def check_mmpbsa(checkjob, ligs_idxs): jobid = checkjob.jobid mmpbsa_settings = checkjob.mmpbsa_settings ressource = mmpbsa_settings['ressource'] path = ssh.get_remote_path(jobid, ressource) scriptname = '' write_check_mmpbsa_script(scriptname, path, ligs_idxs, checkjob.nposes) output = subprocess.check_output(ssh.coat_ssh_cmd("ssh %s 'bash -s' < %s" % (ressource, scriptname)), shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') status = ssh.get_status(output) ligs_done_idxs = [ ligs_idxs[idx] + 1 for idx in range(len(ligs_idxs)) if status[idx] == 'done' ] if ligs_done_idxs: if len(ligs_done_idxs) == 1: ligs_done_idxs_bash = str(ligs_done_idxs[0]) else: ligs_done_idxs_bash = '{' + ','.join(map(str, ligs_done_idxs)) + '}' subprocess.check_output(ssh.coat_ssh_cmd( "ssh -C %s \"cd %s; tar -cf - lig%s/{pbsa,gbsa}\" | `cd ../job_%s; tar -xf -` " % (ressource, path, ligs_done_idxs_bash, jobid)), shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') return status
def submit_mmpbsa(checkjob, ligs_idxs): jobid = checkjob.jobid nposes = checkjob.nposes mmpbsa_settings = checkjob.mmpbsa_settings ressource = mmpbsa_settings['ressource'] path = ssh.get_remote_path(jobid, ressource) # create job folder if does not exist status = subprocess.check_output(ssh.coat_ssh_cmd("ssh %s 'if [ ! -f %s/ ]; then if [ ! -d %s ]; then mkdir %s; fi; echo 1; else echo 0; fi'"\ %(ressource, path, path, path)), shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') isfirst = int(status) if isfirst == 1: write_mmpbsa_job_script(checkjob) achlysdir = os.path.realpath(__file__) analysis_script = '/'.join( achlysdir.split('/')[:-1]) + '/../tools/' subprocess.check_output( ssh.coat_ssh_cmd("scp config.ini %s %s:%s/." % (analysis_script, ressource, path)), shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') os.remove('') ligs_idxs_s = ' '.join(map(str, ligs_idxs)) # Prepare mmpbsa with open('', 'w') as file: script = """source ~/.bash_profile cd %(path)s # submit jobs for idx in %(ligs_idxs_s)s; do ligdir=lig$((idx+1)) if [[ ! -d $ligdir ]]; then mkdir $ligdir fi for posedir in $ligdir/pose{1..%(nposes)s}; do cd $posedir sbatch ../../ # submit job cd ../.. done done""" % locals() file.write(script) subprocess.check_output(ssh.coat_ssh_cmd( "ssh %s 'bash -s' <" % ressource), shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') status = ['running' for idx in range(len(ligs_idxs))] return status
def submit_md(checkjob, ligs_idxs): jobid = checkjob.jobid ressource = checkjob.md_settings['ressource'] path = ssh.get_remote_path(jobid, ressource) nposes = checkjob.nposes status = subprocess.check_output(ssh.coat_ssh_cmd( "ssh %s 'if [ ! -d %s ]; then mkdir %s; echo 1; else echo 0; fi'" % (ressource, path, path)), shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') isfirst = int(status) if isfirst: write_md_job_script(checkjob) achlysdir = os.path.realpath(__file__) py_md_scripts = '/'.join( achlysdir.split('/')[:-1]) + '/{,,}' ssh.coat_ssh_cmd("scp config.ini %s %s:%s/." % (py_md_scripts, ressource, path)), shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') # prepare md jobs ligs_idxs_s = ' '.join(map(str, ligs_idxs)) scriptname = '' with open(scriptname, 'w') as file: script = """source ~/.bash_profile cd %(path)s for idx in %(ligs_idxs_s)s; do ligdir=lig$((idx+1)) mkdir $ligdir for pose_id in `seq 1 %(nposes)s`; do posedir=$ligdir/pose${pose_id} mkdir $posedir cd $posedir llsubmit ../../ cd ../.. done done""" % locals() file.write(script)"ssh %s 'bash -s' < %s" % (ressource, scriptname)), shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') status = ['running' for idx in range(len(ligs_idxs))] return status
def submit_docking(checkjob, ligs_idxs): jobid = checkjob.jobid nligs = checkjob.nligs ntargets = checkjob.ntargets ressource = checkjob.docking_settings['ressource'] firstcommand = ssh.get_first_command(ressource) submitcommand = ssh.get_submit_command(ressource) path = ssh.get_remote_path(jobid, ressource) # create results directory on the remote machine status = subprocess.check_output(ssh.coat_ssh_cmd("ssh %s 'if [ ! -d %s ]; then mkdir %s; echo 1; else echo 0; fi'"%(ressource, path, path)), \ shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') isfirst = int(status) if isfirst == 1: write_docking_script(checkjob) # secure copy ligand files subprocess.check_output(ssh.coat_ssh_cmd( "tar -cf - {config.ini,lig*/iso1,targets,} | \ ssh -C %(ressource)s '(cd %(path)s; tar -xf -)'" % locals()), shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') os.remove('') ligs_idxs_s = ' '.join(map(str, ligs_idxs)) # prepare docking jobs scriptname = '' with open(scriptname, 'w') as file: script = """source ~/.bash_profile cd %(path)s # submit jobs for idx in %(ligs_idxs_s)s; do cd lig$((idx+1)) %(submitcommand)s ../ # submit job cd .. done""" % locals() file.write(script) subprocess.check_output(ssh.coat_ssh_cmd( "ssh %s '%s bash -s' < %s" % (ressource, firstcommand, scriptname)), shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') status = ['running' for idx in range(len(ligs_idxs))] return status
def submit_startup(checkjob, ligs_idxs): jobid = checkjob.jobid ressource = checkjob.docking_settings['ressource'] path = ssh.get_remote_path(jobid, ressource) submitcommand = ssh.get_submit_command(ressource) firstcommand = ssh.get_first_command(ressource) # create results directory on the remote machine (pharma) status = subprocess.check_output(ssh.coat_ssh_cmd("ssh %s 'if [ ! -f %s/ ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi'"%(ressource,path)),\ shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') isfirst = int(status) if isfirst == 1: write_startup_job_script(checkjob)"scp %s:%s/." % (ressource, path)), shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') os.remove('') # prepare md startup jobs ligs_idxs_s = ' '.join(map(str, ligs_idxs)) scriptname = '' with open(scriptname, 'w') as file: script = """#!/bin/bash source ~/.bash_profile cd %(path)s for idx in %(ligs_idxs_s)s; do cd lig$((idx+1)) %(submitcommand)s ../ # submit job cd .. done""" % locals() file.write(script) # submit jobs"ssh %s '%s bash -s' < %s" % (ressource, firstcommand, scriptname)), shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') status = ['running' for idx in range(len(ligs_idxs))] return status
def check_startup(checkjob, ligs_idxs): jobid = checkjob.jobid ressource = checkjob.docking_settings['ressource'] path = ssh.get_remote_path(jobid, ressource) firstcommand = ssh.get_first_command(ressource) scriptname = '' write_check_startup_script(scriptname, path, ligs_idxs, checkjob.nposes) output = subprocess.check_output(ssh.coat_ssh_cmd("ssh %s '%s bash -s' < %s"%(ressource,firstcommand,scriptname)),\ shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') status = ssh.get_status(output) return status
def check_md(checkjob, ligs_idxs): jobid = checkjob.jobid ressource = checkjob.md_settings['ressource'] path = ssh.get_remote_path(jobid, ressource) scriptname = '' write_check_md_script(scriptname, path, ligs_idxs, checkjob.nposes) output = subprocess.check_output(ssh.coat_ssh_cmd("ssh %s 'bash -s' < %s" % (ressource, scriptname)), shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') status = ssh.get_status(output) return status
def check_docking(checkjob, ligs_idxs): ntargets = checkjob.ntargets jobid = checkjob.jobid ressource = checkjob.docking_settings['ressource'] firstcommand = ssh.get_first_command(ressource) path = ssh.get_remote_path(jobid, ressource) ligs_idxs_s = ' '.join(map(str, ligs_idxs)) scriptname = '' with open(scriptname, 'w') as file: script = """source ~/.bash_profile cd %(path)s # check the status of each docking job for idx in %(ligs_idxs_s)s; do status=0 for dir in lig$((idx+1))/iso1/target*; do filename=$dir/status.out if [[ -f $filename ]]; then num=`cat $filename` if [ $num -ne 0 ]; then # job ended with an error status=1 fi elif [ $status -ne 1 ]; then # job is still running status=-1 fi done echo $status done""" % locals() file.write(script) output = subprocess.check_output(ssh.coat_ssh_cmd("ssh %s '%s bash -s' < %s"%(ressource,firstcommand,scriptname)),\ shell=True, executable='/bin/bash') status = ssh.get_status(output) return status
def write_mmpbsa_job_script(checkjob): jobid = checkjob.jobid nposes = checkjob.nposes ressource_md = checkjob.md_settings['ressource'] path_md = ssh.get_remote_path(jobid, ressource_md) mmpbsa_settings = checkjob.mmpbsa_settings ressource = mmpbsa_settings['ressource'] path = ssh.get_remote_path(jobid, ressource) ssh_cmd = ssh.coat_ssh_cmd( """ssh -C %(ressource_md)s \"cd %(path_md)s/lig${lig_id}/pose${pose_id}/ligand; tar -cf - md.dcd\" | tar -xf -""" % locals()) with open('', 'w') as file: script = """#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --time=168-00:00 #SBATCH --partition=largemem #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4 lig_id=`echo $PWD | grep -o 'lig.*' | sed -n s/lig//p | cut -d/ -f1` pose_id=`echo $PWD | grep -o 'pose.*' | sed -n s/pose//p` # (A) prepare files for mmpbsa cd ligand %(ssh_cmd)s mkdir mmpbsa cd mmpbsa # (B) run mmpbsa -nt 4 -s ':WAT,Cl-,Na+' -n ':LIG' echo $? > status.out """ % locals() file.write(script)
def write_md_job_script(checkjob): jobid = checkjob.jobid ressource_startup = checkjob.docking_settings['ressource'] path_startup = ssh.get_remote_path(jobid, ressource_startup) firstcommand_startup = ssh.get_first_command(ressource_startup) ressource = checkjob.md_settings['ressource'] path = ssh.get_remote_path(jobid, ressource) ssh_cmd = ssh.coat_ssh_cmd( """ssh -C %(ressource_startup)s \"%(firstcommand_startup)s cd %(path_startup)s/lig${lig_id}; tar -cf - pose${pose_id} --exclude=\\\"status.out\\\"\" | `cd ..; tar -xf -`""" % locals()) with open('', 'w') as file: script = """#!/bin/sh # @ job_name = md-achlys # @ job_type = bluegene # @ error = $(job_name).$(Host).$(jobid).err # @ output = $(job_name).$(Host).$(jobid).out # @ bg_size = 64 # @ wall_clock_limit = 24:00:00 # @ bg_connectivity = Torus # @ queue # (A) prepare files for md cd $PWD lig_id=`echo $PWD | grep -o 'lig.*' | sed -n s/lig//p | cut -d/ -f1` pose_id=`echo $PWD | grep -o 'pose.*' | sed -n s/pose//p` %(ssh_cmd)s # (B) run files for md cd ligand python ../../../ min equil md -f ../../../config.ini --ncpus 1024 --bgq --withlig echo $? > status.out\n""" % locals() file.write(script)