def __init__(self, name="dome", config={}): # Initialise the bme280 from adafruit_bme280 import basic as adafruit_bme280 i2c = board.I2C() # uses board.SCL and board.SDA = False decAddress = int(config['address'], 16) try: self.bme280 = adafruit_bme280.Adafruit_BME280_I2C( i2c, address=decAddress) except ValueError: print("Sensor BME280 failed!", flush=True) = False = False self.attachedFans = [] self.temperature = -999 self.humidity = -999 self.pressure = -999 = name print(config, flush=True) try: self.monitorCadence = config['cadence'] except KeyError: self.monitorCadence = 20 self.exit = False self.logData = {}
def __init__(self): self._str_i2c_address = env.str("BME280_I2C_ADDRESS", default=None) self._i2c_address = None if self._str_i2c_address is None: raise ValueError("BME280: Necessary to inform sensor i2c address!") else: # Since environs lib can not handle hexadecimal numbers, # it is necessary to convert the hexadecimal string to int self._i2c_address = int(self._str_i2c_address, 16) print( "BME280: Setting sensor i2c address as 0x{:02x}".format( self._i2c_address ) ) self._local_sea_level = env.float( "BME280_LOCAL_SEA_LEVEL", default=None ) if self._local_sea_level is None: raise ValueError( "BME280: Necessary to inform location sea level pressure!" ) self._i2c = board.I2C() self._bme280 = adafruit_bme280.Adafruit_BME280_I2C( i2c=self._i2c, address=self._i2c_address ) self._bme280.sea_level_pressure = self._local_sea_level print( "BME280: Setting sea-level pressure as {0} hPa.".format( self._local_sea_level ) )
def init_sensors(): import board from adafruit_bme280 import basic as adafruit_bme280 from busio import I2C i2c = I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA) bme280 = None try: bme280 = adafruit_bme280.Adafruit_BME280_I2C(i2c, address=0x77) except Exception as e: logger.debug('Couldnt init BME280: {}'.format(e)) bme280 = DummySensor() bme280.sea_level_pressure = 1013.25 return bme280
def __init__(self, interval=0, temp_in_f=False, pressure_in_inches=False): """ ``` interval How long in seconds to sleep between returning records. temp_in_f Return temperature in Farenheit pressure_in_inches Return pressure in inches of mercury ``` """ self.interval = interval # seconds between records self.temp_in_f = temp_in_f self.pressure_in_inches = pressure_in_inches self.last_record = 0 # timestamp at our last record # Create sensor object, communicating over the board's default I2C bus self.i2c = board.I2C() # uses board.SCL and board.SDA self.bme280 = adafruit_bme280.Adafruit_BME280_I2C(self.i2c)
# Update to match the mAh of your battery for more accurate readings. # Can be MAH100, MAH200, MAH400, MAH500, MAH1000, MAH2000, MAH3000. # Choose the closest match. Include "PackSize." before it, as shown. battery_pack_size = PackSize.MAH400 # Setup the little red LED led = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.LED) led.switch_to_output() # Pull the I2C power pin low i2c_power = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.I2C_POWER_INVERTED) i2c_power.switch_to_output() i2c_power.value = False # Set up the BME280 and LC709203 sensors bme280 = adafruit_bme280.Adafruit_BME280_I2C(board.I2C()) battery_monitor = LC709203F(board.I2C()) battery_monitor.pack_size = battery_pack_size # Collect the sensor data values and format the data temperature = "{:.2f}".format(bme280.temperature) temperature_f = "{:.2f}".format((bme280.temperature * (9 / 5) + 32)) # Convert C to F humidity = "{:.2f}".format(bme280.relative_humidity) pressure = "{:.2f}".format(bme280.pressure) battery_voltage = "{:.2f}".format(battery_monitor.cell_voltage) battery_percent = "{:.1f}".format(battery_monitor.cell_percent) def go_to_sleep(sleep_period): # Create a an alarm that will trigger sleep_period number of seconds from now. time_alarm = alarm.time.TimeAlarm(monotonic_time=time.monotonic() + sleep_period)
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ladyada for Adafruit Industries # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import time import board from adafruit_bme280 import basic as adafruit_bme280 # Create sensor object, using the board's default I2C bus. i2c = board.I2C() # uses board.SCL and board.SDA bme280 = adafruit_bme280.Adafruit_BME280_I2C(i2c) # OR create sensor object, using the board's default SPI bus. # spi = board.SPI() # bme_cs = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D10) # bme280 = adafruit_bme280.Adafruit_BME280_SPI(spi, bme_cs) # change this to match the location's pressure (hPa) at sea level bme280.sea_level_pressure = 1013.25 while True: print("\nTemperature: %0.1f C" % bme280.temperature) print("Humidity: %0.1f %%" % bme280.relative_humidity) print("Pressure: %0.1f hPa" % bme280.pressure) print("Altitude = %0.2f meters" % bme280.altitude) time.sleep(2)
# Setting some variables for our reset pin etc. RESET_PIN = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D4) # Using extended I2C library because I created two I2C buses for my Pi # First one is for the OLED and second (number 11) is for the temp sensor # Modify the numbers here to match your setup # Here take into account that your screen could be 128x32, so change that '64' with '32' # Also some models like mine have address 0x3C in I2C, but others use 0x3D. Please check it with command like 'i2cdetect' if this value doesn't work. i2c = I2C(1) oled = adafruit_ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(128, 64, i2c, addr=0x3C, reset=RESET_PIN) # My BME280 model has 0x76 address, but some others have 0x77. Check it with 'i2cdetect' if this value is not working. i2c11 = I2C(11) bme280 = adafruit_bme280.Adafruit_BME280_I2C(i2c11, address=0x76) # This is not even needed as we don't need to calculate altitude, but # if you need it, just adjust this parameter to your daily sea level pressure bme280.sea_level_pressure = 1013.25 # Clear display. oled.fill(0) # Create blank image for drawing. image ="1", (oled.width, oled.height)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) # Load a font in 2 different sizes. font = ImageFont.truetype("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf",
def get_voltage(pin): return (pin.value * 3.3) / 65536 * 2 battery_voltage = get_voltage(vbat_voltage) print("Starting up the sensor and the battery voltage is: {:.2f}V".format( battery_voltage)) # We are using the PM2.5 sensor over UART, so lets get that ready to sample reset_pin = None uart = busio.UART(board.TX, board.RX, baudrate=9600) pm25 = PM25_UART(uart, reset_pin) # Create i2c object for the BME280 temp/humidity sensor i2c = board.I2C() bme_sensor = adafruit_bme280.Adafruit_BME280_I2C(i2c) ### Sensor Functions ### # Returns a calculated air quality index (AQI) and category as a tuple (multiple items in a single variable) # We ideally need a 24-hour concentration average as if you don't, you'll have a higher AQI than you expect def calculate_aqi(pm_sensor_reading): # Check sensor reading using EPA breakpoint (Clow-Chigh) if 0.0 <= pm_sensor_reading <= 12.0: # AQI calculation using EPA breakpoints (Ilow-IHigh) aqi_val = map_range(int(pm_sensor_reading), 0, 12, 0, 50) aqi_cat = "Good" elif 12.1 <= pm_sensor_reading <= 35.4: aqi_val = map_range(int(pm_sensor_reading), 12, 35, 51, 100) aqi_cat = "Moderate"
raspiPORT = 5001 m5ADDRESS = "" m5PORT = 5000 s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM) s.settimeout(0.8) s.bind((HOST, raspiPORT)) #CSV save to path = "/home/pi/Workspace/Data/" #i2c 設定 i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA) #bme280 インスタンス bme280 = basic.Adafruit_BME280_I2C(board.I2C(), address=0x76) #display インスタンス try: display = adafruit_ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(128, 64, i2c, addr=0x3c) display.fill(0) display.text("initializing....", 0, 0, 1) except: print("dhisplay not found") #ADS1115 インスタンス ADS0 24V系 P0:チラー流量 P1:チラー温度 P2:未使用 P3:未使用 #ADS1115 インスタンス ADS1 24V系 P0:エア圧 P1-3:未使用 ADS0 = ADS.ADS1115(i2c, gain=1, address=0x48) WaterFlow1 = AnalogIn(ADS0, ADS.P0) WaterTemp1 = AnalogIn(ADS0, ADS.P1)