    def _find_iqpt_qpoint(self, qpoint):
        if duck.is_intlike(qpoint):
            iq = qpoint
            qpoint = self.qpoints[iq]
            qpoint = Kpoint.as_kpoint(qpoint, self.structure.reciprocal_lattice)
            iq = self.qpoints.index(qpoint)

        return iq, qpoint
文件: phonons.py 项目: gmrigna/abipy
 def __init__(self, qpoint, freq, displ_cart, structure):
         qpoint: qpoint in reduced coordinates.
         freq: Phonon frequency in eV.
         displ: Displacement (Cartesian coordinates, Angstrom)
         structure: :class:`Structure` object.
     self.qpoint = Kpoint.as_kpoint(qpoint, structure.reciprocal_lattice)
     self.freq = freq
     self.displ_cart = displ_cart
     self.structure = structure
文件: phonons.py 项目: gmrigna/abipy
 def __init__(self, qpoint, freq, displ_cart, structure):
         qpoint: qpoint in reduced coordinates.
         freq: Phonon frequency in eV.
         displ: Displacement (Cartesian coordinates, Angstrom)
         structure: :class:`Structure` object.
     self.qpoint = Kpoint.as_kpoint(qpoint, structure.reciprocal_lattice)
     self.freq = freq
     self.displ_cart = displ_cart
     self.structure = structure
    def plot_gkq2_qpath(self, band_kq, band_k, kpoint=0, with_glr=False, qdamp=None, nu_list=None, # spherical_average=False,
                        ax=None, fontsize=8, eph_wtol=EPH_WTOL, **kwargs):
        Plot the magnitude of the electron-phonon matrix elements <k+q, band_kq| Delta_{q\nu} V |k, band_k>
        for a given set of (band_kq, band, k) as a function of the q-point.

            band_ks: Band index of the k+q states (starts at 0)
            band_k: Band index of the k state (starts at 0)
            kpoint: |Kpoint| object or index.
            with_glr: True to plot the long-range component estimated from Verdi's model.
            nu_list: List of phonons modes to be selected (starts at 0). None to select all modes.
            ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created.
            fontsize: Label and title fontsize.

        Return: |matplotlib-Figure|
        if duck.is_intlike(kpoint):
            ik = kpoint
            kpoint = self.kpoints[ik]
            kpoint = Kpoint.as_kpoint(kpoint, self.abifiles[0].structure.reciprocal_lattice)
            ik = self.kpoints.index(kpoint)

        # Assume abifiles are already ordered according to q-path.
        xs = list(range(len(self.abifiles)))
        natom3 = len(self.abifiles[0].structure) * 3
        nsppol = self.abifiles[0].nsppol
        nqpt = len(self.abifiles)
        gkq_snuq = np.empty((nsppol, natom3, nqpt), dtype=np.complex)
        if with_glr: gkq_lr = np.empty((nsppol, natom3, nqpt), dtype=np.complex)

        # TODO: Should take into account possible degeneracies in k and kq...
        xticks, xlabels = [], []
        for iq, abifile in enumerate(self.abifiles):
            qpoint = abifile.qpoint
            #d3q_fact = one if not spherical_average else np.sqrt(4 * np.pi) * qpoint.norm

            name = qpoint.name if qpoint.name is not None else abifile.structure.findname_in_hsym_stars(qpoint)
            if qpoint.name is not None:

            phfreqs_ha, phdispl_red = abifile.phfreqs_ha, abifile.phdispl_red
            ncvar = abifile.reader.read_variable("gkq")
            for spin in range(nsppol):
                gkq_atm = ncvar[spin, ik, :, band_k, band_kq]
                gkq_atm = gkq_atm[:, 0] + 1j * gkq_atm[:, 1]

                # Transform the gkk matrix elements from (atom, red_direction) basis to phonon-mode basis.
                gkq_snuq[spin, :, iq] = 0.0
                for nu in range(natom3):
                    if phfreqs_ha[nu] < eph_wtol: continue
                    gkq_snuq[spin, nu, iq] = np.dot(phdispl_red[nu], gkq_atm) / np.sqrt(2.0 * phfreqs_ha[nu])

            if with_glr:
                # Compute long range part with (simplified) generalized Frohlich model.
                gkq_lr[spin, :, iq] = glr_frohlich(qpoint, abifile.becs_cart, abifile.epsinf_cart,
                                                   abifile.phdispl_cart_bohr, phfreqs_ha, abifile.structure, qdamp=qdamp)

        ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax)

        nu_list = list(range(natom3)) if nu_list is None else list(nu_list)
        for spin in range(nsppol):
            for nu in nu_list:
                ys = np.abs(gkq_snuq[spin, nu]) * abu.Ha_meV
                pre_label = kwargs.pop("pre_label",r"$g_{\bf q}$")
                if nsppol == 1: label = r"%s $\nu$: %s" % (pre_label, nu)
                if nsppol == 2: label = r"%s $\nu$: %s, spin: %s" % (pre_label, nu, spin)
                ax.plot(xs, ys, linestyle="--", label=label)
                if with_glr:
                    # Plot model with G = 0 and delta_nn'
                    ys = np.abs(gkq_lr[spin, nu]) * abu.Ha_meV
                    label = r"$g_{\bf q}^{\mathrm{lr0}}$ $\nu$: %s" % nu
                    ax.plot(xs, ys, linestyle="", marker="o", label=label)

        ax.set_xlabel("Wave Vector")
        ax.set_ylabel(r"$|g_{\bf q}|$ (meV)")
        if xticks:
            ax.set_xticks(xticks, minor=False)
            ax.set_xticklabels(xlabels, fontdict=None, minor=False, size=kwargs.pop("klabel_size", "large"))

        ax.legend(loc="best", fontsize=fontsize, shadow=True)
        title = r"$band_{{\bf k} + {\bf q}: %s, band_{\bf{k}}: %s, kpoint: %s" % (band_kq, band_k, repr(kpoint))
        ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize)

        return fig