class View(View): logs = ['self.__init__'] started = round(time.time()) show_log = True space_name = Config('BASICS.NAME').value admin_url = Secret('DJANGO.ADMIN_URL').value path = '' def log(self, text): import os self.logs.append(text) if self.show_log == True: Log().print('{}'.format(text), os.path.basename(__file__), self.started)
def import_from_discourse(self, DISCOURSE_URL=Secret( 'DISCOURSE.DISCOURSE_URL').value): from _apis.models import Discourse import time import requests from _setup.models import Log if DISCOURSE_URL: Log().show_message( '✅ Found DISCOURSE.DISCOURSE_URL - start importing persons from Discourse.' ) time.sleep(2) if requests.get(DISCOURSE_URL).status_code == 200: users = Discourse(url=DISCOURSE_URL).get_users() Log().print('--> process {} users'.format(len(users))) for user in users: Person().create( json_content={ 'str_name_en_US': user['user']['name'] if user['user']['name'] and user['user']['name'] != '' else user['user'] ['username'], 'url_featured_photo': DISCOURSE_URL + user['user'] ['avatar_template'].replace('{size}', '240'), 'url_discourse': DISCOURSE_URL + 'u/' + user['user']['username'], 'text_description_en_US': user['user']['title'] if user['user']['title'] != '' else None }) else: Log().show_message( 'WARNING: I can\'t access your Discourse page. Is the URL correct? Will skip Discourse for now.' ) time.sleep(4) else: Log().show_message( 'WARNING: Can\'t find the DISCOURSE.DISCOURSE_URL in your secrets.json. Will skip Discourse for now.' ) time.sleep(4)
def setup_config(self): from _setup.models.setup_functions.new_functions.languages import SetupLanguages from _setup.models.setup_functions.new_functions.riseuppad import SetupNewRiseupPad from _setup.models.setup_functions.new_functions.location import SetupNewLocation from _setup.models.setup_functions.new_functions.latlon_timezone import SetupNewLatLonTimezone from _setup.models.setup_functions.new_functions.event_footer import SetupNewEventFooter later_then_config = 'Guess later then... Open your config.json at any time to make changes.' self.config = Secret().set_secret( SetupTestConfig('BASICS.NAME').value if self.test else 'input', self.config, later_then_config, 'First: What is the name of your hackspace?', 'BASICS', 'NAME') self.config = SetupLanguages(self.config, self.test).config self.config = SetupNewRiseupPad(self.config).config self.config = SetupNewLocation(self.config, later_then_config, self.test).config self.config = SetupNewLatLonTimezone(self.config).config self.config = Secret().set_secret( SetupTestConfig('SOCIAL.HASHTAG').value if self.test else 'input', self.config, later_then_config, 'What #hashtag do people use when they talk online about your hackspace on Twitter or Instagram? (Example: #noisebridge)', 'SOCIAL', 'HASHTAG') self.config = Secret().set_secret( SetupTestConfig('BASICS.DONATION_URLs.MONEY').value if self.test else 'input', self.config, later_then_config, 'Do you have a donation page, where people can donate money online? If yes, please enter the url. (or press Enter to skip)', 'BASICS', 'DONATION_URLs', 'MONEY') self.config = Secret().set_secret( None if self.test else 'input', self.config, later_then_config, 'Did you clone the HackspaceOS template and want people to make changes to your clone? Then enter the GIT URL now (for example from Github).', 'WEBSITE', 'WEBSITE_GIT') self.config = Secret().set_secret( SetupTestConfig('WEBSITE.DOMAIN').value, self.config, later_then_config, 'What domain will you use for your new hackspace website? (Just the domain. Example: "")', 'WEBSITE', 'DOMAIN') self.config = SetupNewEventFooter(self.config).config self.config = Secret().set_secret( SetupTestConfig('CSS.PRIMARY_COLOR').value, self.config, later_then_config, 'And the last question: What should be your website\'s primary color (for buttons for example). Recommended: a color in your hackspace logo?', 'CSS', 'PRIMARY_COLOR') with open('_setup/config.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(self.config, outfile, indent=4)
def import_from_discourse(self, url=Secret('DISCOURSE.DISCOURSE_URL').value): Log().print('Event.objects.import_from_discourse(self)') from _apis.models import Discourse from dateutil.parser import parse from datetime import datetime from django.db.models import Q from _database.models import Event events = Discourse(url=url).get_category_posts('events', True) now = for event in events: if 'event' in event: date_start = parse(event['event']['start']) if date_start.year >= now.year and date_start.month >= now.month and >= if Event.objects.filter( Q(str_name_en_US=event['title']) | Q(str_name_he_IL=event['title'])).exists( ) == False: event['description'] = Discourse( url=url).get_post_details(event['slug'])['cooked'] self.createEvent(event)
def __init__(self, email, password, client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri): self.logs = ['self.__init__'] self.started = round(time.time()) = email self.password = password self.client_id = client_id self.client_secret = client_secret, self.redirect_uri = redirect_uri # check if still usable token is saved in secrets.json - else get new one if Secret('MEETUP.ACCESS_TOKEN').value and Secret( 'MEETUP.ACCESS_TOKEN_VALID_UPTO').value > time.time() + 60: self.value = Secret('MEETUP.ACCESS_TOKEN').value # check if required fields exist if not self.client_id or not self.client_secret or not self.redirect_uri or not or not self.password: self.log('-> ERROR: Meetup secrets incomplete!') self.value = None else: # else: following steps to get an API token - see # Step 1: Get code to get access token, by loggin into meetup account login_page = Scraper( '{}&response_type=code&redirect_uri={}' .format(self.client_id, self.redirect_uri), scraper_type='selenium', auto_close_selenium=False) login_page.selenium.find_element(By.LINK_TEXT, 'Continue').click() login_page.selenium.find_element_by_id('email').send_keys( login_page.selenium.find_element_by_id('password').send_keys( self.password) login_page.selenium.find_element_by_id('loginFormSubmit').click() time.sleep(10) code = login_page.selenium.current_url.split('code=')[1] login_page.selenium.close() # Step 2: get access token self.response_json = '', params={ 'client_id': self.client_id, 'client_secret': self.client_secret, 'code': code, 'response_type': 'code', 'grant_type': 'authorization_code', 'redirect_uri': self.redirect_uri, 'scope': ['basic', 'event_management'] }).json() if 'access_token' in self.response_json: with open('_setup/secrets.json') as json_file: secrets = json.load(json_file) secrets['MEETUP']['ACCESS_TOKEN'] = self.response_json[ 'access_token'] secrets['MEETUP']['ACCESS_TOKEN_VALID_UPTO'] = round( time.time() + self.response_json['expires_in']) with open('_setup/secrets.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(secrets, outfile, indent=4) self.value = self.response_json['access_token'] else: self.log('-> ERROR: Failed to get Access Token - {}'.format( self.response_json)) self.value = None
from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path from django.views.generic.base import RedirectView from _apis.urls import urlpatterns as api_urls from _setup.models import Secret, Startup from _website import views startup = Startup() startup.check_code_update() startup.check_config_uptodate('config') startup.check_config_uptodate('secrets') startup.check_mode_testing() urlpatterns = [ path(Secret('DJANGO.ADMIN_URL').value + '/',, path('', views.LandingpageView.as_view(), name='landingpage'), path('values', views.ValuesView.as_view(), name='values'), path('values/', RedirectView.as_view(url='values', permanent=False), name='values/'), path('ourvalues', RedirectView.as_view(url='values', permanent=False), name='ourvalues/'), path('ourvalues/', RedirectView.as_view(url='values', permanent=False), name='ourvalues'), path('meetings', views.MeetingsView.as_view(path='all'), name='meetings'), path('meeting', RedirectView.as_view(url='meetings', permanent=False), name='meeting'),
def config(self): return Secret('TELEGRAM').value
def __init__(self, request=None): from _apis.models import Notify from _database.models import Helper, Event, Space, Guilde, Person from _setup.models import Config from _setup.models import Secret from django.http import JsonResponse DOMAIN = Config('WEBSITE.DOMAIN').value int_UNIXtime_event_start = Helper().INT__UNIX_from_date_and_time_STR( request.POST.get('date', None), request.POST.get('time', None)) int_minutes_duration = Helper().INT__duration_minutes( request.POST.get('duration', None)) try: if request.FILES[ 'images[0]'].content_type == 'image/jpeg' or request.FILES[ 'images[0]'].content_type == 'image/png': image = request.FILES['images[0]'] else: image = None except: image = None uploaded_photo_url = request.POST.get('photo', None) new_event = Event( boolean_approved=request.user.is_authenticated, str_name_en_US=request.POST.get('name_english', None), str_name_he_IL=request.POST.get('name_hebrew', None), int_UNIXtime_event_start=int_UNIXtime_event_start, int_minutes_duration=int_minutes_duration, int_UNIXtime_event_end=int_UNIXtime_event_start + (60 * int_minutes_duration), url_featured_photo=uploaded_photo_url if 'https' in uploaded_photo_url else None, image_featured_photo=image, text_description_en_US=request.POST.get('description_english', None), text_description_he_IL=request.POST.get('description_hebrew', None), one_space=Space.objects.QUERYSET__by_name( request.POST.get('space', None)), one_guilde=Guilde.objects.QUERYSET__by_name( request.POST.get('guilde', None)), str_crowd_size=request.POST.get('expected_crowd', None), str_welcomer=request.POST.get('event_welcomer', None), boolean_looking_for_volunteers=True if request.POST.get( 'volunteers', None) == 'yes' else False) if request.POST.get('location', None): if request.POST.get('location', None) != Config('BASICS.NAME').value: if request.POST.get('location', None).lower() == 'online': new_event.boolean_online_meetup = True else: new_event.str_location = request.POST.get('location', None) if request.POST.get('repeating', None): # if repeating, mark as such and auto generate new upcoming events with "update_database" command str_repeating_how_often = request.POST.get('repeating', None) str_repeating_up_to = request.POST.get('repeating_up_to', None) if str_repeating_how_often and str_repeating_how_often != '': new_event.int_series_startUNIX = new_event.int_UNIXtime_event_start new_event.str_series_repeat_how_often = str_repeating_how_often if str_repeating_up_to and str_repeating_up_to != '': new_event.int_series_endUNIX = Helper( ).INT__UNIX_from_date_and_time_STR( str_repeating_up_to, request.POST.get('time', None)) hosts = request.POST.get('hosts', None) if hosts: if hosts.startswith(','): hosts = hosts[1:] hosts = hosts.split(',') for host in hosts: new_event.many_hosts.add(Person.objects.by_url_discourse(host)) # if loggedin user: share event to other platforms (Meetup, Discourse, etc.) if request.user.is_authenticated: new_event.create_discourse_event() new_event.create_meetup_event() # else (if event created via live website) inform via slack about new event and give community chance to delete it or confirm it elif 'HTTP_HOST' in request.META and request.META[ 'HTTP_HOST'] == DOMAIN: Notify().send( 'A website visitor created a new event via our website.\n' + 'If no one deletes it within the next 24 hours, it will be automatically published and appears in our website search' + (', meetup group' if Secret('MEETUP.ACCESS_TOKEN'). value else '') + (' and discourse' if Secret('DISCOURSE.API_KEY').exists == True else '') + '.\n' + '🚫-> Does this event already exist or is it spam? Open on the following event link and click "Delete event".\n' + '✅-> You have a user account for our website and want to publish the event directly? Open on the following event link and click "Approve event".\n' + 'https://' + DOMAIN + '/' + new_event.str_slug) else: print( '--> Request not sent via hackerspace domain. Skipped notifying via Slack.' ) # if event is repeating, create upcoming instances new_event = new_event.create_upcoming_instances() # if user is signed in and event autoapproved - direct to event page, else show info self.value = JsonResponse({'url_next': '/' + new_event.str_slug})
def config(self): return Secret('SLACK').value
def __init__(self, backup_files, test=False): self.backup_files = backup_files self.test = test folders = os.listdir() folder_options = '' counter = 1 backups = [] for file_name in folders: if 'setup_backup__' in file_name: backups.append(file_name) if self.test and file_name == '': unittest_zip_counter = counter if counter > 1: folder_options += ', ' folder_options += str(counter)+' - ' + \ file_name.split('setup_backup__')[1].split('.zip')[0] counter += 1 if counter == 1: Log().show_message('No backups found.') else: Log().show_message( 'Which setup would you like to import? '+folder_options) selected_folder = unittest_zip_counter if self.test else input() # test if folder exist try: from zipfile import ZipFile selected_num = int(selected_folder)-1 folder_name = backups[selected_num] # first delete existing files for file_path in self.backup_files: if os.path.exists(file_path): os.remove(file_path) # copy files into folder with ZipFile(folder_name, 'r') as zip: # extracting all the files zip.extractall() except: Log().show_message( 'ERROR: The folder doesnt exist. Please enter a correct number.') # make sure cronjobs are also setup Cronjob().setup() # test if superuser already exists User = get_user_model() if User.objects.count() == 0: username = Config('BASICS.NAME').value+'SuperMember' password = secrets.token_urlsafe(50) User.objects.create_superuser(username, None, password) self.secrets = Secret().value self.secrets['DJANGO']['ADMIN_USER']['USERNAME'] = username self.secrets['DJANGO']['ADMIN_USER']['PASSWORD'] = password with open('_setup/secrets.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(self.secrets, outfile, indent=4) Log().show_message('Created admin user (see _setup/secrets.json for the login details)') Log().show_message('✅Done! Imported "'+folder_name.split('setup_backup__') [1].split('.zip')[0] + '" ('+self.get_size(folder_name)+') and created cronjobs to keep your database up to date!')
def config(self): return Secret('AWS').value
def key_exists(str_key_name): return Secret(str_key_name).exists
def get_key(str_key_name): return Secret(str_key_name).value
def config(self): return Secret('DISCOURSE').value
SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT = True SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = True CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE = True ALLOWED_HOSTS = [Config('WEBSITE.DOMAIN').value] else: DEBUG = True ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*'] # Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...) BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) # Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production # See # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret! SECRET_KEY = Secret('DJANGO.SECRET_KEY').value # Application definition INSTALLED_APPS = [ '_apis', '_database', '_website', '_setup', 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', ]