def board_edit(current_uid, board_id, settings): # settings로 넘어오는 내용 # path, name: 보드 전체 경로 # description: 보드 짧은 설명 # owner: 보대 ID. uid로 변환해야 함. # cover: 긴 설명, cover에 들어가는 내용 # board_type: 0 - 폴더, 1 - 게시판 # can_write_by_other: 쓰기 가능/불가능 # can_comment: 0 - 불가능, 1 - 가능 # indexable: 0 - 검색 제외, 1 - 검색 포함 # show_avatar: 0 - 안 보임, 1 - 보임 if not acl.is_allowed('board', board_id, current_uid, 'edit'): return (False, _('NO_PERMISSION')) original_board_info = get_board_info(board_id) if original_board_info == None: return (False, _('NO_SUCH_BOARD')) settings['board_id'] = board_id new_path = posixpath.join(settings['path'], settings['name']) if not util.validate_boardname(new_path): return (False, _('INVALID_BOARDNAME')) if settings['board_type'] == 2: if article._get_article_count(board_id) > 0: return (False, _('ALIAS_CANT_HAVE_ARTICLE')) if _get_board_id_from_path(settings['description']) < 0 or settings['description'].strip() == '': return (False, _('NO_SUCH_BOARD')) old_path = original_board_info.bName old_directory = posixpath.dirname(old_path) new_directory = settings['path'] if _get_board_id_from_path(new_path) > 0 and old_path != new_path: return (False, _('BOARD_ALREADY_EXIST')) new_parent_id = _get_board_id_from_path(settings['path']) if new_parent_id < 0: return (False, _('INVALID_PARENT')) if new_parent_id != original_board_info.bParent: if not acl.is_allowed('board', new_parent_id, current_uid, 'create'): return (False, _('NO_PERMISSION_ON_NEW_PARENT')) t = db.transaction() try: result = db.update('Boards', vars=settings, where='bSerial = $board_id', bInformation = settings['cover'], bDescription = settings['description'], bType = settings['board_type'], bReply = 1, bComment = settings['can_comment'], indexable = settings['indexable'], stylesheet = settings['stylesheet'], show_avatar = settings['show_avatar'], bWrite = settings['can_write_by_other'], uSerial = settings['owner'], bName = new_path, bParent = new_parent_id) result = move_child_boards(board_id, old_path, new_path) except: t.rollback() else: t.commit() return (True, new_path)
def modify_post(self, board_name, board_id, current_uid = -1): board_info = board.get_board_info(board_id) if not acl.is_allowed('board', board_id, current_uid, 'modify'): return util.render().error(error_message=_('NO_PERMISSION'), help_context='error') data = web.input() comment = 1 if data.has_key('commentable') else 0 write_by_other = 1 if data.has_key('writable') else 0 indexable = 1 if data.has_key('indexable') else 0 show_avatar = 1 if data.has_key('show_avatar') else 0 owner_uid = user._get_uid_from_username(web.input().owner) if owner_uid < 0: return util.render().error(error_message=_('NO_SUCH_USER_FOR_BOARD_ADMIN'), help_context='error') board_info = dict(path = data.path, name =, owner = owner_uid, board_type = int(data.type), can_comment = comment, can_write_by_other = write_by_other, indexable = indexable, show_avatar = show_avatar, stylesheet = data.stylesheet, description = data.description, cover = data.information) result = board.board_edit(current_uid, board_id, board_info) if result[0] == False: return util.render().error(error_message = result[1], help_context='error') else: raise web.seeother('%s') % result[1])
def create_board_post(self, board_name, board_id, current_uid = -1): board_info = board.get_board_info(board_id) if not acl.is_allowed('board', board_id, current_uid, 'create'): return util.render().error(error_message = _('NO_PERMISSION'), help_context='error') user_data = web.input() comment = 1 if user_data.has_key('commentable') else 0 write_by_other = 1 if user_data.has_key('writable') else 0 indexable = 1 if user_data.has_key('indexable') else 0 show_avatar = 1 if user_data.has_key('show_avatar') else 0 owner_uid = user._get_uid_from_username(user_data.owner) if owner_uid < 0: return util.render().error(error_message=_('NO_SUCH_USER_FOR_BOARD_ADMIN'), help_context='error') if == '': return util.render().error(error_message = _('NO_NAME_SPECIFIED'), help_context='error') if board_name == '^root': new_path = posixpath.join('/', else: new_path = posixpath.join('/', board_name, if board._get_board_id_from_path(new_path) > 0: return util.render().error(error_message = _('BOARD_EXISTS'), help_context='error') settings = dict(path=new_path, board_owner = owner_uid, cover = user_data.information, description = user_data.description, type = int(user_data.type), guest_write = write_by_other, can_comment = comment, indexable = indexable, show_avatar = show_avatar, current_uid = current_uid) ret = board.create_board(board_id, settings) if ret[0] == False: return util.render().error(error_message = ret[1] ,help_context = 'error') raise web.seeother('%s') % (new_path))
def create_board(parent_id, settings): original_board_info = get_board_info(parent_id) if original_board_info == None: return (False, _('NO_SUCH_BOARD')) if not util.validate_boardname(settings['path']): return (False, _('INVALID_BOARDNAME')) check = _get_board_id_from_path(settings['path']) if check > 0: return (False, _('BOARD_ALREADY_EXIST')) if not acl.is_allowed('board', parent_id, settings['current_uid'], 'create'): return (False, _('NO_PERMISSION')) if settings['type'] == 2: if _get_board_id_from_path(settings['description']) < 0 or settings['description'].strip() == '': return (False, _('NO_SUCH_BOARD')) t = db.transaction() try: ret = db.insert('Boards', bName = settings['path'], uSerial = settings['board_owner'], bParent = parent_id, bDatetime = web.SQLLiteral('NOW()'), bInformation = settings['cover'], bDescription = settings['description'], bType = settings['type'], bReply = 1, bWrite = settings['guest_write'], bComment = settings['can_comment'], indexable = settings['indexable'], show_avatar = settings['show_avatar']) except: t.rollback() else: t.commit() return (True, 'SUCCESS')
def delete_post(self, board_name, board_id, article_id, current_uid = -1): if not acl.is_allowed('article', article_id, current_uid, 'delete'): return util.render().error(error_message = _('NO_PERMISSION'), help_context='error') ret = article.delete_article(current_uid, article_id) attachment.remove_all_attachment(article_id) if ret[0] == True: raise web.seeother('/%s') % (board_name)) else: return util.render().error(error_message = ret[1], help_context='error')
def delete_get(self, board_name, board_id, article_id, current_uid = -1): if not acl.is_allowed('article', article_id, current_uid, 'delete'): return util.render().error(error_message = _('NO_PERMISSION'), help_context='error') default_referer = os.path.join('/'), board_name, '+read', str(article_id)) action=os.path.join('/'), board_name, '+delete', str(article_id)) return util.render().question( question=_('Do you want to delete the article?'), board_path = board_name, board_desc = _('Confirmation'), title=_('Confirmation'), action = action, referer=web.ctx.env.get('HTTP_REFERER', default_referer))
def comment_post(self, board_name, board_id, article_id, current_uid = -1): if not acl.is_allowed('board', board_id, current_uid, 'comment'): return util.render().error(error_message=_('NO_PERMISSION'), help_context='error') comment = web.input().comment board_info = board.get_board_info(board_id) ret = article.write_comment(current_uid, board_id, article_id, comment) if ret[0] == True: user.update_unreaded_articles_board(current_uid, board_id) user.read_article(current_uid, ret[1]) raise web.seeother('/%s/+read/%s') % (board_name, article_id)) else: return util.render().error(error_message = ret[1], help_context='error')
def modify_get(self, board_name, board_id, current_uid = -1): board_info = board.get_board_info(board_id) if not acl.is_allowed('board', board_id, current_uid, 'modify'): return util.render().error(error_message=_('NO_PERMISSION'), help_context='error') if board_id == 1: board_name = '^root' default_referer = posixpath.join('/'), board_name, '+summary') return util.render().board_edit( action='modify', board_info = board_info, board_path = board_name, board_desc = board_info.bDescription, stylesheet = board_info.stylesheet, title = _('Modify information - %s') % (board_info.bName), referer = web.ctx.env.get('HTTP_REFERER', default_referer))
def modify_get(self, board_name, board_id, article_id, current_uid = -1): if not acl.is_allowed('article', article_id, current_uid, 'modify'): return util.render().error(error_message = _('NO_PERMISSION'), help_context='error') board_info = board.get_board_info(board_id) board_desc = board_info.bDescription article_ = article.get_article(board_id, article_id) uploads = attachment.get_attachment(article_id) return util.render().article_edit( title = _('Modify - /%s')% board_name, stylesheet = board_info.stylesheet, action='modify/%s' % article_id, action_name = _('Modify article'), board_path = board_name, board_desc = board_desc, article_title = article_.aTitle, body = article_.aContent, attachment = uploads, help_context = 'article_edit')
def reply_get(self, board_name, board_id, article_id, current_uid = -1): if not acl.is_allowed('board', board_id, current_uid, 'write'): return util.render().error(error_message = _('NO_PERMISSION'), help_context='error') board_info = board.get_board_info(board_id) board_desc = board_info.bDescription user_info = user.get_user(current_uid)[1] article_ = article.get_article(board_id, article_id) quote_text = _('From %s\'s Article %s:') % (user._get_username_from_uid(article_.uSerial), util.remove_bracket(article_.aTitle)) body = '\n\n\n[quote=%s]%s\n[/quote]\n\n%s' % (quote_text, article_.aContent, user_info.uSig) return util.render().article_edit( title = _('Reply - /%s') % board_name, stylesheet = board_info.stylesheet, action='reply/%s' % article_id, action_name = _('Reply to the article'), board_path = board_name, board_desc = board_desc, body = body, article_title = article_.aTitle, help_context = 'article_edit')
def delete_board(current_uid, board_id): original_board_info = get_board_info(board_id) old_path = original_board_info.bName if not acl.is_allowed('board', board_id, current_uid, 'delete'): return (False, _('NO_PERMISSION')) val = dict(old_path = old_path + r'/%') has_child = False result ='Boards', val, where = 'bName LIKE $old_path') for r in result: if (r.bName == old_path) or (not r.bName.startswith(old_path)): continue has_child = True if has_child: return (False, _('HAS_CHILD')) val = dict(board_id = board_id) result = db.delete('Boards', vars=val, where='bSerial = $board_id') delete_all_article(board_id) return (True, posixpath.dirname(old_path))
def modify_post(self, board_name, board_id, article_id, current_uid = -1): if not acl.is_allowed('article', article_id, current_uid, 'modify'): return util.render().error(error_message = _('NO_PERMISSION'), help_context='error') data = web.input(new_attachment= {}) fs = web.ctx.get('_fieldstorage') try: if fs.has_key('delete'): to_delete = fs['delete'] if type(to_delete) == list: for f in to_delete: attachment.remove_attachment(article_id, f.value) else: try: attachment.remove_attachment(article_id, to_delete.value) except: pass if fs.has_key('new_attachment'): new_attachment = fs['new_attachment'] if type(new_attachment) == list: for f in new_attachment: attachment.add_attachment(article_id, f.filename, f.value) else: try: attachment.add_attachment(article_id, new_attachment.filename, new_attachment.value) except: pass except: pass mark_as_unreaded = web.input().has_key('unreaded') a = dict(title = data.title, body = data.content) board_info = board.get_board_info(board_id) ret = article.modify_article(current_uid, board_id, article_id, a, mark_as_unreaded) if ret[0] == True: raise web.seeother('/%s/+read/%s') % (board_name, ret[1])) else: return util.render().error(error_message = ret[1], help_context='error')
def reply_post(self, board_name, board_id, article_id, current_uid = -1): if not acl.is_allowed('board', board_id, current_uid, 'write'): return util.render().error(error_message = _('NO_PERMISSION'), help_context = 'error') reply = dict(title = web.input().title, body = web.input().content) board_info = board.get_board_info(board_id) ret = article.reply_article(current_uid, board_id, article_id, reply) if ret[0] == True: fs = web.ctx.get('_fieldstorage') try: if fs.has_key('new_attachment'): new_attachment = fs['new_attachment'] if type(new_attachment) == list: for f in new_attachment: attachment.add_attachment(ret[1], f.filename, f.value) else: try: attachment.add_attachment(ret[1], new_attachment.filename, new_attachment.value) except: pass except: pass raise web.seeother('/%s/+read/%s') % (board_name, ret[1])) else: return util.render().error(error_message = ret[1], help_context='error')
def unmark_get(self, board_name, board_id, article_id, current_uid = -1): if not acl.is_allowed('board', board_id, current_uid, 'mark'): return util.render().error(error_message=_('NO_PERMISSION'), help_context='error') article.unmark_article(article_id) raise web.seeother('/%s/+read/%s') % (board_name, article_id))