def test_register_event():
    event = Event()

    num_calls = {}

    def callback():
        num_calls['a'] = 'a'


    assert event.notify_count == 1
    assert num_calls['a'] == 'a'
def test_register_event():
    event = Event()

    num_calls = {}

    def callback(*args):
        num_calls['a'] = 'a'


    assert event.notify_count == 1
    assert num_calls['a'] == 'a'
class CTF(HasAcceleratorMixin):
    Contrast transfer function object

    The Contrast Transfer Function (CTF) describes the aberrations of the objective lens in HRTEM and specifies how the
    condenser system shapes the probe in STEM.

    abTEM implements phase aberrations up to 5th order using polar coefficients. See Eq. 2.22 in the reference [1]_.
    Cartesian coefficients can be converted to polar using the utility function abtem.transfer.cartesian2polar.

    Partial coherence is included as an envelope in the quasi-coherent approximation. See Chapter 3.2 in reference [1]_.

    For a more detailed discussion with examples, see our `walkthrough

    semiangle_cutoff: float
        The semiangle cutoff describes the sharp Fourier space cutoff due to the objective aperture [mrad].
    rolloff: float
        Softens the cutoff. A value of 0 gives a hard cutoff, while 1 gives the softest possible cutoff [Å].
    focal_spread: float
        The 1/e width of the focal spread due to chromatic aberration and lens current instability [Å].
    angular_spread: float
        The 1/e width of the angular deviations due to source size [Å].
        The 1/e width image deflections due to vibrations and thermal magnetic noise [Å].
    energy: float
        The electron energy of the wave functions this contrast transfer function will be applied to [eV].
    parameters: dict
        Mapping from aberration symbols to their corresponding values. All aberration magnitudes should be given in Å.
        Provide the aberration coefficients as keyword arguments.

    .. [1] Kirkland, E. J. (2010). Advanced Computing in Electron Microscopy (2nd ed.). Springer.

    def __init__(self,
                 semiangle_cutoff: float = np.inf,
                 rolloff: float = 0.1,
                 focal_spread: float = 0.,
                 angular_spread: float = 0.,
                 gaussian_spread: float = 0.,
                 energy: float = None,
                 parameters: Mapping[str, float] = None,

        for key in kwargs.keys():
            if (key not in polar_symbols) and (key
                                               not in polar_aliases.keys()):
                raise ValueError('{} not a recognized parameter'.format(key))

        self.changed = Event()

        self._accelerator = Accelerator(energy=energy)

        self._semiangle_cutoff = semiangle_cutoff
        self._rolloff = rolloff
        self._focal_spread = focal_spread
        self._angular_spread = angular_spread
        self._gaussian_spread = gaussian_spread
        self._parameters = dict(zip(polar_symbols, [0.] * len(polar_symbols)))

        if parameters is None:
            parameters = {}


        def parametrization_property(key):
            def getter(self):
                return self._parameters[key]

            def setter(self, value):
                old = getattr(self, key)
                self._parameters[key] = value
                    'notifier': self,
                    'property_name': key,
                    'change': old != value

            return property(getter, setter)

        for symbol in polar_symbols:
            setattr(self.__class__, symbol, parametrization_property(symbol))

        for key, value in polar_aliases.items():
            if key != 'defocus':
                setattr(self.__class__, key, parametrization_property(value))

    def nyquist_sampling(self):
        return 1 / (4 * self.semiangle_cutoff / self.wavelength * 1e-3)

    def parameters(self):
        """The parameters."""
        return self._parameters

    def defocus(self) -> float:
        """The defocus [Å]."""
        return -self._parameters['C10']

    def defocus(self, value: float):
        self.C10 = -value

    def semiangle_cutoff(self) -> float:
        """The semi-angle cutoff [mrad]."""
        return self._semiangle_cutoff

    def semiangle_cutoff(self, value: float):
        self._semiangle_cutoff = value

    def rolloff(self) -> float:
        """The fraction of soft tapering of the cutoff."""
        return self._rolloff

    def rolloff(self, value: float):
        self._rolloff = value

    def focal_spread(self) -> float:
        """The focal spread [Å]."""
        return self._focal_spread

    def focal_spread(self, value: float):
        """The angular spread [mrad]."""
        self._focal_spread = value

    def angular_spread(self) -> float:
        return self._angular_spread

    def angular_spread(self, value: float):
        self._angular_spread = value

    def gaussian_spread(self) -> float:
        """The Gaussian spread [Å]."""
        return self._gaussian_spread

    def gaussian_spread(self, value: float):
        self._gaussian_spread = value

    def set_parameters(self, parameters: dict):
        Set the phase of the phase aberration.

        parameters: dict
            Mapping from aberration symbols to their corresponding values.

        for symbol, value in parameters.items():
            if symbol in self._parameters.keys():
                self._parameters[symbol] = value

            elif symbol == 'defocus':
                self._parameters[polar_aliases[symbol]] = -value

            elif symbol in polar_aliases.keys():
                self._parameters[polar_aliases[symbol]] = value

                raise ValueError(
                    '{} not a recognized parameter'.format(symbol))

        return parameters

    def evaluate_aperture(
            self, alpha: Union[float, np.ndarray]) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]:
        xp = get_array_module(alpha)
        semiangle_cutoff = self.semiangle_cutoff / 1000

        if self.semiangle_cutoff == xp.inf:
            return xp.ones_like(alpha)

        if self.rolloff > 0.:
            rolloff = self.rolloff * semiangle_cutoff
            array = .5 * (
                1 + xp.cos(np.pi *
                           (alpha - semiangle_cutoff + rolloff) / rolloff))
            array[alpha > semiangle_cutoff] = 0.
            array = xp.where(alpha > semiangle_cutoff - rolloff, array,
                             xp.ones_like(alpha, dtype=xp.float32))
            array = xp.array(alpha < semiangle_cutoff).astype(xp.float32)
        return array

    def evaluate_temporal_envelope(
            self, alpha: Union[float, np.ndarray]) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]:
        xp = get_array_module(alpha)
        return xp.exp(-(.5 * xp.pi / self.wavelength * self.focal_spread *

    def evaluate_gaussian_envelope(
            self, alpha: Union[float, np.ndarray]) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]:
        xp = get_array_module(alpha)
        return xp.exp(-.5 * self.gaussian_spread**2 * alpha**2 /

    def evaluate_spatial_envelope(self, alpha: Union[float, np.ndarray], phi: Union[float, np.ndarray]) -> \
            Union[float, np.ndarray]:
        xp = get_array_module(alpha)
        p = self.parameters
        dchi_dk = 2 * xp.pi / self.wavelength * (
            (p['C12'] * xp.cos(2. * (phi - p['phi12'])) + p['C10']) * alpha +
            (p['C23'] * xp.cos(3. * (phi - p['phi23'])) +
             p['C21'] * xp.cos(1. * (phi - p['phi21']))) * alpha**2 +
            (p['C34'] * xp.cos(4. * (phi - p['phi34'])) +
             p['C32'] * xp.cos(2. *
                               (phi - p['phi32'])) + p['C30']) * alpha**3 +
            (p['C45'] * xp.cos(5. * (phi - p['phi45'])) +
             p['C43'] * xp.cos(3. * (phi - p['phi43'])) +
             p['C41'] * xp.cos(1. * (phi - p['phi41']))) * alpha**4 +
            (p['C56'] * xp.cos(6. * (phi - p['phi56'])) +
             p['C54'] * xp.cos(4. * (phi - p['phi54'])) +
             p['C52'] * xp.cos(2. * (phi - p['phi52'])) + p['C50']) * alpha**5)

        dchi_dphi = -2 * xp.pi / self.wavelength * (
            1 / 2. *
            (2. * p['C12'] * xp.sin(2. *
                                    (phi - p['phi12']))) * alpha + 1 / 3. *
            (3. * p['C23'] * xp.sin(3. * (phi - p['phi23'])) +
             1. * p['C21'] * xp.sin(1. *
                                    (phi - p['phi21']))) * alpha**2 + 1 / 4. *
            (4. * p['C34'] * xp.sin(4. * (phi - p['phi34'])) +
             2. * p['C32'] * xp.sin(2. *
                                    (phi - p['phi32']))) * alpha**3 + 1 / 5. *
            (5. * p['C45'] * xp.sin(5. * (phi - p['phi45'])) +
             3. * p['C43'] * xp.sin(3. * (phi - p['phi43'])) +
             1. * p['C41'] * xp.sin(1. *
                                    (phi - p['phi41']))) * alpha**4 + 1 / 6. *
            (6. * p['C56'] * xp.sin(6. * (phi - p['phi56'])) +
             4. * p['C54'] * xp.sin(4. * (phi - p['phi54'])) +
             2. * p['C52'] * xp.sin(2. * (phi - p['phi52']))) * alpha**5)

        return xp.exp(-xp.sign(self.angular_spread) *
                      (self.angular_spread / 2 / 1000)**2 *
                      (dchi_dk**2 + dchi_dphi**2))

    def evaluate_chi(
            self, alpha: Union[float, np.ndarray],
            phi: Union[float, np.ndarray]) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]:
        xp = get_array_module(alpha)
        p = self.parameters

        alpha2 = alpha**2
        alpha = xp.array(alpha)

        array = xp.zeros(alpha.shape, dtype=np.float32)
        if any([p[symbol] != 0. for symbol in ('C10', 'C12', 'phi12')]):
            array += (1 / 2 * alpha2 *
                      (p['C10'] + p['C12'] * xp.cos(2 * (phi - p['phi12']))))

        if any(
            [p[symbol] != 0. for symbol in ('C21', 'phi21', 'C23', 'phi23')]):
            array += (1 / 3 * alpha2 * alpha *
                      (p['C21'] * xp.cos(phi - p['phi21']) +
                       p['C23'] * xp.cos(3 * (phi - p['phi23']))))

        if any([
                p[symbol] != 0.
                for symbol in ('C30', 'C32', 'phi32', 'C34', 'phi34')
            array += (1 / 4 * alpha2**2 *
                      (p['C30'] + p['C32'] * xp.cos(2 * (phi - p['phi32'])) +
                       p['C34'] * xp.cos(4 * (phi - p['phi34']))))

        if any([
                p[symbol] != 0.
                for symbol in ('C41', 'phi41', 'C43', 'phi43', 'C45', 'phi41')
            array += (1 / 5 * alpha2**2 * alpha *
                      (p['C41'] * xp.cos((phi - p['phi41'])) +
                       p['C43'] * xp.cos(3 * (phi - p['phi43'])) +
                       p['C45'] * xp.cos(5 * (phi - p['phi45']))))

        if any([
                p[symbol] != 0. for symbol in ('C50', 'C52', 'phi52', 'C54',
                                               'phi54', 'C56', 'phi56')
            array += (1 / 6 * alpha2**3 *
                      (p['C50'] + p['C52'] * xp.cos(2 * (phi - p['phi52'])) +
                       p['C54'] * xp.cos(4 * (phi - p['phi54'])) +
                       p['C56'] * xp.cos(6 * (phi - p['phi56']))))

        array = 2 * xp.pi / self.wavelength * array
        return array

    def evaluate_aberrations(self, alpha: Union[float, np.ndarray], phi: Union[float, np.ndarray]) -> \
            Union[float, np.ndarray]:
        xp = get_array_module(alpha)
        complex_exponential = get_device_function(xp, 'complex_exponential')
        return complex_exponential(-self.evaluate_chi(alpha, phi))

    def evaluate(self, alpha: Union[float, np.ndarray],
                 phi: Union[float, np.ndarray]) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]:
        array = self.evaluate_aberrations(alpha, phi)

        if self.semiangle_cutoff < np.inf:
            array *= self.evaluate_aperture(alpha)

        if self.focal_spread > 0.:
            array *= self.evaluate_temporal_envelope(alpha)

        if self.angular_spread > 0.:
            array *= self.evaluate_spatial_envelope(alpha, phi)

        if self.gaussian_spread > 0.:
            array *= self.evaluate_gaussian_envelope(alpha)

        return array

    def evaluate_on_grid(self, grid, xp=np):
        kx, ky = spatial_frequencies(grid.gpts, grid.sampling)
        kx = kx.reshape((1, -1, 1))
        ky = ky.reshape((1, 1, -1))
        kx = xp.asarray(kx)
        ky = xp.asarray(ky)
        alpha, phi = polar_coordinates(xp.asarray(kx * self.wavelength),
                                       xp.asarray(ky * self.wavelength))
        return self.evaluate(alpha, phi)

    def profiles(self, max_semiangle: float = None, phi: float = 0.):
        if max_semiangle is None:
            if self._semiangle_cutoff == np.inf:
                max_semiangle = 50
                max_semiangle = self._semiangle_cutoff * 1.6

        alpha = np.linspace(0, max_semiangle / 1000., 500)

        aberrations = self.evaluate_aberrations(alpha, phi)
        aperture = self.evaluate_aperture(alpha)
        temporal_envelope = self.evaluate_temporal_envelope(alpha)
        spatial_envelope = self.evaluate_spatial_envelope(alpha, phi)
        gaussian_envelope = self.evaluate_gaussian_envelope(alpha)
        envelope = aperture * temporal_envelope * spatial_envelope * gaussian_envelope

        calibration = Calibration(offset=0.,
                                  sampling=(alpha[1] - alpha[0]) * 1000.,

        profiles = {}
        profiles['ctf'] = Measurement(aberrations.imag * envelope,
        profiles['aperture'] = Measurement(aperture,
        profiles['temporal_envelope'] = Measurement(temporal_envelope,
        profiles['spatial_envelope'] = Measurement(spatial_envelope,
        profiles['gaussian_spread'] = Measurement(gaussian_envelope,
        profiles['envelope'] = Measurement(envelope,
        return profiles

    def apply(self, waves, interact=False, sliders=None, throttling=0.):
        from abtem.visualize.bqplot import show_measurement_2d
        from abtem.visualize.widgets import quick_sliders, throttle
        import ipywidgets as widgets

        if interact:
            image_waves = waves.copy()

            def update():
                image_waves._array[:] = waves.apply_ctf(self).array
                return image_waves.intensity()

            figure, callback = show_measurement_2d(update)

            if throttling:
                callback = throttle(throttling)(callback)

            if sliders:
                sliders = quick_sliders(self, **sliders)
                figure = widgets.HBox([figure, widgets.VBox(sliders)])
            return image_waves, figure
            if sliders:
                raise RuntimeError()

            return waves.apply_ctf(self)

    def interact(self,
                 max_semiangle: float = None,
                 phi: float = 0.,
        import bqplot.pyplot as plt
        from abtem.visualize.bqplot import show_measurement_1d
        from abtem.visualize.widgets import quick_sliders, throttle
        import ipywidgets as widgets

        figure = plt.figure(fig_margin={
            'top': 0,
            'bottom': 50,
            'left': 50,
            'right': 0
        figure.layout.height = '250px'
        figure.layout.width = '300px'

        _, callback = show_measurement_1d(
            lambda: self.profiles(max_semiangle, phi).values(), figure)

        if throttling:
            callback = throttle(throttling)(callback)


        if sliders:
            sliders = quick_sliders(self, **sliders)
            return widgets.HBox([figure, widgets.VBox(sliders)])
            return figure

    def show(self,
             max_semiangle: float = None,
             phi: float = 0,
        Show the contrast transfer function.

        max_semiangle: float
            Maximum semiangle to display in the plot.
        ax: matplotlib Axes, optional
            If given, the plot will be added to this matplotlib axes.
        phi: float, optional
            The contrast transfer function will be plotted along this angle. Default is 0.
        n: int, optional
            Number of evaluation points to use in the plot. Default is 1000.
        title: str, optional
            The title of the plot. Default is 'None'.
            Additional keyword arguments for the line plots.
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        if ax is None:
            ax = plt.subplot()

        for key, profile in self.profiles(max_semiangle, phi).items():
            if not np.all(profile.array == 1.):
                ax, lines = profile.show(legend=True, ax=ax, **kwargs)

        return ax

    def copy(self):
        parameters = self.parameters.copy()
        return self.__class__(semiangle_cutoff=self.semiangle_cutoff,