def edit(request, name):
    account_info = Account.objects.get(account_name=name)
    id = account_info.id
    history = History.objects.get(account=id)
    data_dict = [history.history_name, history.saved_date]
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = DataEditForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            account_name = form.cleaned_data['name']
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/questions/5/' + account_name + '/success/')
        form = DataEditForm()
        context = {'form': form, 'name': data_dict[0], 'date': data_dict[1], 'href': '/questions/5/' + name}
        return render(request, 'accounts/data_form.html', RequestContext(request, context))
def edit(request, name):
    """View to handle model logic and return to success page. Link transports 'name' in edit(request, name)."""

    # Get the Account model record for 'name'.
    account_info = Account.objects.get(account_name=name)
    id = account_info.id

    # Retrieve the History (ForeignKey) for the account_name = name. If it doesn't exist history = [].
    history = account_info.history_set.all()

    # Build dictionary of history data for context, specifically the href to display compare.html for account_name.
    history_dict = {}
    for record in history:
        history_dict.update({record.history_name: {'name': record.history_name, 'date': record.saved_date,
                                                  'href': '/tasks/5/' + record.history_name + '/compare/'}})

    # Handle the form's initial view and request.POST.
    if request.method == 'POST':

        # Instantiate the form class for the template.
        form = DataEditForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():

            # Using cleaned data update and save account_info.
            account_name = form.cleaned_data['name']
            account_info.account_name = account_name

            # Get the current time and update the History model with new entry.
            now = datetime.datetime.now()
            account_info.history_set.create(account=account_name, history_name=name, saved_date=now)

            # Return to a success page using TemplateView.as_view().
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/tasks/5/' + account_name + '/success/')
        form = DataEditForm()
        # href for the form - action = href1
        href1 = '/tasks/5/' + name + '/'

        context = {'form': form, 'history': history_dict, 'href1': href1,
                   'head_title': 'AcisTek | Data', 'head_alert': ' ', 'body_title': 'Edit Data',
                   'footer_title': 'History Data'}
        return render(request, 'accounts/data_form.html', RequestContext(request, context))