break else: connectTo = i else: if iid == i['instanceId']: connectTo = i cmd = None if connectTo[''] == 'running': cmd = '%s %s@%s %s' % (options.externalcommand, options.user, connectTo['ipAddress'], options.command) print cmd if not options.dryrun: os.system(cmd) if __name__ == '__main__': k, s = aaws.getBotoCredentials() parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='usage: %prog [options] (key=value)* [instanceid]', version='%prog 1.00') parser.add_option('-k', '--key', help='Specify AWS key (default from .boto)', default=k) parser.add_option('-s', '--secret', help='Specify AWS secret (default from .boto)', default=s) parser.add_option('-r', '--region', help='Specify region to connect to (default us-west-1)', default='us-west-1') parser.add_option('-n', '--dryrun', action='store_true', help='Dont execute anything, just print what command would have been executed', default=False) parser.add_option('-e', '--externalcommand', help='External command', default='ssh') parser.add_option('-u', '--user', help='User to use for ssh', default='root') parser.add_option('-c', '--command', help='Remote command to execute', default='') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() ec2 = aaws.EC2(options.region, options.key, options.secret) if len(args) > 0: kws = {}
else: connectTo = i else: if iid == i['instanceId']: connectTo = i cmd = None if connectTo[''] == 'running': cmd = '%s %s@%s %s' % (options.externalcommand, options.user, connectTo['ipAddress'], options.command) print cmd if not options.dryrun: os.system(cmd) if __name__ == '__main__': k, s = aaws.getBotoCredentials() parser = optparse.OptionParser( usage='usage: %prog [options] (key=value)* [instanceid]', version='%prog 1.00') parser.add_option('-k', '--key', help='Specify AWS key (default from .boto)', default=k) parser.add_option('-s', '--secret', help='Specify AWS secret (default from .boto)', default=s) parser.add_option('-r', '--region', help='Specify region to connect to (default us-west-1)', default='us-west-1')