def main(): """ Create 2 EPGs within the same Context and have 1 EPG provide a contract to the other EPG. """ description = ('Create 2 EPGs within the same Context and have' '1 EPG provide a contract to the other EPG.') creds = Credentials('apic', description) args = creds.get() # Create the Tenant tenant = Tenant('aci-toolkit-demo') # Create the Application Profile app = AppProfile('my-demo-app', tenant) # Create the EPGs web_epg = EPG('web-frontend', app) db_epg = EPG('database-backend', app) web_epg.set_intra_epg_isolation(False) db_epg.set_intra_epg_isolation(True) # Create a Context and BridgeDomain # Place both EPGs in the Context and in the same BD context = Context('VRF-1', tenant) bd = BridgeDomain('BD-1', tenant) bd.add_context(context) web_epg.add_bd(bd) db_epg.add_bd(bd) # Define a contract with a single entry contract = Contract('mysql-contract', tenant) entry1 = FilterEntry('entry1', applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort='3306', dToPort='3306', etherT='ip', prot='tcp', sFromPort='1', sToPort='65535', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract) # Provide the contract from 1 EPG and consume from the other db_epg.provide(contract) web_epg.consume(contract) # Login to APIC and push the config session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password) session.login() # Cleanup (uncomment the next line to delete the config) #tenant.mark_as_deleted() resp = tenant.push_to_apic(session) if resp.ok: # Print what was sent print('Pushed the following JSON to the APIC') print('URL: ' + str(tenant.get_url())) print('JSON: ' + str(tenant.get_json()))
def main(): global session # Setup or credentials and session description = ('Duplicate an application profile with the associate BD and PN') creds = Credentials('apic', description) args = creds.get() # Login to APIC session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password) session.login() oldTenant = getOldTenant() newTenant = raw_input('Please enter the new Tenant name: ') if newTenant == '': error_message ([3,'You must specify a new tenant name.', True]) if == newTenant: error_message ([3,'The same Tenant name can not be used.', True]) fullTenantInfo = getFullTeanantInfo(oldTenant) # Login to the system again so I can make direct rest calls without the acitoolkit admin = {"ip_addr":args.url,"user":args.login,"password":args.password} add_admin = oldSchoolLogin(admin) ''' Add the session urlToken for future use with security, and the refresh timeout for future use ''' admin.update({'urlToken':add_admin[0],'refreshTimeoutSeconds':add_admin[1], 'APIC-cookie':add_admin[2]}) createTenant(admin, newTenant,, fullTenantInfo)
def get_json_file_from_apic(): session = Session(from_apic['URL'], from_apic['LOGIN'], from_apic['PASSWORD']) resp = session.login() if not resp.ok: print '%% Could not login to APIC' sys.exit() def get_contract_json(): class_query_url = '/api/node/class/fvTenant.json' ret = session.get(class_query_url) data = ret.json()['imdata'] for ap in data: dn = ap['fvTenant']['attributes']['dn'] tenant_name = dn.split('/')[1][3:] #class_query_url = '/api/mo/uni/tn-aci-toolkit-demo.json?query-target=subtree&rsp-subtree=full&rsp-subtree-include=audit-logs,no-scoped' ap_query_url = '/api/mo/uni/tn-%s.json?rsp-subtree=full&rsp-prop-include=config-only' % ( tenant_name) ret = session.get(ap_query_url) if tenant_name == from_apic['tenant']: return ast.literal_eval(ret.text)['imdata'][0] json_file = get_contract_json() return json_file
def main(): global session # Setup or credentials and session description = ( 'Converts an IOS config to ACI EPGs in a Applicaiton Profile.') creds = Credentials('apic', description) args = creds.get() readconfigfile() print "\n\n" # printsvis() # Login to APIC session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password) session.login() # Get a Tenant name while not get_tenant(): pass # Get a good Virtual Domain to use while not check_virtual_domain(): collect_vmmdomain() print "\nPushing configuration into the APIC now. Please wait." build_base() print("\nCreated {} SVIs from a total of {} SVIs that we found.".format( pushcount, str(len(all_svi))))
def main(argv): global session, tenant, vmmInput if len(argv) > 2: vmmInput = argv[2] argv.remove(vmmInput) if len(argv) > 1: tenant = argv[1] argv.remove(tenant) # Setup or credentials and session description = ('Create some stuff.') creds = Credentials('apic', description) args = creds.get() # Login to APIC session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password) session.login() # Get a good Virtual Domain to use while True: if check_virtual_domain(): break else: collect_vmmdomain() create_base() create_common_contracts.create_all_contracts(theTenant, session) create_ospf_egress.create_interface(theTenant, session, { 'provide': 'Outbound_Server', 'consume': 'Web' }) create_application_profiles() print("Everything seems to have worked if you are seeing this.")
def main(argv): global session, tenant, vmmInput if len(argv) > 2: vmmInput = argv[2] argv.remove(vmmInput) if len(argv) > 1: tenant = argv[1] argv.remove(tenant) # Setup or credentials and session description = ('Create some stuff.') creds = Credentials('apic', description) args = creds.get() # Login to APIC session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password) session.login() # Get a good Virtual Domain to use while True: if check_virtual_domain(): break else: collect_vmmdomain() create_base() create_common_contracts.create_all_contracts(theTenant, session) create_ospf_egress.create_interface(theTenant, session, {'provide':'Outbound_Server', 'consume':'Web'}) create_application_profiles() print ("Everything seems to have worked if you are seeing this.")
def get_config_tenant(choice): """ Will collect the config from the APIC - JSON format """ session = Session(from_apic['URL'], from_apic['LOGIN'], from_apic['PASSWORD']) resp = session.login() if not resp.ok: print '%% Could not login to APIC' sys.exit() def get_tenant_json(): """ Will call the APIC API to collect the Tenant configuration :return: the tenant configuration in JSON format """ class_query_url = '/api/node/class/fvTenant.json' ret = session.get(class_query_url) data = ret.json()['imdata'] for ap in data: dn = ap['fvTenant']['attributes']['dn'] tenant_name = dn.split('/')[1][3:] ap_query_url = '/api/mo/uni/tn-%s.json?rsp-subtree=full&rsp-prop-include=config-only' % ( tenant_name) ret = session.get(ap_query_url) if tenant_name == choice: return ast.literal_eval(ret.text)['imdata'][0] json_file = get_tenant_json() return json_file
def main(): global session # Setup or credentials and session description = ('Converts an IOS config to ACI EPGs in a Applicaiton Profile.') creds = Credentials('apic', description) args = creds.get() readconfigfile() print "\n\n" # printsvis() # Login to APIC session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password) session.login() # Get a Tenant name while not get_tenant(): pass # Get a good Virtual Domain to use while not check_virtual_domain(): collect_vmmdomain() print "\nPushing configuration into the APIC now. Please wait." build_base() print ("\nCreated {} SVIs from a total of {} SVIs that we found.".format(pushcount, str(len(all_svi))))
def login_to_apic(self): """Login to the APIC RETURNS: Instance of class Session """ session = Session(URL, LOGIN, PASSWORD) resp = session.login() self.assertTrue(resp.ok) return session
def main(): """ Create 2 Tenants with a single EPG in each. Between the 2 tenants, the EPGs communicate through an exported contract. """ description = ('Create 2 Tenants with a single EPG in each. Between the 2 tenants,' 'the EPGs communicate through an exported contract.Create 2 EPGs ' 'within the same Context and have 1 EPG provide a contract to the ' 'other EPG.') creds = Credentials('apic', description) args = creds.get() # Create the first Tenant tenant1 = Tenant('common') app1 = AppProfile('app-1', tenant1) web_epg = EPG('web-frontend', app1) # Create the second Tenant tenant2 = Tenant('aci-2') app2 = AppProfile('app-2', tenant2) db_epg = EPG('database-backend', app2) # Define a contract with a single entry contract = Contract('mysql-contract', tenant2) entry1 = FilterEntry('entry1', applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort='3306', dToPort='3306', etherT='ip', prot='tcp', sFromPort='1', sToPort='65535', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract) # Provide the contract from 1 EPG db_epg.provide(contract) # Import the contract into the other tenant imported_contract = ContractInterface('mysql-imported-contract', tenant1) imported_contract.import_contract(contract) # Consume the contract in the second tenant web_epg.consume_cif(imported_contract) # Login to APIC and push the config session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password) session.login() # Cleanup (uncomment the next 2 lines to delete the config) # tenant1.mark_as_deleted() # tenant2.mark_as_deleted() for tenant in [tenant2, tenant1]: resp = tenant.push_to_apic(session) if resp.ok: # Print what was sent print('Pushed the following JSON to the APIC') print('URL: ' + str(tenant.get_url())) print('JSON: ' + str(tenant.get_json()))
def push_json_to_apic(json_content): """ :param json_content: the json file to be pushed to APIC :return: the respond of the push action """ session = Session(to_apic['URL'], to_apic['LOGIN'], to_apic['PASSWORD']) resp = session.login() if not resp.ok: print '%% Could not login to APIC' sys.exit() return session.push_to_apic('/api/mo/uni.json', json_content)
def _login_session(self, url, login, password): """ Login to a particular APIC :param url: String containing the URL to login to the APIC :param login: String containing the username to login to the APIC :param password: String containing the password to login to the APIC :return: Instance of Session class """ session = Session(url, login, password) resp = session.login() self.assertTrue(resp.ok) return session
def setUp(self): session = Session("", "admin", "ins3965!") try: resp = session.login() self.session = session print(resp) if not resp.ok: print('%% Could not login to APIC') sys.exit(0) except: print("unable to login") conn = sqlite3.connect("searchdatabase.db") self.conn = conn.cursor()
def setUp(self): session = Session("", "admin", "ins3965!") try: resp = session.login() self.session = session print resp if not resp.ok: print('%% Could not login to APIC') sys.exit(0) except: print "unable to login" conn = sqlite3.connect("searchdatabase.db") self.conn = conn.cursor()
def exportToFile(file1=None): session = Session(URL, LOGIN, PASSWORD) resp = session.login() if not resp.ok: print '%% Could not login to APIC' sys.exit(1) cp = CABLEPLAN.get(session) if file1: f = open(file1, 'w') cp.export(f) f.close() else: print cp.export(),
def list_tenant(): session = Session(from_apic['URL'], from_apic['LOGIN'], from_apic['PASSWORD']) resp = session.login() if not resp.ok: print '%% Could not login to APIC' sys.exit() all_tenant = PrettyTable(["Current Tenant(s)"]) all_tenant.align["Current Tenant(s)"] = "l" all_tenant.padding_width = 1 tenants = ACI.Tenant.get(session) for tenant in tenants: all_tenant.add_row([]) print all_tenant
def exportToFile(file1=None) : session = Session(URL, LOGIN, PASSWORD) resp = session.login() if not resp.ok: print '%% Could not login to APIC' sys.exit(1) cp = CABLEPLAN.get(session) if file1 : f = open(file1, 'w') cp.export(f) f.close() else : print cp.export(),
def test_link_get_bad_parent(self): pod = Link session = Session(URL, LOGIN, PASSWORD) self.assertRaises(TypeError, Link.get, session, pod) pod = Pod('1') self.assertRaises(TypeError, Link.get, 'bad_session', pod)
def test_eNode_session(self): attrib = {'name': 'testEnode'} self.assertRaises(TypeError, ENode, attrib, 'text') session = Session(URL, LOGIN, PASSWORD) node = ENode(attrib, session) self.assertEqual(node._session, session)
def compareCablePlans(file1, file2=None) : if file2 : cp1 = CABLEPLAN.get(file1) source1 = file1 cp2 = CABLEPLAN.get(file2) source2 = file2 else : session = Session(URL, LOGIN, PASSWORD) resp = session.login() if not resp.ok: print '%% Could not login to APIC' sys.exit(1) cp1 = CABLEPLAN.get(session) source1 = 'APIC' cp2 = CABLEPLAN.get(file1) source2 = file1 missing_switches = cp1.difference_switch(cp2) extra_switches = cp2.difference_switch(cp1) if missing_switches : print '\nThe following switches are in',source1+', but not in',source2 for switch in missing_switches : print ' ',switch.get_name() if extra_switches : print '\nThe following switches are in',source2+', but not in',source1 for switch in missing_switches : print ' ',switch.get_name() if missing_switches or extra_switches : print 'Link comparisons skipped because the switches are miss-matched' else : missing_links = cp1.difference_link(cp2) extra_links = cp2.difference_link(cp1) if missing_links : print '\nThe following links in',source1,'are not found in',source2 for link in missing_links : print ' ',link.get_name() if extra_links : print '\nThe following links in',source2,'are not found in',source1 for link in extra_links : print ' ',link.get_name() if not missing_links and not extra_links : print source1,'and',source2,'are the same'
def compareCablePlans(file1, file2=None): if file2: cp1 = CABLEPLAN.get(file1) source1 = file1 cp2 = CABLEPLAN.get(file2) source2 = file2 else: session = Session(URL, LOGIN, PASSWORD) resp = session.login() if not resp.ok: print '%% Could not login to APIC' sys.exit(1) cp1 = CABLEPLAN.get(session) source1 = 'APIC' cp2 = CABLEPLAN.get(file1) source2 = file1 missing_switches = cp1.difference_switch(cp2) extra_switches = cp2.difference_switch(cp1) if missing_switches: print '\nThe following switches are in', source1 + ', but not in', source2 for switch in missing_switches: print ' ', switch.get_name() if extra_switches: print '\nThe following switches are in', source2 + ', but not in', source1 for switch in missing_switches: print ' ', switch.get_name() if missing_switches or extra_switches: print 'Link comparisons skipped because the switches are miss-matched' else: missing_links = cp1.difference_link(cp2) extra_links = cp2.difference_link(cp1) if missing_links: print '\nThe following links in', source1, 'are not found in', source2 for link in missing_links: print ' ', link.get_name() if extra_links: print '\nThe following links in', source2, 'are not found in', source1 for link in extra_links: print ' ', link.get_name() if not missing_links and not extra_links: print source1, 'and', source2, 'are the same'
def main(): # Setup or credentials and session description = ('Common contracts and filters') creds = Credentials('apic', description) args = creds.get() # Login to APIC session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password) session.login() # This creates the tenant object theTenant = Tenant(tenant) create_all_contracts(theTenant, session) print ("Created common contracts and filters in the {} tenant.".format(theTenant)) print ("Everything seems to have worked if you are seeing this.")
def main(): global session # Setup or credentials and session description = ('Find the VMM Domain to use for EPGs') creds = Credentials('apic', description) args = creds.get() # Login to APIC session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password) session.login() # Get a good Virtual Domain to use while True: if check_virtual_domain(): break else: collect_vmmdomain()
def main(): # Setup or credentials and session description = ('Common contracts and filters') creds = Credentials('apic', description) args = creds.get() # Login to APIC session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password) session.login() # This creates the tenant object theTenant = Tenant(tenant) create_all_contracts(theTenant, session) print("Created common contracts and filters in the {} tenant.".format( theTenant)) print("Everything seems to have worked if you are seeing this.")
def test_node_bad_parent(self): pod_id = '1' session = Session(URL, LOGIN, PASSWORD) self.assertRaises(TypeError, Node, '1', '2', 'Spine1', role='leaf', parent=pod_id)
def load_db(): """ This will setup the session to the APIC and then load the db :return: """ try: apic_args = APICArgs(session['ipaddr'], session['username'], session['secure'], session['password']) except KeyError: return False # return redirect(url_for('credentialsview.index')) # apic_session = Session(apic_args.url, apic_args.login, apic_args.password) # resp = apic_session.login() # if not resp.ok: # raise LoginError # sdb.session = apic_session # try: apic_session = Session(apic_args.url, apic_args.login, apic_args.password) resp = apic_session.login() if not resp.ok: raise LoginError sdb.session = apic_session except Timeout: flash('Connection timeout when trying to reach the APIC', 'error') return False # return redirect(url_for('switchreportadmin.index_view')) except LoginError: flash('Unable to login to the APIC', 'error') return False # return redirect(url_for('credentialsview.index')) except ConnectionError: flash('Connection failure. Perhaps \'secure\' setting is wrong') return False # return redirect(url_for('credentialsview.index')) except CredentialsError, e: flash('There is a problem with your APIC credentials:' + e.message) return False
def list_tenant(): """ Will obtain the latest list of Tenants configuraed on the APIC (that the credentials have access to anyway) """ session = Session(from_apic['URL'], from_apic['LOGIN'], from_apic['PASSWORD']) resp = session.login() if not resp.ok: print '%% Could not login to APIC' sys.exit() #Put in a pretty table all_tenant = PrettyTable(["Current Tenant(s)"]) all_tenant.align["Current Tenant(s)"] = "l" all_tenant.padding_width = 1 tenants = ACI.Tenant.get(session) for tenant in tenants: all_tenant.add_row([]) print all_tenant
def main(): global session # Setup or credentials and session description = ('Create a number of demo application profiles.') creds = Credentials('apic', description) args = creds.get() # Login to APIC session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password) session.login() # Get a good Virtual Domain to use while True: if check_virtual_domain(): break else: collect_vmmdomain() create_base() create_application_profiles() print("Everything seems to have worked if you are seeing this.")
def main(): global session # Setup or credentials and session description = ('Create a number of demo application profiles.') creds = Credentials('apic', description) args = creds.get() # Login to APIC session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password) session.login() # Get a good Virtual Domain to use while True: if check_virtual_domain(): break else: collect_vmmdomain() create_base() create_application_profiles() print ("Everything seems to have worked if you are seeing this.")
def main(): global session # Setup or credentials and session description = ( 'Duplicate an application profile with the associate BD and PN') creds = Credentials('apic', description) args = creds.get() # Login to APIC session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password) session.login() oldTenant = getOldTenant() newTenant = raw_input('Please enter the new Tenant name: ') if newTenant == '': error_message([3, 'You must specify a new tenant name.', True]) if == newTenant: error_message([3, 'The same Tenant name can not be used.', True]) fullTenantInfo = getFullTeanantInfo(oldTenant) # Login to the system again so I can make direct rest calls without the acitoolkit admin = { "ip_addr": args.url, "user": args.login, "password": args.password } add_admin = oldSchoolLogin(admin) ''' Add the session urlToken for future use with security, and the refresh timeout for future use ''' admin.update({ 'urlToken': add_admin[0], 'refreshTimeoutSeconds': add_admin[1], 'APIC-cookie': add_admin[2] }) createTenant(admin, newTenant,, fullTenantInfo)
def get_json_file_from_apic(): session = Session(from_apic['URL'], from_apic['LOGIN'], from_apic['PASSWORD']) resp = session.login() if not resp.ok: print '%% Could not login to APIC' sys.exit() def get_contract_json(): class_query_url = '/api/node/class/fvTenant.json' ret = session.get(class_query_url) data = ret.json()['imdata'] for ap in data: dn = ap['fvTenant']['attributes']['dn'] tenant_name = dn.split('/')[1][3:] #class_query_url = '/api/mo/uni/tn-aci-toolkit-demo.json?query-target=subtree&rsp-subtree=full&rsp-subtree-include=audit-logs,no-scoped' ap_query_url = '/api/mo/uni/tn-%s.json?rsp-subtree=full&rsp-prop-include=config-only' % (tenant_name) ret = session.get(ap_query_url) if tenant_name == from_apic['tenant']: return ast.literal_eval(ret.text)['imdata'][0] json_file = get_contract_json() return json_file
def main(): # Setup or credentials and session description = ('Create 3 EPGs within the same Context, have them ' 'provide and consume contracts and attach them to ' 'a vmm domain.') creds = Credentials('apic', description) args = creds.get() # Login to APIC session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password) session.login() # Get the virtual domain we are going to use vdomain = EPGDomain.get_by_name(session, vmmdomain) # Create the Tenant tenant = Tenant(this_tenant) # Create the Application Profile app = AppProfile(this_app, tenant) # Create the EPGs t1_epg = EPG(tier1_epg, app) t2_epg = EPG(tier2_epg, app) t3_epg = EPG(tier3_epg, app) # Create a Context and BridgeDomain # Place all EPGs in the Context and in the same BD context = Context(private_net, tenant) bd = BridgeDomain(bridge_domain, tenant) bd.add_context(context) t1_epg.add_bd(bd) t1_epg.add_infradomain(vdomain) t2_epg.add_bd(bd) t2_epg.add_infradomain(vdomain) t3_epg.add_bd(bd) ''' Define a contract with a single entry Additional entries can be added by duplicating the FilterEntry Push to APIC after each FilterEntry if it is not the last ''' contract1 = Contract('mysql-contract', tenant) entry1 = FilterEntry('SQL', applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort='3306', dToPort='3306', etherT='ip', prot='tcp', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract1) contract2 = Contract('app-contract', tenant) contract2.set_scope('application-profile') entry1 = FilterEntry('Flask', applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort='5000', dToPort='5000', etherT='ip', prot='tcp', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract2) tenant.push_to_apic(session) entry2 = FilterEntry('Flask2', applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort='5050', dToPort='5050', etherT='ip', prot='tcp', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract2) contract3 = Contract('web-contract', tenant) contract3.set_scope('application-profile') entry1 = FilterEntry('HTTPS', applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort='443', dToPort='443', etherT='ip', prot='tcp', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract3) # Provide the contract from 1 EPG and consume from the other t3_epg.provide(contract1) t2_epg.consume(contract1) t2_epg.provide(contract2) t1_epg.consume(contract2) t1_epg.provide(contract3) # Finally, push all this to the APIC # Cleanup (uncomment the next line to delete the config) # CAUTION: The next line will DELETE the tenant # tenant.mark_as_deleted() resp = tenant.push_to_apic(session) if resp.ok: # Print some confirmation print('The configuration was sucessfully pushed to the APIC.')
def main(): description = ('Create 2 EPGs within the same Context and have' '1 EPG provide a contract to the other EPG.') creds = Credentials('apic', description) args = creds.get() session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password) session.login() for line in data: line = line.strip("\n") tnt = line.split(",")[0] appro = line.split(",")[1] epg1 = line.split(",")[2] epg2 = line.split(",")[3] contractn = line.split(",")[4] bd1 = line.split(",")[5] vrf1 = line.split(",")[6] # Create the Tenant tenant = Tenant(tnt) # Create the Application Profile app = AppProfile(appro, tenant) # Create the EPGs epg_obj1 = EPG(epg1, app) epg_obj2 = EPG(epg2, app) epg_obj1.set_intra_epg_isolation(False) epg_obj2.set_intra_epg_isolation(True) # Create a Context and BridgeDomain # Place both EPGs in the Context and in the same BD context = Context(vrf1, tenant) bd = BridgeDomain(bd1, tenant) bd.add_context(context) epg_obj1.add_bd(bd) epg_obj2.add_bd(bd) # Define a contract with a single entry contract = Contract(contractn, tenant) entry1 = FilterEntry('entry1', applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort='3306', dToPort='3306', etherT='ip', prot='tcp', sFromPort='1', sToPort='65535', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract) # Provide the contract from 1 EPG and consume from the other epg_obj2.provide(contract) epg_obj1.consume(contract) # Login to APIC and push the config # Cleanup (uncomment the next line to delete the config) # tenant.mark_as_deleted() resp = tenant.push_to_apic(session) if resp.ok: # Print what was sent print('Pushed the following JSON to the APIC') print('URL: ' + str(tenant.get_url())) print('JSON: ' + str(tenant.get_json()))
def setup_multisite_test(printonly=False, delete=False): # Create the Tenant tenant1 = Tenant('multisite') # Create the Application Profile app = AppProfile('my-demo-app', tenant1) # Create the EPGs web_epg = EPG('web-frontend', app) db_epg = EPG('database-backend', app) # Create a Context and BridgeDomain # Place both EPGs in the Context and in the same BD context = Context('VRF-1', tenant1) bd = BridgeDomain('BD-1', tenant1) bd.add_context(context) web_epg.add_bd(bd) db_epg.add_bd(bd) # Define a contract with a single entry contract = Contract('multisite_mysqlcontract', tenant1) entry1 = FilterEntry('entry1', applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort='3306', dToPort='3306', etherT='ip', prot='tcp', sFromPort='1', sToPort='65535', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract) # Provide the contract from 1 EPG and consume from the other db_epg.provide(contract) web_epg.consume(contract) context = Context('ctx0', tenant1) #contract = Contract('contract', tenant) phyif = Interface('eth', '1', '102', '1', '25') l2if = L2Interface('eth 1/102/1/25', 'vlan', '500') l2if.attach(phyif) l3if = L3Interface('l3if') l3if.set_l3if_type('ext-svi') l3if.set_addr('') l3if.add_context(context) l3if.attach(l2if) #l3if.networks.append('') #outside.provide(contract) l3if.attach(l2if) rtr = OSPFRouter('rtr-1') rtr.set_router_id('') rtr.set_node_id('102') # net1 = OutsideNetwork('') # = '' # net1.provide(contract) ospfif = OSPFInterface('ospfif-1', router=rtr, area_id='') ospfif.attach(l3if) # ospfif.networks.append(net1) outside = OutsideEPG('multisite-l3out', tenant1) outside.attach(ospfif) #outside.add_context(context) # Create the Tenant tenant2 = Tenant('multisite') # Create the Application Profile app = AppProfile('my-demo-app', tenant2) # Create the EPGs web_epg = EPG('web-frontend', app) # Create a Context and BridgeDomain # Place both EPGs in the Context and in the same BD context = Context('VRF-1', tenant2) bd = BridgeDomain('BD-1', tenant2) bd.add_context(context) web_epg.add_bd(bd) context = Context('ctx0', tenant2) #contract = Contract('contract', tenant) phyif = Interface('eth', '1', '102', '1', '25') l2if = L2Interface('eth 1/102/1/25', 'vlan', '500') l2if.attach(phyif) l3if = L3Interface('l3if') l3if.set_l3if_type('ext-svi') l3if.set_addr('') l3if.add_context(context) l3if.attach(l2if) #outside.provide(contract) l3if.attach(l2if) rtr = OSPFRouter('rtr-1') rtr.set_router_id('') rtr.set_node_id('102') ospfif = OSPFInterface('ospfif-1', router=rtr, area_id='') ospfif.attach(l3if) #ospfif.networks.append('') #ospfif.networks.append('') outside = OutsideEPG('multisite-l3out', tenant2) outside.attach(ospfif) if not printonly: # Login to APIC and push the config session = Session(SITE1_URL, SITE1_LOGIN, SITE1_PASSWORD) session.login() # Cleanup (uncomment the next line to delete the config) if delete: print 'Deleting...' tenant1.mark_as_deleted() resp = tenant1.push_to_apic(session) if resp.ok: # Print what was sent print('Pushed the following JSON to the APIC', resp.text) else: print resp, resp.text print('URL: ' + str(tenant1.get_url())) print('JSON:') print json.dumps(tenant1.get_json(), indent=4, separators=(',',':')) if not printonly: # Login to APIC and push the config session = Session(SITE2_URL, SITE2_LOGIN, SITE2_PASSWORD) session.login() # Cleanup (uncomment the next line to delete the config) if delete: tenant2.mark_as_deleted() resp = tenant2.push_to_apic(session) if resp.ok: # Print what was sent print('Pushed the following JSON to the APIC', resp.text) else: print resp, resp.text print('URL: ' + str(tenant2.get_url())) print('JSON:') print json.dumps(tenant2.get_json(), indent=4, separators=(',',':'))
def pull_json_from_apic(): """ :return: all the json files that relate to the copied application profile. """ def _push_to_list(l, i): if i not in l: l.append(i) def _push_child_to_tenant(mo): tenant_json['fvTenant']['children'].append(mo) session = Session(from_apic['URL'], from_apic['LOGIN'], from_apic['PASSWORD']) resp = session.login() if not resp.ok: print '%% Could not login to APIC' sys.exit() app_json = get_app_json_from_apic(session, from_apic['application']) # take out parameter 'dn': del app_json['fvAp']['attributes']['dn'] cons = [] filters = [] bds = [] private_networks = [] # look for the contracts and bridge domains that are related for epg in app_json['fvAp']['children']: eliminated_children = [] for child in epg['fvAEPg']['children']: if child.has_key('fvRsCons'): _push_to_list(cons, child['fvRsCons']['attributes']['tnVzBrCPName']) if child.has_key('fvRsProv'): _push_to_list(cons, child['fvRsProv']['attributes']['tnVzBrCPName']) if child.has_key('fvRsBd'): _push_to_list(bds, child['fvRsBd']['attributes']['tnFvBDName']) if child.has_key('fvRsNodeAtt') or child.has_key('fvRsPathAtt'): eliminated_children.append(epg['fvAEPg']['children'].index(child)) eliminated_children.sort(reverse=True) for index in eliminated_children: epg['fvAEPg']['children'].pop(index) # achieve all the bridge domain json bds_json = [] for bd in bds: bd_json = get_bridge_domain_json_from_apic(session, bd) del bd_json['fvBD']['attributes']['dn'] bds_json.append(bd_json) if bd_json['fvBD']['children'][0]['fvRsCtx']['attributes']['tnFvCtxName']: private_networks.append(bd_json['fvBD']['children'][0]['fvRsCtx']['attributes']['tnFvCtxName']) private_networks_json = [] for pn in private_networks: pn_json = get_private_network_json_from_apic(session, pn) del pn_json['fvCtx']['attributes']['dn'] private_networks_json.append(pn_json) # achieve all the contracts json contracts_json = [] for con in cons: con_json = get_contracts_json_from_apic(session, con) del con_json['vzBrCP']['attributes']['dn'] contracts_json.append(con_json) # look for the filters that are related for subj in con_json['vzBrCP']['children']: if subj['vzSubj'].has_key('children'): for filter in subj['vzSubj']['children']: _push_to_list(filters, filter['vzRsSubjFiltAtt']['attributes']['tnVzFilterName']) # achieve all the filters json filters_json = [] for filter in filters: fil_json = get_filters_json_from_apic(session, filter) del fil_json['vzFilter']['attributes']['dn'] filters_json.append(fil_json) # combine all the achieved json into one json object tenant_json = {'fvTenant': {'attributes': {'name': to_apic['tenant']}, 'children': []}} _push_child_to_tenant(app_json) for p_n in private_networks_json: _push_child_to_tenant(p_n) for b_j in bds_json: _push_child_to_tenant(b_j) for c_j in contracts_json: _push_child_to_tenant(c_j) for f_j in filters_json: _push_child_to_tenant(f_j) print "Successfully pull json from APIC." return tenant_json
def main(): required = collect_required() # Setup or credentials and session description = ('Create 5 EPGs within the same Context, have them ' 'provide and consume the same contract so that they ' 'can communicate between eachother.') creds = Credentials('apic', description) args = creds.get() # Login to APIC session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password) session.login() # Get the virtual domain we are going to use try: vdomain = EPGDomain.get_by_name(session, required[1]) except: print "There was an error using " + required[ 1] + " as the VMMDomain. Are you sure it exists?" exit() # Create the Tenant tenant = Tenant(required[0]) # Create the Application Profile app = AppProfile(this_app, tenant) # Create the EPGs t1_epg = EPG(tier1_epg, app) t2_epg = EPG(tier2_epg, app) t3_epg = EPG(tier3_epg, app) t4_epg = EPG(tier4_epg, app) t5_epg = EPG(tier5_epg, app) # Create a Context and BridgeDomain # Place all EPGs in the Context and in the same BD context = Context(private_net, tenant) bd = BridgeDomain(bridge_domain, tenant) bd.add_context(context) # Add all the IP Addresses to the bridge domain bd_subnet5 = Subnet(tier1_epg, bd) bd_subnet5.set_addr(tier1_subnet) bd_subnet5.set_scope(subnet_scope) bd.add_subnet(bd_subnet5) bd_subnet6 = Subnet(tier2_epg, bd) bd_subnet6.set_addr(tier2_subnet) bd_subnet6.set_scope(subnet_scope) bd.add_subnet(bd_subnet6) bd_subnet7 = Subnet(tier3_epg, bd) bd_subnet7.set_addr(tier3_subnet) bd_subnet7.set_scope(subnet_scope) bd.add_subnet(bd_subnet7) bd_subnet8 = Subnet(tier4_epg, bd) bd_subnet8.set_addr(tier4_subnet) bd_subnet8.set_scope(subnet_scope) bd.add_subnet(bd_subnet8) bd_subnet9 = Subnet(tier5_epg, bd) bd_subnet9.set_addr(tier5_subnet) bd_subnet9.set_scope(subnet_scope) bd.add_subnet(bd_subnet9) t1_epg.add_bd(bd) t1_epg.add_infradomain(vdomain) t2_epg.add_bd(bd) t2_epg.add_infradomain(vdomain) t3_epg.add_bd(bd) t3_epg.add_infradomain(vdomain) t4_epg.add_bd(bd) t4_epg.add_infradomain(vdomain) t5_epg.add_bd(bd) t5_epg.add_infradomain(vdomain) ''' Define a contract with a single entry Additional entries can be added by duplicating "entry1" ''' contract1 = Contract('allow_all', tenant) entry1 = FilterEntry('all', applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort='unspecified', dToPort='unspecified', etherT='unspecified', prot='unspecified', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract1) # All the EPGs provide and consume the contract t1_epg.consume(contract1) t1_epg.provide(contract1) t2_epg.consume(contract1) t2_epg.provide(contract1) t3_epg.consume(contract1) t3_epg.provide(contract1) t4_epg.consume(contract1) t4_epg.provide(contract1) t5_epg.consume(contract1) t5_epg.provide(contract1) # Finally, push all this to the APIC # Cleanup (uncomment the next line to delete the config) # CAUTION: The next line will DELETE the tenant # tenant.mark_as_deleted() resp = tenant.push_to_apic(session) if resp.ok: # Print some confirmation print('The configuration was sucessfully pushed to the APIC.') # Uncomment the next lines if you want to see the configuration # print('URL: ' + str(tenant.get_url())) # print('JSON: ' + str(tenant.get_json())) else: print resp print resp.text print('URL: ' + str(tenant.get_url())) print('JSON: ' + str(tenant.get_json()))
def pull_json_from_apic(): """ :return: all the json files that relate to the copied application profile. """ def _push_to_list(l, i): if i not in l: l.append(i) def _push_child_to_tenant(mo): tenant_json['fvTenant']['children'].append(mo) session = Session(from_apic['URL'], from_apic['LOGIN'], from_apic['PASSWORD']) resp = session.login() if not resp.ok: print '%% Could not login to APIC' sys.exit() app_json = get_app_json_from_apic(session, from_apic['application']) # take out parameter 'dn': del app_json['fvAp']['attributes']['dn'] cons = [] filters = [] bds = [] private_networks = [] # look for the contracts and bridge domains that are related for epg in app_json['fvAp']['children']: eliminated_children = [] for child in epg['fvAEPg']['children']: if child.has_key('fvRsCons'): _push_to_list(cons, child['fvRsCons']['attributes']['tnVzBrCPName']) if child.has_key('fvRsProv'): _push_to_list(cons, child['fvRsProv']['attributes']['tnVzBrCPName']) if child.has_key('fvRsBd'): _push_to_list(bds, child['fvRsBd']['attributes']['tnFvBDName']) if child.has_key('fvRsNodeAtt') or child.has_key('fvRsPathAtt'): eliminated_children.append( epg['fvAEPg']['children'].index(child)) eliminated_children.sort(reverse=True) for index in eliminated_children: epg['fvAEPg']['children'].pop(index) # achieve all the bridge domain json bds_json = [] for bd in bds: bd_json = get_bridge_domain_json_from_apic(session, bd) del bd_json['fvBD']['attributes']['dn'] bds_json.append(bd_json) if bd_json['fvBD']['children'][0]['fvRsCtx']['attributes'][ 'tnFvCtxName']: private_networks.append(bd_json['fvBD']['children'][0]['fvRsCtx'] ['attributes']['tnFvCtxName']) private_networks_json = [] for pn in private_networks: pn_json = get_private_network_json_from_apic(session, pn) del pn_json['fvCtx']['attributes']['dn'] private_networks_json.append(pn_json) # achieve all the contracts json contracts_json = [] for con in cons: con_json = get_contracts_json_from_apic(session, con) del con_json['vzBrCP']['attributes']['dn'] contracts_json.append(con_json) # look for the filters that are related for subj in con_json['vzBrCP']['children']: if subj['vzSubj'].has_key('children'): for filter in subj['vzSubj']['children']: _push_to_list( filters, filter['vzRsSubjFiltAtt']['attributes'] ['tnVzFilterName']) # achieve all the filters json filters_json = [] for filter in filters: fil_json = get_filters_json_from_apic(session, filter) del fil_json['vzFilter']['attributes']['dn'] filters_json.append(fil_json) # combine all the achieved json into one json object tenant_json = { 'fvTenant': { 'attributes': { 'name': to_apic['tenant'] }, 'children': [] } } _push_child_to_tenant(app_json) for p_n in private_networks_json: _push_child_to_tenant(p_n) for b_j in bds_json: _push_child_to_tenant(b_j) for c_j in contracts_json: _push_child_to_tenant(c_j) for f_j in filters_json: _push_child_to_tenant(f_j) print "Successfully pull json from APIC." return tenant_json
def main(): required = collect_required() # Setup or credentials and session description = ('Create 5 EPGs within the same Context, have them ' 'provide and consume the same contract so that they ' 'can communicate between eachother.') creds = Credentials('apic', description) args = creds.get() # Login to APIC session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password) session.login() # Get the virtual domain we are going to use try: vdomain = EPGDomain.get_by_name(session,required[1]) except: print "There was an error using " + required[1] + " as the VMMDomain. Are you sure it exists?" exit() # Create the Tenant tenant = Tenant(required[0]) # Create the Application Profile app = AppProfile(this_app, tenant) # Create the EPGs t1_epg = EPG(tier1_epg, app) t2_epg = EPG(tier2_epg, app) t3_epg = EPG(tier3_epg, app) t4_epg = EPG(tier4_epg, app) t5_epg = EPG(tier5_epg, app) # Create a Context and BridgeDomain # Place all EPGs in the Context and in the same BD context = Context(private_net, tenant) bd = BridgeDomain(bridge_domain, tenant) bd.add_context(context) # Add all the IP Addresses to the bridge domain bd_subnet5 = Subnet(tier1_epg, bd) bd_subnet5.set_addr(tier1_subnet) bd_subnet5.set_scope(subnet_scope) bd.add_subnet(bd_subnet5) bd_subnet6 = Subnet(tier2_epg, bd) bd_subnet6.set_addr(tier2_subnet) bd_subnet6.set_scope(subnet_scope) bd.add_subnet(bd_subnet6) bd_subnet7 = Subnet(tier3_epg, bd) bd_subnet7.set_addr(tier3_subnet) bd_subnet7.set_scope(subnet_scope) bd.add_subnet(bd_subnet7) bd_subnet8 = Subnet(tier4_epg, bd) bd_subnet8.set_addr(tier4_subnet) bd_subnet8.set_scope(subnet_scope) bd.add_subnet(bd_subnet8) bd_subnet9 = Subnet(tier5_epg, bd) bd_subnet9.set_addr(tier5_subnet) bd_subnet9.set_scope(subnet_scope) bd.add_subnet(bd_subnet9) t1_epg.add_bd(bd) t1_epg.add_infradomain(vdomain) t2_epg.add_bd(bd) t2_epg.add_infradomain(vdomain) t3_epg.add_bd(bd) t3_epg.add_infradomain(vdomain) t4_epg.add_bd(bd) t4_epg.add_infradomain(vdomain) t5_epg.add_bd(bd) t5_epg.add_infradomain(vdomain) ''' Define a contract with a single entry Additional entries can be added by duplicating "entry1" ''' contract1 = Contract('allow_all', tenant) entry1 = FilterEntry('all', applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort='unspecified', dToPort='unspecified', etherT='unspecified', prot='unspecified', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract1) # All the EPGs provide and consume the contract t1_epg.consume(contract1) t1_epg.provide(contract1) t2_epg.consume(contract1) t2_epg.provide(contract1) t3_epg.consume(contract1) t3_epg.provide(contract1) t4_epg.consume(contract1) t4_epg.provide(contract1) t5_epg.consume(contract1) t5_epg.provide(contract1) # Finally, push all this to the APIC # Cleanup (uncomment the next line to delete the config) # CAUTION: The next line will DELETE the tenant # tenant.mark_as_deleted() resp = tenant.push_to_apic(session) if resp.ok: # Print some confirmation print('The configuration was sucessfully pushed to the APIC.') # Uncomment the next lines if you want to see the configuration # print('URL: ' + str(tenant.get_url())) # print('JSON: ' + str(tenant.get_json())) else: print resp print resp.text print('URL: ' + str(tenant.get_url())) print('JSON: ' + str(tenant.get_json()))
def main(): """ Create 2 Tenants with a single EPG in each. Between the 2 tenants, the EPGs communicate through an exported contract. """ description = ( "Create 2 Tenants with a single EPG in each. Between the 2 tenants," "the EPGs communicate through an exported contract.Create 2 EPGs " "within the same Context and have 1 EPG provide a contract to the " "other EPG." ) creds = Credentials("apic", description) args = creds.get() # Create the first Tenant tenant1 = Tenant("aci-toolkit-demo-1") app1 = AppProfile("my-demo-app-1", tenant1) web_epg = EPG("web-frontend", app1) # Create the second Tenant tenant2 = Tenant("aci-toolkit-demo-2") app2 = AppProfile("my-demo-app-2", tenant2) db_epg = EPG("database-backend", app2) # Define a contract with a single entry contract = Contract("mysql-contract", tenant2) entry1 = FilterEntry( "entry1", applyToFrag="no", arpOpc="unspecified", dFromPort="3306", dToPort="3306", etherT="ip", prot="tcp", sFromPort="1", sToPort="65535", tcpRules="unspecified", parent=contract, ) # Provide the contract from 1 EPG db_epg.provide(contract) # Import the contract into the other tenant imported_contract = ContractInterface("mysql-imported-contract", tenant1) imported_contract.import_contract(contract) # Consume the contract in the second tenant web_epg.consume_cif(imported_contract) # Login to APIC and push the config session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password) session.login() # Cleanup (uncomment the next 2 lines to delete the config) # tenant1.mark_as_deleted() # tenant2.mark_as_deleted() for tenant in [tenant2, tenant1]: resp = tenant.push_to_apic(session) if resp.ok: # Print what was sent print("Pushed the following JSON to the APIC") print("URL: " + str(tenant.get_url())) print("JSON: " + str(tenant.get_json()))
def main(): # Setup or credentials and session description = ('Create 3 EPGs within the same Context, have them ' 'provide and consume contracts and attach them to ' 'a vmm domain.') creds = Credentials('apic', description) args = creds.get() # Login to APIC session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password) session.login() # Get the virtual domain we are going to use vdomain = EPGDomain.get_by_name(session,vmmdomain) # Create the Tenant tenant = Tenant(this_tenant) # Create the Application Profile app = AppProfile(this_app, tenant) # Create the EPGs t1_epg = EPG(tier1_epg, app) t2_epg = EPG(tier2_epg, app) t3_epg = EPG(tier3_epg, app) # Create a Context and BridgeDomain # Place all EPGs in the Context and in the same BD context = Context(private_net, tenant) bd = BridgeDomain(bridge_domain, tenant) bd.add_context(context) t1_epg.add_bd(bd) t1_epg.add_infradomain(vdomain) t2_epg.add_bd(bd) t2_epg.add_infradomain(vdomain) t3_epg.add_bd(bd) ''' Define a contract with a single entry Additional entries can be added by duplicating the FilterEntry Push to APIC after each FilterEntry if it is not the last ''' contract1 = Contract('mysql-contract', tenant) entry1 = FilterEntry('SQL', applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort='3306', dToPort='3306', etherT='ip', prot='tcp', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract1) contract2 = Contract('app-contract', tenant) contract2.set_scope('application-profile') entry1 = FilterEntry('Flask', applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort='5000', dToPort='5000', etherT='ip', prot='tcp', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract2) tenant.push_to_apic(session) entry2 = FilterEntry('Flask2', applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort='5050', dToPort='5050', etherT='ip', prot='tcp', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract2) contract3 = Contract('web-contract', tenant) contract3.set_scope('application-profile') entry1 = FilterEntry('HTTPS', applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort='443', dToPort='443', etherT='ip', prot='tcp', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract3) # Provide the contract from 1 EPG and consume from the other t3_epg.provide(contract1) t2_epg.consume(contract1) t2_epg.provide(contract2) t1_epg.consume(contract2) t1_epg.provide(contract3) # Finally, push all this to the APIC # Cleanup (uncomment the next line to delete the config) # CAUTION: The next line will DELETE the tenant # tenant.mark_as_deleted() resp = tenant.push_to_apic(session) if resp.ok: # Print some confirmation print('The configuration was sucessfully pushed to the APIC.')
def main(): description = ('Create 3 EPGs within the same Bridge Domain and have' '2 EPGs provide a contract to the other EPG.') creds = Credentials('apic', description) args = creds.get() # Login to APIC and push the config session = Session(args.url, args.login, args.password, verify_ssl=False) log = session.login() if log.ok: print('Login to APIC successful !!!') if not log.ok: print('Error: Could not login to APIC') print(log.status_code) # Create the Tenant name_tenant = input('Enter Tenant name: ') tenant = Tenant(name_tenant) tenant_resp = tenant.push_to_apic(session) if tenant_resp.ok: print('Tenant created successfully !!!') if not tenant_resp.ok: print('Error: Could not create Tenant') print(tenant_resp.status_code) # Gets vmm domain from APIC vmm = VmmDomain.get_by_name(session, 'vCenter-ACI') vmm_resp = tenant.push_to_apic(session) if vmm_resp.ok: print('VmmDomain: vCenter-ACI, opened successfully !!!') if not vmm_resp.ok: print('Error: Could not open VmmDomain: vCenter-ACI') print(vmm_resp.status_code) # Create the Application Profile name_ap = input('Enter Application Profile name: ') app = AppProfile(name_ap, tenant) app_resp = tenant.push_to_apic(session) if app_resp.ok: print('Application Profile created successfully !!!') if not app_resp.ok: print('Error: Could not create Application Profile') print(app_resp.status_code) # Create the WEB EPG web_epg = EPG('WEB', app) web_resp = tenant.push_to_apic(session) if web_resp.ok: print('WEB epg created successfully !!!') if not web_resp.ok: print('Error: Could not create WEB epg') print(web_resp.status_code) # Create the DATA EPG db_epg = EPG('DATA', app) db_resp = tenant.push_to_apic(session) if db_resp.ok: print('DATA epg created successfully !!!') if not db_resp.ok: print('Error: Could not create DATA epg') print(db_epg.status_code) # Create the APP EPG app_epg = EPG('APP', app) app_resp = tenant.push_to_apic(session) if app_resp.ok: print('APP epg created successfully !!!') if not app_resp.ok: print('Error: Could not create APP epg') print(app_epg.status_code) # Associating EPGs to Vmm Domain web_epg.attach(vmm) db_epg.attach(vmm) app_epg.attach(vmm) # Create a BridgeDomain # Place both EPGs in the Context and in the same BD bd = BridgeDomain('BD-1', tenant) web_epg.add_bd(bd) db_epg.add_bd(bd) app_epg.add_bd(bd) # Define web-to app contract contract1 = Contract('web-to-app', tenant) entry1 = FilterEntry('entry1', applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort='443', dToPort='443', etherT='ip', prot='tcp', sFromPort='1', sToPort='65535', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract1) # Define app-to-data contract contract2 = Contract('app-to-data', tenant) entry2 = FilterEntry('entry2', applyToFrag='no', arpOpc='unspecified', dFromPort='1433', dToPort='1433', etherT='ip', prot='tcp', sFromPort='1', sToPort='65535', tcpRules='unspecified', parent=contract2) # Provide the contract from 1 EPG and consume from the other db_epg.provide(contract2) web_epg.provide(contract1) app_epg.consume(contract1) app_epg.consume(contract2) ########### ClEANUP (uncomment the next line to delete the tenant) #tenant.mark_as_deleted() #################################### #Push all the config to apic resp = tenant.push_to_apic(session) if resp.ok: print('All the configuration was pushed to APIC !!!') if not resp.ok: print('Error: Could not push configuration to APIC') print(resp.status_code)