def __init__(self, diameter, start_x, start_y, debug=False): # Store local variables in our object to access later in other functions self.diameter = diameter self.x = start_x self.y = start_y self.start_x = start_x self.start_y = start_y # Create a circle object for the screen = Circle(self.x, self.y, self.diameter, fill=0x00FF00, outline=0xFF00FF) # default to moving right self.going_right = True # Need screen height and width to check for collision with top/bottom and both side edges self.SCREEN_HEIGHT = 128 self.SCREEN_WIDTH = 160 # Badger object for easy button handling self.badger = PyBadger()
from adafruit_pybadger import PyBadger pybadger = PyBadger() pybadger.show_badge(name_string="Blinka", hello_scale=2, my_name_is_scale=2, name_scale=3) while True: pybadger.auto_dim_display(delay=10) if pybadger.button.a: pybadger.show_business_card(image_name="Blinka.bmp", name_string="Blinka", name_scale=2, email_string_one="blinka@", email_string_two="") elif pybadger.button.b: pybadger.show_qr_code(data="") elif pybadger.button.start: pybadger.show_badge(name_string="Blinka", hello_scale=2, my_name_is_scale=2, name_scale=3)
from adafruit_pybadger import PyBadger pybadger = PyBadger() pybadger.auto_dim_display(delay=10, movement_threshold=20) first_display = True while True: if pybadger.button.a: pybadger.show_business_card(image_name="supercon.bmp", name_string="gmackie", name_scale=1, email_string_one="*****@*****.**", email_string_two="") elif pybadger.button.b: pybadger.show_qr_code(data="") elif pybadger.button.start or first_display: pybadger.show_badge(name_string="gmackie", hello_scale=2, my_name_is_scale=2, name_scale=2) first_display = False
# try to use credentials from file else raise an exception try: from secrets import secrets except ImportError: print("WiFi secrets are kept in, please add them there!") raise # configuration for esp32 airlift featherwing, works with PyBadge esp32_cs = DigitalInOut(board.D13) esp32_ready = DigitalInOut(board.D11) esp32_reset = DigitalInOut(board.D12) spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, board.MOSI, board.MISO) esp = adafruit_esp32spi.ESP_SPIcontrol(spi, esp32_cs, esp32_ready, esp32_reset) wifi = adafruit_esp32spi_wifimanager.ESPSPI_WiFiManager(esp, secrets) pybadger = PyBadger() pybadger.pixels.fill(0) # Setup a feed hierarchy for subscribing to changes subscribe_feed = secrets['aio_username'] + '/feeds/#' # Define callback methods which are called when events occur def connected(client, userdata, flags, rc): # successfully to the broker. print('Connected to MQTT Broker! Listening for topic changes on %s' % subscribe_feed) client.subscribe(subscribe_feed) # basic badge render on successful connect of broker pybadger.show_badge(name_string="<Your_Name>", hello_scale=2,
Connect the EDGE badge to the computer. The badge will appear as a USB drive. Change the name of this file # to Copy to the badge. The file should automatically run! """ from adafruit_pybadger import PyBadger import array import math import time import audiobusio import displayio import board pybadger = PyBadger() pybadger.auto_dim_display(delay=30) first_display = True run_slow = False mic = audiobusio.PDMIn(board.TX, board.D12, sample_rate=16000, bit_depth=16) samples1 = array.array('H', [0] * 150) display = board.DISPLAY # To synchronize the display update to the waveform update, # turn off automatic display refresh. # Use explicit refresh function calls to update the display. # The display refresh feature requires CircuitPython v5.0.0 or later.
from adafruit_pybadger import PyBadger display_name = "Your Name Here" pybadger = PyBadger() pybadger.show_badge(name_string=display_name, hello_scale=2, my_name_is_scale=2, name_scale=2) while True: pybadger.auto_dim_display( delay=10) # Remove or comment out this line if you have the PyBadge LC try: if pybadger.button.a: pybadger.show_business_card(image_name="ccds_logo_160x160.bmp") elif pybadger.button.b: pybadger.show_qr_code(data="") elif pybadger.button.start: pybadger.show_badge(name_string=display_name, hello_scale=2, my_name_is_scale=2, name_scale=2) except Exception as ex: print(ex)
from adafruit_pybadger import PyBadger pybadger = PyBadger() while True: pybadger.show_badge(hello_scale=2, my_name_is_scale=2, name_scale=3) pybadger.auto_dim_display() if pybadger.button.a: pybadger.show_business_card(image_name="Blinka.bmp") elif pybadger.button.b: print("b B") elif pybadger.button.start: print("b start") elif pybadger.show_qr_code()
import time import board import displayio from simpleio import map_range from adafruit_display_text.label import Label from adafruit_bitmap_font import bitmap_font from adafruit_display_shapes.rect import Rect import adafruit_amg88xx from adafruit_pybadger import PyBadger from thermal_cam_converters import celsius_to_fahrenheit, fahrenheit_to_celsius # Load default alarm and min/max range values list from config file from thermal_cam_config import ALARM_F, MIN_RANGE_F, MAX_RANGE_F # Establish panel instance and check for joystick panel = PyBadger(pixels_brightness=0.1) # Set NeoPixel brightness panel.pixels.fill(0) # Clear all NeoPixels if hasattr(board, "JOYSTICK_X"): panel.has_joystick = True # PyGamer else: panel.has_joystick = False # Must be PyBadge # Establish I2C interface for the AMG8833 Thermal Camera i2c = board.I2C() amg8833 = adafruit_amg88xx.AMG88XX(i2c) # Load the text font from the fonts folder font = bitmap_font.load_font("/fonts/OpenSans-9.bdf") # Display spash graphics and play startup tones with open("/thermal_cam_splash.bmp", "rb") as bitmap_file:
from adafruit_pybadger import PyBadger pybadger = PyBadger() pybadger.auto_dim_display(delay=30) first_display = True while True: if pybadger.button.a: pybadger.show_business_card(image_name="qrcode.bmp", name_string="Changeme in", name_scale=1, email_string_one="*****@*****.**", email_string_two="") elif pybadger.button.b: pybadger.show_qr_code(data="") elif pybadger.button.start or first_display: pybadger.show_badge(name_string="SuperCon", hello_scale=2, my_name_is_scale=2, name_scale=2) first_display = False
from pypanel_device import catalog except: raise RuntimeError(" file error") for device in catalog.keys(): try: exec(catalog[device]['import']) exec(catalog[device]['instance']) exec(catalog[device]['test']) stemma.append((device, catalog[device]['name'], catalog[device]['desc'])) except: pass # establish PyBadger instance from adafruit_pybadger import PyBadger panel = PyBadger(pixels_brightness=0.01) # look for PyGamer's joystick if hasattr(board, "JOYSTICK_X"): panel.has_joystick = True else: panel.has_joystick = False # establish terminalio text display instance import terminalio from adafruit_display_text import label display = board.DISPLAY # establish displayio instance import displayio display = board.DISPLAY
import board import busio from digitalio import DigitalInOut import adafruit_esp32spi.adafruit_esp32spi_socket as socket from adafruit_esp32spi import adafruit_esp32spi import adafruit_requests as requests from adafruit_pybadger import PyBadger import neopixel import json from secrets import secretsAWS, secretsPhone import time OFF = (0, 0, 0) BLUE = (32, 32, 255) pybadger = PyBadger() pixels = pybadger.pixels pixels.brightness = 0.005 pixels.fill(OFF) # Store number of service globally services_count = 79 # Setup WiFi esp32_cs = DigitalInOut(board.D13) esp32_ready = DigitalInOut(board.D11) esp32_reset = DigitalInOut(board.D12) spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, board.MOSI, board.MISO) esp = adafruit_esp32spi.ESP_SPIcontrol(spi, esp32_cs,
"entity": True, "before_move": allow_push }, "heart": { "sprite_index": 2, "can_walk": True, "entity": True, }, "player": { "sprite_index": 0, "entity": True, } } # Badger object for easy button handling badger = PyBadger() # display object variable display = board.DISPLAY # Load the sprite sheet (bitmap) sprite_sheet, palette = adafruit_imageload.load("/castle_sprite_sheet.bmp", bitmap=displayio.Bitmap, palette=displayio.Palette) # make bright pink be transparent so entities can be drawn on top of map tiles palette.make_transparent(5) # Create the castle TileGrid castle = displayio.TileGrid(sprite_sheet, pixel_shader=palette,
# Lanyard Neopixel Setup pixel_pin = board.D2 num_pixels = 50 ORDER = neopixel.GRB pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel(pixel_pin, num_pixels, brightness=0.2, auto_write=False, pixel_order=ORDER) pixels.fill((0, 0, 0)) spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, board.MOSI, board.MISO) esp = adafruit_esp32spi.ESP_SPIcontrol(spi, esp32_cs, esp32_ready, esp32_reset) wifi = adafruit_esp32spi_wifimanager.ESPSPI_WiFiManager(esp, secrets) pybadger = PyBadger() #pybadger.show_badge(name_string="AYAN", hello_scale=2, my_name_is_scale=2, name_scale=3) pybadger.pixels.fill(0) # Setup a feed hierarchy for subscribing to changes subscribe_feed = secrets['aio_username'] + '/feeds/#' # Define callback methods which are called when events occur def connected(client, userdata, flags, rc): # successfully to the broker. print('Connected to MQTT Broker! Listening for topic changes on %s' % subscribe_feed) client.subscribe(subscribe_feed) # basic badge render pybadger.show_badge(name_string="Ayan",
from adafruit_pybadger import PyBadger badge = PyBadger() def show_badge(): badge.show_badge( hello_font="Aller-14.bdf", hello_scale=1, my_name_is_font='Aller-14.bdf', my_name_is_scale=1, name_string="Mikey", name_scale=1, name_font="Warehouse-40.bdf", ) show_badge() while True: badge.auto_dim_display(delay=30) if badge.button.a: badge.show_business_card( image_name="m_libby.bmp", name_string="Michael C. Libby", name_scale=1, name_font="Aller-14.bdf", email_string_one="m@", email_string_two="", ) elif badge.button.b:
from adafruit_pybadger import PyBadger pybadger = PyBadger() pybadger.show_badge(name_string="Jason", hello_scale=1, hello_font="fonts/Noto-18.bdf",my_name_is_scale=2, name_scale=3) while True: pybadger.auto_dim_display(delay=10) if pybadger.button.a: pybadger.show_business_card(image_name="pics/face.bmp", name_scale=2) elif pybadger.button.b: pybadger.show_business_card(image_name="pics/vcard.bmp", name_scale=2) elif pybadger.button.start: pybadger.show_badge(name_string="Jason", hello_scale=1, hello_font="fonts/Noto-18.bdf",my_name_is_scale=2, name_scale=3) elif pybadger.button.up: pybadger.show_qr_code(data="")