def set_user_editor(ext, progid, command): """set the default editor for the user this method rely on the program path params: ext - file ext progid - progid progpath - program execute path """ # must use the expand winreg string, if not, you may not have access # to the app and you need to use REG_EXPAND_SZ value type command = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(command) sub_key = '\\'.join(['Software', 'Classes', ext]) key = CreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sub_key, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE) SetValueEx(key, None, 0, REG_SZ, progid) sub_key = '\\'.join( ['Software', 'Classes', progid, 'shell', 'edit', 'command']) key = CreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sub_key, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE) SetValueEx(key, None, 0, REG_SZ, command)
def set_regkey(self, key, subkey, name, typ, value): """Set a specified registry key.""" parts = subkey.split('\\') for off in xrange(1, len(parts)): CreateKeyEx(key, '\\'.join(parts[:off]), 0, KEY_SET_VALUE).Close() with CreateKeyEx(key, subkey, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE) as handle: SetValueEx(handle, name, 0, typ, value)'Set value to %r %r', key, subkey)
def test_CreateKeyEx(self): from _winreg import CreateKeyEx, QueryInfoKey from _winreg import KEY_ALL_ACCESS, KEY_READ key = CreateKeyEx(self.root_key, self.test_key_name, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS) sub_key = CreateKeyEx(key, "sub_key", 0, KEY_READ) nkeys, nvalues, since_mod = QueryInfoKey(key) assert nkeys == 1 nkeys, nvalues, since_mod = QueryInfoKey(sub_key) assert nkeys == 0
def set_keys(self): baseOfficeKeyPath = r"Software\Microsoft\Office" installedVersions = list() try: officeKey = OpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, baseOfficeKeyPath, 0, KEY_READ) for currentKey in xrange(0, QueryInfoKey(officeKey)[0]): isVersion = True officeVersion = EnumKey(officeKey, currentKey) if "." in officeVersion: for intCheck in officeVersion.split("."): if not intCheck.isdigit(): isVersion = False break if isVersion: installedVersions.append(officeVersion) CloseKey(officeKey) except WindowsError: # Office isn't installed at all return for oVersion in installedVersions: key = CreateKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r"{0}\{1}\Publisher\Security".format(baseOfficeKeyPath, oVersion), 0, KEY_SET_VALUE) SetValueEx(key, "VBAWarnings", 0, REG_DWORD, 1) SetValueEx(key, "AccessVBOM", 0, REG_DWORD, 1) SetValueEx(key, "ExtensionHardening", 0, REG_DWORD, 0) CloseKey(key)
def backup_user_editor(ext): """back up the user editor""" current_editor = user_current_editor(ext) if not current_editor: return # need to backup the user editor sub_key = '\\'.join(['Software', 'Classes', ext]) key = CreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sub_key, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE) SetValueEx(key, 'backup', 0, REG_SZ, current_editor)
def set_user_choice(ext, progid): """set the default program for the ext you may batter make sure the progid exists and this program just work for open. do not for edit. params: - ext file extention - progid program id in regitstry """ key_seq = '\\'.join([ 'Software', 'Microsoft', 'Windows', 'CurrentVersion', 'Explorer', 'FileExts', ext, 'UserChoice' ]) user_default = CreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, key_seq, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE) SetValueEx(user_default, 'Progid', 0, REG_SZ, progid)
extensionID = raw_input( 'Digite o valor da extensao ou pressione enter para colar') if extensionID == '': OpenClipboard() extensionID = GetClipboardData() CloseClipboard() print('extensionID: ' + extensionID) if extensionID != '': jobDone = False try: host_key = r'SOFTWARE\Google\Chrome\NativeMessagingHosts\' hostKey = CreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, host_key, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS) SetValueEx(hostKey, "", 0, REG_SZ, c_path + "") FlushKey(hostKey) list_key = r'SOFTWARE\Google\Chrome\NativeMessagingHosts\' listKey = CreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, list_key, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS) SetValueEx(listKey, "", 0, REG_SZ, c_path + "") FlushKey(listKey) jobDone = True except WindowsError as e: if e.winerror == 5: print u"N\xe3o foi poss\xedvel alterar o registro do sistema, para instalar a extens\xe3o, " \ u"\xe9 necess\xe1rio alterar o registro." else:
"ip", "set", "address", "name=Local Area Connection", "static", ip_address, ip_mask, ip_gateway, "1", ] subprocess.Popen(args).wait() else: sock.close() h = CreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS) if s.vmmode == 'normal': # In normal mode we remove the entry in Run from the registry. DeleteValue(h, 'Agent') else: # In bird mode we modify it so that the agent is aware that no new # IP address has to be assigned and goes straight to listening for # the host to connect. settings = dict(vmmode=s.vmmode) value = 'C:\\Python27\\Pythonw.exe "%s" %s' % ( os.path.abspath(__file__), json.dumps(settings).encode('base64')) SetValueEx(h, 'Agent', 0, REG_SZ, value) h.Close()
def set_office_mrus(self): """Adds randomized MRU's to Office software(s). Occasionally used by macros to detect sandbox environments. """ baseOfficeKeyPath = r"Software\Microsoft\Office" installedVersions = list() basePaths = [ "C:\\", "C:\\Windows\\Logs\\", "C:\\Windows\\Temp\\", "C:\\Program Files\\", ] extensions = { "Word": ["doc", "docx", "docm", "rtf"], "Excel": ["xls", "xlsx", "csv"], "PowerPoint": ["ppt", "pptx"], } try: officeKey = OpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, baseOfficeKeyPath, 0, KEY_READ) for currentKey in xrange(0, QueryInfoKey(officeKey)[0]): isVersion = True officeVersion = EnumKey(officeKey, currentKey) if "." in officeVersion: for intCheck in officeVersion.split("."): if not intCheck.isdigit(): isVersion = False break if isVersion: installedVersions.append(officeVersion) CloseKey(officeKey) except WindowsError: # Office isn't installed at all return for oVersion in installedVersions: for software in extensions: values = list() mruKeyPath = "" productPath = r"{0}\{1}\{2}".format(baseOfficeKeyPath, oVersion, software) try: productKey = OpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, productPath, 0, KEY_READ) CloseKey(productKey) mruKeyPath = r"{0}\File MRU".format(productPath) try: mruKey = OpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, mruKeyPath, 0, KEY_READ) except WindowsError: mruKey = CreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, mruKeyPath, 0, KEY_READ) displayValue = False for mruKeyInfo in xrange(0, QueryInfoKey(mruKey)[1]): currentValue = EnumValue(mruKey, mruKeyInfo) if currentValue[0] == "Max Display": displayValue = True values.append(currentValue) CloseKey(mruKey) except WindowsError: # An Office version was found in the registry but the # software (Word/Excel/PowerPoint) was not installed. values = "notinstalled" if values != "notinstalled" and len(values) < 5: mruKey = OpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, mruKeyPath, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE) if not displayValue: SetValueEx(mruKey, "Max Display", 0, REG_DWORD, 25) for i in xrange(1, randint(10, 30)): rString = random_string(minimum=11, charset="0123456789ABCDEF") if i % 2: baseId = "T01D1C" + rString else: baseId = "T01D1D" + rString setVal = "[F00000000][{0}][O00000000]*{1}{2}.{3}".format( baseId, basePaths[randint(0, len(basePaths) - 1)], random_string( minimum=3, maximum=15, charset="abcdefghijkLMNOPQURSTUVwxyz_0369"), extensions[software][randint( 0, len(extensions[software]) - 1)]) name = "Item {0}".format(i) SetValueEx(mruKey, name, 0, REG_SZ, setVal) CloseKey(mruKey)