def _class_getstate(obj):
    clsdict = _extract_class_dict(obj)
    clsdict.pop('__weakref__', None)

    if issubclass(type(obj), abc.ABCMeta):
        # If obj is an instance of an ABCMeta subclass, dont pickle the
        # cache/negative caches populated during isinstance/issubclass
        # checks, but pickle the list of registered subclasses of obj.
        clsdict.pop('_abc_cache', None)
        clsdict.pop('_abc_negative_cache', None)
        clsdict.pop('_abc_negative_cache_version', None)
        registry = clsdict.pop('_abc_registry', None)
        if registry is None:
            # in Python3.7+, the abc caches and registered subclasses of a
            # class are bundled into the single _abc_impl attribute
            clsdict.pop('_abc_impl', None)
            (registry, _, _, _) = abc._get_dump(obj)

            clsdict["_abc_impl"] = [
                subclass_weakref() for subclass_weakref in registry
            # In the above if clause, registry is a set of weakrefs -- in
            # this case, registry is a WeakSet
            clsdict["_abc_impl"] = [type_ for type_ in registry]

    if "__slots__" in clsdict:
        # pickle string length optimization: member descriptors of obj are
        # created automatically from obj's __slots__ attribute, no need to
        # save them in obj's state
        if isinstance(obj.__slots__, str):
            for k in obj.__slots__:
                clsdict.pop(k, None)

    clsdict.pop('__dict__', None)  # unpicklable property object

    return (clsdict, {})
    def getRegisteredConformers(self):
        Return an iterable of the classes that are known to conform to
        the ABC this interface parallels.
        based_on = self.__abc

        # The registry only contains things that aren't already
        # known to be subclasses of the ABC. But the ABC is in charge
        # of checking that, so its quite possible that registrations
        # are in fact ignored, winding up just in the _abc_cache.
            registered = list(based_on._abc_registry) + list(based_on._abc_cache)
        except AttributeError:
            # Rewritten in C in CPython 3.7.
            # These expose the underlying weakref.
            from abc import _get_dump
            data = _get_dump(based_on)
            registry = data[0]
            cache = data[1]
            registered = [x() for x in itertools.chain(registry, cache)]
            registered = [x for x in registered if x is not None]

        return set(itertools.chain(registered, self.__extra_classes))
def _class_getstate(obj):
    clsdict = _extract_class_dict(obj)
    clsdict.pop('__weakref__', None)

    # For ABCMeta in python3.7+, remove _abc_impl as it is not picklable.
    # This is a fix which breaks the cache but this only makes the first
    # calls to issubclass slower.
    if "_abc_impl" in clsdict:
        (registry, _, _, _) = abc._get_dump(obj)
        clsdict["_abc_impl"] = [subclass_weakref()
                                for subclass_weakref in registry]
    if hasattr(obj, "__slots__"):
        # pickle string length optimization: member descriptors of obj are
        # created automatically from obj's __slots__ attribute, no need to
        # save them in obj's state
        if isinstance(obj.__slots__, string_types):
            for k in obj.__slots__:
                clsdict.pop(k, None)

    clsdict.pop('__dict__', None)  # unpicklable property object

    return (clsdict, {})
    def save_dynamic_class(self, obj):
        """Save a class that can't be stored as module global.

        This method is used to serialize classes that are defined inside
        functions, or that otherwise can't be serialized as attribute lookups
        from global modules.
        clsdict = _extract_class_dict(obj)
        clsdict.pop('__weakref__', None)

        # For ABCMeta in python3.7+, remove _abc_impl as it is not picklable.
        # This is a fix which breaks the cache but this only makes the first
        # calls to issubclass slower.
        if "_abc_impl" in clsdict:
            import abc
            (registry, _, _, _) = abc._get_dump(obj)
            clsdict["_abc_impl"] = [
                subclass_weakref() for subclass_weakref in registry

        # On PyPy, __doc__ is a readonly attribute, so we need to include it in
        # the initial skeleton class.  This is safe because we know that the
        # doc can't participate in a cycle with the original class.
        type_kwargs = {'__doc__': clsdict.pop('__doc__', None)}

        if hasattr(obj, "__slots__"):
            type_kwargs['__slots__'] = obj.__slots__
            # pickle string length optimization: member descriptors of obj are
            # created automatically from obj's __slots__ attribute, no need to
            # save them in obj's state
            if isinstance(obj.__slots__, string_types):
                for k in obj.__slots__:
                    clsdict.pop(k, None)

        # If type overrides __dict__ as a property, include it in the type
        # kwargs. In Python 2, we can't set this attribute after construction.
        __dict__ = clsdict.pop('__dict__', None)
        if isinstance(__dict__, property):
            type_kwargs['__dict__'] = __dict__

        save = self.save
        write = self.write

        # We write pickle instructions explicitly here to handle the
        # possibility that the type object participates in a cycle with its own
        # __dict__. We first write an empty "skeleton" version of the class and
        # memoize it before writing the class' __dict__ itself. We then write
        # instructions to "rehydrate" the skeleton class by restoring the
        # attributes from the __dict__.
        # A type can appear in a cycle with its __dict__ if an instance of the
        # type appears in the type's __dict__ (which happens for the stdlib
        # Enum class), or if the type defines methods that close over the name
        # of the type, (which is common for Python 2-style super() calls).

        # Push the rehydration function.

        # Mark the start of the args tuple for the rehydration function.

        # Create and memoize an skeleton class with obj's name and bases.
        if Enum is not None and issubclass(obj, Enum):
            # Special handling of Enum subclasses
            self._save_dynamic_enum(obj, clsdict)
            # "Regular" class definition:
            tp = type(obj)
                             (tp, obj.__name__, obj.__bases__, type_kwargs,
                              _ensure_tracking(obj), None),

        # Now save the rest of obj's __dict__. Any references to obj
        # encountered while saving will point to the skeleton class.

        # Write a tuple of (skeleton_class, clsdict).

        # Call _rehydrate_skeleton_class(skeleton_class, clsdict)
    def save_dynamic_class(self, obj):
        """Save a class that can't be stored as module global.

        This method is used to serialize classes that are defined inside
        functions, or that otherwise can't be serialized as attribute lookups
        from global modules.
        clsdict = _extract_class_dict(obj)
        clsdict.pop('__weakref__', None)

        if issubclass(type(obj), abc.ABCMeta):
            # If obj is an instance of an ABCMeta subclass, dont pickle the
            # cache/negative caches populated during isinstance/issubclass
            # checks, but pickle the list of registered subclasses of obj.
            clsdict.pop('_abc_cache', None)
            clsdict.pop('_abc_negative_cache', None)
            clsdict.pop('_abc_negative_cache_version', None)
            registry = clsdict.pop('_abc_registry', None)
            if registry is None:
                # in Python3.7+, the abc caches and registered subclasses of a
                # class are bundled into the single _abc_impl attribute
                clsdict.pop('_abc_impl', None)
                (registry, _, _, _) = abc._get_dump(obj)

                clsdict["_abc_impl"] = [
                    subclass_weakref() for subclass_weakref in registry
                # In the above if clause, registry is a set of weakrefs -- in
                # this case, registry is a WeakSet
                clsdict["_abc_impl"] = [type_ for type_ in registry]

        # On PyPy, __doc__ is a readonly attribute, so we need to include it in
        # the initial skeleton class.  This is safe because we know that the
        # doc can't participate in a cycle with the original class.
        type_kwargs = {'__doc__': clsdict.pop('__doc__', None)}

        if "__slots__" in clsdict:
            type_kwargs['__slots__'] = obj.__slots__
            # pickle string length optimization: member descriptors of obj are
            # created automatically from obj's __slots__ attribute, no need to
            # save them in obj's state
            if isinstance(obj.__slots__, str):
                for k in obj.__slots__:
                    clsdict.pop(k, None)

        # If type overrides __dict__ as a property, include it in the type
        # kwargs. In Python 2, we can't set this attribute after construction.
        # XXX: can this ever happen in Python 3? If so add a test.
        __dict__ = clsdict.pop('__dict__', None)
        if isinstance(__dict__, property):
            type_kwargs['__dict__'] = __dict__

        if sys.version_info < (3, 7):
            # Although annotations were added in Python 3.4, It is not possible
            # to properly pickle them until Python 3.7. (See #193)
            clsdict.pop('__annotations__', None)

        save = self.save
        write = self.write

        # We write pickle instructions explicitly here to handle the
        # possibility that the type object participates in a cycle with its own
        # __dict__. We first write an empty "skeleton" version of the class and
        # memoize it before writing the class' __dict__ itself. We then write
        # instructions to "rehydrate" the skeleton class by restoring the
        # attributes from the __dict__.
        # A type can appear in a cycle with its __dict__ if an instance of the
        # type appears in the type's __dict__ (which happens for the stdlib
        # Enum class), or if the type defines methods that close over the name
        # of the type, (which is common for Python 2-style super() calls).

        # Push the rehydration function.

        # Mark the start of the args tuple for the rehydration function.

        # Create and memoize an skeleton class with obj's name and bases.
        if Enum is not None and issubclass(obj, Enum):
            # Special handling of Enum subclasses
            self._save_dynamic_enum(obj, clsdict)
            # "Regular" class definition:
            tp = type(obj)
                             (tp, obj.__name__, _get_bases(obj), type_kwargs,
                              _get_or_create_tracker_id(obj), None),

        # Now save the rest of obj's __dict__. Any references to obj
        # encountered while saving will point to the skeleton class.

        # Write a tuple of (skeleton_class, clsdict).

        # Call _rehydrate_skeleton_class(skeleton_class, clsdict)
import pkg.digest as digest
import pkg.misc as misc

valid_hash_algs = ("sha256", "sha384", "sha512")
valid_sig_algs = ("rsa", )

if list(map(int, _cver.split('.'))) >= [3, 4, 0]:
    # In cryptography 3.4, the hash classes moved to subclasses of
    # hashes.hashAlgorithm
    hash_registry = hashes.HashAlgorithm.__subclasses__()
    # For cryptography < 3.4.0
    import abc

    hash_registry = [
        ref() for ref in abc._get_dump(hashes.HashAlgorithm)[0] if ref()

class SignatureAction(generic.Action):
    """Class representing the signature-type packaging object."""

    __slots__ = [
        "hash", "hash_alg", "sig_alg", "cert_ident", "chain_cert_openers"

    name = "signature"
    key_attr = "value"
    ordinality = generic._orderdict[name]

    def __init__(self, data, **attrs):
 def update_event(self, inp=-1):
     self.set_output_val(0, abc._get_dump())
    def inspect(self):
        return tuple(sorted(self._balls))

class FakeClass():

l1 = LotteryBlower(range(1000))
b1 = BingoCage(list(range(1000)))
f1 = FakeClass()


x = abc._get_dump(Tombola)
import pdb

virtual_subclasses = [ref() for ref in abc._get_dump(Tombola)[0] if ref()]

# print(isinstance(l1, Tombola))
# print(isinstance(b1, Tombola))
# print(isinstance(f1, Tombola))
# print(isinstance(f1, Durf))

import pdb
    def save_dynamic_class(self, obj):
        Save a class that can't be stored as module global.

        This method is used to serialize classes that are defined inside
        functions, or that otherwise can't be serialized as attribute lookups
        from global modules.
        clsdict = dict(obj.__dict__)  # copy dict proxy to a dict
        clsdict.pop('__weakref__', None)

        # For ABCMeta in python3.7+, remove _abc_impl as it is not picklable.
        # This is a fix which breaks the cache but this only makes the first
        # calls to issubclass slower.
        if "_abc_impl" in clsdict:
            import abc
            (registry, _, _, _) = abc._get_dump(obj)
            clsdict["_abc_impl"] = [subclass_weakref()
                                    for subclass_weakref in registry]

        # On PyPy, __doc__ is a readonly attribute, so we need to include it in
        # the initial skeleton class.  This is safe because we know that the
        # doc can't participate in a cycle with the original class.
        type_kwargs = {'__doc__': clsdict.pop('__doc__', None)}

        if hasattr(obj, "__slots__"):
            type_kwargs['__slots__'] = obj.__slots__
            # pickle string length optimization: member descriptors of obj are
            # created automatically from obj's __slots__ attribute, no need to
            # save them in obj's state
            if isinstance(obj.__slots__, string_types):
                for k in obj.__slots__:
                    clsdict.pop(k, None)

        # If type overrides __dict__ as a property, include it in the type kwargs.
        # In Python 2, we can't set this attribute after construction.
        __dict__ = clsdict.pop('__dict__', None)
        if isinstance(__dict__, property):
            type_kwargs['__dict__'] = __dict__

        save = self.save
        write = self.write

        # We write pickle instructions explicitly here to handle the
        # possibility that the type object participates in a cycle with its own
        # __dict__. We first write an empty "skeleton" version of the class and
        # memoize it before writing the class' __dict__ itself. We then write
        # instructions to "rehydrate" the skeleton class by restoring the
        # attributes from the __dict__.
        # A type can appear in a cycle with its __dict__ if an instance of the
        # type appears in the type's __dict__ (which happens for the stdlib
        # Enum class), or if the type defines methods that close over the name
        # of the type, (which is common for Python 2-style super() calls).

        # Push the rehydration function.

        # Mark the start of the args tuple for the rehydration function.

        # Create and memoize an skeleton class with obj's name and bases.
        tp = type(obj)
        self.save_reduce(tp, (obj.__name__, obj.__bases__, type_kwargs), obj=obj)

        # Now save the rest of obj's __dict__. Any references to obj
        # encountered while saving will point to the skeleton class.

        # Write a tuple of (skeleton_class, clsdict).

        # Call _rehydrate_skeleton_class(skeleton_class, clsdict)
class TomboList(list):
    def pick(self):
        if self:
            position = random.randrange(len(self))
            return self.pop(position)
            raise LookupError("pop from empty TomboList")

    load = list.extend

    def loaded(self):
        return bool(self)

    def inspect(self):
        return tuple(sorted(self))

b = BingoCage([1, 2, 3])
l = LotteryBlower([1, 2, 3])
t = TomboList([1, 2, 3])

for i in range(3):
    print("\n#", i, sep="")
    for o in [b, l, t]:
        print(type(o).__name__, o.pick(), sep="\t")

print("\nTombolist MRO:\t", TomboList.__mro__)