def from_dict(cls, d): """ Parameters ---------- d: dict Returns ------- site_centers: list Center coordinates at each groups groups: list List of groups """ site_centers = read_matrix(d["coords"]) groups = [] for g in d["groups"]: name = g["name"] species = g.get("species", [name]) n = len(species) coords = read_tensor(g.get("coords", [[[0, 0, 0]]]), rank=3) m = coords.shape[1] if n != 0 and m != n: raise InputError( 'number of atoms mismatch in group [{}]: "species"={}, "coords"={}' .format(name, n, m)) relaxation = read_matrix(g.get("relaxation", np.ones((n, 3))), dtype=bool) m = relaxation.shape[0] if n != 0 and m != n: raise InputError( 'number of atoms mismatch in group [{}]: "species"={}, "relaxation"={}' .format(name, n, m)) mag = read_vector(g.get("magnetization", np.zeros(n))) m = len(mag) if n != 0 and m != n: raise InputError( 'number of atoms mismatch in group [{}]: "species"={}, "magnetization"={}' .format(name, n, m)) groups.append( group( name, species, coords=coords, relaxations=relaxation, magnetizations=mag, )) return cls(site_centers, groups)
def __init__(self, dconfig): """ Get information from dictionary Parameters ---------- dconfig: dict Dictionary """ if "config" in dconfig: dconfig = dconfig["config"] if "unitcell" not in dconfig: raise InputError( '"unitcell" is not found in the "config" section.') = Lattice(read_matrix(dconfig["unitcell"])) self.supercell = dconfig.get("supercell", [1, 1, 1]) if "base_structure" not in dconfig: raise InputError( '"base_structure" is not found in the "config" section.') self.base_structure = base_structure(, dconfig["base_structure"]) if "defect_structure" not in dconfig: raise InputError( '"defect_structure" is not found in the "config" section.') self.defect_sublattices = [ defect_sublattice.from_dict(ds) for ds in dconfig["defect_structure"] ] self.num_defects = [{g["name"]: g["num"] for g in ds["groups"]} for ds in dconfig["defect_structure"]]
def base_structure(lat, dict_str): """ Parameters ---------- lat: pymatgen.Lattice dict_str: dict Dictionary of base structure Returns ------- st: pymatgen.Structure """ if len(dict_str) == 1 and not dict_str[0]: return Structure( lattice=lat, species=[], coords=[], site_properties={ "seldyn": np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=bool), "magnetization": np.zeros(0), }, ) elems = [] coords = [] relaxations = [] magnetizations = [] for tc in dict_str: if "type" not in tc: raise InputError('"type" is not found in "base_structure"') sp = tc["type"] crds = read_matrix(tc["coords"]) n = crds.shape[0] if "relaxation" in tc: relax = read_matrix(tc["relaxation"], dtype=bool) m = relax.shape[0] if m != n: raise InputError( 'number of base atoms mismatch: "coords"={}, "relaxation"={}' .format(n, m)) else: relax = np.ones((n, 3), dtype=bool) # all True if "magnetization" in tc: mag = tc["magnetization"] if not isinstance(mag, list): raise InputError('"magnetization" should be a list of floats') try: mag = [float(x) for x in mag] except ValueError: raise InputError('"magnetization" should be a list of floats') m = len(mag) if m != n: raise InputError( 'number of base atoms mismatch: "coords"={}, "magnetization"={}' .format(n, m)) else: mag = np.zeros(n) elems.append([sp] * n) coords.append(crds) relaxations.append(relax) magnetizations.append(mag) elems = sum(elems, []) coords = np.concatenate(coords, axis=0) relaxations = np.concatenate(relaxations, axis=0) magnetizations = np.concatenate(magnetizations, axis=0) return Structure( lattice=lat, species=elems, coords=coords, site_properties={ "seldyn": relaxations, "magnetization": magnetizations }, )