def main(parameters=[]):
    parser = CoreParser()
    if not parameters:
        parameters = get_parameters(parser)

    # each case id (aka, variable) has a set of parameters specified.
    # print out the parameters for each variable for trouble shootting
    #for p in parameters:
    #    attrs = vars(p)
    #    print (', '.join("%s: %s" % item for item in attrs.items()))

    if not os.path.exists(parameters[0].results_dir):
        os.makedirs(parameters[0].results_dir, 0o755)
    if not parameters[0].no_viewer:  # Only save provenance for full runs.
        save_provenance(parameters[0].results_dir, parser)

    if container.is_container():
        print('Running e3sm_diags in a container.')
        # Modify the parmeters so that it runs in
        # the container as if it usually runs.
        for p in parameters:

    if parameters[0].multiprocessing:
        parameters = cdp.cdp_run.multiprocess(run_diag,
    elif parameters[0].distributed:
        parameters = cdp.cdp_run.distribute(run_diag, parameters)
        parameters = cdp.cdp_run.serial(run_diag, parameters)

    parameters = _collapse_results(parameters)

    if container.is_container():
        for p in parameters:

    if not parameters:
            'There was not a single valid diagnostics run, no viewer created.')
        # If you get `AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'no_viewer'` on this line
        # then `run_diag` likely returns `None`.
        if parameters[0].no_viewer:
                'Viewer not created because the no_viewer parameter is True.')
            path = os.path.join(parameters[0].results_dir, 'viewer')
            if not os.path.exists(path):

            index_path = create_viewer(path, parameters)
            print('Viewer HTML generated at {}'.format(index_path))
def main(parameters=[]):
    parser = CoreParser()
    if not parameters:
        parameters = get_parameters(parser)
    expected_parameters = create_parameter_dict(parameters)

    # each case id (aka, variable) has a set of parameters specified.
    # print out the parameters for each variable for trouble shootting
    # for p in parameters:
    #    attrs = vars(p)
    #    print (', '.join("%s: %s" % item for item in attrs.items()))

    if not os.path.exists(parameters[0].results_dir):
        os.makedirs(parameters[0].results_dir, 0o755)
    if not parameters[0].no_viewer:  # Only save provenance for full runs.
        save_provenance(parameters[0].results_dir, parser)

    if container.is_container():
        print("Running e3sm_diags in a container.")
        # Modify the parmeters so that it runs in
        # the container as if it usually runs.
        for p in parameters:

    if parameters[0].multiprocessing:
        parameters = cdp.cdp_run.multiprocess(run_diag,
    elif parameters[0].distributed:
        parameters = cdp.cdp_run.distribute(run_diag, parameters)
        parameters = cdp.cdp_run.serial(run_diag, parameters)

    parameters = _collapse_results(parameters)

    if container.is_container():
        for p in parameters:

    if not parameters:
            "There was not a single valid diagnostics run, no viewer created.")
        # If you get `AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'no_viewer'` on this line
        # then `run_diag` likely returns `None`.

        if parameters[0].no_viewer:
                "Viewer not created because the no_viewer parameter is True.")
            path = os.path.join(parameters[0].results_dir, "viewer")
            if not os.path.exists(path):

            index_path = create_viewer(path, parameters)
            print("Viewer HTML generated at {}".format(index_path))

    actual_parameters = create_parameter_dict(parameters)
    if parameters[0].fail_on_incomplete and (actual_parameters !=
        d: Dict[type, Tuple[int, int]] = dict()
        # Loop through all expected parameter types.
        for t in expected_parameters.keys():
            d[t] = (actual_parameters[t], expected_parameters[t])
        message = "Not all parameters completed successfully. Check output above for errors/exceptions. The following dictionary maps parameter types to their actual and expected numbers: {}".format(
        raise Exception(message)
def get_parameters(parser=CoreParser()):
    Get the parameters from the parser.
    # A separate parser to just get the args used.
    # The reason it's a separate object than `parser`
    # is so we can parse the known args.
    parser_for_args = CoreParser()
    # The unknown args are _.
    # These are any set-specific args that aren't needed
    # for now, we just want to know what args are used.
    args, _ = parser_for_args.parse_known_args()

    # Below is the legacy way to run this software, pre v2.0.0.
    # There weren't any arguments defined.
    if not any(getattr(args, arg) for arg in vars(args)):

    # For when a user runs the software with commands like:
    #    e3sm_diags lat_lon [the other parameters]
    # This use-case is usually ran when the provenance
    # command is copied and pasted from the viewers.
    if args.set_name in SET_TO_PARSER:
        parser = SET_TO_PARSER[args.set_name]()
        parameters = parser.get_parameters(cmd_default_vars=False,

    # The below two clauses are for the legacy way to
    # run this software, pre v2.0.0.
    # Ex: e3sm_diags -p params.py -d diags.cfg
    elif args.parameters and not args.other_parameters:  # -p only
        original_parameter = parser.get_orig_parameters(

        # Load the default cfg files.
        run_type = getattr(original_parameter, "run_type", "model_vs_obs")
        default_diags_paths = [
            get_default_diags_path(set_name, run_type)
            for set_name in CoreParameter().sets

        other_parameters = parser.get_other_parameters(
            files_to_open=default_diags_paths, argparse_vals_only=False)

        parameters = parser.get_parameters(

        parameters = parser.get_parameters(cmd_default_vars=False,


    if not parameters:
        msg = "No parameters were able to be created. Please check your .py "
        msg += "file, and any .cfg files or command line args you're using."
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

    return parameters
 def __init__(self):
     self.sets_to_run = CoreParameter().sets
     self.parser = CoreParser()
class Run():
    Used to run diagnostics.
    A class is needed because we often need to store some
    state regarding what we need to run, like the sets selected.
    def __init__(self):
        self.sets_to_run = CoreParameter().sets
        self.parser = CoreParser()

    def run_diags(self, parameters):
        Based on sets_to_run, run the diags with the list of parameters.
        final_params = self.get_final_parameters(parameters)
        if not final_params:
            msg = 'No parameters we able to be extracted.'
            msg += ' Please check the parameters you defined.'
            raise RuntimeError(msg)


    def get_final_parameters(self, parameters):
        Based on sets_to_run and the list of parameters,
        get the final list of paremeters to run the diags on.
        if not parameters or not isinstance(parameters, list):
            msg = 'You must pass in a list of parameter objects.'
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        # For each of the passed in parameters, we can only have one of
        # each type.
        types = set([p.__class__ for p in parameters])
        if len(types) != len(parameters):
            msg = 'You passed in two or more parameters of the same type.'
            raise RuntimeError(msg)


        final_params = []

        for set_name in self.sets_to_run:
            other_params = self._get_other_diags(parameters[0].run_type)

            # For each of the set_names, get the corresponding parameter.
            param = self._get_instance_of_param_class(
                SET_TO_PARAMETERS[set_name], parameters)

            # Since each parameter will have lots of default values, we want to remove them.
            # Otherwise when calling get_parameters(), these default values
            # will take precedence over values defined in other_params.
            param.sets = [set_name]

            params = self.parser.get_parameters(orig_parameters=param,

            # Makes sure that any parameters that are selectors
            # will be in param.
            # The select() call in get_parameters() was made for the original
            # command-line way of using CDP.
            # We just call it manually with the parameter object param.
            params = self.parser.select(param, params)



        return final_params

    def _add_parent_attrs_to_children(self, parameters):
        For any parameter class that's inherited from another, copy
        the attributes of the parent to the child.
        Ex: If the user wants to run set-specific parameters for
        'zonal_mean_2d', they'd pass in a ZonalMean2dParameter
        and a CoreParameter.
        But most of the important parameters are in CoreParameter,
        so copy them over to the ZonalMean2dParameter.
        def get_parent(param):
            From parameters, get any object that's a parent
            type to param.

            Ex: CoreParameter object is a parent of AreaMeanTimeSeriesParameter object
                parent_class = param.__class__.__mro__[1]
                parent = self._get_instance_of_param_class(
                    parent_class, parameters)
            except RuntimeError:
                parent = None

            return parent

        for i in range(len(parameters)):
            parent = get_parent(parameters[i])
            # Make sure that the new object is actually a parent.
            if not parent or type(parent) == type(parameters[i]):

            # Otherwise, add the the parent's attributes.
            # Since we're modifying this parent object (by
            # removing the default values before addition)
            # make a deepcopy first.
            parent = copy.deepcopy(parent)
            #find attributes that are not defaults

            nondefault_param_parent = self._find_attrs_with_nondefault_values(
            nondefault_param_child = self._find_attrs_with_nondefault_values(


            #Simply copy over all attribute from parent to children
            #parameters[i] += parent

            for attr in dir(parent):
                if not attr.startswith('_') and not hasattr(
                        parameters[i], attr):
                    # This attr of parent is a user-defined one and does not
                    # already exist in the parameters[i] parameter object.
                    attr_value = getattr(parent, attr)
                    setattr(parameters[i], attr, attr_value)

            print(list(set(nondefault_param_parent) - \
            for attr in list(set(nondefault_param_parent) - \
                #'seasons' is a corner case that don't need to get in to none-core sets, Ex. area mean time series
                if attr != 'seasons':
                    attr_value = getattr(parent, attr)
                    setattr(parameters[i], attr, attr_value)

        #for i in range(len(parameters)):
        #    attrs = vars(parameters[i])
        #    print('all parameters', ','.join("%s: %s" % item for item in attrs.items()))

    def _add_attrs_with_default_values(self, param):
        In the param, add any missing parameters
        with their default value.
        new_instance = param.__class__()
        for attr in dir(new_instance):
            # Ignore any of the hidden attributes.
            if attr.startswith('_'):

            if not hasattr(param, attr):
                val = getattr(new_instance, attr)
                setattr(param, attr, val)

    def _remove_attrs_with_default_values(self, param):
        In the param, remove any parameters that
        have their default value.
        new_instance = param.__class__()
        for attr in dir(param):
            # Ignore any of the hidden attributes.
            if attr.startswith('_'):

            if hasattr(new_instance, attr) and \
                getattr(new_instance, attr) == getattr(param, attr):
                delattr(param, attr)

    def _find_attrs_with_nondefault_values(self, param):
        In the param, find any parameters that
        have nondefault value.
        nondefault_attr = []
        new_instance = param.__class__()
        for attr in dir(param):
            # Ignore any of the hidden attributes.
            if attr.startswith('_'):

            if hasattr(new_instance, attr) and \
                getattr(new_instance, attr) != getattr(param, attr):   # This is only valid when the attr values are lists not numpy array
        return nondefault_attr

    def _get_instance_of_param_class(self, cls, parameters):
        In the list of parameters, get the class for
        the parameter object corresponding to cls.
        # Get the Method Resolution Order (MRO) for this class.
        # So get the list of the classes in the inheritance ordering.

        # Ex: For the 'zonal_mean_2d' set, ZonalMean2dParameter is
        # the parameter for it.
        # But if a user doesn't want to modify the set-specific
        # parameters for 'zonal_mean_2d', they can just pass in
        # a single CoreParameter object to run_diags().
        # Using this, we handle this use-case.
        class_types = cls.__mro__

        for cls_type in class_types:
            for p in parameters:
                if type(p) == cls_type:
                    return p

        msg = "There's weren\'t any class of types {} in your parameters."
        raise RuntimeError(msg.format(class_types))

    def _get_other_diags(self, run_type):
        If the user has ran the script with a -d, get the diags for that.
        If not, load the default diags based on sets_to_run and run_type.
        args = self.parser.view_args()

        # If the user has passed in args with -d.
        if args.other_parameters:
            params = self.parser.get_other_parameters(argparse_vals_only=False)
            default_diags_paths = [
                get_default_diags_path(set_name, run_type, False)
                for set_name in self.sets_to_run
            params = self.parser.get_other_parameters(
                files_to_open=default_diags_paths, argparse_vals_only=False)

        # For each of the params, add in the default values
        # using the parameter classes in SET_TO_PARAMETERS.
        for i in range(len(params)):
            params[i] = SET_TO_PARAMETERS[params[i].sets[0]]() + params[i]

        return params
    # parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    # parser.add_argument("path")
    # path = parser.parse_args().path
    # path = DUMMY_FILE_PATH
    path = parser.parse_args().path
    print("Using the file: {}".format(path))

    if not os.path.exists(path):
        msg = "The file ({}) does not exist.".format(path)
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
    with cdms2.open(path) as f:
        return f.variables.keys()

parser = CoreParser()

def list_of_vars_in_e3sm_diags():
    Get a list of all of the variables used in e3sm_diags.
    Open all of the *.cfg files located in acme_diags/acme_diags/driver/default_diags/
    and get all of the 'variables' parameters.

    # Get all of the 'variables' parameter from each file.
    vars_used = []
        parameters = get_parameters(parser)
        print("USING USER ARGUMENTS")
    #parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    #path = parser.parse_args().path
    # path = DUMMY_FILE_PATH
    path = parser.parse_args().path
    print('Using the file: {}'.format(path))

    if not os.path.exists(path):
        msg = 'The file ({}) does not exist.'.format(path)
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
    with cdms2.open(path) as f:
        return f.variables.keys()

parser = CoreParser()
parser.add_argument('path', default=DUMMY_FILE_PATH, nargs='?')

def list_of_vars_in_e3sm_diags():
    Get a list of all of the variables used in e3sm_diags.
    Open all of the *.cfg files located in acme_diags/acme_diags/driver/default_diags/
    and get all of the 'variables' parameters.

    # Get all of the 'variables' parameter from each file.
    vars_used = []
    #args = parser.parse_args()