def get_shared_preferences_writes(apk,d,dx,include_support=None):
    shared_preferences = []
    sharedprefs_instruction_paths = dx.tainted_packages.search_methods("", "getSharedPreferences", "\(Ljava/lang/String; I\)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;")
    context_instruction_paths = dx.tainted_packages.search_methods(".", "createPackageContext", ".")
    for path in sharedprefs_instruction_paths:
        src_class_name, src_method_name, src_descriptor = path.get_src(d.get_class_manager())
        if should_analyze(src_class_name,include_support):
            method = d.get_method_by_idx(path.src_idx)
            i = method.get_instruction(0,path.idx)
            index = get_instruction_offset(i,method)
            if is_edit_present_later(method,index):
                new_var = ""
                if i.get_op_value() == 0x6E:#invoke-virtual { parameters }, methodtocall
                    new_var = i.get_output().split(",")[1].strip()
                    file_mode_var = i.get_output().split(",")[2].strip()
                elif i.get_op_value() == 0x74:#invoke-virtual/range {vx..vy},methodtocall
                    new_var = i.get_output().split(",")[0].split(".")[-1].strip()[1:]
                    num = int(new_var)-1
                    new_var = "v"+`num`
                    file_mode_var = "v"+new_var
                file_mode = track_int_value(method,index-1,file_mode_var)
                if file_mode != 0:#if word readable or writable
                    pref_file = track_string_value(method,index-1,new_var)
                    context_path = get_path_of_method(src_class_name,src_method_name, context_instruction_paths,d)
                    if context_path:
                        context_method = d.get_method_by_idx(context_path.src_idx)
                        c_i = context_method.get_instruction(0,context_path.idx)
                        c_index = get_instruction_offset(c_i,context_method)
                        c_name_var = c_i.get_output().split(",")[1].strip()
                        package = track_string_value(context_method, c_index-1, c_name_var)
                        package = apk.get_package()
                    sharedprefs = SharedPreferencesAnalysis(package, pref_file,"write")
    return shared_preferences
def track_intent_filter_direct(method,index,variable):
        Tracks the value of the IntentFilter action
    :param method: is the method where we are searching
    :param index: is the next instruction after the declaration of the IntentFilter has been found
    :param variable: is the register name where the IntentFilter is placed
    action = "notDefinedInMethod"
    while index > 0:
        ins = method.get_instruction(index)
        if variable == ins.get_output().split(",")[0].strip() and "Landroid/content/IntentFilter;-><init>(Ljava/lang/String;" in ins.get_output():
            new_var = ins.get_output().split(",")[1].strip()
            action = track_string_value(method,index-1,new_var)
            return action
        elif (len(ins.get_output().split(",")) > 1 and variable == ins.get_output().split(",")[1].strip() and ins.get_op_value() in [0x07, 0x08]):#move-objects
            # Move operation, we just need to track the new variable now.
            new_var = ins.get_output().split(",")[0].strip()
            #print "++++"+new_var
            action2 = track_intent_filter_direct(method,index+1,new_var)
            if(action2 not in ["notDefinedInMethod", "registerReceiver"]):# it may happen that the same variable is referenced in two register. One leads to nowehere and the other is the correct one.
                action = action2
                return action
        elif (variable == ins.get_output().split(",")[0].strip() and "Landroid/content/IntentFilter;-><init>(Landroid/content/IntentFilter;" in ins.get_output()):
            # The intent filter is initialized with other intent filter.
            # We update the register name to look for.
            new_var = ins.get_output().split(",")[1].strip()
            action2 = track_intent_filter_direct(method,index+1,new_var)
            if(action2 not in ["notDefinedInMethod", "registerReceiver"]):# it may happen that the same variable is referenced in two register. One leads to nowehere and the other is the correct one.
                action = action2
                return action
        elif (variable == ins.get_output().split(",")[0].strip() and "addAction" in ins.get_output()):
            # There is an addAction that declares the action
            # We need to look for its value
            new_var = ins.get_output().split(",")[1].strip()
            if "p" in new_var:# the varaible comes from a method parameter
                action = "MethodParameter"
                return action
                action = track_string_value(method,index-1,new_var)
                return action
        elif (variable == ins.get_output().split(",")[0].strip() and ins.get_op_value() in [0x54]):#taking value from a method call.
            action = ins.get_output().split(",")[2].strip()
            return action
        elif "registerReceiver" in ins.get_output():
            action = "registerReceiverFoundWithouBeingAbleToTrackParameters"
            return action
        index -= 1
    return action
def get_shared_preferences_reads(apk, d, dx, include_support=None):
    shared_preferences = []
    sharedprefs_instruction_paths = dx.tainted_packages.search_methods(
        ".", "getSharedPreferences",
        "\(Ljava/lang/String; I\)Landroid/content/SharedPreferences;")
    context_instruction_paths = dx.tainted_packages.search_methods(
        ".", "createPackageContext", ".")
    for path in sharedprefs_instruction_paths:
        src_class_name, src_method_name, src_descriptor = path.get_src(
        if should_analyze(src_class_name, include_support):
            method = d.get_method_by_idx(path.src_idx)
            i = method.get_instruction(0, path.idx)
            index = get_instruction_offset(i, method)
            new_var = ""
            if i.get_op_value() in [
                    0x6E, 0x6F, 0x72
            ]:  #invoke-virtual { parameters }, methodtocall
                new_var = i.get_output().split(",")[1].strip()
                file_mode_var = i.get_output().split(",")[2].strip()
            elif i.get_op_value(
            ) == 0x74:  #invoke-virtual/range {vx..vy},methodtocall
                new_var = i.get_output().split(",")[0].split(
                num = int(new_var) - 1
                new_var = "v" + ` num `
                file_mode_var = "v" + new_var
                print "Not Controlled"
            # we look the position of the method in
            file_mode = track_int_value(method, index - 1, file_mode_var)
            if file_mode != 0:
                pref_file = track_string_value(method, index - 1, new_var)
                context_path = get_path_of_method(src_class_name,
                                                  context_instruction_paths, d)
                if context_path:
                    context_method = d.get_method_by_idx(context_path.src_idx)
                    c_i = context_method.get_instruction(0, context_path.idx)
                    c_index = get_instruction_offset(c_i, context_method)
                    c_name_var = c_i.get_output().split(",")[1].strip()
                    package = track_string_value(context_method, c_index - 1,
                    package = apk.get_package()
                sharedprefs = SharedPreferencesAnalysis(
                    package, pref_file, "read")
    return shared_preferences
def track_get_shared_preferences_direct(method,index,variable):
    action = ""
    ins = method.get_instruction(index)
    if ins.get_op_value() in [0x0C]:
        variable = ins.get_output().split(",")[0].strip()
        index += 1
        while index < method.get_length():
            ins = method.get_instruction(index)
            if variable in ins.get_output() and "getSharedPreferences" in ins.get_output():
                new_var = ins.get_output().split(",")[1].strip()
                action = track_string_value(method, index-1, new_var)
                return action
            elif variable in ins.get_output().split(",")[1].strip() and ins.get_op_value() in [0x07, 0x08]:
                # Move operation, we just need to track the new variable now.
                variable = ins.get_output().split(",")[0].strip()
            index += 1
    except IndexError:
        return action
    return action
def track_get_shared_preferences_direct(method, index, variable):
    action = ""
    ins = method.get_instruction(index)
    if ins.get_op_value() in [0x0C]:
        variable = ins.get_output().split(",")[0].strip()
        index += 1
        while index < method.get_length():
            ins = method.get_instruction(index)
            if variable in ins.get_output(
            ) and "getSharedPreferences" in ins.get_output():
                new_var = ins.get_output().split(",")[1].strip()
                action = track_string_value(method, index - 1, new_var)
                return action
            elif variable in ins.get_output().split(
                    ",")[1].strip() and ins.get_op_value() in [0x07, 0x08]:
                # Move operation, we just need to track the new variable now.
                variable = ins.get_output().split(",")[0].strip()
            index += 1
    except IndexError:
        return action
    return action