def match_regex_get_first_num(target_file, regex): """ Match the given regex in the given file (get the first match), and return the first number in the matched string. """ # TODO add doctest if isinstance(regex, str): # if regex is a string, compile to regex regex = re.compile(regex) elif not isinstance(regex, type(re.compile(''))): raise OCPIException("Error: regular expression invalid") # Have to use encoding/errors flags here to avoid failure when file has non-ASCII with open(target_file, encoding="utf8", errors='ignore') as tgt_file: for line in tgt_file: # List of all matches on the line matches = re.findall(regex, line) # Were any matches found? if matches and matches[0]: # Get the first number in the first match on the line first_num = first_num_in_str(matches[0]) if first_num != None: return first_num # no number/match found return None
def match_regex(target_file, regex): """ Parse the target file for a regex and return the first group/element of the first match For example (doctest): Here, we have a line of text below and we parse this current file using a regular expression to grab the 'ns' number from the string. # This text right here contains a number (2.000ns)!!!! It should match the regex >>> match_regex(os.path.realpath(__file__), "#.*This text right.*\((.*)ns\)!!!!.*") '2.000' """ if isinstance(regex, str): regex = re.compile(regex) elif not isinstance(regex, type(re.compile(''))): raise OCPIException("Error: regular expression invalid") # Have to use encoding/errors flags here to avoid failure when file has non-ASCII with open(target_file, encoding="utf8", errors="ignore") as tgt_file: for line in tgt_file: # List of all matches on the line matches = re.findall(regex, line) # Were any matches found? if matches and matches[0]: # Get the first match on the line match = matches[0] if isinstance(match, tuple): # Match might be a tuple (if 1+ groups are in the pattern). In that case # return the first group in the match tuple return match[0] return match # no match found return None
def execute_cmd(settings, directory, action=None): """ This command is a wrapper around any calls to make in order to encapsulate the use of make to a minimal number of places. The function contains a hard-coded dictionary of generic settings to make variables that it uses to construct the call to make at that given directory """ settings_dict = {'rcc_plats' : "RccPlatforms", 'hdl_plat_strs' : "HdlPlatforms", 'hdl_tgt_strs' : "HdlTargets", 'only_plats' : "OnlyPlatforms", 'ex_plats' : "ExcludePlatforms", 'keep_sims' : "KeepSimulations", 'acc_errors' : "TestAccumulateErrors", 'view' : "View", 'cases' : "Cases", 'run_before' : "OcpiRunBefore", 'run_after' : "OcpiRunAfter", 'run_arg' : "OcpiRunArgs", 'remote_test_sys' : "OCPI_REMOTE_TEST_SYSTEMS", 'verbose' : "TestVerbose"} make_list = [] make_list.append("make") make_list.append("-C") make_list.append(directory) debug_string = "make -C " + directory if action is not None: make_list.extend(action) debug_string += " " + ' '.join(action) + " " logging.debug("settings for make command: " + str(settings.items())) for setting, value in settings.items(): if isinstance(value, bool): make_list.append(settings_dict[setting] + '=1') debug_string += " " + settings_dict[setting] + '=1' elif isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, set): make_list.append(settings_dict[setting] + '=' + ' '.join(value)) if len(value) > 1: debug_string += " " + settings_dict[setting] + '="' + ' '.join(value) + '"' else: debug_string += " " + settings_dict[setting] + '=' + ' '.join(value) else: raise OCPIException("Invalid setting data-type passed to execute_cmd(). Valid data-" + "types are bool and list") logging.debug("running make command: " + debug_string) #shell=True is bad dont set it here running the following command was able to execute # arbitary code #ocpidev run test --hdl-platform \$\(./script.temp\) # all the script would need to do is cat isim then go on its merry way doing whatever it wanted child = subprocess.Popen(make_list) child.wait() return child.returncode
def print_table(self, none_str="N/A"): """ Print a table of this Report's data-points. Lead with the headers and present each data-point's elements as per the order in "ordered_headers". Let the caller specify a string to use for empty/None entries (Default: N/A) """ if self.data_points: # Fill in empty values in data-points with none_str for header in self.ordered_headers: for point in self.data_points: if header not in point: point[header] = none_str # Construct the list of rows. Do so following the ordered_headers order rows = [] for point in self.data_points: row = [] for header in self.ordered_headers: elem = point[header] if elem is None: row.append(none_str) elif isinstance(elem, str): # element is a string, just append to row row.append(elem) elif isinstance(elem, list): # element is a list, join its contents with comma and append to row row.append(", ".join(elem)) else: # Unsupported element type (not a string or list) try: row.append(str(elem)) except Exception as ex: logging.error(ex) raise OCPIException( "Element in Report is not a string and could not" + " be cast to a string.") rows.append(row) # Sort the rows by each header listed in sort_priority. Do this in reverse order # so the last sort key (and therefore the most significant) is the first element # in sort_priority for sort_header in reversed(self.sort_priority): rows.sort(key=operator.itemgetter( self.ordered_headers.index(sort_header))) # insert the headers as row 0 rows.insert(0, self.ordered_headers) # format the table using a generic function and print print(format_table(rows, underline="-")) else: logging.warning("Not printing table for empty report.")
def __iadd__(self, other): """ Adding a Report to this one is the equivalent of adding a Report's data_points to this Reports data-point list. If this Report's ordered_headers is empty, use the other Report's ordered_headers. if not isinstance(other, Report): """ if not isinstance(other, Report): raise OCPIException( "Can only add another Report object to a Report.") # Headers are unchanged on addition unless headers are empty in which case, # user other's headers if not self.ordered_headers: self.ordered_headers = other.ordered_headers self.data_points += other.data_points return self
def get_paths_through_project_top(origin_path, dest_paths): """ origin to each destination going through the project top (and potentially imports) when possible. """ origin_top = get_path_to_project_top(origin_path, False) origin_top_rel = get_path_to_project_top(origin_path, True) if origin_top is None: raise OCPIException("origin_path \"" + str(origin_path) + "\" is not in a project") paths_through_top = [] for dest_p in dest_paths: paths_through_top.append( get_path_from_given_project_top(origin_top, dest_p, origin_top_rel)) return paths_through_top
def get_paths_from_project_top(origin_path, dest_paths): """ Given an origin and a list of destination paths, return a list of paths from origin's project top to each destination (potentially through imports). If a destination path is not in the current or an imported project, return an absolute path. """ origin_top = get_path_to_project_top(origin_path, False) if origin_top is None: raise OCPIException("origin_path \"" + str(origin_path) + "\" is not in a project") paths_from_top = [] for dest_p in dest_paths: paths_from_top.append( get_path_from_given_project_top(origin_top, dest_p)) return paths_from_top
def _get_asset_dir(noun="", name=".", library=None, hdl_library=None, hdl_platform=None): """ Given a noun, a name, and library directives determine the target asset's directory from a project top. Basically, the arguments of this function specify/describe an asset in a project. This function completes that mapping of asset-description -> asset-directory, and returns the directory of interest relative to the top of the project. Args: noun: noun/asset-type of interest. Defaults to blank name: name of the asset to locate. Basically, what is the name of the asset of type <noun> library: the library in which the asset of interest lives hdl_library: the HDL library in which the asset of interest lives (in the hdl/ subtree) hdl_platform: the HDL platform in which the asset of interest lives. might itself be the asset Return: asset: the project subdirectory containing the asset described via this function's arguments Notes: name and noun describe the name and type of asset being described. The library and platform arguments are location-directives or modifiers that dictate where to the asset is found. Examples (doctest): >>> _get_asset_dir(noun="library", name="components") 'components' >>> _get_asset_dir(noun="library", name="dsp_comps") 'components/dsp_comps' >>> _get_asset_dir(noun="library", name="components/dsp_comps") 'components/dsp_comps' >>> _get_asset_dir(noun="library", name="hdl/devices") 'hdl/devices' >>> _get_asset_dir(noun="worker", name="complex_mixer.hdl", library="dsp_comps") 'components/dsp_comps/complex_mixer.hdl' >>> _get_asset_dir(noun="test", name="bias.test", library="components") 'components/bias.test' >>> _get_asset_dir(noun="test", name="bias", library="components") 'components/bias.test' >>> _get_asset_dir(noun="worker", name="ad9361_adc.hdl", hdl_library="devices") 'hdl/devices/ad9361_adc.hdl' >>> _get_asset_dir(noun="worker", name="matchstiq_z1_avr.hdl", hdl_platform="matchstiq_z1") 'hdl/platforms/matchstiq_z1/devices/matchstiq_z1_avr.hdl' >>> _get_asset_dir(noun="applications") 'applications' >>> _get_asset_dir(noun="application", name="rx_app") 'applications/rx_app' >>> _get_asset_dir(noun="application", name="rx_app") 'applications/rx_app' >>> _get_asset_dir(noun="hdl-assemblies") 'hdl/assemblies' >>> _get_asset_dir(noun="hdl-assembly", name="fsk_modem") 'hdl/assemblies/fsk_modem' >>> _get_asset_dir(noun="hdl-assembly", name="fsk_modem") 'hdl/assemblies/fsk_modem' >>> _get_asset_dir(noun="hdl-primitive", name="zynq") 'hdl/primitives/zynq' >>> _get_asset_dir(noun="hdl-primitive", name="zynq") 'hdl/primitives/zynq' >>> _get_asset_dir(noun="hdl-library", name="devices") 'hdl/devices' >>> _get_asset_dir(noun="hdl-platform", name="matchstiq_z1") 'hdl/platforms/matchstiq_z1' >>> _get_asset_dir(noun="project", name="assets") 'assets' >>> _get_asset_dir(noun="project") '.' >>> _get_asset_dir(library="components", hdl_library="devices", hdl_platform="matchstiq_z1") Traceback (most recent call last): ... OCPIException: ... >>> _get_asset_dir(noun="INVALID") Traceback (most recent call last): ... OCPIException: ... """ #TODO if i do show project in a lower level dir it should use find project top to locate the # directory of the project if noun == "test" and not name.endswith((".test", ".test/")): name += ".test" # library-directives are mutually exclusive if library is not None and hdl_library is not None: #raise OCPIException("library, hdl_library, and hdl_platform options are " + raise OCPIException("library and hdl_library are mutually exclusive.") # asset types that live inside a library library_assets = ["worker", "test"] # For most nouns, there is only a single directory to choose from if noun == "libraries" and library is None: asset = "components" elif noun in ["application", "applications"]: asset = "applications" elif noun in ["hdl-primitive", "hdl-primitives"]: asset = "hdl/primitives" elif noun == "hdl-platforms": asset = "hdl/platforms" elif noun in ["hdl-assembly", "hdl-assemblies"]: asset = "hdl/assemblies" elif noun == "hdl-platform" or hdl_platform is not None: # hdl platform is specified in some way # cannot have a platform noun AND directive if noun == "hdl-platform" and name is not "." and hdl_platform is not None: raise OCPIException( "Could not choose between two HDL platform directories: '" + name + "' and '" + hdl_platform + "'.") # default hdl platform if needed hdl_platform = name if hdl_platform is None else hdl_platform # hdl_platform location directive or noun implies directories # like hdl/platforms/<hdl-platform> if noun in library_assets + ["library", "workers", "tests"]: # can only specify library as 'devices' in a platform directory if noun == "library" and name not in [".", "devices", "devices/"]: raise OCPIException( "Only valid library in an HDL platform is 'devices'") # if the hdl_platform location directive is used and a library-asset is being # located, drill down into the platform's devices library asset = "hdl/platforms/" + hdl_platform + "/devices" else: asset = "hdl/platforms/" + hdl_platform elif noun == "library" or library is not None: # library is specified in some way # cannot have a library noun AND directive if noun == "library" and name is not "." and library is not None: raise OCPIException( "Could not choose between two library directories: '" + name + "' and '" + library + "'.") # default library if needed library = name if library is None else library if library == "components" or "/" in library: # library is either the components directory or a full path - use it as-is asset = library else: # library is just a name (not a path) - prepend components/ to it asset = "components/" + library elif noun == "hdl-library" or hdl_library is not None: # hdl library is specified in some way # cannot have a library noun AND directive if noun == "hdl-library" and name is not "." and hdl_library is not None: raise OCPIException( "Could not choose between two hdl_library directories: '" + name + "' and '" + hdl_library + "'.") # default hdl library if needed hdl_library = name if hdl_library is None else hdl_library # hdl libraries live in the hdl/ subtree asset = "hdl/" + hdl_library elif noun in library_assets: asset = "components/" elif noun in ["project", "workers", "tests"]: # If we have gotten this far and a "workers" or "tests" is discovered, the only # remaining asset type that it can be is "project". # When locating a project, it is either the current project (name is none), or the # the directory is specified by name asset = "." if name is None else name elif noun is None: # when no noun or location-directive gives direction regarding where to look for an # asset, assume the top-level of the project asset = "." else: raise OCPIException("Invalid noun provided: " + str(noun)) # If the asset-type/noun is a collection-type, then we already know its location. # E.g. If the noun is 'library' (a collection-type) and the name is 'dsp_comps', # then by now we have obtained asset='components/dsp_comps'. Just return that. # Otherwise append 'name' to the determined collection-type asset. # E.g. If library directives describe a collection-type/asset named 'components/dsp_comps', # and the noun is 'worker' with name 'complex_mixer.hdl', then this will result in # 'components/dsp_comps/complex_mixer.hdl if noun in COLLECTION_DIRTYPES or name is None: return asset else: return asset + "/" + name
def get_ocpidev_working_dir(origin_path=".", noun="", name=".", library=None, hdl_library=None, hdl_platform=None): """ Given an origin path, noun, name and location/library directives, determine the target assets's directory to work in. Basically, the arguments of this function describe the current state/location in a project as well as a description of where to look for an asset of a certain name and type. This function completes that mapping of: 'current-state/location + asset-description' -> asset-directory, and returns the working directory of interest. First, this function converts the current state/location to location/library directives like library, hdl_library, hdl_platform and collection_type. So basically, convert the current-state + location-directives, to just location-directives. These location-directives along with descriptors like noun and name comprise an asset-description. At that point, the _get_asset_dir() function can be called which converts an asset-description to asset-directory. This nested function call does not require any current-state/location information, and will provide the location of the target asset relative to a project top. Finally, the path to the project of interest is prepended to this asset-directory and the resulting full-path is returned. Args: origin_path: path from which we are operating - this provides runtime context that may translate to location directives: (library/hdl_library/hdl_platform/collection_type) noun: noun/asset-type of interest. Defaults to blank name: name of the asset to locate. Basically, what is the name of the asset of type <noun> library: the library in which the asset of interest lives hdl_library: the HDL library in which the asset of interest lives (in the hdl/ subtree) hdl_platform: the HDL platform in which the asset of interest lives. might itself be the asset Return: asset_dir: the full path to asset described via this function's arguments Notes: name and noun describe the name and type of asset being described. The library, platform arguments are location-directives or modifiers that dictate where to the asset should be found. """ logging.debug("Getting ocpidev working dir from options:\n" + str((origin_path, noun, name, library, hdl_library, hdl_platform))) # If the noun is project, append name to origin_path to ensure we operate from within a project # from here forward if noun == "project": origin_path = origin_path + "/" + name name = "." #from _opencpi.util import OCPIException if not is_path_in_project(origin_path): raise OCPIException( "Path \"" + os.path.realpath(origin_path) + "\" is not in a project, so its settings " + "as a subdirectory of a project could not be determined.") # if this is a collection type, we care about the current directory's dirtype, # otherwise we want the current asset's containing collection's dirtype cur_dirtype = get_dirtype(origin_path) if cur_dirtype is not None and cur_dirtype in COLLECTION_DIRTYPES: # operating on a collection-type, so just proceed as usual working_dir = origin_path dirtype = cur_dirtype else: # not operating on a collection-type. It is most convenient here # to determine the location/library-directives associated with the # asset's containing collection working_dir = origin_path + "/.." dirtype = get_dirtype(working_dir) # if no name was provided, set name to the origin_path's basename to preserve that # information as we move to the parent collection if (name is None or name == ".") and get_dirtype(origin_path) is not None: name = os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(origin_path)) # error checking if (library is not None or hdl_library is not None) and dirtype in ["library", "hdl-library"]: raise OCPIException( "[hdl-]library option cannot be provided when operating in a " + "directory of [hdl-]library type.") if (hdl_platform is not None) and dirtype in "hdl_platform": raise OCPIException( "hdl-platform option cannot be provided when operating in a " + "directory of hdl-platform type.") working_basename = os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(working_dir)) # if origin path is the 'hdl' subdir, and library is set, prepend 'hdl/' if dirtype is None and working_basename == "hdl" and library is not None: library = "hdl/" + library elif dirtype == "library": # Determine where this library lives to choose which locatin-directive # to set parent_dt = get_dirtype(working_dir + "/..") parent_basename = os.path.basename( os.path.realpath(working_dir + "/..")) library = working_basename if parent_dt in ["project", "libraries"]: # if the parent directory is type project or libraries, then this is # a component library (e.g. components or a sublibrary of components) library = working_basename elif parent_dt == "hdl-platform": # parent directory is an HDL platform, so set that directive hdl_platform = parent_basename elif parent_dt is None and parent_basename == "hdl": # parent directory has no type and is named 'hdl'. So, this is an hdl library # e.g. devices, cards, adapters library = "hdl/" + working_basename elif dirtype == "hdl-platform": hdl_platform = working_basename logging.debug( "Getting ocpidev working dir from options (auxiliary function):\n" + str((noun, name, library, hdl_library, hdl_platform, dirtype))) # If no noun was specified, and the dirtype is a collection, set noun to dirtype # For example, if a command was run in hdl/assemblies, but no noun was specified, # then just set the noun to hdl-assemblies if noun == "": noun = dirtype if dirtype in COLLECTION_DIRTYPES else "" # Now that the current state/directory has been converted to location directives, # call this helper function to convert or state-less asset-description to an # asset-directory from a project top asset_from_pj_top = _get_asset_dir(noun, name, library, hdl_library, hdl_platform) proj_path = get_path_to_project_top(origin_path) # prepend the asset-directory with the path to the project top asset_dir = os.path.realpath(proj_path + "/" + asset_from_pj_top) # ensure existence and return if os.path.exists(asset_dir): return asset_dir else: raise OCPIException("Determined working directory of \"" + asset_dir + "\" that does " + "not exist.")
def set_vars_from_make(mk_file, mk_arg="", verbose=None): """ Collect a dictionary of variables from a makefile -------------------------------------------------- First arg is .mk file to use Second arg is make arguments needed to invoke correct output The output can be an assignment or a target Third arg is a verbosity flag Return a dictionary of variable names mapped to values from make OCPI_LOG_LEVEL>=6 will print stderr from make for user to see OCPI_LOG_LEVEL>=10 will pass OCPI_DEBUG_MAKE to make command and will print both stdout and stderr for user to see """ with open(os.devnull, 'w') as fnull: make_exists = subprocess.Popen(["which", "make"],\ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=fnull).communicate()[0] if make_exists is None or make_exists == "": if verbose != None and verbose != "": logging.error("The '\"make\"' command is not available.") return 1 # If log level >= 10 set OCPI_DEBUG_MAKE=1 (max debug level) ocpi_log_level = int(os.environ.get('OCPI_LOG_LEVEL', 0)) if ocpi_log_level >= 10: mk_dbg = "OCPI_DEBUG_MAKE=1" else: mk_dbg = "" # If mk_file is a "Makefile" then we use the -C option on the directory containing # the makefile else (is a .mk) use the -f option on the file if mk_file.endswith("/Makefile"): make_cmd = "make " + mk_dbg + " -n -r -s -C " + os.path.dirname(mk_file) + " " + mk_arg else: make_cmd = "make " + mk_dbg + " -n -r -s -f " + mk_file + " " + mk_arg logging.debug("Calling make via:" + str(make_cmd.split())) child = subprocess.Popen(make_cmd.split(), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) mk_output, mk_err = child.communicate() # Print out output from make if log level is high logging.debug("STDOUT output from Make (set_vars_from_make):\n" + str(mk_output)) # Print out stderr from make if log level is medium/high or if make returned error if child.returncode != 0 or ocpi_log_level >= 6: if mk_err: logging.error("STDERR output from Make (set_vars_from_make):\n" + str(mk_err)) if child.returncode != 0: raise OCPIException("The following make command returned an error:\n" + make_cmd) try: grep_str ='(^|\n)[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_]*=.*', str(mk_output.strip())).group() except AttributeError: logging.warning("No variables are set from \"" + mk_file + "\"") return None assignment_strs = [x.strip() for x in grep_str.split(';') if len(x.strip()) > 0] make_vars = {} for var_assignment in assignment_strs: var_name, var_val = var_assignment.split('=') # If the value is an empty string or just matching quotes, assign [] as the value if var_val == "\"\"" or var_val == "\'\'" or var_val == "": assignment_value = [] else: assignment_value = var_val.strip('"').strip().split(' ') make_vars[var_name] = assignment_value return make_vars