class MotionPlayer(object): def __init__(self): rospy.loginfo("Initializing MotionPlayer...") = SimpleActionClient('/play_motion', PlayMotionAction) rospy.loginfo("Connecting to /play_motion...") # If more than 5s pass by, we crash if not rospy.logerr("Could not connect to /tts action server!") exit(0) rospy.loginfo("Connected!") def play_motion(self, motion_name, block=True): # To check motions: # rosparam list | grep play_motion | grep joints # for example: # open_hand, close_hand, offer_hand, wave # shake_hands, thumb_up_hand, pointing_hand, pinch_hand # head_tour, do_weights, pick_from_floor g = PlayMotionGoal() g.motion_name = motion_name if block: else:
class NavServer(object): def __init__(self, name): rospy.loginfo("Starting '%s'." % name) self._ps = PNPSimplePluginServer(name=name, ActionSpec=StringAction, execute_cb=self.execute_cb, auto_start=False) self._ps.register_preempt_callback(self.preempt_cb) self.client = SimpleActionClient('topological_navigation', GotoNodeAction) self.client.wait_for_server() self._ps.start() rospy.loginfo("Done") def execute_cb(self, goal): self.client.send_goal_and_wait(GotoNodeGoal(target=goal.value)) result = self.client.get_state() if result == GoalStatus.PREEMPTED: return if result == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: self._ps.set_succeeded() else: self._ps.set_aborted() def preempt_cb(self): self.client.cancel_all_goals() self._ps.set_preempted()
class MoveBaseDancer(PathDancerBase): def __init__(self): super(MoveBaseDancer,self).__init__() self.client = SimpleActionClient('move_base', MoveBaseAction) pass def run(self, points): tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() while True: try: now = tf_listener.waitForTransform('map','base_link', now, rospy.Duration(4.0)) t,r = tf_listener.lookupTransform('map','base_link', now) break except (tf.Exception) as e: print e self.x0, self.y0 = t[0], t[1] self.client.wait_for_server() for pt in points: goal = self.make_goal(pt) self.client.send_goal_and_wait(goal) def make_goal(self, point): x,y = point x += self.x0 # w.r.t. initial point y += self.y0 theta = np.arctan2(y,x) angle = Quaternion(0, 0, np.sin(theta / 2), np.cos(theta / 2)) dest = PoseStamped( header=Header(frame_id='map'), pose=Pose(position=Point(x=x, y=y, z=0), orientation=angle)) goal = MoveBaseGoal(target_pose=dest) return goal
def main(): rospy.init_node('trigger_open_door') # initial door prior_door = Door() prior_door.frame_p1.x = 1.0 prior_door.frame_p1.y = -0.5 prior_door.frame_p2.x = 1.0 prior_door.frame_p2.y = 0.5 prior_door.door_p1.x = 1.0 prior_door.door_p1.y = -0.5 prior_door.door_p2.x = 1.0 prior_door.door_p2.y = 0.5 prior_door.travel_dir.x = 1.0 prior_door.travel_dir.y = 0.0 prior_door.travel_dir.z = 0.0 prior_door.rot_dir = Door.ROT_DIR_COUNTERCLOCKWISE prior_door.hinge = Door.HINGE_P2 prior_door.header.frame_id = "base_footprint" door = DoorGoal() door.door = prior_door ac = SimpleActionClient('move_through_door', DoorAction) print 'Waiting for open door action server' ac.wait_for_server() print 'Sending goal to open door action server' ac.send_goal_and_wait(door, rospy.Duration(500.0), rospy.Duration(2.0))
class NavServer(object): def __init__(self, name): rospy.loginfo("Starting '%s'." % name) self._ps = PNPSimplePluginServer( name=name, ActionSpec=StringAction, execute_cb=self.execute_cb, auto_start=False ) self._ps.register_preempt_callback(self.preempt_cb) self.client = SimpleActionClient('topological_navigation', GotoNodeAction) self.client.wait_for_server() self._ps.start() rospy.loginfo("Done") def execute_cb(self, goal): self.client.send_goal_and_wait(GotoNodeGoal(target=goal.value)) result = self.client.get_state() if result == GoalStatus.PREEMPTED: return if result == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: self._ps.set_succeeded() else: self._ps.set_aborted() def preempt_cb(self): self.client.cancel_all_goals() self._ps.set_preempted()
def time_plate_main(): rospy.loginfo('Reading file') [result, goal, collision_objects, robot_state] = pickle.load(open(sys.argv[1], 'r')) rospy.loginfo('Original starting state was\n'+str(robot_state)) markers = vt.robot_marker(robot_state, ns='robot_starting_state', a = 0.5) pub = rospy.Publisher('/darrt_planning/robot_state_markers', MarkerArray) for i in range(10): rospy.loginfo('Publishing starting state!') pub.publish(markers) rospy.sleep(0.1) wi = WorldInterface() wi.reset(repopulate=False) psi = get_planning_scene_interface() psi.reset() plate = None for co in collision_objects: wi.add_object(co) if ( == goal.pickup_goal.collision_object_name): plate = co psi.reset() ops = PoseStamped() ops.header = copy.deepcopy(plate.header) ops.pose = copy.deepcopy(plate.poses[0]) #the old pickup goal may have used base link to generate grasps #i don't know what we do with things for which we need a point cloud goal.pickup_goal = PickupGoal('right_arm', om.GraspableObject(reference_frame_id=ops.header.frame_id), object_pose_stamped=ops, collision_object_name=goal.pickup_goal.collision_object_name, collision_support_surface_name=goal.pickup_goal.collision_support_surface_name, desired_grasps=plate_grasps(ops, ops.header.frame_id)) rospy.loginfo('Teleop to initial state. Ready to go?') raw_input() client = SimpleActionClient('/darrt_planning/darrt_action', DARRTAction) client.wait_for_server() goal.execute = False goal.planning_time = 200 goal.tries = 10000 goal.debug_level = 1 goal.do_pause = False goal.goal_bias = 0.2 # goal.place_goal.place_locations[0].pose.position.x = 1 # goal.place_goal.place_locations[0].pose.position.y = 1 # goal.place_goal.place_locations[0].pose.position.z = 0.86 average_time = 0.0 rospy.loginfo('First place goal is\n'+str(goal.place_goal.place_locations[0])) rospy.loginfo('File: '+sys.argv[1]+', restart after '+str(goal.planning_time)) for i in range(NTRIALS): rospy.loginfo('Sending goal') client.send_goal_and_wait(goal) rospy.loginfo('Returned') result = client.get_result() if result.error_code != result.SUCCESS: rospy.logerr('Something went wrong! Error '+str(result.error_code)+'. We had '+str(i)+ ' successful trials with an average time of '+str(average_time/float(i))) return average_time += result.planning_time rospy.loginfo('TRIAL '+str(i)+': '+str(result.planning_time)) rospy.loginfo(str(NTRIALS)+' averaged '+str(average_time/float(NTRIALS))+' seconds to solve')
def pickplace_main(): rospy.loginfo('Waiting for action') rospy.loginfo('Doing detection') detector = TablewareDetection() det = detector.detect_objects(add_objects_as_mesh=False) if not det.pickup_goals: rospy.loginfo('Nothing to pick up!') return wi = WorldInterface() psi = get_planning_scene_interface() add_map_tables(wi) psi.reset() client = SimpleActionClient('/darrt_planning/darrt_action', DARRTAction) client.wait_for_server() goal = DARRTGoal() goal.pickup_goal = det.pickup_goals[0] goal.pickup_goal.lift_distance = 0.3 goal.pickup_goal.arm_name = 'right_arm' place_pose_stamped = PoseStamped() place_pose_stamped.header.frame_id = wi.world_frame place_pose_stamped.pose.position.x = -1.3 place_pose_stamped.pose.position.y = 0.7 if 'graspable' in goal.pickup_goal.collision_object_name: place_pose_stamped.pose.position.z = 0.8 else: place_pose_stamped.pose.position.z = 0.75 place_pose_stamped.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 goal.place_goal = PlaceGoal(goal.pickup_goal.arm_name, [place_pose_stamped], collision_support_surface_name = 'serving_table', collision_object_name = goal.pickup_goal.collision_object_name) goal.primitives = [goal.PICK, goal.PLACE, goal.BASE_TRANSIT] goal.object_sampling_fraction = 0.3 goal.retreat_distance = 0.3 goal.debug_level = 2 goal.do_pause = False goal.execute = False goal.planning_time = 30 goal.tries = 10 goal.goal_bias = 0.2 average_time = 0.0 rospy.loginfo('First place goal is\n'+str(goal.place_goal.place_locations[0])) rospy.loginfo('Restart after '+str(goal.planning_time)) for i in range(NTRIALS): rospy.loginfo('Sending goal') client.send_goal_and_wait(goal) rospy.loginfo('Returned') result = client.get_result() if result.error_code != result.SUCCESS: rospy.logerr('Something went wrong! Error '+str(result.error_code)+'. We had '+str(i)+ ' successful trials with an average time of '+str(average_time/float(i))) return average_time += result.planning_time rospy.loginfo('TRIAL '+str(i)+': '+str(result.planning_time)) rospy.loginfo(str(NTRIALS)+' averaged '+str(average_time/float(NTRIALS))+' seconds to solve')
def main(): client = SimpleActionClient('/darrt_planning/darrt_action', DARRTAction) pub = rospy.Publisher('darrt_trajectory', MarkerArray) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for action') rospy.loginfo('Doing detection') detector = TablewareDetection() det = detector.detect_objects(add_objects_as_mesh=False) if not det.pickup_goals: rospy.loginfo('Nothing to pick up!') return client.wait_for_server() goal = DARRTGoal() goal.pickup_goal = det.pickup_goals[0] goal.pickup_goal.arm_name = 'right_arm' place_pose_stamped = PoseStamped() place_pose_stamped.header.frame_id = 'map' place_pose_stamped.pose.position.x -= 1.3 place_pose_stamped.pose.position.y -= 0.3 place_pose_stamped.pose.position.z = 0.98 goal.place_goal = PlaceGoal(goal.pickup_goal.arm_name, [place_pose_stamped], collision_support_surface_name = det.table_name, collision_object_name = goal.pickup_goal.collision_object_name) goal.primitives = [goal.PICK, goal.PLACE, goal.BASE_TRANSIT] goal.min_grasp_distance_from_surface = 0.17 goal.object_sampling_fraction = 0.9 goal.retreat_distance = 0.3 goal.debug_level = 2 goal.do_pause = False goal.planning_time = 6000 goal.tries = 1 goal.goal_bias = 0.2 rospy.loginfo('Sending goal') client.send_goal_and_wait(goal) rospy.loginfo('Returned') result = client.get_result() if result.error_code == result.SUCCESS: #pickle everything!! great excitement filename = 'pickplace_and_objects.pck' rospy.loginfo('Pickling to '+filename) #the last bit allows us to recreate the planning pickle.dump([client.get_result(), goal, wi.collision_objects(), wi.get_robot_state()], open(filename, 'wb')) marray = MarkerArray() if result.error_code == result.SUCCESS: for t in result.primitive_trajectories: marray.markers += vt.trajectory_markers(t, ns='trajectory', resolution=3).markers for (i, m) in enumerate(marray.markers): = i (m.color.r, m.color.g, m.color.b) = vt.hsv_to_rgb(i/float(len(marray.markers))*300.0, 1, 1) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): pub.publish(marray) rospy.sleep(0.1)
def tts_callback(self, msg): # Connect to the text-to-speech action server client = SimpleActionClient('/tts', TtsAction) rospy.loginfo("SPEECH TTS NODE: Waiting for the server") if client.wait_for_server(timeout = rospy.Duration(2)): # Create a goal to say our sentence goal = TtsGoal() goal.rawtext.text = goal.rawtext.lang_id = "en_GB" # Send the goal and wait client.send_goal_and_wait(goal)
def close_gripper(which_arm): """ close the gripper """ gripper_client = SimpleActionClient(which_arm[0] + '_gripper_controller/gripper_action', Pr2GripperCommandAction) gripper_client.wait_for_server() ##### Define goals for gripper: close all the way goal_close = Pr2GripperCommandGoal() goal_close.command.position = 0.0 goal_close.command.max_effort = 20.0 gripper_client.send_goal_and_wait(goal_close) # open gripper for knob
def open_gripper(which_arm): """ Open the gripper """ gripper_client = SimpleActionClient(which_arm[0] + '_gripper_controller/gripper_action', Pr2GripperCommandAction) gripper_client.wait_for_server() ##### Define goals for gripper: open all the way goal_open = Pr2GripperCommandGoal() goal_open.command.position = 0.05 goal_open.command.max_effort = 20.0 gripper_client.send_goal_and_wait(goal_open) # open gripper for switch-flipping
def tts_with_state_callback(self, msg): if self.states == {}: self.read_states() # Connect to the text-to-speech action server client = SimpleActionClient('/tts', TtsAction) rospy.loginfo("SPEECH TTS NODE: Waiting for the server") if client.wait_for_server(timeout = rospy.Duration(2)): # Create a goal to say our sentence goal = TtsGoal() goal.rawtext.text = self.states[msg.state] goal.rawtext.lang_id = self.language # Send the goal and wait client.send_goal_and_wait(goal)
def process_word(req): text = req.x rospy.loginfo("I'll say: " + text) # Connect to the text-to-speech action server client = SimpleActionClient('/tts', TtsAction) client.wait_for_server() # Create a goal to say our sentence goal = TtsGoal() goal.rawtext.text = text goal.rawtext.lang_id = "en_GB" # Send the goal and wait client.send_goal_and_wait(goal) return 1
def main(): client = SimpleActionClient("base_trajectory_action", BaseTrajectoryAction) client.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo('Found action server!') goal = BaseTrajectoryGoal() goal.world_frame = "odom_combined" goal.robot_frame = "base_footprint" goal.trajectory = [Pose2D(x=0, y=0, theta=0)] goal.linear_velocity = 0.2 goal.angular_velocity = np.pi / 4.0 goal.angular_error = 0.01 goal.linear_error = 0.02 rospy.loginfo('Sending goal') client.send_goal_and_wait(goal)
class SphericalService(object): def __init__(self): rospy.loginfo("Starting Spherical Grab Service") self.pick_type = PickAruco() rospy.loginfo("Finished SphericalService constructor") self.place_gui = rospy.Service("/place_gui", Empty, self.start_aruco_place) self.power_gui = rospy.Service("/power_gui", Empty, self.start_aruco_power) self.pick_gui = rospy.Service("/pick_gui", Empty, self.start_aruco_pick) self.play_m_as = SimpleActionClient('/play_motion', PlayMotionAction) self.home_gui = rospy.Service("/home_gui", Empty, self.start_aruco_home) def start_aruco_pick(self, req): rospy.loginfo("Unfold arm safely") pmg = PlayMotionGoal() pmg.motion_name = 'pregrasp_weight' pmg.skip_planning = False self.play_m_as.send_goal_and_wait(pmg) rospy.loginfo("Done.") # rospy.loginfo("Start look around.") # pmg = PlayMotionGoal() # pmg.motion_name = 'head_look_around' # pmg.skip_planning = False # self.play_m_as.send_goal_and_wait(pmg) # rospy.loginfo("Look around have been done.") self.pick_type.pick_aruco("pick") return {} def start_aruco_power(self, req): self.pick_type.pick_aruco("power") return {} def start_aruco_place(self, req): self.pick_type.pick_aruco("place") return {} def start_aruco_home(self, req): rospy.loginfo("Go back to home") pmg = PlayMotionGoal() pmg.motion_name = 'home' pmg.skip_planning = False self.play_m_as.send_goal_and_wait(pmg) rospy.loginfo("Done.")
class TextReader(object): def __init__(self): self.last_img = None self.img_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/wide_stereo/left/image_color/compressed', CompressedImage, self.img_cb) self.pub_text = rospy.Publisher('/recognized_text', String) self.speaking = False try: self.tts_ac = SimpleActionClient('/tts', TtsAction) rospy.loginfo("Waiting for TTS AS...") self.tts_ac.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo("Found TTS AS!") self.speaking = True except NameError: pass def img_cb(self, data): self.last_img = data def get_text(self, image): np_arr = np.fromstring(, np.uint8) image_np = cv2.imdecode(np_arr, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR) cv2.imwrite('/tmp/current_image_reading.png', image_np) text = pytesseract.image_to_string('/tmp/current_image_reading.png')) return text def say_sentence(self, text): rospy.loginfo("I'll say:" + text) text = text.replace('1', 'I') text = text.replace('\n', '') g = TtsGoal() g.text = text self.tts_ac.send_goal_and_wait(g) rospy.sleep(1) def run(self): r = rospy.Rate(1) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if self.last_img: text = self.get_text(self.last_img) if text: rospy.loginfo("I read: " + str(text)) self.pub_text.publish(text) if self.speaking: self.say_sentence(text) rospy.loginfo("I couldn't read anything.") r.sleep()
def main(): client = SimpleActionClient("base_trajectory_action", BaseTrajectoryAction) client.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo('Found action server!') goal = BaseTrajectoryGoal() goal.robot_frame = "base_footprint" goal.world_frame = "map" for i in range(50): goal.trajectory.append(Pose2D(x=-1.0/49.0*i, y=-1.0/49.0*i, theta=np.pi/49.0*i)) # goal.trajectory = [Pose2D(x=-1, y=0, theta=np.pi), Pose2D(x=-2, y=-1, theta=0)] #goal.linear_velocity = 0.35; #goal.angular_velocity = np.pi/4.0; #goal.angular_error = 0.05; #goal.linear_error = 0.05; rospy.loginfo('Sending goal') client.send_goal_and_wait(goal)
def main(): [result, goal, collision_objects, robot_state] = pickle.load(open(sys.argv[1], 'r')) wi = WorldInterface() #set the planning scene up correctly wi.reset(repopulate=False) for co in collision_objects: #for running easy version if ('table' in or == 'plate'): wi.add_object(co) psi = get_planning_scene_interface() psi.reset() client = SimpleActionClient('/darrt_planning/darrt_action', DARRTAction) client.wait_for_server() average_time = 0 goal.planning_time = 30 goal.tries = 10000 goal.debug_level = 0 goal.do_pause = False goal.goal_bias = 0.2 #i think that this does not work #goal.robot_state = robot_state goal.execute = False rospy.loginfo('First place goal is\n' + str(goal.place_goal.place_locations[0])) rospy.loginfo('File: ' + sys.argv[1] + ', restart after ' + str(goal.planning_time)) for i in range(NTRIALS): rospy.loginfo('Sending goal') client.send_goal_and_wait(goal) rospy.loginfo('Returned') result = client.get_result() if result.error_code != result.SUCCESS: rospy.logerr('Something went wrong! Error ' + str(result.error_code) + '. We had ' + str(i) + ' successful trials with an average time of ' + str(average_time / float(i))) return average_time += result.planning_time rospy.loginfo('TRIAL ' + str(i) + ': ' + str(result.planning_time)) rospy.loginfo( str(NTRIALS) + ' averaged ' + str(average_time / float(NTRIALS)) + ' seconds to solve')
class MoveToWaypoint(object): def __init__(self, name): rospy.loginfo("Starting %s ..." % name) self._as = PNPSimplePluginServer( name, MoveToWaypointAction, execute_cb=self.execute_cb, auto_start=False ) self.msg_store = MessageStoreProxy( database=rospy.get_param("~db_name", "semantic_map"), collection=rospy.get_param("~collection_name", "waypoints") ) rospy.loginfo("Creating tracker client") self.stop_client = SimpleActionClient("/stop_tracking_person", TrackPersonAction) self.stop_client.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo("Tracker client connected") self.client = SimpleActionClient("move_base", MoveBaseAction) rospy.loginfo("Waiting for move_base client.") self.client.wait_for_server() self._as.start() rospy.loginfo("... done") def execute_cb(self, goal): self.stop_client.send_goal(TrackPersonGoal()) if != "none": pose, _ = self.load({"waypoint_name":}) rospy.loginfo("Going from '%s' to '%s'" % (goal.from_, self.client.send_goal_and_wait(MoveBaseGoal(target_pose=pose)) res = MoveToWaypointResult() res.result.append(ActionResult(cond="robot_at_waypoint__", truth_value=True)) res.result.append(ActionResult(cond="robot_at_waypoint__"+goal.from_, truth_value=False)) res.result.append(ActionResult(cond="robot_pose_unknown", truth_value=True)) self._as.set_succeeded(res) def load(self, meta): message = self.msg_store.query(PoseStamped._type, {}, meta) if len(message) == 0: raise Exception("Desired data set %s: %s not in datacentre."% meta.items()[0]) else: return message[0][0], message[0][1]["_id"]
def _send_action_and_wait( action_client: SimpleActionClient, goal, timeout: rospy.Duration = rospy.Duration()) -> bool: if timeout == rospy.Duration(): if not action_client.wait_for_server(): # Action server is not available return False assert action_client.simple_state == SimpleGoalState.DONE status = action_client.send_goal_and_wait(goal=goal) else: deadline = + timeout if not action_client.wait_for_server(timeout=deadline - # Action server is not available return False assert action_client.simple_state == SimpleGoalState.DONE status = action_client.send_goal_and_wait( goal=goal, execute_timeout=deadline - return status == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED
class Gripper(object): def __init__(self): self.gripper_client = SimpleActionClient(GRIPPER_CLIENT_TOPIC, GripperApplyEffortAction) rospy.loginfo("GRIPPER CLIENT: Waiting for gripper action server...") self.gripper_client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(2)) self.wrist_wrench = WrenchStamped() rospy.Subscriber(GRIPPER_WRENCH_TOPIC, WrenchStamped, self._wrench_cb) def _wrench_cb(self, msg): self.wrist_wrench = msg def grasp(self, effort=0.0): goal = GripperApplyEffortGoal() goal.effort = effort result = self.gripper_client.send_goal_and_wait(goal) if result == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: return True else: return False def release(self): rospy.loginfo("GRIPPER CLIENT: Releasing gripper.") self.grasp(0.1) def grab(self): rospy.loginfo("GRIPPER CLIENT: Closing gripper.") self.grasp(-0.3) def get_wrist_force(self): self.wrist_wrench = rospy.wait_for_message(GRIPPER_WRENCH_TOPIC, WrenchStamped) return self.wrist_wrench.wrench.force.x def wait_for_push(self, timeout=0.0): if timeout == 0.0: while not rospy.is_shutdown(): x = self.wrist_wrench.wrench.force.x if x > 17: return True rospy.Rate(10).sleep() else: end = time() + timeout while not rospy.is_shutdown() and (time() < end): x = self.wrist_wrench.wrench.force.x if x > 17: return True rospy.Rate(10).sleep() return False
def main(): #Find an object to pick up rospy.loginfo('Doing detection') detector = TablewareDetection() det = detector.detect_objects(add_objects_as_mesh=False) if not det.pickup_goals: rospy.loginfo('Nothing to pick up!') return #DARRT action client client = SimpleActionClient('/darrt_planning/darrt_action', DARRTAction) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for DARRT action') client.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo('Found DARRT action') #DARRTGoal goal = DARRTGoal() #pickup goal (from the tabletop detection) goal.pickup_goal = det.pickup_goals[0] goal.pickup_goal.arm_name = 'right_arm' #place goal (move left 20 cm) place_pose_stamped = copy.deepcopy(goal.pickup_goal.object_pose_stamped) place_pose_stamped.pose.position.y += 0.2 goal.place_goal = PlaceGoal(goal.pickup_goal.arm_name, [place_pose_stamped], collision_support_surface_name = det.table_name, collision_object_name = goal.pickup_goal.collision_object_name) #Send the goal to the action rospy.loginfo('Sending goal') client.send_goal_and_wait(goal) rospy.loginfo('Returned') #Check the result result = client.get_result() if result.error_code != result.SUCCESS: rospy.logerr('Planning failed. Error code: '+str(result.error_code)) return rospy.loginfo('Planning succeeded!') #at this point the planning is done. #now we execute and visualize the plan #visualize trajectory pub = rospy.Publisher('darrt_trajectory', MarkerArray) marray = get_trajectory_markers(result.primitive_trajectories) for i in range(10): pub.publish(marray) rospy.sleep(0.05) #Executor is a Python class for executing DARRT plans executor = Executor() #execute trajectory rospy.loginfo('Press enter to execute') raw_input() executor.execute_trajectories(result)
class PickupHandler(object): def __init__(self): # maximum height of the torso self.HEIGHT_MAX = rospy.get_param('~torso_height_limit') '''Start the action client services and initialize publishers.''' rospy.loginfo("Initalizing...") self.bridge = CvBridge() self.tfBuffer = tf2_ros.Buffer() self.tf_l = tf2_ros.TransformListener(self.tfBuffer) rospy.loginfo("Waiting for /pickup_pose AS...") self.pick_as = SimpleActionClient('/pickup_pose', PickUpPoseAction) time.sleep(1.0) if not self.pick_as.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(20)): rospy.logerr("Could not connect to /pickup_pose AS") exit() rospy.loginfo("Waiting for /place_pose AS...") self.place_as = SimpleActionClient('/place_pose', PickUpPoseAction) self.place_as.wait_for_server() # Initialize publishers rospy.loginfo("Setting publishers to torso and head controller...") self.torso_cmd = rospy.Publisher('/torso_controller/command', JointTrajectory, queue_size=1) self.head_cmd = rospy.Publisher('/head_controller/command', JointTrajectory, queue_size=1) self.detected_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('/detected_aruco_pose', PoseStamped, queue_size=1, latch=True) rospy.loginfo("Waiting for '/play_motion' AS...") self.play_m_as = SimpleActionClient('/play_motion', PlayMotionAction) if not self.play_m_as.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(20)): rospy.logerr("Could not connect to /play_motion AS") exit() rospy.loginfo("Connected!") # Connect to MoveIt Commander self.robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander() self.scene = moveit_commander.PlanningSceneInterface() = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander('arm_torso') self.display_trajectory_publisher = rospy.Publisher( '/move_group/display_planned_path', moveit_msgs.msg.DisplayTrajectory, queue_size=10) self.eef_link = self.goals = [] rospy.sleep(1.0) rospy.loginfo("Done initializing PickupHandler.") def lift_torso(self, height=0.0): ''' Move the torso to the desired height. If height is less than 0 or greater than HEIGHT_MAX, height is set to those values. ''' rospy.loginfo("Moving torso up") jt = JointTrajectory() jt.joint_names = ['torso_lift_joint'] jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint() height = min(self.HEIGHT_MAX, max(0.0, height)) jtp.positions = [height] jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(2.0) jt.points.append(jtp) self.torso_cmd.publish(jt) def lower_head(self): ''' Lower robot head. There's currently no purpose to this, it just looks cool. ''' rospy.loginfo("Lowering head for a e s t h e t i c") jt = JointTrajectory() jt.joint_names = ['head_1_joint', 'head_2_joint'] jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = [0.0, -1.0] jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(2.0) jt.points.append(jtp) self.head_cmd.publish(jt) def move_arm_to_final(self): ''' Moves arm to the final pose after a successful pickup. The final pose of the arm is given in config/pick_motions.yaml as 'pick_final_pose'. Currently this flips the arm over causing the object to fall... ''' rospy.loginfo("Moving arm to a safe pose") pmg = PlayMotionGoal() pmg.motion_name = 'pick_final_pose' pmg.skip_planning = False self.play_m_as.send_goal_and_wait(pmg) rospy.loginfo("Raise object done.") rospy.loginfo("Done!") def pickup(self, goal_pose): ''' Move the gripper to goal_pose and pick up the object at that position. Parameters: goal_pose: PoseStamped object indicating the position of the object to be picked up. Currently the frame of the object has to be 'base_footprint' ''' # Remove leading slash from frame id goal_pose.header.frame_id = self.strip_leading_slash( goal_pose.header.frame_id) rospy.loginfo("Goal received:\n" + str(goal_pose)) self.prepare_robot() rospy.sleep(2.0) # Create and initialize pickup goal with position from goal pose # TODO: if the goal pose frame is not in base, need to transform pick_g = PickUpPoseGoal() pick_g.object_pose.pose.position = goal_pose.pose.position pick_g.object_pose.pose.position.z -= 0.1 * (1.0 / 2.0) # rospy.loginfo("goal pose in base_footprint:" + str(pick_g)) pick_g.object_pose.header.frame_id = 'base_footprint' pick_g.object_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 self.detected_pose_pub.publish(pick_g.object_pose) # Send pickup goal to pick and place server rospy.loginfo("Attempting to pick up:" + str(pick_g)) self.pick_as.send_goal_and_wait(pick_g) rospy.loginfo("Done!") # Check that the pickup was successful # TODO: what to do if pickup wasn't successful?? result = self.pick_as.get_result() if str(moveit_error_dict[result.error_code]) != "SUCCESS": rospy.logerr( "Failed to pick, not trying further - error code was {}". format(str(moveit_error_dict[result.error_code]))) # return # move arm to final position self.lift_torso(height=0.2) # self.move_arm_to_final() # pick_final_pose causes object to fall def place(self, goal_pose): # move arm to desired pose # get goal and plan path # rospy.loginfo('Planning path to new goal...') # # plan = # # # visualize path in rviz # # rospy.loginfo('Visualizing in RViz...') # # display_trajectory = moveit_msgs.msg.DisplayTrajectory() # # display_trajectory.trajectory_start = self.robot.get_current_state() # # display_trajectory.trajectory.append(plan) # # self.display_trajectory_publisher.publish(display_trajectory) # # rospy.sleep(2) # allow time for visualization # # perform movement # # print('Path planning and movement successful!') # # clear current goal # # # open gripper so object falls out # self.open_gripper() # Remove leading slash from frame id goal_pose.header.frame_id = self.strip_leading_slash( goal_pose.header.frame_id) rospy.loginfo("Goal received:\n" + str(goal_pose)) # Create and initialize pickup goal with position from goal pose pick_g = PickUpPoseGoal() pick_g.object_pose.pose.position = goal_pose.pose.position # rospy.loginfo("goal pose in base_footprint:" + str(pick_g)) pick_g.object_pose.header.frame_id = 'base_footprint' pick_g.object_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 rospy.loginfo("Placing object at goal pose") self.place_as.send_goal_and_wait(pick_g) def prepare_robot(self): '''Prepare the robot for picking up an object.''' self.unfold_arm() self.lower_head() rospy.loginfo("Robot prepared.") def unfold_arm(self): ''' Unfolds the robot arm. The configuration of the unfolded arm is given in config/pick_motions.yaml as 'pregrasp'. ''' rospy.loginfo("Unfold arm safely") pmg = PlayMotionGoal() pmg.motion_name = 'pregrasp' pmg.skip_planning = False self.play_m_as.send_goal_and_wait(pmg) rospy.loginfo("Done unfolding arm.") def open_gripper(self): ''' Opens the gripper. The configuration is given somewhere in tiago_gazebo... ''' rospy.loginfo('Opening gripper') pmg = PlayMotionGoal() pmg.motion_name = 'open' pmg.skip_planning = False self.play_m_as.send_goal_and_wait(pmg) rospy.loginfo('Done opening gripper') def strip_leading_slash(self, s): return s[1:] if s.startswith("/") else s
class ObjectCategorizer(): def __init__(self): self.object_detector = ObjectDetector() # connect to collision map processing service rospy.loginfo('waiting for tabletop_collision_map_processing service') rospy.wait_for_service('/tabletop_collision_map_processing/tabletop_collision_map_processing') self.collision_map_processing_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('/tabletop_collision_map_processing/tabletop_collision_map_processing', TabletopCollisionMapProcessing) rospy.loginfo('connected to tabletop_collision_map_processing service') # connect to gripper action server rospy.loginfo('waiting for wubble_gripper_grasp_action') self.posture_controller = SimpleActionClient('/wubble_gripper_grasp_action', GraspHandPostureExecutionAction) self.posture_controller.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo('connected to wubble_gripper_grasp_action') rospy.loginfo('waiting for wubble_grasp_status service') rospy.wait_for_service('/wubble_grasp_status') self.get_grasp_status_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('/wubble_grasp_status', GraspStatus) rospy.loginfo('connected to wubble_grasp_status service') rospy.loginfo('waiting for classify service') rospy.wait_for_service('/classify') self.classification_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('/classify', classify) rospy.loginfo('connected to classify service') # connect to gripper action server rospy.loginfo('waiting for wubble_gripper_action') self.gripper_controller = SimpleActionClient('/wubble_gripper_action', WubbleGripperAction) self.gripper_controller.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo('connected to wubble_gripper_action') # connect to wubble actions rospy.loginfo('waiting for drop_object') self.drop_object_client = SimpleActionClient('/drop_object', DropObjectAction) self.drop_object_client.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo('connected to drop_object') rospy.loginfo('waiting for grasp_object') self.grasp_object_client = SimpleActionClient('/grasp_object', GraspObjectAction) self.grasp_object_client.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo('connected to grasp_object') rospy.loginfo('waiting for lift_object') self.lift_object_client = SimpleActionClient('/lift_object', LiftObjectAction) self.lift_object_client.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo('connected to lift_object') rospy.loginfo('waiting for place_object') self.place_object_client = SimpleActionClient('/place_object', PlaceObjectAction) self.place_object_client.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo('connected to plcae_object') rospy.loginfo('waiting for push_object') self.push_object_client = SimpleActionClient('/push_object', PushObjectAction) self.push_object_client.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo('connected to push_object') rospy.loginfo('waiting for shake_roll_object') self.shake_roll_object_client = SimpleActionClient('/shake_roll_object', ShakeRollObjectAction) self.shake_roll_object_client.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo('connected to drop_object') rospy.loginfo('waiting for shake_pitch_object') self.shake_pitch_object_client = SimpleActionClient('/shake_pitch_object', ShakePitchObjectAction) self.shake_pitch_object_client.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo('connected to pitch_object') rospy.loginfo('waiting for ready_arm') self.ready_arm_client = SimpleActionClient('/ready_arm', ReadyArmAction) self.ready_arm_client.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo('connected to ready_arm') # advertise InfoMax service rospy.Service('get_category_distribution', InfoMax, self.process_infomax_request) rospy.loginfo('all services contacted, object_categorization is ready to go') self.ACTION_INFO = { InfomaxAction.GRASP: { 'client': self.grasp_object_client, 'goal': GraspObjectGoal(), 'prereqs': [InfomaxAction.GRASP] }, InfomaxAction.LIFT: { 'client': self.lift_object_client, 'goal': LiftObjectGoal(), 'prereqs': [InfomaxAction.GRASP, InfomaxAction.LIFT] }, InfomaxAction.SHAKE_ROLL: { 'client': self.shake_roll_object_client, 'goal': ShakeRollObjectGoal(), 'prereqs': [InfomaxAction.GRASP, InfomaxAction.LIFT, InfomaxAction.SHAKE_ROLL] }, InfomaxAction.DROP: { 'client': self.drop_object_client, 'goal': DropObjectGoal(), 'prereqs': [InfomaxAction.GRASP, InfomaxAction.LIFT, InfomaxAction.DROP] }, InfomaxAction.PLACE: { 'client': self.place_object_client, 'goal': PlaceObjectGoal(), 'prereqs': [InfomaxAction.GRASP, InfomaxAction.LIFT, InfomaxAction.PLACE] }, InfomaxAction.PUSH: { 'client': self.push_object_client, 'goal': PushObjectGoal(), 'prereqs': [InfomaxAction.GRASP, InfomaxAction.LIFT, InfomaxAction.PLACE, InfomaxAction.PUSH] }, InfomaxAction.SHAKE_PITCH: { 'client': self.shake_pitch_object_client, 'goal': ShakePitchObjectGoal(), 'prereqs': [InfomaxAction.GRASP, InfomaxAction.LIFT, InfomaxAction.SHAKE_PITCH] }, } def open_gripper(self): pg = GraspHandPostureExecutionGoal() pg.goal = GraspHandPostureExecutionGoal.RELEASE self.posture_controller.send_goal(pg) self.posture_controller.wait_for_result() def gentle_close_gripper(self): pg = GraspHandPostureExecutionGoal() pg.goal = GraspHandPostureExecutionGoal.GRASP self.posture_controller.send_goal(pg) self.posture_controller.wait_for_result() goal = WubbleGripperGoal() goal.command = WubbleGripperGoal.CLOSE_GRIPPER goal.torque_limit = 0.0 goal.dynamic_torque_control = False self.gripper_controller.send_goal(goal) self.gripper_controller.wait_for_result() def segment_objects(self): res = self.object_detector.detect() if res is None: rospy.logerr('TabletopSegmentation did not find any clusters') return None segmentation_result = res['segmentation_result'] = res['cluster_information'] tdr = TabletopDetectionResult() tdr.table = segmentation_result.table tdr.clusters = segmentation_result.clusters tdr.result = segmentation_result.result tcmpr = self.update_collision_map(tdr) return tcmpr def reset_collision_map(self): req = TabletopCollisionMapProcessingRequest() req.detection_result = TabletopDetectionResult() req.reset_collision_models = True req.reset_attached_models = True self.collision_map_processing_srv(req) rospy.loginfo('collision map reset') def update_collision_map(self, tabletop_detection_result): rospy.loginfo('collision_map update in progress') req = TabletopCollisionMapProcessingRequest() req.detection_result = tabletop_detection_result req.reset_collision_models = True req.reset_attached_models = True req.desired_frame = 'base_link' res = self.collision_map_processing_srv(req) rospy.loginfo('collision_map update is done') rospy.loginfo('there are %d graspable objects %s, collision support surface name is "%s"' % (len(res.graspable_objects), res.collision_object_names, res.collision_support_surface_name)) return res def reset_robot(self, tabletop_collision_map_processing_result=None): rospy.loginfo('resetting robot') ordered_collision_operations = OrderedCollisionOperations() if tabletop_collision_map_processing_result: closest_index =[0][0] collision_object_name = tabletop_collision_map_processing_result.collision_object_names[closest_index] collision_support_surface_name = tabletop_collision_map_processing_result.collision_support_surface_name collision_operation = CollisionOperation() collision_operation.object1 = collision_support_surface_name collision_operation.object2 = ARM_GROUP_NAME collision_operation.operation = CollisionOperation.DISABLE collision_operation.penetration_distance = 0.02 ordered_collision_operations.collision_operations = [collision_operation] collision_operation = CollisionOperation() collision_operation.object1 = collision_support_surface_name collision_operation.object2 = GRIPPER_GROUP_NAME collision_operation.operation = CollisionOperation.DISABLE collision_operation.penetration_distance = 0.02 ordered_collision_operations.collision_operations.append(collision_operation) collision_operation = CollisionOperation() collision_operation.object1 = collision_object_name collision_operation.object2 = GRIPPER_GROUP_NAME collision_operation.operation = CollisionOperation.DISABLE collision_operation.penetration_distance = 0.02 ordered_collision_operations.collision_operations.append(collision_operation) else: self.reset_collision_map() current_state = find_current_arm_state() rospy.loginfo('arm is currently in %s state' % current_state) if current_state not in ['READY', 'TUCK']: # check if the gripper is empty grasp_status = self.get_grasp_status_srv() if grasp_status.is_hand_occupied: rospy.loginfo('arm is not in any of the following states %s, opening gripper' % str(['READY', 'TUCK'])) self.open_gripper() if current_state != 'READY' and not self.ready_arm(ordered_collision_operations): return False self.gentle_close_gripper() return True def ready_arm(self, collision_operations=OrderedCollisionOperations()): """ Moves the arm to the side out of the view of all sensors. In this position the arm is ready to perform a grasp action. """ goal = ReadyArmGoal() goal.collision_operations = collision_operations state = self.ready_arm_client.send_goal_and_wait(goal) if state == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: return True else: return False def execute_action(self, action, tabletop_collision_map_processing_result): goal = self.ACTION_INFO[action]['goal'] goal.category_id = self.category_id closest_index =[0][0] goal.graspable_object = tabletop_collision_map_processing_result.graspable_objects[closest_index] goal.collision_object_name = tabletop_collision_map_processing_result.collision_object_names[closest_index] goal.collision_support_surface_name = tabletop_collision_map_processing_result.collision_support_surface_name state = self.ACTION_INFO[action]['client'].send_goal_and_wait(goal) if state == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: result = self.ACTION_INFO[action]['client'].get_result() return result.recorded_sound else: return None # receive an InfoMax service request containing object ID and desired action def process_infomax_request(self, req): self.object_names = req.objectNames self.action_names = req.actionNames self.num_categories = req.numCats self.category_id = req.catID if not self.reset_robot(): return None # find a graspable object on the floor tcmpr = self.segment_objects() if tcmpr is None: return None # initialize as uniform distribution beliefs = [1.0/self.num_categories] * self.num_categories actions = self.ACTION_INFO[req.actionID.val]['prereqs'] for act in actions: sound = self.execute_action(act, tcmpr) if not sound: self.reset_robot(tcmpr) return None else: resp = self.classification_srv(sound) beliefs = resp.beliefs if not self.reset_robot(tcmpr): return None res = InfoMaxResponse() res.beliefs = beliefs res.location = self.category_id return res
class CokeCanPickAndPlace: def __init__(self): # Retrieve params: self._table_object_name = rospy.get_param('~table_object_name', 'Grasp_Table') self._grasp_object_name = rospy.get_param('~grasp_object_name', 'Grasp_Object') self._grasp_object_width = rospy.get_param('~grasp_object_width', 0.01) self._arm_group = rospy.get_param('~arm', 'arm') self._gripper_group = rospy.get_param('~gripper', 'gripper') self._approach_retreat_desired_dist = rospy.get_param('~approach_retreat_desired_dist', 0.6) self._approach_retreat_min_dist = rospy.get_param('~approach_retreat_min_dist', 0.4) # Create (debugging) publishers: self._grasps_pub = rospy.Publisher('grasps', PoseArray, queue_size=1, latch=True) self._places_pub = rospy.Publisher('places', PoseArray, queue_size=1, latch=True) # Create planning scene and robot commander: self._scene = PlanningSceneInterface() self._robot = RobotCommander() rospy.sleep(1.0) # Clean the scene: self._scene.remove_world_object(self._table_object_name) self._scene.remove_world_object(self._grasp_object_name) # Add table and Coke can objects to the planning scene: self._pose_table = self._add_table(self._table_object_name) self._pose_coke_can = self._add_coke_can(self._grasp_object_name) rospy.sleep(1.0) # Define target place pose: self._pose_place = Pose() self._pose_place.position.x = self._pose_coke_can.position.x self._pose_place.position.y = self._pose_coke_can.position.y + 0.02 self._pose_place.position.z = self._pose_coke_can.position.z self._pose_place.orientation = Quaternion(*quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # Retrieve groups (arm and gripper): self._arm = self._robot.get_group(self._arm_group) self._gripper = self._robot.get_group(self._gripper_group) # Create grasp generator 'generate' action client: self._grasps_ac = SimpleActionClient('/moveit_simple_grasps_server/generate', GenerateGraspsAction) if not self._grasps_ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5.0)): rospy.logerr('Grasp generator action client not available!') rospy.signal_shutdown('Grasp generator action client not available!') return # Create move group 'pickup' action client: self._pickup_ac = SimpleActionClient('/pickup', PickupAction) if not self._pickup_ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5.0)): rospy.logerr('Pick up action client not available!') rospy.signal_shutdown('Pick up action client not available!') return # Create move group 'place' action client: self._place_ac = SimpleActionClient('/place', PlaceAction) if not self._place_ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5.0)): rospy.logerr('Place action client not available!') rospy.signal_shutdown('Place action client not available!') return # Pick Coke can object: while not self._pickup(self._arm_group, self._grasp_object_name, self._grasp_object_width): rospy.logwarn('Pick up failed! Retrying ...') rospy.sleep(1.0) rospy.loginfo('Pick up successfully') # Place Coke can object on another place on the support surface (table): while not self._place(self._arm_group, self._grasp_object_name, self._pose_place): rospy.logwarn('Place failed! Retrying ...') rospy.sleep(1.0) rospy.loginfo('Place successfully') def __del__(self): # Clean the scene: self._scene.remove_world_object(self._grasp_object_name) self._scene.remove_world_object(self._table_object_name) def _add_table(self, name): p = PoseStamped() p.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame() p.header.stamp = p.pose.position.x = 0.5 p.pose.position.y = 0.0 p.pose.position.z = 0.22 q = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, numpy.deg2rad(90.0)) p.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q) # Table size from ~/.gazebo/models/table/model.sdf, using the values # for the surface link. self._scene.add_box(name, p, (0.5, 0.4, 0.02)) return p.pose def _add_coke_can(self, name): p = PoseStamped() p.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame() p.header.stamp = p.pose.position.x = 0.25 p.pose.position.y = 0 p.pose.position.z = 0.32 q = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) p.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q) # Coke can size from ~/.gazebo/models/coke_can/meshes/coke_can.dae, # using the measure tape tool from meshlab. # The box is the bounding box of the coke cylinder. # The values are taken from the cylinder base diameter and height. self._scene.add_box(name, p, (0.01, 0.01, 0.009)) return p.pose def _generate_grasps(self, pose, width): """ Generate grasps by using the grasp generator generate action; based on example on moveit_simple_grasps pkg. """ # Create goal: goal = GenerateGraspsGoal() goal.pose = pose goal.width = width options = GraspGeneratorOptions() # simple_graps.cpp doesn't implement GRASP_AXIS_Z! #options.grasp_axis = GraspGeneratorOptions.GRASP_AXIS_Z options.grasp_direction = GraspGeneratorOptions.GRASP_DIRECTION_UP options.grasp_rotation = GraspGeneratorOptions.GRASP_ROTATION_FULL # @todo disabled because it works better with the default options #goal.options.append(options) # Send goal and wait for result: state = self._grasps_ac.send_goal_and_wait(goal) if state != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: rospy.logerr('Grasp goal failed!: %s' % self._grasps_ac.get_goal_status_text()) return None grasps = self._grasps_ac.get_result().grasps # Publish grasps (for debugging/visualization purposes): self._publish_grasps(grasps) return grasps def _generate_places(self, target): """ Generate places (place locations), based on baxter_pick_place/src/block_pick_place.cpp """ # Generate places: places = [] now = for angle in numpy.arange(0.0, numpy.deg2rad(360.0), numpy.deg2rad(1.0)): # Create place location: place = PlaceLocation() place.place_pose.header.stamp = now place.place_pose.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame() # Set target position: place.place_pose.pose = copy.deepcopy(target) # Generate orientation (wrt Z axis): q = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, angle) place.place_pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q) # Generate pre place approach: place.pre_place_approach.desired_distance = self._approach_retreat_desired_dist place.pre_place_approach.min_distance = self._approach_retreat_min_dist place.pre_place_approach.direction.header.stamp = now place.pre_place_approach.direction.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame() place.pre_place_approach.direction.vector.x = 0 place.pre_place_approach.direction.vector.y = 0 place.pre_place_approach.direction.vector.z = -1 # Generate post place approach: place.post_place_retreat.direction.header.stamp = now place.post_place_retreat.direction.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame() place.post_place_retreat.desired_distance = self._approach_retreat_desired_dist place.post_place_retreat.min_distance = self._approach_retreat_min_dist place.post_place_retreat.direction.vector.x = 0 place.post_place_retreat.direction.vector.y = 0 place.post_place_retreat.direction.vector.z = 1 # Add place: places.append(place) # Publish places (for debugging/visualization purposes): self._publish_places(places) return places def _create_pickup_goal(self, group, target, grasps): """ Create a MoveIt! PickupGoal """ # Create goal: goal = PickupGoal() goal.group_name = group goal.target_name = target goal.possible_grasps.extend(grasps) goal.allowed_touch_objects.append(target) goal.support_surface_name = self._table_object_name # Configure goal planning options: goal.allowed_planning_time = 7.0 goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.is_diff = True goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.robot_state.is_diff = True goal.planning_options.plan_only = False goal.planning_options.replan = True goal.planning_options.replan_attempts = 20 return goal def _create_place_goal(self, group, target, places): """ Create a MoveIt! PlaceGoal """ # Create goal: goal = PlaceGoal() goal.group_name = group goal.attached_object_name = target goal.place_locations.extend(places) # Configure goal planning options: goal.allowed_planning_time = 7.0 goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.is_diff = True goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.robot_state.is_diff = True goal.planning_options.plan_only = False goal.planning_options.replan = True goal.planning_options.replan_attempts = 20 return goal def _pickup(self, group, target, width): """ Pick up a target using the planning group """ # Obtain possible grasps from the grasp generator server: grasps = self._generate_grasps(self._pose_coke_can, width) # Create and send Pickup goal: goal = self._create_pickup_goal(group, target, grasps) state = self._pickup_ac.send_goal_and_wait(goal) if state != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: rospy.logerr('Pick up goal failed!: %s' % self._pickup_ac.get_goal_status_text()) return None result = self._pickup_ac.get_result() # Check for error: err = result.error_code.val if err != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: rospy.logwarn('Group %s cannot pick up target %s!: %s' % (group, target, str(moveit_error_dict[err]))) return False return True def _place(self, group, target, place): """ Place a target using the planning group """ # Obtain possible places: places = self._generate_places(place) # Create and send Place goal: goal = self._create_place_goal(group, target, places) state = self._place_ac.send_goal_and_wait(goal) if state != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: rospy.logerr('Place goal failed!: %s' % self._place_ac.get_goal_status_text()) return None result = self._place_ac.get_result() # Check for error: err = result.error_code.val if err != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: rospy.logwarn('Group %s cannot place target %s!: %s' % (group, target, str(moveit_error_dict[err]))) return False return True def _publish_grasps(self, grasps): """ Publish grasps as poses, using a PoseArray message """ if self._grasps_pub.get_num_connections() > 0: msg = PoseArray() msg.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame() msg.header.stamp = for grasp in grasps: p = grasp.grasp_pose.pose msg.poses.append(Pose(p.position, p.orientation)) self._grasps_pub.publish(msg) def _publish_places(self, places): """ Publish places as poses, using a PoseArray message """ if self._places_pub.get_num_connections() > 0: msg = PoseArray() msg.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame() msg.header.stamp = for place in places: msg.poses.append(place.place_pose.pose) self._places_pub.publish(msg)
class SmartGrasper(object): """ This is the helper library to easily access the different functionalities of the simulated robot from python. """ __last_joint_state = None __current_model_name = "cricket_ball" __path_to_models = "/root/.gazebo/models/" def __init__(self): """ This constructor initialises the different necessary connections to the topics and services and resets the world to start in a good position. """ rospy.init_node("smart_grasper") self.__joint_state_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/joint_states", JointState, self.__joint_state_cb, queue_size=1) rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/get_model_state", 10.0) rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/reset_world", 10.0) self.__reset_world = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/reset_world", Empty) self.__get_pose_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/get_model_state", GetModelState) rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/pause_physics") self.__pause_physics = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/pause_physics", Empty) rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/unpause_physics") self.__unpause_physics = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/unpause_physics", Empty) rospy.wait_for_service("/controller_manager/switch_controller") self.__switch_ctrl = rospy.ServiceProxy("/controller_manager/switch_controller", SwitchController) rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/set_model_configuration") self.__set_model = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/set_model_configuration", SetModelConfiguration) rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/delete_model") self.__delete_model = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/delete_model", DeleteModel) rospy.wait_for_service("/gazebo/spawn_sdf_model") self.__spawn_model = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/spawn_sdf_model", SpawnModel) rospy.wait_for_service('/get_planning_scene', 10.0) self.__get_planning_scene = rospy.ServiceProxy('/get_planning_scene', GetPlanningScene) self.__pub_planning_scene = rospy.Publisher('/planning_scene', PlanningScene, queue_size=10, latch=True) self.arm_commander = MoveGroupCommander("arm") self.hand_commander = MoveGroupCommander("hand") self.__hand_traj_client = SimpleActionClient("/hand_controller/follow_joint_trajectory", FollowJointTrajectoryAction) self.__arm_traj_client = SimpleActionClient("/arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory", FollowJointTrajectoryAction) if self.__hand_traj_client.wait_for_server(timeout=rospy.Duration(4.0)) is False: rospy.logfatal("Failed to connect to /hand_controller/follow_joint_trajectory in 4sec.") raise Exception("Failed to connect to /hand_controller/follow_joint_trajectory in 4sec.") if self.__arm_traj_client.wait_for_server(timeout=rospy.Duration(4.0)) is False: rospy.logfatal("Failed to connect to /arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory in 4sec.") raise Exception("Failed to connect to /arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory in 4sec.") self.reset_world() def reset_world(self): """ Resets the object poses in the world and the robot joint angles. """[], stop_controllers=["hand_controller", "arm_controller", "joint_state_controller"], strictness=SwitchControllerRequest.BEST_EFFORT) joint_names = ['shoulder_pan_joint', 'shoulder_lift_joint', 'elbow_joint', 'wrist_1_joint', 'wrist_2_joint', 'wrist_3_joint', 'H1_F1J1', 'H1_F1J2', 'H1_F1J3', 'H1_F2J1', 'H1_F2J2', 'H1_F2J3', 'H1_F3J1', 'H1_F3J2', 'H1_F3J3'] joint_positions = [1.2, 0.3, -1.5, -0.5, -1.5, 0.0, 0.0, -0.3, 0.0, 0.0, -0.3, 0.0, 0.0, -0.3, 0.0]"smart_grasping_sandbox", urdf_param_name="robot_description", joint_names=joint_names, joint_positions=joint_positions) timer = Timer(0.0, self.__start_ctrl) timer.start() time.sleep(0.1) def get_object_pose(self): """ Gets the pose of the ball in the world frame. @return The pose of the ball. """ return, "world").pose def get_tip_pose(self): """ Gets the current pose of the robot's tooltip in the world frame. @return the tip pose """ return self.arm_commander.get_current_pose(self.arm_commander.get_end_effector_link()).pose def move_tip_absolute(self, target): """ Moves the tooltip to the absolute target in the world frame @param target is a geometry_msgs.msg.Pose @return True on success """ self.arm_commander.set_start_state_to_current_state() self.arm_commander.set_pose_targets([target]) plan = self.arm_commander.plan() if not self.arm_commander.execute(plan): return False return True def move_tip(self, x=0., y=0., z=0., roll=0., pitch=0., yaw=0.): """ Moves the tooltip in the world frame by the given x,y,z / roll,pitch,yaw. @return True on success """ transform = PyKDL.Frame(PyKDL.Rotation.RPY(pitch, roll, yaw), PyKDL.Vector(-x, -y, -z)) tip_pose = self.get_tip_pose() tip_pose_kdl = posemath.fromMsg(tip_pose) final_pose = toMsg(tip_pose_kdl * transform) self.arm_commander.set_start_state_to_current_state() self.arm_commander.set_pose_targets([final_pose]) plan = self.arm_commander.plan() if not self.arm_commander.execute(plan): return False return True def send_command(self, command, duration=0.2): """ Send a dictionnary of joint targets to the arm and hand directly. @param command: a dictionnary of joint names associated with a target: {"H1_F1J1": -1.0, "shoulder_pan_joint": 1.0} @param duration: the amount of time it will take to get there in seconds. Needs to be bigger than 0.0 """ hand_goal = None arm_goal = None for joint, target in command.items(): if "H1" in joint: if not hand_goal: hand_goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() point = JointTrajectoryPoint() point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration.from_sec(duration) hand_goal.trajectory.points.append(point) hand_goal.trajectory.joint_names.append(joint) hand_goal.trajectory.points[0].positions.append(target) else: if not arm_goal: arm_goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() point = JointTrajectoryPoint() point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration.from_sec(duration) arm_goal.trajectory.points.append(point) arm_goal.trajectory.joint_names.append(joint) arm_goal.trajectory.points[0].positions.append(target) if arm_goal: self.__arm_traj_client.send_goal_and_wait(arm_goal) if hand_goal: self.__hand_traj_client.send_goal_and_wait(hand_goal) def get_current_joint_state(self): """ Gets the current state of the robot. @return joint positions, velocity and efforts as three dictionnaries """ joints_position = {n: p for n, p in zip(, self.__last_joint_state.position)} joints_velocity = {n: v for n, v in zip(, self.__last_joint_state.velocity)} joints_effort = {n: v for n, v in zip(, self.__last_joint_state.effort)} return joints_position, joints_velocity, joints_effort def open_hand(self): """ Opens the hand. @return True on success """ self.hand_commander.set_named_target("open") plan = self.hand_commander.plan() if not self.hand_commander.execute(plan, wait=True): return False return True def close_hand(self): """ Closes the hand. @return True on success """ self.hand_commander.set_named_target("close") plan = self.hand_commander.plan() if not self.hand_commander.execute(plan, wait=True): return False return True def check_fingers_collisions(self, enable=True): """ Disables or enables the collisions check between the fingers and the objects / table @param enable: set to True to enable / False to disable @return True on success """ objects = ["cricket_ball__link", "drill__link", "cafe_table__link"] while self.__pub_planning_scene.get_num_connections() < 1: rospy.loginfo("waiting for someone to subscribe to the /planning_scene") rospy.sleep(0.1) request = PlanningSceneComponents(components=PlanningSceneComponents.ALLOWED_COLLISION_MATRIX) response = self.__get_planning_scene(request) acm = response.scene.allowed_collision_matrix for object_name in objects: if object_name not in acm.entry_names: # add object to allowed collision matrix acm.entry_names += [object_name] for row in range(len(acm.entry_values)): acm.entry_values[row].enabled += [False] new_row = deepcopy(acm.entry_values[0]) acm.entry_values += {new_row} for index_entry_values, entry_values in enumerate(acm.entry_values): if "H1_F" in acm.entry_names[index_entry_values]: for index_value, _ in enumerate(entry_values.enabled): if acm.entry_names[index_value] in objects: if enable: acm.entry_values[index_entry_values].enabled[index_value] = False else: acm.entry_values[index_entry_values].enabled[index_value] = True elif acm.entry_names[index_entry_values] in objects: for index_value, _ in enumerate(entry_values.enabled): if "H1_F" in acm.entry_names[index_value]: if enable: acm.entry_values[index_entry_values].enabled[index_value] = False else: acm.entry_values[index_entry_values].enabled[index_value] = True planning_scene_diff = PlanningScene(is_diff=True, allowed_collision_matrix=acm) self.__pub_planning_scene.publish(planning_scene_diff) rospy.sleep(1.0) return True def pick(self): """ Does its best to pick the ball. """ rospy.loginfo("Moving to Pregrasp") self.open_hand() time.sleep(0.1) ball_pose = self.get_object_pose() ball_pose.position.z += 0.5 #setting an absolute orientation (from the top) quaternion = quaternion_from_euler(-pi/2., 0.0, 0.0) ball_pose.orientation.x = quaternion[0] ball_pose.orientation.y = quaternion[1] ball_pose.orientation.z = quaternion[2] ball_pose.orientation.w = quaternion[3] self.move_tip_absolute(ball_pose) time.sleep(0.1) rospy.loginfo("Grasping") self.move_tip(y=-0.164) time.sleep(0.1) self.check_fingers_collisions(False) time.sleep(0.1) self.close_hand() time.sleep(0.1) rospy.loginfo("Lifting") for _ in range(5): self.move_tip(y=0.01) time.sleep(0.1) self.check_fingers_collisions(True) def swap_object(self, new_model_name): """ Replaces the current object with a new one.Replaces @new_model_name the name of the folder in which the object is (e.g. beer) """ try: self.__delete_model(self.__current_model_name) except: rospy.logwarn("Failed to delete: " + self.__current_model_name) try: sdf = None initial_pose = Pose() initial_pose.position.x = 0.15 initial_pose.position.z = 0.82 with open(self.__path_to_models + new_model_name + "/model.sdf", "r") as model: sdf = res = self.__spawn_model(new_model_name, sdf, "", initial_pose, "world") rospy.logerr( "RES: " + str(res) ) self.__current_model_name = new_model_name except: rospy.logwarn("Failed to delete: " + self.__current_model_name) def __compute_arm_target_for_ball(self): ball_pose = self.get_object_pose() # come at it from the top arm_target = ball_pose arm_target.position.z += 0.5 quaternion = quaternion_from_euler(-pi/2., 0.0, 0.0) arm_target.orientation.x = quaternion[0] arm_target.orientation.y = quaternion[1] arm_target.orientation.z = quaternion[2] arm_target.orientation.w = quaternion[3] return arm_target def __pre_grasp(self, arm_target): self.hand_commander.set_named_target("open") plan = self.hand_commander.plan() self.hand_commander.execute(plan, wait=True) for _ in range(10): self.arm_commander.set_start_state_to_current_state() self.arm_commander.set_pose_targets([arm_target]) plan = self.arm_commander.plan() if self.arm_commander.execute(plan): return True def __grasp(self, arm_target): waypoints = [] waypoints.append(self.arm_commander.get_current_pose(self.arm_commander.get_end_effector_link()).pose) arm_above_ball = deepcopy(arm_target) arm_above_ball.position.z -= 0.12 waypoints.append(arm_above_ball) self.arm_commander.set_start_state_to_current_state() (plan, fraction) = self.arm_commander.compute_cartesian_path(waypoints, 0.01, 0.0) print fraction if not self.arm_commander.execute(plan): return False self.hand_commander.set_named_target("close") plan = self.hand_commander.plan() if not self.hand_commander.execute(plan, wait=True): return False self.hand_commander.attach_object("cricket_ball__link") def __lift(self, arm_target): waypoints = [] waypoints.append(self.arm_commander.get_current_pose(self.arm_commander.get_end_effector_link()).pose) arm_above_ball = deepcopy(arm_target) arm_above_ball.position.z += 0.1 waypoints.append(arm_above_ball) self.arm_commander.set_start_state_to_current_state() (plan, fraction) = self.arm_commander.compute_cartesian_path(waypoints, 0.01, 0.0) print fraction if not self.arm_commander.execute(plan): return False def __start_ctrl(self): rospy.loginfo("STARTING CONTROLLERS")["hand_controller", "arm_controller", "joint_state_controller"], stop_controllers=[], strictness=1) def __joint_state_cb(self, msg): self.__last_joint_state = msg
class PR2MoveArm(object): def __init__(self, ik, joint_mover): self.move_right_arm_client = SimpleActionClient("move_right_arm", MoveArmAction) self.move_right_arm_client.wait_for_server() self.move_left_arm_client = SimpleActionClient("move_left_arm", MoveArmAction) self.move_left_arm_client.wait_for_server() self.ik = ik self.joint_mover = joint_mover def move_right_arm(self, position, orientation, frame_id, waiting_time): goal = MoveArmGoal() goal.motion_plan_request.group_name = "right_arm" goal.motion_plan_request.num_planning_attempts = 10 goal.motion_plan_request.planner_id = "" goal.planner_service_name = "ompl_planning/plan_kinematic_path" goal.motion_plan_request.allowed_planning_time = rospy.Duration(waiting_time / 10.); position_constraint = PositionConstraint() position_constraint.header.frame_id = frame_id position_constraint.link_name = "r_wrist_roll_link" position_constraint.position.x = position[0] position_constraint.position.y = position[1] position_constraint.position.z = position[2] position_constraint.constraint_region_shape.type = position_constraint.constraint_region_shape.BOX tolerance = 2 * 0.02 position_constraint.constraint_region_shape.dimensions = [tolerance, tolerance, tolerance] position_constraint.constraint_region_orientation.x = 0. position_constraint.constraint_region_orientation.y = 0. position_constraint.constraint_region_orientation.z = 0. position_constraint.constraint_region_orientation.w = 1. position_constraint.weight = 1.0 orientation_constraint = OrientationConstraint() orientation_constraint.header.frame_id = frame_id orientation_constraint.link_name = "r_wrist_roll_link" # orientation_constraint.type = dunno! orientation_constraint.orientation.x = orientation[0] orientation_constraint.orientation.y = orientation[1] orientation_constraint.orientation.z = orientation[2] orientation_constraint.orientation.w = orientation[3] orientation_constraint.absolute_roll_tolerance = 0.04 orientation_constraint.absolute_pitch_tolerance = 0.04 orientation_constraint.absolute_yaw_tolerance = 0.04 orientation_constraint.weight = 1.0 goal.motion_plan_request.goal_constraints.position_constraints.append(position_constraint) goal.motion_plan_request.goal_constraints.orientation_constraints.append(orientation_constraint) goal.disable_collision_monitoring = True # rospy.loginfo("Goal: " + str(goal)) state = self.move_right_arm_client.send_goal_and_wait(goal, rospy.Duration(waiting_time)) if state == actionlib.GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: return True else: return False def move_right_arm_non_collision(self, position, orientation, frame_id, ignore_errors = False): current_pose_stamped = self.ik.run_fk(self.joint_mover.robot_state.right_arm_positions, "r_wrist_roll_link") end_pose = self.ik.lists_to_pose_stamped(position, orientation, frame_id, frame_id) trajectory, error_codes = self.ik.check_cartesian_path(current_pose_stamped, end_pose, self.joint_mover.robot_state.right_arm_positions, collision_aware = 0, num_steps=10) if (not ignore_errors) and any( (e == 3 for e in error_codes) ): rospy.logerr("IK returns error codes: %s"%str(error_codes)) return False self.joint_mover.execute_trajectory(trajectory, "right", True) return True
class ForceTorquePlay(object): def __init__(self): self.patient_id = '2019001' self.last_msg = None self.start_ac = None self.gripper_joints = None self.plan_compute = False self.moveit_status = 0 self.torso_joints = [] self.pos = [] self.person = False self.arm_joints= None self.action = 'None' self.first_look = False self.plan_feedback = None self.heightType = '03' self.marker_xtion = [] self.force_torque_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/wrist_ft', WrenchStamped, self.force_torque_cb, queue_size=1) = rospy.Publisher('/trigger', String, queue_size=1) self.plan_done= rospy.Subscriber('/done', String, self.plan_state) self.scene = moveit_commander.PlanningSceneInterface() self.robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander() self.interpreter = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommandInterpreter() self.interpreter.execute("use arm") = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander("arm") self.scene.remove_attached_object(self.eef_link, name="pringles") self.scene.remove_world_object("pringles") self.scene.remove_world_object("table") self.torso = SimpleActionClient( '/safe_torso_controller/follow_joint_trajectory', FollowJointTrajectoryAction) self.arm_torso = SimpleActionClient( '/safe_arm_torso_controller/follow_joint_trajectory', FollowJointTrajectoryAction) self.cam_info = rospy.wait_for_message("/xtion/rgb/camera_info", CameraInfo, timeout=None) self.client = SimpleActionClient('/safe_arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory', FollowJointTrajectoryAction) self.arm_subscribe= rospy.Subscriber('/arm_controller/state', JointTrajectoryControllerState, self.arm_state) self.face = rospy.Subscriber("/pal_face/faces", FaceDetections, self.callback_face) self.client.wait_for_server() self.torso_subscribe= rospy.Subscriber('/torso_controller/state', JointTrajectoryControllerState, self.torso_state) self.action_begin = rospy.Subscriber('/action', String, self.action_feedback) self.action_begin_pub = rospy.Publisher('/action', String, queue_size = 1) self.aruco_tf = rospy.Subscriber('/xtion_aruco', PoseStamped, self.aruco_xtion_tf) self.send_waypoints = rospy.Publisher('/my_waypoints', Path, queue_size = 1) self.gripper_cmd = rospy.Publisher('/gripper_controller/command', JointTrajectory, queue_size=1) self.head_cmd = rospy.Publisher( '/head_controller/command', JointTrajectory, queue_size=1) self.arm_controller = rospy.Publisher( '/arm_controller/command', JointTrajectory, queue_size=1) self.message = " " self.play_m_as = SimpleActionClient('/play_motion', PlayMotionAction) if not self.play_m_as.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(20)): rospy.logerr("Could not connect to /play_motion AS") exit() self.error = rospy.Subscriber('/move_group/feedback', MoveGroupActionFeedback, self.moveit_state) rospy.loginfo("Connected!") self.display_trajectory_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/move_group/display_planned_path_josh', moveit_msgs.msg.DisplayTrajectory) self.say_client = SimpleActionClient('/tts', TtsAction) self.say_client.wait_for_server() = SimpleActionClient( '/head_controller/point_head_action', PointHeadAction) self.hand_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/hand", PoseStamped, self.skeleton) self.plan_done= rospy.Publisher('/plan_request', String, queue_size = 1) self.plan_feedback = rospy.Subscriber("/plan_done", String, self.plan_cb) self.skip_intro = True self.my_rosbag = rosbag.Bag('/home/pal/sara_ws/patient_data/patientriggers'+self.patient_id+'block1.bag', 'w') self.release_time = 0 rate = rospy.Rate(1) self.listener = tf.TransformListener() rospy.loginfo("Looked down") self.hand_position = [] self.prev_hand_position = [] self.velocity = [] self.time_hand = 0.1 self.movement_init = False self.init_time = 0 self.finish_time = 0 self.init_position = [] self.counter = 0 self.track_time = 0 self.up_count = 0 self.forward_count = 0 self.object_grasped = 0 self.near_object = 0 self.move_start = 0 self.initial_pose = [] self.initial_or = [] self.hand_up = False self.hand_forward = False self.environment_set = False self.grasped = False self.rest_pose = [] self.first = True self.initial_torque = [] self.torque_after_grasp = [] self.object_weight_x = 0 self.object = [0.25, 0.08, 0.04] self.fl0 = 0 self.m = 0 self.fzlg = 0.2 self.fg0 = 0 self.fl = 0 self.threshold = 0 self.cout_actions = 0 self.force_torque_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/wrist_ft', WrenchStamped, self.force_torque_cb, queue_size=1) self.gripper_state = rospy.Subscriber('/gripper_controller/state', JointTrajectoryControllerState, self.gripper_state, queue_size=1) self.gripper_cmd = rospy.Publisher('/gripper_controller/command', JointTrajectory, queue_size=1) def force_torque_cb(self, msg): self.last_msg = msg def plan_cb(self, msg): self.plan_feedback = def aruco_xtion_tf(self, msg): self.marker_xtion = [msg.pose.position.x, msg.pose.position.y, msg.pose.position.z] def plan_state(self, msg): self.plan_computed= def gripper_state(self, msg): self.gripper_joints = msg.actual.positions def arm_state(self,msg): self.arm_joints = msg def torso_state(self, msg): self.torso_joints = msg def moveit_state(self, msg): self.moveit_status = msg.status.status def goto_cartesian(self, trans, rot): waypoints = [] wpose = wpose.position.x = trans[0] wpose.position.y = trans[1] wpose.position.z = trans[2] wpose.orientation.x = rot[0] wpose.orientation.y = rot[1] wpose.orientation.z = rot[2] wpose.orientation.w = rot[3] waypoints.append(copy.deepcopy(wpose)) (plan, fraction) = waypoints, # waypoints to follow 0.02, # eef_step 0.0,True), wait=True) def run(self): marker = False while not rospy.is_shutdown() and self.last_msg is None: rospy.sleep(0.2) r = rospy.Rate(2) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.trajectory_test() r.sleep() def trajectory_test(self): self.scene.remove_attached_object(self.eef_link, name="object") self.scene.remove_world_object("object") #Define how to perform trajectory planning for robot-to-human grasping. Cartesian = True indicates cartesian path planning, #smoothed = True includes post-processing to apply time parameterization with external node. cartesian = True smoothed = True while (not self.environment_set): #Prepare the collision environment with respect to the marker self.scene.remove_world_object("table") self.scene.remove_world_object("right_restrict") self.scene.remove_world_object("left_restrict") self.scene.remove_world_object("top_restrict") try: jt = JointTrajectory() jt.joint_names = ['head_1_joint', 'head_2_joint'] jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = [0, -0.26] looks before jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(1.0) head jt.points.append(jtp) self.head_cmd.publish(jt) #Look up to see the marker rospy.sleep(1) (trans,rot) = self.listener.lookupTransform('/base_footprint', '/arm_goal', rospy.Time(0)) #Collision object: table object_pose = geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped() object_pose.header.frame_id = "aruco_marker_frame" object_pose.pose.position.x=-self.object[0] - 0.05 object_pose.pose.position.y=-0.7 object_pose.pose.orientation.w=1.0 object_name = "table" self.scene.add_box(object_name, object_pose, size=(0.1,2,2)) #Collision object: left block obstacle_pose = geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped() obstacle_pose.header.frame_id = "aruco_marker_frame" obstacle_pose.pose.position.y=-0.5 obstacle_pose.pose.position.z = 1.7 obstacle_pose.pose.orientation.w=1.0 object_name = "left_restrict" self.scene.add_box(object_name, obstacle_pose, size=(2,2,2)) #Collision object: top block obstacle_pose = geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped() obstacle_pose.header.frame_id = "aruco_marker_frame" obstacle_pose.pose.position.x=1.5 obstacle_pose.pose.orientation.w=1.0 object_name = "top_restrict" self.scene.add_box(object_name, obstacle_pose, size=(2,2,2)) #Collision object: right block obstacle_pose = geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped() obstacle_pose.header.frame_id = "aruco_marker_frame" obstacle_pose.pose.position.y=-0.5 obstacle_pose.pose.position.z = -1.2 obstacle_pose.pose.orientation.w=1.0 object_name = "right_restrict" self.scene.add_box(object_name, obstacle_pose, size=(2,2,2)) #Collision object: object object_pose = geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped() object_pose.header.frame_id = "aruco_marker_frame" object_pose.pose.position.x= -0.1 object_pose.pose.orientation.w=1.0 object_name = "object" self.scene.remove_attached_object(self.eef_link, name="object") self.scene.remove_world_object("object") #Set initial object position (trans2,rot2) = self.listener.lookupTransform('/base_footprint', '/place_goal', rospy.Time(0)) self.initial_pose = [trans2[0], trans2[1], trans2[2]] self.initial_or = [rot2[0], rot2[1], rot2[2], rot2[3]] print ("initial pose of object",trans2, rot2) goal = PlayMotionGoal() goal.motion_name = 'open_gripper' goal.skip_planning = False self.play_m_as.send_goal_and_wait(goal) self.environment_set = True print("ENVIRONMENT READY") except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): continue jt = JointTrajectory() jt.joint_names = ['head_1_joint', 'head_2_joint'] jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = [0, -0.75] jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(1.0) jt.points.append(jtp) self.head_cmd.publish(jt) marker = False #Robot-to-human handover if(self.action == 'robot'): rospy.sleep(1) jt = JointTrajectory() jt.joint_names = ['head_1_joint', 'head_2_joint'] jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = [0, -0.56] jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(1.0) jt.points.append(jtp) self.head_cmd.publish(jt) rospy.sleep(1.0) touch_links=['gripper_link', 'gripper_left_finger_link', 'gripper_right_finger_link', 'gripper_grasping_frame'] #Detect marker while(not marker): print("Action started") try: marker = True #Lookup transform between the base_footprint and arm_goal, which specifies the pregrasp position (trans,rot) = self.listener.lookupTransform('/base_footprint', '/arm_goal', rospy.Time(0)) print("waiting") self.write("Marker location " + str(trans)) self.write("Marker orientation " + str(rot)) #Add object as collision object object_pose = geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped() object_pose.header.frame_id = "aruco_marker_frame" object_pose.pose.position.x= -0.1 object_pose.pose.orientation.w=1.0 object_name = "object" self.scene.remove_attached_object(self.eef_link, name=object_name) self.scene.remove_world_object(object_name) self.scene.add_box(object_name, object_pose, size=(self.object[0], self.object[1], self.object[2])) goal = PlayMotionGoal() goal.motion_name = 'open_gripper' goal.skip_planning = False self.play_m_as.send_goal_and_wait(goal) x = self.marker_xtion[0] y = self.marker_xtion[1] #Track object self.look_at(x,y, block=False) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): continue if not cartesian: #Compute trajectory by specyfying end-effector goal directly pose_target = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose() pose_target.orientation.x = rot[0] pose_target.orientation.y = rot[1] pose_target.orientation.z = rot[2] pose_target.orientation.w = rot[3] pose_target.position.x = trans[0] pose_target.position.y = trans[1] pose_target.position.z = trans[2] self.message="moving" self.write("Starts moving") init_movement = plan_time_start ="ESTkConfigDefault") plan = plan_time_start = plan_execute = - plan_time_start print("Time for plan", plan_execute) rospy.sleep(20) self.interpreter.execute("go forward 0.09") print("completed path time", - plan_time_start) else: plan_time_start = if smoothed: #Compute cartesian path planning with smoothing send_data = Path() waypoints = [] wpose = waypoints.append(copy.deepcopy(wpose)) wpose.position.x = trans[0] wpose.position.y = trans[1] wpose.position.z = trans[2] wpose.orientation.x = rot[0] wpose.orientation.y = rot[1] wpose.orientation.z = rot[2] wpose.orientation.w = rot[3] new_pose = PoseStamped() new_pose.pose = wpose send_data.poses.append(copy.deepcopy(new_pose)) wpose.position.x += 0.1 waypoints.append(copy.deepcopy(wpose)) new_pose = PoseStamped() new_pose.pose = wpose send_data.poses.append(copy.deepcopy(new_pose)) self.message="moving" print self.message self.write("Starts moving") init_movement = while (self.plan_feedback == "Done"): rospy.sleep(0.05) msg = String() = "request sent" self.plan_done.publish(msg) self.send_waypoints.publish(send_data) print(self.plan_feedback) while (self.plan_feedback!= "Done"): rospy.sleep(0.05) #Compute cartesian path planning without smoothing else: (plan, fraction) = waypoints, # waypoints to follow 0.03, # eef_step 0.0,True) # jump_threshold, wait=True) print("completed path time", - plan_time_start) rospy.sleep(0.5)
class Kill(): REFRESH_RATE = 20 def __init__(self): self.r1 = [-1.2923559122018107, -0.24199198117104131, -1.6400091364915879, -1.5193418228083817, 182.36402145110227, -0.18075144121090148, -5.948327320167482] self.r2 = [-0.6795931033163289, -0.22651111024292614, -1.748569353944001, -0.7718906399352281, 182.36402145110227, -0.18075144121090148, -5.948327320167482] self.r3 = [-0.2760036900225221, -0.12322070913238689, -1.5566246267792472, -0.7055856541215724, 182.30397617484758, -1.1580488044879909, -6.249409047256675] self.l1 = [1.5992829923087575, -0.10337038946934723, 1.5147248511783875, -1.554810647097346, 6.257580605941875, -0.13119498120772766, -107.10011839122919] self.l2 = [0.8243548398730115, -0.10751554070146568, 1.53941949443935, -0.7765233026995009, 6.257580605941875, -0.13119498120772766, -107.10011839122919] self.l3 = [0.31464495636226303, -0.06335699084094017, 1.2294536150663598, -0.7714563278010775, 6.730191306327954, -1.1396012223560352, -107.19066045395644] self.v = [0] * len(self.r1) self.r_joint_names = ['r_shoulder_pan_joint', 'r_shoulder_lift_joint', 'r_upper_arm_roll_joint', 'r_elbow_flex_joint', 'r_forearm_roll_joint', 'r_wrist_flex_joint', 'r_wrist_roll_joint'] self.l_joint_names = ['l_shoulder_pan_joint', 'l_shoulder_lift_joint', 'l_upper_arm_roll_joint', 'l_elbow_flex_joint', 'l_forearm_roll_joint', 'l_wrist_flex_joint', 'l_wrist_roll_joint'] self._action_name = 'kill' self._tf = tf.TransformListener() #initialize base controller topic_name = '/base_controller/command' self._base_publisher = rospy.Publisher(topic_name, Twist) #Initialize the sound controller self._sound_client = SoundClient() # Create a trajectory action client r_traj_controller_name = '/r_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action' self.r_traj_action_client = SimpleActionClient(r_traj_controller_name, JointTrajectoryAction) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for a response from the trajectory action server for RIGHT arm...') self.r_traj_action_client.wait_for_server() l_traj_controller_name = '/l_arm_controller/joint_trajectory_action' self.l_traj_action_client = SimpleActionClient(l_traj_controller_name, JointTrajectoryAction) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for a response from the trajectory action server for LEFT arm...') self.l_traj_action_client.wait_for_server() self.pose = None self._marker_sub = rospy.Subscriber('catch_me_destination_publisher', AlvarMarker, self.marker_callback) #initialize this client self._as = SimpleActionServer(self._action_name, KillAction,, auto_start=False) self._as.start() rospy.loginfo('%s: started' % self._action_name) def marker_callback(self, marker): if (self.pose is not None): self.pose = marker.pose def run(self, goal): rospy.loginfo('Begin kill') self.pose = goal.pose #pose = self._tf.transformPose('/base_link', goal.pose) self._sound_client.say('Halt!') # turn to face the marker before opening arms (code repeated later) r = rospy.Rate(self.REFRESH_RATE) while(True): pose = self.pose if abs(pose.pose.position.y) > .1: num_move_y = int((abs(pose.pose.position.y) - 0.1) * self.REFRESH_RATE / .33) + 1 #print str(pose.pose.position.x) + ', ' + str(num_move_x) twist_msg = Twist() twist_msg.linear = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) twist_msg.angular = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, pose.pose.position.y / ( 3 * abs(pose.pose.position.y))) for i in range(num_move_y): if pose != self.pose: break self._base_publisher.publish(twist_msg) r.sleep() pose.pose.position.y = 0 else: break # open arms traj_goal_r = JointTrajectoryGoal() traj_goal_r.trajectory.joint_names = self.r_joint_names traj_goal_l = JointTrajectoryGoal() traj_goal_l.trajectory.joint_names = self.l_joint_names traj_goal_r.trajectory.points.append(JointTrajectoryPoint(positions=self.r1, velocities = self.v, time_from_start = rospy.Duration(2))) self.r_traj_action_client.send_goal_and_wait(traj_goal_r, rospy.Duration(3)) traj_goal_l.trajectory.points.append(JointTrajectoryPoint(positions=self.l1, velocities = self.v, time_from_start = rospy.Duration(2))) self.l_traj_action_client.send_goal_and_wait(traj_goal_l, rospy.Duration(3)) traj_goal_r.trajectory.points[0].positions = self.r2 self.r_traj_action_client.send_goal(traj_goal_r) traj_goal_l.trajectory.points[0].positions = self.l2 self.l_traj_action_client.send_goal(traj_goal_l) self._sound_client.say('You have the right to remain silent.') # Keep a local copy because it will update #pose = self.pose #num_move_x = int((pose.pose.position.x - 0.3) * 10 / .1) + 1 #print str(pose.pose.position.x) + ', ' + str(num_move_x) #twist_msg = Twist() #twist_msg.linear = Vector3(.1, 0.0, 0.0) #twist_msg.angular = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) #for i in range(num_move_x): # self._base_publisher.publish(twist_msg) # r.sleep() # track the marker as much as we can while True: pose = self.pose # too far away if abs(pose.pose.position.x > 1.5): rospy.loginfo('Target out of range: ' + str(pose.pose.position.x)) self._as.set_aborted() return; # too far to the side -> rotate elif abs(pose.pose.position.y) > .1: num_move_y = int((abs(pose.pose.position.y) - 0.1) * self.REFRESH_RATE / .33) + 1 #print str(pose.pose.position.x) + ', ' + str(num_move_x) twist_msg = Twist() twist_msg.linear = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) twist_msg.angular = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, pose.pose.position.y / (3 * abs(pose.pose.position.y))) for i in range(num_move_y): if pose != self.pose: break self._base_publisher.publish(twist_msg) r.sleep() pose.pose.position.y = 0 #twist_msg = Twist() #twist_msg.linear = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) #twist_msg.angular = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, pose.pose.position.y / (5 * abs(pose.pose.position.y))) #self._base_publisher.publish(twist_msg) # now we are going to move in for the kill, but only until .5 meters away (don't want to run suspect over) elif pose.pose.position.x > .5: num_move_x = int((pose.pose.position.x - 0.3) * self.REFRESH_RATE / .1) + 1 #print str(pose.pose.position.x) + ', ' + str(num_move_x) twist_msg = Twist() twist_msg.linear = Vector3(.1, 0.0, 0.0) twist_msg.angular = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) for i in range(num_move_x): if pose != self.pose: break self._base_publisher.publish(twist_msg) r.sleep() pose.pose.position.x = 0 #twist_msg = Twist() #twist_msg.linear = Vector3(.1, 0.0, 0.0) #twist_msg.angular = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) #self._base_publisher.publish(twist_msg) # susupect is within hugging range!!! else: break r.sleep() # after exiting the loop, we should be ready to capture -> send close arms goal self._sound_client.say("Anything you say do can and will be used against you in a court of law.") self.l_traj_action_client.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(3)) self.r_traj_action_client.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(3)) traj_goal_r.trajectory.points[0].positions = self.r3 self.r_traj_action_client.send_goal(traj_goal_r) traj_goal_l.trajectory.points[0].positions = self.l3 self.l_traj_action_client.send_goal(traj_goal_l) self.l_traj_action_client.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(3)) self.r_traj_action_client.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(3)) rospy.loginfo('End kill') rospy.sleep(20) self._as.set_succeeded()
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy from actionlib import SimpleActionClient from giskard_msgs.msg import MoveAction, MoveGoal, MoveCmd, Controller if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('init_chain') client = SimpleActionClient('qp_controller/command', MoveAction) client.wait_for_server() roots = rospy.get_param('~roots') tips = rospy.get_param('~tips') typess = rospy.get_param('~types') goal = MoveGoal() move_cmd = MoveCmd() if not (len(roots) == len(tips) and len(tips) == len(typess)): raise Exception('number of roots, tips and types not equal') for root, tip, types in zip(roots, tips, typess): for type in types: controller = Controller() controller.root_link = root controller.tip_link = tip controller.type = type controller.weight = 0 controller.goal_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1 controller.goal_pose.header.frame_id = tip move_cmd.controllers.append(controller) goal.type = MoveGoal.PLAN_ONLY goal.cmd_seq.append(move_cmd) print('sending goal') client.send_goal_and_wait(goal)
class PickAruco(object): def __init__(self): rospy.loginfo("Initalizing...") self.bridge = CvBridge() self.tfBuffer = tf2_ros.Buffer() self.tf_l = tf2_ros.TransformListener(self.tfBuffer) rospy.loginfo("Waiting for /pickup_pose AS...") self.pick_as = SimpleActionClient('/pickup_pose', PickUpPoseAction) time.sleep(1.0) if not self.pick_as.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(20)): rospy.logerr("Could not connect to /pickup_pose AS") exit() rospy.loginfo("Waiting for /place_pose AS...") self.place_as = SimpleActionClient('/place_pose', PickUpPoseAction) self.place_as.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo("Setting publishers to torso and head controller...") self.torso_cmd = rospy.Publisher('/torso_controller/command', JointTrajectory, queue_size=1) self.head_cmd = rospy.Publisher('/head_controller/command', JointTrajectory, queue_size=1) self.detected_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('/detected_aruco_pose', PoseStamped, queue_size=1, latch=True) rospy.loginfo("Waiting for '/play_motion' AS...") self.play_m_as = SimpleActionClient('/play_motion', PlayMotionAction) if not self.play_m_as.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(20)): rospy.logerr("Could not connect to /play_motion AS") exit() rospy.loginfo("Connected!") rospy.sleep(1.0) rospy.loginfo("Done initializing PickAruco.") def strip_leading_slash(self, s): return s[1:] if s.startswith("/") else s def pick_aruco(self, string_operation): self.prepare_robot() rospy.sleep(2.0) rospy.loginfo("spherical_grasp_gui: Waiting for an aruco detection") aruco_pose = rospy.wait_for_message('/aruco_single/pose', PoseStamped) aruco_pose.header.frame_id = self.strip_leading_slash( aruco_pose.header.frame_id) rospy.loginfo("Got: " + str(aruco_pose)) rospy.loginfo("spherical_grasp_gui: Transforming from frame: " + aruco_pose.header.frame_id + " to 'base_footprint'") ps = PoseStamped() ps.pose.position = aruco_pose.pose.position ps.header.stamp = self.tfBuffer.get_latest_common_time( "base_footprint", aruco_pose.header.frame_id) ps.header.frame_id = aruco_pose.header.frame_id transform_ok = False while not transform_ok and not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: transform = self.tfBuffer.lookup_transform( "base_footprint", ps.header.frame_id, rospy.Time(0)) aruco_ps = do_transform_pose(ps, transform) transform_ok = True except tf2_ros.ExtrapolationException as e: rospy.logwarn( "Exception on transforming point... trying again \n(" + str(e) + ")") rospy.sleep(0.01) ps.header.stamp = self.tfBuffer.get_latest_common_time( "base_footprint", aruco_pose.header.frame_id) pick_g = PickUpPoseGoal() if string_operation == "pick": # Place the arm safe above table pmg = PlayMotionGoal() pmg.motion_name = 'pick_approach_pose' self.play_m_as.send_goal_and_wait(pmg) pmg.skip_planning = False rospy.loginfo("Setting ball pose based on Perception") pick_g.object_pose.pose.position = aruco_ps.pose.position pick_g.object_pose.pose.position.z -= 0.1 * (1.0 / 2.0) rospy.loginfo("aruco pose in base_footprint:" + str(pick_g)) pick_g.object_pose.header.frame_id = 'base_footprint' pick_g.object_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 self.detected_pose_pub.publish(pick_g.object_pose) rospy.loginfo("Gonna pick:" + str(pick_g)) self.pick_as.send_goal_and_wait(pick_g) rospy.loginfo("Done!") result = self.pick_as.get_result() if str(moveit_error_dict[result.error_code]) != "SUCCESS": rospy.logerr("Failed to pick, not trying further") return # Move torso to its maximum height self.lift_torso() # Raise arm rospy.loginfo("Moving arm to a safe pose") pmg = PlayMotionGoal() pmg.motion_name = 'pick_final_pose' pmg.skip_planning = False self.play_m_as.send_goal_and_wait(pmg) rospy.loginfo("Raise object done.") # Place the arm safe above table pmg = PlayMotionGoal() pmg.motion_name = 'home_approach_pose' self.play_m_as.send_goal_and_wait(pmg) pmg.skip_planning = False # Place the object to safe navigation position rospy.loginfo("Gonna place the ball near my heart..") pmg = PlayMotionGoal() pmg.motion_name = 'home_pose' self.play_m_as.send_goal_and_wait(pmg) pmg.skip_planning = False rospy.loginfo("Ready to move !") if string_operation == "place": pass def lift_torso(self): rospy.loginfo("Moving torso up") jt = JointTrajectory() jt.joint_names = ['torso_lift_joint'] jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = [0.34] jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(2.5) jt.points.append(jtp) self.torso_cmd.publish(jt) def lower_head(self): rospy.loginfo("Moving head down") jt = JointTrajectory() jt.joint_names = ['head_1_joint', 'head_2_joint'] jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = [0.0, -0.75] jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(2.0) jt.points.append(jtp) self.head_cmd.publish(jt) rospy.loginfo("Done.") def prepare_robot(self): rospy.loginfo("Unfold arm safely") pmg = PlayMotionGoal() pmg.motion_name = 'pregrasp' pmg.skip_planning = False self.play_m_as.send_goal_and_wait(pmg) rospy.loginfo("Done.") self.lower_head() rospy.loginfo("Robot prepared.")
client.wait_for_result() pub.publish('not moving') elif confirmcheck == '2': message = 'stop' stop_pub.publish(message) elif confirmcheck == '3': message = 'go' stop_pub.publish(message) elif confirmcheck == '4': goal = PlayMotionGoal() goal.skip_planning = False goal.motion_name = 'open_gripper' play_m_as.send_goal_and_wait(goal) elif confirmcheck == '5': scene.remove_world_object("table") scene.remove_world_object("right_restrict") scene.remove_world_object("left_restrict") scene.remove_world_object("top_restrict") scene.remove_attached_object(eef_link, name="pringles") scene.remove_world_object("pringles") goal = PlayMotionGoal() goal.skip_planning = False goal.motion_name = 'open_gripper' play_m_as.send_goal_and_wait(goal) rospy.sleep(0.5) goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal()
class ManipulateAruco(object): def __init__(self): rospy.loginfo("Initalizing ManipulateAruco...") self.aruco_pose_top = rospy.get_param(rospy.get_name() + '/marker_pose_topic') self.pickup_pose_top = rospy.get_param(rospy.get_name() + '/pickup_marker_pose') self.place_pose_top = rospy.get_param(rospy.get_name() + '/place_marker_pose') self.bridge = CvBridge() self.tfBuffer = tf2_ros.Buffer() self.tf_l = tf2_ros.TransformListener(self.tfBuffer) rospy.loginfo("Waiting for /pickup_pose AS...") self.pick_as = SimpleActionClient(self.pickup_pose_top, PickUpPoseAction) self.pick_as.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo("Waiting for /place_pose AS...") self.place_as = SimpleActionClient(self.place_pose_top, PickUpPoseAction) self.place_as.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo("Waiting for '/play_motion' AS...") self.play_m_as = SimpleActionClient('/play_motion', PlayMotionAction) if not self.play_m_as.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(300)): rospy.logerr("Could not connect to /play_motion AS") exit() rospy.loginfo("Connected!") rospy.sleep(1.0) rospy.loginfo("Setting publishers to torso and head controller...") self.torso_cmd = rospy.Publisher( '/torso_controller/command', JointTrajectory, queue_size=1) self.detected_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('/detected_aruco_pose', PoseStamped, queue_size=1, latch=True) self.aruco_pose_rcv = False self.aruco_pose_subs = rospy.Subscriber(self.aruco_pose_top, PoseStamped, self.aruco_pose_cb) self.pick_g = PickUpPoseGoal() rospy.loginfo("Done initializing ManipulateAruco.") def strip_leading_slash(self, s): return s[1:] if s.startswith("/") else s def pick_and_place_aruco(self, string_operation): success = False if string_operation == "pick": self.prepare_robot_pandp() rospy.sleep(2.0) while not rospy.is_shutdown() and self.aruco_pose_rcv == False: rospy.loginfo("spherical_grasp_gui: Waiting for an aruco detection...") rospy.sleep(1.0) aruco_pose = self.aruco_pose aruco_pose.header.frame_id = self.strip_leading_slash(aruco_pose.header.frame_id) rospy.loginfo("Got: " + str(aruco_pose)) rospy.loginfo("spherical_grasp_gui: Transforming from frame: " + aruco_pose.header.frame_id + " to 'base_footprint'") ps = PoseStamped() ps.pose.position = aruco_pose.pose.position ps.header.stamp = self.tfBuffer.get_latest_common_time("base_footprint", aruco_pose.header.frame_id) ps.header.frame_id = aruco_pose.header.frame_id transform_ok = False while not transform_ok and not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: transform = self.tfBuffer.lookup_transform("base_footprint", ps.header.frame_id, rospy.Time(0)) aruco_ps = do_transform_pose(ps, transform) transform_ok = True except tf2_ros.ExtrapolationException as e: rospy.logwarn( "Exception on transforming point... trying again \n(" + str(e) + ")") rospy.sleep(0.01) ps.header.stamp = self.tfBuffer.get_latest_common_time("base_footprint", aruco_pose.header.frame_id) rospy.loginfo("Setting cube pose based on Aruco detection") self.pick_g.object_pose.pose.position = aruco_ps.pose.position self.pick_g.object_pose.pose.position.z -= 0.1*(1.0/2.0) rospy.loginfo("aruco pose in base_footprint:" + str(self.pick_g)) self.pick_g.object_pose.header.frame_id = 'base_footprint' self.pick_g.object_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 self.detected_pose_pub.publish(self.pick_g.object_pose) rospy.loginfo("Gonna pick:" + str(self.pick_g)) self.pick_as.send_goal_and_wait(self.pick_g) rospy.loginfo("Done!") result = self.pick_as.get_result() if str(moveit_error_dict[result.error_code]) != "SUCCESS": rospy.logerr("Failed to pick, not trying further") success = False else: success = True self.prepare_robot_nav() return success if string_operation == "place": # Place the object on table in front rospy.loginfo("Placing aruco marker") self.place_as.send_goal_and_wait(self.pick_g) rospy.loginfo("Done!") result = self.place_as.get_result() if str(moveit_error_dict[result.error_code]) != "SUCCESS": rospy.logerr("Failed to place, not trying further") success = False else: success = True return success def move_torso(self, string_operation): jt = JointTrajectory() jt.joint_names = ['torso_lift_joint'] jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint() if string_operation == "lift": jtp.positions = [0.34] elif string_operation == "lower": jtp.positions = [0.15] else: return jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(2.5) jt.points.append(jtp) rospy.loginfo("Moving torso " + string_operation) self.torso_cmd.publish(jt) def prepare_robot_pandp(self): rospy.loginfo("Unfold arm safely") pmg = PlayMotionGoal() pmg.motion_name = 'pregrasp' pmg.skip_planning = False self.play_m_as.send_goal_and_wait(pmg) rospy.loginfo("Done.") rospy.loginfo("Robot prepared.") def prepare_robot_nav(self): # Move torso to its maximum height self.move_torso("lift") # Raise arm rospy.loginfo("Moving arm to a safe pose") pmg = PlayMotionGoal() pmg.motion_name = 'pick_final_pose' pmg.skip_planning = False self.play_m_as.send_goal_and_wait(pmg) rospy.loginfo("Raise object done.") def aruco_pose_cb(self, aruco_pose_msg): self.aruco_pose = aruco_pose_msg self.aruco_pose_rcv = True
class Arm(object): """ A single arm can be either left or right, extends Arms: Use left or right to get arm while running from the python console Examples: >>> left.send_goal(0.265, 1, 0.816, 0, 0, 0, 60) or Equivalently: >>> left.send_goal(px=0.265, py=1, pz=0.816, yaw=0, pitch=0, roll=0, time_out=60, pre_grasp=False, frame_id='/amigo/base_link') #To open left gripper >>> left.send_gripper_goal_open(10) """ def __init__(self, robot_name, side, tf_listener): self.robot_name = robot_name self.side = side if (self.side is "left") or (self.side is "right"): pass else: raise Exception("Side should be either: left or right") self.tf_listener = tf_listener self._occupied_by = None self._operational = True # In simulation, there will be no hardware cb # Get stuff from the parameter server self.offset = self.load_param('skills/arm/offset/' + self.side) self.marker_to_grippoint_offset = self.load_param('skills/arm/offset/marker_to_grippoint') self.joint_names = self.load_param('skills/arm/joint_names') self.joint_names = [name + "_" + self.side for name in self.joint_names] self.torso_joint_names = rospy.get_param('/'+self.robot_name+'/skills/torso/joint_names') self.default_configurations = self.load_param('skills/arm/default_configurations') self.default_trajectories = self.load_param('skills/arm/default_trajectories') # listen to the hardware status to determine if the arm is available rospy.Subscriber("/amigo/hardware_status", DiagnosticArray, self.cb_hardware_status) # Init gripper actionlib self._ac_gripper = SimpleActionClient( "/" + robot_name + "/" + self.side + "_arm/gripper/action", GripperCommandAction) # Init graps precompute actionlib self._ac_grasp_precompute = SimpleActionClient( "/" + robot_name + "/" + self.side + "_arm/grasp_precompute", GraspPrecomputeAction) # Init joint trajectory action server self._ac_joint_traj = SimpleActionClient( "/" + robot_name + "/body/joint_trajectory_action", FollowJointTrajectoryAction) # ToDo: don't hardcode? // Comment from @reinzor, this always fails on # startup of action server, why do we need this, who uses this info? server_timeout = 0.25 self._ac_gripper_present = self._ac_gripper.wait_for_server(timeout=rospy.Duration(server_timeout)) if not self._ac_gripper_present: rospy.loginfo("Cannot find gripper {0} server".format(self.side)) self._ac_grasp_precompute_present = self._ac_grasp_precompute.wait_for_server(timeout=rospy.Duration(server_timeout)) if not self._ac_grasp_precompute_present: rospy.loginfo("Cannot find grasp precompute {0} server".format(self.side)) self._ac_joint_traj_present = self._ac_joint_traj.wait_for_server(timeout=rospy.Duration(server_timeout)) if not self._ac_joint_traj_present: rospy.loginfo("Cannot find joint trajectory action server {0}".format(self.side)) # Init marker publisher self._marker_publisher = rospy.Publisher( "/" + robot_name + "/" + self.side + "_arm/grasp_target", visualization_msgs.msg.Marker, queue_size=10) def load_param(self, param_name): ''' Loads a parameter from the parameter server, namespaced by robot name ''' return rospy.get_param('/' + self.robot_name + '/' + param_name) def cancel_goals(self): """ Cancels the currently active grasp-precompute and joint-trajectory-action goals """ self._ac_grasp_precompute.cancel_all_goals() self._ac_joint_traj.cancel_all_goals() def close(self): try: rospy.loginfo("{0} arm cancelling all goals on all arm-related ACs on close".format(self.side)) except AttributeError: print "Arm cancelling all goals on all arm-related ACs on close. Rospy is already deleted." self._ac_gripper.cancel_all_goals() self._ac_grasp_precompute.cancel_all_goals() self._ac_joint_traj.cancel_all_goals() @property def operational(self): ''' The 'operational' property reflects the current hardware status of the arm. ''' return self._operational def cb_hardware_status(self, msg): ''' hardware_status callback to determine if the arms are operational ''' diags = [diag for diag in msg.status if == self.side + '_arm'] if len(diags) == 0: rospy.logwarn('no diagnostic msg received for the %s arm' % self.side) elif len(diags) != 1: rospy.logwarn('multiple diagnostic msgs received for the %s arm' % self.side) else: level = diags[0].level # 0. Stale # 1. Idle # 2. Operational # 3. Homing # 4. Error if level != 2: self._operational = False else: self._operational = True def send_goal(self, px, py, pz, roll, pitch, yaw, timeout=30, pre_grasp=False, frame_id='/base_link', first_joint_pos_only=False, allowed_touch_objects=[]): """ Send a arm to a goal: Using a position px, py, pz and orientation roll, pitch, yaw. A time out time_out. pre_grasp means go to an offset that is normally needed for things such as grasping. You can also specify the frame_id which defaults to base_link """ # save the arguments for debugging later myargs = locals() # If necessary, prefix frame_id if frame_id.find(self.robot_name) < 0: frame_id = "/"+self.robot_name+frame_id rospy.loginfo("Grasp precompute frame id = {0}".format(frame_id)) # Create goal: grasp_precompute_goal = GraspPrecomputeGoal() grasp_precompute_goal.goal.header.frame_id = frame_id grasp_precompute_goal.goal.header.stamp = grasp_precompute_goal.PERFORM_PRE_GRASP = pre_grasp grasp_precompute_goal.FIRST_JOINT_POS_ONLY = first_joint_pos_only grasp_precompute_goal.allowed_touch_objects = allowed_touch_objects grasp_precompute_goal.goal.x = px grasp_precompute_goal.goal.y = py grasp_precompute_goal.goal.z = pz grasp_precompute_goal.goal.roll = roll grasp_precompute_goal.goal.pitch = pitch grasp_precompute_goal.goal.yaw = yaw self._publish_marker(grasp_precompute_goal, [1, 0, 0], "grasp_point") # Add tunable parameters grasp_precompute_goal.goal.x += self.offset['x'] grasp_precompute_goal.goal.y += self.offset['y'] grasp_precompute_goal.goal.z += self.offset['z'] grasp_precompute_goal.goal.roll += self.offset['roll'] grasp_precompute_goal.goal.pitch += self.offset['pitch'] grasp_precompute_goal.goal.yaw += self.offset['yaw'] # rospy.loginfo("Arm goal: {0}".format(grasp_precompute_goal)) self._publish_marker(grasp_precompute_goal, [0, 1, 0], "grasp_point_corrected") import time; time.sleep(0.001) # This is necessary: the rtt_actionlib in the hardware seems # to only have a queue size of 1 and runs at 1000 hz. This # means that if two goals are send approximately at the same # time (e.g. an arm goal and a torso goal), one of the two # goals probably won't make it. This sleep makes sure the # goals will always arrive in different update hooks in the # hardware TrajectoryActionLib server. # Send goal: if timeout == 0.0: self._ac_grasp_precompute.send_goal(grasp_precompute_goal) return True else: result = self._ac_grasp_precompute.send_goal_and_wait( grasp_precompute_goal, execute_timeout=rospy.Duration(timeout) ) if result == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: return True else: # failure rospy.logerr('grasp precompute goal failed: \n%s', repr(myargs)) return False def send_joint_goal(self, configuration, timeout=5.0): ''' Send a named joint goal (pose) defined in the parameter default_configurations to the arm ''' if configuration in self.default_configurations: return self._send_joint_trajectory( [self.default_configurations[configuration]] , timeout=rospy.Duration(timeout)) else: rospy.logwarn('Default configuration {0} does not exist'.format(configuration)) return False def send_joint_trajectory(self, configuration, timeout=5.0): ''' Send a named joint trajectory (sequence of poses) defined in the default_trajectories to the arm ''' if configuration in self.default_trajectories: return self._send_joint_trajectory(self.default_trajectories[configuration], timeout=rospy.Duration(timeout)) else: rospy.logwarn('Default trajectories {0} does not exist'.format(configuration)) return False def reset(self, timeout=0.0): ''' Put the arm into the 'reset' pose ''' return self.send_joint_goal('reset', timeout=timeout) @property def occupied_by(self): ''' The 'occupied_by' property will return the current entity that is in the gripper of this arm. ''' return self._occupied_by @occupied_by.setter def occupied_by(self, value): self._occupied_by = value def send_gripper_goal(self, state, timeout=5.0): ''' Send a GripperCommand to the gripper of this arm and wait for finishing ''' goal = GripperCommandGoal() if state == 'open': goal.command.direction = GripperCommand.OPEN elif state == 'close': goal.command.direction = GripperCommand.CLOSE else: rospy.logerr('State shoulde be open or close, now it is {0}'.format(state)) return False self._ac_gripper.send_goal(goal) if state == 'open': if self.occupied_by is not None: rospy.logerr("send_gripper_goal open is called but there is still an entity with id '%s' occupying the gripper, please update the world model and remove this entity" % self.occupied_by = None goal_status = GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED if timeout != 0.0: self._ac_gripper.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(timeout)) goal_status = self._ac_gripper.get_state() return goal_status == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED def handover_to_human(self, timeout=10): ''' Handover an item from the gripper to a human. Feels if user slightly pulls or pushes the (item in the) arm. On timeout, it will return False. ''' succeeded = False pub = rospy.Publisher('/'+self.robot_name+'/handoverdetector_'+self.side+'/toggle_robot2human', std_msgs.msg.Bool, queue_size=1, latch = True) pub.publish(std_msgs.msg.Bool(True)) try: rospy.wait_for_message('/'+self.robot_name+'/handoverdetector_'+self.side+'/result', std_msgs.msg.Bool, timeout) print '/'+self.robot_name+'/handoverdetector_'+self.side+'/result' return True except rospy.ROSException, e: rospy.logerr(e) return False
# - section: '' # key: '' # expanded: '' # rawtext: # text: 'I like talking to people' # lang_id: 'en_GB' # speakerName: '' # wait_before_speaking: 0.0" if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('say_something') # If the user adds some input, say what he wrote if len(sys.argv) > 1: text = "" for arg in sys.argv[1:]: text += arg + " " # If not, just say a sentence else: text = "I like talking to people" rospy.loginfo("I'll say: " + text) # Connect to the text-to-speech action server client = SimpleActionClient('/tts', TtsAction) client.wait_for_server() # Create a goal to say our sentence goal = TtsGoal() goal.rawtext.text = text goal.rawtext.lang_id = "en_GB" # Send the goal and wait client.send_goal_and_wait(goal)
def plate_main(): pub = rospy.Publisher('darrt_trajectory', MarkerArray) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for action') rospy.loginfo('Doing detection') wi = WorldInterface() psi = get_planning_scene_interface() detector = TablewareDetection() plate = wi.collision_object('plate') good_detection = False goal = DARRTGoal() if plate: rospy.loginfo('Use last detection?') good_detection = (raw_input() == 'y') ops = PoseStamped() ops.header = copy.deepcopy(plate.header) ops.pose = copy.deepcopy(plate.poses[0]) goal.pickup_goal = PickupGoal('right_arm', om.GraspableObject(reference_frame_id=ops.header.frame_id), object_pose_stamped=ops, collision_object_name='plate', collision_support_surface_name='serving_table') while not good_detection: det = detector.detect_objects(add_table_to_map=False, add_objects_as_mesh=False, table_name='serving_table') goal.pickup_goal = get_plate(det.pickup_goals, det.table.pose, wi) psi.reset() if not goal.pickup_goal: rospy.loginfo('Nothing to pick up!') rospy.loginfo('Good detection?') good_detection = (raw_input() == 'y') if not goal.pickup_goal: rospy.loginfo('Nothing to pick up!') return add_map_tables(wi) psi.reset() client = SimpleActionClient('/darrt_planning/darrt_action', DARRTAction) client.wait_for_server() goal.pickup_goal.arm_name = 'right_arm' goal.pickup_goal.desired_grasps = plate_grasps(goal.pickup_goal.object_pose_stamped, goal.pickup_goal.lift.desired_distance = 0.3 place_pose_stamped = PoseStamped() place_pose_stamped.header.frame_id = wi.world_frame # place_pose_stamped.pose.position.x = 1.3 # place_pose_stamped.pose.position.y = -0.3 # place_pose_stamped.pose.position.z = 1.01 place_pose_stamped.pose.position.x = 0.0 place_pose_stamped.pose.position.y = 0.0 place_pose_stamped.pose.position.z = 0.76 place_pose_stamped.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 # place_pose_stamped.pose.orientation.x = 0.1 # place_pose_stamped.pose.orientation.y = 0.1 # place_pose_stamped.pose.orientation.w = np.sqrt(0.98) #place_pose_stamped = copy.deepcopy(goal.pickup_goal.object_pose_stamped) #place_pose_stamped.pose.position.x -= 0.2 #place_pose_stamped.pose.position.y -= 0.2 #place_pose_stamped.pose.position.z += 0.2 goal.place_goal = PlaceGoal(goal.pickup_goal.arm_name, [place_pose_stamped], collision_support_surface_name = 'dirty_table', collision_object_name = goal.pickup_goal.collision_object_name) goal.place_goal.approach.direction.header.frame_id = wi.world_frame goal.place_goal.approach.direction.vector.x = np.sqrt(0.18) goal.place_goal.approach.direction.vector.y = -np.sqrt(0.18) goal.place_goal.approach.direction.vector.z = -0.8 goal.place_goal.approach.desired_distance = 0.2 goal.primitives = [goal.PICK, goal.PLACE, goal.PUSH, goal.BASE_TRANSIT] goal.min_grasp_distance_from_surface = 0.19 goal.object_sampling_fraction = 0.7 goal.retreat_distance = 0.3 goal.debug_level = 2 goal.do_pause = False goal.execute = False goal.planning_time = 6000 goal.tries = 1 goal.goal_bias = 0.2 rospy.loginfo('Sending goal') client.send_goal_and_wait(goal) rospy.loginfo('Returned') result = client.get_result() marray = MarkerArray() if result.error_code == result.SUCCESS: #pickle everything!! great excitement filename = 'trajectory_and_objects.pck' rospy.loginfo('Pickling to '+filename) #the last bit allows us to recreate the planning pickle.dump([client.get_result(), goal, wi.collision_objects(), wi.get_robot_state()], open(filename, 'wb')) rospy.loginfo('Successful write') for t in result.primitive_trajectories: marray.markers += vt.trajectory_markers(t, ns='trajectory', resolution=3).markers for (i, m) in enumerate(marray.markers): = i (m.color.r, m.color.g, m.color.b) = vt.hsv_to_rgb(i/float(len(marray.markers))*300.0, 1, 1) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): pub.publish(marray) rospy.sleep(0.1)
segment = SegmentScene() res = segment.execute() if not res: exit(1) closest_index = res[1][0][0] grasp_client = SimpleActionClient('grasp_object', GraspObjectAction) grasp_client.wait_for_server() grasp_goal = GraspObjectGoal() grasp_goal.category_id = -1 grasp_goal.graspable_object = res[0].graspable_objects[closest_index] grasp_goal.collision_object_name = res[0].collision_object_names[closest_index] grasp_goal.collision_support_surface_name = res[0].collision_support_surface_name result = grasp_client.send_goal_and_wait(grasp_goal) if result != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: rospy.logerr('failed to grasp') reset.execute() exit(1) lift_client = SimpleActionClient('lift_object', LiftObjectAction) lift_client.wait_for_server() lift_goal = LiftObjectGoal() lift_goal.category_id = 0 lift_goal.graspable_object = res[0].graspable_objects[closest_index] lift_goal.collision_object_name = res[0].collision_object_names[closest_index] lift_goal.collision_support_surface_name = res[0].collision_support_surface_name
class AStarSearch(object): def __init__(self, name): rospy.loginfo("Starting {}".format(name)) self._as = SimpleActionServer(name, TopoNavAction, self.execute_cb, auto_start=False) self._as.register_preempt_callback(self.preempt_cb) self.client = SimpleActionClient("/waypoint_nav_node", WayPointNavAction) rospy.loginfo("Waiting for nav server") self.client.wait_for_server() self.nodes = set() self.edges = defaultdict(list) self.distances = {} with open(rospy.get_param("~waypoint_yaml"), 'r') as f: self.waypointInfo = yaml.load(f) for waypoint, info in self.waypointInfo.items(): self.add_node(waypoint) for edge in info["edges"]: self.add_edge(waypoint, edge, 1.0) self.waypointInfo[waypoint]["position"]["x"] *= 0.555 self.waypointInfo[waypoint]["position"]["y"] *= 0.555 self.sub = rospy.Subscriber("/orb_slam/pose", PoseStamped, self.pose_cb) self._as.start() rospy.loginfo("Started {}".format(name)) def preempt_cb(self, *args): self.client.cancel_all_goals() def add_node(self, value): self.nodes.add(value) def add_edge(self, from_node, to_node, distance): self.edges[from_node].append(to_node) # self.edges[to_node].append(from_node) self.distances[(from_node, to_node)] = distance def pose_cb(self, msg): closest = (None, None) for k, v in self.waypointInfo.items(): dist = self.get_dist(msg, v["position"]) if closest[0] is None or dist < closest[0]: closest = (dist, k) self.closest = closest[1] def get_dist(self, pose1, position): return np.sqrt( np.power(pose1.pose.position.x - position["x"], 2) + np.power(pose1.pose.position.y - position["y"], 2)) def execute_cb(self, goal): path = self.shortest_path(self.closest, goal.waypoint)[1] print path for p in path: if not self._as.is_preempt_requested(): rospy.loginfo("Going to waypoint: {}".format(p)) target = PoseStamped() target.header.stamp = target.header.frame_id = "map" target.pose.position.x = self.waypointInfo[p]["position"]["x"] target.pose.position.y = self.waypointInfo[p]["position"]["y"] target.pose.orientation.x = self.waypointInfo[p][ "orientation"]["x"] target.pose.orientation.y = self.waypointInfo[p][ "orientation"]["y"] target.pose.orientation.z = self.waypointInfo[p][ "orientation"]["z"] target.pose.orientation.w = self.waypointInfo[p][ "orientation"]["w"] self.client.send_goal_and_wait(WayPointNavGoal(target)) if not self._as.is_preempt_requested(): self._as.set_succeeded(TopoNavResult()) else: self._as.set_preempted() def dijkstra(self, initial): visited = {initial: 0} path = {} nodes = set(self.nodes) while nodes: min_node = None for node in nodes: if node in visited: if min_node is None: min_node = node elif visited[node] < visited[min_node]: min_node = node if min_node is None: break nodes.remove(min_node) current_weight = visited[min_node] for edge in self.edges[min_node]: weight = current_weight + self.distances[(min_node, edge)] if edge not in visited or weight < visited[edge]: visited[edge] = weight path[edge] = min_node return visited, path def shortest_path(self, origin, destination): visited, paths = self.dijkstra(origin) full_path = deque() _destination = paths[destination] while _destination != origin: full_path.appendleft(_destination) _destination = paths[_destination] full_path.appendleft(origin) full_path.append(destination) return visited[destination], list(full_path)
class PigeonPickAndPlace: #Class constructor (parecido com java, inicializa o que foi instanciado) def __init__(self): # Retrieve params: self._grasp_object_name = rospy.get_param('~grasp_object_name', 'lego_block') self._grasp_object_width = rospy.get_param('~grasp_object_width', 0.016) self._arm_group = rospy.get_param('~arm', 'arm_move_group') self._gripper_group = rospy.get_param('~gripper', 'gripper') self._approach_retreat_desired_dist = rospy.get_param('~approach_retreat_desired_dist', 0.01) self._approach_retreat_min_dist = rospy.get_param('~approach_retreat_min_dist', 0.4) # Create (debugging) publishers: self._grasps_pub = rospy.Publisher('grasps', PoseArray, queue_size=1, latch=True) # Create planning scene where we will add the objects etc. self._scene = PlanningSceneInterface() # Create robot commander: interface to comand the manipulator programmatically (get the planning_frame for exemple self._robot = RobotCommander() rospy.sleep(1.0) # Clean the scene (remove the old objects: self._scene.remove_world_object(self._grasp_object_name) # Add table and Coke can objects to the planning scene: # TODO get the position of the detected object self._pose_object_grasp = self._add_object_grasp(self._grasp_object_name) rospy.sleep(1.0) # Retrieve groups (arm and gripper): self._arm = self._robot.get_group(self._arm_group) self._gripper = self._robot.get_group(self._gripper_group) # Create grasp generator 'generate' action client: self._grasps_ac = SimpleActionClient('/moveit_simple_grasps_server/generate', GenerateGraspsAction) if not self._grasps_ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5.0)): rospy.logerr('Grasp generator action client not available!') rospy.signal_shutdown('Grasp generator action client not available!') return # Create move group 'pickup' action client: self._pickup_ac = SimpleActionClient('/pickup', PickupAction) if not self._pickup_ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5.0)): rospy.logerr('Pick up action client not available!') rospy.signal_shutdown('Pick up action client not available!') return # Pick object: while not self._pickup(self._arm_group, self._grasp_object_name, self._grasp_object_width): rospy.logwarn('Pick up failed! Retrying ...') rospy.sleep(1.0) rospy.loginfo('Pick up successfully') def __del__(self): # Clean the scene self._scene.remove_world_object(self._grasp_object_name) def _add_object_grasp(self, name): p = PoseStamped() p.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame() #pose p.header.stamp = rospy.loginfo(self._robot.get_planning_frame()) p.pose.position.x = 0.11 # 0.26599 # antigo = 0.75 - 0.01 p.pose.position.y = -0.31 # -0.030892 #antigo = 0.25 - 0.01 p.pose.position.z = 0.41339 #antigo = 1.00 + (0.3 + 0.03) / 2.0 #p.pose.orientation.x = 0.0028925 #p.pose.orientation.y = -0.0019311 #p.pose.orientation.z = -0.71058 #p.pose.orientation.w = 0.70361 q = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) p.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q) # Coke can size from ~/.gazebo/models/coke_can/meshes/, # using the measure tape tool from meshlab. # The box is the bounding box of the lego cylinder. # The values are taken from the cylinder base diameter and height. # the size is length (x),thickness(y),height(z) # I don't know if the detector return this values of object self._scene.add_box(name, p, (0.032, 0.016, 0.020)) return p.pose def _generate_grasps(self, pose, width): """ Generate grasps by using the grasp generator generate action; based on example on moveit_simple_grasps pkg. """ # Create goal: goal = GenerateGraspsGoal() goal.pose = pose goal.width = width options = GraspGeneratorOptions() # simple_graps.cpp doesn't implement GRASP_AXIS_Z! #options.grasp_axis = GraspGeneratorOptions.GRASP_AXIS_Z options.grasp_direction = GraspGeneratorOptions.GRASP_DIRECTION_UP options.grasp_rotation = GraspGeneratorOptions.GRASP_ROTATION_FULL # @todo disabled because it works better with the default options #goal.options.append(options) # Send goal and wait for result: state = self._grasps_ac.send_goal_and_wait(goal) if state != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: rospy.logerr('Grasp goal failed!: %s' % self._grasps_ac.get_goal_status_text()) return None grasps = self._grasps_ac.get_result().grasps #rospy.logerr('Generated: %f grasps:' % grasps.size) # Publish grasps (for debugging/visualization purposes): self._publish_grasps(grasps) return grasps def _create_pickup_goal(self, group, target, grasps): """ Create a MoveIt! PickupGoal """ # Create goal: goal = PickupGoal() goal.group_name = group goal.target_name = target goal.possible_grasps.extend(grasps) goal.allowed_touch_objects.append(target) #goal.support_surface_name = self._table_object_name # Configure goal planning options: goal.allowed_planning_time = 5.0 goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.is_diff = True goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.robot_state.is_diff = True goal.planning_options.plan_only = False goal.planning_options.replan = True goal.planning_options.replan_attempts = 10 return goal def _pickup(self, group, target, width): """ Pick up a target using the planning group """ # Obtain possible grasps from the grasp generator server: grasps = self._generate_grasps(self._pose_object_grasp, 0.016) # Create and send Pickup goal: goal = self._create_pickup_goal(group, target, grasps) state = self._pickup_ac.send_goal_and_wait(goal) if state != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: rospy.logerr('Pick up goal failed!: %s' % self._pickup_ac.get_goal_status_text()) return None result = self._pickup_ac.get_result() # Check for error: err = result.error_code.val if err != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: rospy.logwarn('Group %s cannot pick up target %s!: %s' % (group, target, str(moveit_error_dict[err]))) return False return True def _publish_grasps(self, grasps): """ Publish grasps as poses, using a PoseArray message """ if self._grasps_pub.get_num_connections() > 0: msg = PoseArray() msg.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame() msg.header.stamp = for grasp in grasps: p = grasp.grasp_pose.pose msg.poses.append(Pose(p.position, p.orientation)) self._grasps_pub.publish(msg)
class MoveBase(smach.State): serviceProxiesDict = { "hpp": { "target": { "get_base_pose_at_param": [GetBasePoseAtParam], } }, } def __init__(self, status): super(MoveBase, self).__init__( outcomes=["succeeded", "preempted"], input_keys=[ "pathId", "currentSection", "times", ], ) self.status = status self.serviceProxies = ros_tools.createServiceProxies( "", MoveBase.serviceProxiesDict) self.axclient = SimpleActionClient("/move_base", MoveBaseAction) self.move_base_methods = { "sequential": self.sequential, "full_path": self.full_path, } for name, default in ( ("move_base_method", "sequential"), ("move_base_sequential/step", 0.1), ("move_base_sequential/distance_thr", 0.3), ): if not rospy.has_param(name): rospy.set_param(name, default) def execute(self, userdata): method = rospy.get_param('move_base_method', 'sequential') if method not in self.move_base_methods: rospy.logwarn( "Method {} not available. Available methods are {}. Falling back to sequential" .format(method, self.move_base_methods.keys())) method = sequential return self.move_base_methods[method](userdata) def full_path(self, userdata): pathId = userdata.pathId start = userdata.times[userdata.currentSection] end = userdata.times[userdata.currentSection + 1] rsp = self.serviceProxies["hpp"]["target"]["get_base_pose_at_param"]( pathId, end) goal = MoveBaseGoal() goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = "world" goal.target_pose.pose = rsp.pose result = self.axclient.send_goal_and_wait(goal) if result == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: return "succeeded" rospy.logerr("Failed to move base. Result is {}".format( _demangle_status(result))) return "preempted" def sequential(self, userdata): pathId = userdata.pathId start = userdata.times[userdata.currentSection] end = userdata.times[userdata.currentSection + 1] client = _Feedback( self.axclient, lambda t: self.serviceProxies["hpp"]["target"][ "get_base_pose_at_param"](pathId, t), start, end, step=rospy.get_param("move_base_sequential/step", 0.1), distance_thr=rospy.get_param("move_base_sequential/distance_thr", 0.03), ) rate = rospy.Rate(10) while not client.path_completed: if client.abort: return "preempted" rate.sleep() return "succeeded"
class PickAruco(object): def __init__(self): rospy.loginfo("Initalizing...") self.bridge = CvBridge() self.tfBuffer = tf2_ros.Buffer() self.tf_l = tf2_ros.TransformListener(self.tfBuffer) rospy.loginfo("Waiting for /pickup_pose AS...") self.pick_as = SimpleActionClient('/pickup_pose', PickUpPoseAction) time.sleep(1.0) if not self.pick_as.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(20)): rospy.logerr("Could not connect to /pickup_pose AS") exit() rospy.loginfo("Waiting for /place_pose AS...") self.place_as = SimpleActionClient('/place_pose', PickUpPoseAction) self.place_as.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo("Setting publishers to torso and head controller...") self.torso_cmd = rospy.Publisher('/torso_controller/command', JointTrajectory, queue_size=1) self.head_cmd = rospy.Publisher('/head_controller/command', JointTrajectory, queue_size=1) self.detected_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('/detected_aruco_pose', PoseStamped, queue_size=1, latch=True) # /arm_controller/command (trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory) self.trajectory_cmd = rospy.Publisher('/arm_controller/command', JointTrajectory, queue_size=1) self.gripper_cmd = rospy.Publisher('/gripper_controller/command', JointTrajectory, queue_size=1) self.hey5_cmd = rospy.Publisher('/hand_controller/command', JointTrajectory, queue_size=1) rospy.loginfo("Waiting for '/play_motion' AS...") self.play_m_as = SimpleActionClient('/play_motion', PlayMotionAction) if not self.play_m_as.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(20)): rospy.logerr("Could not connect to /play_motion AS") exit() rospy.loginfo("Connected!") rospy.sleep(1.0) rospy.loginfo("Done initializing PickAruco.") def strip_leading_slash(self, s): return s[1:] if s.startswith("/") else s def pick_aruco(self, string_operation): self.prepare_robot() rospy.sleep(2.0) rospy.loginfo("spherical_grasp_gui: Waiting for an aruco detection") # get aruco pose here: from marker aruco_pose = rospy.wait_for_message('/cylinder_detector/cylinder_pose', PoseStamped) aruco_pose.header.frame_id = self.strip_leading_slash( aruco_pose.header.frame_id) print("aruco pose: ", aruco_pose) # # manually input aruco pose # aruco_pose = PoseStamped() # aruco_pose.header.frame_id = 'base_footprint' # # # original aruco pose # # aruco_pose.pose.position.x = 0.528450879403 # # aruco_pose.pose.position.y = -0.0486955713869 # # aruco_pose.pose.position.z = 0.922035729832 # # 0.545863 0.049354 0.724881 # aruco_pose.pose.position.x = 0.545863 # aruco_pose.pose.position.y = 0.049354 # aruco_pose.pose.position.z = 0.724881 + 0.05 # aruco_pose.pose.orientation.x = 0.5 # aruco_pose.pose.orientation.y = 0.5 # aruco_pose.pose.orientation.z = 0.5 # aruco_pose.pose.orientation.w = 0.5 rospy.loginfo("Got: " + str(aruco_pose)) rospy.loginfo("spherical_grasp_gui: Transforming from frame: " + aruco_pose.header.frame_id + " to 'base_footprint'") ps = PoseStamped() ps.pose.position = aruco_pose.pose.position ps.header.stamp = self.tfBuffer.get_latest_common_time( "base_footprint", aruco_pose.header.frame_id) ps.header.frame_id = aruco_pose.header.frame_id transform_ok = False while not transform_ok and not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: transform = self.tfBuffer.lookup_transform( "base_footprint", ps.header.frame_id, rospy.Time(0)) aruco_ps = do_transform_pose(ps, transform) transform_ok = True except tf2_ros.ExtrapolationException as e: rospy.logwarn( "Exception on transforming point... trying again \n(" + str(e) + ")") rospy.sleep(0.01) ps.header.stamp = self.tfBuffer.get_latest_common_time( "base_footprint", aruco_pose.header.frame_id) pick_g = PickUpPoseGoal() if string_operation == "pick": rospy.loginfo("Setting cube pose based on ArUco detection") pick_g.object_pose.pose.position = aruco_ps.pose.position pick_g.object_pose.pose.position.z -= 0.1 * (1.0 / 2.0) rospy.loginfo("aruco pose in base_footprint:" + str(pick_g)) pick_g.object_pose.header.frame_id = 'base_footprint' pick_g.object_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 self.detected_pose_pub.publish(pick_g.object_pose) rospy.loginfo("Gonna pick:" + str(pick_g)) self.pick_as.send_goal_and_wait(pick_g) rospy.loginfo("Done!") result = self.pick_as.get_result() # save the original pose ########## original_pose = deepcopy(aruco_pose) if str(moveit_error_dict[result.error_code]) != "SUCCESS": rospy.logerr("Failed to pick, not trying further") return rospy.sleep(2.0) # Move torso to its maximum height self.lift_torso() rospy.sleep(2.0) # aruco_pose.pose.position.x = 0.733477 - 0.2 # aruco_pose.pose.position.y = 0.057126 + 0.07 # aruco_pose.pose.position.z += 0.2 # 0.2 is the allowance for pouring pour_pose = deepcopy(aruco_pose) pour_pose.pose.position.x = 0.733477 - 0.2 pour_pose.pose.position.y = 0.057126 + 0.07 pour_pose.pose.position.z += 0.2 """ The following are good good_candidates for pose selection (in eular angles): [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 270], [0, 180, 0], [0, 180, 180] - no, [0, 180, 270], [0, 270, 0], [0, 270, 180], [0, 270, 270]] """ # some more successful grasp candidates # x, y, z, w = eular_to_q(0,270,180) # x, y, z, w = eular_to_q(0,270,270) # get pick_pose: # x, y, z, w = get_pose(args) pour_pose.pose.orientation.x = -0.5 pour_pose.pose.orientation.y = 0 pour_pose.pose.orientation.z = 0 pour_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.2 success = False while success == False: rospy.sleep(2.0) # x_e, y_e, z_e = random.choice([(0,270,180), (0,270,270)]) # x, y, z, w = eular_to_q(x_e, y_e, z_e) # pour_pose.pose.orientation.x = x # pour_pose.pose.orientation.y = y # pour_pose.pose.orientation.z = z # pour_pose.pose.orientation.w = w result = cartesian_move_to(pour_pose, True) rospy.loginfo("Success of trajectory: " + str(result)) # define a goal tolerance for replanning and manipulation x_arm, y_arm, z_arm = arm_pose() x_aim = pour_pose.pose.position.x y_aim = pour_pose.pose.position.y z_aim = pour_pose.pose.position.z goal_deviation = eular_dist(x_arm, y_arm, z_arm, x_aim, y_aim, z_aim) rospy.loginfo("Deviation from target pose: " + str(goal_deviation)) # pour_pose.pose.position.x -= 0.0001 # pour_pose.pose.position.y -= 0.0001 if result > 0.9 and goal_deviation < 0.05: success = True # x, y, z = q_to_eular(-0.5, 0, 0, 1.2) # rospy.loginfo("End effector eular angles: " + str([x,y,z])) rospy.sleep(3.0) # pour liquid self.turn_wrist() rospy.sleep(5.0) # turn wrist back to original pose self.turn_wrist(pour=False) rospy.sleep(3.0) pour_pose.pose.position.x += 0.2 pour_pose.pose.position.y += 0.2 success = False while success == False: # x_e, y_e, z_e = random.choice([(0,270,180), (0,270,270)]) # x, y, z, w = eular_to_q(x_e, y_e, z_e) # pour_pose.pose.orientation.x = x # pour_pose.pose.orientation.y = y # pour_pose.pose.orientation.z = z # pour_pose.pose.orientation.w = w result = cartesian_move_to(pour_pose, True) rospy.loginfo("Success of trajectory: " + str(result)) # define a goal tolerance for replanning and manipulation x_arm, y_arm, z_arm = arm_pose() x_aim = pour_pose.pose.position.x y_aim = pour_pose.pose.position.y z_aim = pour_pose.pose.position.z goal_deviation = eular_dist(x_arm, y_arm, z_arm, x_aim, y_aim, z_aim) rospy.loginfo("Deviation from target pose: " + str(goal_deviation)) pour_pose.pose.position.x -= 0.0001 pour_pose.pose.position.y -= 0.0001 if result > 0.9 and goal_deviation < 0.05: success = True rospy.sleep(3.0) # # return bottle to original pose # x, y, z, w = eular_to_q(0,270,180) # # x, y, z, w = eular_to_q(0,270,270) # original_pose.pose.position.z = pour_pose.pose.position.z # original_pose.pose.orientation.x = -0.5 # original_pose.pose.orientation.y = 0 # original_pose.pose.orientation.z = 0 # original_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.2 # success = False # while success==False: # result = cartesian_move_to(original_pose, True) # rospy.loginfo("success of trajectory: "+str(result)) # # define a goal tolerance for replanning and manipulation # x_arm, y_arm, z_arm = arm_pose() # x_aim = original_pose.pose.position.x # y_aim = original_pose.pose.position.y # z_aim = original_pose.pose.position.z # goal_deviation = eular_dist(x_arm, y_arm, z_arm, x_aim, y_aim, z_aim) # rospy.loginfo("Deviation from target pose: "+str(goal_deviation)) # original_pose.pose.position.x -= 0.01 # original_pose.pose.position.y -= 0.01 # if result > 0.9 and goal_deviation < 0.1: # success = True # rospy.loginfo("Gonna place near where it was") # ps = PoseStamped() # ps.pose.position = original_pose.pose.position # ps.header.stamp = self.tfBuffer.get_latest_common_time("base_footprint", original_pose.header.frame_id) # ps.header.frame_id = original_pose.header.frame_id # transform_ok = False # while not transform_ok and not rospy.is_shutdown(): # try: # transform = self.tfBuffer.lookup_transform("base_footprint", # ps.header.frame_id, # rospy.Time(0)) # aruco_ps = do_transform_pose(ps, transform) # transform_ok = True # except tf2_ros.ExtrapolationException as e: # rospy.logwarn( # "Exception on transforming point... trying again \n(" + # str(e) + ")") # rospy.sleep(0.01) # ps.header.stamp = self.tfBuffer.get_latest_common_time("base_footprint", original_pose.header.frame_id) # pick_g = PickUpPoseGoal() # arm=MoveGroupCommander('arm') # arm.allow_replanning(True) # end_effector_link=arm.get_end_effector_link() # arm.set_goal_position_tolerance(0.03) # arm.set_goal_orientation_tolerance(0.025) # arm.allow_replanning(True) # reference_frame='base_footprint' # arm.set_pose_reference_frame(reference_frame) # arm.set_planning_time(5) # rospy.sleep(2) # start_pose=arm.get_current_pose(end_effector_link).pose # rospy.loginfo("End effector start pose: " + str(start_pose)) # x = start_pose.orientation.x # y = start_pose.orientation.y # z = start_pose.orientation.z # w = start_pose.orientation.w # x, y, z = q_to_eular(x, y, z, w) # rospy.loginfo("End effector eular angles: " + str([x,y,z])) # # Raise arm # rospy.loginfo("Moving arm to a safe pose") # pmg = PlayMotionGoal() # pmg.motion_name = 'pick_final_pose' # pmg.skip_planning = False # self.play_m_as.send_goal_and_wait(pmg) # rospy.loginfo("Raise object done.") # Place the object back to its position rospy.loginfo("Gonna place near where it was ...........") # pick_g.object_pose.pose.position.z += 0.05 pick_g.object_pose.pose.position.z += 0.05 pick_g.object_pose.pose.position.y += 0.2 self.place_as.send_goal_and_wait(pick_g) rospy.loginfo("Done!") def lift_torso(self): rospy.loginfo("Moving torso up") jt = JointTrajectory() jt.joint_names = ['torso_lift_joint'] jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = [0.34] jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(2.5) jt.points.append(jtp) self.torso_cmd.publish(jt) def turn_wrist(self, pour=True): wrist_state = -2.0 joint_state = rospy.wait_for_message('/joint_states', JointState) j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6, j7 = joint_state.position[:7] rospy.loginfo("Starting wrist state: " + str(j7)) max_try = 0 turn_target = 1.5 if pour: rospy.loginfo("Turning Arm Forward") max_wrist_state = j7 + turn_target while j7 < max_wrist_state and max_try < 20: jt = JointTrajectory() jt.joint_names = [ 'arm_1_joint', 'arm_2_joint', 'arm_3_joint', 'arm_4_joint', 'arm_5_joint', 'arm_6_joint', 'arm_7_joint' ] jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = [j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6, j7 + 0.5] jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(2) jt.points.append(jtp) self.trajectory_cmd.publish(jt) rospy.sleep(0.25) # check the wrist joint state joint_state = rospy.wait_for_message('/joint_states', JointState) j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6, j7 = joint_state.position[:7] rospy.loginfo("Current wrist state: " + str(j7)) max_try += 1 rospy.loginfo("Done.") else: rospy.loginfo("Turning Arm Backward") max_wrist_state = j7 - turn_target # 2.09462737056 # while j7 > max_wrist_state and max_try < 20: while j7 > max_wrist_state and max_try < 20: jt = JointTrajectory() jt.joint_names = [ 'arm_1_joint', 'arm_2_joint', 'arm_3_joint', 'arm_4_joint', 'arm_5_joint', 'arm_6_joint', 'arm_7_joint' ] jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = [j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6, j7 - 0.5] jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(2) jt.points.append(jtp) self.trajectory_cmd.publish(jt) rospy.sleep(0.25) # check the wrist joint state joint_state = rospy.wait_for_message('/joint_states', JointState) j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6, j7 = joint_state.position[:7] rospy.loginfo("Current wrist state: " + str(j7)) max_try += 1 rospy.loginfo("Done.") def lower_head(self): rospy.loginfo("Moving head down") jt = JointTrajectory() jt.joint_names = ['head_1_joint', 'head_2_joint'] jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = [0.0, -1.0] jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(2.0) jt.points.append(jtp) self.head_cmd.publish(jt) rospy.loginfo("Done.") def prepare_robot(self): rospy.loginfo("Unfold arm safely") pmg = PlayMotionGoal() pmg.motion_name = 'arm_raise' # pmg.motion_name = 'pregrasp' pmg.skip_planning = False self.play_m_as.send_goal_and_wait(pmg) rospy.loginfo("Done.") self.lower_head() rospy.loginfo("Robot prepared.") def open_gripper(self): rospy.loginfo("Opening Gripper") jt = JointTrajectory() jt.joint_names = [ 'gripper_left_finger_joint', 'gripper_right_finger_joint' ] jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = [0.044, 0.044] jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(0.5) jt.points.append(jtp) self.gripper_cmd.publish(jt) rospy.loginfo("Done.") def open_hey5(self): rospy.loginfo("Opening Gripper") jt = JointTrajectory() jt.joint_names = [ 'hand_thumb_joint', 'hand_index_joint', 'hand_mrl_joint' ] jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0] jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(0.1) jt.points.append(jtp) jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(2.5) jt.points.append(jtp) self.hey5_cmd.publish(jt) rospy.loginfo("Done.") def close_hey5(self): rospy.loginfo("Closing Gripper") jt = JointTrajectory() jt.joint_names = [ 'hand_thumb_joint', 'hand_index_joint', 'hand_mrl_joint' ] jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = [2.37, 0.0, 0.0] jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(0.1) jt.points.append(jtp) jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = [6.2, 6.8, 9.2] jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(2.5) jt.points.append(jtp) self.hey5_cmd.publish(jt) rospy.loginfo("Done.")
segment = SegmentScene() res = segment.execute() if not res: exit(1) rospy.loginfo('Scene segmented') closest_index = res[1][0][0] grasp_client = SimpleActionClient('grasp_object', GraspObjectAction) grasp_client.wait_for_server() grasp_goal = GraspObjectGoal() grasp_goal.category_id = -1 grasp_goal.graspable_object = res[0].graspable_objects[closest_index] grasp_goal.collision_object_name = res[0].collision_object_names[closest_index] grasp_goal.collision_support_surface_name = res[0].collision_support_surface_name result = grasp_client.send_goal_and_wait(grasp_goal) if result != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: rospy.logerr('failed to grasp') reset.execute() exit(1) rospy.loginfo('Grasped an object') lift_client = SimpleActionClient('lift_object', LiftObjectAction) lift_client.wait_for_server() lift_goal = LiftObjectGoal() lift_goal.category_id = 0 lift_goal.graspable_object = res[0].graspable_objects[closest_index] lift_goal.collision_object_name = res[0].collision_object_names[closest_index] lift_goal.collision_support_surface_name = res[0].collision_support_surface_name
#!/usr/bin/env python import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('w2_object_manipulation_launch') import rospy from actionlib import SimpleActionClient from actionlib_msgs.msg import GoalStatus from w2_object_manipulation_launch.msg import DoInfomaxAction from w2_object_manipulation_launch.msg import DoInfomaxGoal if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('infomax_action_sm_tester') client = SimpleActionClient('do_infomax', DoInfomaxAction) client.wait_for_server() goal = DoInfomaxGoal() goal.graspable_object_name = 'graspable_object_1' result = client.send_goal_and_wait(goal) if result == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: rospy.loginfo('infomax action state machine successfully completed execution') else: rospy.loginfo('failed to infomax an object')
class Gripper(): """ Wrapper for all the action client stuff """ def __init__(self): """ Instantiate action clients and wait for communication with servers """ self.client_gripper = SimpleActionClient("r_gripper_sensor_controller/gripper_action", Pr2GripperCommandAction) self.client_contact = SimpleActionClient("r_gripper_sensor_controller/find_contact", PR2GripperFindContactAction) self.client_force = SimpleActionClient("r_gripper_sensor_controller/force_servo", PR2GripperForceServoAction) self.client_gripper.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(10.0)) self.client_contact.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(10.0)) self.client_force.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(10.0)) rospy.loginfo('All servers ready!') rospy.Subscriber('r_gripper_pressure_balance', String, self.store_balance) def store_balance(self, balance): """ Stores gripper balance. """ self.balance = def open(self): """ Open the gripper """ goal_open = Pr2GripperCommandGoal() goal_open.command.position = 0.09 goal_open.command.max_effort = -1.0 rospy.loginfo("Sending goal: OPEN") self.client_gripper.send_goal_and_wait(goal_open) if (self.client_gripper.get_state() == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED): rospy.loginfo('SUCCESS. The gripper opened!') else: rospy.loginfo('FAILURE. The gripper failed to open.') def open_manual(self, position): """ Open the gripper """ goal_open = Pr2GripperCommandGoal() goal_open.command.position = position goal_open.command.max_effort = -1.0 rospy.loginfo("Sending goal: OPEN") self.client_gripper.send_goal_and_wait(goal_open) if (self.client_gripper.get_state() == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED): rospy.loginfo('SUCCESS. The gripper opened!') else: rospy.loginfo('FAILURE. The gripper failed to open.') def close(self): """ Close the gripper """ goal_close = Pr2GripperCommandGoal() goal_close.command.position = 0.00 goal_close.command.max_effort = 20.0 rospy.loginfo("Sending goal: CLOSE") self.client_gripper.send_goal_and_wait(goal_close) if (self.client_gripper.get_state() == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED): rospy.loginfo('SUCCESS. The gripper closed!') else: rospy.loginfo('FAILURE. The gripper failed to close.') def hold(self, holdForce): """ Hold something with a specified grip force """ goal_squeeze = PR2GripperForceServoGoal() goal_squeeze.command.fingertip_force = holdForce rospy.loginfo("Sending goal: HOLD with {0}N of force.".format(holdForce)) self.client_force.send_goal_and_wait( goal_squeeze ) if (self.client_force.get_state() == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED): rospy.loginfo('SUCCESS. Stable force achieved!') else: rospy.loginfo('FAILURE. Stable force was NOT achieved.') def findTwoContacts(self): """ Find two contacts and go into force control mode """ goal_contact = PR2GripperFindContactGoal() goal_contact.command.contact_conditions = goal_contact.command.BOTH # close until both fingers contact goal_contact.command.zero_fingertip_sensors = True # zero fingertip sensors before moving rospy.loginfo("Sending goal: FIND TWO CONTACTS") self.client_contact.send_goal_and_wait(goal_contact) if (self.client_contact.get_state() == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED): rospy.loginfo('SUCCESS. Contact found at left: {0} and right: {1}'.format(self.client_contact.get_result().data.left_fingertip_pad_contact, self.client_contact.get_result().data.right_fingertip_pad_contact)) rospy.loginfo('Contact force for left: {0} and right: {1}'.format(self.client_contact.get_result().data.left_fingertip_pad_force, self.client_contact.get_result().data.right_fingertip_pad_force)) else: rospy.loginfo('FAILURE. No contact found or force not able to be maintained')
if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('test_play_motion_from_tts_feedback_node') ac = SimpleActionClient(TTS_AS, TtsAction) rospy.loginfo("Trying to connect to: " + TTS_AS) connecting_tries = 0 while not ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(2.0)) and connecting_tries < 5: rospy.logwarn("Retrying connecting to " + TTS_AS) connecting_tries += 1 if connecting_tries >= 5: rospy.logerr("Couldn't connect to " + TTS_AS) exit(0) tg = TtsGoal() tg.rawtext.text = 'I say yes <mark name="doTrick trickName=yes"/> and move my head' tg.rawtext.lang_id = "en_US" rospy.loginfo("Sending goal: " + str(tg)) ac.send_goal_and_wait(tg) rospy.loginfo("Goal sent!") # text: # section: '' # key: '' # lang_id: '' # arguments: [] # rawtext: # text: 'I say yes <mark name="doTrick trickName=yes"/> and move my head' # lang_id: 'en_US' # speakerName: '' # wait_before_speaking: 0.0
class GiskardWrapper(object): def __init__(self, node_name=u'giskard'): giskard_topic = u'{}/command'.format(node_name) if giskard_topic is not None: self._client = SimpleActionClient(giskard_topic, MoveAction) self._update_world_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( u'{}/update_world'.format(node_name), UpdateWorld) self._get_object_names_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( u'{}/get_object_names'.format(node_name), GetObjectNames) self._get_object_info_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( u'{}/get_object_info'.format(node_name), GetObjectInfo) self._update_rviz_markers_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( u'{}/update_rviz_markers'.format(node_name), UpdateRvizMarkers) self._get_attached_objects_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( u'{}/get_attached_objects'.format(node_name), GetAttachedObjects) self._marker_pub = rospy.Publisher(u'visualization_marker_array', MarkerArray, queue_size=10) rospy.wait_for_service(u'{}/update_world'.format(node_name)) self._client.wait_for_server() self.robot_urdf = URDFObject(rospy.get_param(u'robot_description')) self.collisions = [] self.clear_cmds() self._object_js_topics = {} rospy.sleep(.3) def get_robot_name(self): """ :rtype: str """ return self.robot_urdf.get_name() def get_root(self): """ Returns the name of the robot's root link :rtype: str """ return self.robot_urdf.get_root() def get_robot_links(self): """ Returns a list of the robots links :rtype: dict """ return self.robot_urdf.get_link_names() def get_joint_states(self, topic=u'joint_states', timeout=1): """ Returns a dictionary of all joints (key) and their position (value) :param topic: joint_state topic :param timeout: duration to wait for JointState msg :return: OrderedDict[str, float] """ try: msg = rospy.wait_for_message(topic, JointState, rospy.Duration(timeout)) return to_joint_state_position_dict(msg) except rospy.ROSException: rospy.logwarn("get_joint_states: wait_for_message timeout") return {} def set_cart_goal(self, root_link, tip_link, goal_pose, max_linear_velocity=None, max_angular_velocity=None, weight=None): """ This goal will use the kinematic chain between root and tip link to move tip link into the goal pose :param root_link: name of the root link of the kin chain :type root_link: str :param tip_link: name of the tip link of the kin chain :type tip_link: str :param goal_pose: the goal pose :type goal_pose: PoseStamped :param max_linear_velocity: m/s, default 0.1 :type max_linear_velocity: float :param max_angular_velocity: rad/s, default 0.5 :type max_angular_velocity: float :param weight: default WEIGHT_ABOVE_CA :type weight: float """ self.set_translation_goal(root_link, tip_link, goal_pose, max_velocity=max_linear_velocity, weight=weight) self.set_rotation_goal(root_link, tip_link, goal_pose, max_velocity=max_angular_velocity, weight=weight) def set_translation_goal(self, root_link, tip_link, goal_pose, weight=None, max_velocity=None): """ This goal will use the kinematic chain between root and tip link to move tip link into the goal position :param root_link: name of the root link of the kin chain :type root_link: str :param tip_link: name of the tip link of the kin chain :type tip_link: str :param goal_pose: the goal pose, orientation will be ignored :type goal_pose: PoseStamped :param max_velocity: m/s, default 0.1 :type max_velocity: float :param weight: default WEIGHT_ABOVE_CA :type weight: float """ if not max_velocity and not weight: constraint = CartesianConstraint() constraint.type = CartesianConstraint.TRANSLATION_3D constraint.root_link = str(root_link) constraint.tip_link = str(tip_link) constraint.goal = goal_pose self.cmd_seq[-1].cartesian_constraints.append(constraint) else: constraint = Constraint() constraint.type = u'CartesianPosition' params = {} params[u'root_link'] = root_link params[u'tip_link'] = tip_link params[u'goal'] = convert_ros_message_to_dictionary(goal_pose) if max_velocity: params[u'max_velocity'] = max_velocity if weight: params[u'weight'] = weight constraint.parameter_value_pair = json.dumps(params) self.cmd_seq[-1].constraints.append(constraint) def set_rotation_goal(self, root_link, tip_link, goal_pose, weight=None, max_velocity=None): """ This goal will use the kinematic chain between root and tip link to move tip link into the goal orientation :param root_link: name of the root link of the kin chain :type root_link: str :param tip_link: name of the tip link of the kin chain :type tip_link: str :param goal_pose: the goal pose, position will be ignored :type goal_pose: PoseStamped :param max_velocity: rad/s, default 0.5 :type max_velocity: float :param weight: default WEIGHT_ABOVE_CA :type weight: float """ if not max_velocity and not weight: constraint = CartesianConstraint() constraint.type = CartesianConstraint.ROTATION_3D constraint.root_link = str(root_link) constraint.tip_link = str(tip_link) constraint.goal = goal_pose self.cmd_seq[-1].cartesian_constraints.append(constraint) else: constraint = Constraint() constraint.type = u'CartesianOrientationSlerp' params = {} params[u'root_link'] = root_link params[u'tip_link'] = tip_link params[u'goal'] = convert_ros_message_to_dictionary(goal_pose) if max_velocity: params[u'max_velocity'] = max_velocity if weight: params[u'weight'] = weight constraint.parameter_value_pair = json.dumps(params) self.cmd_seq[-1].constraints.append(constraint) def set_joint_goal(self, goal_state, weight=None, max_velocity=None): """ This goal will move the robots joint to the desired configuration. :param goal_state: Can either be a joint state messages or a dict mapping joint name to position. :type goal_state: Union[JointState, dict] :param weight: default WEIGHT_BELOW_CA :type weight: float :param max_velocity: default is the default of the added joint goals :type max_velocity: float """ if weight is None and max_velocity is None: constraint = JointConstraint() constraint.type = JointConstraint.JOINT if isinstance(goal_state, JointState): constraint.goal_state = goal_state else: for joint_name, joint_position in goal_state.items(): constraint.goal_state.position.append(joint_position) self.cmd_seq[-1].joint_constraints.append(constraint) else: constraint = Constraint() constraint.type = JointConstraint.JOINT if isinstance(goal_state, JointState): goal_state = goal_state else: goal_state2 = JointState() for joint_name, joint_position in goal_state.items(): goal_state2.position.append(joint_position) goal_state = goal_state2 params = {} params[u'goal_state'] = convert_ros_message_to_dictionary( goal_state) if weight is not None: params[u'weight'] = weight if max_velocity is not None: params[u'max_velocity'] = max_velocity constraint.parameter_value_pair = json.dumps(params) self.cmd_seq[-1].constraints.append(constraint) def align_planes(self, tip_link, tip_normal, root_link=None, root_normal=None, max_angular_velocity=None, weight=WEIGHT_ABOVE_CA): """ This Goal will use the kinematic chain between tip and root normal to align both :param root_link: name of the root link for the kinematic chain, default robot root link :type root_link: str :param tip_link: name of the tip link for the kinematic chain :type tip_link: str :param tip_normal: normal at the tip of the kin chain, default is z axis of robot root link :type tip_normal: Vector3Stamped :param root_normal: normal at the root of the kin chain :type root_normal: Vector3Stamped :param max_angular_velocity: rad/s, default 0.5 :type max_angular_velocity: float :param weight: default WEIGHT_BELOW_CA :type weight: float """ if root_link is None: root_link = self.get_root() if root_normal is None: root_normal = Vector3Stamped() root_normal.header.frame_id = self.get_root() root_normal.vector.z = 1 params = { u'tip_link': tip_link, u'tip_normal': tip_normal, u'root_link': root_link, u'root_normal': root_normal } if weight is not None: params[u'weight'] = weight if max_angular_velocity is not None: params[u'max_angular_velocity'] = max_angular_velocity self.set_json_goal(u'AlignPlanes', **params) def avoid_joint_limits(self, percentage=15, weight=WEIGHT_BELOW_CA): """ This goal will push joints away from their position limits :param percentage: default 15, if limits are 0-100, the constraint will push into the 15-85 range :type percentage: float :param weight: default WEIGHT_BELOW_CA :type weight: float """ self.set_json_goal(u'AvoidJointLimits', percentage=percentage, weight=weight) def limit_cartesian_velocity(self, root_link, tip_link, weight=WEIGHT_ABOVE_CA, max_linear_velocity=0.1, max_angular_velocity=0.5, hard=True): """ This goal will limit the cartesian velocity of the tip link relative to root link :param root_link: root link of the kin chain :type root_link: str :param tip_link: tip link of the kin chain :type tip_link: str :param weight: default WEIGHT_ABOVE_CA :type weight: float :param max_linear_velocity: m/s, default 0.1 :type max_linear_velocity: float :param max_angular_velocity: rad/s, default 0.5 :type max_angular_velocity: float :param hard: default True, will turn this into a hard constraint, that will always be satisfied, can could make some goal combination infeasible :type hard: bool """ self.set_json_goal(u'CartesianVelocityLimit', root_link=root_link, tip_link=tip_link, weight=weight, max_linear_velocity=max_linear_velocity, max_angular_velocity=max_angular_velocity, hard=hard) def grasp_bar(self, root_link, tip_link, tip_grasp_axis, bar_center, bar_axis, bar_length, max_linear_velocity=0.1, max_angular_velocity=0.5, weight=WEIGHT_ABOVE_CA): """ This goal can be used to grasp bars. It's like a cartesian goal with some freedom along one axis. :param root_link: root link of the kin chain :type root_link: str :param tip_link: tip link of the kin chain :type tip_link: str :param tip_grasp_axis: this axis of the tip will be aligned with bar_axis :type tip_grasp_axis: Vector3Stamped :param bar_center: center of the bar :type bar_center: PointStamped :param bar_axis: tip_grasp_axis will be aligned with this vector :type bar_axis: Vector3Stamped :param bar_length: length of the bar :type bar_length: float :param max_linear_velocity: m/s, default 0.1 :type max_linear_velocity: float :param max_angular_velocity: rad/s, default 0.5 :type max_angular_velocity: float :param weight: default WEIGHT_ABOVE_CA :type weight: float """ self.set_json_goal(u'GraspBar', root_link=root_link, tip_link=tip_link, tip_grasp_axis=tip_grasp_axis, bar_center=bar_center, bar_axis=bar_axis, bar_length=bar_length, max_linear_velocity=max_linear_velocity, max_angular_velocity=max_angular_velocity, weight=weight) def set_pull_door_goal(self, tip_link, object_name_prefix, object_link_name, angle_goal, weight=WEIGHT_ABOVE_CA): """ :type tip_link: str :param tip_link: tip of manipulator (gripper) which is used :type object_name_prefix: object name link prefix :param object_name_prefix: string :type object_link_name str :param object_link_name name of the object link name :type object_link_name str :param object_link_name handle to grasp :type angle_goal: float :param angle_goal: how far to open :type weight float :param weight Default = WEIGHT_ABOVE_CA """ self.set_json_goal(u'OpenDoor', tip_link=tip_link, object_name=object_name_prefix, object_link_name=object_link_name, angle_goal=angle_goal, weight=weight) def update_god_map(self, updates): """ don't use, it's only for hacks :) """ self.set_json_goal(u'UpdateGodMap', updates=updates) def pointing(self, tip_link, goal_point, root_link=None, pointing_axis=None, weight=None): """ Uses the kinematic chain from root_link to tip_link to move the pointing axis, such that it points to the goal point. :param tip_link: name of the tip of the kin chain :type tip_link: str :param goal_point: where the pointing_axis will point towards :type goal_point: PointStamped :param root_link: name of the root of the kin chain :type root_link: str :param pointing_axis: default is z axis, this axis will point towards the goal_point :type pointing_axis: Vector3Stamped :param weight: default WEIGHT_BELOW_CA :type weight: float """ kwargs = {u'tip_link': tip_link, u'goal_point': goal_point} if root_link is not None: kwargs[u'root_link'] = root_link if pointing_axis is not None: kwargs[u'pointing_axis'] = pointing_axis if weight is not None: kwargs[u'weight'] = weight kwargs[u'goal_point'] = goal_point self.set_json_goal(u'Pointing', **kwargs) def set_json_goal(self, constraint_type, **kwargs): """ Set a goal for any of the goals defined in :param constraint_type: Name of the Goal :type constraint_type: str :param kwargs: maps constraint parameter names to values. Values should be float, str or ros messages. :type kwargs: dict """ constraint = Constraint() constraint.type = constraint_type for k, v in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(v, Message): kwargs[k] = convert_ros_message_to_dictionary(v) constraint.parameter_value_pair = json.dumps(kwargs) self.cmd_seq[-1].constraints.append(constraint) def set_collision_entries(self, collisions): """ Adds collision entries to the current goal :param collisions: list of CollisionEntry :type collisions: list """ self.cmd_seq[-1].collisions.extend(collisions) def allow_collision(self, robot_links=(CollisionEntry.ALL, ), body_b=CollisionEntry.ALL, link_bs=(CollisionEntry.ALL, )): """ :param robot_links: list of robot link names as str, None or empty list means all :type robot_links: list :param body_b: name of the other body, use the robots name to modify self collision behavior, empty string means all bodies :type body_b: str :param link_bs: list of link name of body_b, None or empty list means all :type link_bs: list """ collision_entry = CollisionEntry() collision_entry.type = CollisionEntry.ALLOW_COLLISION collision_entry.robot_links = [str(x) for x in robot_links] collision_entry.body_b = str(body_b) collision_entry.link_bs = [str(x) for x in link_bs] self.set_collision_entries([collision_entry]) def avoid_collision(self, min_dist, robot_links=(CollisionEntry.ALL, ), body_b=CollisionEntry.ALL, link_bs=(CollisionEntry.ALL, )): """ :param min_dist: the distance giskard is trying to keep between specified links :type min_dist: float :param robot_links: list of robot link names as str, None or empty list means all :type robot_links: list :param body_b: name of the other body, use the robots name to modify self collision behavior, empty string means all bodies :type body_b: str :param link_bs: list of link name of body_b, None or empty list means all :type link_bs: list """ collision_entry = CollisionEntry() collision_entry.type = CollisionEntry.AVOID_COLLISION collision_entry.min_dist = min_dist collision_entry.robot_links = [str(x) for x in robot_links] collision_entry.body_b = str(body_b) collision_entry.link_bs = [str(x) for x in link_bs] self.set_collision_entries([collision_entry]) def allow_all_collisions(self): """ Allows all collisions for next goal. """ collision_entry = CollisionEntry() collision_entry.type = CollisionEntry.ALLOW_COLLISION collision_entry.robot_links = [CollisionEntry.ALL] collision_entry.body_b = CollisionEntry.ALL collision_entry.link_bs = [CollisionEntry.ALL] self.set_collision_entries([collision_entry]) def allow_self_collision(self): """ Allows the collision with itself for the next goal. """ collision_entry = CollisionEntry() collision_entry.type = CollisionEntry.ALLOW_COLLISION collision_entry.robot_links = [CollisionEntry.ALL] collision_entry.body_b = self.get_robot_name() collision_entry.link_bs = [CollisionEntry.ALL] self.set_collision_entries([collision_entry]) def avoid_self_collision(self): """ Avoid collisions with itself for the next goal. """ collision_entry = CollisionEntry() collision_entry.type = CollisionEntry.AVOID_COLLISION collision_entry.robot_links = [CollisionEntry.ALL] collision_entry.body_b = self.get_robot_name() collision_entry.link_bs = [CollisionEntry.ALL] self.set_collision_entries([collision_entry]) def avoid_all_collisions(self, distance=0.05): """ Avoids all collisions for next goal. The distance will override anything from the config file. If you don't want to override the distance, don't call this function. Avoid all is the default, if you don't add any collision entries. :param distance: the distance that giskard is trying to keep from all objects :type distance: float """ collision_entry = CollisionEntry() collision_entry.type = CollisionEntry.AVOID_COLLISION collision_entry.robot_links = [CollisionEntry.ALL] collision_entry.body_b = CollisionEntry.ALL collision_entry.link_bs = [CollisionEntry.ALL] collision_entry.min_dist = distance self.set_collision_entries([collision_entry]) def add_cmd(self): """ Adds another command to the goal sequence. Any set goal calls will be added the this new goal. This is used, if you want Giskard to plan multiple goals in succession. """ move_cmd = MoveCmd() self.cmd_seq.append(move_cmd) def clear_cmds(self): """ Removes all move commands from the current goal, collision entries are left untouched. """ self.cmd_seq = [] self.add_cmd() def plan_and_execute(self, wait=True): """ :param wait: this function block if wait=True :type wait: bool :return: result from giskard :rtype: MoveResult """ return self.send_goal(MoveGoal.PLAN_AND_EXECUTE, wait) def check_reachability(self, wait=True): """ Not implemented :param wait: this function block if wait=True :type wait: bool :return: result from giskard :rtype: MoveResult """ return self.send_goal(MoveGoal.CHECK_REACHABILITY, wait) def plan(self, wait=True): """ Plans, but doesn't execute the goal. Useful, if you just want to look at the planning ghost. :param wait: this function block if wait=True :type wait: bool :return: result from giskard :rtype: MoveResult """ return self.send_goal(MoveGoal.PLAN_ONLY, wait) def send_goal(self, goal_type, wait=True): goal = self._get_goal() goal.type = goal_type if wait: self._client.send_goal_and_wait(goal) return self._client.get_result() else: self._client.send_goal(goal) def get_collision_entries(self): return self.cmd_seq def _get_goal(self): goal = MoveGoal() goal.cmd_seq = self.cmd_seq goal.type = MoveGoal.PLAN_AND_EXECUTE self.clear_cmds() return goal def interrupt(self): """ Stops any goal that Giskard is processing. """ self._client.cancel_goal() def get_result(self, timeout=rospy.Duration()): """ Waits for giskardpy result and returns it. Only used when plan_and_execute was called with wait=False :type timeout: rospy.Duration :rtype: MoveResult """ self._client.wait_for_result(timeout) return self._client.get_result() def clear_world(self): """ Removes any objects and attached objects from Giskard's world and reverts the robots urdf to what it got from the parameter server. :rtype: UpdateWorldResponse """ req = UpdateWorldRequest(UpdateWorldRequest.REMOVE_ALL, WorldBody(), False, PoseStamped()) return def remove_object(self, name): """ :param name: :type name: str :return: :rtype: UpdateWorldResponse """ object = WorldBody() = str(name) req = UpdateWorldRequest(UpdateWorldRequest.REMOVE, object, False, PoseStamped()) return def add_box(self, name=u'box', size=(1, 1, 1), frame_id=u'map', position=(0, 0, 0), orientation=(0, 0, 0, 1), pose=None): """ If pose is used, frame_id, position and orientation are ignored. :type name: str :param size: (x length, y length, z length) in m :type size: list :type frame_id: str :type position: list :type orientation: list :type pose: PoseStamped :rtype: UpdateWorldResponse """ box = make_world_body_box(name, size[0], size[1], size[2]) if pose is None: pose = PoseStamped() pose.header.stamp = pose.header.frame_id = str(frame_id) pose.pose.position = Point(*position) pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*orientation) req = UpdateWorldRequest(UpdateWorldRequest.ADD, box, False, pose) return def add_sphere(self, name=u'sphere', size=1, frame_id=u'map', position=(0, 0, 0), orientation=(0, 0, 0, 1), pose=None): """ If pose is used, frame_id, position and orientation are ignored. :type name: str :param size: radius in m :type size: list :type frame_id: str :type position: list :type orientation: list :type pose: PoseStamped :rtype: UpdateWorldResponse """ object = WorldBody() object.type = WorldBody.PRIMITIVE_BODY = str(name) if pose is None: pose = PoseStamped() pose.header.stamp = pose.header.frame_id = str(frame_id) pose.pose.position = Point(*position) pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*orientation) object.shape.type = SolidPrimitive.SPHERE object.shape.dimensions.append(size) req = UpdateWorldRequest(UpdateWorldRequest.ADD, object, False, pose) return def add_mesh(self, name=u'mesh', mesh=u'', frame_id=u'map', position=(0, 0, 0), orientation=(0, 0, 0, 1), pose=None): """ If pose is used, frame_id, position and orientation are ignored. :type name: str :param mesh: path to the meshes location. e.g. package://giskardpy/test/urdfs/meshes/bowl_21.obj :type frame_id: str :type position: list :type orientation: list :type pose: PoseStamped :rtype: UpdateWorldResponse """ object = WorldBody() object.type = WorldBody.MESH_BODY = str(name) if pose is None: pose = PoseStamped() pose.header.stamp = pose.header.frame_id = str(frame_id) pose.pose.position = Point(*position) pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*orientation) object.mesh = mesh req = UpdateWorldRequest(UpdateWorldRequest.ADD, object, False, pose) return def add_cylinder(self, name=u'cylinder', height=1, radius=1, frame_id=u'map', position=(0, 0, 0), orientation=(0, 0, 0, 1), pose=None): """ If pose is used, frame_id, position and orientation are ignored. :type name: str :param height: in m :type height: float :param radius: in m :type radius: float :type frame_id: str :type position: list :type orientation: list :type pose: PoseStamped :rtype: UpdateWorldResponse """ object = WorldBody() object.type = WorldBody.PRIMITIVE_BODY = str(name) if pose is None: pose = PoseStamped() pose.header.stamp = pose.header.frame_id = str(frame_id) pose.pose.position = Point(*position) pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*orientation) object.shape.type = SolidPrimitive.CYLINDER object.shape.dimensions = [0, 0] object.shape.dimensions[SolidPrimitive.CYLINDER_HEIGHT] = height object.shape.dimensions[SolidPrimitive.CYLINDER_RADIUS] = radius req = UpdateWorldRequest(UpdateWorldRequest.ADD, object, False, pose) return def attach_box(self, name=u'box', size=None, frame_id=None, position=None, orientation=None, pose=None): """ Add a box to the world and attach it to the robot at frame_id. If pose is used, frame_id, position and orientation are ignored. :type name: str :type size: list :type frame_id: str :type position: list :type orientation: list :type pose: PoseStamped :param pose: pose of the box :rtype: UpdateWorldResponse """ box = make_world_body_box(name, size[0], size[1], size[2]) if pose is None: pose = PoseStamped() pose.header.stamp = pose.header.frame_id = str( frame_id) if frame_id is not None else u'map' pose.pose.position = Point( *(position if position is not None else [0, 0, 0])) pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion( *(orientation if orientation is not None else [0, 0, 0, 1])) req = UpdateWorldRequest(UpdateWorldRequest.ADD, box, True, pose) return def attach_cylinder(self, name=u'cylinder', height=1, radius=1, frame_id=None, position=None, orientation=None): """ Add a cylinder to the world and attach it to the robot at frame_id. If pose is used, frame_id, position and orientation are ignored. :type name: str :type height: int :param height: height of the cylinder. Default = 1 :type radius: int :param radius: radius of the cylinder. Default = 1 :type frame_id: str :type position: list :type orientation: list :rtype: UpdateWorldResponse """ cylinder = make_world_body_cylinder(name, height, radius) pose = PoseStamped() pose.header.stamp = pose.header.frame_id = str( frame_id) if frame_id is not None else u'map' pose.pose.position = Point( *(position if position is not None else [0, 0, 0])) pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion( *(orientation if orientation is not None else [0, 0, 0, 1])) req = UpdateWorldRequest(UpdateWorldRequest.ADD, cylinder, True, pose) return def attach_object(self, name, link_frame_id): """ Attach an already existing object at link_frame_id of the robot. :type name: str :param link_frame_id: name of a robot link :type link_frame_id: str :return: UpdateWorldResponse """ req = UpdateWorldRequest() req.rigidly_attached = True = name req.pose.header.frame_id = link_frame_id req.operation = UpdateWorldRequest.ADD return def detach_object(self, object_name): """ Detach an object from the robot and add it back to the world. Careful though, you could amputate an arm be accident! :type object_name: str :return: UpdateWorldResponse """ req = UpdateWorldRequest() = object_name req.operation = req.DETACH return def add_urdf(self, name, urdf, pose, js_topic=u'', set_js_topic=None): """ Adds a urdf to the world :param name: name it will have in the world :type name: str :param urdf: urdf as string, no path :type urdf: str :type pose: PoseStamped :param js_topic: Giskard will listen on that topic for joint states and update the urdf accordingly :type js_topic: str :param set_js_topic: A topic that the python wrapper will use to set the urdf joint state. If None, set_js_topic == js_topic :type set_js_topic: str :return: UpdateWorldResponse """ if set_js_topic is None: set_js_topic = js_topic urdf_body = WorldBody() = str(name) urdf_body.type = WorldBody.URDF_BODY urdf_body.urdf = str(urdf) urdf_body.joint_state_topic = str(js_topic) req = UpdateWorldRequest(UpdateWorldRequest.ADD, urdf_body, False, pose) if js_topic: # FIXME publisher has to be removed, when object gets deleted # FIXME there could be sync error, if objects get added/removed by something else self._object_js_topics[name] = rospy.Publisher(set_js_topic, JointState, queue_size=10) return def set_object_joint_state(self, object_name, joint_states): """ :type object_name: str :param joint_states: joint state message or a dict that maps joint name to position :type joint_states: Union[JointState, dict] :return: UpdateWorldResponse """ if isinstance(joint_states, dict): joint_states = position_dict_to_joint_states(joint_states) self._object_js_topics[object_name].publish(joint_states) def get_object_names(self): """ returns the names of every object in the world :rtype: GetObjectNamesResponse """ return self._get_object_names_srv() def get_object_info(self, name): """ returns the joint state, joint state topic and pose of the object with the given name :type name: str :rtype: GetObjectInfoResponse """ return self._get_object_info_srv(name) def update_rviz_markers(self, object_names): """ republishes visualization markers for rviz :type object_names: list :rtype: UpdateRvizMarkersResponse """ return self._update_rviz_markers_srv(object_names) def get_attached_objects(self): """ returns a list of all objects that are attached to the robot and the respective attachement points :rtype: GetAttachedObjectsResponse """ return self._get_attached_objects_srv()
class ChipBehaviour(object): def __init__(self): rospy.loginfo("Initializing ChipBehaviour") moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander() scene = moveit_commander.PlanningSceneInterface() = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander("right_arm_torso") self.pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('/arm_pointing_pose', geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped, queue_size=1) self.tts_ac = SimpleActionClient('/tts', TtsAction) self.tts_ac.wait_for_server() self.point_head_ac = SimpleActionClient('/head_controller/point_head_action', PointHeadAction) self.point_head_ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(10.0)) self.faces_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/pal_face/faces', FaceDetections, self.faces_cb, queue_size=1) def point_at(self, x, y, z): # Get shoulder pose shoulder_pose = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose() shoulder_pose.position.x = -0.21 shoulder_pose.position.y = -0.22 shoulder_pose.position.z = 1.28 pose_target = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose() pose_target.orientation.w = 1.0 pose_target.position.y = x - 0.4 max_z = 3.0 if z > max_z: normalized_z = 1.0 elif z < 0.0: normalized_z = 0.0 else: normalized_z = z / 3.0 normalized_z = normalized_z / 3.0 pose_target.position.x = normalized_z - 0.05 pose_target.position.z = 1.3 rospy.loginfo("Sending arm to: " + str(pose_target)) ps = geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped() ps.header.frame_id = '/odom' ps.pose = pose_target self.pose_pub.publish(ps) plan1 = def faces_cb(self, msg): # msg = FaceDetections() if len(msg.faces) > 0: #rospy.loginfo("Face msg: " + str(msg.faces)) self.say("Oh, face") f = msg.faces[0] # f = FaceDetection() # self.look_at(f.position.x, f.position.y, f.position.z) self.point_at(f.position.x, f.position.y, f.position.z) def look_at(self, x, y, z): phg = PointHeadGoal() = '/stereo_optical_frame' = x = y = z phg.pointing_axis.z = 1.0 phg.pointing_frame = phg.min_duration = rospy.Duration(1.0) phg.max_velocity = 1.0 self.point_head_ac.send_goal_and_wait(phg) def say(self, text): rospy.loginfo("Creating goal with text: " + text) goal = TtsGoal() goal.rawtext.text = text goal.rawtext.lang_id = 'en_GB' rospy.loginfo("Sending goal!") self.tts_ac.send_goal_and_wait(goal) rospy.loginfo("We are done!")
class Gripper(object): def __init__(self, active=True): = active self.home_action = SimpleActionClient('/wsg50/home_gripper_action', HomeGripperAction) self.slipping_control_action = SimpleActionClient('/wsg50/slipping_control_action', SlippingControlAction) self.grasp_action = SimpleActionClient('/wsg50/grasp_action', GraspAction) self.get_state_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('/wsg50/slipping_control/get_state', GetState) self.ch_params0_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('/wsg50/ls_0/change_params', ChLSParams) self.ch_params1_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('/wsg50/ls_1/change_params', ChLSParams) def home(self): if self.home_action.send_goal_and_wait(HomeGripperGoal()) def grasp(self, force): if goal = GraspGoal() goal.desired_force = force self.grasp_action.send_goal_and_wait(goal) def gripper_pivoting(self): if goal = SlippingControlGoal() goal.mode = SlippingControlGoal.MODE_GRIPPER_PIVOTING self.slipping_control_action.send_goal_and_wait(goal) def slipping_avoidance(self): if goal = SlippingControlGoal() goal.mode = SlippingControlGoal.MODE_SLIPPING_AVOIDANCE self.slipping_control_action.send_goal_and_wait(goal) def get_state(self): if return self.get_state_service().state else: return 4 # define STATE_UNDEFINED -1 # define STATE_HOME 0 # define STATE_HOMING 1 # define STATE_COMPUTING_BIAS 2 # define STATE_GRASPING 3 # define STATE_GRASPED 4 # define STATE_TO_GRIPPER_PIVOTING 5 # define STATE_GRIPPER_PIVOTING 6 # define STATE_TO_SLIPPING_AVOIDANCE 7 # define STATE_SLIPPING_AVOIDANCE 8 # define STATE_TO_DYN_SLIPPING_AVOIDANCE 9 # define STATE_DYN_SLIPPING_AVOIDANCE 10 # define STATE_OBJECT_PIVOTING 11 def is_grasped(self): state = self.get_state() if state == 4 or state == 5 or state == 6 or state == 7 or state == 8 or state == 9 or state == 10: return True return False def change_params(self, mu): ch_msg = ChLSParamsRequest() = -1 ch_msg.gamma = -1 = mu ch_msg.k = -1 self.ch_params0_service(ch_msg) self.ch_params1_service(ch_msg)
def do_it(msg): rospy.loginfo('We are DOING IT!') # connect to cluster bounding box finding service rospy.loginfo('waiting for find_cluster_bounding_box service') rospy.wait_for_service('/find_cluster_bounding_box') find_bounding_box_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('/find_cluster_bounding_box', FindClusterBoundingBox) rospy.loginfo('connected to find_cluster_bounding_box') target_location = msg.target_location t_p1 = msg.object_bbox.points[0] t_p2 = msg.object_bbox.points[1] t_p1.y, t_p2.y = t_p2.y, t_p1.y reset = ResetRobot() reset.execute() rospy.loginfo('Robot reset') segment = SegmentScene() res = segment.execute() if not res: exit(1) rospy.loginfo('Scene segmented') # find a cluster that intersects with a provided bounding box for idx,cluster in enumerate(res[1]['segmentation_result'].clusters): bbox_response = find_bounding_box_srv(cluster) if bbox_response.error_code != FindClusterBoundingBoxResponse.SUCCESS: rospy.logwarn('unable to find for cluster %d bounding box' % idx) continue o_center = bbox_response.pose.pose.position o_p1 = Point32(o_center.x - bbox_response.box_dims.x, o_center.y - bbox_response.box_dims.y, o_center.z) o_p2 = Point32(o_center.x + bbox_response.box_dims.x, o_center.y + bbox_response.box_dims.y, o_center.z) print idx, t_p1, t_p2, o_p1, o_p2 if ((t_p1.x < o_p2.x and t_p1.y < o_p2.y) and (o_p1.x < t_p2.x and o_p1.y < t_p2.y)): closest_index = idx break grasp_client = SimpleActionClient('grasp_object', GraspObjectAction) grasp_client.wait_for_server() grasp_goal = GraspObjectGoal() grasp_goal.category_id = -1 grasp_goal.graspable_object = res[0].graspable_objects[closest_index] grasp_goal.collision_object_name = res[0].collision_object_names[closest_index] grasp_goal.collision_support_surface_name = res[0].collision_support_surface_name result = grasp_client.send_goal_and_wait(grasp_goal) if result != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: rospy.logerr('failed to grasp') reset.execute() exit(1) rospy.loginfo('Grasped an object') lift_client = SimpleActionClient('lift_object', LiftObjectAction) lift_client.wait_for_server() lift_goal = LiftObjectGoal() lift_goal.category_id = 0 lift_goal.graspable_object = res[0].graspable_objects[closest_index] lift_goal.collision_object_name = res[0].collision_object_names[closest_index] lift_goal.collision_support_surface_name = res[0].collision_support_surface_name result = lift_client.send_goal_and_wait(lift_goal) if result != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: rospy.logerr('failed to lift') exit(1) rospy.loginfo('Lifted an object') pudown_client = SimpleActionClient('put_down_at', PutDownAtAction) pudown_client.wait_for_server() putdown_goal = PutDownAtGoal() putdown_goal.category_id = -1 putdown_goal.graspable_object = res[0].graspable_objects[closest_index] putdown_goal.collision_object_name = res[0].collision_object_names[closest_index] putdown_goal.collision_support_surface_name = res[0].collision_support_surface_name putdown_goal.target_location = Point(target_location.x, target_location.y, target_location.z) #Point(0.468, 0.226, 0.251) result = pudown_client.send_goal_and_wait(putdown_goal) if result != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: rospy.logerr('failed to put down') reset.execute() exit(1) rospy.loginfo('Pu down the object') reset.execute()
randoms = [] max_value = max - min for i in range(n): randoms.append((random.random() * max_value) + min) # this scales the value between min and max return randoms if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('random_left_leg_goals') ctl_as = SimpleActionClient(CONTROLLER_AS, FollowJointTrajectoryAction) rospy.loginfo("Connecting to " + CONTROLLER_AS) ctl_as.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo("Connected.") while not rospy.is_shutdown(): fjtg = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() jt = JointTrajectory() #jt.joint_names = ['leg_left_1_joint', 'leg_left_2_joint', 'leg_left_3_joint', 'leg_left_4_joint', 'leg_left_5_joint', 'leg_left_6_joint'] jt.joint_names = JOINT_NAMES jtp = JointTrajectoryPoint() jtp.positions = get_n_randoms(len(JOINT_NAMES), -4.0, 4.0) jtp.velocities = [0.0] * len(JOINT_NAMES) #jtp.accelerations = [0.0] * len(JOINT_NAMES) #jtp.effort = [0.0] * len(JOINT_NAMES) jtp.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(random.random() + 0.5) # 0.5s to 1.5s jt.points.append(jtp) fjtg.trajectory = jt ctl_as.send_goal_and_wait(fjtg) rospy.loginfo("Sent: " + str(jt)) rospy.sleep(jtp.time_from_start)
class ResetRobot(): def __init__(self): self.action_index = 0 self.posture_controller = SimpleActionClient('/wubble_gripper_grasp_action', GraspHandPostureExecutionAction) self.gripper_controller = SimpleActionClient('/wubble_gripper_action', WubbleGripperAction) self.ready_arm_client = SimpleActionClient('/ready_arm', ReadyArmAction) self.collision_map_processing_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('/tabletop_collision_map_processing/tabletop_collision_map_processing', TabletopCollisionMapProcessing) self.get_grasp_status_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('/wubble_grasp_status', GraspStatus) def open_gripper(self): pg = GraspHandPostureExecutionGoal() pg.goal = GraspHandPostureExecutionGoal.RELEASE result = self.posture_controller.send_goal_and_wait(pg) if result != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: rospy.logerr('failed to open gripper') return False return True def gentle_close_gripper(self): pg = GraspHandPostureExecutionGoal() pg.goal = GraspHandPostureExecutionGoal.GRASP self.posture_controller.send_goal(pg) self.posture_controller.wait_for_result() goal = WubbleGripperGoal() goal.command = WubbleGripperGoal.CLOSE_GRIPPER goal.torque_limit = 0.0 goal.dynamic_torque_control = False self.gripper_controller.send_goal(goal) self.gripper_controller.wait_for_result() def ready_arm(self, collision_operations=OrderedCollisionOperations()): """ Moves the arm to the side out of the view of all sensors. In this position the arm is ready to perform a grasp action. """ goal = ReadyArmGoal() goal.collision_operations = collision_operations state = self.ready_arm_client.send_goal_and_wait(goal) return state == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED def reset_collision_map(self): req = TabletopCollisionMapProcessingRequest() req.detection_result = TabletopDetectionResult() req.reset_collision_models = True req.reset_attached_models = True self.collision_map_processing_srv(req) rospy.loginfo('collision map reset') def execute(self): rospy.loginfo('resetting robot') self.action_index = 0 self.reset_collision_map() current_state = find_current_arm_state() if current_state not in ['READY', 'TUCK']: grasp_status = self.get_grasp_status_srv() if grasp_status.is_hand_occupied: if not self.open_gripper(): return False if current_state != 'READY' and not self.ready_arm(): return False self.gentle_close_gripper() return True
class Pick_Place: def __init__(self): # Retrieve params: self._table_object_name = rospy.get_param('~table_object_name', 'Grasp_Table') self._grasp_object_name = rospy.get_param('~grasp_object_name', 'Grasp_Object') self._grasp_object_width = rospy.get_param('~grasp_object_width', 0.01) self._arm_group = rospy.get_param('~manipulator', 'manipulator') self._gripper_group = rospy.get_param('~gripper', 'gripper') self._approach_retreat_desired_dist = rospy.get_param('~approach_retreat_desired_dist', 0.2) self._approach_retreat_min_dist = rospy.get_param('~approach_retreat_min_dist', 0.1) # Create (debugging) publishers: self._grasps_pub = rospy.Publisher('grasps', PoseArray, queue_size=1, latch=True) self._places_pub = rospy.Publisher('places', PoseArray, queue_size=1, latch=True) # Create planning scene and robot commander: self._scene = PlanningSceneInterface() self._robot = RobotCommander() rospy.sleep(1.0) # Retrieve groups (arm and gripper): self._arm = self._robot.get_group(self._arm_group) self._gripper = self._robot.get_group(self._gripper_group) # # self._pose_table = self._scene.get_object_poses(self._table_object_name) # self._pose_coke_can = self._scene.get_object_poses(self._grasp_object_name) # self.setup() # Clean the scene: self._scene.remove_world_object(self._table_object_name) rospy.sleep(1.0) self._scene.remove_world_object(self._grasp_object_name) rospy.sleep(1.0) # # Add table and Coke can objects to the planning scene: self._pose_table = self._add_table(self._table_object_name) rospy.sleep(2.0) self._pose_coke_can = self._add_grasp_block_(self._grasp_object_name) rospy.sleep(2.0) # rospy.sleep(1.0) # Define target place pose: self._pose_place = Pose() self._pose_place.position.x = self._pose_coke_can.position.x self._pose_place.position.y = self._pose_coke_can.position.y - 0.06 self._pose_place.position.z = self._pose_coke_can.position.z self._pose_place.orientation = Quaternion(*quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # Create grasp generator 'generate' action client: self._grasps_ac = SimpleActionClient('/moveit_simple_grasps_server/generate', GenerateGraspsAction) if not self._grasps_ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5.0)): rospy.logerr('Grasp generator action client not available!') rospy.signal_shutdown('Grasp generator action client not available!') return # Create move group 'pickup' action client: self._pickup_ac = SimpleActionClient('/pickup', PickupAction) if not self._pickup_ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5.0)): rospy.logerr('Pick up action client not available!') rospy.signal_shutdown('Pick up action client not available!') return # Create move group 'place' action client: self._place_ac = SimpleActionClient('/place', PlaceAction) if not self._place_ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5.0)): rospy.logerr('Place action client not available!') rospy.signal_shutdown('Place action client not available!') return # Pick Coke can object: while not self._pickup(self._arm_group, self._grasp_object_name, self._grasp_object_width): rospy.logwarn('Pick up failed! Retrying ...') rospy.sleep(1.0) rospy.loginfo('Pick up successfully') # Place Coke can object on another place on the support surface (table): # while not self._place(self._arm_group, self._grasp_object_name, self._pose_place): # rospy.logwarn('Place failed! Retrying ...') # rospy.sleep(1.0) # # rospy.loginfo('Place successfully') def setup(): # Clean the scene: self._scene.remove_world_object(self._table_object_name) self._scene.remove_world_object(self._grasp_object_name) # Add table and Coke can objects to the planning scene: self._pose_table = self._add_table(self._table_object_name) self._pose_coke_can = self._add_grasp_block_(self._grasp_object_name) def __del__(self): # Clean the scene: self._scene.remove_world_object(self._grasp_object_name) self._scene.remove_world_object(self._table_object_name) self._scene.remove_attached_object() def _add_table(self, name): rospy.loginfo("entered table") p = PoseStamped() p.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame() p.header.stamp = p.pose.position.x = 0.0 p.pose.position.y = 0.0 p.pose.position.z = -0.2 q = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, numpy.deg2rad(90.0)) p.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q) # Table size from ~/.gazebo/models/table/model.sdf, using the values # for the surface link. self._scene.add_box(name, p, (9 , 9, 0.02)) return p.pose def _add_grasp_block_(self, name): rospy.loginfo("entered box grabber") p = PoseStamped() p.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame() p.header.stamp = p.pose.position.x = 0.5 p.pose.position.y = 0.05 p.pose.position.z = 0.32 q = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) p.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q) # Coke can size from ~/.gazebo/models/coke_can/meshes/coke_can.dae, # using the measure tape tool from meshlab. # The box is the bounding box of the coke cylinder. # The values are taken from the cylinder base diameter and height. self._scene.add_box(name, p, (0.1, 0.1, 0.1)) return p.pose def _generate_grasps(self, pose, width): """ Generate grasps by using the grasp generator generate action; based on example on moveit_simple_grasps pkg. """ # Create goal: goal = GenerateGraspsGoal() goal.pose = pose goal.width = width options = GraspGeneratorOptions() # simple_graps.cpp doesn't implement GRASP_AXIS_Z! #options.grasp_axis = GraspGeneratorOptions.GRASP_AXIS_Z options.grasp_direction = GraspGeneratorOptions.GRASP_DIRECTION_UP options.grasp_rotation = GraspGeneratorOptions.GRASP_ROTATION_FULL # @todo disabled because it works better with the default options #goal.options.append(options) # Send goal and wait for result: state = self._grasps_ac.send_goal_and_wait(goal) if state != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: rospy.logerr('Grasp goal failed!: %s' % self._grasps_ac.get_goal_status_text()) return None grasps = self._grasps_ac.get_result().grasps # Publish grasps (for debugging/visualization purposes): self._publish_grasps(grasps) return grasps def _generate_places(self, target): """ Generate places (place locations), based on baxter_pick_place/src/block_pick_place.cpp """ # Generate places: places = [] now = for angle in numpy.arange(0.0, numpy.deg2rad(360.0), numpy.deg2rad(1.0)): # Create place location: place = PlaceLocation() place.place_pose.header.stamp = now place.place_pose.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame() # Set target position: place.place_pose.pose = copy.deepcopy(target) # Generate orientation (wrt Z axis): q = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, angle ) place.place_pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q) # Generate pre place approach: place.pre_place_approach.desired_distance = self._approach_retreat_desired_dist place.pre_place_approach.min_distance = self._approach_retreat_min_dist place.pre_place_approach.direction.header.stamp = now place.pre_place_approach.direction.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame() place.pre_place_approach.direction.vector.x = 0 place.pre_place_approach.direction.vector.y = 0 place.pre_place_approach.direction.vector.z = 0.2 # Generate post place approach: place.post_place_retreat.direction.header.stamp = now place.post_place_retreat.direction.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame() place.post_place_retreat.desired_distance = self._approach_retreat_desired_dist place.post_place_retreat.min_distance = self._approach_retreat_min_dist place.post_place_retreat.direction.vector.x = 0 place.post_place_retreat.direction.vector.y = 0 place.post_place_retreat.direction.vector.z = 0.2 # Add place: places.append(place) # Publish places (for debugging/visualization purposes): self._publish_places(places) return places def _create_pickup_goal(self, group, target, grasps): """ Create a MoveIt! PickupGoal """ # Create goal: goal = PickupGoal() goal.group_name = group goal.target_name = target goal.possible_grasps.extend(grasps) goal.allowed_touch_objects.append(target) goal.support_surface_name = self._table_object_name # Configure goal planning options: goal.allowed_planning_time = 7.0 goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.is_diff = True goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.robot_state.is_diff = True goal.planning_options.plan_only = False goal.planning_options.replan = True goal.planning_options.replan_attempts = 20 return goal def _create_place_goal(self, group, target, places): """ Create a MoveIt! PlaceGoal """ # Create goal: goal = PlaceGoal() goal.group_name = group goal.attached_object_name = target goal.place_locations.extend(places) # Configure goal planning options: goal.allowed_planning_time = 7.0 goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.is_diff = True goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.robot_state.is_diff = True goal.planning_options.plan_only = False goal.planning_options.replan = True goal.planning_options.replan_attempts = 20 return goal def _pickup(self, group, target, width): """ Pick up a target using the planning group """ # Obtain possible grasps from the grasp generator server: grasps = self._generate_grasps(self._pose_coke_can, width) # Create and send Pickup goal: goal = self._create_pickup_goal(group, target, grasps) state = self._pickup_ac.send_goal_and_wait(goal) if state != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: rospy.logerr('Pick up goal failed!: %s' % self._pickup_ac.get_goal_status_text()) return None result = self._pickup_ac.get_result() # Check for error: err = result.error_code.val if err != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: rospy.logwarn('Group %s cannot pick up target %s!: %s' % (group, target, str(moveit_error_dict[err]))) return False return True def _place(self, group, target, place): """ Place a target using the planning group """ # Obtain possible places: places = self._generate_places(place) # Create and send Place goal: goal = self._create_place_goal(group, target, places) state = self._place_ac.send_goal_and_wait(goal) if state != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: rospy.logerr('Place goal failed!: %s' % self._place_ac.get_goal_status_text()) return None result = self._place_ac.get_result() # Check for error: err = result.error_code.val if err != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: rospy.logwarn('Group %s cannot place target %s!: %s' % (group, target, str(moveit_error_dict[err]))) return False return True def _publish_grasps(self, grasps): """ Publish grasps as poses, using a PoseArray message """ if self._grasps_pub.get_num_connections() > 0: msg = PoseArray() msg.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame() msg.header.stamp = for grasp in grasps: p = grasp.grasp_pose.pose msg.poses.append(Pose(p.position, p.orientation)) self._grasps_pub.publish(msg) def _publish_places(self, places): """ Publish places as poses, using a PoseArray message """ if self._places_pub.get_num_connections() > 0: msg = PoseArray() msg.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame() msg.header.stamp = for place in places: msg.poses.append(place.place_pose.pose) self._places_pub.publish(msg) def _add_objects(self): """ Here add all the objects that you want to add to the _scene """ self._pose_table = self._add_table(self._table_object_name) self._pose_coke_can = self._add_grasp_block_(self._grasp_object_name)
class SonarHead(object): def __init__(self): rospy.loginfo("Initializing SonarHead") self.torso_pub = rospy.Publisher('/torso_controller/command', JointTrajectory, queue_size=5) self.torso_ac = SimpleActionClient('/torso_controller/follow_joint_trajectory', FollowJointTrajectoryAction) self.torso_joints = [0.0, 0.0] self.js_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/joint_states', JointState, self.js_cb, queue_size=1) # self.torso_ac.wait_for_server() self.sonar_reads = [0.0, 0.0] self.sonar_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/sonar_torso', Range, self.sonar_cb, queue_size=10) def run(self): r = rospy.Rate(10) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): dif = self.sonar_reads[0] - self.sonar_reads[1] if abs(dif) > 0.25: self.move_torso_topic( self.torso_joints[0] + dif / 10.0, 0.0, time=0.2) r.sleep() def js_cb(self, msg): # msg = JointState() t1_idx ='torso_1_joint') t2_idx ='torso_2_joint') self.torso_joints[0] = msg.position[t1_idx] self.torso_joints[1] = msg.position[t2_idx] def sonar_cb_2(self, msg): if "14" in msg.header.frame_id: self.sonar_reads[0] = msg.range elif "15" in msg.header.frame_id: self.sonar_reads[1] = msg.range def sonar_cb(self, msg): # 15 is left 14 is right # msg = Range() if "14" in msg.header.frame_id: # rospy.loginfo("Sonar right distance: " + str(msg.range)) if msg.range < 0.25: #self.move_torso(-0.5, 0.0, time=2.0) #self.move_torso_topic(-0.2, 0.0, time=1.0) self.move_torso_topic( self.torso_joints[0] - 0.05, 0.0, time=0.2) elif "15" in msg.header.frame_id: #rospy.loginfo("Sonar left distance: " + str(msg.range)) if msg.range < 0.25: #self.move_torso(0.5, 0.0, time=2.0) #self.move_torso_topic(0.2, 0.0, time=1.0) self.move_torso_topic( self.torso_joints[0] + 0.05, 0.0, time=0.2) def move_torso(self, joint_1, joint_2, time=1.0): # -0.24 0.61 torso_2_joint # -1.28 1.28 torso_1_joint fjtg = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() fjtg.trajectory.joint_names = ['torso_1_joint', 'torso_2_joint'] p = JointTrajectoryPoint() p.positions = [joint_1, joint_2] rospy.loginfo("Moving torso to: " + str(p.positions)) p.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(time) fjtg.trajectory.points.append(p) self.torso_ac.send_goal_and_wait(fjtg) def move_torso_topic(self, joint_1, joint_2, time=1.0): jt = JointTrajectory() jt.joint_names = ['torso_1_joint', 'torso_2_joint'] p = JointTrajectoryPoint() p.positions = [joint_1, joint_2] rospy.loginfo("Moving torso to: " + str(p.positions)) p.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(time) jt.points.append(p) self.torso_pub.publish(jt)