comp.neighbors['axial']
        parent = None
        if len(parentlist) > 0:
            parent = parentlist[0]
            comp.x0, comp.y0, comp.z0, = parent.x, parent.y, parent.z
            comp.x0, comp.y0, comp.z0, = (0, 0, 0)
        if comp.length > 0:
            comp.x, comp.y, comp.z, = comp.x0, comp.y0, comp.z0 + comp.length
            # for spherical compartments x0, y0, z0 are centre
            # position nad x,y,z are on the surface
            comp.x, comp.y, comp.z, = comp.x0, comp.y0, comp.z0 + comp.diameter / 2.0
        # We take z == 0 as an indicator that this compartment has not
        # been processed before - saves against inadvertent loops.
            for childcomp in map(_moose.element, comp.neighbors['raxial'])
            if childcomp.z == 0
    return ret
def assignDefaultTicks(modelRoot="/model", dataRoot="/data"):
    _moose.useClock(0, "%s/##[ISA=Compartment]" % (modelRoot), "init")
    _moose.useClock(1, "%s/##[ISA=LeakyIaF]" % (modelRoot), "process")
    _moose.useClock(1, "%s/##[ISA=IntFire]" % (modelRoot), "process")
    _moose.useClock(1, "%s/##[ISA=Compartment]" % (modelRoot), "process")
    _moose.useClock(1, "%s/##[ISA=PulseGen]" % (modelRoot), "process")
    _moose.useClock(2, "%s/##[ISA=ChanBase]" % (modelRoot), "process")
    _moose.useClock(2, "%s/##[ISA=MgBlock]" % (modelRoot), "process")
    _moose.useClock(3, "%s/##[ISA=CaConc]" % (modelRoot), "process")
    _moose.useClock(7, "%s/##[ISA=DiffAmp]" % (modelRoot), "process")
    _moose.useClock(7, "%s/##[ISA=VClamp]" % (modelRoot), "process")
    _moose.useClock(7, "%s/##[ISA=PIDController]" % (modelRoot), "process")
    _moose.useClock(7, "%s/##[ISA=RC]" % (modelRoot), "process")
    # Special case for kinetics models
    kinetics = _moose.wildcardFind("%s/##[FIELD(name)=kinetics]" % modelRoot)
    if len(kinetics) > 0:
        _moose.useClock(4, "%s/##[ISA!=PoolBase]" % (kinetics[0].path), "process")
        _moose.useClock(5, "%s/##[ISA==PoolBase]" % (kinetics[0].path), "process")
        _moose.useClock(8, "%s/##[ISA=Table]" % (dataRoot), "process")
        _moose.useClock(9, "%s/##[ISA=Table]" % (dataRoot), "process")
def autoposition(root):
    """Automatically set the positions of the endpoints of all the
    compartments under `root`.

    This keeps x and y constant and extends the positions in
    z-direction only. This of course puts everything in a single line
    but suffices for keeping electrical properties intact.

    TODO: in future we may want to create the positions for nice
    visual layout as well. My last attempt resulted in some
    compartments overlapping in space.

    compartments = _moose.wildcardFind("%s/##[TYPE=Compartment]" % (root.path))
    stack = [
        compartment for compartment in map(_moose.element, compartments) if len(compartment.neighbours["axial"]) == 0
    if len(stack) != 1:
        raise Exception("There must be one and only one top level compartment. Found %d" % (len(topcomp_list)))
    ret = stack[0]
    while len(stack) > 0:
        comp = stack.pop()
        parentlist = comp.neighbours["axial"]
        parent = None
        if len(parentlist) > 0:
            parent = parentlist[0]
            comp.x0, comp.y0, comp.z0, = parent.x, parent.y, parent.z
            comp.x0, comp.y0, comp.z0, = (0, 0, 0)
        if comp.length > 0:
            comp.x, comp.y, comp.z, = comp.x0, comp.y0, comp.z0 + comp.length
            # for spherical compartments x0, y0, z0 are centre
            # position nad x,y,z are on the surface
            comp.x, comp.y, comp.z, = comp.x0, comp.y0, comp.z0 + comp.diameter / 2.0
        # We take z == 0 as an indicator that this compartment has not
        # been processed before - saves against inadvertent loops.
        stack.extend([childcomp for childcomp in map(_moose.element, comp.neighbours["raxial"]) if childcomp.z == 0])
    return ret
文件: backend.py 项目: csiki/MOOSE
 def getComparments(self, **kwargs):
     '''Get all compartments in moose '''
     comps = _moose.wildcardFind('/##[TYPE=Compartment]')
     self.compartments = comps
文件: backend.py 项目: csiki/MOOSE
 def getPulseGens(self, **kwargs):
     """ Get all the pulse generators """
     self.pulseGens = _moose.wildcardFind('/##[TYPE=PulseGen]')
文件: backend.py 项目: csiki/MOOSE
 def getTables(self, **kwargs):
     """ Get all table we are recording from"""
     self.tables = _moose.wildcardFind('/##[TYPE=Table]')
def resetSim(simpaths, simdt, plotdt, simmethod='hsolve'):
    """ For each of the MOOSE paths in simpaths, this sets the clocks and finally resets MOOSE.
    If simmethod=='hsolve', it sets up hsolve-s for each Neuron under simpaths, and clocks for hsolve-s too. """
    print 'Solver:', simmethod
    _moose.setClock(INITCLOCK, simdt)
    _moose.setClock(ELECCLOCK, simdt)  # The hsolve and ee methods use clock 1
        simdt)  # hsolve uses clock 2 for mg_block, nmdachan and others.
    _moose.setClock(POOLCLOCK, simdt)  # Ca/ion pools & funcs use clock 3
    _moose.setClock(STIMCLOCK, simdt)  # Ca/ion pools & funcs use clock 3
    _moose.setClock(PLOTCLOCK, plotdt)  # for tables
    for simpath in simpaths:
        ## User can connect [qty]Out of an element to input of Table or
        ## requestOut of Table to get[qty] of the element.
        ## Scheduling the Table to a clock tick, will call process() of the Table
        ## which will send a requestOut and overwrite any value set by input(),
        ## thus adding garbage value to the vector. Hence schedule only if
        ## input message is not connected to the Table.
        for table in _moose.wildcardFind(simpath + '/##[TYPE=Table]'):
            if len(table.neighbors['input']) == 0:
                _moose.useClock(PLOTCLOCK, table.path, 'process')
        _moose.useClock(ELECCLOCK, simpath + '/##[TYPE=PulseGen]', 'process')
        _moose.useClock(STIMCLOCK, simpath + '/##[TYPE=DiffAmp]', 'process')
        _moose.useClock(STIMCLOCK, simpath + '/##[TYPE=VClamp]', 'process')
        _moose.useClock(STIMCLOCK, simpath + '/##[TYPE=PIDController]',
        _moose.useClock(STIMCLOCK, simpath + '/##[TYPE=RC]', 'process')
        _moose.useClock(STIMCLOCK, simpath + '/##[TYPE=TimeTable]', 'process')
        _moose.useClock(ELECCLOCK, simpath + '/##[TYPE=LeakyIaF]', 'process')
        _moose.useClock(ELECCLOCK, simpath + '/##[TYPE=IntFire]', 'process')
        _moose.useClock(ELECCLOCK, simpath + '/##[TYPE=IzhikevichNrn]',
        _moose.useClock(ELECCLOCK, simpath + '/##[TYPE=SpikeGen]', 'process')
        _moose.useClock(ELECCLOCK, simpath + '/##[TYPE=Interpol]', 'process')
        _moose.useClock(ELECCLOCK, simpath + '/##[TYPE=Interpol2D]', 'process')
        _moose.useClock(CHANCLOCK, simpath + '/##[TYPE=HHChannel2D]',
        _moose.useClock(CHANCLOCK, simpath + '/##[TYPE=SynChan]', 'process')
        ## If simmethod is not hsolve, set clocks for the biophysics,
        ## else just put a clock on the hsolve:
        ## hsolve takes care of the clocks for the biophysics
        if 'hsolve' not in simmethod.lower():
            print 'Using exp euler'
            _moose.useClock(INITCLOCK, simpath + '/##[TYPE=Compartment]',
            _moose.useClock(ELECCLOCK, simpath + '/##[TYPE=Compartment]',
            _moose.useClock(CHANCLOCK, simpath + '/##[TYPE=HHChannel]',
            _moose.useClock(POOLCLOCK, simpath + '/##[TYPE=CaConc]', 'process')
            _moose.useClock(POOLCLOCK, simpath + '/##[TYPE=Func]', 'process')
        else:  # use hsolve, one hsolve for each Neuron
            print 'Using hsolve'
            element = _moose.Neutral(simpath)
            for childid in element.children:
                childobj = _moose.Neutral(childid)
                classname = childobj.className
                if classname in ['Neuron']:
                    neuronpath = childobj.path
                    h = _moose.HSolve(neuronpath + '/solve')
                    h.dt = simdt
                    h.target = neuronpath
                    _moose.useClock(INITCLOCK, h.path, 'process')