def strace_gather(self, testid, strace_config): delay = float(strace_config['delay']) duration = strace_config['duration'] process = strace_config['process'] sys_logger.debug("Starting STRACE for Test " + str(testid) + " in " + str(delay) + " secs") time.sleep(delay) test = action.get_test(testid) strace_output_file = test.statsdir + "strace_output.txt" sys_logger.debug("Setting up STRACE for process : " + process) grep1 = ["grep", process] p1 = subprocess.Popen(get_pid, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) p2 = subprocess.Popen(grep1, stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) p3 = subprocess.Popen(grep2, stdin=p2.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) p4 = subprocess.Popen(awk, stdin=p3.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) pid = p4.communicate()[0].strip() if not pid: msg = "No active PID found for given process : " + process sys_logger.debug(msg) if test.status == "RUNNING": with open(strace_output_file, 'w') as fh: fh.write(msg + "\n") else: sys_logger.debug("PID selected for process " + process + " : " + pid) strace_cmd = ["timeout", duration, "strace", "-p", pid, "-c", "-S", "time", "-o", strace_output_file] sys_logger.debug("Executing Strace for test " + str(testid)) sys_logger.debug("Strace command : " + str(strace_cmd)) p5 = subprocess.Popen(strace_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) p5.wait() sys_logger.debug("Appending PID information in output file") perl_cmd = ['perl', '-pi', '-e', 'print "Strace Process : ' + process + ' | PID : ' + pid + ' \\n\\n" if $. == 1', strace_output_file] subprocess.Popen(perl_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) sys_logger.debug("Strace complete for test : " + str(testid))
def execute(self, command, paramcsv, actionID): #based on SYNCFLAG release from here #send actionID for currently being executed action based on this we can stream resp #keep exec details over time in a buffer with actionID mapped #send actionID NULL and hold return till exec is complete module = self.conf.actionMap[command.strip()].split(".")[0] function = self.conf.actionMap[command.strip()].split(".")[1] sync = self.conf.actionMap[command.strip()].split(".")[2] t2 = testobj.testDefn() try: param = int(paramcsv) current_test = action.get_test(param) if current_test: t2 = current_test.tobj except Exception as e: pass m = __import__(module) f = getattr(m, function) if sync == "T": #wait for func to complete and return the ret self.lctx.debug("Executing SYNC ACTION for " + command.strip() + " : " + self.conf.actionMap[command.strip()] + ":" + str(actionID)) ret = f(self, self, command, paramcsv, actionID, sync) self.lctx.debug("ACTION completed for " + command.strip() + " : " + self.conf.actionMap[command.strip()] + ":" + str(actionID)) if command == "DAYTONA_CLI": return "actionID=" + str( actionID) + "%" + ret + "%" + "SYNC EXEC" else: return "actionID=" + str( actionID) + "," + ret + "," + "SYNC EXEC" else: #callback will be called after completion #actionID = uuid.uuid4() self.lctx.debug("Executing ASYNC ACTION for " + command.strip() + " : " + self.conf.actionMap[command.strip()] + ":" + str(actionID)) t1 = common.FuncThread(f, True, self, command, paramcsv, actionID, sync) x = (t1, actionID, t2, time.time()) self.lock.acquire() self.async_actions.append(x) self.lctx.debug("async_actions size :" + str(len(self.async_actions))) self.lock.release() t1.start() self.lctx.debug("Executing ACTION for " + command.strip() + " : " + self.conf.actionMap[command.strip()] + ":" + str(actionID)) return "actionID=" + str( actionID) + "," + "SUCCESS," + "ASYNC EXEC"
def perf_gather(self, testid, perf_config): delay = float(perf_config['delay']) duration = perf_config['duration'] sys_logger.debug("Starting PERF for Test " + str(testid) + " in " + str(delay) + " secs") time.sleep(delay) test = action.get_test(testid) perf_output_file = test.statsdir + "perf_output.txt" perf_system_wide_cmd = ['perf', 'stat', '-e', 'cycles,instructions,LLC-load-misses,LLC-prefetch-misses,LLC-store-misses', '-a', '-o', perf_output_file, "sleep", duration] if test.status == "RUNNING": sys_logger.debug("Executing system-wide PERF") sys_logger.debug("PERF command : " + str(perf_system_wide_cmd)) p = subprocess.Popen(perf_system_wide_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) p.wait() sys_logger.debug("Finished system-wide PERF") error = p.communicate()[1].strip() if error: sys_logger.debug(error) with open(perf_output_file, 'w') as fh: fh.write(error + "\n") return if "process" in perf_config: process = perf_config['process'] sys_logger.debug("Setting up PERF for process : " + process) grep1 = ["grep", process] p1 = subprocess.Popen(get_pid, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) p2 = subprocess.Popen(grep1, stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) p3 = subprocess.Popen(grep2, stdin=p2.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) p4 = subprocess.Popen(awk, stdin=p3.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) pid = p4.communicate()[0].strip() if not pid: msg = "No active PID found for given process : " + process sys_logger.debug(msg) if os.path.isfile(perf_output_file): with open(perf_output_file, 'a') as fh: fh.write(msg + "\n") else: msg = "PID selected for process " + process + " : " + pid sys_logger.debug(msg) perf_process_cmd = ['perf', 'stat', '-e', 'cycles:u,instructions:u', '-a', '-p', pid, '-o', perf_output_file, '--append', 'sleep', duration] sys_logger.debug("Executing PERF for process " + process) sys_logger.debug("PERF command : " + str(perf_process_cmd)) p5 = subprocess.Popen(perf_process_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) p5.wait() error = p5.communicate()[1].strip() if error: sys_logger.debug(error) sys_logger.debug("Finished PERF on process") sys_logger.debug("PERF complete for test : " + str(testid))
def execute(self, command, paramcsv, actionID): """ This function maps daytona command with actual procedure which need to executed upon receiving a particular message. This mapping is saved in file and procedures are implemented in Upon mapping with actual procedure this routine spawns a new thread for executing that procedure seperately Below are some other action performed in this procedure : # based on SYNCFLAG release from here # send actionID for currently being executed action based on this we can stream resp # keep exec details over time in a buffer with actionID mapped # send actionID NULL and hold return till exec is complete """ module = self.conf.actionMap[command.strip()].split(".")[0] function = self.conf.actionMap[command.strip()].split(".")[1] sync = self.conf.actionMap[command.strip()].split(".")[2] t2 = testobj.testDefn() hosttype = None if command == "DAYTONA_START_TEST": testid = int(paramcsv.split(",")[0]) hosttype = paramcsv.split(",")[1] current_test = action.get_test(testid) if current_test: t2 = current_test.tobj m = __import__(module) f = getattr(m, function) if sync == "T": # wait for func to complete and return the ret self.lctx.debug("Executing SYNC ACTION for " + command.strip() + " : " + self.conf.actionMap[command.strip()] + ":" + str(actionID)) ret = f(self, self, command, paramcsv, actionID, sync) self.lctx.debug("ACTION completed for " + command.strip() + " : " + self.conf.actionMap[command.strip()] + ":" + str(actionID)) if command == "DAYTONA_CLI": return "actionID=" + str( actionID) + "%" + ret + "%" + "SYNC EXEC" else: return "actionID=" + str( actionID) + "," + ret + "," + "SYNC EXEC" else: self.lctx.debug("Executing ASYNC ACTION for " + command.strip() + " : " + self.conf.actionMap[command.strip()] + ":" + str(actionID)) t1 = common.FuncThread(f, True, self, command, paramcsv, actionID, sync) if hosttype == "EXEC": x = (t1, actionID, t2, time.time()) self.lock.acquire() self.async_actions.append(x) self.lctx.debug("async_actions size :" + str(len(self.async_actions))) self.lock.release() t1.start() self.lctx.debug("Executing ACTION for " + command.strip() + " : " + self.conf.actionMap[command.strip()] + ":" + str(actionID)) return "actionID=" + str( actionID) + "," + "SUCCESS," + "ASYNC EXEC"