    def configure(self):
        ## Merge command into default values:
        prof = Profiler('Camera.CameraTask.configure', disabled=True)
        #print "CameraTask.configure"
        ## set default parameters, load params from command
        params = {
            'triggerMode': 'Normal',
        ## If we are sending a one-time trigger to start the camera, then it must be restarted to arm the trigger
        ## (bulb and strobe modes only require a restart if the trigger mode is not already set; this is handled later)
        restart = False
        if params['triggerMode'] == 'TriggerStart':
            restart = True
        ## If the DAQ is triggering the camera, then the camera must start before the DAQ
        if params['triggerMode'] != 'Normal':
            daqName = self.dev.camConfig['triggerInChannel']['device']
            ## Make sure we haven't requested something stupid..
            if self.camCmd.get('triggerProtocol', False) and self.dev.camConfig['triggerOutChannel']['device'] == daqName:
                raise Exception("Task requested camera to trigger and be triggered by the same device.")

        if 'pushState' in self.camCmd:
            stateName = self.camCmd['pushState']
            self.dev.pushState(stateName, params=list(params.keys()))
        prof.mark('push params onto stack')

        (newParams, paramsNeedRestart) = self.dev.setParams(params, autoCorrect=True, autoRestart=False)  ## we'll restart in a moment if needed..
        restart = restart or paramsNeedRestart
        prof.mark('set params')

        ## If the camera is triggering the daq, stop acquisition now and request that it starts after the DAQ
        ##   (daq must be started first so that it is armed to received the camera trigger)
        name = self.dev.name()
        if self.camCmd.get('triggerProtocol', False):
            restart = True
            daqName = self.dev.camConfig['triggerOutChannel']['device']
            self.__startOrder = [daqName], []
            prof.mark('conf 1')
        ## We want to avoid this if at all possible since it may be very expensive
        if restart:
        ## connect using acqThread's connect method because there may be no event loop
        ## to deliver signals here.
        ## Call the DAQ configure
        prof.mark('DAQ configure')
 def configure(self):
     ### Record initial state or set initial value
     ##if 'holding' in self.cmd:
     ##    self.dev.setHolding(self.cmd['mode'], self.cmd['holding'])
     if 'mode' in self.cmd:
     self.ampState = {'mode': self.dev.getMode()}
     ### Do not configure daq until mode is set. Otherwise, holding values may be incorrect.
    def configure(self):
        ### Record initial state or set initial value
        ##if 'holding' in self.cmd:
        ##    self.dev.setHolding(self.cmd['mode'], self.cmd['holding'])
        if 'mode' in self.cmd:
        self.ampState = {'mode': self.dev.getMode()}

        ### Do not configure daq until mode is set. Otherwise, holding values may be incorrect.
文件: AxoPatch200.py 项目: hiuwo/acq4
    def configure(self):
        ## Record initial state or set initial value
        # if 'holding' in self.cmd:
        #    self.dev.setHolding(self.cmd['mode'], self.cmd['holding'])
        if "mode" in self.cmd:
        self.ampState = {"mode": self.dev.getMode(), "LPF": self.dev.getLPF(), "gain": self.dev.getGain()}

        ## Do not configure daq until mode is set. Otherwise, holding values may be incorrect.
    def configure(self):
        ##  Get rate: first get name of DAQ, then ask the DAQ task for its rate
        daqName, ch = self.dev.getDAQName()
        if daqName is None:
        tasks = self.parentTask().tasks
        daqTask = tasks[daqName]
        rate = daqTask.getChanSampleRate(self.dev.config[ch]['channel'][1])

        ### do a power check if requested
        if self.cmd.get('checkPower', False):

        ### set wavelength
        if 'wavelength' in self.cmd:

        ### send power/switch waveforms to device for pCell/qSwitch/shutter cmd calculation
        #print "Cmd:", self.cmd
        if 'powerWaveform' in self.cmd and not self.cmd.get(
                'ignorePowerWaveform', False):
            calcCmds = self.dev.getChannelCmds(
                {'powerWaveform': self.cmd['powerWaveform']}, rate)
        elif 'switchWaveform' in self.cmd:
            calcCmds = self.dev.getChannelCmds(
                {'switchWaveform': self.cmd['switchWaveform']}, rate)
        elif 'pulse' in self.cmd:
            raise Exception(
                'Support for (pulseTime/energy) pair commands is not yet implemented.'
            calcCmds = {}

        ### set up shutter, qSwitch and pCell -- self.cmd['daqProtocol'] points to the command structure that the DAQGeneric will use, don't set self.cmd['daqProtocol'] equal to something else!
        if 'shutter' in self.cmd:
            self.cmd['daqProtocol']['shutter'] = self.cmd['shutter']
            self.cmd['daqProtocol']['shutter']['command'][-1] = 0
        elif 'shutterMode' in self.cmd:
            if self.cmd['shutterMode'] is 'auto':
                if 'shutter' in calcCmds:
                    self.cmd['daqProtocol']['shutter'] = {
                        'command': calcCmds['shutter']
            elif self.cmd['shutterMode'] is 'closed':
                #self.cmd['daqProtocol']['shutter']['command'] = np.zeros(len(calcCmds['shutter']), dtype=np.byte)
                self.cmd['daqProtocol']['shutter'] = {'preset': 0}
            elif self.cmd['shutterMode'] is 'open':
                self.cmd['daqProtocol']['shutter'] = {'preset': 1}
                # self.cmd['daqProtocol']['shutter'] = {'command': np.ones(len(calcCmds['shutter']), dtype=np.byte)}

                # ## set to holding value, not 0
                # self.cmd['daqProtocol']['shutter']['command'][-1] = 0

        if 'pCell' in self.cmd:
            self.cmd['daqProtocol']['pCell'] = self.cmd['pCell']
        elif 'pCell' in calcCmds:
            self.cmd['daqProtocol']['pCell']['command'] = calcCmds['pCell']

        if 'qSwitch' in self.cmd:
            self.cmd['daqProtocol']['qSwitch'] = self.cmd['qSwitch']
            self.cmd['daqProtocol']['qSwitch']['command'][-1] = 0
        elif 'qSwitch' in calcCmds:
            self.cmd['daqProtocol']['qSwitch']['command'] = calcCmds['qSwitch']
            self.cmd['daqProtocol']['qSwitch']['command'][-1] = 0

        #if 'powerWaveform' in self.cmd: ## send powerWaveform into daqProtocol so it can be downsampled with the other data
        #self.cmd['daqProtocol']['power']['command'] = self.cmd['powerWaveform']

        self.currentPower = self.dev.getParam('currentPower')
        self.expectedPower = self.dev.getParam('expectedPower')

            self)  ## DAQGenericTask will use self.cmd['daqProtocol']
文件: Camera.py 项目: hiuwo/acq4
    def configure(self):
        ## Merge command into default values:
        prof = Profiler('Camera.CameraTask.configure', disabled=True)
        #print "CameraTask.configure"
        ## set default parameters, load params from command
        params = {
            'triggerMode': 'Normal',
        if 'pushState' in self.camCmd:
            stateName = self.camCmd['pushState']
        prof.mark('collect params')

        ## If we are sending a one-time trigger to start the camera, then it must be restarted to arm the trigger
        ## (bulb and strobe modes only require a restart if the trigger mode is not already set; this is handled later)
        if params['triggerMode'] == 'TriggerStart':
            restart = True
        ## If the DAQ is triggering the camera, then the camera must start before the DAQ
        if params['triggerMode'] != 'Normal':
            daqName = self.dev.camConfig['triggerInChannel']['device']
            ## Make sure we haven't requested something stupid..
            if self.camCmd.get('triggerProtocol', False) and self.dev.camConfig['triggerOutChannel']['device'] == daqName:
                raise Exception("Task requested camera to trigger and be triggered by the same device.")
        (newParams, restart) = self.dev.setParams(params, autoCorrect=True, autoRestart=False)  ## we'll restart in a moment if needed..
        prof.mark('set params')
        ## If the camera is triggering the daq, stop acquisition now and request that it starts after the DAQ
        ##   (daq must be started first so that it is armed to received the camera trigger)
        name = self.dev.name()
        if self.camCmd.get('triggerProtocol', False):
            restart = True
            daqName = self.dev.camConfig['triggerOutChannel']['device']
            self.__startOrder = [daqName], []
            #startOrder.insert(startOrder.index(daqName)+1, name)
            prof.mark('conf 1')
        ## If we are not triggering the daq, request that we start before everyone else
        ## (no need to stop, we will simply record frames as they are collected)
            #startOrder.insert(0, name)
            #prof.mark('conf 2')
        ## We want to avoid this if at all possible since it may be very expensive
        if restart:
        ## connect using acqThread's connect method because there may be no event loop
        ## to deliver signals here.
        ## Call the DAQ configure
        prof.mark('DAQ configure')
文件: Laser.py 项目: neurodebian/acq4
    def configure(self):
        ##  Get rate: first get name of DAQ, then ask the DAQ task for its rate
        daqName, ch = self.dev.getDAQName()
        if daqName is None:
        tasks = self.parentTask().tasks
        daqTask = tasks[daqName]
        rate = daqTask.getChanSampleRate(self.dev.config[ch]['channel'][1])
        ### do a power check if requested
        if self.cmd.get('checkPower', False):
        ### set wavelength
        if 'wavelength' in self.cmd:
        ### send power/switch waveforms to device for pCell/qSwitch/shutter cmd calculation
        #print "Cmd:", self.cmd
        if 'powerWaveform' in self.cmd and not self.cmd.get('ignorePowerWaveform', False):
            calcCmds = self.dev.getChannelCmds({'powerWaveform':self.cmd['powerWaveform']}, rate)
        elif 'switchWaveform' in self.cmd:
            calcCmds = self.dev.getChannelCmds({'switchWaveform':self.cmd['switchWaveform']}, rate)
        elif 'pulse' in self.cmd:
            raise Exception('Support for (pulseTime/energy) pair commands is not yet implemented.')
            calcCmds = {}

        ### set up shutter, qSwitch and pCell -- self.cmd['daqProtocol'] points to the command structure that the DAQGeneric will use, don't set self.cmd['daqProtocol'] equal to something else!
        if 'shutter' in self.cmd:
            self.cmd['daqProtocol']['shutter'] = self.cmd['shutter']
            self.cmd['daqProtocol']['shutter']['command'][-1] = 0
        elif 'shutterMode' in self.cmd:
            if self.cmd['shutterMode'] is 'auto':
                if 'shutter' in calcCmds:
                    self.cmd['daqProtocol']['shutter'] = {'command': calcCmds['shutter']}
            elif self.cmd['shutterMode'] is 'closed':
                #self.cmd['daqProtocol']['shutter']['command'] = np.zeros(len(calcCmds['shutter']), dtype=np.byte)
                self.cmd['daqProtocol']['shutter'] = {'preset': 0}
            elif self.cmd['shutterMode'] is 'open':
                self.cmd['daqProtocol']['shutter'] = {'command': np.ones(len(calcCmds['shutter']), dtype=np.byte)}
                ## set to holding value, not 0
                self.cmd['daqProtocol']['shutter']['command'][-1] = 0
        if 'pCell' in self.cmd:
            self.cmd['daqProtocol']['pCell'] = self.cmd['pCell']
        elif 'pCell' in calcCmds:
            self.cmd['daqProtocol']['pCell']['command'] = calcCmds['pCell']
        if 'qSwitch' in self.cmd:
            self.cmd['daqProtocol']['qSwitch'] = self.cmd['qSwitch']
            self.cmd['daqProtocol']['qSwitch']['command'][-1] = 0
        elif 'qSwitch' in calcCmds:
            self.cmd['daqProtocol']['qSwitch']['command'] = calcCmds['qSwitch']
            self.cmd['daqProtocol']['qSwitch']['command'][-1] = 0
        #if 'powerWaveform' in self.cmd: ## send powerWaveform into daqProtocol so it can be downsampled with the other data
            #self.cmd['daqProtocol']['power']['command'] = self.cmd['powerWaveform']
        self.currentPower = self.dev.getParam('currentPower')
        self.expectedPower = self.dev.getParam('expectedPower')
        DAQGenericTask.configure(self) ## DAQGenericTask will use self.cmd['daqProtocol']