def try_parse(self, text): try: self.cmds_run.append(text) if len(self.cmds_run) > 10: self.cmds_run.pop(0) return Command.run_commands([Command(text)]) except ParsingException as e: AutoFix.get().error(str(e)) return False
def _end_loading(self): mdl0 = self.mdl0 import_path_map = self.__normalize_image_path_map( self.import_textures_map) self._import_images(import_path_map) mdl0.rebuild_header() self.brres.add_mdl0(mdl0) if self.is_map: mdl0.add_map_bones() os.chdir(self.cwd) if self.ENCODE_PRESET: if not self.ENCODE_PRESET_ON_NEW or ( self.replacement_model is None and self.json_polygon_encoding is None): Command('preset ' + self.ENCODE_PRESET + ' for * in ' + + ' model ' +'\t... finished in {} secs'.format( round(time.time() - self.start, 2))) if self.encoder: self.encoder.after_encode(mdl0) return mdl0
def test_load(self): self.assertTrue(Command('load {}'.format(self._get_test_fname('presets.txt'))).run_cmd()) self.assertTrue(Command.PRESETS.get('load_preset'))
def load_config(app_dir=None, loudness=None, autofix_level=None): if app_dir is None: app_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'etc', 'abmatt') conf = Config.get_instance(os.path.join(app_dir, 'config.conf')) tmp_dir = os.path.join(app_dir, 'temp_files') converter = ImgConverter(tmp_dir) Tex0.converter = converter if not loudness: loudness = conf['loudness'] if loudness: try: AutoFix.set_loudness(loudness) except ValueError: AutoFix.warn('Invalid loudness level {}'.format(loudness)) AutoFix.set_fix_level(autofix_level, turn_off_fixes) if not len(conf): AutoFix.warn('No configuration detected (etc/abmatt/config.conf).') return Command.set_max_brres_files(conf) # Matching stuff MATCHING.set_case_sensitive(conf['case_sensitive']) MATCHING.set_partial_matching(conf['partial_matching']) MATCHING.set_regex_enable(conf['regex_matching']) # Autofixes try: SubFile.FORCE_VERSION = validBool(conf['force_version']) except ValueError: pass try: Brres.REMOVE_UNUSED_TEXTURES = validBool( conf['remove_unused_textures']) except ValueError: pass try: Layer.MINFILTER_AUTO = validBool(conf['minfilter_auto']) except ValueError: pass set_rename_unknown(conf['rename_unknown_refs']) set_remove_unknown(conf['remove_unknown_refs']) set_remove_unused(conf['remove_unused_refs']) try: Mdl0.DETECT_MODEL_NAME = validBool(conf['detect_model_name']) except ValueError: pass try: Shader.MAP_ID_AUTO = validBool(conf['map_id_auto']) except ValueError: pass try: Material.DEFAULT_COLOR = parse_color(conf['default_material_color']) except ValueError: pass try: Tex0.RESIZE_TO_POW_TWO = validBool(conf['resize_pow_two']) except ValueError: pass try: Tex0.set_max_image_size(validInt(conf['max_image_size'], 0, 10000)) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass try: Geometry.ENABLE_VERTEX_COLORS = validBool(conf['enable_vertex_colors']) except ValueError: pass Converter.ENCODE_PRESET = conf['encode_preset'] resample = conf['img_resample'] if resample is not None: ImgConverterI.set_resample(resample) if conf['material_library']: MaterialLibrary.LIBRARY_PATH = conf.config.get('material_library') else: MaterialLibrary.LIBRARY_PATH = os.path.join(app_dir, 'mat_lib.brres') return conf
def parse_args(argv, app_dir): interactive = overwrite = debug = False type = "" cmd_args = None command = destination = brres_file = command_file = model = value = key = "" autofix = loudness = None name = None no_normals = no_colors = single_bone = no_uvs = moonview = patch = False do_help = False for i in range(len(argv)): if argv[i][0] == '-': if i != 0: cmd_args = argv[:i] argv = argv[i:] break try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(argv, "ahd:oc:t:k:v:n:b:m:f:iul:g", [ "auto-fix", "help", "destination=", "overwrite", "command=", "type=", "key=", "value=", "name=", "brres=", "model=", "file=", "interactive", "loudness=", "debug", "single-bone", "no-colors", "no-normals", "no-uvs", "moonview", "patch" ]) except getopt.GetoptError as e: print(e) print(USAGE) sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): do_help = True elif opt in ('-b', '--brres'): brres_file = arg elif opt in ("-f", "--file"): command_file = arg elif opt in ("-d", "--destination"): destination = arg elif opt in ("-o", "--overwrite"): overwrite = True elif opt in ("-k", "--key"): key = arg elif opt in ("-v", "--value"): value = arg elif opt in ("-t", "--type"): type = arg elif opt in ("-n", "--name"): name = arg elif opt in ("-m", "--model"): model = arg elif opt in ("-c", "--command"): command = arg elif opt in ("-i", "--interactive"): interactive = True elif opt in ("-a", "--auto-fix"): autofix = arg elif opt in ("-l", "--loudness"): loudness = arg elif opt in ("-g", "--debug"): debug = True elif opt == '--single-bone': single_bone = True elif opt == '--no-normals': no_normals = True elif opt == '--no-colors': no_colors = True elif opt == '--no-uvs': no_uvs = True elif opt == '--patch': patch = True elif opt == '--moonview': moonview = True else: print("Unknown option '{}'".format(opt)) print(USAGE) sys.exit(2) if args: if cmd_args: cmd_args.extend(args) else: cmd_args = args if do_help: if not command and cmd_args: command = cmd_args[0] hlp(command) sys.exit() app_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(app_dir)) while not os.path.exists(os.path.join(app_dir, 'etc')): app_dir = os.path.dirname(app_dir) if not app_dir: AutoFix.error('Failed to find folder "etc"') break if debug and loudness is None: loudness = 5 if app_dir: app_dir = os.path.join(app_dir, 'etc', 'abmatt') config = load_config(app_dir, loudness, autofix) Command.APP_DIR = app_dir Command.DEBUG = debug Brres.MOONVIEW = moonview cmds = [] if cmd_args: if cmd_args[0] == 'convert': if single_bone: cmd_args.append('--single-bone') if no_colors: cmd_args.append('--no-colors') if no_normals: cmd_args.append('--no-normals') if no_uvs: cmd_args.append('--no-uvs') if patch: cmd_args.append('--patch') cmds.append(Command(arg_list=cmd_args)) if command: args = [command, type] if key: if value: args.append(key + ':' + value) else: args.append(key) if not name and key != 'keys': name = '*' if name or model: args.extend(['for', name]) if model: args.extend(['in', 'model', model]) if command == 'convert': if single_bone: args.append('--single-bone') if no_colors: args.append('--no-colors') if no_normals: args.append('--no-normals') if no_uvs: args.append('--no-uvs') if patch: args.append('--patch') cmds.append(Command(arg_list=args)) if destination: Command.DESTINATION = destination Brres.DESTINATION = destination if overwrite: Command.OVERWRITE = overwrite Brres.OVERWRITE = overwrite if brres_file: try: Command.updateSelection(brres_file) except NoSuchFile as e: AutoFix.exception(e, True) if command_file: try: filecmds = Command.load_commandfile(command_file) if filecmds: cmds = cmds + filecmds except NoSuchFile as err: AutoFix.error(err) # Run Commands if cmds: if not Command.run_commands(cmds): sys.exit(1) if interactive: Shell().cmdloop('Interactive shell started...') return Brres.OPEN_FILES
def parse_args(argv, app_dir): interactive = overwrite = debug = False cmd_string = type = "" command = destination = brres_file = command_file = model = value = key = "" autofix = loudness = None name = None do_help = False for i in range(len(argv)): if argv[i][0] == '-': if i != 0: cmd_string = ' '.join(argv[:i]) argv = argv[i:] break try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hd:oc:t:k:v:n:b:m:f:iul:g", [ "help", "destination=", "overwrite", "command=", "type=", "key=", "value=", "name=", "brres=", "model=", "file=", "interactive", "loudness=", "debug" ]) except getopt.GetoptError as e: print(e) print(USAGE) sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): do_help = True elif opt in ('-b', '--brres'): brres_file = arg elif opt in ("-f", "--file"): command_file = arg elif opt in ("-d", "--destination"): destination = arg elif opt in ("-o", "--overwrite"): overwrite = True elif opt in ("-k", "--key"): key = arg elif opt in ("-v", "--value"): value = arg elif opt in ("-t", "--type"): type = arg elif opt in ("-n", "--name"): name = arg elif opt in ("-m", "--model"): model = arg elif opt in ("-c", "--command"): command = arg elif opt in ("-i", "--interactive"): interactive = True elif opt in ("-a", "--auto-fix"): autofix = arg elif opt in ("-l", "--loudness"): loudness = arg elif opt in ("-g", "--debug"): debug = True else: print("Unknown option '{}'".format(opt)) print(USAGE) sys.exit(2) if args: if cmd_string: cmd_string += ' ' + ' '.join(args) else: cmd_string = ' '.join(args) if do_help: if not command and cmd_string: command = cmd_string.split()[0] hlp(command) sys.exit() app_dir = os.path.join( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(app_dir)), 'etc'), 'abmatt') if debug and loudness is None: loudness = 5 config = load_config(app_dir, loudness, autofix) Command.APP_DIR = app_dir Command.DEBUG = debug cmds = [] if cmd_string: cmds.append(Command(cmd_string)) if command: cmd = command + ' ' + type if key: cmd += ' ' + key if value: cmd += ':' + value if not name and key != 'keys': name = '*' if name or model: cmd += ' for ' + name if model: cmd += ' in model ' + model cmds.append(Command(cmd)) if destination: Command.DESTINATION = destination Brres.DESTINATION = destination if overwrite: Command.OVERWRITE = overwrite Brres.OVERWRITE = overwrite if brres_file: try: Command.updateSelection(brres_file) except NoSuchFile as e: AutoFix.get().exception(e, True) if command_file: try: filecmds = Command.load_commandfile(command_file) if filecmds: cmds = cmds + filecmds except NoSuchFile as err: AutoFix.get().error(err) # Run Commands if cmds: if not Command.run_commands(cmds): sys.exit(1) if interactive: Shell().cmdloop('Interactive shell started...') return Command.OPEN_FILES