#! C:\Python36\python import cgi import template from accountDb import Account print(template.printHead()) acc = Account("", "", "", 0) form = cgi.FieldStorage() if form.getvalue("accNo"): accountId = form.getvalue("accNo") acc = acc.getAccDetails(accountId) print(template.printMenuBar().format(accId=accountId)) print("""<br> <p> Feel free to deposit your money in our bank. We assure you that your money is safe with us ;)</p> <br> <form method="post" action="service.py"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="amount">Amount in Rs</label> <input type="number" class="form-control" name="amount" placeholder="1000 Rs" min=0 max=999999 step=0.1 required> <br> <div class="text-center"> <input type="hidden" value="deposit" name="operation"> <input type="hidden" value="{accID}" name="accountID"> <input class="btn btn-success btn-lg" type="submit" value="Deposit"> </div> </div> </form> """.format(accID=accountId)) print(template.printFoot())
#! C:\Python36\python import cgi import template from accountDb import Account acc = Account("", "", "", 0) form = cgi.FieldStorage() if form.getvalue("accountId") and form.getvalue("password"): accountId = form.getvalue("accountId") password = form.getvalue("password") if (acc.validateAcc(accountId, password)): print("Location:dashboard.py?accNo=" + accountId) else: print("Location:index.html?validated=False") print(template.printFoot())
#! C:\Python36\python import cgi import sys from accountDb import Account import template acc = Account(0, "", "", "") print(template.printHead()) form = cgi.FieldStorage() if form.getvalue("accountId") and form.getvalue("password") and form.getvalue( "accName") and form.getvalue("deposit"): accountId = str(form.getvalue("accountId")) password = str(form.getvalue("password")) name = str(form.getvalue("accName")) deposit = str(form.getvalue("deposit")) print(acc.registerAcc(accountId, name, password, deposit)) print(""" """) print(template.printFoot())
#! C:\Python36\python import cgi import template from transferDB import Transfer from accountDb import Account transaction = Transfer(0, 0, 0, "", 0) acc = Account(0, "", "", "") form = cgi.FieldStorage() print(template.printHead()) def doDeposit(): if form.getvalue("accountID"): print(template.printMenuBar().format(accId=form.getvalue("accountID"))) accId = form.getvalue("accountID") amount = form.getvalue("amount") print(acc.depositMoney(accId, amount)) def doTransaction(): if form.getvalue("accountID"): print(template.printMenuBar().format(accId=form.getvalue("accountID"))) accId = form.getvalue("accountID") amount = form.getvalue("payeeAmount") payeeBank = form.getvalue("payeeBank") payeeAccNO = form.getvalue("payeeNumber") print(transaction.addTransaction(accId, payeeAccNO, payeeBank, amount)) print(acc.debitAmt(accId, amount))
#! C:\Python36\python import cgi import template from accountDb import Account print(template.printHead()) acc = Account("", "", "", 0) form = cgi.FieldStorage() if form.getvalue("accNo"): accountId = form.getvalue("accNo") password = form.getvalue("pass") conPass = form.getvalue("conPass") if password == conPass: print(acc.updatePass(accountId, password)) else: print("""<br> <p> Passwords do not match or the Account is not registered with the Bank. Please <a href="register.py" class="alert-link">Register</a> a new account or visit the Bank for more clarifications :) """) print(template.printFoot())