def solve(): """ Solve the puzzle by getting the required parameters from the request args. """ algorithm = request.args['algorithm'] arr = list(map(int, request.args['input[]'][1:-1].split(','))) print(algorithm) agent = None if algorithm == "BFS": agent = BFS() elif algorithm == "DFS": agent = DFS() elif algorithm == "A start (Euclidean)": agent = AStar(Euclidean) elif algorithm == "A start (Manhatten)": agent = AStar(Manhatten) else: return arr start = timeit.default_timer() res = end = timeit.default_timer() res['time'] = end - start ret = jsonify(res) return ret
def __init__(self, number, initState, goalState, wallStates, game): """ :param number: int number of the player in the players list :param initState: list the initial position of the player :param goalState: list the goal position of the player :param wallStates: list of lists the walls position :param game: game object the game (the map with all informations like the walls...) """ self.initState = initState self.goalState = goalState self.number = number = game self.index = 1 self.astar = AStar(initState, goalState, wallStates, game.spriteBuilder.rowsize, game.spriteBuilder.colsize) self.path = ( self.move = True self.walls = wallStates self.astarForTrueDist = AStar(goalState, initState, wallStates, game.spriteBuilder.rowsize, game.spriteBuilder.colsize)
def main(): row, column = list(map(int, input().split())) table = Table(row, column) table.parseInput() # for test: # for i in range(row): # for j in range(column): # print(table.matrix[i][j], end=" ") # print() # print(table.xyRobot) # print(table.xyButters) # print(table.xyPersons) # print(table.matrix) # bbfs bbfs = BidirectionalBFS(table) startT = time.time() bbfs.calcPathAndCost() endT = time.time() if not bbfs.path: print("Can't pass the butter") else: print("path: ", bbfs.path) print("cost: ", bbfs.cost) print("depthForward: ", bbfs.forwardLastNode.depth) print("depthBackward: ", len(bbfs.path2)) print("sum of depth: ", len(bbfs.path)) print("Execution time in seconds: ", endT - startT) print("Expanded Nodes: ", bbfs.numVisitedNodes) print("Generated Nodes: ", bbfs.numAllNodes) # #Draw # draw = DrawBoard(table, bbfs.path) # draw.draw() # aStar aStar = AStar(table) startT = time.time() aStar.calcPathAndCost() endT = time.time() if not aStar.path: print("Can't pass the butter") else: print("path: ", aStar.path) print("cost: ", aStar.cost) print("depth: ", aStar.lastNode.depth) print("Execution time in seconds: ", endT - startT) print("Expanded Nodes: ", aStar.numVisitedNodes) print("Generated Nodes: ", aStar.numAllNodes)
def run_tests(self): file = open(self.file, "w") inc = 1 a = AStar() for i in range(5): time = * inc) print str(i * inc) + " " + str(time) file.write(str(i * inc) + " " + str(time) + "\n") file.close()
def __init__(self, omsfilepath): self.omsfile = omsfilepath self.astar = AStar(standardSpeed) self.handler = RouteHandler() self.nodes = {} self.busStopList = [] self.edges = {} self.roadNodes = []
def findPath(self, start, goal) : """ start : (float,float), goal : (float,float,float) or (float,float) uses the AStar class to find the shortest path between 'start' and 'goal' then simplifies the path to obtain straight lines as long as possible """ if len(goal) == 2 : goal = goal + (0,) # default value of 'goalRadius' is 0 a = AStar(start, goal, self.thresholdMap) print "Résultat de A*: " + str(a.aStar()) p = a.buildPath() if p == None : self.path == None else : l = len(p) current = l-1 self.path = [p[current]] while current > 0: i = 0 while i+1 < current and not self.isLineClear(p[current], p[i]) : i += 1 current = i self.path.insert(0,p[current])
def findPath(self, start, goal): """ start : (float,float), goal : (float,float,float) or (float,float) uses the AStar class to find the shortest path between 'start' and 'goal' then simplifies the path to obtain straight lines as long as possible """ if len(goal) == 2: goal = goal + (0, ) # default value of 'goalRadius' is 0 a = AStar(start, goal, self.thresholdMap) print "Résultat de A*: " + str(a.aStar()) p = a.buildPath() if p == None: self.path == None else: l = len(p) current = l - 1 self.path = [p[current]] while current > 0: i = 0 while i + 1 < current and not self.isLineClear( p[current], p[i]): i += 1 current = i self.path.insert(0, p[current])
class PlayerPath: """ Class that represents a player and the path that he will use to get the goal """ def __init__(self, number, initState, goalState, wallStates, game): """ :param number: int number of the player in the players list :param initState: list the initial position of the player :param goalState: list the goal position of the player :param wallStates: list of lists the walls position :param game: game object the game (the map with all informations like the walls...) """ self.initState = initState self.goalState = goalState self.number = number = game self.index = 1 self.astar = AStar(initState, goalState, wallStates, game.spriteBuilder.rowsize, game.spriteBuilder.colsize) self.path = ( self.move = True self.walls = wallStates self.astarForTrueDist = AStar(goalState, initState, wallStates, game.spriteBuilder.rowsize, game.spriteBuilder.colsize) def canMove(self): """ tests of the player is at the goal state or not :return: False if the player is at the goal, True otherwise """ if self.index == len(self.path): self.move = False return self.move def movee(self): """ Moves a player if he can move :return: the next move of the player """ #return the initial state if he cant move and he's in the initial state if not self.move and self.index == 0: return self.path[self.index] #return the goal state if he's at the goal state if self.index == len(self.path): return self.path[-1] #return the next move and increments the index attribute nextMove = self.path[self.index] self.index += 1 return nextMove def getNext(self): """ :return: the next move of the player """ # if the player is at the goal state his next move will be to stay on that state if self.index == len(self.path): return self.path[-1] return self.path[self.index] def getPrevious(self): """ :return: the previous move of the player or None if he's at his initial state """ if self.index is 1: return None return self.path[self.index - 1] def removeNextMove(self): """ Removes the next move of the player """ self.path.remove(self.path[self.index]) def insertNewPath(self, newPath): """ add the new path in the position the index attribute :param newPath: list of lists the new path of the player """ indice = self.index for state in newPath: self.path.insert(indice, state) indice += 1 def onGoal(self): """ Tests if the player is at his goal :return: True if the player is at his goal, False otherwise """ return self.index == len(self.path)
class Map: """ The main class for the routing. """ def __init__(self, omsfilepath): self.omsfile = omsfilepath self.astar = AStar(standardSpeed) self.handler = RouteHandler() self.nodes = {} self.busStopList = [] self.edges = {} self.roadNodes = [] def parsData(self): """ Called when it is time to pars the osm map file. The map is supplied when initializing the class. """ self.handler = RouteHandler() parser = make_parser() parser.setContentHandler(self.handler) parser.parse(self.omsfile) self.handler.nodes = None self.busStopList = self.handler.busStops self.edges = self.handler.roadMapGraph def checkCoordinateList(self, coordinatesList): """ :param coordinatesList: [(longitude, latitude)] :return: """ for idx, coordinates in enumerate(coordinatesList): if not self.inEdgeList(coordinates): coordinatesList[idx] = self.closestRoadCoordinate(coordinates) return coordinatesList def closestRoadCoordinate(self, coordinates): """ :param coordinates: :return: """ coordinates = coordinate.closestTo(coordinates, self.handler.roadMapGraph.keys()) return coordinates def findBusStopName(self, lon, lat): """ :param lon: :param lat: :return: """ for nd in self.busStopList: if nd.longitude == lon and nd.latitude == lat: return return None def findBusStopPosition(self, name): """ :param name: :return: """ name = name.decode('utf-8').lower() for nd in self.busStopList: if == name: return nd.coordinates return None def findClosestBusStopFromCoordinates(self, lon, lat): """ Finds the closest bus stop to the position of (lon, lat). :param lon: longitude :param lat: latitude :return: BusStop object """ stop = self.busStopList[0] position = Coordinate(latitude=lat, longitude=lon) dist = coordinate.measure(stop, position) for _stop in self.busStopList: _dist = coordinate.measure(_stop, position) if _dist < dist: stop = _stop dist = _dist return stop def findBusStopsFromCoordinates(self, lon, lat, distance): """ Find the bus stops to the position of (lon, lat) and that is in the radius of distance. :param lon: longitude float :param lat: latitude float :param distance: meters float :return: list of tuples [(name, coordinates, distance)] """ position = Coordinate(longitude=lon, latitude=lat) busStops = [] for _stop in self.busStopList: _dist = coordinate.measure(_stop, position) if _dist <= distance: busStops.append((, _stop.coordinates, _dist)) if not busStops: _closest = self.findClosestBusStopFromCoordinates(lon, lat) _cdist = coordinate.measure(_closest, position) busStops.append((, _closest.coordinates, _cdist)) return busStops def findCoordinatesFromAdress(self, address, number=None): """ Translates an address into coordinates. """ address = address.decode('utf-8').lower() if address in self.handler.addresses: if number is None: coordinateList = self.handler.addresses[address].coordinates center = return center else: if number in self.handler.addresses[address].numbers: noCoord = self.handler.addresses[address].numbers[number] return noCoord else: return self.findCoordinatesFromAdress(address) else: return None def findRoute(self, startCoord, endCoord): """ Finds a route between two points in the map. Uses the A* algorithm to find this path. :param startCoord: id of the starting node :param endCoord: id of the ending node :return: a path between the start and ending point and the to take that path """ if not self.inEdgeList(startCoord): startCoord = self.closestRoadCoordinate(startCoord) if not self.inEdgeList(endCoord): print "NOOO!" path, cost = self.astar.findPath(self.edges, startCoord, endCoord) travelTime = cost[endCoord][0] return path, travelTime def findRouteFromCoordinateList(self, coordinateList): """ Finds the paths path between points in a list of coordinates. The path through an increasing order of indexes. Index 0 is the starting point and N-1 is the end point where N is the length of the list. Coordinates are represented as a tuple with (longitude, latitude) :param coordinateList: [coordinates] :return: """ # Get the node IDs of the coordinates. coordList = self.checkCoordinateList(coordinateList) path = [] cost = [0] if len(coordList) == 1: path.append(coordList[0]) elif len(coordList) > 1: path.append(coordList[0]) for n in range(0, len(coordList) - 1): _path, _cost = self.findRoute(coordList[n], coordList[n + 1]) [path.append(x) for x in _path[1:]] cost.append(_cost) return path, cost def findWayPoints(self, startNode, endNode): """ Finds path and way points between two nodes. Used for finding the route between two points (nodes) in the road map. The points have to be located on the road. """ route = self.findRoute(startNode, endNode) return route, self.getWayPointsFromPath(route) def findWayPointsFromList(self, nodeList): """ Finds the path and way points between multiple points (intermediate points). The path will go from N to N+1. list[0] is the starting point the last element of the list will be the ending point. """ path = [] waypoints = [] if len(nodeList) > 1: path.append(nodeList[0]) for n in range(0, len(nodeList) - 1): nPath, _ = self.findRoute(nodeList[n], nodeList[n + 1]) [path.append(x) for x in nPath[1:]] waypoints = self.getWayPointsFromPath(path) return path, waypoints def getWayPointsFromPath(self, path): """ Given a path it will return the way points on that path. """ nodeList = [] for n in range(1, len(path) - 2): roadIDfrom = ([item for item in self.edges[path[n - 1]] if item[0] == path[n]][0][3]) roadIDto = ([item for item in self.edges[path[n]] if item[0] == path[n + 1]][0][3]) if roadIDfrom != roadIDto: nodeList.append(path[n]) return nodeList def inEdgeList(self, sid): """ """ return sid in self.handler.roadMapGraph
def test_AStar_Manhatten(self): agent = AStar(Manhatten) steps =[1, 2, 5, 3, 4, 0, 6, 7, 8]) print("Solved in {} steps".format(len(steps))) print(steps)