logging.debug('mount/umount 100 NFS volumes test case is') is_blocked(startTime, FOOTER_MSG, BLOCKED_MSG) else: pools = pool_result[1] pool_info = get_pool_info(pools, pool_name) if pool_info[0] == 'FAILED': print 'Not able to get pool ID...' logging.error('Not able to get pool ID, Error: %s', pool_info[1]) is_blocked(startTime, FOOTER_MSG, BLOCKED_MSG) pool_id = pool_info[1] print pool_id #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ###---getiing account id------------------------------------------------------- account_id = get_account_id(STDURL, account_name) if account_id[0] == 'PASSED': account_id = account_id[1] else: print 'Not able to get account id...' logging.error('mount/umount 100 NFS volumes test case is blocked, '\ 'Error: %s', account_id[1]) is_blocked(startTime, FOOTER_MSG, BLOCKED_MSG) print account_id #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ###creating 5 TSM-------------------------------------------------------------- for x in range(1, 6): tsm_dict = {'name': 'T200%s' %(x), 'accountid': account_id, 'poolid': \ pool_id, 'totaliops': '2000', 'quotasize': '1T', 'tntinterface': \ str(TSM_interface[x-1]), 'dnsserver': str(TSM_dnsserver[x-1]), \
# Get the pool_info for the desired from the list obtained above #pool_info = get_pool_info(pool_list, POOL_NAME) pool_info = get_pool_info(pool_list, None) if pool_info[0] == 'FAILED': logging.error('Testcase %s is blocked due to' \ ' : %s', tcName, pool_info[1]) # Extract the pool_id from the info obtained for said pool above pool_id = pool_info[ 1] # Note that in get_pool_info return value, pool_info[1] itself is ID # Get account ID for VSM creation account_id = get_account_id( STDURL, None) # 2nd param is acc_name, if None, taken as 1st acc if account_id[0] == 'FAILED': logging.error('Testcase %s is blocked due to' \ ': %s',tcName, account_id[1]) is_blocked(startTime, FOOTER_MSG, BLOCKED_MSG) account_id = account_id[1] # Provide variables for VSM creation (from conf & hardcode) in dict format vsm_dict = {'name': VSM_NAME, 'accountid': account_id, 'poolid': \ pool_id, 'totaliops': POOL_IOPS, 'quotasize': '1T', 'tntinterface': \ VSM_INTERFACE, 'dnsserver': VSM_DNS, \ 'ipaddress': VSM_IP, 'totalthroughput': 4*int(POOL_IOPS)} # Create VSM using the pool_id and the params received from conf file