def bfs(board, start, goal):
    """Return open nodes, closed nodes and path"""
    _node_cost = {
        'w': 100,
        'm': 50,
        'f': 10,
        'g': 5,
        'r': 1,
        '.': 1,
        'A': 1,
        'B': 1
    neighbors = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)]

    explored_coordinates = set()

    # Board x size
    board_x = len(board[0])
    # Board y size
    board_y = len(board)

    start = Node(start[1], start[0])
    goal = Node(goal[1], goal[0])

    visited = set()
    queue = Queue()

    no_children = 0

    while queue:
        current = queue.get()

        if current.x == goal.x and current.y == goal.y:
            return list(queue.queue), visited, current.retrace_path()

        for n in neighbors:
            child_x = current.x + n[0]
            child_y = current.y + n[1]
            # Outside board
            if child_x >= board_x or child_y >= board_y or child_x < 0 or child_y < 0:
            # Not a wall
            if board[child_y][child_x] != '#':
                no_children += 1
                current.add_child(Node(child_x, child_y))

        for child in current.children:
            if (child.x, child.y) not in explored_coordinates:
                explored_coordinates.add((child.x, child.y))

                child.parent = current
    return None
def successors(x, y):
    ss = [Node(x + 1, y), Node(x - 1, y),
          Node(x, y + 1), Node(x, y - 1)]

    ss += [Node(x + 1, y + 1), Node(x - 1, y - 1),
           Node(x - 1, y + 1), Node(x + 1, y - 1)]
    yield from ss
def buildRRT(n, q0, qgoal):
    """ Perform the RRT algorithm

    global discriminantRefusals

    # Initialisation of trees
    startNode = Node(q0)
    endNode = Node(qgoal)

    T = [[startNode], [endNode]]

    currentTree = 0  # Tree to grow
    otherTree = 1

    mergesNumber = 0  # Number of merges achieved

    # Main loop
    i = 0
    while i < n and mergesNumber < maxMergesNumber:
        i = i + 1
        (node_qnear, node_qnew) = randomNode(T[currentTree])

        if not (node_qnew is None):
            extendRRT(T[currentTree], node_qnear, node_qnew)

            # Try to merge qnew to the other tree:
            for node_q in T[otherTree]:
                if (cart_dist(node_q.q[:2], node_qnew.q[:2]) < merge_threshold
                        and not checkcollision(node_q.q, node_qnew.q)):


                    mergesNumber = mergesNumber + 1

        # If you're here merging hasn't succeeded: swap trees and continue
        currentTree = (currentTree + 1) % 2
        otherTree = (otherTree + 1) % 2

    print("Number of merges : {}".format(mergesNumber))
    print("Discriminant refusals : {}".format(discriminantRefusals))
    return T
 def __init__(self, x, y, children=[]):
     Node.__init__(self, children)
     self.x = x
     self.y = y
def randomNode(T):
    """ Choose a random command and apply it to a node

    global discriminantRefusals

    # Pick a random config
    x_rand = rd.random() * Xmax
    y_rand = rd.random() * Ymax
    theta_rand = rd.random() * 2 * pi
    beta_rand = rd.random() * 2 * pi

    q_rand = [x_rand, y_rand, theta_rand, beta_rand]

    # Find the closest node of this random config in T
    bestDistance = 100000
    bestNode = None

    for node in T:
        distance = cart_dist(node.q, q_rand)
        if distance < bestDistance:
            bestDistance = distance
            bestNode = node

    q_near = bestNode.q
    node_qnear = bestNode

    # Compute the desired velocity of the sugar
    sugarPos = sugarPosition(q_near, a, d)
    desiredSugarPos = sugarPosition(q_rand, a, d)

    dx = desiredSugarPos[0] - sugarPos[0]
    dy = desiredSugarPos[1] - sugarPos[1]

    vx = Vmax * dx / sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
    vy = Vmax * dy / sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)

    # Applying the sugar tracking command
    [x, y, theta, beta] = q_near
    success = True  # to check whether this configuration is ok

    for i in range(Ne):
        xm_dot = beta_dot = 0

        if beta != 0:
            A = L / tan(beta) * cos(theta) - a * sin(theta) - d * sin(theta +
            B = -d * sin(theta + beta)
            C = L / tan(beta) * sin(theta) + a * cos(theta) + d * cos(theta +
            D = d * cos(theta + beta)

            invDet = 1 / (A * D - B * C)

            xm_dot = L / tan(beta) * invDet * (D * vx - B * vy)
            beta_dot = invDet * (A * vy - C * vx)
            xm_dot = Vmax
            beta_dot = 1 / d * (cos(theta) * vy - sin(theta) * vx)

        beta += step_size / Ne * beta_dot
        theta += step_size / Ne * tan(beta) / L
        x += step_size / Ne * cos(theta) * xm_dot
        y += step_size / Ne * sin(theta) * xm_dot

        # Check for collision
        if textMap[int(x * Xpix / Xmax)][int(y * Ypix / Ymax)] != 0:
            success = False  # We found at least one collision

        beta = beta % (2 * pi)
        theta = theta % (2 * pi)

    q = [x, y, theta, beta]

    if success:
        # Check whether the resulting node is not too near from an existing one
        for node in T:
            if cart_dist(node.q, q) < discriminant:
                success = False
                discriminantRefusals = discriminantRefusals + 1

    if success:
        # Create the resulting node
        node_qnew = Node(q)
        return node_qnear, node_qnew

    return None, None
def classic_8_neighbors():
    side = 10
    walls = (
        Node(2, 3), Node(3, 3), Node(4, 3), Node(5, 3), Node(6, 3), Node(7, 3),
        Node(2, 4), Node(3, 4), Node(4, 4), Node(5, 4), Node(6, 4), Node(7, 4),
                                                        Node(6, 5), Node(7, 5),
                                                        Node(6, 6), Node(7, 6)
    start = Node(0, 9)
    stop = Node(9, 0)
    graph = build_graph(side, successors, *walls)
    filename = 'illustrations/classic_8_neighbors.gif'
    a_star(start, stop, graph, g, euclid, filename=filename)
def alpha():
    side = 10
    walls = (Node(2, 3), Node(3, 3), Node(4, 3), Node(5, 3), Node(6, 3),
             Node(7, 3), Node(2, 4), Node(3, 4), Node(4, 4), Node(5, 4),
             Node(6, 4), Node(7, 4), Node(6, 5), Node(7,
                                                      5), Node(6,
                                                               6), Node(7, 6))
    start = Node(0, 9)
    stop = Node(9, 0)
    graph = build_graph(side, successors, *walls)
    filename = 'illustrations/alpha.gif'
    fa_h = partial(h, l1=1, l2=2, g=g)
    a_star(start, stop, graph, g, fa_h, filename=filename)
def rectangle_walk(width, height):
    for x in range(width):
        for y in range(height):
            yield Node(x, y)
def dijkstra(board, start, goal):
    _node_cost = {
        'w': 100,
        'm': 50,
        'f': 10,
        'g': 5,
        'r': 1,
        '.': 1,
        'A': 1,
        'B': 1
    # Board x size
    board_x = len(board[0])
    # Board y size
    board_y = len(board)
    # Explored coordinates
    explored_coordinate = set()
    explored_coordinate.add((start[1], start[0]))
    # The set of nodes already evaluated
    closed_set = set()
    # The set of currently discovered nodes still to be evaluated
    open_set = set()
    # Make A and B nodes
    start = Node(start[1], start[0])
    goal = Node(goal[1], goal[0])
    # Add start node
    neighbors = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)]

    while open_set:
        current = min(open_set, key=lambda o: o.g)
        if current.x == goal.x and current.y == goal.y:
            return open_set, closed_set, current.retrace_path()
        # Generate children
        for n in neighbors:
            # Give the neighbors coordinates
            child_x = current.x + n[0]
            child_y = current.y + n[1]
            # Outside board
            if child_x >= board_x or child_y >= board_y or child_x < 0 or child_y < 0:
            # Not a wall
            if board[child_y][child_x] != '#':
                current.add_child(Node(child_x, child_y))


        for child in current.children:
            # Calculate new node distances

            if (child.x, child.y) not in explored_coordinate:
                explored_coordinate.add((child.x, child.y))
                child.parent = current
                child.g = current.g + _node_cost[board[child.y][child.x]]
            elif current.g + _node_cost[board[child.y][child.x]] < child.g:
                child.parent = current
                child.g = current.g + _node_cost[board[child.y][child.x]]
    return None
def dijkstra():
    side = 10
    walls = (Node(2, 3), Node(3, 3), Node(4, 3), Node(5, 3), Node(6, 3),
             Node(7, 3), Node(2, 4), Node(3, 4), Node(4, 4), Node(5, 4),
             Node(6, 4), Node(7, 4), Node(6, 5), Node(7,
                                                      5), Node(6,
                                                               6), Node(7, 6))
    start = Node(0, 9)
    stop = Node(9, 0)
    graph = build_graph(side, successors, *walls)
    a_star(start, stop, graph, g, h, filename='illustrations/dijkstra.gif')
def dynamic_weighting():
    side = 10
    walls = (
        Node(2, 3), Node(3, 3), Node(4, 3), Node(5, 3), Node(6, 3), Node(7, 3),
        Node(2, 4), Node(3, 4), Node(4, 4), Node(5, 4), Node(6, 4), Node(7, 4),
                                                        Node(6, 5), Node(7, 5),
                                                        Node(6, 6), Node(7, 6)
    start = Node(0, 9)
    stop = Node(9, 0)
    graph = build_graph(side, successors, *walls)
    filename = 'illustrations/dynamic_weighting.gif'
    dm_h = partial(h, N=euclid(start, stop), e=5, d=g)
    a_star(start, stop, graph, g, dm_h, filename=filename)