def test_skip_valid_authorizations(self): """ Authorizations that are already valid should be skipped """ # issue a valid cert self.test_success_domain() # add a logging handler that captures the info log output log_output = StringIO() debug_handler = logging.StreamHandler(log_output) acme_tiny.LOGGER.addHandler(debug_handler) # issue the cert again, where challenges should already be valid old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() result = acme_tiny.main([ "--account-key", self.KEYS['account_key'].name, "--csr", self.KEYS['domain_csr'].name, "--acme-dir", self.tempdir, "--directory-url", self.DIR_URL, "--check-port", self.check_port, ]) crt ="utf8") sys.stdout = old_stdout log_string ="utf8") # remove logging capture acme_tiny.LOGGER.removeHandler(debug_handler) # should say the domain is already verified self.assertIn("Already verified: {0}, skipping...".format(DOMAIN), log_string.decode("utf8"))
def test_contact(self): """ Make sure optional contact details can be set """ # add a logging handler that captures the info log output log_output = StringIO() debug_handler = logging.StreamHandler(log_output) acme_tiny.LOGGER.addHandler(debug_handler) # call acme_tiny with new contact details old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() result = acme_tiny.main([ "--account-key", self.KEYS['account_key'].name, "--csr", self.KEYS['domain_csr'].name, "--acme-dir", self.tempdir, "--directory-url", self.DIR_URL, "--check-port", self.check_port, "--contact", "mailto:[email protected]", "mailto:[email protected]", ]) crt ="utf8") sys.stdout = old_stdout log_string ="utf8") # make sure the certificate was issued and the contact details were updated out, err = Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-text", "-noout"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate(crt) self.assertIn(self.ca_issued_string, out.decode("utf8")) self.assertTrue(( # can be in either order "Updated contact details:\nmailto:[email protected]\nmailto:[email protected]" in log_string.decode("utf8") or "Updated contact details:\nmailto:[email protected]\nmailto:[email protected]" in log_string.decode("utf8") )) # remove logging capture acme_tiny.LOGGER.removeHandler(debug_handler)
def test_contact(self): """ Make sure optional contact details can be set """ # add a logging handler that captures the info log output log_output = StringIO() debug_handler = logging.StreamHandler(log_output) acme_tiny.LOGGER.addHandler(debug_handler) # call acme_tiny with new contact details old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() result = acme_tiny.main([ "--account-key", KEYS['account_key'].name, "--csr", KEYS['domain_csr'].name, "--acme-dir", self.tempdir, "--directory-url", self.DIR_URL, "--contact", "mailto:[email protected]", "mailto:[email protected]", ]) crt ="utf8") sys.stdout = old_stdout log_string ="utf8") # make sure the certificate was issued and the contact details were updated out, err = Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-text", "-noout"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate(crt) self.assertIn("Issuer: CN=Fake LE Intermediate", out.decode("utf8")) self.assertIn("Updated contact details:\nmailto:[email protected]\nmailto:[email protected]", log_string.decode("utf8")) # remove logging capture acme_tiny.LOGGER.removeHandler(debug_handler)
def test_malicious_challenge_token(self): """ Raises error if malicious challenge token is provided by the CA """ # assume the CA wants to try to fool you into serving up your password file malicious_token = "../../../../etc/passwd" cleaned_token = "____________etc_passwd" # man-in-the-middle ACME requests to modify the challenge token to something malicious def urlopenMITM(*args, **kwargs): resp = urlopenOriginal(*args, **kwargs) resp._orig_read = try: resp_json = json.loads(resp._orig_read.decode("utf8")) if len([c for c in resp_json.get("challenges", []) if c['type'] == "http-01"]) == 1: challenge = [c for c in resp_json['challenges'] if c['type'] == "http-01"][0] challenge['token'] = malicious_token resp._orig_read = json.dumps(resp_json).encode("utf8") except ValueError: pass # serve up modified response when read def multi_read(): return resp._orig_read = multi_read return resp # call acme-tiny with MITM'd urlopen urlopenOriginal = acme_tiny.urlopen acme_tiny.urlopen = urlopenMITM try: acme_tiny.main([ "--account-key", self.KEYS['account_key'].name, "--csr", self.KEYS['domain_csr'].name, "--acme-dir", self.tempdir, "--directory-url", self.DIR_URL, "--check-port", self.check_port, ]) except ValueError as e: result = e acme_tiny.urlopen = urlopenOriginal # should raise error that challenge didn't pass self.assertIn("Challenge did not pass for", result.args[0]) # challenge file actually saved as a cleaned version resp = urlopen(Request("http://{0}:{1}/.well-known/acme-challenge/{2}".format(DOMAIN, self.check_port, cleaned_token))) token_data ="utf8") self.assertIn(cleaned_token, token_data)
def test_challenge_failure(self): """ Raises error if challenge doesn't pass """ # man-in-the-middle ACME requests to modify valid challenges so we raise that exception def urlopenMITM(*args, **kwargs): resp = urlopenOriginal(*args, **kwargs) resp._orig_read = # modify valid challenges and authorizations to invalid try: resp_json = json.loads(resp._orig_read.decode("utf8")) if ( len(resp_json.get("challenges", [])) == 1 and resp_json['challenges'][0]['status'] == "valid" and resp_json['status'] == "valid" ): resp_json['challenges'][0]['status'] = "invalid" resp_json['status'] = "invalid" resp._orig_read = json.dumps(resp_json).encode("utf8") except ValueError: pass # serve up modified response when read def multi_read(): return resp._orig_read = multi_read return resp # call acme-tiny with MITM'd urlopen urlopenOriginal = acme_tiny.urlopen acme_tiny.urlopen = urlopenMITM try: acme_tiny.main([ "--account-key", self.KEYS['account_key'].name, "--csr", self.KEYS['domain_csr'].name, "--acme-dir", self.tempdir, "--directory-url", self.DIR_URL, "--check-port", self.check_port, ]) except ValueError as e: result = e acme_tiny.urlopen = urlopenOriginal # should raise error that challenge didn't pass self.assertIn("Challenge did not pass for", result.args[0])
def test_missing_account_key(self): """ OpenSSL throws an error when the account key is missing """ try: result = acme_tiny.main([ "--account-key", "/foo/bar", "--csr", KEYS['domain_csr'].name, "--acme-dir", self.tempdir, "--directory-url", self.DIR_URL, ]) except Exception as e: result = e self.assertIsInstance(result, IOError) self.assertIn("Error opening Private Key", result.args[0])
def test_missing_csr(self): """ OpenSSL throws an error when the CSR is missing """ try: result = acme_tiny.main([ "--account-key", KEYS['account_key'].name, "--csr", "/foo/bar", "--acme-dir", self.tempdir, "--ca", self.CA, ]) except Exception as e: result = e self.assertIsInstance(result, IOError) self.assertIn("Error loading /foo/bar", result.args[0])
def test_account_key_domain(self): """ Can't use the account key for the CSR """ try: result = acme_tiny.main([ "--account-key", KEYS['account_key'].name, "--csr", KEYS['account_csr'].name, "--acme-dir", self.tempdir, "--ca", self.CA, ]) except Exception as e: result = e self.assertIsInstance(result, ValueError) self.assertIn("Certificate public key must be different than account key", result.args[0])
def test_invalid_domain(self): """ Let's Encrypt rejects invalid domains """ try: result = acme_tiny.main([ "--account-key", KEYS['account_key'].name, "--csr", KEYS['invalid_csr'].name, "--acme-dir", self.tempdir, "--ca", self.CA, ]) except Exception as e: result = e self.assertIsInstance(result, ValueError) self.assertIn("Invalid character in DNS name", result.args[0])
def test_weak_key(self): """ Let's Encrypt rejects weak keys """ try: result = acme_tiny.main([ "--account-key", KEYS['weak_key'].name, "--csr", KEYS['domain_csr'].name, "--acme-dir", self.tempdir, "--ca", self.CA, ]) except Exception as e: result = e self.assertIsInstance(result, ValueError) self.assertIn("Key too small", result.args[0])
def test_nonexistant_domain(self): """ Should be unable verify a nonexistent domain """ try: result = acme_tiny.main([ "--account-key", KEYS['account_key'].name, "--csr", KEYS['nonexistent_csr'].name, "--acme-dir", self.tempdir, "--ca", self.CA, ]) except Exception as e: result = e self.assertIsInstance(result, ValueError) self.assertIn("but couldn't download", result.args[0])
def test_invalid_domain(self): """ Let's Encrypt rejects invalid domains """ try: result = acme_tiny.main([ "--account-key", self.KEYS['account_key'].name, "--csr", self.KEYS['invalid_csr'].name, "--acme-dir", self.tempdir, "--directory-url", self.DIR_URL, "--check-port", self.check_port, ]) except Exception as e: result = e self.assertIsInstance(result, ValueError) self.assertIn(self.bad_character_error, result.args[0])
def test_pebble_doesnt_support_cn_domains(self): """ Test that pebble server doesn't support CN subject domains """ try: result = acme_tiny.main([ "--account-key", self.KEYS['account_key'].name, "--csr", self.KEYS['cn_csr'].name, "--acme-dir", self.tempdir, "--directory-url", self.DIR_URL, "--check-port", self.check_port, ]) except Exception as e: result = e self.assertIsInstance(result, ValueError) self.assertIn("Order includes different number of DNSnames identifiers than CSR specifies", result.args[0])
def test_missing_account_key(self): """ OpenSSL throws an error when the account key is missing """ try: result = acme_tiny.main([ "--account-key", "/foo/bar", "--csr", self.KEYS['domain_csr'].name, "--acme-dir", self.tempdir, "--directory-url", self.DIR_URL, "--check-port", self.check_port, ]) except Exception as e: result = e self.assertIsInstance(result, IOError) self.assertIn("unable to load Private Key", result.args[0])
def test_weak_key(self): # pragma: no cover """ Let's Encrypt rejects weak keys """ try: result = acme_tiny.main([ "--account-key", self.KEYS['weak_key'].name, "--csr", self.KEYS['domain_csr'].name, "--acme-dir", self.tempdir, "--directory-url", self.DIR_URL, #"--check-port", self.check_port, # defaults to port 80 anyway, so test that the default works ]) except Exception as e: result = e self.assertIsInstance(result, ValueError) self.assertIn("key too small", result.args[0])
def test_account_key_domain(self): """ Can't use the account key for the CSR """ try: result = acme_tiny.main([ "--account-key", self.KEYS['account_key'].name, "--csr", self.KEYS['account_csr'].name, "--acme-dir", self.tempdir, "--directory-url", self.DIR_URL, "--check-port", self.check_port, ]) except Exception as e: result = e self.assertIsInstance(result, ValueError) self.assertIn(self.account_key_error, result.args[0])
def test_success_san(self): """ Successfully issue a certificate via subject alt name """ old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() result = acme_tiny.main([ "--account-key", KEYS['account_key'].name, "--csr", KEYS['san_csr'].name, "--acme-dir", self.tempdir, "--directory-url", self.DIR_URL, ]) crt ="utf8") sys.stdout = old_stdout out, err = Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-text", "-noout"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate(crt) self.assertIn("Issuer: CN=Fake LE Intermediate", out.decode("utf8"))
def test_success_cn(self): """ Successfully issue a certificate via common name """ old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() result = acme_tiny.main([ "--account-key", KEYS['account_key'].name, "--csr", KEYS['domain_csr'].name, "--acme-dir", self.tempdir, "--ca", self.CA, ]) crt ="utf8") sys.stdout = old_stdout out, err = Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-text", "-noout"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate(crt) self.assertIn("Issuer: CN=happy hacker fake CA", out.decode("utf8"))
def test_success_cn(self): # pragma: no cover """ Successfully issue a certificate via common name """ old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() result = acme_tiny.main([ "--account-key", self.KEYS['account_key'].name, "--csr", self.KEYS['cn_csr'].name, "--acme-dir", self.tempdir, "--directory-url", self.DIR_URL, #"--check-port", self.check_port, # defaults to port 80 anyway, so test that the default works ]) crt ="utf8") sys.stdout = old_stdout out, err = Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-text", "-noout"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate(crt) self.assertIn(self.ca_issued_string, out.decode("utf8"))
def test_success_domain(self): """ Successfully issue a certificate via subject alt name """ old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() result = acme_tiny.main([ "--account-key", self.KEYS['account_key'].name, "--csr", self.KEYS['domain_csr'].name, "--acme-dir", self.tempdir, "--directory-url", self.DIR_URL, "--check-port", self.check_port, ]) crt ="utf8") sys.stdout = old_stdout out, err = Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-text", "-noout"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate(crt) self.assertIn(self.ca_issued_string, out.decode("utf8"))
def test_success_san(self): """ Successfully issue a certficate via subject alt name """ old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() result = acme_tiny.main([ "--account-key", KEYS['account_key'].name, "--csr", KEYS['san_csr'].name, "--acme-dir", self.tempdir, "--ca", self.CA, ]) crt ="utf8") sys.stdout = old_stdout out, err = Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-text", "-noout"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate(crt) self.assertIn("Issuer: CN=happy hacker fake CA", out.decode("utf8"))
def test_success_cn(self): """ Successfully issue a certificate via common name """ old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() result = acme_tiny.main([ "--account-key", KEYS['account_key'].name, "--csr", KEYS['domain_csr'].name, "--acme-dir", self.tempdir, "--directory-url", self.DIR_URL, ]) crt ="utf8") sys.stdout = old_stdout out, err = Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-text", "-noout"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate(crt) self.assertIn("Issuer: CN=Fake LE Intermediate", out.decode("utf8"))