def run_csv_file(db_conn, filename, optdict):
    """Runs the appropriate actions from a CSV file.

    :param db_conn: DB connection object
    :param filename: CSV filename
    :param optdict: Options dictionary.
    :returns int: number of successful user actions.

    api = account_mgr.get_api(config)
    log = logging.getLogger("run_csv_file")
    dict_reader = csv.DictReader(filename)
    if 'setpw' in optdict:
        user_dicts = assure_keys(dict_reader, SETPW_REQUIRED_KEYS)
        emails = (email for email in user_dicts['email_addr'])
        pws = (pw for pw in user_dicts['password'])
        set_multi_passwords(db_conn, emails, pws)

        # All done, so leave the function here.
        return len(user_dicts)

    success_count = 0
    if 'create' in optdict:
        # Runs the creation routine for each user.
        user_dicts = assure_keys(dict_reader, CREATE_REQUIRED_KEYS)
        for user in user_dicts:
                {'name': user['given_name'] + ' ' + user['surname'],
                 'email': user['email_addr'],
                 'group_id': user['group_id'],
            success_count += 1

    elif 'set_email' in optdict:
        # Sets emails for each user.
        user_dicts = assure_keys(dict_reader, SET_EMAIL_REQUIRED_KEYS)
        for user in user_dicts:
            api.edit_user(user['email_addr'], dict(email=user['new_email']))
            success_count += 1
    elif 'set_group' in optdict:
        # Sets groups for each user.
        user_dicts = assure_keys(dict_reader, SET_GROUP_REQUIRED_KEYS)
        for user in user_dicts:
            api.edit_user(user['email_addr'], dict(group_id=user['group_id']))
            success_count += 1
    elif 'disable' in optdict:
        user_dicts = assure_keys(dict_reader, frozenset(['email_addr']))
        for user in user_dicts:
            api.edit_user(user['email_addr'], dict(enabled=False))
            success_count += 1
    elif 'enable' in optdict:
        user_dicts = assure_keys(dict_reader, frozenset(['email_addr']))
        for user in user_dicts:
            api.edit_user(user['email_addr'], dict(enabled=True))
            success_count += 1
        raise UsersActionError("Got an action that's not accounted for!")
    return success_count
def run_db_repair(config, db_conn):
    """Repairs the current user DB and billing API versus LDAP."""
    # TODO: figure out what to do when email addresses *don't* match.
    log = logging.getLogger("run_db_repair")
    # Collect the users from LDAP, and insert into a temporary table.
    ldap_conn = ldap_source.OMLDAPConnection(config["dir_uri"],

    log.info("Collecting LDAP groups")
    ldap_users = ldap_source.collect_groups(ldap_conn, config)
    cur = db_conn.cursor()
    cur.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ldap_users (LIKE users) ON COMMIT DROP;")
    cur.execute("ALTER TABLE ldap_users DROP COLUMN avatar_id;")
    cur.execute("ALTER TABLE ldap_users DROP COLUMN enabled;")
    cur.executemany("INSERT INTO ldap_users (uniqueid, email, givenname, surname, group_id) VALUES (%(uniqueid)s, %(email)s, %(firstname)s, %(lastname)s, %(group_id)s);",
    # Collect the users from the SpiderOak Accounts API, and insert into
    # a temporary table.
    log.info("Collecting SpiderOak user details")

    api = account_mgr.get_api(config)

    spider_users = api.list_users()
    for spider_user in spider_users:
        first_name, sep, last_name = spider_user['name'].strip().partition(' ')
        if not last_name: 
            last_name = ' '
        spider_user['firstname'] = first_name
        spider_user['lastname'] = last_name

    cur = db_conn.cursor()
    cur.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE spider_users (LIKE users) ON COMMIT DROP;")
    cur.execute("ALTER TABLE spider_users DROP COLUMN uniqueid;")
    cur.executemany("INSERT INTO spider_users "
                    "(avatar_id, email, givenname, surname, group_id, enabled) VALUES "
                    "(%(avatar_id)s, %(email)s, %(firstname)s, %(lastname)s, "
                    "%(group_id)s, %(enabled)s);",

    cur.execute("SELECT email, count(email) as occurences from ldap_users group by email having ( count(email) > 1 )")
    for row in cur.fetchall():
        log.error("---> Duplicate user %s found %d times in LDAP query!", row[0], row[1])

    # Clear out the current database.
    cur.execute("DELETE FROM users;")

    log.info("Inserting joined fields into the database")
    # Insert rows into users where email addresses match.
    cur.execute("INSERT INTO users "
                "SELECT l.uniqueid, s.email, s.avatar_id, s.givenname, "
                "s.surname, s.group_id, s.enabled "
                "FROM ldap_users l JOIN spider_users AS s ON l.email = s.email ")

def run_single_command(db_conn, email_address, optdict):
    log = logging.getLogger("run_single_command")
    api = account_mgr.get_api(config)

    if optdict['setpw']:
        set_user_password(db_conn, email_address, optdict['password'])

    elif optdict['create']:
            {'name': optdict['given_name'] + ' ' + optdict['surname'],
             'email': optdict['email_addr'],
             'group_id': optdict['group_id'],
    elif optdict['set_email']:
        api.edit_user(optdict['email_addr'], dict(email=optdict['new-email']))
    elif optdict['set_group']:
        api.edit_user(optdict['email_addr'], dict(group_id=optdict['group_id']))
    elif optdict['disable']:
        api.edit_user(optdict['email_addr'], dict(enabled=False))
    elif optdict['enable']:
        api.edit_user(optdict['email_addr'], dict(enabled=True))
        raise UsersActionError("Got an action that's not accounted for!")
 def __init__(self, config, db_conn):
     self._log = logging.getLogger("AccountRunner")
     self._promo_code = config.get("promo_code", None)
     self._db_conn = db_conn
     self._api = account_mgr.get_api(config)
     self._config = config
def run_db_repair(config, db_conn):
    """Repairs the current user DB and billing API versus LDAP."""
    # TODO: figure out what to do when email addresses *don't* match.
    log = logging.getLogger("run_db_repair")
    # Collect the users from LDAP, and insert into a temporary table.
    ldap_conn = ldap_source.OMLDAPConnection(config["dir_uri"],

    log.info("Collecting LDAP groups")
    ldap_users = ldap_source.collect_groups(ldap_conn, config)
    cur = db_conn.cursor()
    cur.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ldap_users (LIKE users) ON COMMIT DROP;")
    cur.execute("ALTER TABLE ldap_users DROP COLUMN avatar_id;")
    cur.execute("ALTER TABLE ldap_users DROP COLUMN enabled;")
    cur.executemany("INSERT INTO ldap_users (uniqueid, email, givenname, surname, group_id) VALUES (%(uniqueid)s, %(email)s, %(firstname)s, %(lastname)s, %(group_id)s);",
    # Collect the users from the SpiderOak Accounts API, and insert into
    # a temporary table.
    log.info("Collecting SpiderOak user details")

    api = account_mgr.get_api(config)

    spider_users = api.list_users()
    for spider_user in spider_users:
        first_name, sep, last_name = spider_user['name'].strip().partition(' ')
        if not last_name: 
            last_name = ' '
        spider_user['firstname'] = first_name
        spider_user['lastname'] = last_name

    cur = db_conn.cursor()
    cur.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE spider_users (LIKE users) ON COMMIT DROP;")
    cur.execute("ALTER TABLE spider_users DROP COLUMN uniqueid;")
    cur.executemany("INSERT INTO spider_users "
                    "(avatar_id, email, givenname, surname, group_id, enabled) VALUES "
                    "(%(avatar_id)s, %(email)s, %(firstname)s, %(lastname)s, "
                    "%(group_id)s, %(enabled)s);",

    # Delete duplicate rows
    cur.execute("DELETE FROM ldap_users "
                "WHERE ctid NOT IN "
                "(SELECT MAX(l.ctid) "
                "FROM ldap_users l "
                "GROUP BY l.email)"

    # Clear out the current database.
    cur.execute("DELETE FROM users;")

    log.info("Inserting joined fields into the database")
    # Insert rows into users where email addresses match.
    cur.execute("INSERT INTO users "
                "SELECT l.uniqueid, s.email, s.avatar_id, s.givenname, "
                "s.surname, s.group_id, s.enabled "
                "FROM ldap_users l JOIN spider_users AS s ON l.email = s.email ")

    # Collect the list of users who are NOT in the LDAP
    # There are two types of users not in the LDAP sync groups we're looking through:
    #   1. Users who exist in the LDAP still, but not anymore in a monitored group
    #   2. Users who do not at all exist in the LDAP.
    # Users in the first group we can enter back into the user sync database as disabled,
    # as we can locate some form of unique ID from the LDAP to put in the sync DB. The
    # second group needs to be just disabled on the Accounts API side. Note that users
    # in this second group will have to have the whole DB rebuilt if they reappear on the LDAP
    # and wish to continue using the same account.
    cur.execute("SELECT s.email, s.avatar_id, s.givenname, s.surname, s.group_id, s.enabled "
                "FROM spider_users s "
                "LEFT OUTER JOIN ldap_users l USING (email) "
                "WHERE l.email IS NULL")
    orphans = cur.fetchall()
    # We only care about ldap users here
    orphans = [x for x in orphans \
               if get_config_group(config, x[4])["user_source"] == 'ldap']

    # "found_orphans" are the users who exist *somewhere* in the LDAP. lost_orphans do not.
    found_orphans = _run_disabled_users_for_repair(ldap_conn, config, cur.description, orphans)
    found_emails = [y['email'] for y in found_orphans]
    lost_orphans = [x for x in orphans if x[0] not in found_emails]
    # Put the found orphans in the DB.
    cur.executemany("INSERT INTO users "
                    "(avatar_id, email, givenname, surname, group_id, enabled, uniqueid) "
                    "VALUES (%(avatar_id)s, %(email)s, %(givenname)s, %(surname)s, "
                    "        %(group_id)s, %(enabled)s, %(uniqueid)s);",


    # ...and disable the lost orphans. We don't care about already disabled lost orphans,
    # we want to only disable orphans who are enabled so they can be rounded up and
    # deleted.
    for orphan in lost_orphans:
        if orphan[5]: # If the user is enabled then disable them. 
            api.edit_user(orphan[0], dict(enabled=False))
 def __init__(self, config, db_conn):
     self._log = logging.getLogger("AccountRunner")
     self._promo_code = config.get("promo_code", None)
     self._db_conn = db_conn
     self._api = account_mgr.get_api(config)
def get_user_list():
    """Fetches the list of users from SpiderOak, returns it as JSON."""
    api = account_mgr.get_api(config)
    return api.list_users()
def run_db_repair(config, db_conn):
    """Repairs the current user DB and billing API versus LDAP."""
    # TODO: figure out what to do when email addresses *don't* match.
    log = logging.getLogger("run_db_repair")
    # Collect the users from LDAP, and insert into a temporary table.
    ldap_conn = ldap_source.OMLDAPConnection(config["dir_uri"],

    log.info("Collecting LDAP groups")
    ldap_users = ldap_source.collect_groups(ldap_conn, config)
    cur = db_conn.cursor()
    cur.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ldap_users (LIKE users) ON COMMIT DROP;")
    cur.execute("ALTER TABLE ldap_users DROP COLUMN avatar_id;")
    cur.execute("ALTER TABLE ldap_users DROP COLUMN enabled;")
    cur.executemany("INSERT INTO ldap_users (uniqueid, email, givenname, surname, group_id) VALUES (%(uniqueid)s, %(email)s, %(firstname)s, %(lastname)s, %(group_id)s);",
    # Collect the users from the SpiderOak Accounts API, and insert into
    # a temporary table.
    log.info("Collecting SpiderOak user details")

    api = account_mgr.get_api(config)

    spider_users = api.list_users()
    for spider_user in spider_users:
        first_name, sep, last_name = spider_user['name'].strip().partition(' ')
        if not last_name: 
            last_name = ' '
        spider_user['firstname'] = first_name
        spider_user['lastname'] = last_name

    cur = db_conn.cursor()
    cur.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE spider_users (LIKE users) ON COMMIT DROP;")
    cur.execute("ALTER TABLE spider_users DROP COLUMN uniqueid;")
    cur.executemany("INSERT INTO spider_users "
                    "(avatar_id, email, givenname, surname, group_id, enabled) VALUES "
                    "(%(avatar_id)s, %(email)s, %(firstname)s, %(lastname)s, "
                    "%(group_id)s, %(enabled)s);",

    # Delete duplicate rows
    cur.execute("DELETE FROM ldap_users "
                "WHERE ctid NOT IN "
                "(SELECT MAX(l.ctid) "
                "FROM ldap_users l "
                "GROUP BY l.email)"

    # Clear out the current database.
    cur.execute("DELETE FROM users;")

    log.info("Inserting joined fields into the database")
    # Insert rows into users where email addresses match.
    cur.execute("INSERT INTO users "
                "SELECT l.uniqueid, s.email, s.avatar_id, s.givenname, "
                "s.surname, s.group_id, s.enabled "
                "FROM ldap_users l JOIN spider_users AS s ON l.email = s.email ")

    # Collect the list of users who are NOT in the LDAP
    # There are two types of users not in the LDAP sync groups we're looking through:
    #   1. Users who exist in the LDAP still, but not anymore in a monitored group
    #   2. Users who do not at all exist in the LDAP.
    # Users in the first group we can enter back into the user sync database as disabled,
    # as we can locate some form of unique ID from the LDAP to put in the sync DB. The
    # second group needs to be just disabled on the Accounts API side. Note that users
    # in this second group will have to have the whole DB rebuilt if they reappear on the LDAP
    # and wish to continue using the same account.
    cur.execute("SELECT s.email, s.avatar_id, s.givenname, s.surname, s.group_id, s.enabled "
                "FROM spider_users s "
                "LEFT OUTER JOIN ldap_users l USING (email) "
                "WHERE l.email IS NULL")
    orphans = cur.fetchall()
    # We only care about ldap users here
    orphans = [x for x in orphans \
               if get_config_group(config, x[4])["user_source"] == 'ldap']

    # "found_orphans" are the users who exist *somewhere* in the LDAP. lost_orphans do not.
    found_orphans = _run_disabled_users_for_repair(ldap_conn, config, cur.description, orphans)
    found_emails = [y['email'] for y in found_orphans]
    lost_orphans = [x for x in orphans if x[0] not in found_emails]
    # Put the found orphans in the DB.
    cur.executemany("INSERT INTO users "
                    "(avatar_id, email, givenname, surname, group_id, enabled, uniqueid) "
                    "VALUES (%(avatar_id)s, %(email)s, %(givenname)s, %(surname)s, "
                    "        %(group_id)s, %(enabled)s, %(uniqueid)s);",


    # ...and disable the lost orphans. We don't care about already disabled lost orphans,
    # we want to only disable orphans who are enabled so they can be rounded up and
    # deleted.
    for orphan in lost_orphans:
        if orphan[5]: # If the user is enabled then disable them. 
            api.edit_user(orphan[0], dict(enabled=False))